Massage for children 1 month. Therapeutic firming massage for the newborn. Gift massage techniques

When you can, and when you do not need to make a massage to the baby? What effect has a massage on the development and behavior of a child? How to make a massage from 0 to 3 months?

Massage for newborns, as a rule, these are the actions that like babies, especially if they make caring moms of arms.

Sharp or incorrect movements can harm a small fragile man, and therefore, you need to know the main terms of this procedure. If the child has indications for massage in medicinal purposes or there is neurological status, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

By performing massage actions, it is best to observe the order of massaged body zones. Usually, they first make a massage of legs and pens.

Then smooth movements are moving on the stomach, which is massaged clockwise. Finish the procedure with a back massage.

When conducting a massage, it is important to know the essence of blood circulation in the veins and current of lymphs in the human body. In their directions and movements from the periphery to the center.

There are places that preferably not touch. For example, the inner surface of the hips. There focused on the greatest number of vessels and nerve endings, and this place is considered the most sensitive. It is not recommended to touch another place - the front surface of the lower leg. After all, there is almost no muscle tissue and very thin skin.

Impact on elbow and knee joints are also better limited to avoid injury.

Rubbing back

The direct impact on the liver can harm the child, which is why the abdominal massage should be taken carefully. Especially in the zone of the right hypochondrium.

Also excluded from the affected areas of particular sensitive zones, such as genital organs, nipples, painful places on the spine in the zone of ostic processes.

There are four main techniques in the massage: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

  • Stroking is usually performed at the beginning of the procedure and aims to prepare the body to the main impact. This technique activates blood circulation, soothes the nervous system and relaxes the muscles.
  • Rubbing helps nutrition of tissues and has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on tendons, ligaments and muscles.
  • The kneading activates in the body of blood flows and lymphs, acts not only on surface muscles, but also on those that are quite deep. Also kneading is beneficial and affected by the respiratory system.
  • Vibration tones the nervous system of the child and has light anesthesia. In the first three months of life in this method, it is best to apply this option as a shame. From the fourth month, you can already apply a slight tendering of your fingers.

The essence of the basic principles of massage is that actions are performed from simple to complex. The load should be increased gradually due to the repetition of the same exercise.

In the first few times, the child can repeat actions 2-3 times, and after a few days it will easily endure them 4-5 times. In the process of exercise, the baby should not be overworked. Everything should be for him in joy.

Massage and wellness gymnastics

Massage and help your baby becomes stronger, rather to master the necessary skills of crawling and coups, and in the future - confidently stand on the legs and make the first steps. Each parent can learn how simple exercise complexes. In addition, except for unconditional health benefits, massage helps to establish close contact between native people.

Massage of animal

Such procedures accelerate the ripening of lymphocytes, and their phagocytic activity increases, which means that blood is moving faster along the veins and arteries, the organs receive the necessary blood supply, the body is better cleaned from unnecessary, already spent substances. In addition, massage contributes to the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness. And harmonious growth and development can only be in a joyful atmosphere.

From the age of two months to the massage you can already add gymnastic exercises. Gymnastics for newborns is a special exercise complex, which helps to improve the coordination of movements, strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Gymnastics Children

Gymnastics classes give an incentive to mental and physical development. They give up to this unfamiliar feeling of "muscular joy" and accelerate the acquaintance of the baby with the outside world. Gymnastics can be done with pleasant music. This will also serve as a child's destruction of a rhythm.

Passive gymnastics

Passive is a kind of active massage, where the child's exercises make an adult. The benefits of such exercises are very high, and pleasure is enough for everyone. Such gymnastic classes not only establish psychological contact, but also improve the emotional relationship between mom and baby.

In this method, many different exercises. Here is some of them.

  • Bend the legs of the child in the knees and clap soles about each other, like palms.
  • Severe and extend a child's handles in the wristure area. Raise hands up and lower down.
  • Baby handles wrap his chest, then we drag the handles widely to the sides.
  • Make circular movements of crumbs knobs in the area of \u200b\u200bshoulder and elbow joints. Then we try to get it with handles.
  • Several times faded with its palms on the body of the child. Smile and praise him for each exercise.
  • Bending the legs of a newborn in the knee joints, as if when riding a bike.

Check the reflex flexion and extension of the stop. For this, with your left hand, we support the leg of the child, and with a thumb right hand, press on the foot at the base of the fingers. It happens that the newborn has a thumb stretch up. It is in suspense. To remove this condition, you can click on the base of this finger, and it will bend. And if you spend your finger at the outer edge of the foot, from the little finger to the heel, weakly by clicking on the sole, then all your fingers will immediately disperse.

Reflexes of newborns

You can also check the "reflex walking". In healthy children, it appears from the first day of life. To do this, you need to take a baby under the mouse and turn your back to yourself. Its legs must be touched to the solid surface. The kid reflexively begins to sort out the legs, like when walking. It is important that he relieves not on the tips of the fingers, but on the entire foot. During the exercise, the crumb should be on the weight.

In the process of exercises, you can tell poems and booms, communicate with the baby in a positive tone. Then the baby will again and again perform procedures with joy and wait for new ones.

Four months massage

Time is coming, and here is your child for four months. Hypertonus leaves. A small person is purposefully trying to move towards the intended goal, perhaps begins with a side on his side, trying to master the skill of crawling. So that the motor activity is not broken, it is not worth it to swaddle.

The duration of massage at this age increases. Mom's movement becomes more intense. You can already use additional elements, such as phytball, which better coordinates movements, orients it in space and strengthen the muscles of the press. There will also be a very useful bath. The kids adore if only previous meetings with water went smoothly. Water classes tone and temper. In addition, the first swimming skills are developing.

Child 4 months

To strokes and rubbing, you can add light plugging, more intense felting. Actions should still be careful and not to cause discomfort. Zones that should be avoided, also remain outside massage actions. Before a session should be excluded hunger, the best time will be the time when an hour or one and a half passed after meals.

Four-month crumbles cheerful, he likes the procedure, he smiles and gulit. Otherwise, the session is better to immediately interrupt and move to a better time.

Let massage and gymnastics be for your child daily and long-awaited ritual!

Video on the topic

Massage for newborns at home is carried out only after the pediatrician inspection, if necessary, a narrow specialist - a neuropathologist and orthop. The doctor must determine the condition of the muscles of the kid and its general development. With serious neurological, orthopedic violations Massage should only do a professional.

Therapeutic or correctional massage is prescribed if the baby has any violations in psychomotor, neurological development. Often deviations from the norm are in premature, male children, with congenital pathologies. Read more about what a child should be able to read from 1 month to a year in a number of our articles. If the crumbs are all in order and it develops according to age standards (although the concept of the norm may also be conditional), it is possible to carry out a wellness, a common massage independently.

About the benefits of the procedure

Why is it useful to make a massage?

  • Tactile contact. Careful touch, warm hands are the "food", in which a breast child needs.
  • Relaxing the nervous system. In infancy at a light massage with strokes, children often fall asleep, calm down, cease to cry.
  • Normalization of muscle tone. With the help of massage, you can relax too tense muscles and, on the contrary, lead to the tone too relaxed. It is important that the muscle condition is determined by the children's specialist - a neurologist, orthopedist, a massage therapist.
  • Normalization of the digestive organs. In the first months of life, many kids suffer from digestion disorders. Spasms, bloating, colic helps to eliminate abdominal massage.

A common massage for infants may learn to make every mom. To do this, it is best to watch video materials and listen to the recommendations of professional children's masseurs. We emphasize once again: therapeutic massage is carried out only by specialists, because it requires impeccable knowledge of anatomy, strict testimony and contraindications, experience with small patients.

Conditions for conducting

  • Rate the condition of the baby. Breasts should be healthy, in a good spirit. The older baby, the greater the emotional inclusion in the process. A child can be distracted on those present, so it is better to carry out a procedure alone with a crumb. If during the massage the child starts crying and worrying, you need to interrupt the procedure. Massage for kids is not recommended immediately after eating, as well as when the child is hungry. The best time is one hour after feeding, in front of the evening bathing, but not on the eve of night sleep.
  • Take into account increased sensitivity of infants. The skin of the infants gentle and supersensitive, so all massage movements are carried out carefully and in gentle mode. There are children with hypersensitive skin, which react poorly to massage and cry all the time. Such kids can only stroke. If there is no testimony to the massage, do not recommend it. Also contraindication to massage can be atopic, diaper dermatitis, various rashes on the skin. At least rubbing and kneading cannot be carried out.
  • Rate your own emotional state. Adult, who makes a child massage, should be in a balanced, calm condition. This may be not only mom, but also dad. Child needs tactile contact with both parents. It is also important during the procedure affectionately to talk with the baby.
  • Massage hand hands. It is necessary to remove the decorations from the fingers and wrists, cut the nails. Hands should be warm and soft, you can lubricate them with baby cream or oil before the procedure. Massage begins with a soft touch, while all the time contact with baby body is supported. Any sharp movement can scare crumb.
  • Session duration. Depends on the age and condition of the crumbs. Massage to the child in the first 2 months recommended to do about 3 minutes. Then the session time gradually increases. After half a year, massage can be done about 10 minutes.
  • Comfortable air temperature. For the massage of the baby undress (definitely remove the diaper). Breast-age children are quickly transferred and overheated, since they do not have the thermoregulation system. You need to check the air temperature in the room, and also make sure there are no drafts.
  • Location. The surface on which the baby lies, should be cozy, smooth and sufficiently solid. A changing table is well suitable for this procedure.

Massage techniques

  • Stroking. The easiest massage movements. Best suitable newborn and infants. Usually, any healing and wellness massage in the baby begins and ends with these movements. Feet and hands stroke the clamping movements.
  • Trituration. Follows after stroking. Movements are denser, well relax muscles, improve blood circulation, have a beneficial effect on the development of bundles and tendons. There are several types of rubbing: sawing movies by the edge of the palms; Round-shaped for legs and hands, pillows of fingers, in parallel and spirals. The trituration limbs are performed in the distance from the bottom: from wrist to shoulder, from foot to the thigh.
  • Melting. Works on deeper tissues, improves lymphotok. Performed with nipper movements of fingers. With the help of kneading, buttocks, legs, longitudinal back muscles are also worked out. It must be remembered that it is impossible to affect the spine. Breasts use the most delicate view of the kneading - felting, when the muscles are sorted by two hands - compress and move. Folding use for kneading legs and hands.
  • Vibration. Kids can make shaking that are used for massage limbs. Also, during a breast massage, a variety of vibration is used - shoe. For this, the baby's chest is wrapped with palms so that four fingers are located below, and the big fingers were on top. In this position, light shakes are performed. It should be remembered that large vibrations soothe the nervous system, and small, on the contrary, excite. Also vibrations contribute to improving metabolism.

It is possible to be extremely careful when performing a massage around the joints (ankle, hip, rascal). If the baby pushes, resists during the massage, you need to stop the procedure for a while. It is impossible to suppress the movement of the child, create a strong resistance, as it can lead to displacement, a joint injury or tendon. Best of all, if the main techniques show a professional massage therapist and indicate on those zones that require the most gentle massage.

Massage for months

Some experts believe that massage can only be done after 2 months. Others adhere to the opinions that gentle strokes are simply needed by croching from the first days of life.


How to make a massage newborn? The main massage reception at this age is stroking. Around 3 weeks of life, the baby can disturb colic, so the abdomen massage is most often done in the form of light circular movements. By this time, the umbilical wound may not be late, so it should be extremely careful when holding a massage on the stomach. Massage movements are held clockwise. You can iron the back of the palm. It is important when the abdominal massage does not affect and not press the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium - the liver. The massage of the child in 3 weeks is made with one hand, the other at this time you need to carefully hold the body of the kid. Massage a child in 1 month, as well as newborn, is performed with extreme caution. At this age, stroking remains the main and safest massage reception.

In 2 months

Massage for infants for 2 months includes all those procedures that have been performed earlier, but you can also make new types of movements. Often, the kids of this age are preserved Hyperthonus, so massage movements are aimed at relaxing muscles.

  • Chest. It is performed with circular strokes clockwise, the shave is also applied.
  • Hands. A strokes of one palm or covering strokes with two palms are used.
  • Shake hands. To perform this movement, you need to take a baby by hands, divorce them to the sides and shake slightly.
  • Legs. A strokes of one palm or covering strokes with two palms are used.
  • Back. Masseurs warn: You can never massage the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine in infants. The child of this age is suitable such a gentle technique as stroking. The baby is in the stomach position. One hand must be put on the buttocks and do not tear it off, and the other slowly drive from the nape down to the buttocks and back. You need to perform 5-10 such movements. You can also stroke from the buttocks to the head of the back of the palm, and from the head to the priest - the inside. According to the observations of the masseurs of kids, the back massage is most soothing, children cease to cry and often fall asleep during the procedure.

In 3 months

Massage a child in 3 months can be diversified with new technicians. The strokes are joined by more rubbing and shaking.

  • Palms and feet. In addition to the hands and legs, you can massage the palms and feet, as well as fingers on your hands and legs. It is known that there are many biologically active points in these places that have a beneficial effect on the development of the body as a whole.
  • Stomach. It is carried out by the same scheme as in previous months. Made for the prevention of the umbilical hernia. Gaziki at this age babe worried less.
  • Back. You can start with strokes with the back side of the palms in the bottom upward, then in the opposite side of the palms. You can rub back on the sides along the spine.
  • Reflex flexion and spinal extension. To perform this technique, the child needs to lay the side and stroke the back along the spine, holding the baby behind the legs. The kid reflectively will bend and blend. These movements well strengthen the back muscles. Then the infants turn over the other side and repeat massage movements.
  • Chest. Breast massage for 3 month old child is complicated by new elements. It is possible to iron the breast from the center to the parties, diagonally from the chest to the shoulder, from the clavicle to the lower chest department alternately in each direction.

In 4 months

The massage of the child in 4 months already includes such techniques as pinching, harvesting, felting.

  • Legs. It begins with strokes, then the felting technique is performed with careful muscle displacement clockwise. Then large and index fingers are performed with nipper movements. Also, after rubbing, you can make a fit of the index finger on the foot. Massage ends with gentle strokes.
  • Hands. It also begins stroking, then goes into ring-shaped rubbing from the brush to the shoulder. After that, you can make shaking and finish the procedure with soft strokes.
  • Back. In addition to vertical strokes and rubbing along the spine, can be carried out transverse massage movements. At this age, you can apply the admission of lung plugging by large and index fingers, moving towards the buttocks to the nape. You can slightly lift the baby behind your feet with one hand, and the other tightly stroke the body from the nape to the stop and then in the opposite direction.
  • Stomach. It is done on the same principle as in the first months of life. During the massage, the area from the diaphragm to the pubis is captured. You need to perform circular movements in the direction from top to bottom. You can iron one palm or alternately two. You can also try to massage the area around the navel with a large finger in a circle, increasing its diameter. It is also recommended to lift the baby's legs with one hand, so that the belly is a little fed.
  • Chest. It is done on the same principle as before, with the technique of shocking.

In 5 months

The massage of the child in 5 months in the complex with gymnastics stimulates motor activity, strengthens the muscular system, improves blood supply. At this age, all previous massage techniques are repeated, the procedure can last for a few minutes longer.

  • Arms and legs. As usual, it begins and ends with strokes. You can actively apply the rubbing of the pillows of the fingers along the spiral or straightly, as well as the ring-shaped, capturing both palms with hand or leg. Massage is done intensively, but without a strong push. Also at this age are allowed nipple massage movements. Flawing is performed by both hands: one palm places under the shin or forearm, and the other is top.
  • Stomach. Rubbing of oblique and straight muscles of the abdomen on the spirals are added. You can apply the sawing technique and pinching muscles around the navel.
  • Spin and buttocks. Actively applies the nipple-shaped kneading muscles of the back and buttocks. The technique is performed with three fingers - large, index and middle, and the index and average should be located in parallel and large. Baby's skin shift should be energetic, but careful, pass from the wax to the neck. Buttocks can be kneaded on a spiral or in a circle. On the buttocks you can use the techniques of the tender and sawing. It is important to know that the tendering cannot be used in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt and kidneys.

At 6 months

Massage to a child in 6 months can begin with a chest, hands or, on the contrary, legs. Masseurs say that it is not so important which area begins massage at this age. It is important that the Kroch was in the mood and enjoy communication with a close person so that the massage was not perceived by the painful procedure.

  • Feet. At this age, the foot massage is perceived with pleasure. Masseling is needed towards the heel to the fingers. Movements can be straight or spiralized, performed by thumb. Separately, you can massage each finger. Masseurs open a little secret: to improve digestion, it is necessary to massage the right foot towards the center to the edge, and the left - from the edge of the foot to the center.
  • Palm. This technique is shown to everyone without exception to the kids. Helps relieve tension in the whole body, and also contributes to the development of shallow motility. Masseling need the inner and the back of the palm from the base to the fingertips. You can also massage every finger.
  • Screw technique. Applied during foot and hand massage. It looks like a delicate skin rotation along the entire length of the arms or legs, necessarily alternates stroking.
  • Vibration techniques. Fingering is joined to shaking and shook, which increases muscle tone. By this age, the physiological hyperton is already passed, so the tenderness will not harm. But if for some reason, a half-year-old kid remains hypertonus, a specialist consultation and professional correctional massage are needed. Poaming is performed by the back of the brush, the fingers should be placed. Technique is carried out rhythmic, but gently. Pooling can be vertical, horizontal, spiral, zigzag.

Features of the procedure after half a year

From half a year before the year, massage procedures may be more complicated by the fact that the crumb will become a real fidget. Children of this age strive to actively learn the world, try to rise, sit down, crawl, get up, master the motorcy as far as development. Passively lie and relax during massage it is difficult for them. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct gymnastics with massage for babies to take an active part in the process. You can also use rhythmic music, fun. Emotional contact, verbal communication with the kid during massage and gymnastics during this period are especially important. After half a year, all these types of stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibrations can be applied. About gymnastics for infants Read more read in another article.

The newborn massage must be performed only with the help of stroking techniques. From 2 months you can use rubbing, kneading. After 4 months, vibration techniques are allowed in the form of light-tendering. It is important that the movements are confident, rhythmic, but at the same time soft and careful. It is even more important that the baby is configured to the procedure and receive pleasure from it.


Age 2-3 months - amazing, full discoveries and new experience for both the baby and for his parents. It is at this age that the baby needs a lot of strength to learn the world around us, master new movements, skills. Of course, crumb needed adults. One way to help the baby is a common massage. How to make it a two-month-three-month-old child, we will tell in this article.

Features of age - physical development

Yesterday, the kid peacefully nozzles in the crib after feeding. But now it has already been 2-3 months old - this is the age of discoveries, the baby is awake more than in the newborn period, and this time of activity should be used for general strengthening and improving the baby.

The physiological tone of the muscles, peculiar to all newborns, has not yet passed, even if the parents diligently did a crumb massage from the first month of his life. The consequences of intrauterine poses and muscle tension associated with it will affect a half year.

But the baby has already learned to keep the head, and the most "fast" are already trying to roll over on the side or back from the position lying on the stomach. Croche perfectly manages to follow a moving toy or for the Mimico Mom, he actively reacts to her presence, animated and smiles.

In 2 months, the kids are more often exaggeted with palms, they no longer hold fingers constantly compressed in cams, handles and legs began to be blown better, in 2-3 and 3-4 months the child gradually begins to raise the shoulder belt and the chest, when it lies on the stomach. All this gives additional opportunities for planning massage procedures - be sure to use new skills and skills of your son or daughter.

When do you need a massage?

Some parents believe in the fact that a healthy massage is not needed. In their understanding massage - the lot of sick children. It's not like that at all. Even a healthy child at this age should be helped in the removal of symptoms of the physiological muscular tone, it will give him more freedom of movements, which means that the physical development of the baby will not slow down.

Massage Improves the child's well-being, it activates blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, improves appetite and strengthens sleep. Impact on the muscles, skin cover, ligaments are important in hyperthonus, curve, with elevated intracranial pressure in infants.

Even at a completely healthy baby, massage movements cause the intensification of nerve endings and receptors, due to which the brain develops better, the coordination of movements is improved. Massage techniques themselves develop the perception of the child of the world through tactile sensations.

As a rule, up to 3 months, the child cannot overcome the typical "trouble" of early age - infant colic. And the massage helps in this. The congenital maternal immunity, which the child inherit occurs is noticeably weakened to three months old. Massage allows you to effectively increase your own baby immunity, contributes to its formation and development.

It is no secret that there are quite a few physiological problems from the birth of babies: quite natural flatfoot is characterized by all infants, closure - 70% of babies. Competent massage at this age effectively corrects many states, including the physiological, which they themselves will disappear over time. Only with massage the case will go much faster.

Children with certain diagnoses of neurological, orthopedic and other plan massage should conduct specialists, since such a massage is called therapeutic and such, in fact, and is. For healthy karapusov in 2-3 months, you can make a developing and secrets massage yourself.


Massage is different. In addition to therapeutic, whose task is to adjust existing violations, diseases, conditions, there is a general classic massage. His task is to strengthen and promote the development of a children's body. The total massage, in turn, is relaxing and toning. Relaxing is carried out by children with hyperactive, capricious, which sleep well and eat, and toning recommend kids, which, on the contrary, sleep a lot, awake, and generally do not show big enthusiasm in the development of new skills, including motor.

A child at 2-3 months at home is recommended massage a conventional. Also, Mom may well master the point massage from children's runny nose, foot massage, a cerzy and collar zone, as well as a percussion massage (vibratory), which helps with bronchitis, wet cough.

Preventive massage may well carry out mom. Therapeutic and prophylactic - also, but under the supervision of a professional massage therapist, but the medical massage is the prerogative of professionals, since its inept holding can worsen the condition of the child, aggravate the disease. At home, massage for infants is preferably combined with gymnastics, charging, games. In addition to the obvious physical benefit, such a set of exercises will bring a lot of benefits for the mental and emotional development of Karapuz.


It is forbidden to make a child massage at home for the following conditions and illness:

  • fever, elevated body temperature for any reason;
  • acute viral diseases;
  • infectious diseases with rash, guns, vesicles on the skin;
  • allergic rash, diameter, Pader in the area of \u200b\u200bphysical tactile impact;
  • congenital heart disease;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • predisposition to cramps and epilepsy;
  • severe lesions of the CNS;
  • diseases of vessels and blood;
  • large hernia, including a bunch of hernia.

When carrying out massage manipulations for children aged 2-3 months, the power impact is strictly prohibited - cotton, shock technology. Massation of unclosed spring, poned and axillary depression, groin, should be avoided.

If a child is experiencing a certain discomfort, he cuts out a tooth, the tummy hurts, he slept a little or badly, the massage is also not recommended. Only when the crumb is absolutely healthy, cheerful and cheerful, in mood for communication, you should begin to manipulate.

What do you need to prepare?

For a lining or relaxing massage at home, a massage place should be prepared. This should be a solid and smooth surface that is covered with a diaper and a glue. If there is a changing table, it is good, it is quite suitable for this purpose. If there is no such table, use the usual table, for example, a dining room, shutting it with a diaper and a glue.

Near the table in close proximity to the distance of the elongated mother's hand, you need to be located massage oil or children's cream, a pack of wet napkins in case you need to urgently wipe the kid described.

Everything should be there, because Mom's attempts to turn away, reach something to something can lead to a fall of a child from the table and obtaining heavy injuries.

If the table and all necessary means are prepared, pay attention to the air temperature and its humidity in the room where the manipulation is to be. It will be comfortable and wonderful to the baby, if Mom makes it so that the apartment is not hotter than 22 degrees, and the air humidity was 50-70%. If this condition is fulfilled, it is time to prepare work tools of a massage therapist - hands. Mom should short trigger nails, remove rings, bracelets, clocks, thoroughly wash your hands with bactericidal soap and moisten their children's massage oil or children's cream.

Hands must be warm. Cold touch will be frightened by the baby, it is unlikely that he will perceive such a massage with delight. If your hands are cold, you need to hold them for a few minutes in warm water. Only after that you can prepare for the massage of the baby. Preparation lies in choosing the right and reasonable time for the procedure. After eating or immediately before feeding, the massage does not need to do - the baby can dump just eaten or capricious from hunger. It is best to carry out a procedure in 45-50 minutes after feeding or an hour before the next feeding. If the massage is relaxing, then you need to do it before the evening bathing. If the toning - in the first half of the day, otherwise the overexcited child will not be able to fall asleep normally.

Bringing the kid, for a few minutes, leave it naked in the air for a few minutes so that it adapts to the air temperature. And only then proceed to the massage.

Technique for holding

The most common massage in 2-3 months is a secreting. It should be started with gentle and delicate strokes with palms of the whole body of the baby. Consider a sequential procedure.

  • Massage handles - Begins with palms and fingers and ends the upper part of the forearm. Includes alternate stroking limbs, kneading fingers, stroking palms, wrists. Try to avoid intensive kneading muscles. All motions of mother's hands are subordinate to one important rule - the direction should be from bottom to top.
  • Foot massage - Begins with fingers, stop and heels. Easy to stroke and slightly knead the leg muscles. The knee cup can be touched and massaged, like a popliteal space. The inside of the hip is also not to touch.
  • Massing of belly - Circular movements around the navel. On the region of the navel to prescribe and impact somehow you can not otherwise.
  • Massing the neck Conduct by turning the baby on the stomach. Avoid pressing touches in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cervical vertebrae. Manipulation should be limited to the stroke of the cervical folding.
  • Back We are massaged without affecting the vertebral pole. Preferably palms and ribs of palms gently rub and stroke straight and oblique muscles.
  • Buttocks Lightly pinch the tips of the fingers.
  • Back of the shin and hips Slightly smoothed without kneading in the bottom upward.
  • Massage is completed by strokes, turning the baby on the back.After that, you can proceed to the exercises - give the child to capture your fingers with handles and lift the baby slightly, then lower it back. Summarize the legs ("bike"), turn the child to the right and left side, stimulating the development of the abdominal muscles.

A relaxing massage in front of the evening bathing has the same order and technique of holding, only all the kneading should be excluded. It is based on calm and affectionate strokes of the whole body, limbs, the scourge of the child's head.

Drainage massage with cough 2-3- monthly kids perform, putting a child to his knees. Mom's fingertips carefully speck out the area of \u200b\u200bthe ribs and the chest, after which the baby is raised into a vertical position. A sign of successful impact is the appearance of cough - such a massage accelerates the extinguishing of sputum from the bronchi.

Massage with a cold make the technology of point massage. It is also resolved aged 2-3 months. Pre-mother should be familiar with the arrangement of acupuncture points that "respond" for the work of the nose. Points should be sought at the tip of the nose, on the wings of the nose, between the brows of the baby, above the first cervical vertebra, in the center of the heel and on the wrists. We are massaged with circular motions.

The massage session, whatever it be in its destination, for the child of the specified age category lasts no more than 15 minutes. Moreover, an increase of time should be gradually - the first session is carried out within 2-3 minutes, the second increase for a minute-other. The duration of exposure at each exercise and reception also increase in phasten.

A child in 2-3 months can well be part of the fitball exercises. This applies to the complex that follows the main massage effect. Massing is produced only on a solid and smooth surface.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky claims that it is better for moms a healthy baby massage will not make no one. It is with her that a child is looking for tactile contact. It is this fact that explains why most babies cry and shout in the hands of professional massages. Only a mother, according to Komarovsky, can turn massage into the game, in communication, pleasure for all participants in the process.

If the child is prescribed the healing massage, then without options - according to Komarovsky, sessions should be entrusted to professionals with medical education. Feel free to ask the diploma, there are quite a few charlatans and amateurs today on this "market" today.

In the next video, you will find training for massage and educational gymnastics for kids from 1 to 3 months.

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The period of newborn and up to three months is completely unique in the development of the child. During this short term, it adapts to a completely new environment for it, learns vital skills, for example, to maintain the body temperature, moves from the vague image of a blurred image to a clear.

The most important task of this period learn to keep your head. As a result, the first natural bending of the spine - Lordoz is formed. At first, the child learns to raise his head out of the position lying on his stomach and, by the third month of life, keeps her vertically on his hands in an adult.

Many mammies boast that the baby was holding a head in the maternity hospital. Such a skill is due to an increased common muscle tone, including cervical. The most common cause of the destination of the course massage for newborns from 1 to 3 months It is just an increased muscle tone or hypertonus.

In the ideal case, the increased tone goes by itself by the end of the first month of life. But stresses during pregnancy, unfavorable ecological situation and many other factors lead to the fact that almost every child is a neurologist, after inspecting a month, appoints a massage course.

Prescribe and recommend to carry out wellness massage for breasts from 1 month of life. Prior to this age, the elevated muscle tone in the child is a physiological norm. Newborn massage up to 1 month It is carried out only for special testimony and specialist.

The tone can be asymmetric in the left and right side of the body or more pronounced in the upper limbs or the lower. Not depending on whether you are going to cope with this problem or plan to invite a professional massage therapist, be sure to carefully ask for a doctor: where and how hypertonus is expressed. Better if it is clearly and clearly recorded.

How does hypertonus manifest? How do parents themselves recognize it? These are compressed cams, bent strenuous handles or legs. Even in a dream. At the age of about two months, the baby must show interest in the outstretched toy, try to grab it. If you see that there is interest, but he reaches her cam, it is also a manifestation of an increased tone of muscles. In this case, you can do massage newborn from 0 to 3 months at home.

How to do massage child in 1 month? There are general rules daily massage aged 1 to 3 months.

It is not always possible to carry out a massage at the same time, because the child has not yet established a day of the day, a change in mood and well-being depends on many factors. The main thing is that it be somatically healthy.

Try to make the crumb to have slept and not hungry. Wherein massage monthly childit is recommended to start not earlier than 40 minutes after feeding.

The room should be worn and not hot, not more than 25, but better than 22 degrees. During the session itself, the window should not be opened even if summer on the street. It is fundamental to the absence or shutdown of both cooling and heating devices (air conditioning, heater).

Massage is performed on a solid surface. In the absence of a couch, any table is suitable for such a crumb. The table is covered with a blanket or a thick towel. Top puts a sheet or a simple diaper, you can put the oilcloth under it. The kid should be without clothes, including without a diaper. In order to avoid the incident, between the legs can be put another diaper.

During the procedure, no cosmetics are used, including special children and natural oils. Clean dry skin is physiologically. Olive oil is used in an adult massage to enhance the effects of masseur hands on the body. And the gentle calf of two- or three-month kid's efforts of your hands will be quite enough.

Hands from a massage therapist, of course, must be washed immediately before the start of the massage.

Massage and wellness gymnastics

So, how to make a massage with a monthly child? Where to begin?

A complex of recreation massage includes directly massage and health gymnastics.

Begins massage for a monthly child From the front side of the body, in order to establish contact with the child. Do not hurry and do not overdo in the manifestation of friendly emotions. Speak calmly, intelligible, in a normal voice. By installing the eye contact, you can tell the baby that you will do now.

Massage effects turns out to be the following parts of the body and in such a sequence:

  • legs;
  • stomach;
  • hands;
  • back;
  • buttocks.

Lower limb massage and abdomen

With the massage of the lower extremities, the leg must be taken with one hand per heel. Easy to raise and hold it.

The second palm is placed perpendicular to the leg and strokes on the inside from the foot to the inguinal lymphatic node. Try so that the whole palm worked, hacked the leg. After, stroke the inner part of the leg from the Achilles tendon and to the inkhahl lymphatic node. All movements are made in one direction, from the edge to the center (bottom up to the legs).

The next stage is tapping fingers in the hip area and shaking the entire leg left and right.

We finish the massage of the lower limbs with the work with the feet. Thumb under the fingers of the foot, along the outer edge and on the heel; It turns out a pattern of seven. In the same way, we draw the eight on the foot. We use the reflex flexion and extension of the fingers (Reflex Babinsky), for this you need to click on the foot under the fingers - they break into the heel - to raise.

Stroking two palms clockwise will be sufficient load for the muscles of the abdominal press.

Massage of the upper limbs

Fix the handle due to grabbing reflex - if the baby put something into the palm, such as his finger, it will give it. With her hand, located perpendicularly, stroke the entire handle of the baby from the brush to the axillary lymph node along the outside. Cut your fingers and shake the handle.

You can immediately check the presence of Babkina reflex. Click on the base of the thumb on both palms and the kid will open the mouth. This is not only checking the reflex, and also an exercise that is included in the course massage kids 1-3 months.

Ending Folding Falcs straightening.

Back massage and buttocks

Baby need to turn over to the tummy. If he does not keep his head, he will put her side. This is also one of the protective reflexes of a newborn baby.

The backrest massage is beginning with stroking the outer side of the brush from the sacriven department and 4 conventional lines: to the delta, to the axillary lymph node, to the oblique muscles of the abdomen, by the middle of the jagged muscle. Similarly, stroking the inside of the brush.

We stroke the butt to the palms, draw a heart, kneading with their thumbs.

Do not be afraid to move moving to easy redness of the skin. In this period, only stroking and tapping are used as massage techniques, you are unlikely to paint your son or daughter.

Passive gymnastics

An important change in the first three months of the child's life is almost a complete attenuation of congenital unconditional reflexes. The presence of not only allows you to determine the degree of maturity of the nervous system, but also helps in the classes of passive gymnastics.

Having finished directly massage of a monthly kid, We check the presence of these reflexes:

  1. Reflex crawl. Apply the palm to the feet of the child. He must push off and as if crawling on the stomach.
  2. Reflex Landau. Put the baby on the tummy and straighten his legs. It will bring back the back and raises the upper part of the body, leaning on his hands. This reflex is formed by 3-4 months, respectively, it will not be at a monthly child.
  3. Reflex automatic walking. Raising the crumb to the mouse and pulling forward, you will see how he is trying to walk. Creating passive gymnastics are carried out by you and include the following exercises:
  • lifting the lower straightened limbs;
  • lifting the lower limbs bent in the knees;
  • bringing and breeding hips (not circular rotations, namely inside and out)
  • diagonal compound brush with footsteps;
  • lifting upper extremities up;
  • circular movements with hands;
  • crossing brushes under the chin;
  • boxer movements;
  • kid shaking in embryo pose.

An indicator of the quality of the masseur is the improvement of the leather turgore and relaxation of the sheds of the body after a few first sessions. Massage for children You can do every 3-4 weeks, from 1 month Life and up to the year at least. So you can provide good well-being and the right development of the kid.

The article has prepared and edited: a surgeon doctor

To properly carry out the procedure at home, you need to adhere to these rules:

Tip! It is required to ensure that the manipulations are not given to the infants of the uncomfortable sensation. If he cries or strain, the intensity of movements should be reduced.

Indications and contraindications

Typically, massage is carried out in preventive purposes. Since the muscle hypertonus is observed from 0 to 3 months. Procedures help to relax them. Besides, Indications for massage exercises are:

Also massage treatments at this age are prescribed at:

  • regular constipation;
  • infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • frams of hands or feet.

It's important to know! The duration of treatment with massage is determined only by a specialist!

As for the contraindications to conduct massages, they are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • violation of the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • increased bone fragility;
  • ranks, guns and other damage to the skin;
  • aggravation of any disease;
  • heart disease. In this case, the massage should be carried out under the strict observation of the specialist;
  • increased nervousness.

In such situations, the procedure should be consistent with the attending physician. This will help avoid dangerous consequences in the future.

Step-by-step instruction

The manipulations that need to be done depend on the age of infant. Consider them in more detail.


At this age, massage procedures are aimed at normalizing the muscular tone, an active weight gain, an increase in the mobility of the joints. They also help support the emotional state of a newborn normal. Exercise technique:

Reference! Each exercise should be made 4-6 times. Over time, the quantity must be increased. The average duration of the massage for infants to 1 month is 7-10 minutes.

2 months

If only stroking manipulations are carried out up to 1 month, then in 2 months you should add rubbing and vibrating exercises for infants. Strooking should begin and end the common massage for infants for 2 months. Approximate instruction:

Tip!During the massage, do not forget to communicate with the baby. At this age, he is already beginning to understand the intonation, trying to repeat the words with his lips.

3 months

At this age, the child is already more confidently starting to hold the head, unlike the baby 1 month from birth, he decreases the muscular tone and the main task for infants from 3 months - to learn to turn over. For this and other purposes this complex is carried out by the common massage exercises for:

In 3 months, the child begins to show interest in bright toys. They should be laid near the baby. He will try to reach them. And how long does the massage last 3 months? At this age, the duration of the procedure can be from 10 to 15 minutes.

Main recommendations and cautions when conducting a procedure at home

In order for these procedures to be safe and useful for infants, you need to adhere to these rules:

  1. Give the opportunity to know the world: wearing him in your hands in various poses, more often practicing congenital reflexes, change poses.
  2. Until two months of age, use exclusively stroking movements, as well as flexion and extension of the joints.
  3. Be sure to consult a pediatrician about the introduction of new exercises and techniques.

The optimal option for a new mum is the passage of children's massage courses or learning video instructions. This will help to carry out the most secure and efficient massage treatments.