Do-it-yourself master class "Mom's Treasures" with a step-by-step description. Mom's treasures: interesting ideas and a master class on making

Each mother strives to preserve in memory what is associated with the first years of her child's life. Needlewomen who are familiar with scrapbooking technology can make a miniature box with their own hands where important little things will be stored. This hand-made direction will allow you to craft a real treasure full of warm memories, quivering feelings and emotions. All this will be appreciated by the baby when he grows up.

Mom's treasury: materials for creation and content

Mom's treasures allow you to carefully store memorabilia and objects that will not be lost over time. In the chest dedicated to the first years of the baby, you can put:

  • first socks;
  • statement tag;
  • a positive pregnancy test;
  • the first dummy;
  • ultrasound picture.

These little things are important for every woman who has a child. To avoid losing your memorabilia, you can use a small box. However, it will be much more pleasant if it is beautifully and originally designed. Using the master class, the work will not seem difficult, but will become very interesting and exciting.

Materials for work

For work, you will need to use the scheme for forming the box "Mother's Treasures", pictures with inscriptions and images of animals, a reps ribbon with funny pictures 2.5 cm wide, a satin ribbon to match the base, a glue gun, a hole punch.

You also need to prepare:

  • 5 sheets A2;
  • wooden buttons with a picture of a newborn;
  • 2 sheets of A4;
  • interlaced cardboard;
  • 1 sheet with parameters 7 by 30 cm;
  • a piece of cotton;
  • pom-poms;
  • white cotton lace;
  • 3-4 sheets of scrapbooking paper 30x30 cm.

On a note! Even in the process of creativity, scissors, a pencil, glue stick, PVA, a lighter, acrylic buttons matching in color, metal pendants in the form of an apple, a kitten, nipples, half-beads 6 mm in diameter, ink and special stamps will come in handy.

As a rule, mother's treasures for a boy are created in blue and blue colors. It is customary for girls to choose materials in pink and red colors. However, many women also prefer neutral pastel shades that look very gentle.

Lettering on mom's treasures for printing: several options

Special attention should be paid to the special inscriptions for the commemorative chest. Since it is planned to make several boxes in it, it is very important for each to make its own mark.

Many needlewomen prefer ready-made templates for printing. The names of the departments are already printed on them in a beautiful font:

  • the first tooth;
  • first socks;
  • curl;
  • ultrasound picture.

The inscriptions can be very different. The main thing is to choose exactly such blanks that will ideally fit into the concept of a magical memorable chest.

Note! Ornate inscriptions made in vintage style look beautiful and delicate.

How to make boxes: scrapbooking for mom's treasures

When all the necessary elements are ready, you can proceed to the creation of mother's treasures, following the MK.

Step 1 - First, the base is tinkered, which will serve as the bottom for all small blanks. To do this, using the diagram, you will need to cut out the template and glue it.

Step 2 - It is necessary to cut a large rectangle out of scrap paper and stick it on the base, forming a dense bottom. The optimal part width is 19.5 cm, and the length is 29.5 cm.

Step 3 - Then you need to cut out a pair of blanks, which are intended for the covers and the bottom of the structure. Then the same must be done for six templates intended for the top and bottom of small parts. Further, all the bases are glued.

Step 4 - A rectangle made of scrap paper of the appropriate sizes should be glued into each box. When all the small fragments are formed, it is recommended to try them on as a base.

Step 5 - Next, rectangles from scrap paper with the required parameters should be cut out for each cover. As a rule, for small fragments you need 6x7 cm parts, and for large ones, which are used for sliders and other voluminous things, 10x15 cm. The elements are fixed to the lids with double-sided tape.

Step 6 - The covers should be sewn around the edges. After that pictures are glued to them. Only then the workpieces are fastened with a glue stick.

Diy mom's treasures: decorating workshop

When the boxes are ready, you can start decorating them. You need to make 8 cuts of 7 cm from the ribbon. Their edges are processed with a lighter. A suspension is threaded into each. The blanks are tied to a bow, which is then glued, like half-beads, to each box.

Now you can make the cover:

Step 1 - The intertwined fragments are laid out as in the photo below. Strips of watercolor paper go from above, after which the fragments of the structure are glued.

Step 2 - Fabric 30x34 cm in size and 2 cuts with parameters 15x34 cm need to be stitched together. The seams are decorated with lace. Well-ironed fabric covers the binding.

Step 3 - The turns must be fixed with a glue gun.

On a note! The corners must be carefully and beautifully masked by tucking inward.

Any mother wants all the best for her child, therefore, from the very birth, she tries to surround him with her love, affection, attention, and to shower her baby with the most diverse and beautiful things and toys. Of course, a child is just beginning to learn about the world, gets to know the environment, its inhabitants, admires the beauty of the world around him. Accordingly, with the development and growth of the baby, certain memorabilia and objects remain that I would like to keep for a long memory. Now, when the years pass, you can get an interesting magic box in which they will lie: the first pacifier, the first socks, an umbilical cord, an extract tag, mom's test, an ultrasound scan, sliders, etc. And you can admire these little things all your life. Especially the mother tries to preserve a part of the baby for the rest of her life, even when he grows up, he is still a mother's child. Therefore, for such cases and little things, a magic box is needed in which everything that remains of the baby in childhood will be preserved. It may be a simple box, but it’s better if it’s a box with the same name as “Mother's Treasures”. You can either buy it or order it from some needlewoman, or make it yourself. Well technique and this master class will help us out in this.
We proceed and we take the following:
- Binding cardboard, two sheets A4 and 7 * 30 cm 1 sheet;
- Scheme for creating a chest "Mother's Treasure";
- Paper for scrapbooking in blue color, 3-4 sheets 30 * 30 cm;
- Paper for watercolors, sheets of A2 size, 5 sheets in total;
- Fabric 100% cotton: blue with a white bow and blue with small white peas;
- Pictures with bunnies and with captions: tag, sliders, mother's treasures, metric, etc .;
- Rep tape 2.5 cm wide with smurfs, about 1 meter;
- Blue polka dot satin ribbon;
- Solid light blue satin ribbon;
- Cutting in blue: flags, circle, openwork flower;
- Blue satin ribbon with children's elements;
- Blue ribbon with pom-poms;
- Metal pendants: pacifier, tag, clothespin, bull's-eye, etc.;
- Wooden button with a baby;
- Blue acrylic round and flower-shaped buttons;
- Semi-beads 6 mm in aqua color;
- White cotton lace;
- Border hole punch and glue gun;
- Stamp "For photo" and cyan ink;
- Lighter, scissors, glue stick, simple pencil, sewing machine, PVA glue, glue with the effect of double-sided tape.

The first thing we do is lay out the diagrams of all the boxes and study. We have a diagram of the base of a small box and its lid, a diagram of a large box and its lid, a diagram of the layout of boxes, a base box, a diagram of a fabric cover.

We start with a large base of the box, into which we will put all the boxes. We cut out its blank according to the scheme and glue it with a glue stick. It is better not to use PVA, as it leads the paper.

Cut out such a rectangle from scrap paper and glue it into the bottom of the base.

We cut out two blanks for the bottom and lids for large boxes.

And six blanks for the base and lids for small boxes. First we glue all the bases of small and large boxes.

In each box we glue a scrap rectangle of these sizes.

We get just such a base for a small box.

So we do everything and try them on a large basis.

We cut out 6 rectangles 6 * 7 cm and two rectangles 10.15 cm on the lids. We glue them with double-sided tape on the lids.

We sew the covers along the edge and glue them according to the picture. Now we glue the lids with a glue stick.

The boxes are ready.

We cut off 8 cuts of light blue ribbons 7-8 cm each, burn the edges, thread a pendant into each segment and tie bows. We glue these bows together with half-beads on each of the boxes.

Let's go to the cover. We lay out the binding blanks. We take the cuts of watercolor paper and glue them all together, as in the photo.

Now we take the fabric, cut off a 30 * 34 cm cut from blue cotton with polka dots and two 15 * 34 cm cuts from a blue bow. Sew the pieces together. We sew the joints of fabrics with lace. We iron the fabrics well and apply them to the binding blank. With a glue stick, glue the folds of the fabric to the base, folding the corners nicely.

The birth of a child is a very important event in the life of a parent. Many are looking forward to the appearance of their baby and counting the days and hours until this date. After the baby appears in their life, for sure, the parents will have fun, they will happily keep all the memories of the first days, months and years of his life. Our article provides step-by-step instructions and a video selection for studying a master class on creating mom's treasures.

Every mother wants to have a beautiful box for storing many attributes of the first days of the baby. For example, to keep a tag from the hospital, or put the first milk tooth that has fallen out. All this is an unforgettable memory that can always be shown to the baby when he grows up and remember the old days.

Today, numerous storage boxes and containers can be bought in stores and on the Internet. But, while you have the opportunity and desire, we recommend that you make such a charm yourself at home.

Any product that you make with your own hands will leave pleasant memories and an indelible mark on your memory. Many people do not even suspect how important and necessary it is to have crafts at home that you built in great times. It is always pleasant and joyful to remember such events, especially since the birth of a baby is an anxious and long-awaited time. The first seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years of his life are an important and unforgettable time not only for parents, but also for crumbs.

All new and long-awaited days of the calendar will remain in your memory forever. But, it will be nice to have and hold in your hands real things from the past. Which carry a lot of positive energy and take you into memories that will never be repeated. Be more reverent to your baby, to his things and events, which will tie all the threads together in the future.

You will not regret it, the box with your own hands will be distinguished by originality and will breathe with mother's love. A master class on creating a box with mother's treasures will leave wonderful memories of the first days and anxious anticipation of a miracle.

Mom's treasure boxes are made in several techniques, from scrapbooking to origami. The Internet is replete with photos and videos - lessons from mk mother's treasures with their own hands.

We study a simple step-by-step master class on creating the "Mother's Treasure" box

To make a box, you need to have:
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Lettering for printing "Mother's treasures"
  • Picture templates.

Depending on the appearance of the baby, what gender you are expecting to be born, make your own box. From this master class you will learn how to make a box of mother's treasures step by step for a boy with your own hands.

Making a box step by step:
  1. Download inscriptions for printing and drawing templates.
  2. Form a box out of cardboard using scissors and glue, make sections in it.
  3. Decorate this product with drawings by gluing them to the box.
  4. Decorate the resulting product with inscriptions.

Your box for baby accessories mom's joy is ready. Use it for joy!

The next micron will be much more difficult, but the result will exceed all expectations.

You need to have:
  • Notebook with diagrams, box sizes.
  • Pencil.
  • Sharpener.
  • Ruler 30 cm.
  • Scissors.
  • Awl for scoring.
Instructions for step-by-step crafts:
  1. Draw box diagrams in a notebook. Further, in the same place, draw diagrams of small boxes that are located inside a large one.
  2. According to the scheme, using a pencil, draw a square, making marks on the folds, then take an awl and make a crease at the folds.
  3. Cut out a blank, this will be a lid for a large box.
  4. Bend over the marked places. It turns out the silhouette of the lid. Repeat the same action with all the boxes.
  5. In this case, draw squares on white paper for the lids and sides of the bottom.
  6. All the preparations have been made. Take the glue and glue everything together in order.
  7. After that, glue the white squares onto the blue ones.
  8. Collect the craft. Glue the required folds.
  9. Supplement with inscriptions.

Your mom's box of happiness is ready. Opening it, you will get indescribable pleasure.

For a woman, there is nothing more significant than the first events associated with her child. From the days spent in the maternity hospital to the first baby tooth. Therefore, keep your memories carefully, respect the past years. Rejoice at the sight of the trappings of their memories.

Turn your days into joyful minutes and hours. Make as many memorable crafts as possible about the days of pregnancy, childbirth, the first events and growing up of the baby. For you, your child will always be small, in need of care, affection and warmth. Do not forget to express these emotions, including in the form of crafts for your child. Be tolerant and joyful, life will reward you for such a manifestation of feelings.

Video on this topic of the article

The birth of a child is a very important and reverent event in the life of parents. Mothers rejoice every new day of their pregnancy and look forward to the birth of their baby. After birth, a lot of new happy emotions awaits the newly minted mom and dad. How can these wonderful memories be preserved? A special treasure box will help in this matter. For years, such a cute little thing can store such important things for the heart as: a pregnancy test, the first ultrasound scan, a tag from the hospital, curls of the first hair, the first tooth that fell out. The master class "Mother's Treasures" will tell you how to decorate this product beautifully.

Materials for making

Before you know how to make a mother's treasure box, you need to read the list of materials for work and buy everything you need.

- sheets of drawing paper of Goznak in A1 format;

- thick cardboard (thickness 1.5 mm);

- metal ruler (length from 50 cm);

- plastic ruler (30 cm);

- paper knife;

- sharp scissors;

- thin creasing;

- a simple pencil;

- scrapbooking paper;

- wide lace;

- cotton or satin ribbon;

- cotton fabric;

- inscriptions for printing;

- synthetic winterizer or hallofiber;

- Super glue;

- decorations for decoration;

- templates for printing.

Jewelry box patterns

In order not to make the pattern of the box yourself, you can download and redraw on special paper, Goznak. Or immediately redraw from the monitor.

In total, you need to make 4 small boxes, one large and one base box. On the first sheet, draw all the small boxes, on the second - the large ones.

When the blueprints are complete, cut them out with a slanting knife on the rubber mat. It is worth paying special attention to the places where the arrows are drawn. In these places, it is important to cut the elements exactly along the main black lines so that the box closes well.

The result can be seen in the photo:

Small box:

Pattern large:

The foundation:

Assembling the product

Now further actions with the future box will be described step by step.

At the beginning of work, along the dotted lines, go scoring under the ruler.

Pay due attention to the box-base: all lines should be clear parallels and perpendicular.

Then collect the boxes, coating the "ears" with superglue.

As a result, you should get four small boxes and one larger.

Collect and glue it. In the end, you should have a neat box. The cardboard should fit perfectly inside the walls.

Box decoration

For paper decor, you need to cut out a piece measuring 18.9 * 7 centimeters. In the center, scoring, cut off the corners 45 degrees to this line. Stick to the outside of the box.

Decorate the outer walls with lace, while closing the spine joint. Leave part of the side free.

Scrapbooking is used. It is necessary to cut out of scrap paper:

- 4 squares with a side of 4.8 centimeters;

- detail 12.1 * 5.8 cm;

- detail 12.1 * 1.8 cm;

- 4 pieces 5.8 * 1.8 cm.

Make small loops from the tape.

At the birth of a baby, every mother has many memorable little things that remain in memory and that need to be preserved. A memorable tag from the hospital is sure to remain. Then, when the baby grows, the first curl is cut off, then the tooth falls out, the beloved nipple and other little things remain. All these are such trifles, which later, many years later, you can get and admire both the mother herself and show her already grown-up child. So we are talking about the need for a special box-casket in which these things will be stored. Today we will make such a box in technology.
For a master class on making a box, you need to take:
Binding cardboard measuring 15 * 15 cm two blanks and one measuring 6.5 * 15 cm;
Schemes-sketches for the pattern of boxes;
Watercolor paper, size A1, cut to size;
Fabric cotton floral and pink in a white bow;
Scrapbooking paper for children in pink and light pink colors;
Round pictures with Mi bunny and with inscriptions;
Card with the inscription "Mother's Treasures";
Metric card;
Cutting down a hare and pink flags;
Border punches;
The circle is white with openwork edges;
Light pink ribbon with pom-poms;
White-pink paper roses;
Fabric pink flowers;
The half beads are pink and white;
Metal pendants: tooth, clothespin, stroller, scissors;
Peach organza ribbon 10 mm wide;
Buttons acrylic pink flowers;
Pink cotton lace;
Color printed tags: tooth, curl, tag and dummy;
Wide pink satin ribbon, width 25 mm;
Adhesive with the effect of double-sided tape;
Scissors, ruler, pencil, double-sided tape;
Glue stick and thermal gun;
Sewing machine.

So, there is a lot of work to be done, so let's get down to it and start with making a paperback. We take the binding cardboard, lay out all three parts tightly side by side and cut out two strips of 3 * 15 cm from watercolor paper. We divide both of them in half.

Now we glue both of them with a glue stick to the joints of the cardboard, thus glue them together.

We turn over the cover and now measure out the sheet of padding polyester. We glue it to the cover with pieces of double-sided tape.

Now we cut off the fabric. At the edges we will have a pink one with bows, and inside a flower one. Do not forget to make stocks for a fold, at least 2 cm.

We iron the fabric well with an iron and sew it together, sew pink lace at the joints. Now turn the fabric over, put the cardboard cover on and glue the cloth to the cover with a glue stick.

Now we cut off a strip of wide pink tape and glue it in the center from the inside of the cover.

We wrap the cover and try on cards and inscriptions. We sew the cover along the edges of the front side and each card. Now, from a large sheet of scrap paper, we cut out a blank of 14.8 * 25 cm.

We glue it inside our cover with glue with the effect of double-sided tape and put it under the press for 1-1.5 hours. In the meantime, we will deal with the inner large box and the small ones.

According to the diagrams, we cut out a large workpiece.

And these are for small boxes. We smear the tongues with a glue stick and glue a small box. So we make 4 small boxes and 4 lids.

From small sheets of scrap paper, cut out four 6.5 * 6.5 cm squares for the lids and one 14 * 14 cm for the bottom of a large box. We glue the scrap blanks on watercolor strips of scotch tape and sew with a typewriter.

We glue a large box on the tongues.

Now we cut off the strips from the border sheet, punch holes on both sides with a lace punch and glue on the sides of the large box first a strip of lace, then a lace strip of paper.

We also glue the lids of small boxes.

Now we glue the bottom (large box) to the cover, smooth it well and press lightly.

Now we glue tags with inscriptions and bows with pendants on small boxes.