Is it possible to carry fresh flowers to a funeral. Why is an even number of flowers placed on the grave? What flowers to bring to a cemetery for a woman

What flowers to buy for a funeral? The answer to this question will help to avoid an awkward situation, because the quantity, color and variety are of great sacred importance. A competent choice will help touchingly emphasize the irreparability of the loss.

It is the sacred duty of relatives and friends to take care of a worthy farewell to a person on his last journey, as well as to ensure regular and conscientious care of his grave. The presence at the funeral will allow you to personally say goodbye to the deceased, giving him your sorrow, reverence and respect. Depending on social traditions, religion and the will of the deceased, the funeral ceremony requires compliance with certain norms and rules of conduct. Particular attention should be paid to bouquets that you carry to the funeral of a man, woman or child.

What does mourning flora symbolize?

Laying flowers on the grave of the deceased is a sacred ritual, the last tribute to memory, love and respect. The tradition of coming to the funeral procession with flowers has its roots in antiquity. Among the Egyptians, the short duration of life meant a white lily, and in ancient Greek civilization - a rose. In addition, the Greeks considered daffodils, violets and hyacinths to be symbols of death, as well as oblivion. The ancient Romans borrowed the tradition of decorating burial places from them.

Among Europeans, rosemary demonstrates the eternal memory of the deceased, and chrysanthemum demonstrates grief and sadness. But lilies and magnolias indicate the nobility and dignity of the deceased.

Gratitude to the person who left our world is mainly expressed with roses, gladioli and daffodils. Daisies and bright chrysanthemums symbolize the virginal purity and attractiveness, as well as the refinement of the character of the deceased. Carnations and forget-me-nots indicate true love for the dead. Farewell is asked with hyacinths of heavenly tones, as well as striped carnations. The sadness that overwhelms the soul is reflected by black roses and red carnations. Eternal memory is symbolized by forget-me-nots and zinnias.

Naturally, the shades of the buds, as well as the very design of the mourning bouquet, directly depend on the mentality, culture, religion, customs and geographical region in which one or another social group lives. The key rule is that mourning flora must reflect sincere grief, symbolize the unthinkability of loss and the eternal memory of the deceased.

What color flowers to carry to a funeral

Since it is the color of the inflorescences that carries the main semantic load, the choice of the color of the buds must be approached seriously and competently:

  • Yellow personifies the superiority of the sun over darkness, gives hope and optimism.
  • Lilac speaks of the immortality of the soul and declares the invulnerability of faith in Christian truths.
  • Gray symbolizes the fear of oblivion, as well as the helplessness of man in front of the forces of nature.
  • Orange expresses sincerity, support and sympathy in moments of depression, grief and grief.
  • Blue is associated with heavenly perfection and freedom, represents fidelity, rationalism, as well as deep longing.
  • Purple "patents" strong love, untouchability of honor, self-respect, tenderness and fidelity of feelings.
  • White indicates purity, completeness, perfection, as well as the incomprehensibility of the universe.
  • Black carries a symbol of death, sorrow, deepest sadness and proud spirituality.
  • Green symbolizes faith in eternal life after death, gives hope and peace.
  • Red denotes invincible love, as well as the many troubles and difficulties that occupied the deceased during his lifetime.

General rules for laying mourning bouquets

  1. Bouquets for the funeral process should be strict, restrained and discreet. They are obliged to emphasize the special significance of farewell to the deceased and the tangibility of loss.
  2. The dark and pale tones of the composition are the most relevant, because they do not attract too much attention and demonstrate the modesty of the participant in the funeral procession.
  3. Before placing the flowers directly in the coffin or on an already filled grave, they must be removed from the cellophane wrapper.
  4. It is undesirable that more than three shades are present in the bouquet that you carry to the funeral, since excessive variegation is unacceptable.
  5. If, for good reason, it is not possible to personally attend the funeral and take a direct part in the burial ritual, then it is appropriate to send flowers to relatives in a basket.
  6. For an organized group of funeral participants, a well-designed composition of fresh or artificial inflorescences will be an ideal option for expressing joint grief and sadness.
  7. It is unacceptable to take funeral bouquets home. They must be carefully laid on the grave or taken to a specially designated place.

How many flowers to carry to a funeral

Most people are confident that an even number of flowers should be brought to the grave, but their number does not matter. Actually it is.

Remember, a mourning bouquet should not contain more than 12 buds. Naturally, their number should be even, because paired numbers symbolize completeness, peace, as well as the complete fulfillment of a life mission.

Most often, eight flowers are carried to funerals. True, there are exceptions. For example, in Georgia, bouquets of three, five, seven or nine flowers are boldly carried to the cemetery. In order to guarantee not to lose face when forming bouquets, be sure to consult with a competent employee of the funeral agency or with the florist in the store.

What flowers are carried to the funeral of a man

Going to the burial of a man, choose bouquets with strict, concise buds of white, red, orange, black, blue or yellow. If a person was distinguished by activity, initiative, determination and healthy adventurism, it is recommended to arrange the buds asymmetrically.

It is not necessary to bring inflorescences of pink shades to the grave of a man. Delicate compositions with a delicate aroma will also be inappropriate.

The sadness and bitterness of the irreparable loss of a courageous head of the family or a fair and sociable leader will unobtrusively demonstrate bouquets with a cold palette. A good option would be irises, cornflowers or hydrangeas. If you want to express your sincere love and affection for the deceased, put carnations or skewers on the grave. Their warm shades demonstrate the conscientiousness of the lifetime relationship between the mourner and the deceased.

What flowers are carried to a woman's funeral

It is best if the flowers that she used to admire will be laid on the grave of a successful lady. They must reflect its character, spiritual values ​​and lifestyle in general. For a young girl who left our world prematurely, mourning ceremonies experts recommend carrying inflorescences of pink or white shades. They will point to her innocence, attractiveness and spiritual purity.

For a mature woman with a mild disposition, compositions with inflorescences of bed shades are relevant, and for a bright, creative and active person, more colorful bouquets with an asymmetric arrangement of buds are suitable.

It is customary to place yellow, orange, lilac or red floral arrangements on the grave of an elderly woman.

The deceased grandmother and mother, as the keeper of the hearth, are recommended to carry inflorescences of discreet bed shades to the burial place. It is best if these are their favorite flowers. You can learn in detail the rules and traditions of the funeral ceremony from the local priest. He will certainly help organize the mourning event properly.

What flowers to carry to the funeral of children

Ritual bouquets at the burial of a child must carry a specific connotation. For example, it is customary to lay buds of soft creamy shades on the graves of babies, which have not yet fully blossomed. Boys and girls of school age mostly lay white inflorescences. As a rule, lilies, white roses or violets are placed on the graves of teenagers. For dead children, it is best to form small compositions with delicate shades of buds.

Remember, a funeral is a mourning event that requires modesty, sincerity, courtesy, sincerity and compassion from the participants.

Why are real or artificial flowers brought to funerals? It is customary to take flowers from various peoples of the world for significant events. Seeing off on the last journey is an opportunity to express respect and pay honors to the deceased. What flowers to buy for a funeral is a matter of personal preference. But there are some traditions concerning this moment. Consider what flowers are usually given for funerals, according to social norms.

What flowers are placed at the funeral: natural or artificial

On the last journey of the deceased, it is customary to see off with natural or artificial flowers. Both groups have advantages and disadvantages. Artificial compositions are usually represented by wreaths or baskets, but piece flowers can also be found on sale. Artificial products have the following advantages:

  • Durability. Flowers will decorate the burial place for a long time.
  • Availability. The cost of such products is relatively small.
  • Big choice. The range of goods is wide. Flowers of various types and colors are available at any time of the year.

Can fresh flowers be used for funerals? Of course, just do not forget that they are short-lived, though beautiful. The main advantage of natural flowers is that they can be used to express the warmest feelings for the deceased. Such plants look more presentable, symbolizing respect and love from loved ones.

If you want to order a large composition (basket, wreath), it is wiser to purchase an artificial product. If you need several colors, you can buy live plants or choose more durable non-natural ones.

What flowers are better to buy for a funeral

If you prefer natural plants, find out what fresh flowers are bought for funerals in your area. In the CIS countries it is customary to assign:

  • Carnations. Red, white, variegated - the choice is wide. The most traditional option.
  • Lilies. Often acquire luxurious white flowers without interspersed with other shades.
  • White and burgundy roses. Classic variant. Suitable for both young men and older women.
  • Chrysanthemums of all shades. Exceptionally hardy plants. Buy for men and women.
  • Orchids. An exotic and solid option for a deceased woman.
  • Callas. Strict flowers suitable for decorating a man's grave. There are various shades, including black.

The deceased's favorite flowers are also suitable, especially if a woman is being escorted on her last journey. Often flowers are supplemented with branches of coniferous plants, various greens. Do not use overly colorful compositions. For a mournful atmosphere, a strict bouquet or a basket in two tones is suitable: for example, a combination of burgundy roses and green fir branches.

Flowers for the funeral of a man, a woman, an elderly person

  • Seeing off the last journey of a child or teenager buy tulips, carnations, roses in white and other soothing shades, including spray ones. Choose small compositions in soft colors.
  • For a man's funeral Calla lilies, carnations, chrysanthemums, gladioli of saturated cold shades are suitable. Appropriate red and burgundy gamma.
  • For woman choose lilies, orchids, roses, it is permissible to bring the deceased's favorite flowers.
  • On the grave of a young girl lay irises, tulips, chrysanthemums, roses of light or pink shades.
  • For the elderly flowers of burgundy shades are suitable, for example, classic roses.

What color to choose flowers for a funeral

There are no strict regulations regarding the shade of flowers for a funeral. People see off loved ones by purchasing plants of various colors to express love, grief and gratitude. Consider the appropriateness of using shades of the palette through the prism of the meaning of colors.

  • Yellow. Rarely used at funerals. Symbolizes warmth and friendship. Flowers of this shade would be appropriate at the funeral of a middle-aged woman.
  • Orange. Suitable for people who during their lifetime were full of strength and enthusiasm, managed to realize many plans. Unpopular choice for funerals.
  • Red. Such flowers symbolize love, are appropriate on the wires of the spouse. It is often used in the burial of both women and men. For the strong half of humanity, a burgundy shade is more appropriate.
  • Pink. Suitable for seeing off the last journey of children and young people.
  • Blue. Often used at funerals, especially if the deceased is a man. The color symbolizes sadness and sorrow, as well as peace.
  • White. It is used as a symbol of purity and the beginning of a new stage for the soul. Suitable for people of all ages. In some countries it is considered mourning.

How many flowers can I take to a funeral

In the CIS countries, it is customary to buy an even number of flowers: 2, 4, 8, 16 - the number is not limited. If the deceased was a distant relative or colleague, opt for a small number of plants. For a loved one, choose a large artificial composition, a voluminous bouquet or a basket of fresh flowers.

Today, flowers for a funeral can be chosen from a photo in the catalog, ordering in advance before a mournful day. This allows you to calmly choose and purchase the appropriate option without haste and emotions. Be sure to take flowers when going to a funeral: plants and artificial imitations have long been an integral part of the funeral procession.

Laying flowers on the grave of a deceased loved one is a tribute to memory, as well as a symbol of our love and sorrow.

Many people, especially young people, who, of course, have little experience with such a terrible event as death, are asking questions: how many flowers should be placed on the grave; Is an even number required? whether it is necessary to bring flowers for 40 days; and in general, on what dates you need to bring them, what flowers can be put and what not, etc. In our article we will try to answer all these questions.

It is believed that an even number of flowers means that one flower is for the deceased, and the other for God. However, this tradition exists only on the territory of the former USSR. In the countries of the West and the East, an odd number of flowers can be put, and this will not be considered something inappropriate.

By the way, now more and more of our compatriots consider the tradition of putting an even number of flowers on the grave as a sign of superstition and a relic of the past. For the design of bouquets, it is customary to use muted tones - white, red, dark red. In principle, there is no particular restriction, choose at your own discretion, however, it should be borne in mind that flowers in cheerful colors will look out of place in a cemetery. If you want to stick to traditions, then pay attention to the following:

  1. Crimson roses are placed on the graves of people who have been victims of an accident. This color is a symbol of their blood, untimely shed on the ground.
  2. White chrysanthemums are considered a symbol of friendship, so they are put to close friends.
  3. Red carnations are the most popular composition at the funerals of prominent people, at official ceremonies held in memory of any tragic events, and they are also placed on the graves of people who were mentors for many and deserved honor and respect.

But if there is no desire, it is not necessary to adhere to these so-called rules. You can put any flowers you want, which you think is most suitable for the deceased.

Fresh flowers are mainly brought on the anniversary of death, on the birthday of the deceased, or on other memorable dates for you. On memorial days, they mainly wear artificial compositions or wreaths. But there is no unequivocal opinion here. Some believe that fresh flowers should not be in the cemetery, because they are a symbol of life, which is not here. Others, on the contrary, do not accept artificial flowers, considering them disrespectful to the memory of the deceased, as well as garbage that pollutes environment.

Therefore, there are no strict restrictions You can bring both real and artificial flowers. However, remember that if you decide to bring a wreath, it should be oval or triangular in shape. Funeral wreaths are usually done in shades of green, as green is considered a symbol of eternal life.

Artificial flowers in the cemetery

While visiting the cemetery, we can observe that mostly artificial flowers and wreaths lie on the graves. People choose them as decorations for the burial places of their loved ones for various reasons. The main advantage of artificial flowers is their long service life and relative cheapness (if the flowers are made of plastic). Forged flowers can also be classified as artificial. They are, of course, quite expensive, but they look presentable, require little maintenance other than painting, and can last forever. Bouquets made of plastic, of course, cannot boast of such durability as forged products. But they are inexpensive, and they can be bought at any point of funeral services or in any market. On sale is a huge variety of colors for every taste and budget. If desired, you can decorate the grave with your own hands. There are many master classes on making flower arrangements and baskets on the Internet.

However, we should not forget that, wondering how to decorate the grave of a loved one, we can harm the environment. After all, a huge amount of plastic in cemeteries is not recycled in any way. It cannot be burned, because when burned, toxic substances are released into the atmosphere that adversely affect human health and can lead to many diseases. Also, plastic does not decompose in the soil, polluting it. Therefore, when landscaping the graves, we advise you to give preference to their landscaping, by planting flowers and shrubs.

What flowers to plant in the cemetery?

For obvious reasons, unpretentious flowers that do not require special care and watering are chosen for planting in the cemetery. You should also not plant expensive flowers and shrubs, as they can simply be stolen. To decide what to plant, you first need to decide on the type of soil, because not all the flowers that you like may suit your type, and for this reason they will be lost. It is also necessary to determine the illumination of the grave. Based on this, you can choose the plants to your liking.

Perennial plants such as rudbeckia, echinacea or calendula are the best option for planting in the cemetery. They are unpretentious, can reproduce by self-sowing, and you do not have to plant seedlings every year, but it will be enough just to thin out the shoots that have grown from the ground.

Spring flowers such as tulips, daffodils and irises are also a great option. They tolerate drought well, they do not need special care. They will delight you with their flowering in early spring, when everything around is gray and dull. The grave on Radonitsa will look especially beautiful. By the way, you can not spend money on purchased flowers. These flowers grow in bunches, so for the most beautiful plantings, they need to be planted as close to each other as possible. Their only disadvantage is the relatively short flowering period.

Carpet plants look very nice. They grow along the ground and look like a real green carpet. Such plants include, for example, periwinkle, which is considered the most suitable for planting in a cemetery. However, it must be borne in mind that it grows very strongly, and with improper care, it can grow far beyond the grave.

Another good option is everyone's favorite chrysanthemum. They do not require special care, and they bloom for a really long time. They are frost hardy, so they don't need to be planted every spring.
Geraniums are also popular. They look very beautiful, thanks to their long flowering. There are a great variety of varieties and colors, and everyone will find the one that suits the most. Usually medium-sized varieties are planted so as not to obscure the tombstone.

Although many people like the rose, which is considered the queen of flowers. Often there is a desire to decorate the grave of a loved one with a beautiful rose bush, this is not the most suitable flower for planting in a cemetery for several reasons. Firstly, the earth in most cemeteries is clayey, poor in minerals, and roses love loose soil, which easily passes oxygen and moisture. Secondly, the rose needs to be fed, cared for, cut and watered, so you will often have to visit the cemetery. Thirdly, dishonest people can simply cut it off, which will be very disappointing after the efforts you have made to bloom it. However, if there is a great desire and perhaps frequent visits to the grave, you can also plant a rose. Then the resting place of your loved one will be truly chic.

You can also choose wild flowers for planting and ennobling the grave. Their very name says that these flowers do not need a person at all, and they can perfectly grow on their own. Salvia, marigolds and zinnias will help you ennoble the grave with a minimum of your participation.

If you do not want to mess with flowers, you can also plant drought-resistant ornamental trees and shrubs. The only condition is that they should not have a powerful root structure, since it can damage the monument. You can choose according to your taste juniper, thuja, aspen or decorative birch. Evergreen trees also look great - dwarf pines or spruces. They do not need your intervention in their development.

What flowers are placed on a man's grave?

It is customary for men to bring flowers in a cold, restrained range. It can be traditionally male flowers - gladioli, dahlias, daffodils, callas, roses and, of course, carnations. As for the color, most often it is dark red, burgundy or white. Scarlet roses are brought and laid on the grave of a beloved husband. You can also put compositions in blue or purple shades - hydrangeas, irises, cornflowers. You should not only bring flowers of pink shades. They are more suitable for making a bouquet for a deceased woman.

What flowers are placed on a woman's grave?

The best choice of bouquet for a woman is dictated by her age. For young girls, gentle shades are suitable that emphasize her youth and innocence. You can choose pink roses, white lilies or purple violets. For older women, flowers of deeper shades are chosen for the grave. These can be roses, orchids, tulips, as well as any other flowers that the deceased loved during her lifetime. If you want to emphasize that the deceased had an active lifestyle and led a vibrant lifestyle, it would be appropriate to bring a bouquet that contains 2-3 rich shades.

In conclusion, we can say that flowers are the most important attribute in the ritual procession, so you should know the basic rules for laying flowers on the grave so that your choice is not considered inappropriate and you are not trapped. We hope our article will help you understand and make the right choice.

Many people wonder why an even number of flowers are placed on the grave and where did this tradition come from? There are several opinions on this matter:

  1. Even in Ancient Russia, two flowers were placed on the grave of fallen soldiers who defended their homeland from enemy invasion.
  2. According to pagan belief, an even number is a symbol of evil and death. No wonder they say "trouble does not come alone." Perhaps this was the origin of the custom of giving the living an odd number of flowers, and the dead an even number.
  3. Many ancient cultures associated even numbers with completeness and completeness. In the case of a funeral, this may indicate the end of a life path. All odd numbers except 13 symbolized happiness, joy, movement and life.
  4. The ancient Pythagoreans considered odd numbers to be the personification of goodness, light and life, and unpaired numbers - death, grief, disappointment.
  5. Two flowers are placed on the grave: one is for the deceased, and the second is for God or the guardian angel.
  6. Some believe that an odd number of flowers is given to the living “up to a couple”, and since a person has died and thus becomes “married” to death, an odd number is presented to him.

Not in all countries it is customary to give people an unpaired number of flowers for their birthday or any other holiday. For example, in the USA, Europe and some Eastern countries, a birthday or hero of the day is presented with a bouquet with an odd number of flowers in the bouquet, not considering this to be something strange and frightening.

If there are more than ten flowers in the bouquet, then no attention is paid to their number (even or not).

Many people, going to a funeral, do not know which flowers are better to buy: live or artificial. Different things are also placed on the grave. It all depends on the personal preferences of the person. Of the fresh flowers, mourning are:

  1. White chrysanthemums often brought to dead friends. This flower symbolizes openness, sincerity and friendship.
  2. White lilies symbolize purity. They are often placed on the graves of girls and young women.
  3. Red carnations are appropriate on the grave of a person who enjoyed great respect among his entourage. These can be mentors, teachers and leaders. These flowers express their respect. They are also placed on monuments dedicated to military operations.
  4. Dark red roses are a symbol of sorrow and living blood. They are placed on the grave of tragically dead people.

There should be an even number of flowers in the bouquet. You need to put them with buds to the head of the deceased.

Much more popular are not live, but artificial flowers. This is because they retain their original appearance for a long time, and the living ones wither and dry up on the second day, after which they look very untidy on the grave.

And in general, artificial flowers are traditionally considered mourning. You can decorate the grave with them at any time of the year. Today you can buy both a wreath and just a bouquet. It is worth remembering that wreaths are mainly laid on the day of the funeral; it is not customary to bring them on the anniversary and birthday of the deceased.

What to plant in a cemetery?

It is customary for us to bring fresh flowers to funerals, which are placed in an open coffin with the body of the deceased (or on the lid of the coffin, if it is closed) during the farewell to him. A basket of flowers or a bouquet brought expresses love and respect for the deceased, reverence for his memory. Additionally, the transient nature of human life is emphasized, which, like flowers, blooms, blooms and fades.

Before burial, the flowers are removed from the coffin, and then laid on a fresh grave. It is forbidden to take flowers from the cemetery, scatter them along the road, and even more so, bring them into the house.

Rules for choosing and presenting flowers for a funeral

  • Funeral bouquets should not be flashy and bright. A funeral is not a holiday, but a day of mourning, so bouquets should be strict and emphasize the solemnity of farewell.
  • At a funeral, bouquets containing more than 2-3 shades are undesirable, since the variegation does not correspond to the sad atmosphere of the funeral.
  • When choosing the type of flowers and their colors, it is better to prefer flowers of simple and dark colors, additionally taking into account the gender, age of the deceased, the degree of relationship and the nature of the relationship with him, and other factors.
  • At the funeral of a very close person, you can bring those flowers that he most loved during his lifetime.
  • Flowers are placed in a coffin or on a grave without a wrapper.
  • A person who is unable or unwilling to attend the funeral can send a basket or bouquet of flowers and a condolence card.

What flowers are carried to funerals

At the funeral, you can present the same flowers that are given to living and healthy people, men and women, subject to the rules mentioned above. The most suitable flowers: strict carnations and tulips, expressing hope for the revival of irises, solemn and proud daffodils, gladioli, dahlias, callas, mystical orchids. Suitable for a funeral bouquet and chrysanthemums, personifying grief, except when the deceased adhered to Eastern traditions. Violets and lilies show a deep spiritual connection with the deceased, or his high morality and purity.

The most versatile and rich option, demonstrating special honor and respect for the deceased, are roses, for which they buy a mourning ribbon or a black basket to frame.

You can add willow branches to the bouquet, which is considered a symbol of eternal life.

Flowers for a man's funeral

Men's bouquets are usually characterized by strict contrasting color combinations: red, white and black, yellow and blue, orange and purple. An asymmetrical arrangement of flowers is possible, especially for an active and determined man. Definitely not suitable for men are any flowers of pink shades, as well as those that have a delicate and delicate aroma.

Flowers for a woman's funeral

Flowers for a deceased woman should reflect her image, character, habits, or be the ones she preferred during her lifetime. White flowers are usually brought to a young girl or unmarried woman, emphasizing her beauty, purity and innocence, and various shades of pink are also acceptable. For a middle-aged woman, flowers of red, yellow, orange and lilac shades are suitable. If the deceased had a soft, calm character, was focused on home and family, then a symmetrical bouquet or pastel-colored flowers would be more suitable, for a brighter and more active woman - a bouquet in purer and contrasting colors, possibly asymmetrical.

The red color symbolizes the suffering that filled the life of the deceased. As well as a very close degree of kinship or unfading love.

White color - purity, purity, sorrow and solemnity.

Orange flowers for funerals are universal because they are associated with "autumn wilt".

Number of flowers for a funeral

How many flowers are brought to funerals? In accordance with our traditions, if there are 12 or fewer flowers in a bouquet, then their number in a funeral bouquet or basket must be even. Even numbers symbolize peace, peace, completeness, the end of life, while odd numbers symbolize constant movement, development, life, success. Even in Ancient Russia, two flowers were carried to the deceased with the words "one for the deceased, and the other for God." On the contrary, it is customary to give an odd number of flowers to the living.

At the same time, in most European countries and the USA, an even number of flowers is given in all cases. In Israel, an even number of flowers are also given to the living, and they are not brought to funerals at all. In Georgia, the living are given “for happiness” an even number (a couple) of flowers, and an odd number is brought to the cemetery, “so that the deceased does not take happiness from the living.”

This discrepancy is explained by the fact that each nation has passed its own historical path of development.

The established rites and traditions, including funeral ones, are not absolute for all and are culturally conditioned. However, if the deceased person adhered to the traditions of one or another people, then they must be respected and observed as much as possible, unless he expressed other wishes regarding his funeral before death.