Is it possible for pregnant women to sew at a sewing machine? Why pregnant women should not sew. The benefits and harms of sewing

Oddly enough, in our time there is still a place for prejudices and superstitions that came from our ancestors since time immemorial. As soon as a young, inexperienced woman becomes pregnant, she is attacked by grandmothers, aunties and mothers. a whole stream of warnings and restrictions, which would seem absurd to any reasonable person. But, unfortunately, women in an interesting position are very receptive and take any information to heart. This leads to the fact that, without realizing it, they deprive themselves of the opportunity to spend a wonderful period of pregnancy in harmony with themselves.

Basic tips about knitting and sewing for pregnant women

Just imagine that even before the beginning of the last century, women were left to their own devices during pregnancy and childbirth, without any medical supervision or care. Often the birth took place at home, at best, in the presence of grandmothers-midwives, which often led to the death of both mother and child.

This situation caused many fears among women, and they took root so much that they took the form of signs and superstitions that have survived to this day. This is especially true for such types of needlework as sewing and knitting. Here are some of them:

All these “don’ts” cannot in any way change the natural course of pregnancy and in any way affect the birth and the baby. The only thing worth following is advice maintain a comfortable posture while knitting or sewing, so as not to disrupt blood circulation, which is responsible for the vital functions of the fetus.

If you feel that the baby is quiet, this means that he is comfortable, and you can calmly engage in your favorite hobby. If the child often pushes and behaves restlessly in the stomach, then it is better to put off needlework and go for a walk in the park. Just listen to your condition and avoid any discomfort.

Is it possible for pregnant women to sew and knit baby clothes?

There are many superstitions about children's dowries. People of the older generation defend the opinion that in advance Don't buy things for your child who has not yet been born. And when asked whether pregnant women can sew and knit or crochet children’s clothes, they give a categorical negative answer.

It is believed that such needlework during pregnancy will lead to a difficult birth with complications. Any grandmother is ready to prove with the knowledge of an expert that this will at least lead to the child being entwined with the umbilical cord, but is it worth believing these prejudices?

Modern medicine has a different opinion on this matter. Pregnant women are recommended do any handicraft and, even more so, prepare clothes for the baby, because in this way they can relax, calm down and set themselves up for future motherhood. Any positive emotions will definitely benefit the expectant mother and child.

Is it possible for pregnant women to knit on Sunday?

As for Sunday, the sign about whether pregnant women can knit on this day is also unfounded. The only reasonable explanation can only be religious beliefs, which in principle prohibit any activity on this day.

Doctors are unanimous on this matter. A pregnant woman can and should engage in her favorite hobby in order to feel as comfortable as possible during the period of bearing a child. Therefore, if you are in a position and cannot imagine your life without knitting, then feel free to start knitting a new tunic for yourself, or knit an original one for your beloved husband.

And if you have not yet dealt with needlework, then pregnancy can be an excellent opportunity to learn something new, for example, fillet knitting. Crocheting is no less fascinating process, and things turn out original and original. Over the course of nine months, you have the opportunity to update your wardrobe or prepare for the summer and make yourself a knitted swimsuit.

Well, if you have already become a happy mother of a little daughter, then during your second pregnancy you can spend time together, teaching her -knitting for girls-.

Take every opportunity to get creative, no matter what day of the week it happens. And believe me, not a single knot you weave can physically affect on the development of the baby and the course of your pregnancy.

We believe that we have convinced you of the recklessness of the signs, and you will spend these wonderful days with maximum comfort for yourself and your unborn baby. Tell us in the comments how you feel about such statements and what other hobbies helped you stay positive during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is not only a pleasant expectation of a small miracle, but also a lot of previous worries, because at this time a woman’s daily routine and usual way of life completely changes. The expectant mother is worried about a huge number of questions, for example, is it possible for pregnant women to knit, get their hair cut, or go to the cemetery. As it turned out, there is nothing wrong with this, because during such a period women become more vulnerable and sensitive, which is caused solely by concern for the unborn baby. For the most part, superstitions and signs regarding pregnancy were compiled in ancient times. But, despite the abundance of information and the fairly high level of education of modern women, some of them still adhere to the opinion that beliefs must be observed. So, we suggest you figure out what pregnant women can and cannot do.

The truth about knitting and sewing

One of the first superstitions that misleads expectant mothers is: “pregnant women should not knit.” And why? Good question! Let's figure it out.

In ancient times, our ancestors did not have the information that is available to a modern woman today, so in the event of an unsuccessful birth, it was easier for them to declare that sewing and knitting is dangerous than to understand that a pregnant woman could have, for example, an anatomical bone mismatch pelvis and head of the child, or that the position of the baby in the womb was longitudinal. What is actually dangerous about knitting during pregnancy? Let's figure it out further.

Decreased physical activity

The most interesting thing is that there is still some danger in knitting for the expectant mother. If you understand the question of whether pregnant women can knit, first of all, you should think not about the superstition invented by our ancestors, but about the real threat. As it turned out, the point here is not in the knitting itself, but in the consequences of this interesting and exciting process, in other words, a woman, creating a beautiful dress or booties for her future child, stops preparing for childbirth. Moreover, this happens both on the emotional level and on the physical level. Therefore, it is against this background that various complications arise during pregnancy. In other words, the expectant mother simply stops moving, which leads to a cessation of oxygen supply to the baby or stagnation of blood. But no one says that you must stop doing what you love. You just need to warn yourself against such consequences. To do this, you should do a light warm-up every 15-20 minutes, and also change your body position more often.

Damage to vision

“Can pregnant women knit and will their eyesight be damaged?” - this is the second pressing question, the answer to which is quite obvious. Vision, of course, can deteriorate, but only if the basic rules of room lighting are not followed. Previously, women could knit while a candle was burning. The life of a modern girl is much different, and today the market is replete with various lighting devices available to everyone.

Of course, looking at one point while knitting is also quite harmful, so eye warm-ups have not yet been canceled. To do this, try to look out the window or at a distant point more often, and pause during the knitting process by closing your eyes for a few seconds. After such basic exercises, the question “can pregnant women knit and will it damage their vision” will disappear by itself.

What about pre-prepared items for an unborn baby?

There is an opinion that it is impossible to prepare things in advance for an unborn baby. What are the reasons for this opinion? Let's figure it out! Firstly, actively preparing clothes for a child, according to superstition, can lead to the birth of a stillborn baby. It is believed that it is these things that will become some kind of guides to another world. This is perhaps the most terrible statement. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to knit clothes for an unborn child should only be answered by the expectant mother herself, because only she has the right to decide what to do in this situation.

Umbilical cord entanglement

This is perhaps the most basic “reason” as to why pregnant women should not knit. Many argue that tying loops and knots can lead to this terrible consequence. In this case, it is necessary to understand that if knitting really had anything to do with entwining the umbilical cord, then each would end exactly like that. Therefore, it is worth looking at things more realistically and not going, as they say, to extremes.

Influence of others

Another reason why many pregnant women give up their favorite activity is the influence of others. You need to be prepared for this, since there are people who really like to give advice and say that they are the most experienced in this matter. Whether to believe their words or not is up to the expectant mother to decide, but you still need to try to refrain from the suggestions of such “experienced advisers”.

In a word, remember that the question “can pregnant women knit or crochet” will become irrelevant if the expectant mother moves more, does exercises, walks in the fresh air and does not listen to all the advice of others.

What else should you not do during pregnancy?

To the question whether pregnant women can knit, we answered in detail. Now let's look at what other superstitions exist regarding prohibitions for the expectant mother.

Is it possible to talk about pregnancy in the early stages?

Many expectant mothers are sure that this should never be done. So they do everything they can to keep their interesting situation a secret. What is this connected with? The roots of this belief are again closely intertwined with the life of our ancestors. In ancient times, it was believed that this ban protected the pregnant woman and child from evil spirits. And even now, almost every expectant mother is afraid of the evil eye or unnecessary questions, which is why she adheres to this ban.

Is it possible to cut your hair during pregnancy?

It’s possible, why not? What woman would deprive herself of pleasure and not go to the hairdresser for 9 months? There are probably very few of them. It was only in the old days that they believed that hair was a source of vitality, but at the moment there is no reason to believe so. Therefore, cut and dye your hair for health.

Can pregnant women visit cemeteries?

For rather impressionable and sensitive people, it is advisable not to do this. Doctors also advise doing this, because the psyche of a pregnant woman while carrying a child is quite shaky. But circumstances in our lives can turn out differently. It happens that a loved one may die suddenly, and a pregnant relative is simply obliged to see him off on his last journey. No one is ever safe from such a situation!

So, before you seriously think about the question “dos and don’ts for pregnant women,” decide whether you need all this. Ask yourself: is there a need to hang some strange labels on yourself when you can simply enjoy such a wonderful moment in life? It’s better to listen to calm and good music more often, regularly be in the fresh air, visit and then you simply won’t have time to observe any superstitions and prohibitions.

They are simply absurd. But at the same time, the stranger and stupider they are, the more a woman believes in them.

Why shouldn't a pregnant woman sew?

Paradoxically, it is precisely in this country that one is most drawn to do needlework - knitting, embroidering and, of course, sewing. And here the expectant mother is immediately faced with a huge number of superstitions, after which she will not want to get up from the couch, much less pick up a needle and thread.

The craving for knitting and sewing is quite simple to explain. Firstly, this activity calms the nerves quite well and quickly. And a woman in this position has to be nervous often and a lot, because hormonal changes do not allow you to relax literally for a minute. Secondly, this is a chance to update your wardrobe and sew a dowry for your child. Thirdly, this is a way to reveal your talents.

Doctors say: the need for sewing and other needlework in pregnant women is associated with nesting syndrome. During this period, all systems of a woman’s body are tuned to the home and creating a suitable atmosphere for the baby.

However, at the moment when a pregnant woman picks up scissors, a needle and other paraphernalia necessary for sewing, someone will definitely appear who will declare with his authoritative opinion that she cannot sew. And the reason for the ban is that the child will become entangled in the umbilical cord. And this leads to the fact that the child suffocates, and to the fact that he may lag behind in development, because. it will not have enough oxygen and other nutrients.

In this situation, such a statement will have the desired effect even on a non-superstitious lady. After all, it would be okay for the mother herself to risk her health, but she cannot risk the well-being and development of the baby. As a result, the threads are deposited indefinitely.

Another sign associated with sewing during pregnancy says that if the expectant mother sews, patches, etc., the child will have a birthmark in the most visible place.

Doctors, naturally, subject all these speculations to harsh criticism and, at times, even laugh at how suspicious women can be. However, it is quite difficult to convince the ladies, and they continue to believe in the mystical harm from sewing.

Medical point of view

In general, sewing is a wonderful way for young mothers to spend leisure time. However, they should take into account that doctors do not prohibit sewing, but they do put several restrictions on this process. And all of them are associated with prolonged sitting.

In the second half of pregnancy, the load on the spine increases significantly. This is due to the rapidly increasing growth of the fetus and all accompanying body systems. As a result, a woman may feel pain after even a short period of sitting. In addition, at this moment, blood stagnation begins in the pelvic organs. And since venous outflow worsens during pregnancy, there is a high probability of hemorrhoids appearing.

Doctors have compiled a number of recommendations that pregnant women need to follow in any situation in order to avoid blood stagnation and relieve stress on the spine. They must be followed so that the body does not give surprises later.

You must sit correctly and straight. The back and neck should be straight, and the legs should be bent at the knees. If you need to bend over the machine, try to do it with a straight back. Arrange all the necessary things so that they can be easily reached.

Remember that sitting for a long time is also not recommended. Try to get up and walk around the house periodically. The ideal ratio: we sat for 45 minutes, then walked around for 15-30 minutes. If during a break you go outside and get some fresh air, it will be great.

It is possible to sew during pregnancy. But only if you follow all the recommendations and rules developed by doctors.

If you like to sew, embroider or knit, then, of course, you will want to provide handmade products for your future baby. In addition, in an “interesting” situation, many mothers have extra time, so embroidery during pregnancy can become one of their favorite hobbies. But it was not there. As soon as you pick up a thread and a needle, you will hear many reproaches from grandmothers, mothers and friends about the fact that embroidery, sewing and knitting during pregnancy is a bad omen.

History of superstitions

Many expectant mothers are puzzled by the question of whether pregnant women can sew and embroider. Fortunately, traditional medicine in this case gives a clear positive answer. The history of superstitions about why pregnant women should not embroider goes back to the distant past, when knowledge in medicine was negligible, the qualifications of doctors were even less, and everything bad that happened to a child during pregnancy was associated with what the woman did.

Our grandmothers were convinced that knitting, embroidery and sewing “sew up” the child’s path into this world, and also contributes to the baby’s entanglement in life. This statement has no basis, so a pregnant woman can do needlework as much as she likes.

Features of needlework for expectant mothers

So, when you have received a positive answer to the question of cross-stitching, beading, sewing, you can safely take up your favorite activity. Don't forget to get up and walk every 30-40 minutes, since any sewing is sedentary work that can contribute to blood stagnation, so make it a rule to do a little warm-up sometimes. If you work at a sewing machine, monitor your baby’s behavior; he may not like the vibration. At the slightest discomfort, stop working or change position.

Is it true that the baby will be wrapped in an umbilical cord if a pregnant woman knits or sews? With the onset of pregnancy, due to changes in hormonal levels, the most calm and balanced women can become hysterical and capricious. Pregnancy turns iron ladies into naive and tremulous ladies. By the way, some doctors often use this to intimidate gullible mothers, put them in the department or force them to take some expensive and not really necessary test.

But even without this there is enough. For example, do people say that pregnant women should not knit or sew? Is this true or is this just a simple superstition?

They say that if a woman knits or sews during pregnancy, her baby will be wrapped in an umbilical cord. What does this mean? An umbilical cord wound around a baby's neck can cause birth trauma; it can become tightened and cause fetal suffocation. If a child is entwined with an umbilical cord, he may not receive the nutrition and oxygen he needs, which is why certain developmental pathologies arise.

Scary? Certainly. A pregnant woman, trusting, naive and frightened, she still lacked this. But right now she has a desire, and even time, to knit or sew something for her long-awaited baby, and for herself, too (especially since her figure is changing, the need for new clothes arises).

The ban on needlework during pregnancy - superstition or truth?

Doctors say that the baby’s mobility in the womb is due to a lack of oxygen. The less a woman moves, the more active the baby behaves.

Women who walk a lot, do physical activity, sit little in monotonous positions, barely notice the movement of the fetus. He receives enough oxygen from such a mother, and he does not need to spin around to provide himself with access to oxygen. Sometimes such a mother has to use tricks, take uncomfortable positions that her baby doesn’t like, in order to force him to move at least a finger.

Naturally, the more the baby spins, the more chances he has to change his presentation relative to the cervix and also wrap himself in the umbilical cord. That is, if a woman spends a lot of time sitting, she knits or sews, in a not very comfortable position, the child experiences a lack of oxygen and begins to spin. This means that the warning has a completely logical justification.

What if you are pregnant, and you just really want to knit or sew?

What to do? Everything is good in moderation. If it is said that a woman in position should move more, then this recommendation should be taken into account.

If you feel like knitting, and it’s a long task, not one hour or one day, then it would be right to do it for short periods between walks, interspersed with physical education classes and other household chores. If you sit for a long time at the sewing machine in an uncomfortable position, you can harm both your baby and yourself.

We conclude that, in principle, it is not advisable to lead a sedentary lifestyle during pregnancy. But you need to do what makes you happy and brings pleasure, if it does not come at the expense of your health.