Men are creating art on high heels. Creating an image. Man in the role of women

Calm and only calm. Especially if you are too finely organized with respect to the "non-traditional" fashionable and not only values! I want to tell you about a new trend, to know about which every self-respecting female person is obliged. To follow her or not - another question, but the one who is warned, he is armed.

Remember, the other day I talked about? This is just one of the faces of the global process, which moves in a modern fashion with the speed of a snowy avalanche.

The erasure of gender borders is manifested as in the popularity of the "Boyfriend style" when girls wear jeans, sweatshoes, shirts or men's shoes. So in the exact opposite fashionable phenomenon, which is not very common in Russia: when young people borrow things from the women's wardrobe - leggings, skirts, dresses and even heel shoes.

By the way, can this Trend be called new? Very relative, because fashion has a tendency to repeat. Let me remind you who forgot or did not know - historically developed so that skirts and shoes on heels were exclusively male attributes. It is enough to see, for example, on the French suits of the Renaissance or the National Scottish Costume, the obligatory element of which is Kilt:

Well, what are modern men worse? Apparently, for a couple of centuries, they (with the exception of Scots, who continue to wear kilt) pretty missed things that became female. And nothing to do with transvestism does not have a phenomenon. Because women's things are wearing today not only transvestites and other non-traditionally configured citizens, but also quite "correctly" oriented men who are simply progressive Feshionist.

But justice for the sake of notice that the pioneers of this fashion movement were, of course, "unconventional" fashionists. A few years ago, their first attempts to climb into women looked like an incredibly audacious shock. But people rotating in trendy or bohemian circles says goodbye to many. They were simply perceived as aliens.

One of the most vivid traffic representatives - american Fashion-Worker Alexander JenkinsAll known as Miss Jay, Mentor and Judge Realistic Show "Top Model in American". Such a figure and gait, like Jay, not every model boasts, so in female images this person is incredibly harmonious.

Moreover, all his women's clothing is not at all scenic costumes or just tribute to the selected image of a fashionable Frca. Alexander really dresses so not only within the framework of the show, but also in everyday life:

American designer Mark Jacobs Also loves to wear female things. His wardrobe has a lot of design items from women's collections. Not only is he wearing Scottish kilts - he can not resist and in front of the ladies' skirts-pencils, dresses and tunics:

And even in our not the most tolerantly tuned towards such people, the country has their lovers to dress in the "style of Gerlfrend". Meet the unusually colorful character of fashionable Moscow - the stylist Maxim is understood.

This 20-year-old fashionable hooligan masterfully mixes things from the ladies and male wardrobe, and in dresses it looks no worse than some worsted experience of secular liones. Yes, and the ability to wear extravagant accessories such as Kokoshnikov and the breathtaking hats, it can only learn. It is no coincidentally among his clients - many stars show business.

But I promised to prove that women's clothing love not only shocking fahionist, but also the most ordinary "earthly" men, quite "traditional". The best example is fashion Blogger Michael Spukshow.

Here is Michael with his wife and daughter - so that you do not doubt what conservative family values \u200b\u200bhe sticks to:

As you can see, he is in the skirt. And in general, all his wardrobe consists exclusively from the ladies' things - simply because they seem more attractive and comfortable to him. This man is even wearing lingerie - also, as he says, exclusively for considerations of comfort. As a person's rather impressive dimensions, he has even something like a female breast, so this man is not hesitating to admire that there is a bra - so that open dresses and sundresses sat better. In his blog Spukshow wants to show that gender stereotypes do not exist, the main thing is to have a courage to be ourselves and not be afraid to create your own style, even so different from the generally accepted:

Well, how do you like this cutie? I know-know, some readers reproach me for my gentle love for stylish friks. And they say that in ordinary life, fashionable techniques of small attacks are served by them. With the last argument, I agree - after all, in the women's dress, the office clerk is unlikely to be able to come to work. But the feminized in the new season Men's fashion offers a lot of alternatives to dresses and skirts. Look at these not brutal images of fashionable men in the interpretation of the designer Alessandro Michele on the Gucci defile. Models are dressed in gentle silk blouses with bows and jabs, colorful suits, and even lace turtlenecks:

We want this or not, male fashion feminizes, becomes softer, feminine and sexy. Do you like it? Are you ready to share a wardrobe with your man?


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Comments: 29.


    Marina, I like that you write on such themes "on the verge." Very interesting, thanks! Although unfortunately will surely be a lot of negativity - get ready.

    20.05.2015 / 08:39

    It's just a bomb, the fireworks of emotions from horror before the dignity. Of all this selection, Miss Jay is more pleasant, but only because I have already managed to watch him at the TMPA show. The rest simply ... I would not want to meet them alive and the more I will never share my skirt with my skirt, I want more brutality, where she

    20.05.2015 / 11:06


    Michael Spukshow has cute bows that are quite suitable for full girls, although, it seems to me, about the convenience of women's clothing, he is cuddling, otherwise why such a number of girls and women prefer jeans with sneakers

    20.05.2015 / 11:59


    I really like to wear something from the so-called female. For example, panties with laces, tights and leggings, tunics and skirts. There are always a goal in the tunic and leggings. Many already wrote about it, but I repeat here - most of the items of clothing with women are taken away from men.

    08.01.2016 / 11:41


    The psyche and sexuality of the man are very unstable. Pantyhose, panties, then nightie, is it more convenient. When you were depile, cream, a little bit of cosmetics, manicure, pedicure (he wears tights, it is necessary to contain heels in order). Let's try to wear a dress on him, skirt, let him wear at home. And so once - and lost a man. And then mow, how does he want to be a woman? So you yourself brought before, showed him how interesting female life. It happened to me. Spouse replayed. Started with female panties, then tights, stockings. Naturally full of depile (hairy feet in pantyhose is just awful), pedicure, manicure (first without varnish). Then nightingles, houses in a bathrobe, home slippers on a heel. For my wardrobe supplemented with bras, then dresses, skirts, etc. Sometimes they began to walk like two girls, it was strongly excited. In sex, I almost ceased to be a man and performed only a female role. I began to increase the chest, the pop (this was later I learned that she mixed me hormones). And in the end, a year ago, she found himself a real macho and left me saying that she was not interested with a woman. Now I am like a thrown toy. With female breasts of the second size, a feminine figure, non-working member (from hormones received complete impotence). Pretty outcome!

    23.10.2016 / 19:57


    I am a man 55l transvestite for a long time I wear all the women's female and this is my never ordinance anything male I only have to be a woman and wear everything only female and let them say that I want to make it easy for me to comfortably in sex love everything I am looking for women ses Couples of any age up to75 years Any sex arientation (I am a sosa lick fuck and give you to fucking a male and female role, but in any case I should be only in all female) and a lot more What this is all along the way I live Voronezh Tel (89518673680) I am still looking forward to Olga

    22.02.2017 / 14:00


    Of course, the topic of wearing women's clothing men is very extensive. Each has its own reasons. But most of her is a sexy fetche. And probably the most such widespread fetouch is women's tights. Making women's feet as attractive and sexy. Yes, and I myself am in this category. I will add only that wear and wear female headproof tights, it really excites!

    08.03.2017 / 23:18


    And I've been craving for women's clothing since childhood. I love women, family, children, business. And we wear women's clothing when one. It helps relieve stress. In general, this is a strange feeling, the feeling of the female soul ... It helps me to build relationships with women, as in the famous film "What women want". Interestingly, in the middle of the last century, women won the right to wear pants. In this century, men conquer the right to skirts

    "- What do you want, sir?
    - Are you crazy?! What am I sir? "

    Quote from the movie "Hello, I'm your aunt!"

    Men - Actors often play women in the theater and cinema - for them this is an interesting creative task. If you know, this year at Oscar nominates the British actor Eddie Radmain for the fulfillment of the role of the artist who has made the floor change surgery (Movie T. Huper "Girl from Denmark"). I also want to remember several other famous films - comedy.whose heroes were forced to change clothes into a women's dress and play the role of the lady. I looked at the Internet - this topic was raised more than once, but no one writes about the process of creating an image, but I want to stop on this.
    It would probably be more correct to start not with a movie, but from the play of the English playwright Brandon Thomas "T -tenka Charlie" (we still translate it as "Aunt Charleya", English. Charley "s aunt) written back in 1892. The play was extremely popular not only in England, but also abroad, we, in Russia, the comedy was first delivered by the KORSH Theater in 1894. With the arrival of cinema, the play was not yet shielded, starting in 1915. Our popular version - Telefilm "Hello, I am your aunt!". But about Donna Rose (in the play - Donna Lucia) Let's talk later.

    Frame from the film "Maniacs" 1936

    The most famous comic of all times and peoples Charlie Chaplin Three times changed in their films in a woman ("Business Day" 1914, "Masquerade Mask" 1914 and "Woman" 1915). As critics they write, such a reincarnation gave a talented actor the opportunity to widely uncover their abilities of the Mim as widely as possible.

    Frame from the film "Masquerade Mask" (Charlie Chaplin in the Center) and Chaplin in Life.

    Watch the movie - Chaplin is very convincing in the role of a young young lady, if you do not know what the man plays, it is not to guess (and, by the way, we melt a corset under the dress, a trifle, but nice)

    But from these three films, "Female"- Perhaps the most famous. Including, and the scandal that broke out around him.

    This sweet, harmless picture was banned by Cancer in England and Sweden. Critics thrown on her with the words: "I went!", "Roughly!", "Insolenly!", "Actor in sick?!", "Male in a dress?!" Well, etc. England woke up earlier, in Sweden was allowed to show the film only in 1931, 16 years later.

    Julian Eltinge in a female image and in life.

    There is a version that Chaplin on this cinematic "shift of the floor" was advocated the then actor's popularity Julian Eltja (JULIAN ELTINGE). In fact, the actors are men who play on the stage of women are known for a long time (remember at least the times of Shakespeare). Here and Julian Eltinge it became famous for the execution of female roles on stage and in the cinema. Moreover, he did not hide the fact that he is a man, and at the end of the presentation removed the wig. They say it made a strong impression on the public, since he looked more than convincingly. And in life, he strongly emphasized his masculinity: he appeared in the public only in a male dress, in every way rejected rumors in his unconventional sexuality (which does not prevent historians to this day to suspect it), even was noticed in fights with scene workers who were released jokes On this account.
    Here is such a paradox: Julian, playing women - OK, and Chaplin - Vulgar ...

    Another photo of Eltaja.

    It is curious that the favorite Caplin's consolidated brother Sydney In 1925, he also changed into a ladies' dress to play the very aunt Charlie, which I wrote about above.

    Charlie in the makeup and Sydney makeup in the role of Donna Lucia. On the right in the photo Sidney Chaplin in life.

    This film is considered one of the most successful plays.

    Frame from the movie "Tsuka Charlie" (1925)

    Maybe it's not a god of news which event in the world of cinema, but I can not write about it: another famous American actor (and my pet) tried on a female case in the film "Love madness." It was a beauties William Powell. It's funny that women most often from even very attractive men are obtained by a miniature (Chaplin and Radmain - exceptions) and always visually older than their physical years. At least, with Powell, it turned out that way.

    William Powell in the film "Love Madness" and in life.

    Powell, who all his adult life wore a mustache, even had to sacrifice them for the sake of this role.

    Powell in the dressing room.

    Compared with Tony Kurtisa and Jack Lemmon., playing musicians in the film "In jazz only girls"Powell did not really suffer. That who had to move all the acting reincarnation in wonderful ladies! There was not a mustache, but all the vegetation from the body falling into the field of view of the camera. And Tony with Jack was forced to wear real heels.

    Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon in the film "In Jazz only girls" and in their natural bleas for the promotional photo of the film.

    First, the actors wanted to dress up in genuine female dresses actresses Debbie Reynolds and Loretta Young. As Curtis said, "their waist was equal to the volume of my biceps. I went to Billy Wilder and said: "Billy, maybe Orri-Kelly will make us our dresses?" What he answered: "Okay, let them do." I knew that it was a rare case, because Orri Kelly does not make men's suits, so it was very nice ...

    Actor Tony Curtis and artist in the costumes of Orri Kelly on the fitting.

    ... The dresses were beautifully flowing down from the waist, but under them were very tough, dense tissue, and the upper part sewed from soft materials ... "

    Actor Tony Curtis and Dresser (now the photo shows a costume! I hope you have already understood the difference in these two professions "costume", i.e. follow the costume, and "costume artist", i.e. invented suit)

    And again Actor Tony Curtis and artist in the costumes of Orri Kelly on the fitting.

    Curtis continues to remember: "... We put on a belt with garters, bras, shoes, beautiful closet hats and those, high collars that Olivia de Haviland wore in her early films."

    Sketch of the costumes of the "ladies" to the film "In Jazz only girls" from Orri Kelly.

    Frames in makeup and suit.

    "The makeup went about 30 minutes.

    Emile Lavigne Artist (Emile Lavigne) gave the beauty of Tony Kertisu ...

    AND Jack Lemmon.

    After that we put on costumes and wigs.

    Tony Curtis and Hairstyle Stylist.

    An hour later, 15 minutes we were ready. "

    Jack Lemmon in the image.

    Helped actors enter women's images american actor Barbette (Barbette), Former cortex and air acrobat. He dreamed of working in a circus since childhood, so when one of the duet sisters Alfaretta Sisters. He offered him to replace the deceased sister, happily agreed. But a condition was set: you need to perform in a female dress, they say, the viewer is more pleasant to admire the flutter than the young man. Later, Barbet began to work solo, but also in a female dress, however, at the end of the show he, like Eltinge, broke off his wig.

    Barbet in the scenic image and in life.

    Barbet performed in Moulin Rouge and Foli-Berger, they admired all Paris, he was friends with Dyagilev, Josephine Baker and Anton Valley. Jean Cocteau immensely admired the barbet and even removed him in his film "Poet's Blood". Kokto "Susal" Barbet famous photographerman Man Ray, who made a whole series of interesting photographs.

    Barbet in the photo mans.

    But the age of the rope-gobes and air acrobats of the brief, the barbet began to overcome the disease and he returned to America, where he led the circus, put interesting programs, performed a consultant for circus issues in cinema and the theater. And it was he who was invited to teach the correctly moving Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmona when they depict the ladies. Why did you test over the acting plastic, and not a woman? Everything is simple, the director did not want Tony and Jack seriously played women, he wanted them to depict men.who pretend that they are women.

    Nevertheless, for the sake of experiment, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon went through the studio in the female bleas. After they were kicked out of the male toilet, they decided that they were able to see them - immediately remember the scene from our film "Gentlemen of Good luck".

    Tony Curtis with her daughter Kelly on the filming of the film "In Jazz only girls." 1959

    It is said that when Orri Kelly removed the measurements from all three stars, he said Marylin Monroe: "Tony Curtis's ass will be better than yours," that Monroe opened the blouse and said: "But he has no such breasts! " (About "female tricks." Naked dresses "in the film" In Jazz only girls "I wrote)

    And, of course, I can not remember another popular film - "Tutsi", Which brought a lot of suffering to the artist leading role.

    Even more than 30 years after entering the screen of this wonderful comedy (which the actor, because of the torment dropped on his share, does not consider a comedy) Dustin Hoffman, speaking on one of the tele show, let the tear, remembering how he was upset when I realized how ugly from it gets a lady. "Now I know how important for a woman to be confident in its attractiveness. I came home with samples and sharpened. "But it suggested to him how to play." When I saw myself on the screen, I understood as much as I did an interesting woman - if I met myself, I would never speak with him. "

    Dustin Hoffman in the role of Dorothy Michael. Costumes sewed to hide kadyk.

    The artist in the costumes of the film "Tutsi" Ruth Morley.

    "I thought, if I'm going to be a woman, then there should be a beauty." The insight came when the artist on makeup told him that he could not make an actor attractive than he was.

    With the director Sydney Pollak.

    A blond wig was considered vulgar, had to wear chestnut. The skin pulled up with adhesive tape. "We shaved legs, hands, back and fingers," recalled Dustin. But the bristles appeared in three - four hours and accounted for the entire procedure to begin first. As a result, the actor suffered not in vain, he received a nomination for Oscar for this role "Oscar", and this comedy still loved by the people.

    On the set of the film "Tutsi".

    Well, finish, I finish my story movie "Hello I'm your aunt!".

    I will repeat that it was removed based on the play of Brandon Thomas "Tetushka Charlie" (or "aunt Charleya"). The film had a very modest budget, so it was filmed in the tele-format, in the small pavilion "Ostankino". The apparent feeling of space was created at the expense of the operator mastery of the director Georgy Reberg. Director Victor Titov decided to shoot a film in the style of a silent movie, which, first of all, allowed the actors to brilliantly improvise, and second, allowed convention in costumes and grima.

    "... The most important in the work was the memory of Charlie Chaplin's experience, somehow removed the short film" Woman ". I also wanted to experience: what is it? What do you feel and experience these creatures in skirts, stockings and other parts of the toilet? A female costume I was survived by diligently, practically without removing even in a lunch break. The fact is that these interruptions were short, and in the buffet - queues. If you completely change clothes: remove stockings, cape, skirt, etc., you can stay hungry. That I never allowed himself! Therefore, I removed ... Only a wig. They looked at the aunt with a bald head, gently say, surprised.

    Playing roles in different films comedies, I firmly made sure that it was not fun to shoot a comedy, as it seems from the side. For the whole movie "Hello, I'm your aunt!" We laughed truly only on the set of the battle scene with cakes.

    The painting budget was small. Suits - only in one instance. Wash and wait until they dry, there was no time. We were warned that only one double will be on the scene. Removed from two cameras. And here you throw a cake in Gigarharian, I see his face in the cream ... and I can not resist, crying from laughter. I understand that it is impossible, but no opportunity to resist ...
    I must say, then no one expected that this success would fall into the share of this picture that she, with a high calm, expressing, will be inscribed in the fate of our country. But now the third generation has already grown, which knows me for "Hello, I am your aunt!".

    Film costume artist "Hello, I'm your aunt!" Natalia Katava on the shooting of the film.

    The artist Natalia Kataeva was engaged in the film costumes, and I must say, they turned out wonderful!

    Styling under the Epoch of Early Silent Cinema - 1915.

    Very elegant dress millionaires Dona Roses and her pupil costume. The remaining costumes brightly reflect the character of the characters.

    The very same Kalagin dress, as Natalia Katava recalled, deliberately ridiculous. "Donna Rose I dressed, retreating from the fashion of those years. Her dress is volumetric, outfit sewers from silk, and decorated with ... fringe from the curtain.

    If you believe the "Ostankino" site (where I got this photo), then suits from the movie "Hello, I'm your aunt!" Rent a hire everyone (((

    Gloves I sewed myself and Boa too: I bought feathers, painted them in color and collected in a scarf. " "For a long time we thought about the female dress for Alexander Kalyagin," the actress Galina Orlova complements this story in another interview with Betty, the beloved Jackkey is Hona, "and eventually stitched him from the curtains. It was a feeling that his hero, ran into the house, built an outfit from the corders to an ambulance hand. " As you can see, not only Scarlett about "Hare came such a thing!)

    Here you go. Of course, you can remember the lot of movies in which the actors played women, but agree, those movies that I wrote above have already passed the test of time, visual love, and became the classics of the filmcomy! Although, I do not deny, my list is a bit subjective ;-)

    Despite the domination of Orthodox conservatism in Russia, the Trend on the Unisex, declared by world brands, penetrates everywhere. There are progressive publications about him, and the gloss demonstrates a beautiful makeup and a female wardrobe on male models. But are Muscovites ready to see men in dresses? The Village decided to check it out and gave the task of his social networking to Anton Pavlovsky for a week to wear only dresses.

    My new dress is your new God

    Still a century ago it was difficult to imagine that the girl in pants would become the usual phenomenon. Perhaps now history will repeat - only about men and dresses. Having agreed to the experiment, I presented myself, Gabriel Chanel, which owns the mission to change the massive taste. I had a week, during which I promised to wear dresses everywhere: to work, yoga, parties, in general, where I usually spend my clear days.

    To wear a female thing was not a big challenge for me - periodically I do it at parties. But, of course, the context is important. If I causing only approval or indifference on the "Russian attraction" or indifference, then in everyday life to excessive public attention, I am not ready and usually defended from him baggy pants and Hoodies. By the way, one gender-marked element of the wardrobe, I already regularly wear - these are women's tights. But just because I am Russian, and in Russia in winter it is cold. I do not like to freeze, but I don't like thermal underwear, because it is going to the folds under the clothes.

    Collect the rest of the wardrobe did not work. A pair of women's things remained from my friend, a few more colleagues were thrown into me: surprisingly their XS perfectly at me. Therefore, every day I changed the wardrobe, walking, then in a paraded green dress, then in a muster mini, then in almost children's jeans sundress.

    In the fitting dresses, I obviously felt the shortage of boobs and the surplus of pisks.

    The trunk sometimes externally drawn

    Selfaronia and shortage of boobs

    On the way to work, I mentally modeled the situation at which I, for example, climb and fall, after which I get to doctors. What will they say at the sight of my velvet bolero? I remembered the scene from the breakfast on Plutoon, where the transvestite found in the newspaper his photo as the victim of the explosion in the club. And even here his dick sticking out from under the torn female clothing, journalists were blunt to not embarrass readers.

    In short, the dress is better not to wear a dress without a self-irony. However, dresses require not only short-life spiritual durability, but also physical: how to walk in clothes in the streets in Moscow ice - in general it is not clear. Yes, and go to them in principle is inconvenient, I do not know how girls cope with it. You can move only with small steps, you need to constantly pull the belly, which after thirty takes if there is from anywhere (I don't drink beer). In the fitting dresses, I obviously felt the shortage of boobs and the surplus of pisks. The trunk was sometimes eradiciously drawn. Very afraid that an erection could happen, and it would be completely uncomfortable.

    We must admit, in the office, my appearance all was rather entertained than stated. Some whispered in my ear compliments, others laughed, but kindly. Opening these days instagram, I regularly saw my photos in the posts of colleagues and friends.

    In the kitchen in the office, I hinted at the shifters of the figures and recommended not to lean on the cookies. Svetlana's cook at the sight of me was exclaimed in simple: "And something?" Someone was interested in why I did not wear it before. Indeed, with the same success, I can squeeze latex or a fracture. It's so elegant and comfortable!

    On the last day of the working week, I came in a gray mini-dress, from the indecent length of which I myself mentally Slayshmil. But the girls colleagues comforted me without hiding envy that it was even better for me than on them.

    Urinal, old women and cheburen

    My starry hour has come in a historic museum, where I went on the weekend. Pensioners who were sitting at the entrance to one of the halls, did not burn with the desire to take a picture. When I sat down next, they turned away and began to keep a secular conversation hardly, as if I had obstacles and a bug in the code of the Universe, and not a random guy in a dress.

    But the group of schoolgirls I seemed an interesting exhibit, although without Labuthen. They skim up with me on dozens of cameras of their mobile phones, showing the same gestures as me. Two foreigners also wanted Selfie with me. With my appearance, it seems to be focused on the exposure, it seems to be no one.

    Grandmothers turned away and began to keep a secular conversation strongly, as if I was obscured and the bug in the code of the Universe, and not a random guy in the dress

    I still stumbled hard criticism, so I did not go to the church and the clinic's dress. But I went to the favorite "Cheburchny number 1" on the cover. Usually adult working class subunits are sitting there. Somehow, they almost before the fight clung to my colleague of Dasha, who had the courage to make a conversation on them on the topic of gay rights. And I was lucky - they threw their tired views on me and continued to silently fill the cheeks with fatty Chebureki, as if they had banner blindness, and I was a banner. I answered them symmetrically.

    From visitors to the male toilet in McDonalds, I expected more attention, but they disappointed me: there was no oblique look at the guy in the dress at the urinal, nor attempts by a light chassis or manifestations of homophobia. Everyone had to do - men calmly soaphed hands even at that moment when I undressed to change the dress.

    Question to a psychologist:

    Good day! I would like to tell about the relationship with my husband.

    Approximately a year ago, I learned that my husband met with the guys on the apartment, when I was on vacation and there they drank, dressed as women and just talked. When I learned it was a very strong scandal, I wanted to divorce, I can't perceive as normal for a man so dressed.

    After that, we even went to a sexologist, we said that if it was not to go beyond the borders of the house, then there is nothing terrible in this, every family itself in the right to choose how to dress in sex and what to do, but at that time he dressed in bed And no more, although I didn't like it, but I took it right.

    But here it was replaced and he suggested going to the club with him thematic, where everything is so dressed and just see what and how, and then do some conclusions. I could not agree for a long time, but then I thought that he suddenly goes there and would understand that he was different. But alas, after that it seemed to be replaced. He began on his weekend at home alone to paint, dress, photographed and lay out on the VK page.

    I bought myself quite often, it does not matter there is money or not, skirts, panties, dresses, stockings, shoes and a lot more. When I was a weekend asked me to help pick up something, according to it, I agreed with my teeth. Then he began to constantly sit in and communicate with such as he until late at night, began to go to clubs in such a form - alone, even when I was against and my child and I were at home. For him, it was not a hindrance.

    As this year lived, there was a lot of quarrels. But here 1.5 months ago, I went on vacation. He was in a study vacation, called me or wrote a message, I won't remember, they say me to the club called, you are not against if I go, I said that against and what we do That was an agreement - not to walk separately. He said - well, I understood. As a result, I called him in the evening, he did not take the phone, called in the morning - he did not take the phone again, then - the subscriber.

    Then closer to the dinner called me and said I say at the institute and the phone was discharged, but I realized that, I realized that something was wrong. Then I was told that he was in the club, I told him, he admitted.

    Ultimately it turned out that 2 of these friends came to our apartment and then they went to the club. Were there naturally until the morning.

    I have now told him that I don't like it all and that a normal man does not walk in Moscow in this form, and it is just like that his photo is lying that they look at him, they can even touch him and it is nice He spoke himself. He said that it was so removing stress, he was so easier and so on. It can not remove it, because Will suffer without it, and I can't watch it all.

    Instead of going to me somewhere, he sits in the VC and hangs either news where. He got angry and began to collect documents for divorce, together we are 15 years old of them in marriage, son 4 years.

    What I do I do not know, we swear all day, tears flow constantly.

    Here he came from work, we had to have a serious conversation at the expense of the whole topic. So he went to the shower and changed clothes in the girl and lies with me, but it's not pleasant to me and disgust.

    Why this happens, before he did not do it, it is not only I know, but he said. Although when they swear, he begins to say that I am guilty in this that it has given little time and so on.

    I wanted to divorce, but at the same time I love him very much.

    Help, tell me why it happens and how can I be ?????

    The question is answered by the psychologist Tentenov Yulia Gennadevna.

    Hello, Eugene!

    You ask "Why is it going on?" (I understand that this is "why" belongs to the fact that your husband "disgusts into the girl") and how can you be with it? There is no definite answer to the first question. Yes, and there is no need to understand this. If it is important for your husband, he will turn to a specialist with a question and will look for answers.

    But it is obvious that he is completely in vain in an income of anger accuse you in what is happening, putting you in guilt what you have given little time to him, etc. Many couples have no harmony in relationships, but from this men do not appear in the need for dressing. You must understand this and do not blame yourself in what is happening.

    Now let's try to deal with your second question: "How can you be?".

    In his letter, you have repeated more than once that you cannot accept what is happening that you do not like it all unpleasant and, even, disgusting, but at the same time you write that you love your husband.

    You need to deal with your feelings. If you love your husband, are you ready to accept it as it is? Are you ready to put up with his "second" life, frequent absence, have friends from "that" life from him? Or is it all going into incision with your presentation of men, what kind of family life should be? Answer yourself honestly on these questions. Be careful to your feelings, making a decision.

    Evgeny, you write that lately you have a scandal in the family that your husband is changing into women's clothing, but you have not written anything about what your relationships are before the emergence of this situation. Husband reproaches you in insufficient attention to him, if it really had a place, did you talk to my husband on the topic, is it possible to change his behavior if your relationship improves if you give him more time? What does he think about his need to change clothes? What does he want in family life at all? What does he see your further relationship? What role does you get?

    Talk to my husband, ask him all these questions. And, based on his answers, draw conclusions. Can you live like he suggests you? Will you feel satisfied?

    But, Eugene, you must understand that your family life depends not only from you. Your husband now also overestimates his life, draws conclusions and accepts decisions for himself. In any case, you need to be prepared for the fact that the desire to live with a new life will exceed, and he will decide on the divorce.

    If you, together, decide to continue to live together and further (or, at least, so far to live), you should not exacerbate the situation with quarrels and scandals. Try to keep a constructive conversation, in the course of which you both could calmly and honestly talk about your feelings, resentment, needs, desires. And life will put everything in its place!

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    Today, gender roles are very blurred. More and more men remain "on the farm" or go on leave to care for a child, and women with great pleasure build a career and earn more of their spouses. Photographer Jon Uriarte decided to explore this factor, and at the same time creating a collection where men would be depicted against the background of the home environment in their girlfriends. The idea was so successful that in a few weeks the photographer began to call young people with a proposal to take part in a unique photo experiment.

    The collection itself is regarded bico. On the one hand, a man in women's clothing look ridiculous, which once again emphasizes the unnaturalness of the modern distribution of roles in some families. On the other hand, a huge number of pictures makes thinking over the cardinal restructuring in society. After all, if so many young people are ready to refuse career for the sake of housekeeping, it means that the world really became different.

    Someone in response to such a tendency assures that the government should conduct special work on the restructuring of the psyche of men so that those returned to the old roles. And others assure that you need to get used to a similar phenomenon and perceive men-housewives as proper, and not as a misunderstanding. The only one who perceives the blur of gender roles in society to "Hurray" is. After all, with such a scenario, they see their fathers much more often than children of previous generations.