"Men don't like big breasts anymore." A candid interview with a stripper. How to do a lap dance for your man

Where the club manager has kindly agreed to talk about the intricacies of this type of business. I am not a frequent visitor to such establishments, so I tried to ask literally everything, this is my further story.

Not everyone can become a stripper. It is clear that the main factor in hiring is external data. These girls are usually tall and undeniably attractive. But the main thing is weight and size. In the club I studied, girls work with clothing sizes no more than 44. I, with my 54-56, nervously smoke on the sidelines. That is, not a gram of excess weight. Therefore, girls are constantly on diets, which is very exhausting. As pretty as Demi Moore was in Striptease, she would most likely be considered too fat to strip.

With this build, breast size is usually 2-3. But there is a 4th and even 5th. But this is either a nugget or a banal breast augmentation, which, oddly enough, is not very common among strippers.

The age of the strep is short-lived. As a rule, girls from 18 to 30 years old are taken here. Most of them are not even 25. And the average experience of a stripper is only a few months, maximum of a year 2. Why is that? Very often, girls find their soul mate here and simply leave this profession. There are few married people. It is unlikely that anyone will tolerate a spouse sitting every evening on the lap of other men.

If there is a club that is not themed, then the girls in it are usually Slavs - Russians and Ukrainians (with a work permit, of course). There are no problems with employment also for the citizens of Belarus and Kazakhstan. Oriental girls are very rare - they are not for everybody.

In American films, we mostly imagine a typical street club, where men are sitting in a bar, in the middle there is a stage with a pole and girls can only be seen on it. In reality, while one (two) girls are on stage, the rest of the girls are in the hall with clients, creating an atmosphere of relaxation. Usually this is a light flirtation, you are unlikely to be able to discuss Kant's philosophy, especially since loud music is not very conducive to conversations.

Strippers make pretty good money. In Moscow, this is an average of 70 - 100 thousand for a part-time work week. The employer often pays for the cosmetologist, provides housing, etc. And to this you can also add bonuses from customers - drinks, monetary "gratitude" and so on. In general, there is a big catch with monetary gratitude. There is such a thing as "consumation". This is when the girl persistently encourages the client to spend money in the bar - on herself and on the girl herself. From this she has a certain percentage. In this case, this is no longer a rest, but some kind of sucking of money, which is not very pleasant. Try to choose clubs where this practice is prohibited. Burlesque is one of those.

In addition to the bar, the girl can suck the client's money and as a "gratitude" for communication, company, etc. Again, there are clubs where girls are not paid salaries, they only earn directly from clients. This is a very pernicious practice, since every visitor immediately becomes a de facto target of persecution. The obsession of girls in this case is annoying.

Contrary to popular belief, girls can and should be touched. Ironing, caressing is normal. Understandably, within the bounds of decency and certain rules, but “hands off" there is no. In a private room and in a private dance, more is available, but, most importantly, do not bring the matter to direct sexual intercourse. The rules of the indicated club in this regard are displayed in the form of these tablets. I, I confess, in a private dance lay like a log ... which even somewhat embarrassed the girl)))

A particularly piquant question is sex with girls. It is clear that this is prohibited in decent establishments. But most clubs do not hesitate to do so. The stripper who liked the client usually agrees and for a certain fee receives a leave of absence in the club, that is, she temporarily stops working there. This pleasure is not cheap. If, say, an hour with an ordinary prostitute in Moscow costs from 2,000 to 5,000, 8,000 to 10,000 per night, then here you pay the club in the region of 30,000 rubles and take the girl. If you want to get along with her, if you want to take her to the cinema, if you want to take her to bed. It is clear that most of the money is taken by the club, and maybe even everything. Even on Red Light Street in Amsterdam, it's much cheaper. But, again, this is not possible everywhere.

Strip clubs, of course, are different and are designed for different audiences. Above, basically, a classic strip club was described, but there are clubs for narrower audiences, lovers of certain girls - age, west, uniforms, etc. There is a club for older clients, there is one for students. Every niche is occupied and there is a lot of competition in this area. There are many strip clubs in Moscow.

It is clear that there is no point in going to a strip club with an empty wallet. Even if you paid for the entrance (it is usually inexpensive, a little more expensive than a regular club), then sitting all night (or standing, if there are a lot of people) and just gawking at the stage is a rather mediocre pleasure. Better to have money for a few glasses of booze, 1-2 private dances, well, and a few notes of "thanks" to the girls you especially liked. This is, so to speak, a standard set. Drinks cost as in any club - from 300 to 500 rubles per glass (glass) on average, a private dance is about 1000 rubles (5 minutes). The main thing in the morning is not to be left without the salary you just received. Leaving money at a strip club is as easy as leaving a casino. In this case, I advise you to take with you a strictly defined amount of money, with which you are potentially ready to part. Naturally, there are ATMs in the clubs, but you can use them as long as you are adequate, it will be difficult for someone who is already pretty drunk to withdraw money.

There are times when there is not enough money to pay. In this case, no one will beat you and will not force you to wash the dishes, even here, alas, you will not have to wash the girls' dressing gowns. If the client is a regular, it is easier with him - you can leave a receipt, a photocopy of your passport. If the client is new and it is not known what to expect from him, then in addition to this, they may be asked to leave something valuable as a pledge - a phone, a watch, jewelry, etc. In extreme cases, you will have to wait until someone gives you money or go home with an employee. 21st century in the yard - everything is civilized.

Rate your confidence and comfort level. The first thing you need to consider is how comfortable you will be working mostly naked in front of a large crowd or surrounded by noisy, drunk people. If the thought makes you cringe, you better consider another career.

Exercise. Strippers help people visualize their fantasies, and most people dream of someone in good shape and shape. Work to improve your natural physique - If you are naturally thin and athletic, do low-intensity exercises, but repeat them often to improve your physique without becoming bulky. If you are chunky, focus on building muscle. Remember to eat properly; Cut back on fat, sugar, and salt, but make sure you're getting enough healthy calories to build muscle. A good body shape will help you feel confident while stripping.

Pick up a suit. Ripped clothes are a popular option for male strippers. A tailor or seamstress can help you add fasteners to your clothes. Make or buy luxurious and seductive lingerie.

Pick your own music. Think of the numbers at different rates - fast, medium, and slow. Most strippers like songs with strong bass or drum lines. Burn a CD with 3 or 4 songs for your performance and make several copies of the disc. If you are working for a private event, you will leave your disc on when you leave.

Practice your dance skills. Practice your performance 3 times a day. Focus on making your movements appear slow and relaxed, and that your facial expressions make the right impression on the audience. Some male strippers also pole dance; you can develop your skills by installing a pole at home.

Choose your stage name. Your stage name should reflect your personality as a stripper and tell people what to expect of you. Choose something seductive and exhilarating.

Take a close-up photo. Take your black and white photo and start emailing it or submitting it to agencies. Be aware that some agencies will try to charge you a fee for posting photos and call this a fee.

Sign up with a reputable agency - Choosing the right male strip agency to represent you is vital in your quest for success. There are many good reputable agencies out there, but there are also very bad ones out there who want to whip up some money instead of caring about their artists or clients. When joining an agency, make sure they are registered as a CJSC or LLC company and have full liability insurance. Civil liability insurance can only be obtained by a registered CJSC or LLC company. There are many agencies that are run by one person from the comfort of your bedroom, so to be safe, ask the agency you are thinking of enrolling with for their identification code, their TIN, and a copy of their liability insurance. This way, you will be 100% safe and know that you have signed up with a reputable agency.

How to perform a lap dance for your man? It's sexy, it's fun, it's harmless, it's liberating, and your partner will love it!

Attention: this article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.


    Establish some ground rules.

    • During the entire dance, never let your partner touch you. You can touch him, lick him, rub and caress him whatever you want without letting him cool down. Slow seduction is a surefire way to dance well. The whole point of a private dance is to drive a man crazy with impatience and desire.
    • You are in charge. Take your time, take control and have fun teasing him.
    • If he reaches in your direction or starts to open his arms, hit him on the wrist, and let him know that if he does it again, the dance will be over for him, no exceptions.
  1. To enjoy your lap dance, you need to feel comfortable. You won't look sexy if you don't feel sexy. Accept your body as it is and enjoy, no matter your shape or size. Any woman can do a striptease or a lap dance, regardless of whether she is shy or thinks that she has imperfect forms. Not all lap dancers are supermodels, they just act like supermodels. Now is your time to cherish, release your sensual spirit, and be seductive. Leave inhibitions and prejudices aside. You are a sexy goddess.

    Choose clothes that make you feel hot and sexy, and the rest will follow. There is a huge selection of clothes! These are bras, panties, garters, belts, stockings, shirts, robes, stuffed animals, swimwear, clubwear, fetish clothes with oversized buttons at the top of the shirt and much more. The bottom line is to wear something that is easy to take off. Go for it! That being said, you will be teasing the man, so it is important to open up a little flesh.

    • Start by choosing your lingerie as this will be the last thing left on you. Sexy bra, thongs, stockings (these are easier to work with) and possibly suspenders.
    • The panties should accentuate your buttocks, while the back of the panties should be as high as possible. Try high base panties, thongs sticking out of your shorts to see which works best for you. Panties that leave marks on the body after removal will have to be removed - they are probably too tight and should be avoided.
    • Thigh highs or stockings without garters are a sexy addition to almost any outfit. Try a pair that is easy for you to move in. If you do not plan to take off your stockings and garters throughout the dance, wear the panties on the outside so that they can be removed without undoing the garters.
    • For the top layer, try small shorts, an innocent thin robe, a sexy high school teacher / student uniform, something vamp, desperate housewives, or something else like a classic red or black evening gown with retro lingerie underneath.
    • Avoid corsets or clothing that is too tight and difficult to slip out of. Also, avoid clothes with back zippers or lots of belts that will take a long time to remove.
    • Shoes with high heels are usually the most suitable for any outfit. It makes the legs matte, smoother and longer. Even if you are a little uncomfortable, try it - you won't have to walk in heels for a long time. Otherwise, wear whatever is comfortable for you. As a last resort, dance barefoot.
    • Take off as many things as you like. You can choose to be fully nude, topless, sexy lingerie, lace dress, or fully clothed. However, your loved one must remain fully clothed.
    • If you choose shoes with buckles, consider how you will take off your clothes without taking off your shoes. Stretch clothes or light dresses can be removed with shoes, but you should make sure of this in advance. No shoe options fit? Dance barefoot and turn your man on as strong as possible.
    • If you do this in heels, do not take them off (unless you take off your stockings, or better yet, keep your stockings on). You may need to put on your shoes again after removing the stockings. Shoes without webbing and straps are easier to remove than shoes with belts or buckles.
    • If you have chosen something that can be easily removed over your head, sliding seductively, pull the clothes from the bottom to the sides, while standing straight and not stooping.
    • A button-up shirt can be a very sexy piece of clothing when taken off. With the last button open, play with bare shoulders on each side, and then let the shirt slide slowly to the floor.
    • Skinny pants or jeans will take a long time to take off. The pencil skirt can be easily unbuttoned and pushed down. Do this during a slight bend, and when it subsides, "get out" of it. Skirts can be removed without removing shoes or stockings.
    • Practice taking off your stockings ahead of time. For extra balance (and teasing), place your toes between your legs or on the armrests of your chair as you remove each stocking and slowly roll or roll them along the length of your leg.
    • Don't forget to tease him. For starters: Take your time peeling off each layer. Pull your skirt or underwear down a few centimeters before removing. Grip the sides of your pants, skirt, or underwear with one or two fingers and gently lower the garment to tease your loved one.
    • Pull the bra straps over your shoulders before lowering them. A classic way to take off a bra, which professional strippers resort to, is to turn your back to your man and let the bra fall to the floor, or with your back to him, hold the bra over your head before tossing it to the floor. Then turn, keeping your hand on your chest, and slowly move it across and away from your chest. It will look very sexy.
    • When removing your underwear, try sliding them over your shoes, or when standing straight with bare feet. Do this by bending slightly at the waist and guiding them all the way to the floor, and then step out of them. If this isn't easy for you, try bending your knees or taking off your clothes while lying on your back. Don't squat too low.
    • Do not completely undress until the very end, but when you do undress, tease the man's imagination until his patience runs out.
  2. Pick 2-3 sensual songs that both of you enjoy. Think of something cute and seductive. Avoid songs with big vocals. It would be nice to take something from the pop singers and divas of the 60s, at least if you want something romantic. The sensual rhythm will guide you through the dance. It's best if you can feel the music and feel comfortable with it. Start with 2-3 songs.

    • The first song is for warm-up. This is your time to lead your partner to a chair, sit down, explain the rules, and slowly start seducing him with ease.
  3. You don't have to start at the very beginning of the song. Take your time, walk around your loved one, touch him, fingering his hair and feel the rhythm.

    If you have chosen 2-3 songs, you will not have to worry and finish the dance in a hurry. You are free to choose short sweet songbooks or long and languid ones. You will probably find yourself at the peak of your passion for ending them, so you can safely choose a dozen songs, then the pleasure at the end will be unforgettable.

    • If possible, burn all the songs to a CD or create a playlist on a portable player. Don't stop there, look for new songs and update your CD.
  4. Beginners will need to catch the rhythm and take their time in the seduction process. Close your eyes, feel the music, go into a trance and start swinging.

    • Take 30 minutes the day before trying on clothes and rehearsing positions and movements. Dance on your feet and on the floor. These may be things that you have never done before. Try to slide down the wall and then go up. Walk around at your fingertips.
    • While standing on the floor, try opening and closing your legs or leaning on your knees from one side to the other. Experiment with different angles. Sit in a chair. Caress your thighs, neck, stomach, and legs. Close your legs and then open them with the hand that spreads your thighs. Open up again. Close your eyes if you are shy.
    • If you feel uncomfortable while dancing, think of it as aerobic exercise. Stretch, bend over, sit on the splits. Use your arms, stretching them out to the sides, and pull your arms towards your fingertips. If you have practiced martial arts, yoga or Pilates, apply your knowledge to create your own sexy image.
    • Think of your dance as a tai chi session in the gym. Slow movements and a general sense of well-being are all that are needed for a good dance.
  5. Seduce your loved one with passionate glances. Your facial expression will reflect your sexual thoughts and activate the sexual tension in the air. Look at your body, touch it, enjoy it, and then look at your loved one, eye to eye, and notice how he reacts to you and your body. Maintain eye contact at all times. If you have your back to your partner, look over your shoulder.

    Add some accessories for your daily dancing, items that you love to play with. You do it for your own pleasure too.

    • Blindfolds can help keep your partner's feelings tense. He will be intrigued to know what will happen next.
    • A pair of handcuffs or a silk scarf can be used to keep your partner's hands down if they break the rules.
    • Use a soft feather to run it over your partner's body. Sit on a chair and, keeping your body upright, slide the feather along your legs and slowly draw it from your neck to your inner thigh.
    • If you wear snap-on shirts, you can use a tie. Tie a noose around his neck to pull him closer to your face, or tie his hands if he breaks the no-touch rule.
    • If you are one of those girls who like to be naughty, use your favorite toy for your pleasure and his "torture".
    • Tease him with a handkerchief or silk cape, or use them to cover up if that makes you more comfortable.
    • Use your hair. While kneeling or sitting, you are stretching your torso, pull your hair back and let it fall again. Use them to seduce.
    • Use an ice cube from a cocktail. Place the cube in your mouth and run it over your lover's body or over his nipples.
    • Your lips and eyes are powerful seduction tools. Try pouting or smiling classically. Play with facial expressions.
    • With a little practice, use a hat, scarf, cane, or rider costume to seduce and seduce a man.
  6. Create the perfect atmosphere. Subdued light, perfume, lighted candles. You can add the light of a floor lamp or a garland to the candles. The candles add a soft, warm glow to your body. Indirect lighting will be both flattering and more intimate. Avoid fluorescent lights or white LED lights.

    • Make sure that the room temperature is comfortable so that it is not too cold or too hot, otherwise it will distract you.
    • Turn off all possible distractions - TVs, mobile phones, and so on.
  7. Clear the area where you will be dancing so you don't bump into something.

    • Make sure the chair your partner will be sitting on can support both. Sit on it and imagine yourself in its place, and then as you sit on its lap.
  8. Send him a seductive SMS or cryptic email, but make sure he doesn't get it too late. The invitation will intrigue him and make him burn with anticipation all day. Alternatively, do not send anything, but give him a surprise. In any case, you will need time to prepare the "scene" and also to calm yourself down, especially if this is your first time.

    Turn on the music and guide your loved one to the chair. Let him sit with his legs crossed. Start by looking him straight in the eye with a teasing smile. Move around the man, touch him, fingering his hair and move to the rhythm of the music. Explain the rules and start dancing slowly, easily and seductively.

    Switch your gaze between him and yourself, touching specific areas of your body. Run your fingers through your hair, then work your way to the back of your head, over your chest, then down to your thighs and along the front of your body. Moving your hands, imagine that these are his hands. Enjoy the touch of your (his) hands on your body. Constantly touch your body and move them from the sides towards the back of the head. Look into his eyes and try to slowly and gently wrap his head around his head (head falls forward and then rises up), letting your hair fall onto his face.

    Then try moving your hips. Move so that your groin is in the area of ​​his knee, then bend over as if you are about to kiss him, and linger in this position so that he can smell your perfume, and then pull back sharply.

    Take a few steps in front of your partner. Think sexually and manifest it in your movements. Begin to move your hips to the beat of the music in gentle circular motions. Close your eyes for a few seconds and enjoy the moment. There is nothing around you except your partner. Take your time, slowly approach him, putting one leg or the other forward, in a cat style. Get close enough to take your lap dance to the next level.

    Try to continue the lap dance, swaying between your partner's legs, bumping your body against his groin. Turn around and sit between his legs. Bend over, sit on his knees and move slowly (and gently).

    Step back and start taking off your clothes. The top must go first. Seductively and gradually remove another item or two items of clothing (perhaps a skirt or shorts) and return again to your partner. Get close enough to practically sit on his lap. Lean on him sensually, and let him feel your hot breath and soft passionate moan. Biting gently on his ear or touching his neck with a brush, inhale the scent of your loved one to show him how pleasant his smell is to you.

    Throughout the private dance, keep fondling yourself and don't get too close to your partner for too long. Come just for a moment. Remember, eye contact is very important. Let your eyes convey all these sexual thoughts, and remember to smile.

    If you're in a playful mood, walk up to him again as if you're going to take him with all your passion, but instead kiss him on the cheek, step back and put your clothes back on. Then go to another part of the house or go for a walk. You may have to run.

    Try it a few times in different costumes, styles and different music and you will soon become an expert in all sexy dances. The possibilities are endless and the results are always great.

    Finally, take off all your clothes and tell him that your body belongs to him. Your partner will love it!

    Get ready for sex. Don't forget about contraception!

  • You already know how to take off your clothes, because you do it every day. So you can safely start practicing striptease - just change your tactics, shoot it in such a way as to remain naked or half naked. Unbutton your shirt with one hand and hold the other on your hips. Take off your jeans slowly so that your underwear is visible first, and then push them slowly downward, swinging your hips from side to side. You can do the same with the skirt, and when it is on the floor, "get out" of it. Roll the tights or stockings gradually down, one leg after the other, until you roll them down at the very feet. Practice removing your bra by holding it over your head. Pull the panties down, then let them fall to the floor, and get out of them. You already know all the movements, you just need to revive your memories a little.
  • Always be mindful of your hips. They are the basis of every movement, gesture and suggestion. Keep them moving.
  • Wear sexy lingerie more often to make you feel comfortable in it. Wear sexy lingerie under your work clothes or when going to the supermarket, and practice taking it off slowly when you get home. Practice and practice again.
  • As you lean towards him with your arms crossed over your chest, gently squeeze your breasts together to create additional volume. Your chest will become rounder and larger if you apply pressure from your forearm.
  • The key to successful lap dance lies in the ability to move and touch your body before moving on to more intimate caresses, when the "victim" is already helpless.
  • You don't have to take off all your clothes. Behave sexy, do everything to make his emotions go wild. You don't have to be completely naked to arouse him. The main thing is that you feel comfortable at the same time.
  • If you are dancing barefoot, or once you have taken off your shoes, try dancing on your toes. Dancing on tiptoe will help you achieve the same physical effect as in shoes and make your legs look longer, thinner and more elastic. This will force you to straighten your chest, arch your back and accentuate your calves as an added bonus.
  • The key to a successful erotic dance lies in the multiple layers of clothing and how you strip them one layer at a time.
  • As you move your hips from side to side, keep your arms up in the air with your wrists crossed. This will make the breasts more visible. This is a great stretch, among other things.
  • Each time you place your hand on your hip, make sure your fingertips point up and your wrist drops so that the arm and wrist form a V. In this position, the shoulders remain straight, the body lengthens and creates a beautiful hourglass effect.
  • A slow, hot dance will make you feel sexy. Walk confidently with your hand on your hips and show your body.
  • A few classic lap dance songs:
    • Prince - Cream
    • Prince - Peach
    • Madonna - Justify My Love
    • Gwen Stefani - Luxurious
    • Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around Comes Around / My Love
    • Nine Inch Nails - Closer
    • Timbaland - The Way I Are
    • Beyonce - Freakum Dress
    • Kylie Minogue - Chocolate
    • White Stripes - I just don’t know what to do with myself
    • Goldfrapp - Ooh La La
    • Kyuss - Gloria Lewis
    • Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe
    • Joe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On
  • Imagine that your hands are his hands. Touch yourself where he would like to touch you.
  • Use your environment. Lean your back against the wall, wriggle, slide on your haunches and rise again. Use a spare chair. Move forward and backward or sit to the side of him to remove the stockings with the leg extended in the air, one at a time.
  • Stand slightly at an angle and turn your head towards him. The corner profile looks very flattering in soft light. Hollywood movie stars use this technique in films for a reason.
  • Remember, you need to feel comfortable.
  • Stripper Stance: Bend backward, chest forward, wearing stiletto heels, or standing on tiptoe, gait slowly with outstretched toes whenever your foot is off the floor. Each time you lift your leg, bend it back and up before placing it. While striding, try placing one foot directly in front of the other, like a model on a catwalk, only slowly. Practice walking like this will make you feel taller, more dominant, and sexy.
  • After taking four to five steps in one direction, pause, stop with one or two hands on your hips and look into his eyes.
  • If you are a drinker, take a few sips of wine or cocktail to calm your nerves. Have your partner take a sip too, or as much as you decide to allow him to keep him toned.
  • If you're feeling nervous, practice in front of a mirror a few days before the event. Then, when the time comes, just imagine yourself dancing in front of a mirror.
  • Start wearing stockings instead of tights. Wear high stockings or garter stockings under your jeans when doing chores, or when you go to the supermarket if you're too shy to wear them with a skirt.

Former gymnast and master of sports in striptease Anna Delos led by the most common desire to make money. However, unlike other girls, she did not leave this occupation either after a year or two, and continues to dance for almost ten years. Today she has her own pole show, with which she works not only in clubs, but also at private events. At 26, the ex-athlete does not even think about looking for herself in something else. With what contingent she has to communicate, how much money she can earn in one night in the club and how the personal life of a stripper develops, Anna Delos told AiF.ru.

Will I rent or not?

When I performed for the first time, until the last moment I thought: "Will I take off my bra or not?" At that moment I was experiencing wild adrenaline, but at the same time I perfectly understood that I had no right to let my employer down. Then I undressed only out of a sense of responsibility to the person who arranged me in the club. Of course, now all experiences have long been in the past. I calmly go on stage, moreover, I enjoy what I do.

Striptease and family

For my family, I do dance and acrobatics. They know that I have my own show and that there is no need to come to it. For competitions - please, for work - no. Still, in a strip club, I have to be as sexy as possible, my task is to interest a man, if I know that somewhere at the next table my family is sitting, I simply cannot be liberated.

I discuss my work with my parents, I can complain about a guest or, on the contrary, tell how someone praised me. But the question whether I am topless or not, naturally, does not come up. I don't see any point in this.

Compliments every day

In most cases, guests are friendly towards girls. Every evening someone confesses their love and compliments me. Of course, boors also come across, someone is in a bad mood, and someone decided to raise their self-esteem at the expense of girls who cannot answer. “Got out of here”, “don't come near me” are the most harmless phrases that you can hear. But since I have been working in this area for many years, I have learned to abstract myself, it is impossible to offend me. If I see that a conflict is brewing, I just silently turn around and leave. Answering an aggressive person is not worth it, you can get it in the face.

Hard rules

From the outside, you might think that the club is such a wonderful place where everyone is having fun, and the girls who dance striptease also relax and have a great time. In fact, every institution has a huge collection of rules that every dancer should read and learn. Any violation will face a fine or dismissal. For example, you cannot be rude to a guest. Another taboo is intimacy with a client, although in some clubs in Moscow it is allowed, but where I work it is categorically not. When all the dancers come out for the welcome parade, be sure to smile. You stand with a stone face - a fine. If you don’t applaud after the show is over, it’s fine again. I forgot to do a manicure - again a fine. Didn't come to work - a big fine. Despite this, some girls are constantly truant, by the end of the month they have accumulated such a debt that it is easier to leave for another club.

Big and small money

I have a salary because I perform with a show program. And ordinary dancers do not. They receive interest from private dances, communication with the guest. Earnings completely depend on the girl herself, the more active you are, the more it is.

I must say right away that all the stories about how strippers are presented with apartments and cars remained somewhere in the 90s. I haven’t come across such things. There is no talk of any easy money in our sphere. Absolutely all guests count money. But Russian men are still the most generous. Foreigners against their background are tight-fisted and do not like to leave a tip, they will sit and wait until the last moment for change.

There are good nights when many guests agree to go to a private dance with you, then for a few hours of work you can get more than 20 thousand rubles.

I have the right to play at the club five times a week, but I am against working for wear and tear. If the season is high, you can see me on stage 4 times, when it's low - 3. In addition, I can take more corporate events, I can take less. If you load yourself up to the full program, then you can really earn 500 thousand rubles a month. The standard income is about 300 thousand. However, I get this kind of money only because I have my own show. The salary of an ordinary dancer is much more modest. If the girl is new, inexperienced, then 3000 rubles per night. To some, this kind of money may seem normal. But do not forget that from this amount you need to pay for a taxi, because the metro does not work at night, as well as makeup and hair - this is about 1500. You cannot prepare yourself for going on stage - there are professional stylists for this purpose. If you do not want to receive a fine, use their services.

Poor girl

There is a separate category of clients who like to read notations: "How did you come to such a life, why are you here, find yourself another job, etc." I usually react to such things gently and with humor: "You liked my show, I gave you pleasure, let this be my mission." But sometimes, if a person is too intrusive, I can answer harshly: “What are you doing here? You came here to spend, and I earn. "

Continuous expenses

Girls come to the casting at the club every day, it happens that even several people at once. But not all remain. Someone already on the first night realizes that this is not their place: there are too many restrictions and requirements. You can't sit in the dressing room all night. Some are simply shy of men. They do not want to be the first to approach the guest, they expect to be approached, and this rarely happens. If you don’t earn money, you’ll leave very soon, because our profession implies huge expenses for yourself: hairstyle, makeup, manicure, pedicure, fitness, beautician, stage costumes. This is a gigantic list of spending. For example, my most expensive suit costs 150 thousand rubles. Individual work with a choreographer, who gives me numbers, and rent of the hall - 5 thousand rubles per hour. Shoes (strips) - 8 thousand, if they are decorated with rhinestones, then all 15! And they are enough for a maximum of a month, since there is a very strong load. In addition, you should have several pairs of these shoes for different looks.

It is not surprising that those who remain in this profession are trying to find a variety of ways to make money. For example, I knew a girl who took hypnosis courses. Clients voluntarily gave her all the money they had with them. It is impossible to steal from a man, there are cameras around, people are fired for such things in good clubs, but here he gives you everything - you won’t find fault. Girls can be very creative in this regard - they attend courses in seduction and NLP. This is a whole business.

Know when to stop

Men often treat dancers. This is permitted by the club rules. But not all girls have a sense of proportion, they do not understand that if you drink with guests every time, it will not lead to anything good. Some just drink too much. It is important to remember that you came to the club not to have fun, but to earn money.

I don't drink at work, and also because I just can't dance. Tricks on the pole must be done soberly, since you work at a height, it is dangerous. More than once I have witnessed how inexperienced girls, after drinking alcohol, simply fell to the floor while performing complex elements. An eerie sight. In addition, you walk in heels all evening, communicate with men, and they do not like drunk women.

Not 18 anymore

Youth does not give any privileges in our profession. But everyone stubbornly continues to think that the demand for young strippers is higher. I am often asked: "Do you understand that at the age of 30 you will not be needed by anyone?" This is complete nonsense! Firstly, the guest usually does not understand how old you are; after all, dim lights and makeup do their job. The second point: when you are young, you do not understand how to interest the client, how to approach, start a conversation. These skills are developed over the years, so the earnings of an experienced dancer will always be higher.

Breast and lips - natural

Another stereotype that has nothing to do with reality - all men love big breasts. No, they love natural breasts and do not allow girls with a fifth size, which clearly appeared on the stripper's body thanks to the efforts of the surgeon. The same attitude towards pumped lips, extended hair and even eyelashes. Many girls now remove everything that they once enlarged and do not know how to do it without consequences.

Anna Deloc. Photo: From personal archive / Alena Berezina

No husband

I have never had an affair with guests, because I look at things soberly: men come to a strip club to relax and unwind, and not to find a wife and the future mother of their children.

When I just started doing striptease, I constantly heard from others that no decent man would marry a girl like me. But in fact, these words have nothing to do with reality. I was called to get married more than once, there is no end to the fans. Many have nothing against having an affair with a stripper. But I myself am not yet ready for children and marriage.

Stripper and acrobat

I do not see anything offensive in the word stripper. Of course, when I meet people, I am in no hurry to tell them about what I do in the first minute. Not because I am shy, but in order not to frighten the person. Usually I say that I work as a dancer in a show, if the reaction is adequate, then I reveal all my cards. Some people strain at the word pylon, of course, I present my work to them as an acrobatic show, in fact, this is so.


Some girls are building another business in parallel, while I want to achieve heights in this business. My task is to show people how different striptease is, so that they do not think that it is dirty, vulgar and disgusting. I already have my own show program, where not only striptease, but also acrobatics, gymnastics, and even magic tricks. I perform at birthdays, bachelor parties, corporate parties. The plans include a full-fledged show for 1.5 hours, which will run separately from the club program, possibly even on a completely different stage. I hope that the audience will be not only men, but also couples. Conventionally, it is in the same line with Crazy Horse and Moulin Rouge. Although I would not compare. Alas, there is such a stereotype that a striptease is when some girl takes off her bra, nothing interesting. And some strippers themselves believe that the main thing in this profession is to undress. In fact, modern men are no longer surprised by bare breasts. Now, in order to interest the viewer, you need to think over and work out every number to the smallest detail, and I do it with pleasure.

In the dark, you always want to do something crazy, something that will rip your head off and leave only vivid emotions from the night you lived. Therefore, many residents and guests go to strip clubs in Moscow. The noise of music, beautiful female and male bodies that move to the beat. Comfortable tables and sofas, varied cuisine and alcoholic drinks. All this awaits visitors. In such establishments, you can celebrate not only a bachelor party and a bachelorette party, but also a birthday. Luxurious parties will diversify the monotony of gray everyday life.

The best striptease clubs in Moscow

"KM 19"

The first place in the rating is occupied by the KM 19 club. It can be called a restaurant and a private club. Spirits and sultry girls fill this place. A man can look at sexy virgins, enjoying their plasticity and grace.

Guests are attracted by the convenient location and reasonable prices. The entrance fee is 1,000 rubles. The interior in the style of the aristocracy is gorgeous. He makes the environment cozy and comfortable. The location is also functional and comfortable for wealthy men.

There is one large bar here, where you can hold social and business conversations. The second is a little smaller, there you can tune in to an intimate wave and intimate conversation. And also in the services of the institution there are separate two-room and small rooms with showers.

The club boasts of the number of its girls. There are almost a hundred of them. Each of them has an individual appearance, flexible and flexible dancer of a high level.

Various pass every day which makes the atmosphere unforgettable. For this, strip clubs in Moscow were invented.

"Deja vu"

The club offers a fascinating show program. The luxurious hall creates an atmosphere of passion and love. Erotic dancing girls act like lighters on men. Three scenes were specially made to provide excellent visibility. There is a VIP area, karaoke and private cabins. All this can be enjoyed for little money.

A varied cuisine (European, Japanese and American), a sufficient amount of alcohol and non-alcoholic cocktails will brighten the evening. And a hookah, where do you go without it during your rest. It will help you to relax and get real pleasure.


The SOS club has settled on the third step of our rating. He works to the last client every night. In addition to incendiary dance performances, you can visit karaoke or SPA center. Everything is in one building and it is very comfortable. You can order a private belly dance or striptease for a fee.

In this club, many famous people celebrate their birthdays or other holidays. Stag and hen parties are often held. One step before the marriage bond, many prefer this particular club. The whole system is so thought out and worked out that you want to come to this place again and again.

Strip clubs in Moscow: vacancies

Many girls are already working, and someone else is afraid to reveal themselves and show their talent. Striptease clubs in Moscow often require young, attractive and talented girls. These vacancies are not only interesting but also highly paid. You can work:

  • Striptease dancer.
  • Bar lady.

Girls who have learned to make cocktails and know how to do it will pass the casting without any problems. The club provides a work uniform. Responsibility, the ability to communicate culturally, good looks - that's all that is needed for this profession.

  • A waitress.
  • A hostess girl.

A hostess is a person who meets guests, escorts them to the table and introduces the girl they like. The main task is to show politeness by your appearance. We can say that this position is the face of the institution. But you also need to dance. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to quickly switch from elegant communication to passionate dance.

  • Party-girl.

The task of this position is to fill the dance floor. You need to dance, flirt and communicate with guests, create a positive atmosphere. Sensuality and the ability to be liberated are what a job seeker will need.


This establishment is in great demand throughout the capital. The management decided to expand its network and open another men's strip club in Moscow. Therefore, the clubs constantly require talented girls for vacancies.

Requirements: chiseled figure, attractive appearance, adulthood, no work experience possible.

Working conditions: no sex, training, free schedule, make-up and stylist services are provided, going to the solarium at the expense of the institution, and if the girl is from another city, she will be provided with housing for free. Salary - from 95,000 rubles.


Striptease clubs in Moscow are visited not only by men, but also by women. Why hide your desires, if you can be liberated and not give way to men? Once in such an institution, people forget about the time. They enjoy their emotions and have fun. Such entertaining evenings help to brighten up the monotony of gray everyday life, take part in your favorite holiday and just have a good time with friends or girlfriends.


Moscow knows this women's striptease club well. The seductive, sexy atmosphere will melt the heart of the most strict lady. In this institution you can take part in an erotic dance show. Handsome and sexy boys will surround the visitors all night long. You can watch, touch, dance with the impudent "male" you like, satisfy all your lustful desires. Guests forget that they are in the room because they feel like they are in paradise. You can order a private dance, create with an erotic massage.

Many ladies prefer to celebrate their birthdays or bachelorette parties in "Egoist". And if you warn the administration that the visit is taking place in honor of something, then the institution will prepare a special gift. In this case, the holiday will be original, and the memories will remain for many years, because for this, strip clubs in Moscow were invented.