I can't decide what kind of doctor to become. How to be a doctor? Choosing a medical specialty

A man comes up to you and asks how to get to such and such a street.

a) Without saying a word, I will wave my hand in the right direction.
b) I will ask what exactly he is looking for there.
c) I will open the map in my mobile phone and work out a route together with a passer-by.
d) Even if I know where it is, I'll just shrug my shoulders. Let him look for himself.

When you read a book, you:

a) sometimes I look at the end - I don't always have the patience to read in order;
b) just following the plot;
c) I try to understand what guides the actions of the heroes, I evaluate the characters of the characters;
d) books are boring, I prefer TV.

You have come to a cafe. What will you order?

a) Something that is cooked quickly.
b) Something that I have never tried.
c) A familiar dish that will definitely turn out to be delicious.
d) The most exotic dish on the menu.

If you catch a cold:

a) knock down the temperature, drip in the nose and go to work;
b) I sit at home for seven days, so as not to infect others, I drink medications prescribed by a doctor;
c) I read the Internet to make sure that this is really a cold, and not something worse;
d) I do nothing - it will pass by itself.

What do you want to receive more as a gift?

a) A pocket knife with multiple blades.
b) I won't tell! I love surprises!
c) Something related to my hobby.
d) Certificate for parachute jump or balloon flight.

As a child, what you loved the most:

a) constructors;
b) any new toy became the favorite for a while;
c) puzzles and puzzles;
d) skates and rollers.

Did you get along well with your classmates?

a) Was the ringleader in the class.
b) He had many friends, but did not form close friendships with anyone.
c) There were few friends, but I still communicate with some.
d) Did not fit into the school team.

Summarize the scores and read the conclusions.

More "a" answers. You could be a good surgeon or dentist. For a long time to treat a patient with pills and injections, you are bored - you are used to getting a quick result. In addition, in the dental chair or on the surgical table, the patient certainly will not be able to give stupid advice to the doctor!

More b answers. You are a born therapist. The main thing is to make the correct diagnosis, and then let narrow specialists figure it out. Plus, you have the patience to carry out lengthy examinations and listen to even the strangest complaints. True, if you manage to figure out what is happening with the patient, you will lose all interest in him.

More answers "in". You would make an excellent specialist with a narrow profile - an ophthalmologist, neurologist or otolaryngologist. After all, the more you study a certain area, the more you become interested in it. And if something goes beyond your interests, you can always tell the patient: "This is not for me, contact a therapist!"

More "g" answers. You don't like people too much, you prefer loneliness. But you love to take risks, sometimes even where you don't need to. And if so, you are unlikely to find a place in a clinic or hospital, well, except perhaps in the queue for the doctor.

To decide which doctor is better to become, it is necessary to correctly set personal priorities and realistically assess the predisposition to various areas of medicine. The right choice will allow you to become a sought-after professional who will be appreciated by patients and respected by colleagues.

Which doctor is better for a girl is an individual question.

What is the best doctor to become: choosing the right specialization

Choosing a specialization is a crucial step that determines a lifelong occupation. If you cannot identify the most developed professional skills, determine which patients are more pleasant to work with:

· Find a common language with children - the path lies in pediatrics;

· Prefer to communicate with the elderly - cardiology will be a suitable choice;

· Consider helping people with serious illnesses your calling - go to oncologists.

The personal qualities of future doctors are of great importance when choosing. Thinking what kind of doctor is better to become, a girl of fragile physique should give preference to a profession that does not require physical strength. Surgery and trauma surgery should be avoided for those susceptible to the sight of open wounds.

Medical demand among patients

The in-demand health worker does not feel a shortage of patients and can always get an opportunity for additional income. To understand which profession to give preference to, you should clearly define what is the responsibility of a specialist in various fields of medicine:

· Neonatologist - monitors babies and advises their mothers on the care of babies. Works in maternity hospitals;

· Orthopedist - specializes in diseases of the joints and bones. Can combine basic work with surgery;

· Traumatologist - treats patients with fractures, bruises, dislocations and other injuries;

· Neurologist - helps patients with congenital or acquired diseases of the nervous system.

Each branch of medicine is paid at a separate rate. Experienced doctors are in demand among patients, so they do not need to look for additional part-time work. Many are scared off by the salary of a novice medical worker, but if you wish, you can quickly climb the career ladder and financially provide for yourself and your family.

Doctor is the noblest and most humane profession. Apparently, therefore, children from a young age play doctor, and teenagers dream of becoming one. Without a doubt, it is great when a child wants to help people and save lives, but to become a good doctor one desire is not enough. Each specialty of this profession has its own characteristics that must be known when choosing a direction while studying at a medical university.

Having finished medical school, you can become a pediatrician, therapist or dentist, but in order to become a surgeon, oncologist, cardiologist, orthopedist and other specialist of a narrow profile, you also need to complete an internship. We offer you to take the test and answer the questions in order to decide which doctor you would like to become:

1. How do you react to a passer-by's question: "Tell me, please, where is (name) street?"
a) Silently, I point with my hand in the right direction;
b) I ask what he is looking for there;
c) I will develop a route by opening a city map in my mobile phone;
d) I just answer: “I don’t know” and move on.

The medical education process is lengthy. They receive basic medical education for 6 years, after which they can engage in theoretical activities. After the main course of a medical university, you need to undergo an internship and practice, which lasts one year. This is a basic medical education for surgeons, therapists, etc. If there is a need to work in a more specialized field, then it is still necessary to undergo residency. As well as practice, lasting 2 years. All medical schools have a number of faculties. Typically, this is the Faculty of General Medicine, Dental, Pediatric and Pharmacy. Sometimes there are specialized departments of preventive medicine and clinical psychology. But, just after completing the residency, students can decide what to be a doctor in the future. By choosing any of the clinical disciplines that have been studied.

Choosing a medical specialty

While in an internship or residency, you can decide on your medical specialization. A description of the main medical specialties can help in this. And you can choose your own, based on what kind of doctors there are.

  • Surgeon. He treats diseases, the method of treatment for which is surgery. The surgeon is also responsible for the development of techniques, methods and techniques for conducting operations. Specializations of modern surgeons are ophthalmology, urology, otorhinolaryngology, traumatology, orthopedics, pulmonology, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, plastic surgery and microsurgery.
  • Emergency doctor. They work in emergency and ambulance stations. The main task is to provide assistance to the injured and sick at home calls, with diseases of the motor and cardiovascular system, as well as bone diseases and injuries of the organs of the chest and abdominal cavities, eyes, throat, ears, nervous system, nose, with injuries of the musculoskeletal system , mental and infectious diseases, obstetric and gynecological pathology, thermal injuries and acute poisoning.
  • Psychiatrist. This is a specialist who knows the causes, features of the manifestation and course of various mental illnesses. He must be proficient in techniques for the prevention and treatment of such diseases.
  • Pediatrician. By her specialization, she is a doctor specializing in childhood diseases. The main requirement of what a doctor - pediatrician should be - is competence. He must know very well the peculiarities of the child's body and the clinic of childhood diseases, tk. sometimes the further life of the child depends on it.
  • Oncologist. The main structural unit in the oncological network is considered to be an oncological dispensary. Its tasks include: registration of patients with a newly diagnosed diagnosis, timely diagnosis of oncological diseases, rehabilitation measures and prevention of tumors, and special treatment. The main requirement for work and what a doctor - oncologist should be like - is awareness. Because oncologists who work in polyclinics must conduct preventive mass examinations of the population in order to carry out initial examinations of patients. The stage of identifying symptoms in patients with suspected oncological diseases is especially important.
  • Oculist. In addition to the ability to understand the specifics of eye diseases, an ophthalmologist should also know many general medical issues. Since eye diseases are often a manifestation of various diseases, for example, hypertension, kidney disease, etc.
  • Neuropathologist. This is a specialist who studies the mechanisms and causes of the development of diseases of the nervous system. He must also know how to prevent, diagnose and treat such diseases.
  • Expert in narcology. He studies the manifestations and consequences of morbid addiction to narcotic and psychotropic substances, and also conducts treatment and prevention of these disorders.
I want to become a doctor! but what I don’t know ... tell me? what doctors are in demand now? and what will be in 5 years? What kind of doctor to become? I am graduating from a medical university, and the question of choosing a further profession is now especially acute, but I am still at a crossroads.

Have you chosen the profession of a doctor, and what kind of doctor should you become? All types of medical activities are described here

What kind of doctor to become is not an easy question.
I speak like a doctor with great experience. When I went to honey, I was full of all kinds of romantic ideas about the work of a doctor. And only on the course to the fourth, thoughts began to arise in my head - what kind of doctor should I become? You know, I sincerely envy those who can define their priorities. But, in my opinion, the majority of medical students make those doctors who are obtained not as a result of their conscious choice, but as a result of circumstances. Thought to be a cardiologist, but found a place in the residency only for skin diseases? So much for a dermatologist. Maybe he will be a good dermatologist ... or maybe ... I also thought about cardiology at the institute, and as a result, a traumatologist-orthopedist with 25 years of experience ... Probably, it is important not to become what kind of doctor in the sense of the profession, but simply become a professional doctor. Do you feel the difference?

Choosing which doctor you want to become will depend on your preferences, abilities and capabilities. For example, you can become a dentist, therapist, pediatrician, surgeon, cardiologist, oncologist, etc.

If practically everyone knows therapists and pediatricians, then in relation to other doctors, people who are far from medicine may completely lack this knowledge. To the extent that even anecdotal situations arise. So, as a cardiologist, a teenage girl once turned up for an appointment with me, who persistently complained of abdominal pain and diarrhea and was sincerely surprised that the cardiologist was not doing this. And the non-Phrologist was somehow sadly sitting at the reception, waiting for the patients, looking at the completed record sheet. But it turned out that all her patients went to a neurologist.

After graduating from a medical school, after completing an internship, you can become a therapist or pediatrician. But in order to become a specialist in a narrow profile, you need to undergo specialization. So, let's clarify what exactly this or that doctor is doing, who should be contacted for certain problems.

The THERAPEUT is a wide-profile specialist, in principle, he is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of all internal organs. If necessary, directs to narrow specialists.

A PEDIATOR is the same as a therapist, but with regards to childhood illnesses.

NEONATOLOGIST or micro-pediatrician. It has this name because it deals exclusively with children of the neonatal period, that is, only up to 1 month of life. Neonatologists work mainly in maternity hospitals, but one such specialist can also work in a city children's clinic.

A SURGEON is a specialist who is also known by the majority of the population. This doctor is engaged in diagnostics and mainly surgical treatment of surgical pathology.

ORTHOPEDIC - a doctor who deals with problems of bones, joints, spine. Often can act in the same person with the surgeon.

TRAUMATOLOGIST - treats injuries to bones, joints, spine, most often, of course, fractures, dislocations or just bruises.

NEUROLOGIST is a fairly frequent specialization. A neurologist (neuropathologist) deals with the pathology of the nervous system, treats VSD, cerebral palsy, the consequences of birth or craniocerebral injuries, the consequences of infections affecting the nervous system (encephalitis, meningitis, poliomyelitis) and much more.

It is worth noting that it is not worth contacting a neurologist specifically in the event of a head injury, for example, a neurologist. Consultation of a neurosurgeon will be required. But when they are diagnosed with a concussion, for example, they can already be treated by a neurologist. In addition, a neurosurgeon operates on diseases of the nervous system, brain tumors, etc.

Oculist or OPHTHALMOLOGIST solves all vision problems and eye diseases.

ENT - a doctor or Otorhinolaryngologist deals with all diseases of the ear, throat, nose. But if hearing is impaired, the otorhinolaryngologist will refer you to the SURDOLOGIST.

SURDOLOGIST is a doctor who diagnoses hearing impairment (audiogram), treats hearing loss and selects hearing aids.

NEPHROLOGIST - engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, requiring conservative treatment (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urinary tract infections - it's all according to his profile).

A UROLOGIST is a specialist somewhat similar to a nephrologist, but often solves problems of the kidneys and urinary tract in an operative way, for example, if it is a congenital anomaly, hydronephrosis, etc.

A CARDIOLOGIST is a specialist who treats all heart matters, such as hypertension, heart attacks, various arrhythmias, in children - congenital heart defects.

Rheumatologist - a doctor for rheumatoid diseases. If rheumatism is a thing of the past, then rheumatoid, systemic diseases of the connective tissue, vasculitis are becoming more common. These are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, etc. They are treated by a rheumatologist. If in adult patients a rheumatologist is singled out as a separate specialization, then in childhood such problems can be dealt with by a cardiologist.

GASTROENTEROLOGIST is a specialist in all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

ALLERGOLOGIST - a specialist in the treatment of allergic pathology, including bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, allergic dermatitis, rhinitis

Dentist, plastic surgeon. A good cardiologist will not be left without bread. Yes, only experience is always needed. The main thing is to be a good specialist, then the patients themselves will go and bear the money. After all, most doctors are mediocre.

And we will end this with a cheerful poem:

All specialties smell special:
Geneticist smells like buccal scraping
Surgeons smell of peritonitis,
And pulmonologists smell like pleurisy

Urologist smells like prostate secretion,
The radiologist smells of barium,
Smell of phlegm, blood and urine
Doctors-laboratory assistants are everywhere,

Microbiologist smells like agar,
With plaster and splints - traumatologist.
Smells like drool, with and without belching
Physician of the FGDS office.

It smells of roses ... good proctologist,
Gerontologist doctor smells like old women,
The ultrasound specialist smells like condom and gel,
Medical registrar - with paper and glue.

Doctor podiatrist smells like feet,
Grill and bedsore - combustiologist,
Vomiting, homeless people, urine and gasoline
The ambulance doctor smells unbearable.

The gynecologist smells like aunts,
And the histologist smells of paraffin.
Evil old ladies, toned paper
Our poor therapists smell like

Neonatologist smells like meconium
It smells like urine of an old nephrologist.
The mammologist smells like a dirty armpit,
And pediatricians smell like "Rastishka"

Endocrinologist smells like ketones,
The dentist smells like a rotten tooth,
The forensic medic smells like a grave,
It smells like cognac and tequila,

A psychologist smells like a wet vest,
The anesthesiologist smells like anesthesia.
There are a lot of smells, but there is also a bummer -

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