Do not wean a child from the nipple. A sharp refusal of the nipple is the time and forever! Pluses and minuses

The dummy for the baby plays a big role - it calms down with it, it is easily falling asleep, realizes his sucking reflex. However, at one fine moment, parents will have to teach crumbus from this subject.

When should I start and how to do it right, so that the parting does not cause psychological injury to the child?

Plows help babies calm down, reminding the intrauterine period when they sucked their fingers. It is not surprising that the harmful habit is formed very quickly, but excommunication from the nipple becomes a truly serious test for the whole family.

When should be collected from the pacifier?

There is no accurate answer to this popular question. The time of teaching must be selected individually, because the kids differ from each other with the peculiarities of physiological and mental development.

You can choose the optimal age only mom constantly located next to the child.

Some babies refuse nipples at 6-7 months, when parents begin to introduce first lures. Most often, children without particular tears and torment break up with this children's attribute for a year and a half. But sometimes moms do not imagine how to wean from the nipple of a three-year-old child.

The main thing in the ending process is not harmful to the children's psyche.

Therefore, adults should determine the optimal age, based on its own sensations, and also choose the best way to refuse - gradually or sharp.

How to wean a child from a pacifier?

Choosing a refusal method, better advocated with a pediatrician. Recommendations of grandmothers and familiar mothers may not come to your baby.

Psychologists also call the two main methods of wearing children from this harmlessness of the subject:

  • Smooth teaching - more suitable for crumbs from six months to one and a half years, lasts up to eight weeks depending on the type of temperament and other features of the baby.
  • A sharp refusal is the best way for kids from 1.5 years and older, mommies will have to use all their imagination so that the baby can give up his addiction.

Knowing the features of their cuts, adults can choose a less traumatic method of getting rid of the habit, but do not delay with solving the problem.

Of course, a child will not go to school with a nipple, but for this adult will need a lot of effort. The main thing is not to turn the process into an uncompromising struggle and not to put pressure on the baby.

Reliable Rules - We are wearing a pacifier

So, an important role in this process plays the age of children, their psychological features and reaction to the actions of parents.

We present several basic rules that should be applied when taking off babies from addiction to the nipple.

  1. Do not shout on Croch if they refuse to fulfill your requests and continue to demonstratively use this subject.
  2. Try to turn the procedure for refusing to entertain, to reduce anxiety and save a child from stress and offended.
  3. Explain to have grown in detail that at its age can already be abandoned with a pacifier. Show photos of happy children without a nipple, but to comparison with peers worth treating care.
  4. Do not use old, time-tested and grandmothers, methods - the surface lubrication by aloe juice, garlic, bitter pepper, mustard. Spices can cause an allergic reaction.
  5. The routine of the day is so that the crumb is constantly busy - play educational and moving games, do exercise.
  6. Get a special ritual before bedtime to avoid hysterics during an excommunication: Water procedures, reading a book, lightweight massage, etc.
  7. The child falls asleep with "sucks" in his mouth? Be sure to remove it and put it next to avoid sucking in a dream.
  8. You should not cut the nipple, otherwise the baby will be able to bite off a piece of latex and thereby cause trouble with digestion.
  9. It is categorically impossible to spoil an important thing for children in their presence in order not to apply psychological injury.

We are learning from the pacifier of children up to the year

In order to get rid of the harmful habit, it is imperceptible, you will need to make a lot of effort, as babies are rather zealously protect your toys.

  1. Take into service the technique of smooth teaching, as you can less often showing the poodle. Then he will forget its existence faster.
  2. It's most often feeding the crumb so that he does not pull the pacifier in his mouth. Daily make a relaxing massage, conduct water procedures.
  3. Before falling asleep, read the baby fairy tales, poems, various fun. Give a new "sedative" - \u200b\u200bsoft teddy bear.
  4. Distract the baby that said in any delicacy, bright toy: cubes, pyramid, typewriter.

This process can last up to two months, but the children will be calm and to a one-year-old age will be taught completely without nipples.

How to wean a two-year-old child from sucking a pacifier?

You can abandon the popular children's attribute in two years with the help of a fascinating and touching story, the main character in which a familiar newborn or neighboring infant will appear.

With all emotionality, tell your choa that he is no longer needed to him, as he grows, but the tiny kids are waiting for the pacifier.

Usually this simple reception is triggered, and the child himself solemnly presents his beloved thing to another karapauz. True, in the evening he can change their mind, demanding "suck" back.

In this case, try to distract your kind and generous kid with a new toy.

If you did not find a suitable challenger to present the cherished nipple, call for help the imagination - dogs in the courtyard are suitable for the role of the receiver, animated from the magic forest.

We are learning from a three-year-old child

For various reasons, the use of a nipple can delay up to three years. Although this is not considered a deviation in development, but from an unpleasant habit you need to get rid of, especially if the kid will soon go to kindergarten. At this age, the refusal must be sharp, final and irrevocable.

  • First, tell us your chap, that he is already big and from this day will not use the pacifier. The explanation should be a brief, clear, spoken, calm, confident voice.
  • Secondly, try imperceptibly losing or throwing a nipple. After that, tell me that it has nothing to replace it, but no one will sell a new one big boy or a girl. Be sure to purchase a delicious treat or a long-awaited toy to help the baby cope with loss.

So, there are no specific standards, specific deadlines and uniform standards that would indicate parents, how many months it is necessary to teach a child from a pacifier.

For example, Dr. Komarovsky is convinced that moms and dads begin to overcome children from the nipple not at their own desire, but because of the opinions of the people around the people - Ay-ah, such a big boy (girl), and so far with a pacifier.

The choice of the method and age of teaching completely depends on the parents. Only you, dear moms, can choose the necessary words so that the child can get rid of this habit as much as possible.

Other information on the topic

15 comments (s) to ""

    We learned our child quickly and at one time. Our dad is a dentist and very careful about the bite of the baby, knows a bunch of stories when the child has not taken the nipple for up to 2-3 years old so that the baby does not cry, and then the child suffered. One day, we just smeared a bare mustard on the nipple and explained to the child in a game form that now all his nipples will be bitter. After this case, he didn't even ask for a nipple! Switched to the teether for teeth.

    I walked my baby in a year with a little. Maybe it's late, but everything went without any problems. On the street it was already warm, and we walked a lot. It helped the baby to distract, and after 3 weeks he had already completely forgot about his nipple.

    I walked my baby in a year with a little. Maybe it's late, but everything went painlessly. On the street it was already warm, we walked a lot. It helped the baby to distract, and after 3 weeks he had already forgotten about the nipple.

    We did something like that. The baby threw the pacifier, I picked up, hid and said that her dog took. And the son about her somehow forgotten)))

    I agree with the author that we need to teach from the nipple gradually, starting with a fairly early age, and not when the child is already 2-3 years old and walking with the nipple just entered the habit, later and sharp learning is fraught with stresses.

    My son suiced suck just once. Then he just spoled her. So I was lucky, I did not come across such a problem. I think that if you give a dirty baby, then only until the teeth begin to cut. And then it will be more difficult to teach, and it will not be very good for the teeth. And I do not understand at all when already big kids (for example, at 2nd - 3 years) go with a nipple in the mouth.

    I also believe that the best option is not to teach the nipple in principle. I haven't had a child for GW, there was no need for a pacifier, did not use it. But when they were forced to move to the mixture to half a year - they talked to the pacifier so that the child could calm down without her mother's chest. I left the pacifier as a result almost myself by the 2nd year. The sucking reflex finally fuses only to one and a half years. Therefore, before that time, I consider it normal if the child does not part with the nipple.

    I learned myself so while my son slept, I cut the tops in all pacifiers. When he demanded "Sonya", I gave him and said that Sonya broke down if he wants, then let him suck such a broken one. And all, the Son somehow calmly perceived this fact. And if it happened, he recalled about a pacifier, I showed that there are only broken and son calmed down.

    When the kid himself will be ready, refuses his beloved paws per day! I do not see anything bad in sucking it during night sleep until 6 months. In our case, it was not affected by breastfeeding and the amount of milk. But by year I consider reasonable nipple to exclude due to teething, the dummy can change the correct bite and it is not good. In a year, the child becomes conscious and it is quite possible to distract from the nipple with a new interesting toy with which he will fall asleep. Many of these "friends" see in children's stores - they sing lullabies and help the baby to fall asleep. The dummy is already not needed here.

    I have two kids, nor a din nor a different dust suck, although I really wanted to teach)) Until the year, the dummy helps, but then it is already among the child in a habit and have to go. I need to go from the bottle soon to me))

    I have been working with children for a long time and now experienced doctors adhere to the opinions that you do not need to teach the child to the nipple. Its articulation apparatus is still formed, and the dummy slows down this process or violates it. Whatever to occur, just do not teach)

    my oldest was a rather excited child. Soothed only with the nipple. Only almost 2 years were able to wean from the nipples. Helped the case. Sonkah as - did the touch and tear off part of one nipple. Brought and says "Bolya". Then he took and threw out. And he had 2 favorites. I took and cut the second (it means the last) nipple in the middle. Maximoshin soon bit off the nipple and spoffed a slice. True, he was still trying to suck this nipple, but the annoyed spoiled. And I simply didn't want to answer the other later, I just fell asleep with her cam

  1. It seems to me ideally from the very birth of a child try not to use the pacifier. So that later I did not have to take a long time and painfully to teach. And so on the experience of friends, I know that very effective in terms of parting with it, stories about mice (or other animals), which are small and need them more than such a big and good boy / girl.


For many moms nipple (dummy) is the best way out when the child is restless or is on artificial feeding. The baby is easier to sleep with her, and it is easier to calm him just give a nipple. But the attachment of children to the pacifier is very cunning - to wean from her is not so easy. Psychophysiological factors, and the nature of the child and external conditions should be taken into account. This article discusses the main advice of pediatricians to teach the baby from the nipple.

To begin with, it should be said that the age of teaching the pacifier usually varies from 1.5 to 3 years. At this age, the child has already cut the teeth for chewing and the function of sucking has already lost its relevance. In addition, after 3 years, with a constant sucking of a pacifier, a child has a deformation of bite and dental anomalies (it is with constant!). Previously of this age, of course, there will be no such effects and the use of the nipple is often quite justified. For children, older than 1 year old nipple should be orthodontic.

Another aspect of addiction to the nipple is distraction from the surrounding world. The baby is so fascinated by the process of sucking the paws, which far around him remains unnoticed. In addition, at the age of 2 years, the child learns to speak, and the nipple can slow down this process (but not necessarily!).

In Europe, moms do not give such a value to the nipples and children they can suck for up to 5-6 years.

So, to lean from the nipple, some nuances must be taken into account.

Tips for teaching a child from pacifier nipples

  1. In the first days of life, you can not teach a child to a pacifier.
  2. If the child is quite comfortable feeling without a nipple, does not worry, it is easily falling asleep and does not pull in the mouth of the blanket or fingers, then you do not need to impose a nipple. Our grandparents have grown and without them, so there is no sharp need for all children. You can say so - this is a purely individual choice of each parent.
  3. More communication and interest around the world.
  4. In the daytime, the day of the child needs to be interested in the subjects around him, more with him to communicate and give the opportunity to feel, stroke and look at all new and new things to think about him and think about his "girlfriend". So the baby is faster adapted to the world around the world and will be carried away by other sensory games than the game in a pacifier.
  5. Provide a child adult meal.
  6. To date, there are many different devices. A very positive effect carries an intermediate stage between a bottle and a mug - Children's amphibian-unpleasant. This comfortable thing is useful since 6-7 months, when you can try to teach a child from drinking from a bottle, because the faster the child will learn to swallow, the earlier it will be possible to get rid of the nipple (both pacifiers and bottles).

    Closer to 7-8 months can already be left nipple only for sleep time. The rest of the time will be better if it will not come across the child's eye.

  7. Replacing the nipple.
  8. Of course, the nipple is a factor of calm. But in the same miraculous way to the child affects the mother's voice, her touch, lulling, head of the heart and heat of hand. Thus, you can change the ritual of preparation to sleep, namely, read the child a fairy tale, pass the song, put your hand on the baby and burn. In general, everything that comes to mind and calm the baby. Everything except nipples.

What can not be done in any way

It is worth thinking to each parent that not all the "grandmother's ways" and not all the advice worth practicing. Moreover, often teaching methods borders with madness, which causes much greater harm to the child than the nipple itself. These are the advice that you can hear in everyday life and advice do not need to do.

  • Missing the nipple mustard or other sharp and bitter products. In recent years, the percentage of children with allergic diseases is increasingly growing, and spices can cause swelling of QuincĂ©, that is, the edema of the throat and spasm leading to breathing.
  • Cut the nipple by the type of chamomile. Milk teeth of the babies of the island and may well splash the gum from the nipple, and at best, the child simply swallows her. At worst, the gum can stick to the mucosa in the throat and trigger a suffocation.
  • Rapid voice to the child when it requires a nipple. Nipple is his "sedative", so the whims will only increase, if the child meets also pressure from the side.
  • It is not necessary to select the baby in the baby in the period of teething or the other painful state of the baby, otherwise the process of recovery of the baby can delay without the medium familiar to it.

Methods of teaching a child from a pacifier

If the parents came to the decision that it is already time for the baby to break from the nipple, that is, several options for solving this task. So, it is possible to gradually form a habit of habit without a pacifier in a few weeks. This method is suitable for children up to 1 year or a little older. Here you need to exclude the use of a pacifier during the daytime, do not take her for a walk, more distract the child with games. In addition, we must enter the use of a drink for a drink for the rule. Following, it is worth removing the nipple from the night diet, offering the child to the replacement - a toy for sharing sleep, his company, evening fairy tale, etc. Also, it makes sense to wait when the child falls asleep.

If the child is more than 1.5 years old, then this technique is not relevant for him. It will already require a more cardinal approach. The baby is already able to understand what is happening around, and the mother can always agree with his chad. We are talking about the conveying to the baby about the abandonment of the nipple. Moreover, he must understand that he refuses her once and for all.

So, you can suggest the baby to give your "favorite" to another child or imaginary friend, can be an animal (bunny, mouse and others). It is possible to simply throw off the nipple with the preliminary farewell ceremony (of course, joking). The main thing is to convey to the child not only the importance and finality of the decision, but also to realize this action as a stage of his mature. In response to his power, Will can be given a gift to the baby.

Of course, a couple of days will have to suffer whims, especially at night. But, in this matter, the main thing is not to give up and stand on your own. Nipples no longer. There is definitely exceptions - when the whims continue for more than 10 days. In this case, the pacifier can be returned and postpone teaching it for a while.

Most of the kids themselves are learned from the pacifier to 3 years, so the main thing for parents is the habit of habitant not to impose it to your child and catch this moment of refusal.

One of the effective ways is to teach from the nipple on vacation when you are leaving the whole family and change the surrounding environment. With the child discussing that you are going to relax, and the nipple remains at home (for children 2-3 years old). Positive emotions, a new place will help the child to forget about the habit. Not everyone of course, for someone a new place is a big stress and it is better to do it on the contrary.

The most important task is not just to take away the baby from the child, and to wait the right moment when the child itself will be ready and the surrounding situation will be favorable.

After all, if at first, children really need this subject to physiological reasons, then as the habit of sucking the pacifier has a psychological selection and makes it difficult to the process of socializing a little man.

Having all the "for" and "against", the mother begins to teach away from the pacifier. However, the child does not like such interference, so he hides a pacifier in a carriage, takes away from the peers on the street, crying and demonstrates his discontent.

And yet, what is it like - the right teaching from the pacifier? How to avoid common mistakes, what rules should be followed when starting work - at 12 months or 3 years? The most popular methods of "struggle" with a nipple are presented below.

Reflex sucking is one of the most important for the newborn, moreover, this is a natural necessity. That is why when the child appears to the light, doctors necessarily check this stereotypical reaction.

If a sucking reflex is at an optimal level, the infants will "produce milk" well and optimally develop. In other cases, experts make a conclusion about physiological or neurological disorders.

A child who is solely on natural feeding and the receiving breasts on the first requirement can suck the mother of the mother almost around the clock. Thus, he not only rides, but also satisfies his sucking reflex. In this case, the desert is not needed.

However, in practice, such a frequent necessity to give the child the breast is very exhausting and without that woman tired after childbirth. She begins to be overworked, annoyed, which as a result can adversely affect the baby. As a way out: Dummy to meet the desire to suck the nipple.

Another thing if the baby is an artificial. Bottle extraction requires less effort than maternal breast sucking for milk. The child is quickly saturated, and the sucking reflex remains dissatisfied.

In such a situation, the silicone accessory becomes a good helper for Mom, and for the baby - a simulator, sedative and means to meet important basic needs.

The dummy is not always needed, so you should not get acquainted with it if:

  • a woman is ready to give newborns always, when it is necessary to satisfy a sucking reflex;
  • the kid spits silicone tool;
  • the child easily calms down and stops crying as soon as his attention be distracted by something interesting (for example, toy).

Thus, the addictive child to the nipple is due to both physiological (sucking reflex) and psychological (reassembly) causes. Moreover, the first factor over time smoothly flows into the second, only enhancing affection.

Silicone accessory has both dignity and serious disadvantages. Therefore, it is worth considering all the opinions of specialists: pediatricians, orthodonotes, speech therapists and psychologists.

Advantages of the nipple

Despite the skeptic relationship of some moms, specialists allocate a number of explicit positive moments from the use of infant pacifier.

  1. The main advantage of the nipples is the ability to quickly calm the child. When he climbs, he has no excited, excited, the dummy quickly relaxes and brings the long-awaited soothing to all households. She also helps the baby faster fall asleep.
  2. The nipple will allow to distract the crumb when performing various unpleasant procedures, for example, when planned vaccination.
  3. The dummy can help if it is necessary to limit the child in the use of a milk or an artificial mixture (for example, with an excessive mass of the body of the baby), while not reducing the sucking reflex.
  4. Silicone fixture allows the child easier to carry the flight on the aircraft and reduces discomfort, which is caused by pressure drops. Sucking the paws also reduces the abyss of the ears when flying.
  5. The dissatisfaction of the sucking reflex makes the baby pull the fingers, a pelleton or blanket. In this case, suck the pacifier is the best way out of all of the above.
  6. It is believed that the nipple is able to significantly reduce the risk of sudden childhood syndrome. Features of the design (ring and ventilation holes) will allow the air to penetrate into the lungs, even if the child is confused in the blanket.

The noted above does not mean that immediately after the hospital, the newborn must necessarily teach to the pacifier. The child must suck the nipple of a mother or a bottle, and without silicone tool, it is often possible to do at all.

Some parents may be puzzled to shake their shoulders and ask a completely acquitted question: if everything is so good, then why do you need to teach a child from sucking a pacifier?

In fact, all the advantages with ease is leveled by the negative effect of the nipple on the development of kids with too long use. Thus, experts allocate several significant negative points of use of silicone pacifiers.

Among them:

Komarovsky's dealer is convinced that the nipple is not much harmful for the child. The desire to wean from the pacifier is dictated from the outside: grandmothers, neighbors, just unfamiliar people, with a bewilderment and a mockery with a nipple with a pacifier.

The prerequisites for the above described undesirable consequences, as the popular pediatrician believes, lie in poor heredity, poor condition of nature, individual physiological and psychological characteristics of the child.

Nevertheless, most experts recommend getting rid of the sucking of a pacifier in order not to violate children's development. After all, this silicone object has no longer needed, and before, an important action goes into a discharge annoying harmful habit.

When is it time to teach a child from a pacifier?

There is a definite pattern: an adult child is harder to part with a loved dusty dust. And since the kid himself will not want to give up the "silicone friend", then it is the parents who must make a fundamental solution and choose a painless way of refusing a nipple.

At what age should begin to teach from the nipple? Many experts are convinced that it is easier to cope with the habit while the child has not been 12 months old. This is explained by the fact that it is easier to switch to other items the attention of a one-year-old baby than children in 2 or 3 years old.

The most optimal age of teaching the nipple is the period between 6 and 8 months. At this time, the sucking reflex already fades, but it begins the lore.

Children's life begins to change, because the child is experiencing unfamiliar feelings before the taste, learns new feeding rules. Parents switchable baby attention from nipples on bright dishes: hooks, cups, spoons.

Meeting from the boning nipple in 2 or 3 years is somewhat complicated for the following reasons:

  • habit sucking the nipple silicone rooted;
  • the notorious crisis of the three-year-old age begins when the child is trying to do the opposite.

On the other hand, a 3-year-old baby is already able to understand some maternal arguments, so at a skillful approach with him you can agree, playing on the motive of independence, adulthood and desire to help small children.

Is it possible to meet a 6 or 7-year-old child in Russia sucking a pacifier? Most probably not. In your power to cope with this addiction, pick up the most painless and most suitable way, even before the kid goes to kindergarten.

In Italy, you can find a 5-year-old bootouse, calmly sitting in a wheelchair and sucking nipple. And Italian parents are not concerned about the opinion of others or the likely irregular bite. These are the traditions of this society!

4 ways to learn from the nipple

Currently there are four effective techniques that help to learn the baby from the nipple. The choice of the most suitable way will depend on the age of the child, its individual characteristics and degree of rooting habits.

Smooth refusal

So that the dumping difference is painless and lack of stress, you can spend several weeks on it. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the following useful recommendations.

It does not follow the power of the child from the mouth, if he categorically does not want to part with it. A similar action will not cause an understanding from his part, on the contrary, only tantrum is waiting for parents.

So severe method is more suitable for children in two or three years, already understanding the arguments and arguments of parents.

In order for this difficult period to harm the child, one of the following options should be adopted.

To wean a child from a pacifier in 2 years, you need to arrange a kind of celebration after all these rituals, which marks growing up. If the child remembers the subject, you should repeat that it has already grew up and he doesn't need a dummy.

A sharp studio is welcomed by all experts, but still in some situations it really helps. Especially if parents do not know how to quickly disappear a child from a pacifier in 2 or 3 years.

When needed quickly and at the same time painlessly wean the child from the nipple, the method is suitable that mothers are actively divided into numerous women's forums.

Apply such a way to children who are on natural feeding, as mom will need to give a crumb chest.

  1. When the introduction of dust, it is possible to give a nibler instead of a nipple. This device is a mesh or silicone tank with holes in which the coarse fruits or vegetables are laying. The crocha will suck Nibler, little by little forgetting about the pacifier.
  2. An older child acquire a brass musical instrument: a lifting harmonica, a fool or whistle. The only minus is not many parents able to withstand such a kind of musical accompaniment.
  3. Try to download the child as much as possible: physically and emotionally. Long walk on the street, actively play at home, then swim the crumb into the bathroom with lavender oil (if there is no allergies) and put it sleep. Charter, baby and not remember the nipple.
  4. Teach children to drink from the mug, feed from the spoon. This will help gradually drop off not only from the nipple, but also from the bottle with the mixture. After all, the habit of these two devices is developing in parallel.
  5. Another advice is to wean from the nipples in gaming activities. In the process of cancellation, play more, let's various balls, rodents, teethers. You do not need to remind or give a pacifier, even if the crumb sharpens. Return is possible if he persistently asks her.
  6. How to wean a child to sleep with a nipple? Create a new ritual to calm down before falling asleep, in which there will be no empty place. It can be a new song, reading a book, swing on the handles, bathing with beautiful toys.

Another useful and meaningful article telling about. The pediatrician will describe psychological and medical methods of taking the baby from the chest.

In the process of teaching the pacifier, consider not the opinions of neighbors or grandmothers at the entrance, but the individual features of their child. Only in this case you will be able to choose the most harmless way to get rid of such a boning silicone device.

In the first months after the birth of the baby, the dummy turns into a real chopper: with a pacifier in the mouth, a child is less climbing, it calms down faster and falls asleep. To reap the fruits later, when the 2nd, and then the 3-year-old child persistently does not want to part with the beloved "toy". It is necessary to take into account that the rapid psyche of the child may be painfully responding to excommunication, and therefore it is necessary to choose the right time to teach from this habit, taking into account the individual characteristics and temperament of the baby.

Usually, kids in 2-3 years no longer use a pacifier, but it does not always happen. If the baby stepped over this line and still requires a pacifier, it can be studied from this with the help of soft methods

Pros and Cons Nipples

  • You do not need to offer a baby to the baby in the first week after birth, if he can do without it, behaves calmly, does not pull in his mouth everything is sleeping well. Many kids rose, and without learning about the existence of a pacifier.
  • Talk more with the child during wakefulness during the day, tell something, getting together with the world around it. In this case, he will be much easier to adapt in a new world to him, get used to it and accept, and the harmful habits will not have time.
  • After half a year, the child is already learning to drink from a cup. The faster he will be obtained by swallowing movements, the faster the need for bottles will disappear, and with them the need for a nipple gradually disappears.
  • Approximately 7-8 months, remove the pacifier from the field of view. If the baby does not see her, then it will take him only for falling asleep during the day or evening.
  • Closer to one year old, the kid gladly listens to fairy tales. Take advantage of this - he will quickly calm down and swelling to the mother's voice. Reading fairy tales will help forget about the nipple.
  • Let the child all the time be engaged in cubes and other interesting toys. An exciting occupation is not only a way to know the world, but also a good reason is not distracted.

As soon as the baby learn how to drink from a row, a cup or through a tube, a problem with a bevel will decide almost immediately

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Of course, good neighbors, moms, grandmothers and acquaintances will be willing to give advice and "proven recommendations", helping to weary from the nipples. Do not take everything heard for the manual to action, your child is a personality with his temper and a psychic warehouse, he will not necessarily suit what was suitable for another.

Understand that parting with a bevel is quite difficult for the baby, and therefore some actions can deliver much more trouble than the nipple itself. Remember that it is impossible:

  • To deceive the nipple with all sorts of bitterness (garlic, mustard). Many adults with disgust belong to these products, and what is the small child? Moreover, some spices cause allergic reactions, the child may have a sovereign swelling, which will lead to a suffocation. In recent years, an increase in the number of allergic diseases has been noted, and therefore should not risk the life of their crumbs.
  • Cut the nipple by the type of flower. The first teeth are similar to the razor. Imagine that the kid will bite a piece of gum. If the squeezed "petal" of parent creativity will fall into the throat and sticks to the mucous membrane, then the misfortunes do not pass.
  • Scold a child, shout, show irritation and express discontent if he insists on the nipple - he will not understand what he got angry, and therefore it will be worried about and capricious.
  • Select the nipples during the disease and - already bad well-being could worsen, and the recovery itself will be slow.

To scold a child for the use of the nipple in no case - this will only lead to additional stress. Soft methods, comfortable for mom and kid will achieve the desired

When to start the oscillation process?

Children's psychologists consider the most reasonable and productive age for parting with a nipple gap from 3 months to 1 year. If the decision is already accepted by the parents, then there is no reason to delay. One should only choose a favorable moment to start, stock patience and act. For different age categories, various techniques apply various techniques to learn from the pacifier.

Gradual refusal

This scheme is suitable for crumbs up to a year or a little older. The failure procedure will take several weeks:

  • Leave the nipple at home when you go walk.
  • During the day, remove the pacifier from the eye.
  • Refuse water bottle and motivate the child to use a cup.
  • Play with your child more, make up new games.
  • At night, let the child's favorite toy in the crib to level it loneliness.
  • Sit with the child until he falls. Do not leave it alone.

The separation process can be divided into several stages:

  1. For 5 days, allow the pacifier 2 times less than the usual one.
  2. For several days let nipple only when the crumb goes to bed.
  3. Reduce the time with the pacifier when falling asleep twice, then attach to the chest.
  4. Allow the nipple for a few minutes, then the chest.

In difficult situations, when the baby has twisted and really can not cope with him and calm down, give way to him. In a difficult moment, the nipple should be given.

Sharp refusal

This technique is good for kids from one and a half years, who understand that Mom says and does. A sharp refusal means irrevocable action. The baby must be prepared for this. Mom, who knows his child, will be able to pick up a moment and will do everything as best for him, given the character of the child. Good ideas:

  • To give some baby's nipple, you can even organize a solemn transmission procedure. The kid can be said that the mature kids certainly transmit nipples with a small nipple, which is very necessary.
  • Send the nipple by the hedgehog into the forest or fish in the marine bunch. The kid can be assured that they are scary there without a nipple, because it is the forest / sea.
  • It often works with a real ejection of a pacifier in the reservoir, a window, a trash can.
  • Buy your child a beautiful toy instead of the chopped nipple and explain that only matured guys can play with such toys.

Having finished with the nipple, prepare for whims and children's crying for several days, especially in the evening and night time. If in 10 days the baby does not bother with a loss, and its overall state worsened noticeably, then stop the experiment and give it a new pacifier.

It is probably not ready for radical measures yet. By 3 years, almost all children parted with a pacifier and do not remember any more about it.

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Meeting a child from the nipple - the task is often very difficult. Parents are so accustomed that the dummy saves from screams, soothes the baby that they simply misses the time of the painless abandon from the "harmful" habit. And this period acquires the character of the turning point: the unconditional reflex is reborn into conditional, that is, all signs of addiction appear. The awareness of the mistakes of the parents come late, in two years, and therefore the separation of a baby with a pacifier becomes a complex process.

Why the child gets used to a pacifier: we disassemble everything "for" and "against"

Sucking is a normal instinct of a little man. Some kids suck finger, others are delighted with pacifiers. But in front of the parents often arises the question: is it safe to a dummy, can she somehow harm the child?
Nipples have both advantages and disadvantages. We decided to figure it out in more detail, and asked for advice to the pediatrician. This is what a specialist told our correspondent.

The advantages of a pacifier.

An indisputable plus is a way to calm the baby. When capricious and excitement, she will relax and bring long-awaited soothing also to parents. The easiest example is the child can not sleep. The best way is the nipple.

But the disadvantages of using a pacifier more:
  1. Early teaching to the nipple is fraught with breastfeeding problems. It is better to wait until the baby learn to take the chest, and then give the pacifier;
  2. fast addiction, constant need in it. If at night the nipple falls out of the mouth, the cry begins, because the baby becomes hard to breathe;
  3. frequent use of a pacifier can lead to the development of infectious diseases of the middle ear;
  4. use after two years causes problems with teeth and leads to the development of incorrect bite.

The pediatrician also made a detailed memo on what you need to know before starting to use the nipple.

  1. The benefits of the pacifier exists only under six months.
  2. Do not force a child to take a nipple. If she fell, the baby does not ask her back, then it is not necessary to exercise my initiative and insist, giving it again and again with a crumb.
  3. It is not worth going to the cunning (add sugar to the dudder) so that the baby began to suck it.
  4. It is necessary to observe the purity of the pacifiers, to change them as often as possible.
  5. The choice is the responsible business. The best option is a nipple with protection and ventilation holes.
  6. Dummy - the extreme method of soothing. Before starting use, it is better to try something else. Change position, shake the baby, quietly sing a lullaby.
  7. Regular consultation with the doctor on the question is desirable when it is necessary to stop using a pacifier.
  8. The optimal time of teaching is the gap from six months to one year.

This instruction is a visual allowance that will help in many situations using the nipple and ease the life of parents.

When should I start to teach a child from the nipple?

Parents need to be attentive to see signals that indicate the need to teach a child from the nipple.

So, these signals include such moments:

  1. the kid does not part with a bevel all day;
  2. pacipple becomes priority before communicating with peers, relatives, that is, because of her, social communication skills are not acquired;
  3. delaying the development of speech;
  4. age - more than three years;
  5. the child learned to use the dishes - a plate and a mug. During this period, new parties to life are opening, new interests appear, therefore, the dummy goes into the background. The best period of teaching a child from the nipple .

And, of course, the most optimal age of teaching begins with six months. It was at this age that a congenital reflex sucking fuses, and just need to help the baby, gradually excluding a pacifier.

That's all the signs that parents should see. It will remain quite a bit - overcome the period of refusal of the nipple without harm to the emotional and mental state of the baby.

Specialist advice: how to quickly wean a child from the nipple

There are many ways from the easiest and gentle, to hard methods.
The pediatrician specialist advised the following methods.

  1. Switching attention . It will take an ordinary rubber toy, the child will be able to play it, and also chew instead of the nipple.
  2. Before bedtime you need to stroke , scratching, head massage, sutting with lullabies.
  3. Gradual cutting of the nipples . We gradually, then more and so until the nipple starts falling out of the mouth. Such a suck sucking uncomfortable, therefore, there will be no pleasure from her either, the baby will throw a dye.

These methods are good for children from one to one and a half years.

Older, at the age of 2-3 years, children no longer buy for such tricks. Here the history method is suitable.

  • A simple example. The pacifier eaten the bunny and passed the crumb thank you very much. You can show spoiled by accompanying this scene such a story. The main, fantasy, honest eyes and a convincing voice.
  • Another option - along with the baby to go stroll and give the nipple a kitten or a puppy, again, told some story. If the requirements begin to return the item back, you can safely answer that the small himself gave Sosse. The main factor is voluntary, the child himself must give, it needs to praise it.

There are many more methods, but these are the most efficient. In any case, what kind of way would be chosen, you need to configure only to win. Kids feel sensitive when parents give slack and ready to surrender. Children are easily able to manipulate, so you need only hardness in the decision to wean the child from the pacifier!