German woman appearance. The battle of street beauties - Russians against German women! (20 photos). You are bilingual for sure

The very last thing is to put tags on people. Well, who said that the Germans are all completely gloomy, rude and closed "to all the buttons" of the person? Is it possible to characterize an entire nation indiscriminately? Each person has his own character, and the feminine is especially diverse: in Germany live chatterboxes, laughter, and serious ambitious ladies, and gray mice, and with the makings of anecdotal "blondes".

On the forums, you can often hear that German women are terrible fenimistic persons, straightforward and rude, making a career and not striving for comfort, home and children. Is it so?

About appearance

There are legends about the ugliness of German women. You read so much about their ugliness that it’s scary to leave the house. I love to look around, observe people and love beautiful faces. Therefore, I can say for sure: there are beauties among German women. I can't say anything about the number of those. Pretty faces I come across every day.

Among the matured aunties, there are few smart, well-dressed and well-combed ones. But one thing I can say for sure: beautiful German girls and adolescents in the country - a shaft! With white strands, porcelain faces and a thin waist - real angels in the flesh - it's hard to take your eyes off them.

Perhaps there are fewer of them among older women. Simply because not all of them consider it necessary to take care of themselves and invest a lot of energy in themselves, their makeup, and even more so in procedures outside the home, as well as spend time and money on all these matters. And botox ladies are not often found here, and even those, more likely, will not be German at all.

But German old women are distinguished by their elegance and sophistication. They go to hairdressers, they wear dresses and jewelry. No, not all ... But there are a lot of them. From some of them, any of us can learn the style.

Therefore, you should not call ugly German women. They take less care of themselves and prefer convenience in everything, so they do not look bright and catchy. But this has nothing to do with beauty. And beauty is such a relative concept ... that it is simply useless to argue on this issue. In addition - beauty ... it is in the eyes of the beholder)

Many even believe that German men are much more beautiful than German women. May be. Have you ever thought: that the male peacock is handsome, and his girlfriend? The rooster is bright and colorful, and the hen? Drake is a cutie with a bright green head, not like his darker partner. What can we say about the lion with his mane. There is something in all this, don't you think? 😛

About character

German women are considered to be very reserved. They know how to surprisingly react to any event, without giving out their emotions. That is, they, of course, can give out emotions, but this will not happen in public. Only the closest ones will find out about what excited or offended a woman. Moreover, in Germany they are very sensitive to personal space: the entrance to it is strictly forbidden to outsiders. If a lady with us can open up, say, to a random fellow traveler, to present all her problems not only to friends, but also to acquaintances, then such a number will not work with a German woman - therefore, you should not go into her soul.

A remarkable feature of German women can be considered the fact that they are not intriguing and know how to express their opinion directly, bluntly, will not be cunning and dodge - hang noodles on their ears. I don’t like something in my boyfriend, and they will say: so and so, I don’t like something, what will be the suggestions?

German women are not spontaneous and like to plan ahead. Up to get-togethers with your beloved friend. And if a German woman does not want to go to a scheduled meeting with a friend for some reason, she will tell her: something, dear, I'm too lazy, I'm sorry.

And German women also value their personal convenience, starting from a visit to a doctor, who will be asked to be released from work, if a blues suddenly fall, ending with comfortable shoes: instead of fashionable shoes, say, simple sneakers. You just need to love yourself, so unique!

Often visiting Germany, I have the opportunity to observe life not from the outside, but from the inside. The differences in the relationship between men and women are striking. German men are more responsible than ours, they strictly fulfill their obligations to the family. There are fewer women than men, and they know it: they are more confident in themselves and make higher demands on the stronger sex.

Often visiting Germany, I have the opportunity to observe life not from the outside, as a tourist, but from the inside. The differences in the relationship between men and women are striking. German men are more responsible than ours, they strictly fulfill their obligations to their family, wife, children: they are encouraged to do so by the law. There are fewer women than men, and they know it: they are more confident in themselves and make higher demands on the stronger sex than we have.


Appearance. There is a myth that German women are ugly. In fact, this is not the case. Many of them are naturally gifted very well. There are many pretty girls with delicate features. But this is not striking, because German women do not seek to protrude their femininity and attractiveness. They don’t dye, don’t do their hair, they dress very simply: jacket, jeans, sneakers. But, most importantly, there is no expression on their faces: “I look forward to meeting a man”, which is inherent in our women. German women have good figures, they are athletic, fit. Of course, there are also dense, well-fed ladies, but I have never seen loose, sprawling ones.

In ordinary life, women do not strive to look sexy (it is enough to be clean and tidy), but when they go to the theater, restaurant, they observe the dress code and dress carefully, in the evening. So it is customary for them. And during the day on weekdays, they present themselves modestly and simply, without standing out. In this they differ markedly from our women, who are constantly inherent in the desire to "like". Russian ladies are always dressed, combed and made up as if they are ready to go on a date at any moment. This is also explained by the fact that we have few men, so you must always be ready to meet fate and look your best.

Position in society. I repeat: there are fewer women in Germany than men, and they are worth their weight in gold. Therefore, the German women are aware that there is a willing person for each of them, and more than one.

The woman there sets the tone in the relationship and dictates the conditions that suit her. She can do it hard or softly, but in any case, it is she who dictates. At the same time, her appearance does not play a role and does not cause any complexes. Each representative of the fairer sex is sure that she will be in demand, there is no doubt about it. In addition, there is no such strict age limit as ours, and women are in demand until old age.

Former St. Petersburg woman Irina says: “Recently I came to visit Russia from Germany, and one young man, upon learning that I was forty, said that I looked good. And he added in a simple way: they say, "for Russia you are already a bit old, but in the West, still hoo." This is true. In Germany, women my age are considered young. I have enough attention in abundance, men look at me with adoration. And in Russia, a forty-year-old has no chance. My friends complain that men over forty are looking for girls in their twenties. In general, appearance and age are not so important for a woman in Germany as in Russia. Anyone is married here, even those who would not have had a chance in their homeland. "

German women are very independent, independent, do not count on a man, they try to make their way in life themselves. Someone would call it feminism? Do not know. In my opinion, such a phenomenon as female self-sufficiency is now gaining strength in all civilized countries. Every year we also have more and more independent representatives of the fair sex, who alone, without support on a strong shoulder, cope with life's difficulties. But in our country it happens by force, and in Germany - as a result of the choice of the women themselves.


Appearance. The Germans are outwardly interesting, tall, fit, with athletic figures. There are dense, well-fed, but thick, with large protruding bellies - extremely rare. They look after themselves, neatly dressed, well-cut. An untidy, ragged look is nonsense for them.

Mentality. The Germans are committed to order (this can be seen with the naked eye), very disciplined, reliable, punctual, predictable. True, as it turns out, not everyone likes it. 25-year-old Marina thinks: “In my opinion, the Germans are kind of boring. I don’t take their humor. They are too responsible, they plan everything, think it over, everything is according to the rules. They are very predictable. Maybe someone likes it, but I miss our freedom. True, I have only been in Germany for a year, so I still have little experience of communicating with local men. I have a relationship with a Russian guy who also lives there. I feel good with him. "

Courtship. In courtship, the Germans behave differently from ours. Many of them do not serve a woman a coat, do not open a car door for her, do not present flowers for no reason. So it is customary for them. In courtship, they tend to split the costs between the two, especially when the relationship has already stabilized. They believe that "both need a relationship, you and me, so we pay equally." It is believed that a woman should also invest something in a relationship. The men there respect women's independence, so they encourage such an independent style of behavior. In any case, they are used to it, it seems natural to them.

On the other hand, they like beautiful, well-groomed Russian girls and ladies. True, they do not realize that beauty and grooming do not just appear, but cost money: cosmetics, clothes, and finally, the time spent on self-care. Men want to get the result without their own efforts, at least material ones. And when a woman opens their eyes to this, they are surprised. This is such male naivety ...

Family relationships. German women feel confident in the family. Often not cooked. If both spouses work in a German family, then all household chores are divided in half. This is so familiar and natural that it is not even discussed. In this, the German women are noticeably different from our women, who take everything upon themselves and, in addition to work, are ready to carry the whole house on themselves, if only the husband is there.

German men are quite patient in family relationships. The misunderstandings that arise are attributed to women's moods, they know how to laugh it off, strive to establish peace. They appreciate women, do not throw them around.

Germans rarely get divorced. They do this only as a last resort, when family life becomes completely unbearable. The reason is that child support and financial payments in the event of a divorce are enormous. They fall on men's shoulders with a heavy burden and practically do not give a chance to start another family. The position is reinforced by the fact that the judicial system works well there, it is impossible to get away from alimony and payments, the punishment will follow inevitably. Therefore, divorce is considered the most extreme way out. But what if family life has completely disappointed and has not been satisfying for a long time? Getting a girlfriend on the side ... And so they do.

As you know, our situation is different. My friend Svetlana, who has been living in Germany for ten years, once shared: “My Russian friend divorced her husband, and she has a small child in her arms. After the divorce, the ex told her: "Do you think that you can arrange your life? Look around, you are so lonely with children half the city. And everyone is ready, you just have to beckon! .." In Germany, the relationship between people is completely different. I really like local men. There is no such bad attitude towards a woman that I saw in Russia. Women are on the podium here, they are appreciated. Maybe because German women have many real rights and they are respected. Or people are just brought up here, I don’t know. ”

In general, we can say that German men have a very responsible attitude to the family. The reasons are mentioned above. Germans get married late enough. They live in a civil marriage for a long time, they look closely at each other. And only when a man wants to have children and is convinced that his girlfriend will be a reliable companion in life does he formalize an official relationship.

Here is another opinion - 34-year-old Rita, who is married to a German and happy with her marriage: “We have a normal family, we have a child. When I lived in Russia, I often heard that the Germans were tight-fisted. This is not true. They just know the account of money, they have it that way. I am also used to this and keep track of expenses. My husband provides the family with everything they need, we go on vacation to the sea every year, we have a nice apartment, two cars. I like the attitude of German men to the family much more, they have much more responsibility. Children for them are a value, not a burden. They love them and never leave them without care. "

Inna Kriksunova, for

1. Doner kebab your salvation at three o'clock in the morning. Used as a hangover preventer. And you are absolutely sure that this is a purely German invention. The integration of immigrants into German culture does not work!

2. Efficiency is your middle name.

Do you work abroad for an international company? Almost certainly all your colleagues hate you. A purebred German solves all his problems in the shortest possible time and plunges the boss into despair, demanding new tasks. Serious attempts to work slower fail - German efficiency is in your genes.

3. Elevators are a place of silence.

There is an unwritten rule in Germany: you don’t look at other people in the elevator, and of course you don’t communicate with them. Even if you are traveling in an elevator with friends, there is usually an awkward pause that no one dares to break.

4. You never, ever step on lawns.

Even if you are walking in one of the few parks where there is no sign that prohibits stepping on the lawn, you literally feel like a criminal just stepping on the grass.

5. There is only one kind of right bread.

Real bread is dark, crispy and soft on the inside, it's obvious. White bread, be it baguette or ciabatta, is not at all right. When you are traveling the world or moving abroad, there is nothing more desirable for you than traditional German pastries.

6. You are every host's worst nightmare.

If you are invited to a party at 7pm in Spain, for example, then as an ordinary German you can probably be found at 6.50pm walking around the block because you don't want to arrive too early. Then the doorbell rings at 6.55pm. One hundred percent the host of the party will not open the door right away - he is still in the shower and has not even begun to prepare the house for the party.

7. The expression "at about seven" makes you shudder.

It's either 7:00 or 7:05 or 7:10. For you, "at about seven" is just an excuse for non-punctual people who cannot manage their lives. Usually you are just angry that you yourself do not manage to be somewhere "around seven". You will always be there at 6:55 am. Even though you sent in a sincere apology text that you are likely to be late, you will still arrive at 6:55 am.

8. You have a strong opinion of beer.

True, it varies greatly depending on the region of birth and is somewhat a bit like religion. While in Cologne they prefer to drink Kölsch in 0.2l glasses, Bremen residents drink 0.33l of Pils at once. The Bavarians will not trade their Helles in a liter mug for anything else. Such a trip can lead to serious internal conflicts: when someone from Cologne tries to order a beer in Munich, they will probably be kicked out of the bar faster than the Bavarian can say “Lederhosen”.

9. Three beers instead of schnitzel.

Beer in Germany is considered a food, not an alcoholic beverage. A Bavarian proverb says: The nutritional value of 3 beers equals a full meal. Drinking a mug or two during your lunch break and then returning to work is quite natural for you.

10. You are constantly complaining about the German service.

You are truly convinced that there is no worse customer service than Germany. However, if you visit, for example, Hungary or France, and how upon your return you are ready to kiss every cashier who smiled slightly at you, simply out of gratitude for their friendliness.

11. Table manners are very important to your parents.

“Don't talk with your mouth full! Sit up straight! Take your elbows off the table! " It's nice to have lunch with your German parents, isn't it?

12. You are a garbage separation maniac.

You have a lot of garbage cans, but you could use an additional one: organic waste, paper, plastic, white glass, green glass, brown glass, ordinary rubbish…. It is perfectly normal for you to wash empty yoghurt containers before throwing them in a designated trash can.

13. You are still angry that you had to pay for your studies.

Tuition at the university used to be free until some lands decided to introduce tuition fees up to € 500 per semester. After several years of public protests, it was canceled. However, these few years have cost you one and a half to two thousand euros, which you would rather spend on beer and flat-screen TVs.

14. At least one of your student friends is 33 years old.

No, he is not teaching or getting a doctorate. He takes time to find the right direction in life. To do this, he changed specialties from archeology to philosophy, from business studies to Sinology. Finally, I found it - the study of the history of art of Uzbekistan in the 9th century. Unfortunately, with the introduction of international bachelor's and master's degrees in Germany, the requirements for passing certain standards have become stricter, and this way of life is less and less common.

15. You follow the rules of the road.

You will never cross the street with a red traffic light. Never. Even on foot, at night, even if not a single car is visible within a radius of two blocks. The risk of losing your driver's license is too great if you are caught in a violation as a pedestrian. Unfortunately, when you are in other countries, you expect other people to have the same respect for red traffic lights. This is how you almost killed 5 people on a recent trip to Southeast Asia.

16. Insurance gives you an absolute sense of security.

Life insurance, fire insurance, natural disaster insurance, disability insurance, supplemental health insurance, liability insurance, maintenance insurance, accident insurance… admit it, you have at least half of them. You feel so well protected with them that you don't mind spending half your salary on things that will probably never happen. God saves man, who save himself.

17. Polite small talk is not for you.

If you work with people of other nationalities, the conversation during work might be something like, "Hey, how are you?" "Good." "How's the weekend?" "What do you want? I do not have time for this!" The last phrase, as a rule, you say to yourself. It's not that you're a sociopath, it's just that you think your time is too valuable to be wasted in pleasantries. We wouldn't have made it to our economic miracle with idle chatter after all.

18. National pride makes you uncomfortable.

The Germans are still traumatized by their history. No matter what country you are in, publicly displaying national flags or overt displays of patriotism seem odd. And the only time when you don't catch disapproving glances while mounting the German flag on the balcony is during the World Cup.

19. A lake or pond is your childhood paradise.

Every German city has at least one body of water. Since then, the smell of sunscreen has made you nostalgic for those unforgettable days of carefree fun with friends and ice cream by the water.

20. You watch “Ninetieth Birthday, or Dinner for One” every new year.

This is a British sketch about an old lady celebrating her birthday. Unfortunately, all of her friends are already dead. Fortunately, the elderly lady is not the smartest, so she does not understand that the butler is playing all her friends, and as a result, she is completely exhausted. What's the connection with the new year? No idea. However, you don't care that some German traditions don't make sense.

21. You are most likely bilingual.

You speak your regional dialect and classic German. With over 20 different dialects in Germany, Hoch Deutsch helps you communicate with fellow German students from other federal states. Otherwise, a Bavarian will not be able to communicate with a Frisian without an interpreter. After all, these dialects actually belong to two different branches of the German language family.

22. You have never heard “speed limit” and “highway” in the same sentence.

Yes, for the most part there is no speed limit on German motorways. Unfortunately, you hardly ever enjoyed this freedom, because there is always some idiot who trudges at a speed of 120 km / h, blocking the left lane.

23. You are well aware that there is no such thing as a typical German.

Different beers, different Christmas traditions, you even speak different languages! Only for a couple of weeks, every two years, the whole country becomes one thanks to the eternal magic of football championships.

2. The largest number of police cars in Germany are Mercedes.
3. Germans do not know and are afraid of dried fish.
4. Yes, yes! pronounced with the intonation of the Russian "Well, well!", means "Kiss my ass" and so it is understood.

5. Due to the demonstration of forty nationalists, traffic in Hamburg is blocked, and the path of the demonstration is cordoned off by a regiment of police officers in helmets and body armor. Protecting ... nationalists. Not a joke, but a fact.
6. In Germany, you can not work and live on social assistance. True, very poor, but to live.
7. The difference in dialects of the German language is such that TV programs in the north of the country sometimes go with sign language translation if southerners speak.
8. If the question: "How to get there?" They will smile at you, take out an iPhone, look at the navigation and, explaining how to get through, offer to give you a lift by car - you are in Germany.
9. Penalty for slap in the face - 500 euros.

10. If you want the leniency of the court, you must confirm that at the beginning of the fight you did not clench your fists.
11. If you do not work in certain areas, do not engage in dubious activities, then you can live your whole life in Germany, never faced with obvious crime.
12. If you are nevertheless attacked and struck, the retaliatory blow must be struck within one second. If after two, then you will be judged.
13. Traumatic pistols and gas cartridges are prohibited in Germany.
14. The police in Germany, even after catching up with you, do not beat you.
15. 80% of crime in Germany is carried out by foreigners.

16. If you have run into debts even for half a million, it is enough to declare your ruin and you will be obliged to find a permanent job, they will leave you about a thousand euros to live on, and in less than 10 years, your debts will be written off.
17. It is extremely difficult to evict even a non-paying tenant in Germany.
18. Living in rented housing in Germany is the norm. Three quarters of the population live in rented apartments and houses. The security of the tenant is extremely high. Even the wealthiest strata of the population live in rented housing.
19. Repairing anything in Germany is so expensive that it is often easier to buy a new thing.

20. The Germans relate to their Nazi past, the same as the Aborigines to the eating of Cook.
21. The blame for the Second World War is being introduced into the consciousness of Germans since kindergarten.
22. Children in Germany can do anything. In general, everything. Parents will be responsible. If there are no parents, then no one.
23. Beer in Germany is very good and its varieties are incredible.
24. In Bavaria, during the working day, a person has the right to drink a glass of beer.

25. Homeless people often have dogs. They receive additional money for their maintenance.
26. Germans are wary of foreigners. And there is a reason.
27. Draw a swastika or throw up a hand in a fascist greeting in Germany is prohibited by law.
28. With the introduction of the euro, most prices in Germany have doubled. But until now, the standard of living in Germany is considered one of the highest in the world.
29. In Hamburg, the Hells Angels motorcycle gang gained such influence on the local criminals that bikers were legally prohibited from wearing club symbols. Any large convoy of motorcyclists is accompanied by a police truck.

30. Riding a motorcycle without a helmet is prohibited. The strictest.
31. The most serious German insults are translated as "Hole from the ass" and "Son of a bitch"
32. Germans are very attentive to their health and to what they eat and what they drink.
33. The former mayor of Hamburg and the mayor of Berlin are homosexuals. In society, the attitude to the "gay" is almost like a norm.
34. The level of culture of the average German is much higher than the level of culture of the average Russian. But, as a rule, the level of education is inferior.
35. Alcohol intoxication is a mitigating circumstance in court. Except for road traffic precedents and malfeasance.

36. Until recently, German women practically did not use cosmetics. Due to the influx of bright foreign women, German women began to paint and ceased to be one of the most terrible women in Europe.
37. German women wear high heels only for "occasion".
38. Dealing with the boss in firms is most often "you".
39. One of the leaders of the Green Party suggested singing the second verse of the German anthem in Turkish.
40. Bio-shops are quite popular. Prices there are on average 30% higher than in an ordinary store. Bio bananas are smaller than ordinary bananas, lemons are really much more aromatic.

41. Over-the-knee boots are worn only by prostitutes during working hours and by foreign women, those who have not figured it out yet and those who do not care.
42. An offer from a German to have a cup of coffee together in the evening often means an invitation to have sex.
43. There are fewer women in Germany than men.
44. The Germans are sure that the most popular Russian toast sounds like "Health!" It is useless to persuade.

45. Christmas in Germany is celebrated much more significant and brighter than the New Year.
46. ​​A jam-packed refrigerator in Germany means you are from Russia.
47. In the institution you can get nasty. If you pretend that you are now grabbing in the face, they become very polite.
48. Dogs in Germany are very friendly. It is extremely rare to hear a dog barking.
49. The idea of ​​a multicultural society in Germany failed miserably, as Merkel herself had to admit.

50. In Germany, sanitary standards are so high that you can safely eat not only uncooked meat, but also raw meat.
51. In Germany, it is quite often possible to enter a residential building without taking off your shoes.
52. A single ticket to the sauna costs just under 20 euros.
53. The cost of the services of a prostitute on the Reeperbahn is on average 200 euros per hour.
54. Germans rarely respect non-German beer. Surprisingly, I quite often heard positive responses from the Germans about one Ukrainian manufacturer, I will not indicate the brand of beer, so as not to advertise.
55. Among German women, there is a widespread attitude towards sex as a fitness.

56. A bribe for an official in Germany, for example a police officer, usually starts around € 50,000. However, in one of the cities where I lived, it was possible to remove a photograph from a road machine, for only 300 euros.
57. A civil servant in Germany does not pay public taxes and cannot be fired.
58. Most apartments in Germany are equipped with fire detectors. If you cook something profusely or do not close the shower door, it works, starting to squeak disgustingly. A swearing naked man poking at the ceiling with a mop is a common sight seen by pets.
59. German women often do not know how to cook.
60. The column "Nationality" in Germany is determined by citizenship.
61. Germans are surprised at the ability of Russians to pronounce the letter "P" and "Y"

62. The proverb “Without a piece of paper you’re a turd”, apparently, was invented by the Germans.
63. All business letters in Germany end with the phrase "With friendly greetings." Even a fine summons.
64. The word "foreigner" in Germany refers to abusive language.
65. Germans in communication, as a rule, are welcoming and friendly. But do not flatter yourself too much, they just are well brought up.

66. Married couples of Russians with Germans are quite rare, due to too different mentality. They prefer to remain lovers. That's good.
67. In a cafe-eatery, leaving the waiter for tea more than one euro is regarded as a good tip.
68. Germany becomes a native of an emigrant when there is a feeling that you litter in the street, you litter in your apartment and there is a desire to remove someone's garbage in a public park.
69. Tattoos and piercings are very popular in Germany. Both among women and among men.

70. In Germany, a popular TV presenter was fired for saying that good autobahns were built under Hitler.
71. In Germany, they are very attentive to how owners treat pets. Even if a blind disabled person treats his guide dog badly, the dog will be taken away from him.
72. Germany is a paradise for sweethearts. It seems to me that there are no more varied and beautiful sweets anywhere in the world.
73. Russian grocery products can be bought in almost every large supermarket in Germany.
74. In Germany, I sometimes met men who had never fought in their lives.
75. To go fishing in Germany, you first need to complete the relevant courses. Where one of the sections will be devoted to how to handle the caught fish so that it does not experience unnecessary torment.

76. One of the most expensive hunting clubs in Germany is the Wolf Hunters Club. Annual fee in the region of 100,000 euros.
77. Changing jobs often brings a German to a psychotherapist.
78. The reason for not admitting you to a German disco or club may simply be that the guard did not like you. Girls are rarely admitted. Beautiful girls are always admitted, they serve as a bait for visitors. They are also often given special cards that entitle them to free drinks. A group of young Turks in many cities has practically no chance to get through. For this, the guard can be fired. There is no smell of Nazism here, justified necessity.
79. Germany goes to bed and gets up very early.

80. On the "zebra" across the German road, you can walk with your eyes closed.
81. The fine for a cigarette butt thrown on the asphalt in Germany is 20 euros.
82. One of the most popular drinks for German bikers is Jackie-Cola, a blend of Jack Daniels whiskey with Coca-Cola (not Pepsi at all!)
83. Germans eat beer with special rolls with grains of salt, they are called - "Bretzel"
84. You get drunk less from draft German beer than from bottled beer. Why dont know.
85. German cuisine does not differ in special delicacies. But nourishing and solid, like everything German. Potatoes, cabbage, pork are classics, in general.

86. It is a delusion to regard German women as selfish. They just love themselves and their lives.
87. Everything that is necessary is very cheap in Germany. Everything related to convenience and whims is expensive.
88. The closest ice cream to the taste of the Soviet ice cream in Germany is in McDonald's.
89. Germans are sentimental and surprisingly romantic.
90. Germans, communicating with Russian friends, often say “I am a German potato”.
91. The mentality of the Germans is such that they do not get into a fight first. But, if the fight has already begun, they often fight to the last.

92. Unfortunately, there are many pedophiles in Germany. However, in Russia they are probably just beaten very painfully. And here it is impossible. Even planting it is difficult.
93. In Germany, it is normal for a girl and a guy to pay each for himself. Paying for a girl can be seen as an unexpected generosity or a claim to her independence.
94. After an emigrant learns the language, ethnic problems practically disappear.
95. German police officers, as a rule, do not seek unnecessary heroism. There are exceptions. But rarely.

96. If I had not undertaken to write these 100 facts, then at the beginning of the second night I would not have been the only one in the apartment building who was still awake at that time.
97. In Germany, getting sick leave for three days is not a problem.
98. In Germany, seasonal illness is widespread, in Russia it is practically unfamiliar - intestinal flu. If you caught it, hold on ... And then from a low start - it will blow.
99. In Germany, the fiercer the chef, the tastier the meat he cooks.
100. When getting a job in Germany, one should remember that the immutable law of developed capitalism begins to operate - “Are you carrying one bag faster than the others? Well done! Carry two. Are you carrying two? Super, here's your third. Can not? Do not want? Fired, we don't need quitters. "

101. If you have public rather than private health insurance, it can take several weeks to wait for a doctor's appointment.
102. When the German list of the most dangerous dog breeds was compiled, not a single German breed was included, even ahead of others in the number of unmotivated attacks on humans.
103. The German Kneipp is a small pub, rather a club where many middle-aged and older Germans while away the evenings, sometimes sitting in the Kneipp until the night, and the owner practically lives in it. How many interesting stories can be heard there from old patrons, over a glass of beer ...
104. In Germany, many people do not smoke. The Germans, as I have already said, take care of their health.

105. Mixed couples are very common in Germany. African guys often choose incredibly fat German women. This is a tradition. It is a great pride for an African to have a fat wife. So he is so rich that he can feed her. Well, fat German women, walking next to the ebony handsome man, are quite happy with life and, finally, with themselves.
106. “Mine, mine, mine” - this is very developed in Germany. But I must say that “yours is yours” will be respectfully and delicately taken into account and observed. This applies to everything from candy to silence.
107. On many municipal buildings in Germany, menacing eagles have survived, clutching shields in their claws, from which a swastika has been neatly knocked down. Say, well, the bird has sat down, that now, it's beautiful.
108. German humor is of two kinds - black and abstract.
109. In Germany, it is required to divide waste into food and plastic. In fact, in trash bins, most often everything is dumped into one heap. The purpose of this idiocy is to discipline the already disciplined Germans.
110. "Duckstein" - German beer with cognac aroma, aged in an oak barrel. But for some reason, he gives me a headache in the morning. Maybe because I'm not German.
111. Well, that's all, applaud me, I spent an hour of my life on this list. And this is also a fact!

Where are the girls prettier - in Moscow or Munich? Russian or German, bleat ?! It's time to clarify this issue and hurt someone's national pride! The answer is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance. The daytime photo-hunt of two perverts, whom no one gives, can partially clarify the situation on the streets, so they sublimate bloggers with long and thick lenses. The Munich resident morseanen recently shot girls for his report, and I decided to accept the challenge that no one was throwing at me and go to the center of Moscow.

And here are 10 photos for you to compare. What can an avid photo-hunter see in a couple of hours in the capitals of Russia and Bavaria?


But Morse's pictures are better!)) I was greatly disturbed by the dazzling sun, which burns out all the fucking details, and the wary glances of Muscovites, forcing me to shoot at the maximum zoom. Everything glittered and blurred ...

We, near a fashion store

They are there.

We usually go in pairs. It's more fun, even though it's not written on our eternally preoccupied faces.

They are the same people, huddled together and huddled together.

4. The principle of "one beautiful and one smart" "is sacredly observed by us. This is a way to survive in a dangerous crazy city. Smart calculates worthy men and makes a verdict, beautiful nods in agreement and goes on board, arranging a personal life.

Do they have such a ritual? Hope Morseanen can provide an answer. Personally, it seemed to me that the Munich women (Munich women?) Were unaware of this ...

There are enough singles too. Why are there no young people next to them, what kind of fashions are they ?! Where are squeezers, kisses, peepers, jokes, vcafeplatki and other buns ?! Only one mobile phone is an eternal companion and friend, we do not part with it.

And they?

There are many, very many singles. We have Putin spying on them ...

They don't need anyone, everyone goes about their business. Only a short, stylish Morse snaps from afar, with all his might pretending to be interested in "that beautiful building".

Which is better - high heels and tight trousers, or a denim casual? I am happy to live in Moscow and gratify the eyes of women everywhere who look like women.

No, I can't miss it and not change the angle!

How does Morse feel, swimming in a sea of ​​sneakers and jeans? Are they swearing in secret and dreaming of the coveted Moscow residence permit ?! Questions, questions ...

8. We, Russian policemen

They, German civilians

9. Who is better dressed? I have no answer to this question. Moscow is rich, Munich too. These are typical us:

These are typical they.

I still think that Muscovites are prettier in the bulk. Although the gap is not as great as it turned out. Finding enchanting beauties on a fine day is not so easy as it seems. Basically - just nice pretty girls, the adornment of our cities.

"" What is there with the Fritzes? "" (C) Also not so hot, although Morse patriotically assures that all Monica Bellucci scatter in panic, you just have to get it out and pick up your large and long lens.

This long-standing controversy of ours will be sooooo long, bringing great photos, great posts, great srachs and lots of fun for everyone. Well, shall we continue?))