A short boy. How can a short man make himself taller? Small but daring

"... You can jump from the bridge And you will not leave the post, But very small ..." When the burly Lolita Milyavskaya sang the song "Little", referring to her husband at that time, Alexander Tsekalo, the audience was moved. Still would! The charming little man Tsekalo, having entered the image, ran around the stage in a soldier's helmet, fired a water pistol and finally happily fell asleep in his wife's arms. Good and more!

But a bright show is one thing, and a harsh reality is completely different. Ask a thousand women the question: "What is he," (meaning only appearance), and the truth will be revealed to you. Ladies will dream of gentlemen of all stripes and varying degrees of fatness, but for sure none of them will say: "He must be short!" By the way, let's immediately decide: everyone who has reached 20 years of age, but has not reached 170 centimeters in height, automatically belongs to short men.

So why are beautiful girls in no hurry to "get their hands on" suitors below the coveted figure? And what is generally known about these "little princes"?

"This is not me, these are the ancestors"

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the female population prefers "Uncle Step" rather than "little men with nails". The distant ancestors must be blamed for this. More precisely, the basic instinct. For his well-known purposes, tall uncles are the best suited: they have more chances to overwhelm the mammoth and emerge victorious from the fight with the saber-toothed tiger. And the offspring from them will turn out to be strong. But nowadays, mammoth meat for dinner can be bought in any store, and saber-toothed tigers are found only in computer games. Nevertheless, the fair sex is in no hurry to turn its gaze towards short men. Not only do women not see them as earners and protectors, but also subconsciously perceive them as children. And the maternal instinct is not equal to the main one.

Female look: “I have never had anything against small men. But once I brought it together with this, it was then that it became clear that prejudices about "compact" boyfriends are not alien to me.

His name was Yaroslav. How does it feel? Yaroslav is a two-meter Russian bogatyr with a thick beard and kind eyes, but this one ... In general, for his friends he was Yarik. I think he was a little over one and a half meters - I did not dare to ask the exact height, but clearly less than my "meter sixty-five". Blue-eyed brunette, well built, it would seem, everything is with him. But I could portray the breadth of views only when I was sitting with Yarik in a cafe, and his true "dimensions" were not noticeable. As soon as he got up from the table, I wanted to immediately crawl under the same table. In case acquaintances appear and see a "big" person in the company. Apparently, Yarik felt this and, as if in an excuse, told that his friends call him a dwarf. I grinned unkindly and thought: "You still don't know how they call you behind your back."

When he arrived in a new huge foreign car, I was numb and remembered Freud with his damn sublimation. However, if he had arrived in the Oka, it would have been even funnier. The shock was repeated when Yarik appeared on a date in pointed shoes. I couldn't get rid of the Little Flour fantasies all evening. The next time I was confused by his huge sneakers. It seemed that he was barely dragging his feet, although in fact the guy moved quite fast. Here it should be added that next to Yarik, my mother's favorite, Pekingese Styopa, minced. As they say, you can't invent it on purpose.

And finally, when at the meeting my friend asked: “How is your elf doing?”, I decided - enough is enough! Let him find himself a little inch, a princess and a pea, anyone: thumb-boy and girlfriend should be a fairy-tale character, and not an ordinary girl of average height.Although it's a pity, his character and sense of humor are amazing! "

Small but daring

And yet, short people have their advantages.

According to psychologists, most undersized people consider themselves "second-class people." An unpleasant obsessive thought often pushes them to great deeds, and their names forever fall into the tablets of history.

In confirmation of this fact, Napoleon is usually called (1.62 meters). He is credited with the phrase: "If I cannot become tall, I will become great!" - and in his honor was named the complex, tormenting small men. In principle, in some cases, the "Napoleon complex" must be thanked: painful pride and a desire to overtake their rivals helped many famous people to become famous. You already know about Bonaparte, in the same list Alexander the Great, Suvorov, Pushkin, and also, whether you like it or not, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin ... And more recent examples: literally "above the sky" the first to climb a Soviet citizen of 158 centimeters. His name was Yuri Gagarin.

The Italian singer Pupo was not ashamed of his tiny sprout, but on the contrary, made it a trademark, a brand, because "pupo" is translated from Italian as "baby". The tiny Italian has driven (and possibly continues to) crazy millions of women around the world.
Such "stars" as Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise and our relatives Andrey Gubin, Oleg Gazmanov and Alexander Serov do not rise too much above the earth's surface. For some reason, looking at them, they do not notice that the idols are “two inches from the pot”. Maybe it's the uplifting power of art?

Short men have another attractive quality in amorous affairs. According to the well-known “law of compensation” (if in one place it has departed, then in another it has arrived), the short ones have great masculine strength. Fazil Iskander even dedicated the story "The Little Giant of Big Sex" to this phenomenon. Andrologists have discovered the secret of the increased love of the short ones: they are the “victims” of early puberty (10-12 years old), whose growth has stopped prematurely due to the rampage of hormones. Such hasty comrades can join earlier, lead it more actively and longer than their lanky fellows.

The other side of the coin

It's time to talk about other features of those who are short. Let's turn to folk wisdom. In addition to the proverb "Small zolotnik and dear", our ancestors still loved to say: "Small bug, but smelly." Just like that, say, did you hurt the bug?

It is good if a short man (again, this is not about thoughts) asserts himself in politics-business or gives his heart away for writing poetry. It is bad when he takes out his resentment at the imperfection of the world and small stature on his relatives or subordinates. Here you can be sure: he will drink a lot of blood. It has long been noticed that "little Tsakhesy" are capable of the most acrimonious comments and cynical antics, and in dealing with household members they are just little despots. Another unpleasant feature is cockiness. I don't care that the offender is basketball-sized and has a pound of fists, the angry baby rushes into a fight. The Russian classics have a lot of stories when some "mosquito" in a drunken swagger would certainly make a brawl.

... Alas, it will not be possible to name well-known representatives of the "petty demon", since these comrades prefer to rampage in a narrow circle, and their name is unknown to the general public. But another example can be given. One woman was often beaten by her husband. The "piquancy" of the situation is that the lady was gigantic, and the husband, on the contrary, was a "sparrow." Of course, the stormy family life could not hide from the eyes and ears of neighbors. When they asked the sufferer why she would not reason with the fighter with one click, she answered good-naturedly: "Let her feel like a peasant at least at home!" What can you say here: the ideal wife for short men, overcome by an inferiority complex and passions, is an all-forgiving mother-woman, preferably tall and curvy. Apparently, it's about the attraction of opposites.

"The third figure, sad"

And, finally, the saddest case: it happens that men of short stature deliberately stop communicating with others and withdraw into themselves. They avoid even short women, believing that in their eyes they will look extremely insignificant. The fear of being ridiculed makes them plunge into their own world: books, computers, collecting and ... eternal. And from her a stone's throw to desperate actions. So, recently Swedish sociologists came to the sad conclusion: short men are twice as likely to commit suicide as their tall brothers. According to scientists, the high percentage of suicides is due to discrimination in personal life and work. Moreover, suicidal tendencies are observed mainly in young and middle-aged men; it has nothing to do with pensioners.

Appreciate those who are shorter

Now, "dear experts", attention is a question! What conclusion follows from all that has been said: is a short man a sad angel, an ambitious short man or a tiny tyrant? The answer is banal: this is the same man as the others. That's right, only shorter, and this is not a flaw, but a feature. So let's not pity the unfortunate, but pay tribute to the worthy. And in this regard, there is a lot to learn from the strong half of humanity.

A man's word: “I work in a men's team. The guys got together what they needed, jokes and wit. Somehow we got a new employee, Vasya, of growth, frankly, not heroic. At first there were attempts to pry him, they say, "I ate little porridge in my childhood" or "except for children under 16." But every time Vasya got out of the situation so worthily that we quickly realized that he was a world guy! And, thank God, he was calm about his "diminutiveness", did not try to wear platform boots or high-heeled shoes, like the gypsy barons.

And recently they began to notice that Vasya is sad, walks, as if he was lowered into the water. It turns out that the girl, whom he began to look after, said that "pocket men" did not interest her. That's when I realized what male solidarity means! The guys gave up their work and began vying with each other to calm down Vasily, all they could hear was: "She's a fool, she doesn't understand anything about men! .. Yes, we'll introduce you to such beauties, you will rock!" And, indeed, they did. The girls, albeit not of a model appearance, but cheerful, our Vasisualy perked up ... But they still gave him a nickname - Arnoldushka, in honor of Schwarzenegger. And he is not offended! "

If your height is 1 meter
cap, do not despair. Men with short stature have much more
advantages over women than high. Now we will convince you of this.

The first advantage of a short man: high ambition

What men
short stature
are more ambitious and more likely to achieve success in life, they know
many. But we will confirm this once again.

Nicolas Sarkozy, Tom Cruise, Napoleon, Andrei Gagarin with his
157 centimeters tall, Putin, after all, is their short stature and made them strive
prove that they are no worse, and even better than others.

The second advantage of a short man: variety in bed

If you are the same height as your friend, or
slightly below, it opens up new perspectives in poses. And very rosy. In the "standing" position, she will not have to stand on her toes, and in "doggy-style"
- put a pillow under your knees.

If you are not taller than your partner, then your bodies can
fold like a mosaic. She will definitely like it.

In addition, there is a widespread rumor among women that guys
short stature are great lovers.
Don't miss it. About what tricks from your arsenal she will definitely not like,.

The third advantage of short men: they are smarter than tall

Scientifically proven that guys with shorter average, have a higher speed of thinking and more
fast, while giants are distinguished by slowness and
quick wits. Probably because the impulses from the brain to the limbs are faster

The fourth advantage of a short man: comfortable
family life

You don't need to persuade her to outweigh the mirror
higher, she will not ask you to “reach that shelf over there” or
pots from the refrigerator.

Your girl will definitely not grow up to be a big dildo, and your wife will not
swear at you during childbirth - at men
and the offspring are likely to be the same.

The fifth advantage of men with short stature: they have a large

And we're not talking about self-esteem. Scientists have measured that
the largest size goes men with
short stature
, namely - 165 centimeters.

Remember the pygmies and other inhabitants of Africa: it is the blacks
there is always something to brag about in your pants. They don't wear them though.

By the way, among girls there is also a stereotype about
where all the growth goes short men.

The sixth advantage of a short man: the character of the boss

Exactly men of low
because of the innate craving to command and occupy leadership positions in
large companies, and also become the real head of the family.

According to statistics, it is the tall guys who get the role more often.
henpecked, and short man always knows who's boss.

Long-standing stereotypes suggest that a man should take a leading role in the family. This means that he must be older, smarter, more successful, stronger and taller than his other half. But is this always the case in life? Quite often you can see couples where the guy is shorter than the girl.

Perception from the outside

In some pairs, the difference in height may be quite insignificant and not visually striking. In others, the girl can be much taller than her beau. As practice shows, others may not even pay attention to the difference in height, if the couple does not feel awkward because of this. Even when a lady is much taller than her beau and also wears high heels, which increases the difference by another 6-10 cm, this does not make the couple funny and ridiculous, but suggests that everything is in order in their relationship.

Girl behavior

Dissatisfaction with the physical characteristics of their young man among girls usually arises under public pressure. When friends and mother tell the girl that her boyfriend is too small, it is better when the man is taller than his companion. The lady begins to try to visually hide this defect. She stops wearing high-heeled shoes and starts slouching, trying to appear shorter. But from the outside there is a feeling of pretense. The embarrassment and attempts to appear shorter are striking. In such cases, the couple may look inharmonious, even if the guy is only a couple of centimeters shorter than the girl.

Growth specifics

Most of the complexes originate in childhood and adolescence. Up to a certain age girls develop faster than boys. By high school, boys begin to grow faster, surpassing girls. But that doesn't happen to everyone. In many ways, genes play a decisive role. When everyone in the family is short, it is difficult to expect that a basketball player will grow out of a son. Children who spend many years together, studying in the same class and interacting with each other, do not stop being friends because of differences in height. Friendship companies are made up of shared interests in which physical data is unlikely to be decisive. That is why one cannot assume that if a guy is shorter than a girl, then their relationship is doomed to failure. If the relationship does not work out, then for other reasons.

At the same time, problems with self-esteem do not arise in young people, who are open-minded and sociable by nature. Growth will not be a problem for them to realize their potentials and find a place in life.

If a young man himself is very shy and cannot find a common language with people, then it is more difficult for him to find his place in life. In addition, if in the family he is constantly criticized, including for physical imperfections, then complexes and self-doubt will be in excess. In order not to be a failure, you need to work on yourself. To develop those qualities that were given by nature. It has been proven that short ones can adapt to different life situations. In addition, it is important to understand for yourself that if the guy is shorter than the girl, this is normal. Career success can be great for raising self-esteem. The more self-confidence, the more chances of success.

Delusion or truth

Are all girls looking for tall men? In fact, as studies and polls show, not everyone likes it when the partner is significantly taller. Girls next to such gentlemen sometimes feel uncomfortable. Not everyone wants to feel like little and defenseless girls next to a big uncle. Many ladies say that it is much better when in a pair both partners have approximately the same height, while it can differ in one or the other direction.

But if we talk about it, one might get the impression that we are talking exclusively about stocky men, which is wrong, since girls can sometimes be very tall. And if they choose for themselves a pair of men whose height exceeds the two-meter mark, it is far from the fact that even if such a person is found, he will also meet the rest of the lady's requirements. Therefore, if a guy is shorter than a girl, this is normal, and many do not even pay attention to it.

When there are feelings

If people are attracted to each other and there are mutual interests, then they will not pay attention to physical data. By the way, to start a relationship, you need to get acquainted. And for this you need to pay attention to a specific person. For this to happen, he must be different from others. For example, emotional expressions that attract people, and charisma. Or, conversely, sadness and immersion in your own thoughts. The image of a person consists of many parts. Clothes, hairstyle, physical data - all this is perceived as a whole, in conjunction with the manner of communication.

But when feelings pass, dissatisfaction and irritation appear, then every little thing will be a disadvantage. Even those qualities that were virtues yesterday will seem to be the most serious minuses today.

Short stature is not a sentence for a man

It is believed that tall young people enjoy more interest from girls than their short brothers. In fact, one has only to look at the list of famous "shorty" women to understand that growth cannot be blamed for problems with the female sex. Charm, charisma, emancipation - what attracts girls more than tall.

Couples in which the guy is shorter than the girl meet constantly. Sometimes it's not mother nature that is to blame, but the fashion for the highest heels. Moreover, taking off her shoes, the lady may be even lower than her beau. Therefore, the difference in height can be quite changeable. Men who are proud of their fair half are often not in the least embarrassed that she is taller.

Benefits of short stature

The low ones represented the strong half of humanity have several serious advantages. They tend to dance better because they have more control over their bodies. They also often surpass their two-meter counterparts in intimate life. At the same time, height and physical shape are two completely different things. Therefore, a short young man can also acquire beautiful muscles. A handsome male figure always attracts attention.

The lack of growth makes the young man compensate for this complex. That is why such people are ambitious, they often achieve a lot in life. Do girls like shorter guys? Yes, they are often more attentive to the girl they like and are considered very good boyfriends. And many argue that they are very good and loyal husbands.

How a girl looks below

If a lady tends to perceive her taller height as a disadvantage, you can use several tricks to make it less conspicuous: give up high-heeled shoes and choose models with flat soles. You shouldn't do high hair.

What if the guy is shorter than the girl and she doesn't like it very much? You need to pay attention to your wardrobe and make some adjustments to it. There is no place for vertical striped clothing. Tight models of skirts and dresses make the girl look taller. If you want to appear shorter, you should give preference to loose styles. Bright accessories: a wide belt, an unusual bag, extravagant shoes - they are striking. Therefore, few people pay attention to growth. A young man can wear shoes on a small platform, which will make him a couple of centimeters taller.

The easiest way to hide the fact that the guy is below the girl is with a photo taken using small tricks. For example, a girl might step down a notch if a couple is taking a picture on a ladder.

No matter how many girls argue about their preferences and dream of tall beauties who will always wear them in their arms and bring a lot of love and money into their lives - reality confirms that in one gentleman, all positive qualities are almost never combined. And ideals change over the years and experience. But when a guy is shorter than a girl and for some of them this is a problem, it means that people are not suitable for each other.

It is a myth. Men of short stature, but who know how to present themselves correctly, as a rule, enjoy no less success with their fair sex than their tall counterparts.

Some women admit that they feel more confident in the company of shorter men. And in secret, many say that short men are usually great lovers.

How to give, if not ideal, then an intriguing look that "did not come out in height"? A few little tricks will help a small man look his best.


The main thing for a short man is to have a good correct posture. The habit of keeping your back straight, your head elevated, and your shoulders straight should become second nature. Slouching will instantly take away a few centimeters from his height, and visually the stooped man gives the impression of a squishy loser. Posture will not make, of course, physically higher, but it will help to give the impression of a person who is confident in himself. Confidence is a quality that women value highly in men.

Long hairstyles are not recommended for short men. It is much better if the haircut is short, neat, refined, and it is better to cut the hair at the temples shorter, leaving as lush hair as possible at the top. Do not skimp by choosing a cheaper hairdresser, a short man must have the best hairdresser!


A short man should be especially careful when choosing clothes. The main condition is elegance and perfection. A short man must have a great tailor! Things should fit perfectly on it, be fitted to the figure.

Clothes should not be loose, long - otherwise the man will look like a touching gnome. For the same reason, you shouldn't wear long, knee-length coats. For short men, jackets with a tight-fitting silhouette, a coat, preferably a single-breasted coat, up to the tip of a hand hanging down, is more suitable. You should not wear too bright things on yourself. It is better to prefer restrained colors, and to choose clothes "to match", playing with lighter or darker shades of the same color. Preferably dark colors should be chosen: blue, dark gray, black.

It is better to choose shoes to match the color of the trousers - this visually lengthens the legs. The length of the trousers should be sufficient so that the socks of the shoes are not visible. When choosing a belt for trousers, contrasts should be avoided. Under no circumstances should you wear horizontal striped clothing! On the contrary, vertical patterns of the “herringbone” type and light thin stripes on a dark background “deceive” the eyes of others, adding a few centimeters to the height of a man. Another little trick is the shoulder pads for jackets. The shoulders will look more powerful, the waist will be narrower, and the V-shape of the silhouette will make the short man proportional and athletic. A short man has no right to save on a suit: the suit should look expensive and elegant, like the objects in the man's hands: a pipe, a cigarette case, a purse, a bag, a fountain pen - all this should be extremely elegant and expensive ... An excellent option for a short man - frock coat, even better - "C grade" with a frock coat. Expensive, mysterious, exquisite. The more expensive clothes and accessories look, the more confidence, authority and strength a man radiates, and in the eyes of those around him, this automatically makes him "taller".


A short man needs to be especially careful about his body. The abdomen will highlight the deficiencies in growth. Working out in the gym, you should "pump up" primarily the upper body in order to be fit and athletic. Taking care of your appearance should be enhanced. But even more important is the ability to behave in such a way that those around them feel authority, restraint, and at the same time - openness and sincerity. A short man must be smart. Intelligence, erudition, wit, bright expressive speech, insight, a sense of humor - all this should be present in the personality, and those around them simply will not pay attention to the short stature, fascinated by the magic of the personality.