The nail cracks at the base. Fingernails cracking vertically. Folk remedies for the treatment of cracks

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Every woman wants to have beautiful nails. Often cosmetic defects of the nails interfere with this.

The "waviness" of nails becomes even more noticeable when nails are covered with bright varnishes, especially varnishes without mother-of-pearl.

Sometimes this defect is the result of improper hand care at home and rough cutting of the cuticle. But this is not always the case. Often, outwardly "wavy" nails hide more serious health problems. One of the first places is occupied by fungal infections - mycoses. If you or your manicure specialist suspects that your nails are affected by fungus, you should consult a mycologist or dermatovenerologist.

Also "wavy" nails are polished with pumice powder. You can also fill the hollows with colorless varnish.

Longitudinal or transverse grooves

Such grooves are the result of disease or damage to cells in or near the matrix. It happens in people who have suffered stress. Often in pregnant women. A manicure with such a defect is done carefully, because the nails become fragile. If this is the first time your normally smooth nails appear to have grooves, it could be the result of a circulatory disorder, such as anemia. Needless to say, in this case, it is best to see a doctor. However, the appearance of grooves on your nails can also be caused by improper diet, and in this case, it is worth thinking about what, how and when you eat.

Yellowish tint of nails

Heavy smokers often have yellow nails. The reason is the deterioration of blood circulation, so all you have to do is quit smoking.

The second common reason is the use of drugs that have side effects. In this case, you should consult with the doctor who prescribed the drug.

Sometimes the yellowing of the nails is caused by a fungus, which of course must be treated. There is another obvious reason - the use of low-quality nail polishes, as well as nail polish removers, which can negatively affect the condition of the nails. If all of these reasons are absent, it may mean that the deterioration in blood circulation in the fingertips is caused by some medical condition, so you should consult your doctor.

The fungal infection is actively affected by drugs that include eucalyptus, bird cherry and celandine. But in any case, you must first consult with a dermatologist and only then start using certain plants for treatment.

Leukonychia (white spots)

Such a defect is not considered a disease. It appears as a result of a lack of vitamins, against the background of adolescence. Also occurs against the background of chronic stress. To cure such a defect, you need to take vitamins, dietary supplements and be less nervous.

Onycholism (nail hypertrophy)

It is manifested by excessive growth of the nail, not in length, but in thickness. This is due to some kind of inflammation in the periungual space. May be hereditary. If there are signs of infection, then the manicure should not be performed. If there are no such signs, then the nail is grinded down to a smooth state and sanded.

Overgrown cuticles

Growth of the cuticle over a long distance from the base of the nail to the free edge. The cause is impaired blood circulation, as well as trauma in the growth zone of the skin. In order to remove the cuticle, the skin is steamed in a bath, slightly shifted with a spatula and partially cut off. But you cannot completely remove such a cuticle!


Onychophagia is a mental disorder resulting in constant gnawing of nails and hardened skin around the nails. This disorder occurs more often in childhood, less often in adults. Causes damage to nails as a result of persistent nail biting. People with nervous system disorders can suffer. It is recommended to do manicure more often, to use special varnishes.

Slow nail growth

It happens as a result of illness, medication, unbalanced diet. It is recommended to monitor your diet.

Onychorexia (longitudinal crack in the nail)

Splitting, or increased breaking of nails. The most common causes are finger injuries, vitamin deficiencies, allergy to detergents, abuse of acetone, improper edging of nails, and abuse of cuticle gels. The cracks are sanded. A manicure with oil is recommended.


Painful damage to the skin around the nail. They happen with excessive dryness of the skin, with too deep cutting of the cuticle, due to lack of nail care. In no case should you pull out the burrs !!! If you pull out a barb, then there may be complications, the penetration of infection. When treating hangnails, it is necessary to moisturize the skin around the nail and pay more attention to nail care.


These nails have a thin flexible white nail plate. Easily peels off the nail bed. They have a curved appearance at the edges. Such a defect occurs in people who suffer from diseases of a nervous nature. People with such a defect are advised to treat the nervous system.

Brittle or flaking nails

Such nails occur in people who, most likely, are malnourished, malnourished. However, it is likely that genes are to blame for this, and you inherited weak nails. In this case, there is no radical recipe, but if your nails become brittle due to inadequate nutrition or too frequent contact of your hands with water and chemical detergents, you should adhere to all the same recommendations, that is, monitor your diet and wear gloves doing housework. Also, you shouldn't try to grow long nails.

Bruised nail

It looks like a dark purple spot that gradually turns black. Causes: hemorrhage in the nail bed. Usually the blood clot grows back as the nail grows. If the bruise is large in size, then the regrown nail flakes off and falls out. A new nail gradually appears. It is necessary to avoid pressure on the bruised nail, and when performing a manicure, skip a finger with a bruised nail.

Psoriasis of nails

Most often, psoriasis occurs on the skin, but it is not so rare that the nails "get sick" with psoriasis. It manifests itself in the form of small recessed dots on the surface of the nails. This disease will by no means decorate your nails, so you need to fight psoriasis.

The cause of psoriasis can be any chronic disease (for example, chronic tonsillitis), metabolic disorder (be careful with diets!), Dysfunction of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Usually, nails crack at a very inconvenient time for this, as a result of which the appearance of the hands changes: they do not look as beautiful and well-groomed as before. Cracked nails bring a lot of disappointment to their owners.

Why does a crack appear on the nail

  1. One of the most common reasons is the impact on the nail of the environment: prolonged exposure of hands in the cold exacerbates the situation.
  2. If the amount of liquid consumed by a person is too small, then not only the nail plates, but also the layer of skin near them will suffer from this: cracks appear on the fingers.
  3. The nail plates can also suffer as a result of a decrease in hormonal levels: vertical cracks along the nails usually appear in women in expectation of a child, in children of adolescence and in older women.
  4. The causes of cracks on the fingers can arise from exposure to harmful disinfectants, which irritate not only the skin near the nail, but also the nail plates themselves.
  5. The reasons due to which the nail cracks can occur due to improperly done hand manicure.
  6. If you do the wrong things, without adhering to one chosen direction, then cracks on the nails may appear.
  7. If the nail has been physically affected, the nail not only cracks but also breaks as a residual.
  8. Prolonged contact with water or any other moisture causes damage to fingernails due to excessive softening of the nail coating. After that, a longitudinal crack appears on the nail.

If you are not sure what exactly caused the crack, it is best to consult a specialist for advice.

Highlights before an important event

As a rule, if the surface cracks, then the affected hands need the help of specialists. However, it may happen that such an incident can happen before going to the theater, to a concert, or just before an important meeting. You can do the following to provide first aid to your fingernails, look presentable and not fall in the eyes of strangers. To do this, you need a colorless varnish and a small paper napkin.

  • first, the nail must be polished;
  • then apply a layer of colorless varnish to the coating;
  • a piece of napkin should be applied to the affected area on the hands;
  • cover the plate again with a layer of clear varnish;
  • apply a multi-colored varnish on top, skillfully hiding small damage.

Such simple actions will help to hide the defect for a while.

Possible activities at home

In such a situation, first of all, you should also polish the affected part and achieve its absolute smoothness. In the event that it has bumps, dents or additional damage, home treatment of the hands will be useless.

Taking a special glue, you need to dip a thin manicure brush into it and run it along the crack on the nails and its edges. When the adhesive is dry, you need to press a piece of restoration tissue against the nail coating on the fingers so that it perfectly matches the size of the nail on the fingers. If an error occurs, the pieces of fabric can be carefully cut away. Then it is necessary to reapply the glue to the fabric, thus further securing it. After the glue dries, colored varnish can be applied to the nail.

It is worth remembering that at the first appearance of cracks, it is necessary to find out the reasons for which they appeared.

If you cannot do this on your own, you need to contact beauty salons, where specialists will establish the causes of the disease and will be able to explain how to treat them further, and what needs to be done.

Restoration of aesthetic appearance

Professional treatment should begin with finding the reason why the nail is cracked along. After its establishment, experts prescribe a number of procedures that need to be undergone to restore damage to the fingers. However, the treatment is not only about this:

  1. You need to normalize your diet: if it lacks vitamins and minerals, then this problem must be immediately resolved. To maintain health, the food consumed must contain vitamins of groups A, B, C, D and E. In the treatment you need to add calcium, iron and zinc: it is advisable to buy in capsules, the contents of which will then be rubbed into the fingernails.
  2. Treatment consists in rubbing the nail cover with medicated oils: for example, oils from olives or sea buckthorn berries should be treated with nails every day. This can be done with tea tree oil.
  3. If you regularly do and apply treatment in the form of healing baths, then problems with cracks can be resolved quickly: fingers should be immersed in warm water with sea salt dissolved in it for fifteen minutes. Sometimes, instead of sea salt, it is allowed to add lemon juice, iodine or oils to the baths. Treatment with baths can be as follows: you need to mix salt and soda, each of which is taken one tablespoon, in warm water. Then you should dip your hands there and keep them in the water for about half an hour. After completing the procedure, you need to lubricate your hands with cream.
  4. Compresses with honey can also be used for treatment. You need to thoroughly mix two tablespoons of honey, one tablespoon of salt and lemon juice, taken in the same dose. Then this mixture must be applied to the affected surface and carefully cover them with cellophane wrap.
  5. Masks also eliminate cracks: for example, pour a small handful of salt (about one tablespoon) into freshly squeezed lemon juice. After mixing this mixture a little, you need to dip your fingers into it and wait twenty minutes. After the time is up, you do not need to dry them with a towel.
  6. Another mask is made like this: from a cabbage leaf and a quarter of a banana, mixed in a blender, a mixture is obtained, to which you need to add one teaspoon of fresh cream and honey. After thorough mixing, the mixture is applied to the hands and held for about twenty-five minutes. With the help of a cotton swab soaked in milk, the gruel is removed.

When the crack in the nail grows, you need to see a doctor urgently. The complex of measures prescribed by the doctor on the basis of analyzes can be supplemented by adjusting the diet and using therapeutic baths and masks.

The nail is a protective coating that protects the tissue of the fingers. To understand why the nails on the hands are cracking, the appearance will help. If there are deformations on the nail plate, then this may indicate a disease.

Cracks are the most common problem. If they are vertical, they often start at the base and end at the tips of the nails. Horizontal cracks can appear in several places at the same time. There may be several reasons for the appearance of such deformations.

  • infection or fungus;
  • prolonged stay of hands in water;
  • transferred stress;
  • contact with harmful substances;
  • improper care;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • poor quality varnishes;
  • climate change;
  • the impact of the past illness.

Having decided on the reasons why cracks appear urgent measures need to be taken to eliminate them... The sooner you help your nails, the sooner you will enjoy a gorgeous manicure.

To eliminate this problem, try to find the reasons inherent in you. Reconsider your diet, it is possible that the use of unhealthy food affects the condition of the nails. If you cannot identify the reasons on your own, then contact a specialist.

How to improve the condition of nails at home

It will be expensive to go to beauty salons, because you can make your nails healthy on your own. Here are some tips for hoopoe nailing at home:

  1. Use olive oil. It has beneficial vitamins that the nail plate needs for normal growth. You just need to simply rub the oil into the plate or add to the bath.
  2. Soak with sea salt. It strengthens the nails well, thereby making the tips stronger. Great for preventing cracking.
  3. Rub your fingers with iodine and lemon. Iodine perfectly strengthens, and lemon also brightens.
  4. Use rubber gloves when doing household chores to protect your hands from household chemicals. You can also purchase a special cream containing protein and glycerin, thanks to which not only the skin of the hands, but also the nails will be nourished.
  5. Use nail files made of good materials for manicure.

How to choose materials for manicure

In order to prevent the nails from cracking, it is worth learning how to do a manicure correctly. First of all, you need to carefully choose the materials: nail file, varnish, nail polish remover. All this significantly affects the general condition of the nails..

Study the composition of nail polish remover carefully. It must be absolutely acetone-free. The thing is that acetone has a bad effect on the structure of the nail, drying it out. This always causes the nails to peel and crack. Try to purchase combined funds, which include and.

If you like to paint your nails, then you need to choose high-quality varnishes. Today, the choice is so great that manufacturers offer an extensive list of options. New products include cracking nail polish. This varnish is applied to the base, after which the craquelure begins to crack and leave cracks. Thanks to this, the lower layer of the other varnish will also be visible. But, it is worth noting that such varnish should be applied along, in a thin layer, this will create neat small cracks.

By combining regular and cracking nail polish in different colors, you can create a unique manicure. By the way, when using this varnish, nails dry within 30 minutes.

Another option for creating an unusual manicure can be gel polish. It not only fits well on the nail, but also lasts for a long time. In addition, this varnish does not crack from water.

How to improve the condition of the skin of the hands

To do this, you must constantly use special creams that will nourish the tissues. Thus, you will not only improve the appearance, but also make the skin of your hands healthy.

Choose creams intended for hands and for the nail plate. It is important that the cream contains many useful substances. These can be extracts, vitamins and oils. In addition, do not forget that the skin on the hands is of different types and based on this, it is worth making a choice.

If the nail flakes and cracks, then you need to urgently start treatment. Remember that flaky nails are always messy. It can be difficult to determine why nails are cracking, but you can always consult a specialist.

In fact, growing healthy and strong manicures is not difficult at all. It is enough to devote only a few minutes a day to your health, and then you can return a beautiful and healthy look to your hands. Besides, beautiful nails can only be healthy.

Cracks on the nails of the hands cause aesthetic discomfort and signal malfunctions in the body. This is a problem that both adults and children face.

It is important to establish the reason why cracks appeared on the nails in order to choose the most effective treatment methods. To do this, you need to visit a doctor who will conduct diagnostic procedures, identifying pathological changes in the body.


There are various reasons why the splitting of the nail has occurred. Often external factors are irritants, which include:

  • regular contact with household chemicals;
  • temperature regime;
  • prolonged contact of hands with water;
  • substandard cosmetics;
  • dirt under the nails;
  • mechanical damage.

By eliminating irritants, you can effectively and quickly solve the problem.

Other factors

The causes of cracked fingernails can cause internal irritants:

  • elevated blood glucose levels;
  • hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • intake of an insufficient amount of minerals and vitamins into the body;
  • liver disease;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • stress, depression, neurosis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • anemia;
  • violations of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the nail cracks along the plate on the hands, the patient is diagnosed with onychorexis. This is a pathological disease that is associated with degenerative processes in the human body. The disease is characterized by cracking of the nail surface only along.

The plate can split into thin, small pieces in one area or completely break along its entire length. This feature can be seen in the photo by looking for information on the Internet. If you do not start treating the disease in a timely manner, severe pain and discomfort appears.

Single cracks on the finger can be corrected with a manicure. If the cleavage occupies a large surface of the nail surface, you should urgently visit a doctor.


If the cause is precisely established, the treatment of a crack in the hand nail is allowed to be carried out at home on their own.


If the problem of cracking is associated with a lack of vitamins, it is recommended to drink the vitamin complex with a course. It is important to review your diet. To replenish the body with calcium, it is worth using: fermented milk products, nuts, oatmeal. If there is a lack of vitamin A, the table should contain: carrots, apples, squash, peaches.

Iron deficiency is replenished with liver, legumes, cereals, herbs, corn. If there is a longitudinal line on the thumb, it is important to consume Omega-3 fats. There are many of them in fatty sea fish and seafood.

If the splitting is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, vitamin B is needed. It is found in nuts, eggs, dried fruits, and cereals.

Vitamin C plays an important role in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly consume citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, pepper, cabbage. Do not forget about vitamin E, which is abundant in cereals, sea buckthorn, flaxseed, vegetable oils, and meat.

Folk remedies

A crack in the thumbnail is effectively treated with traditional medicine.

Those who do not know how to treat the plate should try the following recipes:

  1. Pour 200 g of water into a container and add 1 tbsp to the liquid. l. sea ​​salt and soda. Mix the components thoroughly. Keep your hands in the bath for 20 minutes. After the procedure, a nourishing cream is applied.
  2. If the cause of the cracking is a fungus, 2 glasses of water are poured into the container and 1 tbsp is diluted in it. l. salt and 5 drops of eucalyptus oil. Keep in hand for at least 30 minutes. You can use lavender, tea tree, or lemon essential oils.
  3. For slight cracking, mix 5 drops of iodine with a little salt. Apply this composition to the nail and fix the gruel with a plaster.
  4. To prevent the crack from enlarging, it is sealed with wax. It envelops the plate, prevents the crack from spreading further, protects the diseased nail from the aggressive effects of the external environment. To do this, you need to mix cosmetic wax with a little salt. This composition is applied in a warm form to the nail plate and the cracking site is sealed. There is no need to shoot the composition. The longer it stays on the surface, the faster the healing and regrowth of the new plate will occur.

The nail must be carefully trimmed as it grows.


If fungus is the cause of the cracking, medications can be used.

  • Nomidol + - due to the presence of beaver musk in its composition, the nail plate softens. This facilitates the penetration of oils made on the basis of medicinal plants: fireweed, which eliminates cracks of any size; celandine with antiseptic properties; lemon balm, which kills pathogenic microorganisms and fungus; valerian, which relieves irritation; horseradish, string and kombucha, which disinfect the surface of the nail plate.
  • Lotseril varnish is the latest development, which is a varnish coating. The main component of the drug is amorolfine hydrochloride, which helps to protect and restore the affected plate. Apply the product every 10 days. Depending on the severity of the disease, the course of treatment is from 6 months to a year.
  • Exoderil - This remedy is produced in the form of drops and ointment. The main active ingredient is the antifungal agent naftifine. The drug relieves inflammation, has antibacterial and fungicidal properties. Effectively treats onychomycosis. Apply the drug to the affected areas twice a day.

The minimum course of treatment is 2 weeks, the maximum is 6 months.

Prevention of cracks

  • when using household chemicals or when cleaning, protect your hands with gloves;
  • after contact with water, apply a nourishing cream to the skin of the hands;
  • use products for nail surfaces;
  • keep your hands warm in winter and windy weather;
  • introduce foods containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals into the diet.


Proper and regular hand care is an important component. But if problems arise, do not ignore them. Finding out the cause of the cracks and starting timely treatment, you can avoid serious complications in the future.

Every day, a person's legs experience an enormous load associated with active movement. The skin of the feet, nail plates suffer. A cracked toenail is a painful and long-term nuisance that needs to be addressed immediately upon detection. Cracks occur more frequently on the big toe than, for example, on the little toe.

Symptoms often accompany the crack: unaesthetic appearance of the plate, strong delamination of the plate. If a fungus becomes the cause of cracking, signs appear: itching, blackening of the plate, an abundance of cracks on the surface of the nail.

Symptoms associated with vitamin deficiency or lack of fluid in the body: dullness of the plate, its excessive fragility.

Causes of fragility of the nail plates on the toes

An exceptionally dry, brittle and exfoliating nail is capable of breaking. The nail plate consists of carotene, the layers of which are stacked on top of each other. When external factors, more often mechanical, begin to affect the nail, a gap appears between the layers - the basis of future cracks. If debris, air gets into the gap, it will expand, forming a cavity. Then the nail will break.

The specific causes of damage to the nail plate are numerous. Examples:

  • Inadequate nutrition, provoking a lack of vitamins;
  • Bad habits;
  • A sedentary lifestyle, which is why the nutrition of the tissues of the limbs is disrupted due to poor functioning of the circulatory system;
  • Lack of fluid in the body - tissue elasticity is lost, nails become fragile;
  • Hormonal changes associated with the onset of motherhood;
  • Use of low-quality detergents (soaps, gels);
  • Strong chlorination of water;
  • Long stay of feet in moisture;
  • Diseases caused by the activity of fungi;
  • Mechanical injury to the nail associated with a bruise, wearing too tight, tight shoes;
  • Frequent staining of the plate with low-quality nail polish;
  • Neglect of foot care or improper care;
  • Improper, traumatic use of manicure and pedicure accessories.

Knowing the cause of the poor condition of the toenail, identifying the symptoms, it becomes clear the sequence of further actions.

Treatment of cracking of the nail plate on the big toe

Before treating a crack, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist or mycologist specializing in fungi to exclude fungal diseases, or to treat if found. Self-treatment, especially for fungi, turns out to be dangerous. An untreated fungus will progress, causing pain and suffering to the person. Fungal diseases are extremely contagious, capable of infecting the patient's immediate environment. If even small symptoms of the fungus appear, an urgent visit to the doctors is required.

In addition to visiting a doctor, it is necessary to improve the diet by including more fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and foods that saturate the body with essential vitamins in the menu. The body must maintain an optimal water balance. How much water a person needs to drink - the question has not been unambiguously solved by scientists. At the same time, the deterioration of the condition of nails, skin and hair is often associated with a violation of the water-salt balance. If dry cracks occur, you should start drinking plenty of clean water.

Remember about vitamin complexes that help to improve the functioning of the immune system - if cracks appear due to the destructive activity of fungi.

Direct treatment of cracks in the nails is carried out using drugs - D-Panthenol, Radevit. If the cracks are deep, the doctor will prescribe the use of Actovegin or Solcoseryl. Drugs are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, treatment is carried out under medical supervision.

If the toenails are not affected by fungus, it is recommended to use olive oil mixed with lemon juice as additional measures for treatment and strengthening.

If cracks have arisen due to cosmetic reasons, you will need to replace the cosmetic products with high-quality ones. It will not be superfluous to purchase special lotions and creams for the feet, thanks to which it will be possible to improve the condition of the nails, the appearance of the plates.

It is permissible to try to restore dry brittle nails by using medicated oils, rubbing them into the plate for seconds, making lotions. Sea buckthorn, olive oil, tea tree oil are used more often.

If the crack runs along the nail, there is a high risk of enlargement. To prevent rupture, the crack should be fixed. Cosmetologists recommend using Batrafen varnish, which is always handy even in the presence of a fungus.

If transverse cracking of the nail develops, it is shown to be fixed with a special gel in a cosmetology center. The gel will fill the crack by connecting the nail. Mechanical protection of the damaged plate is achieved, contributing to the restoration of the nail structure.

Preventive measures for cracking the nail plate

Prevention is better than cure. Prevention of cracked nails is no exception.

  1. You cannot save on cosmetic hygiene products - try to buy high-quality soaps, gels, and creams. Otherwise, it is quite possible that troubles with the skin and.
  2. Prevention of fungal diseases requires adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, the use of special sprays that refresh the skin of the feet, protecting against fungal infection. You will have to give up wearing someone else's shoes and socks, walk barefoot on the ground or sand with caution.
  3. It is shown to choose comfortable high-quality shoes that do not compress the leg, which will prevent injury to its parts.
  4. Be sure to adhere to the diet. The food is recommended to be varied, rich in vitamins and microelements. You should give up fatty, spicy foods, avoiding digestive troubles that affect the condition of the nail plates. It is necessary to systematically use vitamin complexes.
  5. Pedicure is prescribed to be done exclusively with sterile, high-quality instruments, the use should be accompanied by minimal trauma to the nail plates. If a pedicure is done in a beauty parlor or salon, you need to choose experienced skilled craftsmen. Savings will lead to disastrous consequences.

Cracked toenail in a child

Cracking of the nail plate of the big toe is not a purely "adult", children also suffer. Cracks in a child's nails occur for similar reasons as in adults. Most often, they are directly related to the malfunction of individual body systems.

A common variant of mechanical impact on the nails is when the baby is physically injured, pinching his toe, hitting hard.

The cause of cracks in the nails is a violation of the rules of hygiene. The last two cases are completely resolved without the participation of a doctor.

If there were no external prerequisites for the occurrence of cracks, there is a reason to go with the child for a consultation with doctors. This especially applies to cases where cracking has led to an absolute stratification of the nail - there are reasons to associate the trouble with a malfunction of the digestive system. Then only a doctor has the right to prescribe suitable diagnostic measures and adequate treatment.

Often, cracks in a child's nails are caused by a violation of nutritional rules. If parents are inattentive to the fortification of the diet, its sufficiency, this can provoke developmental disorders and diseases.

As in adults, cracked nails in children cause poor quality, uncomfortable shoes that are not the right size or model. Compression of the foot leads to tissue malnutrition.

A cracked toenail in a child looks like a symptom of a tolerable fungus.

If a child has, for unexplained reasons, cracks in the big toes, there is a reason for a medical consultation. It is required to observe hygiene rules, in particular, wash the child at least twice a week, often change socks and tights. Make sure that the child does not bite his nails, there is injury and infection of the nail plate, infection of the oral mucosa.

Keep track of your baby's diet, including foods rich in fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Children are prescribed to use vitamin complexes, especially in the winter-autumn period.

Cracked toenails have become a common disorder. Increasingly, the cause is fungus. We remind you that self-treatment of the fungus is an unreasonable activity that does not alleviate the situation, leading to a chronic form.

The unexpected and unreasonable appearance of a crack on the nails of the big toe should alert a person, become the reason for going to a doctor and undergoing diagnostics.