New wedding ceremonies. A wedding towel, candles are not left in the church. They hide at home - it will definitely come in handy. If during the wedding of the choristers someone coughs up, this means that one of the newlyweds will not live so long.

Many wedding ceremonies in Russia have come down to our time, which accompany the wedding ceremony. All of them have changed, most of them today are more entertainment in nature. If you want to pay tribute to a rich cultural past by embodying it in your celebration, explore wedding customs and traditions that originated many centuries ago, but have not lost their charm today.

Blessing the young

"God bless!" - with these words in the old days in Russia, parents gave their consent to the marriage of the young. This is a church custom, which assumes that parents cross their future spouses with icons wrapped in a towel. Only the baptized were allowed to conduct it, but now even those who have not been baptized are present at the beautiful wedding ceremony / custom of Russia, but this is not a blessing in the literal sense.


According to tradition, a Russian wedding of previous centuries did not take place without a sorcerer, who provided protection for the newlyweds from evil forces, performed ceremonies to protect them from the evil eye. The modern sorcerer is a friend of the groom and the toastmaster at the same time. He takes care of a pleasant, interesting wedding atmosphere throughout the entire celebration.


In the old days, the groom's parents came to marry. They gave their children down the aisle early, so all issues were resolved between adult family members - dowry, expenses, deposit. Over time, this Russian tradition has changed, because people marry for love. But it is considered a gesture of respect, as well as upholding customs on the part of the groom, to visit the parents of the bridegroom to ask for her hand in marriage.


Previously, the ransom was purely financial in nature - the groom had to prove his worth. Now this Russian custom has turned into a game where girlfriends prepare a lot of tasks, puzzles, contests for the betrothed. If he does not cope with them, he pays off them with money, sweets - such is the custom.


The collusion traditionally took place after matchmaking and was the monetary part of the wedding tradition. The groom's side together with the bride's side discussed organizational, financial issues about dowry, deposit, wedding expenses of families. An analogue, or rather, a continuation of this custom of ancient Russia, can be called a modern contract, which spouses conclude at the time of marriage, "conspiring" about the rules of family life after the wedding.


The former Russian feast is a demonstration of the generosity of the parents. The wedding menu was extensive, each dish had its own meaning, but all together allowed the guests to be fed and watered from the heart so that not a single hungry person was left. The young were to be treated with bread and salt - according to tradition, it was a loaf. Now all these traditional stages are carried out during a banquet, where the tables are always full of festive snacks. The abundance of meat and fish dishes is replaced by vegetable dishes, there is always bread on the tables, and the crown of the feast is cake.

"Bitterly!" - this is the word the guests shout at the wedding feast in Russia - before it was not a call to a kiss, but had a different meaning. From the tray that the bride was carrying, the guests took a glass of vodka, leaving money, gifts in return, and then shouted: "Bitter!" By this they confirmed that they had drunk an intoxicating bitter drink.

Another tradition of a wedding feast is the tying of two bottles of champagne by witnesses, one of which, according to the Russian tradition, will be opened by the spouses on the anniversary, the second - when the child is born.

The last stage of the official part of the wedding feast in Russia, which has already become a tradition, is the first wedding dance. The couple go out to dance together, later other couples join them. This moment marks the transition of the wedding celebration into a dance, music, and competition program.


The church wedding ceremony confirms the marriage between a woman and a man before God. After him, the spouses go on a wedding walk, having time to visit several places before the banquet, to take memorable photos. Nowadays it is not always customary to get married, so the cortege picks up the newlyweds immediately after the wedding registration. And before the wedding was the main part of the wedding celebration, so not only the church itself was carefully selected, but also the outfits for the bride and groom.

When the newlyweds walk, another custom occurs - fortune-telling: they tie pink and blue ribbons on the paws of two pigeons, then together they let the birds go, determining by tradition what gender the future firstborn will be - male or female.

Bachelorette and bachelor parties

The tradition of holding a bachelorette party before the wedding has come for a long time: in Russia, girlfriends gathered at the girl's, combed her braid, took bath procedures, along the way telling her the dark details of her future life. This was done in order to protect the young girl from damage. The bachelor party, as a tradition, appeared not so long ago - before the wedding, the groom had to go to the bath alone.

Wedding rings

Wedding rings are a symbol of loyalty, love and devotion. They first appeared among the Egyptians, who believed that such gifts for a wedding to each other would help keep the spark of the relationship between two people. They are familiar to us today, they came to us in Russia not so long ago from European countries, having become a well-established tradition.

The bride's bouquet

In Russian traditions, it was like this: a girl passed her bouquet to a friend. It is interesting that the traditional Russian round dance was used here: while spinning and dancing, the bride (blindfolded) chose the one who would be the owner of the bouquet. The tradition of throwing a bouquet into a crowd of unmarried girls appeared later and came to us from Europe - the girl who was lucky enough to catch him was destined to marry next.

Men, too, will not be left without a kind of tradition at the wedding: before throwing the bouquet, the girl takes off the garter, which will soon be caught by the men. It also determines who will marry successfully next.

Bride kidnapping

Now the kidnapping is of entertainment nature, but during the time of serfdom in Russia it was an unpleasant peasant custom. The girl who was given in marriage could be taken on the wedding night by a pan or a gentleman. If the groom resisted this, his assistants stole the bride from the celebration and brought her by force, but rich men managed to pay off this.

Bride's shoe

But stealing a shoe was not accepted in Russia. On the contrary, the betrothed herself gave her to her girlfriends who were just waiting for their happiness. The one for which the shoes fit demanded a ransom from the future husband. This custom of Russia also made it possible to determine the well-being of the groom, to appreciate his generosity.


A towel independently embroidered by the bride was considered one of the main attributes of the wedding celebration; it remained with the spouses forever after the wedding, and was part of the girl's dowry. At the wedding, the spouses stand on one towel, and with the second they tie the hands of the newly-made spouses, forever fastening them together. This attribute is still used to this day when blessing and offering a festive loaf in Russia.

According to Russian custom, it was believed that the groom's shirt should also be embroidered by the bride.

Wedding loaf

At the doorstep, the parents presented the newly-made spouses with a wedding loaf with bread and salt: they must take turns taking a bite, this is the custom of Russia. Previously, he meant a kind of fortune-telling - what gender the baby will be, where the family's expenses will go. However, modern newlyweds are wondering who will be the “leader” in the family and who will be the “led”, depending on which piece is larger. In Russia, such fortune-telling was unthinkable, because the only possible head of the family, according to tradition, was a man.

Wedding night

After all the traditions of Russia, followed by the customs, comes the last, the main part of the wedding day - the first wedding night of lovers. This is an important event for an innocent girl. The spouse brings the bride through the threshold in his arms so that the evil demons think that this is a baby and not a stranger. Often the newlyweds chose an unusual place for their wedding night so that “the spirits would not find them” - the hayloft, shed, bedchamber of a familiar couple.

Even modern people tend to spend it not at home - in a luxurious hotel room, in a rented apartment. In recent years, as the attention to tradition has made them popular again, a rustic wedding involves the wedding night in a fragrant haystack, and romance lovers do not refuse it.

After this event, the second day of the wedding celebration may take place, but this depends on the financial viability of the organizers of the wedding celebration. Usually, according to tradition, it ends with a honeymoon - the travel of the spouses. But earlier, the honeymoon meant a light alcoholic drink, which was prepared for the wedding and drank not only during the celebration, but also for a whole month after it. Interestingly, the weight of the barrel was no less than 10 kilograms, and it was forbidden to drink anything other than this invigorating sweet drink.

For wedding ceremonies and traditions in Russia, see an interesting video:

Traditions, customs and people have changed, only one thing has remained unchanged - the solemnity of the wedding ceremony, which will forever be remembered by a loving couple. For this day to be perfect, a traditional Russian wedding requires serious and responsible preparation.

Will you use these customs and traditions at your celebration? Let us know in the comments.

Wedding information:

father-in-law is the wife's father
father-in-law - husband's father
mother-in-law is the wife's mother
mother-in-law is the husband's mother
son-in-law - daughter's husband
daughter-in-law - son's wife
brother-in-law - wife's brother
sister-in-law - husband's sister
brother-in-law - husband's brother
daughter-in-law - brother's wife
sister-in-law - wife's sister
brother-in-law - sister-in-law's husband

Wedding preparations.

It is imperative to send invitations to the wedding in writing. Written invitations are sent in a closed envelope. The newlyweds pay a visit to the elderly (grandparents) and respected people and invite them to their wedding. This wedding invitation must be confirmed in writing. Invitations can be bought in stores with a pre-printed text on them, or written by the newlyweds. If the invitations are printed with standard text, then the missing data is entered into them by hand. The bride and groom send invitations, their parents can also do this. In the event that the wedding celebration will be held at the bride's parents, they sign the invitations. When holding a wedding celebration in a public place, the signatures are put by the parents of the bride and groom. If a large number of guests are invited to the wedding, the invitations must be sent out 2-3 weeks before the wedding. For a wedding celebrated in a narrow circle, guests are also invited for 2-3 weeks.

Wedding clothes.

The bride's wedding dress can be white or any other light color. If the dress is sleeveless, you can wear gloves or an artificial flower bracelet. You should be very careful to decorate a white dress with artificial flowers of the same white color, because even with a slight difference in the shades of fabrics, one of them will seem "dirty". Shoes should be matched to the color of the fabric or finish of the dress. A long dress will look more elegant with heels. Shoes can be replaced with sandals. Tights or stockings for a wedding dress are required. In ancient times, the bride appeared at a wedding with her head covered. First it was a veil, then a veil replaced it. Currently, a veil is not an obligatory accessory to a wedding dress; it can be replaced with artificial or natural flowers, hairpins, ribbons, beads. It depends on the hairstyle, the shape of the face and ... your imagination. The flowers of the bride's traditional wreath are reminiscent of orange blossom (orange blossom). In a wreath, they alternate with buds (closed or semi-open) and leaves. If you decide to decorate your head with fresh flowers, get ready to constantly monitor their freshness and replace wilted flowers. Earlier, when the bride put on ceremonial clothes, the ensemble included numerous jewelry. A modern bride should not overuse a large amount of jewelry, especially a large one. The groom wears a dark suit and a white shirt for the wedding. According to the custom that existed in Russia, a shirt is presented to the groom by the bride. Shoes are selected in combination with the color of the suit. A tie requires special attention in the groom's suit. His choice depends on the color, pattern and fabric of the suit. There is a rule that the tie should be the same tone as the suit, but lighter or darker, or they should be in contrasting colors. You can put a white handkerchief in the breast pocket of your jacket and attach a flower to the left lapel.

Car decoration.

Traditionally, cars in light colors are chosen for weddings, especially the cars of the bride and groom. Two cars of the same brand and the same color are well combined, but slightly different in tone. In the wedding procession, red cars look out of place: if there is no choice, it is better to place them "in the tail". Usually cars are decorated with multi-colored ribbons, bows, one huge bow, balls, a doll in a wedding dress, a matryoshka is put. The ribbons give the car an elegant look, but you need to be able to combine them in color in order to prevent blundering and bad taste. The most successful color combinations will be:

raspberry, pink, red;
three shades of pink;
blue, pink, blue;
blue, yellow, red.

Naturally, it is convenient to select ribbons by contrast: light cars decorated with bright ribbons look more elegant, and dark cars decorated with light ribbons look nobler. You can attach do-it-yourself roses to satin ribbons. Roses can be made in a different color so that they differ from the ribbon on which they are attached. Any number of roses can be placed on each ribbon. For a rose, you need a ribbon of medium width and about 1 meter long. Leave 15 cm of tape hanging loose from your palm, wrap the rest of the tape around your palm (face out) until a 20 cm piece remains free. Pass this remaining tape through the wrapped rings and tie a knot to the other end left. These ends will help secure the roses to the ribbons. Do not forget that the number of tapes must be odd, usually 3 tapes. Emblems from rings are attached to the sides or hood. Both flowers and flags can be attached to the hood. At the top, on the roof of the car, two intertwined rings are fastened, in each - a bell with a bow tied to it. You can attach two wreaths of natural flowers, berries, leaves, branches decorated with bows, small balls to the hood, intertwining the wreaths like rings, stretch a branch of hops, a flower garland along the hood, and install a ready-made basket with artificial flowers in winter. You can also cut a stork carrying a wedding symbol in its beak from foam, and fix it above the roof of the car. In general, this is a matter of your imagination, the main thing is that the cars look festive, so that at the first glance at them it becomes clear to everyone that this is a wedding procession. And remember that the cars of the bride and groom should be the most beautiful and elegant.

The bride's bouquet.

The bride's bouquet should not be heavy, flowers should be chosen not very long. The bouquet can have various shapes: it can be round, it can be made in the form of a bunch or a basket. The so-called "Swedish bouquet" can be used. Flowers in the bridal bouquet should be white or pink. White color symbolizes purity, tenderness; pink - youth. Bright red flowers are not recommended. When choosing the flowers and the shape of the bouquet, the age and appearance of the bride, as well as the color of the wedding dress, are decisive. You can decorate the bouquet with lace ribbons or guipure strips; tulle collected in an outlet; silk or rep ribbons. The bride's bouquet is usually made of fresh flowers. If you want to keep it along with the veil as a keepsake, you can make a bouquet of artificial flowers. Natural flowers are usually used to make bouquets of roses, tulips, carnations, peonies. Not recommended - gladioli, daffodils, camellias - they symbolize both celebration and mourning. Before including them in a wedding bouquet, the groom should consult with the bride.

Wedding celebration.

When preparing for the wedding, I always meet with the bride and groom or other interested parties. In this meeting, I give specific advice and briefly describe the key points of the wedding. My wedding script is built for a specific young couple, taking into account all their amendments. I want to offer you the main stages of a two-day wedding celebration, which are, as it were, the trunk of a tree.

  1. Arrival of the young. It is necessary to invite all the guests and organize a "live" corridor to meet the young.
  2. Meeting with bread and salt. At the end of the "live" corridor are the parents of the newlyweds with bread and salt and a bottle of champagne. First congratulations to parents, parting words.
  3. Solemn entrance to the hall. The guests take their places at the wedding table and, standing, greeted the young couple with loud applause.
  4. The beginning of the feast. At this stage, there are several obligatory toasts: to the young, to the parents, to the guests.
  5. "Pancakes" - that's you, I hope you know what it is.
  6. Middle of the feast. Time for the first contests and games.
  7. Dance break. "The first dance for two - let's admire them" - the first dance of the newlyweds.
  8. Conducting contests, games, auctions.
  9. The end of the feast. Dancing.
  10. Seeing off the young.
  1. Comic meeting.
  2. "Wedding ear".
  3. "Garbage" - you know that too.
  4. Dance break. Contests, games.
  5. The wedding cake.
  6. Parting.

The variant is more common for weddings with the number of guests from 50 to 150. Modern weddings sometimes cost one day, but the solemnity is not lost from this. The most time consuming and physically difficult is considered the feast of the first day. The owners have a lot of worries, ranging from the menu, serving and ending directly with wedding customs, rituals, traditions. Now it is fashionable to invite special people for whom weddings become an element of life. The success of a wedding event largely depends on the talent of the host. In different places he is called toastmaster, boyfriend, best man, etc. A modern toastmaster must have great organizational skills, be sure to own any musical instrument - better a button accordion or accordion.

You should know it.

Summer is wedding time. Against the backdrop of lush greenery and a blue river, snow-white brides seem to be fairies from a fairy tale, and smart grooms are princes from a magical land. And no matter how abruptly the country changed its economic course, the wedding remained the most beautiful holiday. If a lot has already been said about the traditional wedding ceremony that has developed in our region as a result of the merger of various cultural traditions (German, Ukrainian, Russian, Tatar), then few know about the development of wedding anniversaries. Meanwhile, the celebration of wedding anniversaries is widespread in the European part of Russia, as well as in the Baltic States. They are anxious about wedding anniversaries in Poland, Germany, and especially in France. In the age of high speeds and computer networks, cultural traditions of different countries penetrate into our everyday life very quickly. Even 5 years ago, we had never heard of Valentine's Day, but today all young people know this number and, most importantly, the holiday quickly won the hearts of all lovers.

Wedding ceremonies.

The wedding can be seen and heard from afar. It is difficult to find a more colorful and cheerful ceremony, in which there would be so much joy and jubilation. This is no coincidence, because the celebration of love, the beginning of a new family is being celebrated.

Even nowadays, when it all comes down to just a visit to the registry office, several memorable places and a feast, this holiday attracts everyone's attention by its very elegance. And if it contains elements of an old folk wedding ceremony, then it becomes an action at all.

Now, of the pre-wedding, actually wedding and post-wedding ceremonies, only wedding ceremonies are best known. But the interest in traditions is great - and now we hear the old majestic songs, jokes. But how did this sparkling action take place before, with observance of all the rules - from collusion and hand-to-hand to the prince's table and entrances? The bride was supposed to cry as soon as matchmakers appeared in the house. By this, she demonstrated her love for her father's house, for her parents. A few days before marriage, the groom's parents go to the bride's parents to hand-arm. And again she laments about how bad it will be on the wrong side.

Before the wedding itself - a bachelorette party. The groom arrives with gifts; everyone but the bride is having fun, not paying much attention to her crying. The day of marriage is the most solemn. The bride, who continues to lament, is prepared for the wreath, the groom is also dressed in his best and at the same time guarded. Guests converge in the bride's house, a talkative boyfriend and groom arrive, "redeems" a place at the table. After lengthy negotiations, flavored with jokes, they go to church: the groom separately, the bride separately. After the wedding, the bride stops crying: the job is done. The newlyweds are taken to the groom's house, where the groom's parents are already waiting for them: the father with the icon and the mother with the icon and bread and salt. On the second day - the "prince's table" in the groom's house. The third day is a family day, as well as a meeting of the bride with neighbors. And, finally, the father-in-law calls his son-in-law with relatives to him, the young woman says goodbye to her parents; diversion (wedding ranks) take the newlyweds to their home. At this, the wedding ceremony is considered complete.


When the matchmaker decides the matter, that is, he comes to an agreement with the bride's family, on what conditions the bride is given, with what dowry and conclusion, they also persuade them what time to come to the bride's house for "conspiracies." It should be noted that collusion, or drinking, or a word, is always given in the bride's house. When the matchmakers come to the bride's house, then at this time a lot of people - neighbors - come. Conspiracies (or drinking) are very short-lived: they will drink tea and wine, have a snack, take a handkerchief and a ring from the bride, and then the matchmakers and leave. The people and girlfriends remain. The bride is brought in and seated in the front corner, at the table, where she must cry and lament. During all the time when the "conspiracy" has been made, her relatives do not force her to do anything until the wedding ceremony. After conspiracy, every day the bride sits down at the table and cries, wailing. Girlfriends almost always sew a dowry at the "agreement" - linen and dresses.


At the appointed time, three or four days before marriage, there is handicraft. A matchmaker or a matchmaker with the father and mother of the groom, accompanied by relatives, goes or goes to the father and mother of the bride to the house for a feast - to hand-arm. Those who came at the invitation of the owner sit down at a table covered with a tablecloth. On it, there are bun and salt on a plate. Svatya takes the right hands of the matchmakers (the father of the groom and the father of the bride) and joins them hand in hand, taking a pie from the table, circles them around the hands of the matchmakers, saying three times: "The deed is done, fortified with bread and salt, forever and ever." He breaks the cake over his hands, and then gives one half to the groom's father, and the other half to the bride's father. After breaking the cake, the matchmakers are sometimes measured, whose half is more - right or left (right - the groom, and the left - the bride). There is a sign: if half is more, then that person has more strength, happiness, health, longevity and wealth. The broken cake should be kept by the bride and groom until the day of marriage, and after the wedding, the newlyweds should eat it first; but the groom needs to eat - half the bride, and the bride - the groom. After breaking the cake, the matchmakers sit down at the table, and the treat begins. During the refraction of the cake, the bride is brought under a headscarf and seated on a bench, while the girlfriends stand beside her or sit. After the mating, the groom visits the bride every day. The bride meets the groom, treats him to tea, sits at the table, and the groom brings gifts and snacks, gifts: nuts, gingerbread and sweets. All such visits by the groom to the bride are called "visits", "kisses" and "visits". This is how the groom's visits continue until the bachelorette party, in which the celebration surpasses all visits, because this is the last day of a girl's life.


The hen party happens on the last day or evening before the wedding. Girlfriends come to the bride for a bachelorette party, even relatives and friends from other villages come. Earlier, the groom and other guests come from the groom, the matchmaker with a chest or box containing various gifts for the bride, as well as gifts for girlfriends, children and other spectators who came to watch the bachelorette party. The bride meets the groom wearing her best dress. The girls are singing songs. At the end of the bachelorette party, the groom leaves with his guests, and the people disperse.

Marriage day.

In the early morning girls-friends come to the bride to gather her to the crown. The house prepares for the wedding feast, because from the wedding ceremony, all the newlyweds come to the bride's house for the feast, and after having finished the ceremony, they leave to spend the first night with the groom (the next day the groom has a princely table). If the newlyweds are brought from the crown to the groom's house, then the bride does not have a table and the wedding is limited to one prince's table. The bridesmaids, having gathered the bride for the crown, set her on a bench on which a fur coat is spread upside down: sitting on the hair of a fur coat means living richly, and also so that evil people cannot spoil the young. The bride, girls and relatives, sitting at the table, are waiting for the arrival of the boyfriend, the groom and the other "new relatives" who are to come, take the bride and take her to the crown. Gathering the bride to the crown, they protect her from dashing people, from "spoilage", illness, and so on. In the following ways: headless pins, earless needles are stuck into the dress, and they are showered with hops. The groom traveling to the crown is also guarded, they even put a knife in his pocket (and scissors for the bride). Both the groom and the bride should have a new and better dress. The father of the bride must go out into the street, meet his friend with the "train" that has come for his daughter, and invite him into the house; there is also a groom. If he takes the bride to another village, the neighbors block the way, and the boyfriend is obliged to give them wine, beer and snack-pies. The owner (the bride's father) comes out, opening the doors, bows and lets the guests into the hut. Father and mother, godfather and godmother come and bless the bride and groom, who kiss the icon, parents and bow. The friend is the first to go to the church. Behind the boyfriend - the groom with the brother Then the bride and the matchmaker, and after them the relatives go by seniority and kinship.

First day.

After the wedding, the newlyweds are taken to the groom's house, whose father and mother greet them with bread and salt and images, blessing the father with an icon, and the mother with bread and salt and an icon, then the newlyweds are blessed by the godfather and godmother of the groom, and then they are brought into a special hut or a room, where they have a haste to feed, and the relatives are seated at the tables. The canteen begins: they drink, eat, as they say, until the ridge, some newlyweds should neither drink nor eat, but sit tightly at the table, hand with hand, leg with foot, so that the cat does not run. At the end of the table, the guests beat the plates and glasses, and then the young people are taken to sleep in a special room or cold hut, at the threshold of which pots are beaten. The newlyweds are escorted into the bedroom by a matchmaker, making various instructions and sentences like: "For the first night - a boy and a daughter." When the newlyweds are left alone, the young must take off her husband's shoes, who has money in his boots. The newlywed takes this money for herself, thanks her husband, and then he goes to bed, and the young, undressed, jumps up through her husband to the wall on the bed and lies down. The newlyweds are put in a cold bedroom so that their children are healthy and not afraid of the cold, and the young one jumps over her husband to the marriage bed in order to give birth to children easily and safely, and the husband puts money in his boots so that they can be found with his wife all life.

Second day - Prince's table.

The princely table is prepared in the newlywed's house on the second day after the wedding. In the morning, the family members who have walked around since the evening go to "raise the young", but only the matchmaker enters the bedroom to wake the young. Relatives are at the door, breaking pots and plates. When the newlyweds leave, they are congratulated. The newlyweds enter after washing and dressing up, and they are seated at the princes' table, and the other relatives sit behind the newlyweds, and then the refreshment begins. At the end of breakfast, the newlyweds are equipped on the way to the father-in-law and mother-in-law and other relatives of the newlywed, to call them to the prince's table. The newlyweds leave alone. At the father-in-law they are treated with tea and snacks. The newlyweds, having invited their father-in-law and mother-in-law with their new relatives to the prince's table, return home, and invited guests immediately come for them. All the guests sit down at the tables, and the princely table begins. The father and mother of the newlywed do not sit at the table, but walk at the tables and bow, treating guests, and the other relatives of the newlywed serve food and drinks at the tables. At the prince's table, the newlyweds also do not drink or eat anything, but only if they are offered wine and beer, "sip", that is. wet lips. The newlyweds, both in front of the first table after marriage, and the princes, so as not to whet their appetite, are fed separately, which is called "feeding the young at a mansion." Guests who walked around the prince's table often turn to the newlyweds and say: "Bitter, very bitter!" The newlyweds should get up, bow, kiss "crosswise", say: "Eat, now it's sweet!" Guests finish drinking from a glass or shot and say: "Now it is very sweet," and then they come up to the newlyweds and kiss them. Thus, at the prince's table, one can only hear "bitter", and therefore there is no end to the kisses. Guests-spouses, not content with "sweetening" the newlyweds, turn to the word "bitterly" husband to wife, wife to husband and also "sweeten" - kiss. A lot of strangers come to the prince's table to see. For poor owners, when there is one table after marriage, but there is no prince's table, all ceremonies and customs take place at the first table after marriage, as at a prince.


The so-called bends are usually a week after the wedding. The taps are made by the father of the newlywed and all her other relatives who were at the wedding feast. On the day appointed for the otvodin, the father-in-law goes to call his son-in-law and daughter, as well as all the relatives of the son-in-law. When the young people come to their father and celebrate the matchmaker at the matchmaker, the son-in-law at the father-in-law, then other relatives of the newlywed are invited to their place of seniority. Thus, on the bends, the young go from home to the home of their relatives, each one is treated to snacks and tea. With the end of the bends, the wedding is considered over.

Rite of passage "Bread and salt".

The parents, in whose house the wedding is being played, are greeted with bread and salt. A round loaf of black bread with a salt shaker well fortified in the middle is placed on a long beautiful towel. The mother-in-law or mother-in-law speaks the welcoming speech. We congratulate you on your legal marriage, we wish you happiness, health, and a long married life. Welcome to our home - to your home. Taste the bread and salt, and we'll see who will be the boss in the house. ” Young people pinch off or bite off bread, dip it in salt and eat it. They believe: whoever bit off more is the owner. Once again they are congratulated and kissed. This ceremony symbolizes true and sincere consent and is a sign that the young will be from then on like crumbs of one bread.

The ceremony of showering the newlyweds.

They throw after the newlyweds millet, grains, sweets, hops, coins as a symbol of a prosperous life.

A contest of affectionate treatment.

The newlyweds are given an apple each with ten matches in it. Alternately, the bride and groom speak an affectionate word to each other and pull out a match. The winner is the one who pulls out the matches faster. The same can be done by placing the newlyweds at a distance of twenty steps. They do the same with every step.

Draw for the house.

Young people draw lots for the distribution of responsibilities around the house. They can be expressed conventionally - with a picture, an apron, a diaper, drawings or toys - a car, a vacuum cleaner, a saucepan, a baby carriage, a pacifier, a bag with groceries. This is a game, a joke, so a ridiculous choice is allowed for laughter.

Game auction.

It's also a game donation. They offer an auction for the sale of anything: a kiss from the bride, an invitation to a silver wedding, a souvenir.

Competition in the names of dishes.

The young take turns saying the names of the dishes they will cook.

Game sale.

They offer to buy a cake by setting a price. This is a form of donation.

The game "Sage and buffoon".

A fant-task is passed in the circle of guests in the form of a picture, on one side of which a sage is drawn, on the other - a buffoon. A picture with a ribbon is hung around the neck of the person on the waiting list. He must redeem this phantom either by making the guests laugh, or by saying a parable, poems, toast, singing a song, or by paying off with money in favor of the newlyweds.

Game donation for newlyweds.

The guests defiantly reproach the newlywed that there is a lot of litter on the floor, demand revenge on the floor, and they themselves throw money.

Game "Bride and Groom".

They sit in a circle on each chair in pairs, a girl on the guy's lap. One person in the center, he drives: he chooses one of the guys, touches him with his hand and takes his place. A freed guy without a pair must win the right to choose a bride. To do this, he entertains the others, he can read poetry, sing a song, dance, tell an anecdote and others.

Signs and unwritten rules:

From January 20, the beginning of the winter meat-eater, until the very Shrovetide, it is customary for Christians to send matchmakers and play weddings.
Misfortune will befall a young couple who announces their upcoming marriage at the end of one quarter of the year, and gets married at the beginning of the next.
Wednesday and Friday are considered unfavorable days for marriage.
Marriages concluded in the afternoon are considered more successful.
A few days before the wedding, put the wedding rings in a bag, fill with water and put in the freezer so that the young in life are also strongly held together.
Rain is considered a good omen on your wedding day.
In order to be happily married, the bride must cry on her wedding day.
The bride should not allow her friends to stand in front of her in front of the mirror, so as not to take her beloved away.
If in front of the registry office the bride and groom stealthily eat one chocolate bar for two, life will be sweet.
Before going to the registry office or to the church for the wedding, the bride's mother gives her daughter a family heirloom. The bride needs to keep this item with her during all official ceremonies, which should ensure their successful completion.
Before going to the wedding, the bride, who wants her sisters to get married faster, should pull lightly on the tablecloth that covers the table.
Before the young people go to the crown, put a lock under the threshold, and as they cross the threshold, close the lock with a key, throw the key away, and keep the lock, - the young will live well.
Who of the newlyweds is the first to step on the carpet in the registry office or in the church in front of the altar, he will be the head of the family.
Whoever of the spouses, when registering a marriage or wedding, puts on the other a ring to the very base of the finger, he will rule in the house.
If during the wedding (wedding) the wedding ring fell - life will be unkind.
If the bride's heel breaks during the wedding (wedding ceremony), she will also lose her spouse.
After the wedding (wedding), young people need to look in one mirror - this should bring good luck.
At the end of the wedding ceremony, the bride turns her back to the guests and throws her bouquet over her head. The girl who catches the bouquet is about to get married soon.
After this ceremony, the newly-made husband removes the garter from his wife's leg and also throws it behind his back. Anyone who catches a garter will find a life partner before anyone else.
The first glass, which is presented to the newlyweds, after they have become lawful spouses, they break for happiness.
The path of the bride and groom is lined with carpets, so that they step through life softer. On the way, young people are sprinkled with grain, coins, sweets, etc., so that they have enough of everything.
Whoever crosses the threshold of the house first will be the master.
On the wedding night, the conjugal act must be performed, otherwise the young will not be happy in marriage.
Sets of knives and forks are not given at the wedding, so that there are no quarrels in the family.
Husband and wife should not eat from one spoon, so as not to be then dissatisfied with each other.

A veil and a dress should not be allowed to be tried on by anyone either - to quarrels in the family. If, nevertheless, the wedding ring was dropped before putting it on your finger, then you shouldn't be upset right away! It is necessary to take a thread prepared in advance by witnesses, thread it through the ring so that it takes away all the bad omens, then they put on the ring. The thread must be burned, burned by the one who dropped the ring, saying "burn the fire all my troubles and sorrows."

To always have prosperity in the family, the groom must put a coin in his right shoe, which must then be kept as a talisman! And the bride needs to put a coin under her left heel for prosperity in her future family life.

Young people will be saved from the evil eye and envy by pins, which must be attached with their head down. For the bride - on the hem of the dress (from the inside), and for the groom - where the boutonniere is. Just be careful not to be seen by others!

After the bride has left for the wedding in her house, it is necessary to wash the floors so that the marriage is happy and then she certainly will not return to live with her parents.

The mother must give her daughter a family heirloom (ring, cross), as a talisman of good luck.

If the bride wants her sister to get married as soon as possible, then when she leaves the house she must pull the tablecloth off the table a little.

When the wedding cortege arrives at the place of the celebration, the drivers must honk, thereby frightening off evil spirits.

The wedding procession cannot go to the celebration of the celebration on a straight road, you need to think about an ornate route in advance, so you will confuse evil spirits and evil spirits.

When preparing a wedding bed, the pillows should be placed side by side so that the cuts of the pillowcases touch. To a friendly life.

The bride and groom must not cross the road, so at the beginning of the procession there is a witness and a witness.

For the bride to be happy in marriage, for this it is necessary that her married friend wear earrings.

There should be two bottles of champagne on the wedding table, tied with one satin ribbon, but they should not be drunk, as this is a symbol of a happy family life and its fruit.

It is impossible for a friend to stand in front of the bride in front of the mirror - to treason. The same goes for the groom.

A more successful marriage is considered to be concluded in the afternoon.

If in front of the registry office the bride and groom eat a piece of candy in half, then life will be sweet. After marriage, the bride and groom should look in the mirror, to a long and happy marriage.

The first glass that is brought to the young must be broken.

Newlyweds should not be given sets of knives, forks, watches - to quarrels. If someone managed to give one of these things, then you have to pay for it (at least a penny), and then accept it, but not as a gift, but as a purchase.

The wedding loaf is baked by the godmothers of the bride and groom. It is impossible for widows, divorced and childless women, unfortunately for the young, to participate in this ritual. The loaf should be kept away from human eyes.

An odd number of guests must be invited to the wedding - fortunately for the young.

The bride's underwear must always be white - for the purity of the relationship with her husband.

The bride's shoes should be worn, so the day before the wedding, the bride is better off wearing them at home. You cannot marry with lace-up shoes.

A veil will help from the evil eye of the bride. The mother covers her daughter with a veil before the wedding. After the ceremony is over, the groom throws back the veil.

When young people enter the hall at the wedding table, they must necessarily go clockwise or in the direction of the Sun, and go out in the opposite direction.

Try to have the young people sit to the east at a festive feast, it is considered a good omen. Nobody should sit on the chairs of the bride and groom, they should be clean and beautiful. Better yet, when young people generally sit on the same bench, it is impossible for them to be separated by something.

If you put a fur coat under the seats of the young, then life will be rich.

The young people should have the same devices on the wedding table, pair-glasses, forks, spoons, but it is better to remove the knives altogether so as not to quarrel. It is forbidden for young people to eat with one spoon or fork, so as not to be disappointed in each other.

For a happy family life on the night before the wedding, the bride should put a mirror under her pillow.

Young mothers must be dressed in "one-piece dresses", a ban is imposed on costumes!

Used materials from the site

Can you find an original wedding dress in a specialized salon?
Basically, all our salons are equipped with boring stereotypical outfits. But if you are not too lazy and search, you can find very decent things - good cut, high-quality fabrics, with luxurious lace. Just ask them to show you those dresses that no one takes. It is among them that you can find the zest.

Exchanging rings, throwing a bouquet and a garter, removing a veil - all these traditions and rituals have been familiar to us for a long time. Not a single wedding celebration is complete without them. However, there are other interesting traditions and rituals in the world that will not only help create a romantic atmosphere at a wedding, but also diversify the festive program. In the article, the portal brings to your attention the top 5 interesting and unusual wedding traditions.

A beautiful tradition symbolizing the bonding of a union is tying the knot, or literally “tie the knot”. By tying the knot, you promise to always be together and walk hand in hand through life. You can tie both a traditional tourniquet and multi-colored ribbons.

You can tie a knot directly after painting or at a wedding banquet. You can save this bundle as a heirloom to remind you of your wedding day.

In Europe, it has long been customary to exchange wedding vows, confessing love and fidelity to each other. This beautiful tradition has already been appreciated by many newlyweds in Russia, because there is nothing more touching and romantic than the tender words heard from the second half on the wedding day.

The vows can be pronounced during the onsite registration before the exchange of rings. If you are going to register a marriage at the registry office, then it is worth discussing this with the administration in order to fit into a strictly regulated time. In addition, vows can be pronounced at the end of the wedding evening and a heavenly lantern with your names can be launched into the sky. Romantic, isn't it?!?

An important step in preparing for this ritual is writing oaths. Be sure to discuss with the groom what she will be: gentle and touching or playful and ironic. If you want to add something personal to your oath, understandable only for the two of you, think about how your family and friends will react to it. Discuss the structure of the text to harmonize your vows. The content itself, of course, is not worth talking to each other, it is better to make a surprise for a loved one on the wedding day. Practice in front of the mirror in pronouncing the oath, timing the time you need. Ideally, you can fit in within 1-2 minutes, otherwise your guests may lose interest in your story.

Another beautiful wedding tradition is the joint planting of a tree as a symbol of the beginning of a new family life.

You can plant a tree in the forest, in the country, or even in the yard of your house. The park will be a great place if you can agree with the administration. But even if you cannot find a suitable place, and you don’t want to go to the forest, you can just plant a tree in a pot and put your “family” seedling on the balcony. The main thing is to choose a suitable plant for this.

This tradition can be carried out during a wedding walk or a banquet. Ask the host or your guest to give a beautiful speech while you are busy planting the tree. And at this time, let the photographer capture every moment of this touching ritual.

Keep in mind that tree planting is ground-based, so prepare themed aprons and gloves to avoid getting dirty. You can't do without a shovel, as well as a pot, if you decide to plant a tree outside of nature. And forward - to planting your "family" seedling - a symbol of your love and devotion!

Due to the growing popularity of off-site registration, we would like to draw your attention to the beautiful tradition of accompanying the bride, which can often be seen in American films. The father, accompanied by solemn music, leads the bride to the altar, where the groom is waiting for her. Such a beautiful tradition will create an atmosphere of family comfort at the registration ceremony, because there is nothing more touching than a father giving his beloved daughter into the hands of another man.

Sand ceremony

The Hawaiian wedding tradition has already captivated the hearts of many Russian couples. And it is not surprising, because such a colorful ritual gives a lot of positive emotions to both newlyweds and guests.

This is the connecting link that the wedding lives on. Surely every girl knows a lot accepts, customs and traditions... And if he doesn’t know, then he will definitely find out before the wedding. But there is traditions, which parents carefully keep in their hearts ... and after the head can no longer contain all the information, the question arises

- "Who knows how it is POSITION, HOW TO PLAY THE WEDDING?"

Perhaps someone can suggest various small points, wedding signs and traditions... But all wedding traditions and signs have come down to us from ancient times, partly outdated - partly contradictory, partly impracticable. Below are some of the points that we know and will add!

We suggest using only those wedding traditions and signs that you like yourself. After all, our task is to organize a fun wedding believing only in those signs that will help make her beautiful and kind!

If you have your own local (regional) traditions- use it, if not - come up with it yourself - and perhaps in a couple of generations your grandchildren will say “What are you doing? Without this, a wedding is not a wedding! "

We offer a list of what YOU can use when preparing for WEDDING and accordingly will be a guide to action! Go ahead, newlyweds! Good luck!


  • At the party with the bride they break a loaf to choose the head of the family
  • At the end of the feast, fortune-telling takes place on a boy-girl - who will be the first among the young, a boy or a girl, collect money in sliders (for trays) and then count. Whoever has the biggest one will be born first.
  • Lighting up the hearth - parents of young people bring their candles in the unlit candle of young people and share a piece of their warmth and family well-being.
  • An echo of the old Russian tradition- young people go to the registry office in different cars. Previously, the groom came to the church before the bride and waited for her at the entrance.

  • The tradition of buzzing with all the wedding procession on the way from the registry office has its deep roots - in Russia it was customary to make noise with all his might to protect the young from evil spirits. Traditional skating also comes from those times.
  • In some areas, it is considered compulsory after registration of marriage to plant a tree in a special "alley of newlyweds".
  • When crossing the bridge, the groom must carry his wife in his arms. After half the way, a witness usually helps.
  • Before leaving for the registry office, the young water all the indoor plants that are in the house and feed the pets
  • At the end of the day, young people launch a bunch of balls into the sky - they say goodbye to troubles and adversities
  • While driving in cars, young people burn a list of troubles and scatter to the wind - this wedding tradition known to few
  • Before entering the hall, the young people feed each other - salted bread, so that this is the last time they spite each other
  • The young people enter the hall where the festivities take place under bread and salt, which the mothers of the young raise high with an arch. Under these gates, guests make a wish that will surely come true
  • Newlyweds visit a kindergarten-nursery and leave as many dolls (babies) there as they want to have children
  • At the entrance, in front of the young, they put 2 plates upside down - whoever crushes the plate faster is the one and the head in the house. (The groom takes the bride in his arms and breaks both plates himself)
  • All the money donated by the guests is laid out to the groom in all pockets - so that the money is kept, and in the bride's bra - so that there is always a "stash"
  • Old wedding tradition- BEFORE the end of the party, the mother of the bride takes off the veil from the bride, and the flower from the suit of the son-in-law.
  • Before leaving, the relatives take off the veil from the bride and put on an apron (they say, the holiday is over - family life has begun)
  • Before leaving, the bride, according to this wedding tradition takes off his shoes and gives his shoes to a younger sister or other younger relative
  • Before being seated at the table, the hands of the young are tied with a towel so that they walk through life together - hand in hand.
  • Young people leave a bottle of champagne in the restaurant where the wedding was held - for the next wedding
  • The tradition of letting pigeons go into the sky is associated with fortune-telling - one pigeon is tied with a blue ribbon, the second pink - which pigeon rises higher means who is the first to be born a boy or a girl.
  • 2 bottles of champagne are standing on the first table, in front of the young - they are tied with a ribbon - and they drink one on the first wedding anniversary, the second on the birthday of the first child (option - for a golden wedding) (By the way, sometimes these same bottles are passed on the table and onto them all guests sign)
  • musicians and toastmaster at the end of the wedding are given alcohol as a sign of respect

  • Wedding rings should not be allowed to be measured by other people - to parting
  • Massive wedding rings - to wealth and prosperity
  • The groom should not see the bride's wedding dress before the wedding - to a quarrel
  • If you tie 2 bottles of champagne at the wedding and do not drink them, the newlyweds will definitely celebrate the wedding anniversary and the birth of their first child.
  • Marrying parents' wedding rings - repeat their family relationship
  • To make family life without tears and quarrels, it is better to buy smooth rings
  • The eldest must be the first of the sisters to marry.
  • Another one omen for the wedding do not give knives and forks - so that there are no quarrels in a young family
  • If putting on a ring bride or groom drop it - be treason

  • For all guests: When you check, look into each other's eyes, otherwise there won't be 10 years of sex :)
  • When young people sit down at the table, it is advisable to sit on the same bench - then the family will be friendly
  • When the glasses are beating, they look at how many large fragments have turned out, so many young boys will have.
It is a popular omen that if you cross 7 bridges on your wedding day, your family life will be happy.
  • When we check, we look into each other's eyes, otherwise there will be no sex for 5 years :)
RECOMMENDED TO READ: Post-wedding glass philosophy, Wedding traditions and rules

Do you want to get married? Swat comes in handy! A little about the matchmaking rite. As it was done before, as it is done now.

Many rites who served our grandfathers and great-grandfathers have already sunk into oblivion

tie. And it's not that they were bad. It's just that sooner or later many ceremonies become outdated, which is why they lose their popularity. Among others, there is the so-called the rite of matchmaking.

Used to be in order to get married, had to be sent to the bride's family matchmakers... Matchmakers were chosen among the relatives of the upcoming groom. If there was no person among them capable of doing such a difficult task, then the matchmaker or matchmaker could be invited or even hired from outside.

The purpose of these people was one - get the approval of relatives, and approve the date of the final response. The final answer was given after a while, even if everyone agreed. for the wedding... This showed that the relatives value the future bride and thoughtlessly would not give her in marriage on the very first day. On the final decision, the matchmakers received a decisive "yes" or "no", while not forgetting about diplomacy. In case of refusal, they tried to explain to the matchmakers the reasonable reasons for the refusal. For example, the reason for the refusal could be the bride's too young age. Angry matchmakers often left the front door behind them with the help of their backs. This meant that they wish the failed bride difficulties in getting married.
But if the answer was still positive, then a follow-up meeting was scheduled. At this meeting, other matchmakers or relatives of the groom in the bride's house discussed all the subtleties of the upcoming weddings... Every little thing - from the dowry to the number of guests and the wedding day - was discussed at this meeting.

It remains to add about some special omens .

  • On Wednesdays and Fridays, sending in matchmakers and talking about the wedding was considered a bad omen.
  • On the other hand, the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th numbers, on the contrary, were considered lucky.
  • In addition, they left to get married at sunset, apparently saving the case from an evil eye.
  • Note that these signs can be applied to the superstitious inhabitants of the modern world. After all, the day when a young man decides to propose to his beloved also obeys these numbers.

By the way, speaking of modern times, matchmaking has practically disappeared from our lives.... After all, few people have a special desire to beg for the hand of their beloved woman several times. And many simply do not pay attention to the opinion of relatives. If in the old days the blessing of the groom's father was a necessary element of the wedding, now it is nothing more than advice that can be heeded or not.

Himself matchmaking rite simplified to impossibility. Now, instead of sending matchmakers to the bride's house, the groom simply meets with the bride's parents. At this meeting, parents learn about their daughter's upcoming wedding. I would like to note that before meeting with their parents, young people usually already agree to marry each other. The groom comes to the meeting with gifts for all family members. For his future wife and her mother, he certainly buys two bouquets of flowers. Relations with the mother-in-law need to be established even before marriage.

So, looking into the past, we can say that only the name remained from the matchmaking ceremony. Unless the Old Believer decides to completely follow the ancient rituals, or someone decides on this out of a desire to make their wedding a very special event. After all, to the ancient rite of matchmaking, you can add some modern "flavor". But this is already a separate big topic.

By their decision to legally marry and celebrate this event with a wedding, the young take responsibility for their nascent family not only to each other, but also to their close relatives. And the whole ritual of the wedding ceremony, even regardless of the wishes of the newlyweds, as it were, confirms and consolidates not only their mutual love, but also mutual responsibility.

No matter how newfangled and modern a wedding is, it cannot avoid wedding customs and traditions, some of which have been observed from time immemorial. We observe them, sometimes without thinking about what they mean and why they exist. Of course, some of the customs are quite modern, but they also have ancient roots.

Wedding customs associated with getting rid of evil spirits

Bride and groom witnesses

The wedding custom - the presence of witnesses at the wedding, has ancient Slavic roots. In Russia, next to the bride and groom, during the wedding, the bridesmaid and the groom's friend, dressed almost the same as the young, were supposed to be all the time. This was done in order to confuse evil spirits that could harm the young.

In the arms of her husband - into the house

To bring a young wife into the house in his arms is also an old wedding custom. The Slavs believed that a pure and immaculate bride is of great interest to evil spirits that can spoil the young one. To deceive the evil force, the young husband carried his wife across the threshold of the house in his arms, that is, he entered, as it were, alone. The evil spirits could no longer cross the threshold of the consecrated hut.

Most common wedding customs

Bachelorette party for wedding

Wedding custom - a trip to the registry office of the bride and groom in different cars

This wedding custom is also ancient. When there were no cars, the bride and groom got to the wedding place in different means of transportation - carriages, carriages, carriages. The meaning of this custom was that until the marriage is sanctified by the church, the bride and groom are strangers, and they should not be together.

Wedding custom - decorating the car with flowers, ribbons, bows

This is an old custom, but it came to us not from ancient Russia, but from Western Europe. Before the wedding, the bride, going to church, was accompanied by children who carried branches with flowers of rosemary (the bride's flower) in their hands, and bows of colored, narrow ribbons (the so-called “bride's bows”) were tied on their hands.

Such an accompaniment, decorated with the symbols of the bride, was considered a guarantee of a happy future life. Gradually, this wedding custom was modified, adapting to local realities. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the harness of horses carrying young were decorated with bells, ribbons and flowers. These days, wedding cars are decorated in various ways.

Wedding custom associated with the bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere

Many believe that the custom of throwing a bridal bouquet migrated to Russia from America. But it is much older. Many Slavic peoples had a wedding custom, the bride handing over a wedding wreath to her closest girlfriend with a mandate to get married after her. Now this modified custom is to throw a bridal bouquet into a crowd of girlfriends.

The custom of decorating a groom's jacket with a boutonniere dates back to the ancient Roman Empire. There, the girl pinned flowers from her bouquet to the groom's clothes as a sign of faithful and unbreakable love. Among the Slavs, girls decorated their narrowed with floral wreaths, woven with their own hands. In later times, the English prince Albert was the first to attach a boutonniere to his wedding suit.

Wedding custom - bride kidnapping

The history of this wedding custom is also ancient. The ancient Slavic peoples had a custom during festive games to choose a bride for themselves, catch up with her, "kidnap" and take her to their home. The custom, having undergone significant changes, has migrated to our days.

Wedding custom - presenting a loaf to the newlyweds

Bread and salt have long been considered in Russia as a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. Therefore, parents, meeting the young with a loaf of bread and salt, kind of bless them for a prosperous and rich life. And the question of headship in the family (the one who bites off a larger piece, his right to rule) was considered so important that it should have been clarified right on the doorstep.

Why are they shouting "Bitter!" at the wedding

"Bitterly!" shout at any wedding, no matter how modern it is. This wedding custom also comes from antiquity. Its meaning was not at all the traditional kisses of the young.

During the wedding, the bride approached each guest, holding a tray with a decanter of vodka or other alcoholic drink and a glass. She treated each guest, and he, in response, put money or a gift on the tray. Then the guest drank from a glass, and as a sign that he had drunk vodka, not water, shouted "Bitter!" The custom for the newlyweds to kiss at the same time arose later.

Sweet honeymoon

The first month of marriage is called honey not by chance. This custom is also associated with antiquity. In Russia, for the first month of their life together, a low-alcohol drink was specially made for young people on honey - mead, and they were allowed to drink only it as a drink.

Apparently, even in the old days they knew that in the first month, when the conception of a child can occur, young people should not take strong alcoholic beverages so that the offspring would be healthy. And for the entire first month, the young couple could only drink mead, which is why this month was called honey.

Honeymoon trip - a period of getting to know each other

This custom originated in Europe. After the wedding, young spouses traveled around their relatives to introduce them to their soulmate. Now the honeymoon trip has a different meaning: during his spouses get to know each other better and gradually get used to living together.

The ancient Slavic and Russian wedding customs, modified and adapted to the realities of modern life, still continue to live as a symbol of the continuity of generations and as a good parting word to the young, starting a life together, from our distant ancestors.