Do I need to use face cream: the pros and cons of regular use. Can I smear my lips with Vaseline? Expert advice

They help to visually hide skin imperfections, even out the relief. In addition, they make the skin bloom by masking signs of fatigue. Therefore, the benefits of such cosmetic products are many times greater than harm.

Foundation myths

The most common opinion is that tonal creams clog pores, and, provoke the appearance of dots and. But this is a delusion of pure water, because modern products do not contain dangerous coarse particles that do not give to the skin. Tints consist of a silicone base and the smallest particles - powder of the desired shade. Therefore, the cream forms the thinnest mesh on the skin through which oxygen enters the cells.

You can use a foundation to mask freckles, spider veins, bruises and fine wrinkles. For this, correctors of green, yellow and other shades are used.

It is also often believed that tonal creams contribute to aging, dehydration of the skin. In fact, this decorative cosmetics contains nourishing oils, vitamins and other useful substances that moisturize the skin and protect it. But for this, when choosing a product, you must take into account your skin type and buy a high-quality cream.

For dry skin, a foundation with a moisturizing effect is optimal; it should be thick enough or in the form of a mousse. For oily skin, it is worth buying a cream with a minimum oil content so that the face does not shine.

How does foundation affect the skin

Foundations can even help fight inflammation and acne. For a positive effect on problem skin, the creams include salicylic acid, as well as triclosan, which relieve redness.

However, when using foundation, it can still occur, but only if the skin after makeup is not cleaned well enough. It is harmful to leave cosmetics overnight, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your face before going to bed, use a tonic.

You can only be afraid of the negative effect of foundation on the skin in summer, at this time of the year it is better to opt for a moisturizing toner.

Foundations are thought to contribute to skin aging. Having familiarized yourself with the composition of cosmetics, you can make sure that the products protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. It is their effect that provokes the appearance of wrinkles, and tonal creams protect the epidermis due to the content of filters. The antioxidants included in decorative cosmetics also help to fight the first wrinkles. They have a beneficial effect on skin health.

5 reasons to stop smearing your face with cream at night

author Marina Tumovskaya: Applying a night cream on the face seems to many to be a classic of care. Once at night the skin is more susceptible to the effects of the components of cosmetics, since the process of regeneration and renewal takes place, the skin needs to be helped. The choice of face cream is carefully thought out, and is often actively discussed on the Internet. However, nowadays a different point of view is gaining supporters (including among cosmetologists) - by applying the cream at night, we do the skin a disservice and contribute to its premature aging. Let's analyze the arguments of this point of view. Care for sensitive skin, for oily, normal and dry skin can be different than we used to think about it.

Reason 1. Give your skin a chance

Applying a cream at night, especially oily, nourishing, tightly "clogs" the skin. As a result, the skin does not have the ability to naturally renew itself, remove toxins and other harmful substances. If this intensive care continues constantly, the natural processes of self-cleaning and self-regeneration are greatly suppressed and practically stopped. After all, we do not allow the potential of the skin to express itself. Nothing good about that. We simply "put" the skin on creams, destroying its own ability to regenerate. Permanent protection breaks the skin's natural immunity. Constant saturation with moisture and nutrients leads to the fact that the skin can no longer produce them on its own.

Of course, leaving your skin without cream overnight is not necessary for one day. In the beginning, you will experience “withdrawal” - the skin is accustomed to horse doses of creams. But after a couple of weeks, you will appreciate the result.

Reason 2.Unhelpful chemistry for the whole night

Let's leave those who use organic cosmetics alone for a moment and look at most women. The vast majority of women use creams with chemical compositions at night. Just take a look at the composition of your cream. There may be parabens, refined petroleum products, a variety of far from useful substances that remain on your skin all night, may accumulate and not contribute to health.

It's one thing if you only apply them during the day and then wash off, giving your skin a rest. And if, after the day cream, you immediately apply the night cream (after cleansing, of course, but that's not the point)? .. All this chemistry acts on you around the clock.

Reason 3. Even experts admitted it

It should be noted that some well-known cosmetics manufacturers have already recognized this concept of avoiding night creams. Although, as we understand, it is not at all profitable for manufacturers. Instead of selling another miracle night care product, the brand advises not to apply any creams. This is Dr. Hauschka, Martina Gebhardt and some others. It should be noted that these are brands of organic cosmetics.

And even his own 100% natural and organic cream, made by Dr. Hauschka does not recommend applying at night, supporting the concept of fat-free care and maximum skin regeneration overnight using its own resources. There is something to think about, isn't it?

Reason 4. Swelling and more

Many women who have used the cream at night for years have noticed morning swelling of the skin. Incidentally, I am one of them. Opponents argue that this can only happen with the wrong cream. However, for years I have used a variety of creams, including organic ones, and the result was the same - morning swelling. When I stopped using the cream at night, the swelling was gone.

If, after using the night cream in the morning, your skin experiences the following problems, you should think about giving up such care:

Swollen face;

Wrinkles that appeared during the night;

Grease and shine that accompany you all day, or, on the contrary, increased dryness;


After washing, the skin dries as if it had been deprived of moisture.

5. If smeared, then not at night

Night creams are not called that because they need to be applied at night. They are intended for evening grooming. They should be applied at least 2 hours before bedtime, or even earlier, be sure to blot with a napkin. Many go even further - before going to bed, they cleanse and tone the skin. That's all - no cream for the night.

Personally, I have already tried cream-free night skin care, but since I have been doing this not very long ago, I can not loudly announce the results. What do you think about such night skin care - absolutely without cream? Have you tried this or would you like to experience it?

Today, due to their speed and effectiveness, hormonal ointments are very popular. But they do not always help to really alleviate the condition.

So why are hormonal ointments dangerous?

What are hormonal ointments

Hormonal ointments - ointments containing glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids, in turn, are hormones produced by the adrenal glands. They strongly affect the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates in the body. Thanks to these hormones, skin diseases can be cured very quickly. Allergy hormonal ointments have both undeniable advantages and well-known disadvantages.

List of the most famous ointments:

Indications for use

These ointments are prescribed when the body cannot cope with the production of a sufficient amount of hormones (mainly cortisone) and cannot suppress the foci of inflammation in the body.

Hormonal preparations (creams, ointments, lotions, sprays) are used for the following skin diseases:

These drugs are also prescribed when other drugs are powerless. Their advantage is that they quickly bring relief, neutralize the inflamed area, and remove the focus of inflammation.

Hormonal ointments for children

For children, hormonal ointments are most often prescribed for the treatment of allergies of prolonged atopic dermatitis (diathesis).

  • after one or two uses of the ointment, a clear improvement is noticeable
  • itching, redness disappears


  • hormones contained in the ointment penetrate the bloodstream and ways to cause side effects, including growth retardation
  • hormones affect the adrenal glands
  • hormones can cause hypertension

Why are hormonal ointments dangerous for children?

When using hormonal ointments by children, you should be extremely careful with the dosage and try to use hormonal preparations of weak or moderate action (Lokoid, Tsinakort, Phtoderm) in the form of a lotion or spray (since they penetrate the skin the least deeply, which means they cause fewer side effects) ...

Hormonal ointments used for the face

Often hormonal ointments are used to treat inflammation in the neck and face. Despite the rapid elimination of inflammatory processes, these ointments negatively affect the general condition of the skin:

  • hormones reduce collagen production, so the skin becomes too thin and sensitive
  • acne may appear
  • skin pigmentation may be disturbed
  • possible skin discoloration
  • the appearance of stretch marks and atrophy

If application is necessary, you should try to use a cream or lotion, since the ointment has the most powerful effect and has more side symptoms. For the skin of the face and skin around the eyes, Elokom, Advantan, Afloderm are better suited.

The harm of hormonal ointments

The positive properties of hormonal ointments smoothly flow into negative ones. And prolonged use in heavy doses does more harm than good.
The consequences can be varied:

  • the appearance of acne
  • slow healing of wounds and cuts
  • hypertrichosis or (increase or decrease in hair growth on the diseased skin area)
  • subcutaneous hemorrhage
  • the appearance of spider veins
  • with prolonged use on the area around the eyes, the development of cataracts or glaucoma is possible
  • hyperpigmentation of the skin
  • striae
  • skin atrophy (thinning of the subcutaneous tissue and deep tissues, loss of elasticity; malignant tumors may develop in atrophic areas)
  • hypertrichosis
  • the appearance of a bacterial or fungal infection at the site of treatment with the ointment is possible, since the ointment weakens the body's defense reaction, suppressing the activity of the cells of the immune system (therefore, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and antifungal agents in hormonal ointment together)
  • with prolonged use, it is very difficult to refuse the ointment, there is a withdrawal syndrome - a sharp deterioration in the condition of the problem area of ​​the skin; it is necessary to wait out this state by consulting a dermatologist (the doctor must prescribe vitamins and drugs that will support the body during hormone withdrawal)

In no case do not throw the ointment abruptly, you need to gradually reduce the dosage

Sinaflan, Akriderm, Advantan, Triderm, Elokom, Belosalik, Dermovate, Hydrocortisone are hormonal ointments or not?

Hormonal ointments are usually divided into four groups according to the strength of the action:

  • Group I - ointments with a weak effect, can be used with caution in pregnant women and children under two years of age, it is also possible to use it in the area of ​​skin folds, neck and face. This group includes ointments containing prednisone, hydrocortisone (for example, Locoid).
  • Group II - ointments of moderate action, used if there is no effect from the ointments of the first group. This group includes the following ointments (contain betamethasone, deoxymethasone, clobetasone):

Should I wipe my face with ice?

It is believed to be beneficial for facial skin when the face is rubbed with ice. However, this is not quite true. Roman Karaev, Academician of the International Academy of Cosmetological Dermatology, the European Academy of Dermatology and the New York Academy of Sciences, believes that<низкие температуры более вредны для лица, чем высокие. Они вызывают своего рода стресс кожи. Когда вы несколько раз используете лед, сосуды сужаются, расширяются, сужаются, расширяются - это хороший психотерапевтический и физиологический эффект, но не для лица. Ведь еще се школы известно, что любое расширение и су-жениетел в конечном счете приводит к их расширению. Бесконечно протирая лицо льдом, мы нарушаем приток крови к лицу, трофику сосудов, появляется та самая сеть капилляров, которая выступает на поверхность, отечность, расширение пор>.

Should I jump from the bath into the ice-hole?

It has long been accepted by many, especially in Russia, to plunge into the pool with cold water or even into an ice-hole (if there is one next to the bathhouse) after the steam room. This procedure is believed to be beneficial for the skin. However, beauticians believe that it can be good for the body, but not for the face. They advise, leaving the steam room, first rinse your face with warm water and then plunge into the ice hole.

Before applying the cream, just wipe your face with lotion

Alas, in our conditions this is not enough. Experts note that with the existing pollution of the environment, it is necessary to wash your face more thoroughly. Otherwise, it is extremely difficult to clean out the germs and dirt from the pores of the skin, which accumulate in it during the day. Lotion or milk is not enough here. Therefore, it is better to choose detergents that are neutral in their alkaline and acidic effects.

With the help of a well-chosen cream, you can solve the problems of the skin of the face

In fact, experts note that all the problems that you have with your face are not solved by creams. Skin condition is exclusively a product of the body's activity. If the body is in order, then the skin on the face looks great. And vice versa. Cosmetologists testify that there are many women whose body allows them not to take particular care of their face. It is enough for them to thoroughly clean it and sometimes make masks.

In general, according to the already mentioned Roman Karaev:<Лучше вообще не ухаживать за лицом, чем ухаживать за ним неправильно>.

Keep the creams on the face until they are absorbed, and the masks until they dry.

This is a common misconception among women. In fact, this is not recommended. The skin and muscles of the face are arranged in such a way that neither creams nor masks can be kept for more than 10 minutes (of course, if there are no medical prescriptions) (if the cream has not been absorbed within 10 minutes, it must be carefully removed with a napkin). Cosmetologists note that already 10-15 minutes<закупорки>pores cause a violation of the respiratory function of the skin. In the case when this happens systematically, puffiness, enlarged pores, and loose skin appear.

<Вбивать>face creams?

It is quite widely believed that after applying a cream, it is necessary<вбить>his face. However, experts note that the face should be treated very carefully and less to touch it with your hands. Therefore, the cream must be applied very carefully, almost without touching the skin, in a thin layer.

Masks can be done every other day

This is true, but only in relation to natural masks (from fruits, berries, vegetables). But experts do not advise doing chemical masks more than once a week.

Do you need special eye creams?

Now a wide variety of creams are produced: under the eyes, and on the eyes, and for the lower eyelid, and for the upper. However, cosmetologists believe that from a physiological point of view, this does not always justify itself. Therefore, for the area around the eyes, it is quite possible to use the cream that you apply to the entire face.

The more cream is applied to the face, the better for the skin.

This is not true. Roman Karaev writes on this subject:<Все необходимое достигается малым количеством, поэтому крем надо наносить тонким слоем. Для достижения эффекта достаточно 2-3, а иногда и полуграмма. Кроме того, сейчас в составы кремов входит большое количество всякого рода кислот, вытяжек, основ, требующих осторожного обращения. Это лечебные средства, передозировка которых может дать осложнения в виде аллергии,дерматитов и проч. Принцип умеренности сейчас как никогда актуален, тем более что не всякий человек, используя тот или иной крем, уверен, что он ему подходит. Если вы в первый раз покупаете какой-то крем, намажьте им сначала кожу за ухом и посмотрите на реакцию. Некоторые поступают следующим образом: покупают крем и мажут им обувь: если она не портится - мажут им руки, если и они не портятся - мажутлицо>.

Should you apply creams at night?

It is a common misconception that night creams are supposed to be used throughout the night. In fact, in no case should you leave them overnight, and you can use them only 2-3 hours before bedtime. Cosmetologists note that it is even harmful to apply nourishing and moisturizing formulations right before bed. The fact is that the microsystem of the face is directly connected with the body through biologically active points, and therefore, when we take care of the face, we activate the internal organs. Late use of cosmetics can lead to puffiness, bags under the eyes, swelling of the upper and lower eyelids, worsening of wrinkles, and widening of burrows.

Are scrubs really necessary?

Many women believe that due to the constant necrosis of the upper layer of the skin, scrubs should be used. However, it is not. As for the death of the cells of the upper layer of the skin, this is a natural biological process that occurs by itself. Additionally<скрабить>the skin, thereby achieving its greater peeling, means violating its protective barrier. Therefore, the need to use scrubs should be determined by a dermatologist. And using scrubs every day or every other day is like taking any serious drugs without a doctor's prescription.
Cream for life

It is not uncommon to hear stories that some women<обречены>use the same face cream (and very expensive), since the skin is used to it and without it, terrible things happen to it: it shrinks, peels, reddens, sags, etc. In reality, no skin care product can<запрограммировать>her for life.

Cosmetologist Roman Karaev believes:<...Время от времени кремы все-таки надо менять. Практически все они сейчас имеют химическую основу, а к любой химии идет привыкание. Если мы говорим о натуральных средствах, то в их состав, бывает, включено большое количество консервантов, а любой консервант теоретически может дать аллергическую реакцию на коже. The skin has a very good property - it tells you what is not suitable for it. As soon as you notice a change in your skin's reaction to seemingly familiar cosmetics, think, maybe it's time to change it. When does the cream become addictive? Feelings are subjective, and it is difficult to talk about any specific period of time.

Now the choice of creams and their purchase for many has become a hobby, a game, if you like. People rush from side to side, buying one thing, then another, then the third. Meanwhile, very serious studies are carried out annually abroad, which show that already since the mid-80s, everything produced in cosmetology is essentially the same. There is variety: in words, properties that are attributed, packaging, feelings of each specific consumer. There is very little that is fundamentally new. Ideally, a competent specialist should choose a cream for you, who will not tacitly advertise specific cosmetics of a particular company, but based on his experience and the condition of your skin, he will tell you what is needed. On the other hand, each individual person can, knowing the characteristics of his skin, its reaction, buy himself similar creams and combine them>.

Everyone needs to use moisturizers

Moisturizers are needed for those whose skin is flaky or tight, as well as for women of mature age to replenish the lost natural moisture of skin cells. For normal skin, there is no need to come up with an extra load.

Moisturizers prevent wrinkles

Although moisturizers temporarily smooth the skin, wrinkles are fought only with the help of special preparations containing sunscreen and biologically active substances aimed at inhibiting the aging process.

Cosmetics remove toxins from the skin

Cosmetologists say that the skin needs to be cleansed of toxins in order for it to look healthy. But these substances are a normal result of the normal functioning of the body and are constantly secreted by the skin. And scrubs, steam baths and masks get rid of dirt, excess fat and dead particles.

Natural or Artificial?

Currently, the composition of cosmetics includes a variety of ingredients - biologically active substances, dyes, extracts, emulsifiers, fatty ingredients, fragrances.

Previously, many of these components were natural (plant or animal origin), but thanks to advances in chemistry, now almost all components are of chemical origin. According to experts, they are all identical to natural ingredients.

Supporters of cosmetics based on natural raw materials declare that naturalness is much better than synthetics. In many ways, they are most likely right, but one cannot categorically declare that natural cosmetics are better. For example, natural raw materials can be allergenic (since it is difficult to achieve the required degree of purification), while a synthetic component corresponding to an active substance often provides a guarantee against allergies. Therefore, synthetic raw materials are sometimes even preferable.

Despite the absurdity of the question, it still exists in cosmetology. And an increasing number of women are asking them: is it necessary to use face cream and how often, so that it is beneficial and not harmful. Where did such doubts come from, how did the fears of the beautiful half of humanity arise? It's time to deal with double standards, which, as it turned out, exist not only in world politics.

Of course you need: dignity

What does the regular use of face cream give? According to cosmetologists and many years of practice show, with the skillful use of this kind of means, the skin transforms over time:

  • during the day, the epidermis is protected from harmful atmospheric influences in the form of snow, rain, sunlight, etc.;
  • in the dark, it regulates the cellular processes of regeneration, that is, it contributes to the rejuvenation of the epidermis, so the question of whether you need to smear your face with a cream at night should not even arise, especially among ladies of Balzac's age;
  • since different types of skin require different care, it can be provided with the help of creams of different effects: - moisturizer, - drying agent, for normal skin - nourishing, etc .;
  • over time, cells stop producing collagen and elastin, which is why the skin begins to age, become covered with wrinkles and folds: in order to prolong the synthesis of these substances in the dermis, you need to apply it to the face;
  • at a young age, other problems are not uncommon: acne and acne, from which there is no salvation, as well as the first mimic wrinkles, so the question of whether you need to use a face cream at 25 should also be resolved positively.

All these advantages can be appreciated only if the face cream was selected correctly. You need to be able to understand the variety of products on the market today. You need to know how to apply them correctly so as not to harm.

If dry skin is regularly treated with a drying cream, after a week the face will be covered with a fine mesh of wrinkles, and the skin itself will begin to crack and peel off. If you do everything correctly, even after 40 you will amaze everyone with your perfectly smooth and radiant skin, as you will provide it with maximum care.

What about men?

It is equally interesting whether men need a face cream for daily use. Most beauticians are unanimous here. Men's skin is thicker, it has high barrier functions, and is not as sensitive as that of women. Accordingly, the representatives of the stronger sex do not need to use such funds regularly. If only they need a cream to eliminate a specific drawback: whitening or anti-inflammatory, for example. And so it is enough for men to apply the cream once a week, after a bath or a bath (only need to be done correctly).

What are the doubts: disadvantages

And yet, in the question of whether you need to use face cream, there are some tricks. Recently, a large number of laboratory studies have been carried out, the results of which do not always please the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

Not all substances are able to quickly penetrate into the dermis and deliver the necessary nutrition there. Most of them stumble upon greasy plugs in the pores and clog them with themselves even more muffled. As a result, cellular respiration is disrupted, tissues do not receive oxygen, the complexion deteriorates, and there are more and more foci of inflammation.

In connection with such discoveries, the question arose whether it is necessary to smear the face with cream after the mask, if the skin after it is already oversaturated with nutrients? If the mask is light and quickly absorbed, then it is imperative to maintain the effectiveness of the selected line. If it has a heavy consistency, it is better not to do this. Otherwise, the number of acne and blackheads will increase several times.

Many women notice that when applied in the morning, fine wrinkles are often formed - around the mouth, on the forehead and cheeks. During the day they pass, but each time the trail from them remains clearer and more fluted. Early aging scares everyone, and therefore some, when deciding whether they need a night face cream for their regular care, refuse it. And completely in vain. This kind of problem occurs only for those who apply a remedy against massage lines. This entails a violation of the subcutaneous lymphatic drainage.

And the most important discovery concerns those very innovative technologies in the world of cosmetics. New acids, amines, peptides and other powerful substances are being discovered. They form the basis of face creams and are able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin. At the same time, they pull the entire train of the notorious chemistry with them - deep into the body. This can adversely affect human health.

Choosing a middle ground in solving this issue is not easy: the advantages and disadvantages balance each other. The latter can be minimized if done correctly. Depending on the type of skin and the existing cosmetic problem, it is advisable to independently determine whether you need to smear your face with cream every day or whether it will be enough to do it less often. In most cases, cosmetologists have nothing against regular, but not too frequent use.