Ophiocalcite is a stone of love and protection. The magical properties of ophiocalcite

Ophiocalcite stone of love and protection

Ophite, translated from Greek, means snake (the mesh-veined pattern of the stone resembles small snakes in the grass).
Ophiocalcite is a wonderful talisman for doctors, pharmacists, homeopaths, masseurs, healers. He gives them the energy to help people by making them feel better about their problems. Ophiocalcite helps those who dream of knowing themselves, the world around them and the universe, always want to learn new things. Also, this stone protects the owner from interference in his life of magic - it protects him from the evil eye, love spell, damage. Promotes ophiocalcite and good luck in personal life, maintaining self-confidence in the owner, making him more attractive to a partner, maintains mutual love, and warns against wrong choices.

Ophiocalcite is a powerful space purifier, so it would be nice to have some kind of product made of it at home, which will pass negative energy through itself and neutralize it. It enhances self-control and will, strengthens character, soothes emotions and experiences.

Ophiocalcite was very popular in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, from where it migrated to Byzantium, where it was used to decorate temples and palaces. In Islamic countries, ophiocalcite appeared after numerous wars; it, along with other stones and gold, was taken away as mining. Wealthy Muslims were very fond of green colors in the interior. The Chinese are known for their fondness for the color of leaves and herbs as soothing for the eyes, so ophiocalcite came to their liking.

Like serpentine, ophiocalcite has excellent healing properties, but the range of its effects is wider, since it contains two interrelated principles: marble (Yin) and ophite (Yang). Therefore, lithotherapists use ophiocalcite balls for manual restorative massage, restoring energy balance and harmonizing the work of the whole organism. In addition, ophiocalcite improves blood circulation, promotes resorption of hematomas, relieves fatigue and stress, helps with neurasthenia, muscle spasms and trembling hands. The stone can warn its owner about an impending disease: it becomes warmer when health is improving, and as if it grows colder if an exacerbation of the disease is approaching. Like all other types of coil, it is believed that ophiocalcite serves as a powerful amulet against all kinds of poisons, poisoning and problems of the gastrointestinal tract. The stone is energetically connected with the Anahata heart chakra, which indicates that it is useful for heart diseases and for the normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Astrologically, ophiocalcite is shown to the signs of the zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Cancer and Pisces, as well as people with the II blood group


This mineral is a kind of fine-grained marble with ophite contained in it. The stone belongs to one of the types of coil. This mineral is mined in several places: Transcaucasia, Ukraine, Central Asia. In Russia there is a deposit in the Urals.

Ophiocalcite is classified as an ornamental mineral, and various souvenirs are made from it: caskets, vases, key rings, beads, rosary, bracelets. Often used to create various panels and paintings.


Ophiocalcite was one of the most popular minerals in ancient times. The stone got its name due to the fact that it contains ophite. The discovery of this mineral belongs to the ancient Greeks. It was also appreciated in ancient Rome. In Byzantium, temples and palaces were decorated with ophiocalcite.

The stone came to the Islamic world during the wars along with gold and silver. In these countries, the captives of the harem, the courtiers and the shahs themselves fell in love with him. In ancient China, ophiocalcite was also very popular. The mineral did not lose, but only strengthened its popularity during the Renaissance.

Astrological properties

Ophiocalcite is suitable for several signs of the zodiac; Pisces, Cancers, Aries, Gemini. The mineral helps people with the 2nd blood group. Such a talisman gives its owners the opportunity to strengthen character, improve self-discipline and self-control. For massage, modern healers suggest using small balls from this stone. This massage will bring relaxation to the whole body.


Most often, ophiocalcite is green and light green in color with some kind of reticular pattern. The luster of this mineral is silky, glassy. Ophiocalcite crystals are opaque.

How to wear

Talismans made of this stone are recommended to be worn by doctors, masseurs, pharmacists, and homeopaths. Ophiocalcite is a mineral for those who are going to make discoveries or go on an expedition. Wearing ophiocalcite bracelets will help the wearer to get rid of hand tremors.

An amulet made from this mineral adds energy to its owner. Due to the simultaneous content of ophite and marble in the mineral, any craft made of ophiocalcite is able to reconcile two opposite essences in a person - Yin and Yang.

Products made from this stone bring peace and harmony to the house, as well as health. The mineral helps its owner find his soul mate. This stone is considered one of the best helpers in cleansing space of negative energy.

Name of the stone

Stone information

Ophiocalcite is named from the Greek words for "ophite" snake, "calcite" lime. It is a fine-grained greenish marble containing ophite (serpentine).

Marble(lat. marmor, the name from the Greek. Μάρμαρος - glowing stone) is a metamorphic crystalline carbonate rock. It is formed as a result of metamorphism of carbonate and carbonate-silicate sedimentary rocks (limestones, dolomites, marls, etc.). According to the amount of carbonates (calcite and dolomite) contained, marbles (> 90% carbonates) and silicate marbles (50-90% carbonates) are distinguished. Pure marbles usually have light uniform colors - white, grayish, yellowish. Impurities of silicates (wollastonite, diopside, forsterite, phlogopite, scapolite, monticellite, clinohumite, andradite-grossular garnets, chlorite, serpentine), oxides (hematite, limonite, manganese oxides, periclase, brucite), as well as organic compounds give marbles green red, black and other, more rare colors. Marbles often have a pattern (variegated, spotted, moire, twisted, and many others) due to the uneven distribution of mineral impurities, uneven recrystallization or fossilized remains of plants and organisms. Since ancient times, marble has been used as a building and finishing material due to its rich design, ease of processing and polishing. Marble is used to create sculptures, mosaics, bas-reliefs and other works of art. The relative transparency of marble gives rise to the finest play of light and shadow on the surface of the sculpture. Marble chips are used for mosaics, pressed facing slabs.


Chemical structure formula

Mineral or rock

Opening year

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists claim that ophiocalcite (a kind of marble) has the ability to heal diseases of the intestines, stomach, and pancreas. The mineral perfectly relieves stress, cures insomnia, relieves of unreasonable fears. Massage with marble balls cures sciatica, lumbago, vascular diseases. Beads made from this mineral (or pendant) help to cope with throat diseases, prevent the development of many cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended to wear a ring or bracelet with a marble insert for people suffering from excessive sweating. Astrologers recommend wearing and having marble products for all signs of the zodiac, without exception. They claim that the stone adjusts very quickly to the biofield of its owner and immediately begins to help him.


Onyx is a type of agate, a multi-colored zonal formation of chalcedony, where the layers are distributed plane-parallel to each other. Hardness 7.0 on the Mohs scale, density 2.5-2.8 g / cm3, glass luster. Other names of the mineral and its varieties: jam, nogat, sardonyx, carnelian, marble onyx, ribbon agate, eljazo.

Nowadays, we find onyx often in the form of inexpensive pretty trinkets - animal figurines, pen holders, business card holders, ashtrays, candlesticks and other art objects that are quite affordable for almost everyone. Therefore, it sometimes seems that this stone is from the category of "average", which absolutely does not correspond to the truth. In fact, onyx is a "double bottom" thing: on the one hand, it serves as a material for crafts, on the other, for creating expensive vases, mantels, countertops and wall tiles. Designers especially love onyx for its unique qualities - this mineral has excellent light transmittance, and sometimes it is not easy to fight it - for this, the plate must have a thickness of at least 3 cm.Therefore, lampshades for floor lamps and table lamps are often made from onyx, and here it is outside competition - try to make a lampshade from malachite or jasper! Floor vessels made of onyx are also interesting, inside of which a light source is placed, as a result of which the room gets a completely unique flavor, and sometimes a stained glass window or a wall panel with hidden illumination is made from onyx.

Fortunately, onyx is not offended by the color scale - its color is very diverse, and the only thing that unites onyx of different tone is the characteristic layering of alternating colored stripes running parallel to each other, without twisting, as in agates, into concentric circles-influxes. The most characteristic onyx is called "Arabian" - it has layers of black and white in carnelian onyx, thin red-orange and white stripes are combined, in sardonyx - red-brown with white and light orange-brown. There are also onyxes with gray and white layers, as well as those in which different shades of gray are collected.

But the greenish varieties that are most often found on the shelves of jewelry stores are not onyx itself, but marble onyx, which, in terms of composition and origin, has nothing to do with agates and, accordingly, has nothing to do with onyx. However, marble onyx itself is very beautiful and is not inferior to the "original" onyx: it is marble onyx that has dozens of multi-colored varieties, where there are pink, and amber, and blue, and dark blue, and brown, and white, and red, and many other shades. The name of its marble onyx, which has in fact the appearance of a marble rock, received for its pattern, wavy-striped and layered, similar to onyx. However, depending on the direction in which the stone was cut, marble onyx, unlike onyx itself, can be spotted or covered with stripes.

The Temple of King Solomon is not an isolated use of onyx in the ancient world. Moreover, this stone was so popular that one of its names in Indian lapidaries - "gemma" - later began to denote any gem at all, and then it was transformed, as you might guess, into "gemology" - the science of gems. The word "onyx" comes from the Greek definition of a nail, because the change of layers in a stone was similar to a layered nail plate. At the same time, at the same time in Arabic, onyx was called "eljazo" - its sad stone was often used in the decoration of tombs and tombs, as, for example, in the Gur-Emir mausoleum in Samarkand, the last refuge of the rulers from the Timur dynasty. And in the famous Kaaba mosque, black onyx is embedded in the wall - the very "Kaaba stone" to which the pilgrims went to bow.

The "Gonzago Cameo" was carved from black and white onyx. This is the largest cameo in the world - its dimensions reach 26x31 cm - and the most famous one. Created two thousand years ago and depicting more than 20 figures of emperors, their entourage and prisoners of war, she managed to visit many hands, including the emperor Constantine, Louis IX, Pope Clement VI, Charles V and finally Napoleon, who called her "The Great Cameo of France."

Marble onyx also found widespread use - it was very popular, for example, in Egypt, where the pools and baths of the pharaohs were lined with green onyx, and onyx vessels and vases were widely used in Assyria. In the tomb of Tutankhamun, they found a beautiful lamp made of marble onyx - when a fire was lit in it, the image of the king and his entourage was clearly visible on the walls. Onyx in the interior can be seen in the columns of the Moscow metro station "Kievskaya", as well as in the halls of the State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin.

Onyx has an interesting property - it seems to pull the disease out of the damaged organ, therefore, to alleviate the suffering from colic, pain in the kidneys, liver and other internal organs, it is recommended to put onyx on the affected area of ​​the body. It has a cooling effect, therefore it is useful in relieving inflammation and other problems associated with an abnormal increase in the temperature of the body or parts of it. Onyx has a very good effect on nervous diseases - depression, insomnia, stress and its consequences, for this suicidal tendencies are worn in a pendant at the level of the solar plexus. In addition, onyx treats rheumatic conditions, eases weather dependence, and increases potency. It is believed that water infused with a piece of onyx reduces appetite and, therefore, is useful for those who want to lose weight and go on a diet. And if you constantly wear a product with onyx on the body, then it improves and harmonizes the work of the body as a whole, strengthens memory and hearing.

The energetic influence of onyx is noticeable only when a sincere and kind person becomes its owner. It is called the "stone of leaders" - it helps to become a leader on the chosen path, gain power over people, reveals the secret plans and intrigues of opponents and competitors, gives the talent of an orator. Black onyx is useful for businessmen and business people - it makes a person enterprising, gives fresh strength, awakens a passionate desire to gain material wealth and teaches how to achieve what you want and keep the "height" taken. Onyx with light and white stripes, on the contrary, cools the mind, does not allow openly expressing anger or committing impulsive and rash acts. In general, onyx is one of the few gems that is especially recommended for elderly people, it protects them from loneliness and difficult memories, brings a bit of healthy optimism into life and, when inserted into a ring or ring, protects against premature death. Onyx is also useful for representatives of creative professions, especially for writers and singers, as well as those involved in public relations and PR - after all, this stone has long been a symbol of eloquence and easy conversation. In personal life, onyx beads will be very useful for married women who do not want to hand over the reins of government in the family to their husbands - he will allow the ladies to quietly and imperceptibly "rule" in the house. By the way, onyx can be used in any metal except gold. Astrologically, onyx and its varieties are suitable for Capricorns, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Leo, Taurus.


Opal is an amorphous type of quartz with a variable water content (6-10%). Hardness 6.0-6.5 on the Mohs scale, density 1.9-2.5 g / cm3, fragile, oily gloss.

Other names for the mineral and its varieties: eye of the world, hydrophan, opal mutter, harlequin, vidrite, hyalite, pearl opal, cacholong, Müllerian glass, jirasol, zeasite, fire stone.

The unique color of opal, on the surface of which multicolored glare of all colors of the rainbow continuously play, flashing and disappearing, is explained by its unusual structure: this stone contains a lot of water, and in fact it is a kind of gel, inside which tiny balls - particles of rock - move. It is this constant movement that gives the eye the flowery play, taking place in this case, in the literal sense of the word, inside the stone. There are more than 130 types of opal in total, and only some of them, called "noble opals", are completely different in opalescence - a specific diamond play of light - and iridescent iridescence. The most accessible of them is white opal of milky color with diffuse opalescence; in addition, there are opals with a black main "background", on which a bright extravaganza of violet, red, blue and green flashes unfolds, harlequins, whose primary color is orange-fire with mosaic yellow inclusions, blue and emerald flashes, as well as jirasol, a translucent pearlescent white stone with pink, celestial and gold highlights, and royal opal with a thick mixture of shades based on green and red tones. Also of interest are aqua-colored lejos opals, flame opals, almost transparent, hyacinth orange, cherry and blue opaque opals. The family of these minerals is not limited to noble opals: hyalite is quite famous, transparent as glass and iridescent like pearls, yellowish wax opal, milky opal of pastel shades, opaque honey-white cacholong. Hydrophan, one third of moisture, becomes transparent as glass when immersed in water, but in the usual state it is white and porous, its other name is “the eye of the world”, and it is believed that noble opals, aged from time, turn into hydrophanes. It should be noted that opals are really quite fragile stones, which often simply "dry out" and lose their beauty - but you can try to return it by holding the mineral in water for several days. However, if you handle opal with care, avoiding prolonged exposure to bright sunlight, overheating or contact with cosmetics, dirty water or chemically colored liquids, then a brooch, ring or earrings made of opals, which, in order to reveal more fully multi-colored iridescence, are usually processed in the form of cabochons, faithfully will serve for many years, as they served many powerful of this world.

And the love for opals came from antiquity - the name itself goes back to the Sankrit word "upala", which means "precious stone". Pliny called him "paidoros" - the love of a youth, and wrote about him as follows: "Some of his shining tones argue with the palette of artists, others - with a flame of burning sulfur or with a fire in which oil is poured." There is a known story about the ring of the Roman senator Nonnius, into which a noble opal worth about 100 thousand dollars in current monetary terms was inserted - Mark Antony, the ruler of the Eternal City, set out, under the guise of proscription, confiscation of property from unwanted citizens, to take away the coveted opal from the senator. Nonnius was given a choice - to part with a stone the size of a hazelnut or with all his wealth, and, oddly enough, he chose blasphemy, poverty and exile over the loss of his beloved jewel, which in ancient Rome was a symbol of hope.

A magnificent opal called "Orphanus" - "an orphan" - shone in the crown of the Holy Roman Emperor Constantine, who publicly declared the miraculous qualities of the stone, its ability to preserve the power, honor and life of the owner, glow in the dark and make his owner invisible if necessary ... As a result, opal became popular with representatives of dark nooks - thieves and robbers, and the aristocracy fell out of love with opals. This was also facilitated by the fact that, according to Scandinavian myths, the opal was forged by the blacksmith of the gods from ... the eyes of small children. Thus, in the early Middle Ages, opal became a symbol of witchcraft, the Eye of Evil, an indispensable attribute from the arsenal of a witch or alchemist, which is part of the dark and mysterious potions.

Later, however, opals came back into fashion - the belief that opal jewelry nourished the beauty of blonde hair spreads, and 16th century European blondes began to wear opal necklaces. The popularity is returning to the stone gradually - but it is still loved by tsars, for example, the Italians Medici or the Frenchwoman Josephine Bonaparte, who possessed the opal "Burning Troy" weighing 600 g. the discovery at the end of the 19th century of the richest deposits in Australia. Today, more than 90% of opal mining occurs in this country, and opals are often used as inserts in various jewelry - for example, in the past few years, many jewelry houses such as Cartier, de Grisogono, Carrera y Carrera have been producing rings and earrings with fashionable milky - pink opals or white cacholongs.

It should be noted that natural defect-free opals are a huge rarity, the cost of which is astronomical. Therefore, many stones are refined before being sold in order to improve their external qualities. For example, to increase durability and strength, opal is impregnated with colorless oil, wax or resin. It is often possible to find grown opals on sale, the cost of which is ten times lower than those found in nature - and you should not be afraid, because such stones are obtained as a result of imitation in the laboratory of the natural conditions of opal birth from the same natural particles. “Outside”, refined and grown opals are no different from “natural” ones, and they are affordable for the average buyer.

Energetically, opal contains the seven colors of the spectrum and is thus very powerful as a healer. It improves the condition of all internal organs, without exception, protects against infections, headaches and toothaches. Opal is especially good at removing any toxins from the body, while cleansing the circulatory system, healing the kidneys, stomach and intestines. In a weakened, post-traumatic state, in the postoperative period, opal is indispensable - it quickly reanimates the body, promotes cell regeneration. Heart disease is also subject to disgrace, as are unstable blood pressure, insomnia, impotence. Opal is recommended for pregnant women to ensure a quick and painless delivery. At the same time, if a girl does not want to have offspring at a given time, then opal will prevent conception and restrain hair growth in hidden areas of the body, thus contributing to an increase in attractiveness. The influence of opal extends to the pituitary gland and pineal gland, which means to brain activity, growth, balance of sexual and intellectual activity. For those whose work is related to eye strain, opal is also useful, since since ancient times it is believed that it improves vision.

Magicians advise to wear opal jewelry only in good and bright periods of life - it quickly collects and concentrates emotions. For the same reason, as the talisman, opal is only suitable for confident and optimistic people, it will harm the weak and weak-willed, multiplying their own shortcomings. He does not like opal and the overly selfish and selfish - he gives everyone else success and victory in any business, because in fact it contains the qualities of a variety of stones and can serve in any enterprise. For example, opal protects its owner from adverse influences, magic, intrigues of enemies. For creative people who find a place for creativity and invention in life, opal gently leads through life, protecting them from troubles, developing their spirituality and talent - while such a person can also be a simple employee, suitable for work “with a spark”. Fire opal is a money amulet, useful for a businessman, either they wear it on themselves, or lay it out inside an office or store to attract customers. It is good to wear opal for doctors and healers - he will direct them along the right path, help establish a diagnosis and put the patient's body in order. For lovers, opal brings reciprocity and personal happiness.

By the way, do not wear opal on the same finger - the ring will work better if you constantly move it from one hand to another during the day. It must be set in silver. Astrologically, opal is suitable for everyone, most of all - for Cancers, Pisces, Scorpions, fire opal is suitable for Sagittarius, cacholong - for Cancers, Libra, Pisces and Taurus.


Green marble, or ophiocalcite, is a limestone with streaks of serpentinite. Mineralogical class: rock, fine-grained serpentine marble. Crystals are opaque. Luster - silky, glassy. Hardness 5.0-6.0 on the Mohs scale, density 2.6 g / cm3.

Ophiocalcite, a translucent green mineral that in ancient times was considered the green variety of marble, is far superior in hardness, and even falling from a height will not harm it. This interesting ornamental gem consists of a marble base and inclusions of noble ophite - an iridescent, like opal, precious variety of the serpentine stone, well-known in Russia. If a natural serpentine resembles a snake skin, then on the pale green or yellow-lettuce surface of ophiocalcite, a reticulated or banded pattern of olive, marsh or brownish veins diverging in different directions, resembling small snakes crawling in the spring grass - no wonder the word "ophite" in Greek means "snake".

Ophiocalcite was extremely popular during antiquity - from Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, where, in fact, it was first discovered, the stone migrated to the center of the Christian world Byzantium, where for a long time it decorated palaces and temples. Ophiocalcite came to the Islamic world with bloody wars against the infidels, as a result of which, along with gold and jewelry, a beautiful green stone fell to the victors, which came to the court of eminent Muslims who adore green in the interior - now among the green patterns harem beauties frolicked and tasted the mighty twitter sultans. Ophiocalcite was also loved in ancient China, also known for its addiction to the soothing effects of the color of leaves and herbs. Green marble did not lose popularity during the Renaissance, when, in the wake of a stirring interest in everything ancient, Italian masters began to revive ancient mosaic techniques and old facing materials - marble white-green flowers have now blossomed in the brilliant residences of European kings. Before the discovery of the ophiocalcite deposit in the Urals in the 18th century, the stone was imported to tsarist Russia from Greece, whose mines, which began to work before our era, had not yet become scarce - the stone was widely used for facing and interior decoration of buildings, making vases, countertops and decor items.

Today, ophiocalcite is still popular - in terms of abrasion, resistance to temperature extremes and wear resistance, it is perfect for finishing stairs and floors, even with high traffic intensity. Due to its low water permeability, it is often used for finishing wet rooms - swimming pools, bathrooms, saunas and baths. Of course, modern craftsmen also use stone to create jewelry and small plastic - you can find beads, rosary beads, bracelets, key chains, vases, boxes, figurines and other decorative items made of ophiocalcite. It is often found in exclusive stone paintings and panels, made using the technique of Florentine or bulk mosaic. Ophiocalcite is still mined in the Urals, in addition, it is mined in Central Asia, Transcaucasia and Ukraine.

Like serpentine, ophiocalcite has excellent healing properties, but the range of its effects is wider, since it contains two interrelated principles: marble (Yin) and ophite (Yang). Therefore, lithotherapists use ophiocalcite balls for manual restorative massage, restoring energy balance and harmonizing the work of the whole organism. In addition, ophiocalcite improves blood circulation, promotes resorption of hematomas, relieves fatigue and stress, helps with neurasthenia, muscle spasms and trembling hands. The stone can warn its owner about an impending disease: it becomes warmer when health is improving, and as if it grows colder if an exacerbation of the disease is approaching. Like all other types of coil, it is believed that ophiocalcite serves as a powerful amulet against all kinds of poisons, poisoning and problems of the gastrointestinal tract. The stone is energetically connected with the Anahata heart chakra, which indicates that it is useful for heart diseases and for the normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Ophiocalcite is a powerful space purifier, so it is good to have an object or part made of ophiocalcite at home, which will be a filter, passing through which any negative impact will be neutralized. It strengthens character, fosters will and self-control, smoothes worries and emotional outbursts. This is a talisman for pharmacists, doctors, healers, homeopaths and massage therapists - it energizes them, gives them strength and ability to actively help people, feeling the essence of their physical problems. Ophiocalcite is a stone for an inquisitive researcher who dreams of knowing himself, discovering the secrets of the world and the universe, who does not get tired of learning new things - a gem will help such a person to successfully gnaw the granite of science and raise the curtain over the most exciting mysteries of the universe. Protects ophiocalcite from magical interference in our life - damage, evil eye, love spell. In personal life, ophiocalcite helps maintain self-confidence and attractiveness to a partner, attracts mutual love and protects against wrong choices. Astrologically, ophiocalcite is indicated for Aries, Gemini, Cancer and Pisces, as well as people with the II blood group.

Fast forward twenty-five centuries, and imagine the ceremonial hall of a spacious villa on the outskirts of Rome. The first rays of the rising sun penetrate through the tall arched windows, illuminating the plastered walls covered with colorful frescoes, silk bedspreads on exquisite boxes and bronze statues of the gods. The glare of the sun plays on the patterned tiles of the mosaic floor, whose whimsical design is as fresh as the cool morning of the ancient and youthful world. The shades are combined into a single pattern, and it is impossible to believe that this is in fact a mosaic composed of pieces of colored marble. The graceful legs of a young servant, carrying a jug of spring water to her noble mistress for morning ablution, count down the shiny plates, but suddenly the girl, having heard the singing of morning birds, slips, and a heavy bronze jug falls to the stone with a clang. The maid in horror throws herself on her knees and carefully examines the slabs - are there any potholes or chips? She will be punished if she dared to ruin the mosaic, for which the owners specially ordered expensive and rare green marble, which is rarely found even in the houses of the most eminent dignitaries ...

From the dossier:
Green marble, or ophiocalcite, is a limestone with streaks of serpentinite. Mineralogical class: rock, fine-grained serpentine marble. Crystals are opaque. Luster - silky, glassy. Hardness 5.0-6.0 on the Mohs scale, density 2.6 g / cm3.

The servant of ancient Rome could be calm - ophiocalcite, a translucent green mineral, which in ancient times was considered a green variety of marble, is much superior in hardness, and even a fall from a height of a metal vessel would not harm it. This interesting ornamental gem consists of a marble base and inclusions of noble ophite - an iridescent, like opal, precious variety of the serpentine stone, well-known in Russia. If a natural serpentine resembles a snake skin, then on the pale green or yellow-lettuce surface of ophiocalcite, a reticulated or banded pattern of olive, marsh or brownish veins diverging in different directions, resembling small snakes crawling in the spring grass - no wonder the word "ophite" in Greek means "snake".

Ophiocalcite was extremely popular in antiquity - from Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, where, in fact, it was first discovered, the stone migrated to the center of the Christian world Byzantium, where for a long time it decorated palaces and temples. Ophiocalcite came to the Islamic world with bloody wars against the infidels, as a result of which, along with gold and jewelry, a beautiful green stone fell to the victors, which came to the court of eminent Muslims who adore green in the interior - now among the green patterns harem beauties frolicked and tasted the mighty twitter sultans. Ophiocalcite was also loved in ancient China, also known for its addiction to the soothing effects of the color of leaves and herbs. Green marble did not lose popularity during the Renaissance, when, in the wake of a stirring interest in everything ancient, Italian masters began to revive ancient mosaic techniques and old facing materials - marble white-green flowers have now blossomed in the brilliant residences of European kings. Before the discovery of the ophiocalcite deposit in the Urals in the 18th century, the stone was imported to tsarist Russia from Greece, whose mines, which began to work before our era, had not yet become scarce - the stone was widely used for facing and interior decoration of buildings, making vases, countertops and decor items.

Today ophiocalcite is still popular - in terms of abrasion, resistance to temperature extremes and wear resistance, it is perfect for finishing stairs and floors, even with high traffic intensity. Due to its low water permeability, it is often used for finishing wet rooms - swimming pools, bathrooms, saunas and baths. Of course, modern craftsmen also use stone to create jewelry and small plastic - you can find beads, rosary beads, bracelets, key chains, vases, boxes, figurines and other decorative items made of ophiocalcite. It is often found in exclusive stone paintings and panels, made using the technique of Florentine or bulk mosaic. Ophiocalcite is still mined in the Urals, in addition, it is mined in Central Asia, Transcaucasia and Ukraine.

Like serpentine, ophiocalcite has excellent healing properties, but the range of its effects is wider, since it contains two interrelated principles: marble (Yin) and ophite (Yang). Therefore, lithotherapists use ophiocalcite balls for manual restorative massage, restoring energy balance and harmonizing the work of the whole organism. In addition, ophiocalcite improves blood circulation, promotes resorption of hematomas, relieves fatigue and stress, helps with neurasthenia, muscle spasms and trembling hands. The stone can warn its owner about an impending disease: it becomes warmer when health is improving, and as if it grows colder if an exacerbation of the disease is approaching. Like all other types of coil, it is believed that ophiocalcite serves as a powerful amulet against all kinds of poisons, poisoning and problems of the gastrointestinal tract. The stone is energetically connected with the Anahata heart chakra, which indicates that it is useful for heart diseases and for the normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Ophiocalcite Is a powerful space purifier, so it is good to have an ophiocalcite object or part at home, which will be a filter, passing through which any negative impact will be neutralized. It strengthens character, fosters will and self-control, smoothes worries and emotional outbursts. This is a talisman for pharmacists, doctors, healers, homeopaths and massage therapists - it energizes them, gives them strength and ability to actively help people, feeling the essence of their physical problems. Ophiocalcite is a stone for an inquisitive researcher who dreams of knowing himself, discovering the secrets of the world and the universe, who does not get tired of learning new things - a gem will help such a person to successfully gnaw the granite of science and raise the curtain over the most exciting mysteries of the universe. Protects ophiocalcite from magical interference in our life - damage, evil eye, love spell. In personal life, ophiocalcite helps to maintain self-confidence and attractiveness to a partner, attracts mutual love and protects against wrong choices. Astrologically, ophiocalcite is indicated for Aries, Gemini, Cancer and Pisces, as well as people with the II blood group.

If you decide to purchase a product from ophiocalcite, then this mineral, which has seen the rise and fall of so many great empires, will overshadow you with its soft greenish sheen, reminiscent of the play of light in the crowns of old oak trees, and will bring the most important thing to your home - health and tranquility. And everything else, as folk wisdom says, will follow by itself.