Description of the dog game zkr. Games and exercises for the development of the sound culture of speech of children of primary preschool age. Think of unusual words

Purpose: To introduce children to the sounds of the world around them, to isolate and recognize them.
Stroke: The teacher shows the objects one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different objects, and children recognize which objects belong to different sounds. Explains that there are many sounds in the world and all sound in their own way.
Didactic game "Clock"

Move: V-l: Listen to the clock ticking: "Tick-tock, tick-tock", how the clock strikes: "Bom-bom ...". In order for them to walk, you need to start them: “backgammon…”! .
- Let's start a big clock (children repeat the corresponding sound combination 3 times); our clock goes and first it ticks, then it beats (sound combinations are repeated by children 5-6 times).
- Now let's start a small clock, the clock goes and sings softly, the clock strikes very quietly (each time the children imitate the movement and ringing of the clock with their voice).

Diactic game "Cubs eat honey"

Stroke: The teacher tells the children that they will be cubs, and the cubs are very fond of honey. Offers to bring the palm closer to the mouth (with fingers to oneself) and “lick off” the honey - the children stick out their tongue and, without touching the palm, imitate that they eat honey. Then, raising the tip of the tongue, remove it. (mandatory display of all actions by the educator.)
The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Then the teacher says: “The cubs have eaten. They lick the upper lip (show, lower lip (show). They stroke their tummies, saying: “Whoo” (2-3 times).

Didactic game "Frog and Frogs"
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children.
Stroke: The teacher divides the children into two groups: these are large and small frogs. He says: “Big frogs jump into the pond, swim in the water and croak loudly: “Kwa-kva” (children imitate that they swim and croak loudly).
Little frogs also jump into the pond, swim, croak softly (children imitate actions and croak softly). All the frogs got tired and sat on the sand on the shore. Then the children switch roles and the game is repeated.

Didactic game "Let's feed the chicks"
Purpose: To develop the speech apparatus of children.
Stroke: (I am a mother bird, and you are my baby chicks. The chicks are funny, they squeak: “wee-wee,” and flap their wings. The mother bird flew for tasty crumbs for her children, and the chicks fly merrily and squeak Mom flew in and began to feed her children (children squat, raise their heads up, chicks open their beaks wide, they want tasty crumbs. (The teacher makes the children open their mouths wider). The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Didactic exercise "At the doctor's office"
Purpose: To develop the articulation apparatus of children.
Move: The doll is a doctor. She wants to see if the children's teeth hurt.
Q: Show your teeth to the doctor (the teacher with the doll quickly go around the children and says that everyone has good teeth. Now the doctor will check if your throat hurts. Whoever she comes up to will open her mouth wide (children open their mouths wide).
The doctor is pleased: no one has a sore throat.

Didactic game "Guess what sounds"
Goal: Continue to isolate and recognize the sounds of individual musical instruments.
Stroke: The teacher shows musical instruments one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different instruments, and children recognize what different sounds belong to.

Didactic game "Recognize by voice"
Purpose: To clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds.
Stroke: The teacher shows the toys and asks who it is, asks to pronounce how it screams. Closes the screen and one subgroup of children takes toys and speaks for their animals in turn. The other group guesses who yelled.

Didactic game "Who lives in the house? »
Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop children's speech breathing.
Stroke: (The teacher shows a picture of a dog). Who is it? The dog barks loudly: "aw-aw". And who is this? (children's answers) The puppy barks quietly (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). (The teacher shows a picture of a cat). Who is it? The cat meows loudly: "Meow-meow." And who is this? (children's answers) the kitten meows quietly.
Let the animals go home (pictures are removed by the cubes). Guess who lives in this house: "av-av" (pronounced loudly? (Children's answers) That's right, a dog (shows a picture). How did she bark? (children's answers).
Guess who lives in this house: “meow-meow” (pronounced quietly? How did the kitten meow?
Similarly, children guess who lives in other houses and repeat sound combinations several times.

Didactic game “Who is screaming? »
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children.
Stroke: The mother of the bird had a small chick (puts up pictures). Mom taught him to sing. The bird sang loudly: “chirp - chirp” (children repeat the sound combination). And the chick answered quietly: “chirp-chirp” (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). The chick flew and flew away from the mother (rearranges the picture with the image of the chick away). The bird is calling son. What does she call him? (Children together with the teacher repeat the sound combination). The chick heard that his mother was calling him, and chirped. How does he chirp? (Children say quietly). He flew to his mother. The bird sang loudly. How?

Didactic game "Call your mom"

Stroke: All children have subject pictures with baby animals. Educator: “Who have you drawn, Kolya? (chicken) Who is the mother of the chicken? (chicken) Call your mother, chicken. (Pee-pee-pee) The teacher imitates the cackling of a chicken and shows a picture.
The same work is done with all children.

Didactic game "Respond"
Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation.
Stroke: Educator: This is a goat (showing a picture). How does she scream? Who is her baby? How does he scream? This is a sheep (show picture). How does she bleat? And how does her baby lamb scream? etc. Pictures are exposed on a flannelgraph.
The teacher distributes pictures of animals and birds to the children. The cubs walk (children leave the tables, pinch the grass, pinch the crumbs. Whose mother or whose father will call the cub. He must shout - answer them - and run - put a picture next to them.
The teacher pronounces the cry of an animal or bird. A child depicting a cub makes sounds and puts a picture on a flannelgraph.

Game "Guess what to do"
Target. To teach children to correlate the nature of their actions with the sound of a tambourine. Education in children the ability to switch auditory attention.
Preparatory work. Prepare 2 flags for each child.
Move: Children sit in a semicircle. Each person has 2 flags in their hands. If the teacher rings a tambourine loudly, the children raise the flags up and wave them, if it is quiet, they keep their hands on their knees.
Methodical instructions. An adult needs to monitor the correct posture of children and the correct execution of movements; alternating loud and soft sounding of the tambourine should be no more than four times so that children can easily perform movements.

The game "Sun or rain?"
Target. To teach children to perform actions according to the different sound of the tambourine. Education in children the ability to switch auditory attention.
Stroke: An adult tells the children: “Now we will go for a walk. We go for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring a tambourine, it will be fun for you to walk to its sounds. If it starts to rain, I will start to knock on the tambourine, and you, having heard the knock, must run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings, and when I knock on it.
Methodical instructions. The teacher conducts the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times.

Game "Where did you call?"
Target. Teach children to determine the direction of the sound. Development of the focus of auditory attention.
Preparatory work. An adult prepares a bell.
Action: Children sit in a circle. An adult chooses a driver who becomes in the center of the circle. At the signal, the driver closes his eyes. Then the teacher gives one of the children a bell and offers to call. The driver, without opening his eyes, must indicate with his hand the direction from which the sound comes. If he points correctly, the adult says: "It's time" - and the driver opens his eyes, and the one who called raises and shows the call. If the driver made a mistake, he guesses again, then another driver is appointed.
Methodical instructions. The game is repeated 4-5 times. It is necessary to ensure that the driver does not open his eyes during the game. Indicating the direction of the sound, the driver turns to face the place where the sound is heard. You don't have to call very loudly.

Game "Butterfly, fly!"
Target. Achieve a long, continuous oral exhalation.
Preparatory work. Prepare 5 brightly colored paper butterflies. Tie a thread 50 cm long to each and attach them to the cord at a distance of 35 cm from each other. Pull the cord between the two posts so that the butterflies hang at the level of the face of the standing child.
Move: Children sit on chairs. An adult says: “Children, look at how beautiful butterflies are: blue, yellow, red! How many! They are like alive! Let's see if they can fly. (Blows on them.) Look, they flew. Try to blow too. Who will fly further? The adult invites the children to stand one by one near each butterfly. Children blow on butterflies.
Methodical instructions. The game is repeated several times, each time with a new group of children. It is necessary to ensure that the children stand straight, do not raise their shoulders when inhaling. You should blow only on one exhalation, without getting air. Cheeks do not puff out, lips slightly push forward. Each child can blow for no more than ten seconds with pauses, otherwise he may feel dizzy.

The game "Launching boats"
Target. To achieve from each child the ability to pronounce the sound f for a long time on one exhalation or repeatedly pronounce the sound p (p-p-p) on one exhale. Cultivating the ability to combine the pronunciation of a sound with the beginning of an exhalation.
Preparatory work. An adult prepares a basin of water and paper boats.
Move: Children sit in a large semicircle. In the center, on a small table, is a basin of water. The called children, sitting on chairs, blow on the boats, pronouncing the sound f or p. The teacher invites the children to ride a boat from one city to another, marking the cities with icons on the edges of the pelvis. In order for the boat to move, you need to blow on it slowly, folding your lips, as for pronouncing the sound f. You can blow by simply stretching your lips with a tube, but without puffing out your cheeks. The ship is moving smoothly. But here comes the gusty wind. “P-p-p…” the child blows. (When repeating the game, you need to drive the boat to a certain place.)
Methodical instructions. Make sure that when pronouncing the sound f, the children do not puff out their cheeks; so that the children pronounce the sound p on one exhalation 2-3 times and do not puff out their cheeks.

Loud and quiet game
Target. Teach children to change the strength of the voice: speak either loudly or quietly. Education of the ability to change the strength of the voice.
Preparatory work. The teacher selects paired toys of different sizes: large and small cars, large and small drums, large and small pipes.
Stroke: An adult shows 2 cars and says: “When a big car drives, it signals loudly: “beep”. How does a big car signal? Children loudly pronounce: "beep". The teacher continues: “And the small car honks softly:“ beep. How does the little car honk? Children quietly say: "beep." The teacher removes both cars and says: “Now be careful. As soon as the car starts, you have to give a signal, make no mistake, the big car honks loudly, and the small car honks softly.
Other toys are played in the same way.
Methodical instructions. Depending on the number of children in the group, one pair of toys or 2-3 can be used in the lesson. Make sure that with a quiet pronunciation of onomatopoeia, the children do not switch to a whisper.

Didactic game "Shop"
Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation.
Stroke: The teacher offers to go to the store and buy toys. You can only buy if you talk like a toy. Children come up to the table and pronounce the characteristic sound combinations for this toy (doo-doo, me-me, bi-bi)

Didactic game "Be careful"
Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation.
Stroke: Educator: I have different pictures, if I show a picture where an animal is drawn, you must scream the way it screams and raise the blue circle. If I show you a toy, you hold up the red circle and name the toy.

Didactic game "Bells"
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children.
Move: B: Look, this is a big bell, and this is a small bell. The girls will be little bells. They call: "Ding, ding, ding." The boys will be big bells. They ring: "Melons-melons-melons."
The teacher offers to “ring” and sing songs first to the girls, then to the boys. The exercise is repeated 2 times, then the children change roles, and the game is repeated.

Didactic game "Animals are coming"
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children.
Stroke: The teacher divides the children into four groups - these are elephants, bears, pigs and hedgehogs.
Educator: Elephants are walking, they stomp their feet very loudly (children pronounce the sound combination “top-top-top” loudly, repeat it 3-4 times.
- Bears are coming, they stomp more quietly (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times a little quieter).
- Pigs are coming, they are stomping even quieter ...
- Hedgehogs are coming, they are stomping very quietly ...
- Let's go elephants (children walk in a group, stomp and pronounce a sound combination loudly).
The same work is done with other animals. The children then switch roles of their choice and the game is repeated.

Didactic game "Cuckoo and pipe"

Move: B: A bird lives in the forest - a cuckoo (showing a picture). She cuckoos: "Ku-ku, ku-ku" (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). One day the children came to the forest to pick mushrooms. Got a lot of mushrooms. Tired, sat down in a clearing to rest and played pipes: “Doo-doo-doo” (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times).
The teacher divides the children into two groups - cuckoos and pipes. Without a system, he gives different commands 6-7 times (either to cuckoos or pipes). Then the children switch roles and the game is repeated.

Didactic game "Hammer a carnation with a hammer"
Purpose: To develop the phonemic hearing of children, speech attention.
Stroke: B: When a big hammer knocks, you hear: “Knock-knock-knock” (children repeat the sound combination 5-6 times). When a small hammer knocks, you hear: “Tuk-tuk-tuk” (children repeat the sound combination 5-6 times).
Let's hit the nail with a big hammer...
Now let's hammer a small carnation with a small hammer ...
Close your eyes and listen to which hammer is knocking (without a system, the teacher repeats sound combinations 4-5 times, and the children say which hammer is knocking).

Didactic exercise "Blow on the ball"
Purpose: To develop the articulation apparatus of children.
Move: Children take the ball by the thread, hold it in front of their mouth and say: “Pf-f-f” (blow on the ball). The exercise is repeated 3 times, then the children rest and repeat the exercise 3 more times.

Didactic exercise "Wind".
Purpose: To develop the articulation apparatus of children.
Move: Children take a leaf by a thread, hold it in front of their mouth and say: “Pf-f-f” (blowing on an autumn leaf). The exercise is repeated 3 times, then the children rest and repeat the exercise 3 more times.

Didactic exercise "Lick your lips"
Purpose: To develop the articulation apparatus of children.
Move: Educator: Let's eat candy (children and teacher imitate eating candy and smack their lips). Sweets are delicious, lick your lips (demonstration: run your tongue along the upper lip from edge to edge, then along the lower lip - circular movements should be obtained).

Didactic game "Geese"
Purpose: to clarify and consolidate the pronunciation of the sound a, to prepare children for compiling a text - a description.
Material: picture "Geese"
Stroke: The teacher shows the children a picture, they look at it together. These are geese. Geese are white and grey. The goose has a long neck and red paws. The goose shouts: ha-ha-ha. What is the neck of a goose? What paws? How does a goose scream? (Children's answers.) Now we will be geese. We walk from foot to foot. (The teacher shows how the geese walk. The children repeat the movements after him.) Cackling: ha-ha-ha.
B: Geese, geese!
Children: ha-ha-ha
Q: Do you want to eat?
Children: Yes, yes, yes
Q: Show how geese open their beaks wide.
Children: Ha-ha-ha.
Q: Do you want to eat?
Children: Yes, yes, yes
The geese flapped their wings and flew away.
(The game is repeated 3-4 times)

Didactic game "Guess by voice"
Purpose: to clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound y in isolation and in words; learn to form verbs from onomatopoeic words.
Material: basket with toys.
Q: Who came to us? (This (takes out a cockerel, frog, duck) ...
D: Rooster
B: And this, children (shows a picture), is a cuckoo. How does a cuckoo crow? Coo-coo, coo-coo! Whose voice is this? Who quacks like that?: quack-quack7
Children: Duck.
Q: Who croaks qua-qua?….
Q: Who crows: crow? ...
Q: How does a cuckoo cuckoo?
B: Now we will play with you. Here is a cockerel (shows a toy cockerel). How does he sing? When the cockerel sings “Crow!”, what does he do? (crows)
B: And this is a cuckoo (shows a picture). How does she give her voice? (cuckoo)
D: When the cuckoo says peek-a-boo, what does she do? cuckoo)
Q: Show how the cuckoo flies. (Children rise from the carpet and fly.) How does the cuckoo call? (children coo.) Show how the cockerel flaps its wings. (children show.) how does he shout to the crow? (Children crow) What were you doing now like a cockerel? (crowed.)
Listen to the words: cuckoo, rooster, duck, frog. In these words, the sound y is heard. pull it: wow. Name the words with the sound y: cuckoo, rooster, frog, uuutka. (Says with children)
Toys remain for the free play of children.

Didactic game "Let's teach the bunny to speak correctly"
Purpose: To develop intonation expressiveness.
Q: The bunny brought a wonderful bag with him. It contains various pictures. Bunny will talk. What is drawn on them. If he speaks incorrectly, you will teach him to speak correctly.
Ishka - children correct the "bear"
Herringbone - squirrel
Onik - elephant
(After "training" the bunny begins to name all the objects correctly.

Didactic game "Riddles"
Q: Our frog likes to solve riddles.
In-l with the help of gestures, facial expressions, sounds depict an animal, children guess a riddle. The teacher offers to read a poem about a guessed animal. (The hostess abandoned the bunny ... The bear is clubfoot ...)
Next, the children make riddles.

Municipal Preschool
education institution
Kindergarten No. 115
"Formation of the sound culture of speech of older preschoolers through didactic games"

Completed by: T.V. Chuneva Educator MDOU No. 115
The main goal of my work is to improve the speech level of children through didactic play.
The use of didactic games contributes to the solution of the following tasks:
- encourage children to communicate with each other and comment on their actions;
- to help consolidate the skills of using initiative speech;
- improve conversational speech;
- enrich vocabulary;
- to form the grammatical structure of the language, etc.
I organized my work in stages. Selected and systematized material for mastering speech in children.
The structure of didactic games for the development of speech is determined by the principle of the relationship of various sections of speech work: enrichment and activation of the dictionary, work on the semantic side of the word, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the education of the sound culture of speech, the development of elementary awareness of linguistic phenomena. It is the interconnection of different speech tasks that creates the prerequisites for the most effective mastering of speech skills and abilities.
Each game also solves educational problems. Children develop a culture of verbal communication in the broad sense of this concept, moral qualities, ethical ideas and moral feelings are formed.
These guidelines are important not only for educating the sound culture of children's speech and preparing them for literacy, but they also contribute to the general speech development of children, help to master all the richness of their native language.
The child begins to consciously relate to the perceived speech of adults and peers in everyday communication, independently evaluate certain features of artistic speech, the language of works of fiction and folklore. It is impossible to imagine that a child, “deaf” to a sounding word, will aesthetically fully perceive and feel poetic speech.
In addition, familiarity with the sound side of the word brings up interest in the native language. And this is extremely important for children, having become schoolchildren, to study their native language with love as a subject, the comprehension of which spiritually enriches a person. Without this, it is impossible to overcome many shortcomings in the study of the native language and literature at school.
The development of a child's speech at preschool age contributes to further successful learning at school.

Stages of conducting didactic games
for the speech development of children in the older group.
To solve the problems, I developed and selected a number of didactic games that were carried out in three stages. (See table 1)
Stage 1 - preparatory

The purpose of this stage was to form and develop phonemic perception, as well as to develop lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech.
Systematicity is ensured by the daily holding of a variety of games: for a walk, before breakfast, in the afternoon, as well as in classes built in a playful way.
The systematic conduct of games helps in solving issues of the mental development of children, because. such a valuable quality of memory as recollection is improved, voluntary attention is significantly improved, and speed of thinking develops. Children's speech becomes more clear, correct, expressive.
Stage 2 - developing.
The purpose of the 2nd stage: to increase speech activity and arbitrariness of attention, i.e. develop sound analysis skills, reduce the number of lexical and grammatical errors.
Stage 3 - fixing
The third stage of the work consisted directly of conducting didactic games, which helped to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills of children.
Table 1
Stages of work Phonetic side of speech Lexical side of speech Grammatical structure of speech Coherent speech
"Japanese printed
"Broken phone"
"Traffic light" "We are moving to a new apartment"
"Fruits vegetables"
Lotto "In the world of plants"
"Flies, Not a Bird" "Blurred Letter"
"Living Words"
"Complete the offer"
“Come up with a proposal” “Who will notice more fables”
"Where is the beginning of the story?"
"Find a place for the picture"
"Fix the mistake"
"Which picture is not needed?"
2. Developing "Repeat"
"Looks like it doesn't look like"
"Catch the Sound"
Lotto "Name the picture and find the vowel sound"
“Who will find 20 items in the name that contain the sound “C”
"Name the picture and find the first sound"
"Close the Chain"
"Find a place on the chip"

Lotto "Paronyms"
"Every sound has its own room"
"Who will be invited to visit"
"Solve the puzzle" "Collect six"
"Who gives a voice"
"Relay race"
"Vice versa"
"Who Knows More"
"Say Different"
"Choose a Word"
"first grader"
"Find the extra picture"
"Name three objects" "Let's write a letter to the doll"
"Say a word"
"Who do I see, what do I see" "Hide and Seek"
"Explain why..."
"One and Many"
"Add a word"
"Untangle the Words"
"Find the mistake"
"Correct or not?" "Guess it"
"Draw a fairy tale"
"What Doesn't Happen"
"How do you know?"
"And I would..."
3.I fix-
"Make a word"
"Solve the puzzle"
“From syllables - the sentence“ The fourth extra ”
"Is this true?"
"Find an extra word" "Raise the number"
"Why do we need these things"
"Make up a phrase" "Make up two stories"
"Search for missing parts"
Preparatory stage
1. Games for the development of the phonetic and phonemic side of speech
"Japanese typewriter"
The game is aimed at reproducing a rhythmic pattern (rhythm) when clapping, tapping or making sound on any instrument (tambourine, rattle, xylophone).
"Let's play a fairy tale"
An adult invites the child to remember the fairy tale "Three Bears". Then, changing the pitch of his voice, he asks to guess who is speaking: Mikhailo Ivanovich (low voice), Nastasya Filippovna (medium-pitched voice) or Mishutka (high-pitched voice). The same remark is pronounced alternately in a voice of different pitch, in three versions:
Who was sitting in my chair?
- Who ate from my cup?
- Who slept in my bed?
- Who was in our house? Etc.
"Broken phone"
Purpose: to develop auditory attention in children.
Game rules. It is necessary to convey the word so that the children sitting next to them do not hear. Who incorrectly conveyed the word, i.e. ruined the phone, transplanted to the last chair.
Game action: whisper the word into the ear of the next sitting player.
Game progress. Children choose a leader with the help of a counting rhyme. Everyone sits on chairs lined up in a row. The leader quietly (in the ear) says a word to the person sitting next to him, he passes it on to the next one, etc. The word must reach the last child. The host asks the latter: “What word did you hear?” If he says the word proposed by the presenter, then the phone is working. If the word is not right, the driver asks everyone in turn (starting from the last one) what word they heard. So they will find out who messed up, "spoiled the phone." The offender takes the place of the last in the row.
"Traffic lights"
The adult gives the child two circles - red and green and offers a game: if the child hears the correct name of the thing shown in the picture, he must raise the green circle, if the wrong one is red. Then he shows the picture and loudly, slowly, clearly pronounces sound combinations:
kyetkalettaalpolymalmomalblemkaktakvetkalecta2. Games for the development of the lexical side of speech (vocabulary formation)
"Moving to a new apartment"
Purpose: to teach children to distinguish between objects that are similar in purpose and similar in appearance, to help remember their names; activate the appropriate vocabulary in the children's speech.
Game material:
1. Subject pictures (paired): a cup-glass, a mug-cup, a butter dish-sugar bowl, a teapot-coffee pot, a pan-frying pan, a scarf-kerchief, a hat-hat, a sundress, a sleeveless sweater, trousers-shorts, socks- golfs, stockings, socks, gloves, mittens, sandals, slippers, sandals, satchel, briefcase, chandelier, table lamp. 2. Boxes for folding pictures.
Game progress: 6 children play. The teacher gives each child 2-3 pairs of pictures, for example: a cup-glass, a scarf, a satchel. He says: “Children, we got a new apartment. We need to collect all the things and pack them for the move. First I will pack the dishes. You will help me. Give me only the thing that I name. Be careful - many things look similar. Do not confuse, for example, a mug with a cup, a teapot with a coffee pot. I will put the collected dishes in a blue box.
The teacher names one item from each pair, for example a coffee pot. If the child is mistaken (presents a teapot), the picture remains with him.
By the end of the game, the children should not have a single picture left. The winner is the one with the remaining pictures.
Then, in order to activate the corresponding dictionary in the speech of the children, the teacher offers one child to take out the collected pictures from the box and say what he got, and the rest to name the object paired with the presented one.
Didactic task: Exercise children in the classification of vegetables (according to the principle: what is edible for them - the root or the fruit on the stem).
Game rules. You can answer with only two words: tops and roots. Whoever made a mistake pays a fant.
Game action. Playing phantoms.
Game progress. The teacher clarifies with the children what they will call tops and what - roots: "We will call the edible root of the vegetable roots, and the edible fruit on the stem - tops."
The teacher names some vegetable, and the children quickly answer what is edible in it: tops or roots. The one who makes a mistake pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game.
The teacher may suggest another option; he says: "Tops - and the children remember vegetables that have edible tops."
"Fruits vegetables"
Purpose of the game: differentiation of similar concepts.
Game progress. At the beginning of the game, the facilitator reminds the children which plants we call fruits and which plants we call vegetables. For fruits, the picture "Garden" is selected, and for vegetables - "Garden". These pictures are laid out on different edges of the table. Object pictures depicting fruits and vegetables lie on the table in a pile depicted down. In turn, the children take one picture from the pile, name it, and also explain to which group it belongs. The explanation should be complete: "A tomato is a vegetable because it grows in the garden." If the child gave the wrong answer, the picture returns to its place, and if the child correctly named the picture and attributed it to the desired concept, he takes it for himself. The game ends when all the pictures are in the hands of the children. The one with the most pictures wins.
The game "Fruits-Berries" is played in the same way, only before the game these concepts are clarified and other pictures-symbols are selected: a bush for berries and a tree for fruits.
Purpose: differentiation of the concepts of "clothes" and "shoes".
Game progress. The following game situation is created: “Katya’s doll has a housewarming party. She needs to pack her things for moving to a new apartment. Help her put her things in the right place so that it is easy for her to find all her dresses and shoes in a new place. We will put clothes in one box, and shoes in another. Then the child is given two sets of subject pictures and two boxes, each with its own symbol: a dress for clothes, boots for shoes.
Lotto "In the world of plants"
Purpose of the game: Consolidation of generalization words: flowers, trees, vegetables, fruits, berries; activation of the dictionary on these topics.
Description of the game. Lotto consists of six large cards, in the middle of which there is a plot picture depicting a given group of plants in nature. Along the edges are subject pictures related to any one generic concept, for example, flowers or trees. In addition to large cards, there are small cards with the same subject pictures.
Game progress. The game is played according to the general rule of the lotto game. When all the small cards are distributed, each player must name in one word the entire group of his words - the names of plants.
"Flies, not a bird"
Purpose: differentiation of the concepts of "birds" and "insects".
Game progress. The host makes riddles about birds and insects, Children solve riddles and explain to which thematic group this animal belongs. If the answer is correct, the facilitator gives the child a chip or symbol of the animal. The one with the most chips wins. Before the game, the leader reminds the children of the identification signs of birds: they have feathers, beaks, claws, wings, build nests and hatch chicks, they can sing, they are big. Insects are small, have six legs, do not hatch chicks, they do not have feathers.
*** ***
In a dark dungeon Red paws
Red girls. Pinch on the heels
No thread, no knitting needle (Goose)
Knit knitting.
(Bees in a hive)
*** ***
Appeared in a yellow fur coat Black, agile,
Farewell, two shells. Screaming "crack"
(Chicken) Worms are the enemy.
*** ***
A bird flew, not a beast, not a bird,
Not feathered, not winged, But the nose is like a knitting needle.
The nose is long, (Mosquito)
The voice is thin. ***
Who will kill her, The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up:
Human blood I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Shed. Moved, stirred
(Mosquito) Soared up and flew away.

*** ***
There are many masters of Vereshchanye, white-sided.
They cut down the hut without corners. And her name is... (magpie).
*** ***
Little boy Zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu,
In a gray yarmyachishka I sit on a branch,
Sneaking around the yards, I keep repeating the letter J,
He collects crumbs, Knowing this letter firmly,
He spends the night in the field, I buzz in spring and summer.
Stealing hemp. (Bug)
*** ***
In a clearing near the Christmas trees, On a pole a palace,
The house is built from needles. Singer in the palace
He is not visible behind the grass, But his name is ... (starling).
And it has a million residents. (Anthill.)
"Blurred Letter"
Purpose: To exercise in the compilation of common exercises.
Material. Teddy bear.
Organization. Educator:
The little bear received a letter from his brother. But the rain blurred some of the words. We need to help him read the letter. Here is the letter: “Hello, Mishutka. I am writing to you from the zoo. Once I did not listen to my mother and climbed so far that ... I wandered through the forest for a long time and ... Coming out into the clearing, I fell ... I fell into a hole, because ... It was so deep that ... The hunters came and ... Now I I live in… We have a ground for… There are many in the ground for young animals… We play with… They are looked after… They love us because… Soon we will have a trainer from… I hope to get into… It’s great to be able to… Wait for the next letter from … Goodbye. Toptygin".
Reading the letter, the educator encourages the children to complete the sentences with intonation.
"Living Words"
Objective: To exercise in the preparation of proposals for the block diagram.
Organization. Each child draws a word. Educator: - Let Slava depict the word "bear cub"; Anya - the word "loves." What is the third word? (Honey) We read the sentence: "The little bear loves honey." Let's swap the second and third words. What happened? (The bear cub loves honey). Now let the first word be the last. What will happen? (Honey loves a teddy bear). Let's replace the word "honey" with another. Katya will now be the word "tumble". Read the sentence (The little bear loves to tumble). And now? (The bear loves to tumble).
Make up your own sentences with the word "bear cub". (Teddy bear cub, Teddy bear loves raspberries, Teddy bear sleeps...)
"Complete the offer"

Game rules. You need to find and say such a word to get a complete sentence. You only need to add one word.

Game progress. The teacher says a few words of the sentence, and the children must complete it with new words to make a complete sentence, for example: “Mom bought ... - ... books, notebooks, a briefcase,” the children continue.
"Come up with an offer"
Didactic task: To develop children's speech activity, speed of thinking.
Game rule. It is possible to transfer a pebble to another player only after he has come up with a sentence with the named leading word.
Game progress. The children and teacher sit in a circle. The teacher explains the rules of the game:
- Today we will come up with proposals. I will say a word, and you will quickly come up with a sentence with this word. For example, I will say the word "close" and give Dasha a pebble. She will take the pebble and quickly answer "I live close to the kindergarten." Then she will say her word and pass the pebble to the person sitting next to him. The word in the sentence should be used in the form in which it is proposed by the guesser. So in turn, in a circle, the pebble passes from one player to another. If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps them.
4. Games for the development of coherent speech
“Who will notice the tales more?”
Didactic task: To teach children to notice fables, non-logical situations, to explain them; develop the ability to distinguish between real and imagined.
Game rules. Whoever notices a fable in a story, a poem, must put a chip in front of him, and at the end of the game name all the fables noticed.
Game action. Using chips. (Whoever noticed and explained the fables more, he won).
Game progress. Children sit down so that chips can be put aside on the table, the teacher explains the rules of the game:
- Now I will read you an excerpt from Korney Chukovsky's poem "Confusion". There will be many fables in it. Try to notice and remember them. Whoever notices a fable, puts a chip, notices another fable, puts a second chip next to it, etc. Whoever notices more fables wins. You can put a chip only when you yourself noticed the fable.
First, a small part of this poem is read, slowly, expressively, places with fables are accentuated.
After reading, the teacher asks the children why the poem is called "Confusion". Then the one who put aside fewer chips is asked to name the noticed fables. Children who have more chips name those fables that the first responder did not notice. You cannot repeat what has been said. If the child has put more chips than the tales in the poem, the teacher tells him that he did not follow the rules of the game, and suggests that he be more careful another time.
Then the next part of the poem is read. It is necessary to ensure that children do not get tired, because. The game requires a lot of mental effort. Noticing by the behavior of the children that they are tired, the teacher must stop the game. At the end of the game, praise should be given to those who spotted more tales and explained them correctly.
"Where is the beginning of the story?"
Purpose: To teach to convey the correct temporal and logical sequence of the story using serial pictures.
Game progress. The child is asked to write a story. Based on pictures. Pictures serve as a kind of plan for the story, they allow you to accurately convey the plot, from beginning to end. For each picture, the child makes one sentence and together they are combined into a coherent story.
"Find a place for the picture"
Purpose: to teach to follow the sequence of the course of action.
Game progress. A series of pictures is laid out in front of the child, but one picture is not placed in a row, but is given to the child so that he finds the right place for it. After that, the child is asked to compose a story based on the restored series of pictures.
Sets of serial pictures for uploading

"Fix the mistake"
Purpose: to teach to establish the correct sequence of actions.
Game progress. A series of pictures are laid out in front of the child, but one picture is not in its place. The child finds a mistake, puts the picture in the right place, and then makes up a story through the entire series of pictures.
"Which picture is not needed?"
Purpose: to teach to find unnecessary details for this story.
Game progress. A series of pictures are laid out in front of the child in the correct sequence, but one picture is taken from another set. The child must find an unnecessary picture, remove it, and then make up a story.

Developmental stage

1. Games for the development of the phonetic and phonemic side of speech
The child is invited to repeat similar words, first 2, then 3 in the named order:
Kom-house-gnome skein-rink-flow
Natka-fleece-branch cage-lash film
When perceiving words, knowledge of concepts is not necessary. The peculiarity of this and subsequent selections of words is that they are available in terms of sound composition, do not contain hard-to-pronounce sounds.
"Looks like it doesn't look like"
From every four words named by an adult, the child must choose a word that is not similar in sound composition to the other three:
Poppy-buck-so-bananaSom-com-turkey-houseLemon-wagon-cat-budPoppy-buck-broom-crayfish Scoop-gnome-wreath-skating rinkHeel-fleece-lemon-tub-branch-sofa-cage-gridRink-house-hank-flow
"Catch the Sound"
Highlighted in the sound stream of the vowel sound (A, O, U, I, S, E).
An adult calls and repeats a vowel sound many times, which the child must distinguish from other sounds (clap his hands when he hears). Then the adult slowly, clearly, with pauses pronounces the sound sequence, for example:
A - U - M - A - U - M - I - C - S - O - E - R - W - F - L - C - Z - F - X - S - A
Lotto "Name the picture and find the vowel sound"
Purpose: to teach children to find a given sound in a word at the stage of pronouncing the word out loud by the child himself.
Description of the game. Children have cards with drawn pictures (four in each card). The host calls any vowel sound, the children pronounce the names of their pictures aloud and find the right one. If the picture is named correctly, the presenter allows you to close it with a chip, the one who closes his pictures first wins.
The same lotto set is used to recognize consonant sounds in a word. The game is played in the same way: the presenter calls an isolated consonant sound (in the words-names of pictures from this lotto, sounds can be distinguished: P, K, K, L, L, M, Sh, S, S, T, B, N, F, D , W, P, B), and the children should name the desired picture.
"Who can find twenty objects whose names contain the sound C"
Purpose: strengthening the ability to highlight a given sound in a word according to the presentation, developing visual attention, teaching counting.
Description of the game. A plot picture is given, on which there are many subject pictures, including those containing the sound C in the name (there should be twenty such pictures)
Game progress. Children are given to look at the picture and name the necessary objects. Whoever names the most items wins. Children put chips on the found pictures, and the host then checks the correctness of the task and determines the winner.
Lotto "Name the picture and find the first sound"
Purpose: to teach children to find the given first sound in a word at the stage of pronouncing the word out loud by the child himself.
Description of the game. Children have cards with drawn pictures (four on each card). The host calls any vowel sound, the children pronounce the names of their pictures aloud and find the right one. If the picture is named correctly, the presenter allows you to close it with a chip. The one who closes their pictures first wins.

"Close the Chain"
Rule: for the first word, a word is selected that begins with the sound with which the first word ends, the third word must begin with the last sound of the second word, and so on. Games can be oral, with the ball shifting, or you can perform a board game with pictures and practice children in laying out the chain without first speaking out loud, only by presentation.
To eliminate mistakes and teach children to act according to the rule, to control the course of the game on their own, the chain should be made closed. If all operations are performed in the required sequence, the chain closes, i.e. the beginning meets the end. You need to start playing from the picture marked with a special icon.
The systematic conduct of games helps in solving issues of the mental development of children, because. such a valuable quality of memory as recollection is improved, voluntary attention is significantly improved, and speed of thinking develops. The speech of children becomes more clear, correct, expressive.
"Find a place for the chip"
Purpose of the game: to teach to determine the place of a given sound in a word (beginning, middle, end), based on loud pronunciation.
Description of the game. For the game you will need cards, each contains a subject picture and a diagram: a rectangle divided into three parts. In the upper right corner is given a letter denoting a given sound. In addition to subject pictures, chips are prepared according to the number of cards.
Game progress. Several people can play, but not more than the number of cards. All cards and chips are on the table. The players take one card for themselves, examine and call a picture, a letter aloud and determine the position of the given sound in the word - the name of the picture, laying out a chip in the appropriate place according to the scheme. Then take the next card. The game continues until all cards have been analyzed. The winner is the one who managed to correctly analyze the most cards.
Pictures for the game: zebra(b), bus(s), robe(l), stork(s), heron(c), beehive(y), turkey(k), elk(o), bison(r), pen (h), newspaper(t), clock(s), cat(w), finish(w), sun(c).
"Go around and don't get lost"
Purpose: to teach to determine the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end) by presentation.
Description of the game. The game consists of playing fields (a separate field for each sound), on which pictures and diagrams are placed. Labyrinths are laid from picture to picture: they start from each section of the schemes and go to the next pictures. Only one maze will lead to the next picture: the one that moves away from the correct position of the given sound (the sound is given by the letter located in the corner of the playing field).
If the player correctly determines the place of the sound in each picture, he will go through the maze from picture to picture and return to the beginning of the movement (you must move clockwise from any picture). The winner is the one who returns to the beginning on his playing field first.
Lotto "Paronyms"
Purpose: development of the ability to distinguish words - paronyms by ear.
Description of the game. The game consists of large cards, on which several pictures are drawn, the names of which can form pairs of words - paronyms, but paired pictures are not on the same card. The leader has small cards with written words.
Game progress. The facilitator says the word aloud. The child who has this item on the card must raise his hand and say the name of his picture. If the answer is correct, the facilitator allows him to close this picture with a chip or card - the name of the given word (in this case, the children will practice global reading). If he made a mistake, and in fact the pair word was named as the leader, the player receives a penalty point. The winner is the one who quickly closes his pictures and receives less penalty points.
Cards with words for the game: cancer, poppy, roof, rat, brand, T-shirt, tub, coil, box, bun, shower, ink, bow, bandage, soup, tooth, smoke, house, nut, jackdaw, bank, folder, bream, forest, tower, arable land, whale, cat, duck, fishing rod, mouse, bear, horns, spoons, ball, shawl, tin, six, llama, frame, ears, ducks, sleds, tanks. “Each sound has its own room”
Purpose: to teach to carry out a complete sound analysis of a word based on a sound scheme and chips.

Game progress. Players receive houses with the same number of windows. Residents - “words” should settle in the houses, and each sound wants to live in a separate room.
Children count and conclude how many sounds should be in a word. Then the host pronounces the words, and the players name each sound separately and lay out the chips on the windows of the house - “populate the sounds”. At the beginning of the training, the facilitator speaks only words suitable for settling in, i.e. those in which there will be as many sounds as there are windows in the house. At subsequent stages, you can say a word that is not subject to “settlement” in this house, and the children are convinced of the mistakes through analysis. Such a tenant is sent to live on another street, where words with a different number of sounds live.
"Who will be invited to visit"
Purpose: to teach to determine the number of sounds in words spoken aloud by the child himself.

Game progress. Four players play, each player has a house of some kind. On the table are subject pictures with images of various animals (according to the number of players), as well as a stack of cards with images down. Children choose the necessary pictures for themselves from those that lie with the images up - "find the owner of the house." Then each in turn takes one picture card from the stack, calls the word aloud and determines whether it is necessary to “invite this picture to visit your house or not.” If in the word - the name of the picture opened by the child, there are as many sounds as in the salt - “the owner”, then you need to call for a visit, and then the player gets the right to additional moves until an inappropriate picture is encountered. If the number of sounds is different, the picture is placed at the end of the stack. The winner is the one who called his guests first. One set includes four pictures with each number of sounds. Picture material for the game: pictures - “owners”: cat, wolf, wild boar, dog; pictures - "guests": three sounds - wasp, catfish, beetle, cancer; four sounds - goat, owl, beaver, mole; five sounds - jackdaw, giraffe, marmot, bear; six sounds - cow, chicken, rabbit, crow.
"Solve the puzzle"
Purpose: to teach to distinguish the first syllable from a word, to compose words from syllables.
Game progress. Children are given cards with two pictures on them. The word was "hidden" on the card. It must be compiled by highlighting the first syllables from each word - the name, and then adding a word from them, for example: chamomile, plane - dew. The one with the most words wins.

Pigeons, crayfish - mountain
Bottle, rowan - borax
Balls, basins - mint
Ship, lark - leather
Crackers, balls - land
Chamomile, basins - a company
Phone, raspberries - theme
Stocking, home is a miracle
Wagon, mountain ash - Varya
Pencil, jar - boar
Banana, butterfly - woman
Kolobok, brand - mosquito
Girl, shovel - business
Chanterelles, plane - fox
Fur coat, rocket - Shura
2. Games for the development of the lexical side of speech (enrichment of vocabulary)
"Collect Five"
Purpose: to teach to attribute single objects to certain thematic groups.
Game progress. For the game, you need to prepare a set of subject pictures, consisting of several thematic groups (clothes, dishes, toys, furniture, etc.). Several people play, according to the number of thematic groups. The pictures are face down on the table. Everyone takes one picture, names it and the generic concept to which this picture belongs. Thus, it is established which group each participant will collect. If identical groups are selected, one more picture is opened. Then the facilitator shows the players one picture at a time, and they should ask themselves this or that picture: “I need a doll because I collect toys.” The winner is the one who first collected his group of pictures (the number of pictures in each group must be the same, for example, six pictures).
"Who gives a voice"
Purpose: expansion of the verbal vocabulary on this topic.
Game progress. The host reads a poem by G. Sapgir to the children.
The wind brought the spring song
The song was barked by a hunting dog,
The wolf howled this song at the edge,
The frogs croaked a song together.
The bull mumbled this song as best he could.
The lynx purred
Catfish mumbled.
Owl croaked,
Already hissed
And the nightingale sang this song.
The facilitator asks who gave the voice how, at the same time showing subject pictures with images of animals. For each correct answer, a picture is given, the winner is the one who collects the most pictures.
"Relay race"
Purpose: activation of the verb dictionary.
Game progress. The players stand in a circle. The leader has a relay race. He utters a word and passes the baton to a nearby child. He must choose the right word-action and quickly pass the wand on. When the baton returns to the leader, he sets a new word, but passes the stick in the other direction. If someone finds it difficult to name a word or chooses the wrong word, he is given a penalty point. After a player has scored three penalty points, he is out of the game. The one with the fewest penalty points at the end of the game wins.
The course of the game: the dog - barks, bites, runs, guards, whines, howls; cat - purrs, hunts, plays, dozes, meows, scratches. "On the contrary"
Didactic task: To develop children's intelligence, speed of thinking.
Game rule. Name only words that are opposite in meaning.
Game actions. Throwing and catching the ball.
Game progress. Children and teacher sit on chairs in a circle. The teacher pronounces a word and throws a ball to one of the children, the child must catch the ball, say the word opposite in meaning, and again throw the ball to the Teacher. The teacher says: "Forward." The child answers “Back”, (right - left, up and down, under - above, far - close, high - low, inside - outside, further - closer). You can pronounce not only adverbs, but also adjectives, verbs: far - close, upper - lower, right - left, tie - untie, wet - dry, etc. If the one to whom the ball was thrown finds it difficult to answer, the children, at the suggestion of the teacher, say the right word. "Who knows more"
Didactic task: To develop the memory of children; to enrich their knowledge of subjects, to educate such personality traits as resourcefulness, ingenuity.
Game rule. Recall and name how the same item can be used.
Game action. Competition - who will name the most how the item can be used.
Game progress. Children, together with the teacher, sit on chairs (on the carpet) in a circle. The teacher says:
- I have a glass in my hands. Who will say how and for what it can be used?
Children answer:
- Drink tea, water flowers, measure cereals, cover seedlings, put pencils.
- That's right, - the teacher confirms and, if necessary, supplements the answers of the guys. Now let's play. I will name various objects, and you will remember and name what you can do with them. Try to say as much as possible. The teacher selects in advance the words that he will offer the children during the game.
"Say Different"
didactic task. Teach children to choose a synonym - a word that is close in meaning.
Game progress. The teacher says that in this game, children will have to remember words that are similar in meaning to the word that he will name.
"Big" - the teacher offers. Children name the words: huge, large, huge, gigantic.
"Beautiful" - "pretty, good, beautiful, charming, wonderful."
“Wet” - “raw, wet”, etc.
"Choose a Word"
Didactic task: To develop children's ingenuity, the ability to select the words they need in meaning.
Game progress. The teacher, turning to the children, offers them questions, for example: “Remember what you can sew?” Children's answers: “Dress, coat, sundress, shirt, boots, fur coat, etc. "Darn - socks, stockings, mittens, scarf." "Tie - laces, rope, scarf, ties." “To push - a hat, a scarf, a hat, a panama hat, a peakless cap, a peaked cap, a Budyonovka.” “Put on a coat, dress, stockings, fur coat, raincoat, skirt, sundress, tights”, etc.
"First Grader"
Didactic task: To consolidate the knowledge of children about what a first grader needs to study at school, to cultivate a desire to study at school, composure, accuracy.
Game rule. Collect items on a signal.
Game action. Competition - who will quickly collect everything necessary for the school in a portfolio.
Game progress. There are two briefcases on the table. On other tables are study supplies: notebooks, primers, pencil cases, pens, colored pencils, etc. the game is played by two players; at the command of the driver, they must select the necessary educational supplies, carefully place them in the briefcase and close it. Whoever does it first wins. In order for the game to continue, the children who completed the task choose other participants instead of themselves. The rest act as fans and objectively evaluate the winners.
The game fixes the name and purpose of all items. The teacher draws the attention of the children to something. That not only must everything be folded quickly, but also neatly; rewards those who accurately followed these rules in the game.
Didactic task: Develop auditory attention, activate vocabulary, thinking; develop ingenuity.
Game rules. Only those words that end in -ok can be “put” in the box; who called the word, passes the box to another child.
Game actions. Imitation of movement, as if an object is lowered into the box, whoever makes a mistake by naming an object with a different ending pays a phantom, which is then won back.
Game progress. The players sit at the table. The teacher puts a basket on the table, then asks:
- Do you see, children, this box? Do you know what you can put in a container? In this container you will put everything that can be called a word ending in -ok. For example: a lock, a scarf, a stocking, a sock, a lace, a leaf, a lump, a bun, a hook. Fungus, boxes, etc. Everyone puts in the box what he wants, according to the rule, and passes it on to his neighbor, who also puts something from the things whose name ends in -ok, and passes the box on.
"Find the extra picture"
A series of drawings is selected, among which three drawings can be combined into a group according to a common feature, and the fourth one is superfluous.
Offer the child the first four drawings and ask the extra to remove. Ask: “Why do you think that? How similar are the drawings that you left?
"Name three things"

Didactic task: Exercise children in the classification of objects.
Game rules. Name three objects with one common word. Whoever makes a mistake pays a fant.
Game progress. Children, the educator says, we have already played different games where it was necessary to quickly find the right word. Now we will play a similar game, but we will only select not one word, but three at once. I will name one word, for example, furniture, and the one to whom I throw the ball will name three words that can be called one word furniture. What items can be called, in one word, furniture?
- Table, chair, bed.
- "Flowers" - says the teacher and after a short pause throws the ball to the child. He replies: "Chamomile, rose, cornflower."
In this game, children learn to attribute three specific concepts to one generic one. In another version of the game, children, on the contrary, learn to find generic concepts using several specific concepts. For example, the Teacher calls: "Raspberries, strawberries, currants." The child who caught the ball answers: "Berries." A more complex version of the game will be when the teacher changes the task during one game: he calls the species concepts, and the children find
Generic, then names generic concepts, and children indicate specific ones. This option is offered if the children often played various games to classify objects.

3. Games for the development of the grammatical structure of speech
"Let's write a letter to the doll"
Purpose: to teach to determine the number of words in a sentence, based on auxiliary means.
Game progress. For the game, you need to prepare long strips for sentences, and short strips for laying out words. The host pronounces a sentence, the children lay out a long strip - “write a letter to the doll.” The second time they listen to the same sentence and put as many short strips under the long strip as there are words in the sentence. Then the second and third sentences are analyzed in the same way.
After "writing" you can ask someone to "read" the first sentence, the second, and so on, in order to develop involuntary memory.
"Say a word"
Purpose: to consolidate the use of nouns in the genitive plural in speech.
Game progress. Familiar lines of poetry are read aloud to children without finishing the last word. (This word is in the genitive plural). Children add the missing word and get a chip for each correct answer. Whoever gets the most chips wins.
*** ***
I give you my word of honor: He said: "You are a villain,
Yesterday at half past six. You eat people
I saw two pigs. So, for this my sword -
No hats and ... (shoes) Your head with ... (shoulders)
*** ***
Wait, isn't it for you Ant, ant
Last week. Does not regret ... (bast shoes)
I sent two pairs
Excellent ... (galoshes)
*** ***
Robin Bobin Barabek. Where is the killer, where is the villain?
I ate forty ... (man) I'm not afraid of him ... (claws)
"Who do I see, what do I see"
Purpose: distinguishing in speech the forms of the accusative case of animate and inanimate nouns, the development of short-term auditory memory.
Game progress. It is better to play this game on a walk so that there are more objects for observation in front of your eyes. Multiple people can play. Before the start of the game, they agree that they will name the objects that are around. The first player says: “I see ... a sparrow” and throws the ball to any player. He should continue: “I see a sparrow, a dove” - and throws the ball to the next one.
If someone cannot continue listing objects that can be observed in this situation, he leaves the game. The next round begins, a new proposal is drawn up, and so on.
"Hide and Seek"
Purpose: to teach to understand and correctly use prepositions with spatial meaning in speech (in, on, about, in front of, under).
Material. Truck, bear, mouse.
Game progress. Visiting children Bear and Mouse. The animals began to play hide and seek. The bear leads, and the mouse hides. Children close their eyes. The mouse hid. Children open their eyes. The bear is looking for: “Where is the mouse? It's probably under the car. No. Where is he guys? (In the cockpit) Etc.
"Explain why..."
Purpose: to teach correctly, to build sentences with a cause-and-effect relationship, the development of logical thinking.
Game progress. The facilitator explains that the children will have to complete the sentences that the facilitator starts by using the word "because". You can choose several options for the same beginning of the sentence, the main thing is that they all correctly reflect the cause of the event described in the first part. For each correct continuation, players receive a token. The one who collects the most chips wins.
Unfinished suggestions for the game:
Vova got sick ... (he caught a cold) Mom took an umbrella ... (it's raining)
The children went to bed ... (late) I'm very thirsty ... (hot)
The ice on the river melted ... (warmth) The trees swayed violently ... (wind blows)
It became very cold ... (it snowed)
"One and Many"
Purpose: to learn to change words by numbers.
Game progress. “Now we will play such a game: I will name one object with a word, and you will name the word so that many objects turn out. For example, I will say "pencil" and you should say "pencils".
Words for the game:
book pen lamp table window
city ​​chair ear brother flag
child man glass tractor lake
name spring friend seed watermelon
“Now let’s try the other way around. I will speak a word denoting many things, and you - one.
Words for the game:
claws clouds waves leaves
flowers saws well done stems
"Add Words"
Purpose: to teach how to make common sentences.
Game progress. “Now I will make an offer. For example, "Mom sews a dress." What do you think, what can be said about the dress, what is it like? (silk, summer, light, orange). If we add these words, how will the phrase change?” Mom sews a silk dress. Mom sews a summer dress. Mom sews a light dress. Mom sews an orange dress.
Suggestions for the game:
The girl is feeding the dog.
The pilot controls the aircraft.
The boy is drinking juice.
"Untangle the Words"
Purpose: to learn how to make sentences using these words.
Game progress. The words in the sentence are mixed up. Try to put them in their places. What will happen?
Suggestions for the game:
1. Smoke, goes, pipes, out.
2. Loves, teddy bear, honey.
3. Stand, vase, flowers, c.
4. Nuts, in, squirrel, hollow, hides.
"Find the mistake"
Purpose: to teach to find a semantic error in a sentence.
Game progress. “Listen to the sentences and say if everything in them is true. How should the proposal be corrected?
1. In winter, apples bloomed in the garden.
2. Below them was an icy desert.
3. In response, I nod to him.
4. The plane is here to help people.
5. Soon succeeded me by car.
6. The boy broke the ball with glass.
7. After the mushrooms there will be rain.
8. In the spring, the meadows flooded the river.
9. Snow was covered with a lush forest
"Correct or not?"
Purpose: to learn to find grammatical errors.
Game progress. "Do you think it's okay to say that?"
1. Mom puts a vase of flowers on the table.
2. When they want to buy something, they lose money.
3. Grandparents live under the house on the edge.
4. There is a beautiful carpet on the floor.
“Why are the sentences inaccurate? - the teacher additionally asks the children.

"Guess it"
Purpose of the game: to teach children to describe an object without looking at it, to find essential features in it; recognize an item from a description.
Game progress. The teacher reminds the children how they talked about familiar objects, guessed and guessed riddles about them and suggests: “Let's play. Let the objects of our room tell about themselves, and we will guess from the description which object speaks. You must follow the rules of the game: when you talk about the subject, do not look at it so that we do not immediately guess. Talk only about those objects that are in the room.
After a short pause (children must choose an object to describe, prepare for an answer), the teacher puts a pebble on the lap of any player. The child stands up and gives a description of the object, and then passes the pebble to the one who will guess.
Having guessed, the child describes his object and passes the pebble to another player to guess.
Item Description Plan
It is multicolored and round. You can throw it up, roll it on the ground, but you can’t play it in a group, as you can break the glass
"Draw a fairy tale"
Purpose: to teach how to draw up a drawing plan for the test, use it when telling.
Game progress. The text of the fairy tale is read to the child and offered to write it down with the help of drawings. Thus, the child himself makes a series of consecutive pictures, according to which he then tells a fairy tale. The story should be short.
Of course, you can help the child, show how to schematically draw a person, a house, a road; to determine together with him which episodes of the fairy tale must be depicted, i.e. highlight the main plot twists. "Photographer"
Purpose: to teach how to write a description of a picture based on fragments of this picture.
Game progress. An adult asks the child to look at a large picture, as well as small subject pictures next to it. “The photographer took many pictures of one leaf. This is the overall picture, and these are parts of the same picture. Show where these fragments are in the big picture. Now tell me what this picture is about. Do not forget to describe those details that the photographer took separately, which means they are very important.
"What Doesn't Happen"
Purpose: to teach to find and discuss errors when looking at absurd pictures.
Game progress. After examining the absurd pictures, ask the child not only to list the wrong places, but also to prove why this image is erroneous. Then you get a complete description of the picture, and even with elements of reasoning.
"How do you know?"
Purpose: to teach to select evidence when compiling stories, choosing essential features.
Game progress. Before the children are objects or pictures that they have to describe. The child chooses any object and names it. The host asks, “How did you know it was a TV?” The player must describe the object, choosing only the essential features that distinguish this object from the rest. For each correctly named sign receives a chip. Whoever collects the most chips wins.
"And I would..."
Purpose: development of creative imagination, teaching free storytelling.
Game progress. After reading the fairy tale to the child, invite him to tell what he would do if he got into this fairy tale and became one of the main characters.

Fixing stage
1. Games for the development of the phonetic and phonemic side of speech
"Make a Word"
Purpose: to learn to distinguish the first sound in words and make words from the received sounds.
Game progress. Children have one card each, the leader has letters. He calls the letter, and the children ask themselves the necessary letters and superimpose them on the necessary pictures. When all the letters are collected, the child must read the resulting word. If he finds it difficult to read the word himself, an adult helps him, and thus teaches him the initial reading.
"Solve the puzzle"
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to select the first syllable from a word, to compose words from syllables.
Game progress. Children are given cards with three pictures each. A word is hidden on the card. It must be compiled by isolating the first syllables from each word-name, and then adding a word from them.
Cards with subject pictures for the game:
Ear, bell, skis - injections
Crowbars, balls, sofa - horses
Kettlebell, slippers, rocket - guitar
Owls, shovel, machine - straw
Cucumber, cannon, pencil - edge
Houses, chamomile, kettlebell - roads
Pencil, seal, balloons - Katyusha
Wasp, titmouse, thimble - aspen
Nuts, owls, cabbage - sedge
Crow, rose, plate - gate
Wasp, chickens, thread - perches
Banana, hare, fish - markets
Owl, balalaika, pencil - dog
"From syllables - a sentence"
Purpose: to teach to distinguish the first syllable from a word, to compose words according to the first syllables, and from them - sentences.
Game progress. The child is given a rebus card on which the whole sentence is encrypted. Each word in this sentence is placed on a separate line. The child selects the first syllables of each picture related to one word, makes a word out of them and memorizes it. Then, on the next line, he analyzes the next group of pictures, makes up the second word from the first syllables, and so on, until he deciphers all the words. Then he calls the received words in order, forming a sentence.
2. Games for the development of the lexical side of speech
"The Fourth Extra"
Purpose: to teach to establish the similarity and difference of objects according to essential features, to consolidate words-generalizations.
Game progress. Four pictures are laid out on the table, three of them belong to one thematic group, and the fourth to some other group. The children are given a task: look at the pictures and determine which one is superfluous. Turn over the wrong picture, and name the rest in one word.
Each participant eliminates the extra picture in turn. If he makes a mistake or does not complete the task, his version is offered to the next player. For each correct execution they give a chip. The one with the most chips wins.
Some pictures for the game:
1. Shirt, shoes, pants, jacket.
2. Apple, gooseberry, currant, raspberry.
3. TV, wardrobe, chair, bed.
4. Cuckoo, owl butterfly, magpie.
5. Plate, bread, saucepan, spoon.
6. Chamomile, birch, spruce, poplar.
7. Tomato, cucumber, carrot, plum.
8. Hat, beret, hat, sock.
9. Ax, saw, handle, planer.
10. Bear, fox, teddy bear, hare.
"Is this true?"
Purpose: development of auditory attention, activation of the verb dictionary.
Game progress. Children are read a poem containing ridiculous situations. Children should answer the question: “Is this true? - after each sentence and prove why they think so. A correct answer gets a token. Whoever gets the most chips wins.

Is this true?
They collect cheese from the bushes.
Cows are grazing with hares.
Oxen are being milked in the meadow.
The bear starts dancing.
Pumpkins began to sing songs.
Mowers mow the forest.
There is dew on the snow.
Is it true that once
Did the umbrella save us from the rain?
That the moon shines for us at night?
What don't kids like candy? L. Stanchev
"Find the extra word"
Purpose: to exercise on the development of thought processes of generalization, abstraction, selection of essential features.
Game progress. Ask the child to identify the word that is superfluous. Read a series of words to your child. Each series consists of 4 words. 3 words in each series are homogeneous and can be combined according to their common feature, and 1 word differs from them and should be excluded.
List of word series:
1. Old, decrepit, small, dilapidated.
2. Brave, evil, brave, courageous.
3. Apple, plum, cucumber, pear.
4. Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread.
5. Hour, minute, summer, second.
6. Spoon, plate, pan, bag.
7. Dress, sweater, hat, shirt.
8. Soap, broom, toothpaste, shampoo.
9. Birch, oak, pine, strawberry.
10. Book, TV, radio, tape recorder.
3. Games for the development of the grammatical structure of speech
"Pick up the number"
Purpose: to teach to determine the number of words in a sentence by ear.
Game progress. The facilitator says the sentence aloud, and the children count the number of words and raise the corresponding number. Initially, sentences without prepositions and conjunctions are used for analysis.
Suggestions for the game:
1. Alyosha is sleeping.
2. Petya feeds the chickens.
3. The doctor treats a sick child.
4. Mom bought Natasha a beautiful doll.
5. A strong athlete easily lifted a heavy barbell.
"Why do we need these things"
Purpose: to teach how to use complex sentences of the goal in speech.
Game progress. Various objects lie in front of the players: a ball, pencils, a book, a doll, a truck, a skipping rope and other toys. Children should choose any object for themselves, but explain what it is for. In the sentence, the union must be used to: "I took a pencil to draw."
"Make a Phrase"
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to form sentences from words.
Game progress. Have the children come up with sentences using the following words:
funny puppy full basket
ripe berry cheerful song
thorny bush forest lake
4. Games for the development of coherent speech
"Make up two stories"
Purpose: to teach to distinguish the plots of different stories.
Game progress. In front of the child, two sets of serial pictures are mixed up and asked to lay out two series at once, and then make up stories for each series.
"Search for missing parts"
Purpose: to teach how to write a description of a picture based on fragments of this picture.
Game progress. “The photograph has deteriorated, some fragments have been erased from the big picture. It's good that the small pictures survived. Substitute each fragment in the right place and describe the picture that the photographer shot.

Irina Nikolaevna Zenina
Games for the formation of ZKR in the younger group of preschool age

Sound A (ml. w.)

An exercise "Guests".

Target. Education of auditory perception and the correct pronunciation of onomatopoeia. At the same time, the development of the ability to use a voice of medium volume.

Contents. The teacher tells the children that they will meet the guests. Having left the room with one of the children, the teacher puts on a hat with the image of a dog on him. Then with words "knock Knock" they open the door.

The kids ask: "Who's there?" Child answers: "av-av". The teacher refers to guys: "Who came to visit us?" Children meet: "Dog".- "Let's call the dog". Children they say: "av-av". Then the teacher repeats the game, putting on children's hats with the image of a goose (ha-ha-ha, frogs (kva-kva, chickens (ko-ko-ko, goats (me-me) and other animals.

I. Make sure that the children pronounce sound combinations clearly, loudly enough.

Sound A (ml. w.)

An exercise "Cradling the Doll".

Target. The development of the articulatory apparatus and formation auditory perception. At the same time, the development of a long speech exhalation and the ability to change the volume of the voice.

Contents. The teacher distributes dolls to children and offers to lull them to sleep by pronouncing the sound a for a long time. (ahh.). First, the children pronounce the sound a loudly. Then the teacher says that the dolls are falling asleep, and asks the guys to lull them quieter. Children pronounce the sound a in a quiet voice (ahh).

M o d o d i c e Make sure that the children pronounce the sound a for a long time and on one exhalation; those who do not know how to use their voice well enough to call small groups to better control them.

sound (ml. w.)

Exercise "Guess what" (who) This?"

Target: education of auditory perception (the ability to determine by ear the different loudness of the pronunciation of onomatopoeia).

Content: The teacher pronounces various sound combinations, correlating them with objects or animals. Children must determine what it was or who it was. For example, a teacher imitates the whistle of a locomotive (pronounces a drawling sound at: uuu, mooing of a cow (muuu, crow of a rooster (ku-ka-re-ku, playing the pipe (doo-doo-doo) etc. When repeated games the teacher asks the children to determine whether an object or animal is far or close. If the teacher speaks loudly, then the subject (animal) close, if quiet, then far away.

M o d o d i c e Pick up the appropriate objects, pronounce onomatopoeia loudly, clearly.

sound (ml. w.)

An exercise "Hook"

Target: development of clear movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. At the same time, practicing the ability to change the volume of the voice, the duration of the oral exhalation.

Content: The teacher tells the children that they have come to the garden to pick flowers. Some guys have gone far, you need to call them, call out (folds his hands like a mouthpiece and shows how to pronounce ay). Children split into two subgroups. One teacher puts next (they will say ay quietly, and the other goes to the designated place (they are far away and will speak loudly).

M o d o d i c h i n g s I: Put children with quiet speech in subgroup, which should pronounce ay loudly. Make sure that all children pronounce both sounds smoothly, use the volume of the voice correctly.

Sound B (ml. w.)

An exercise "Wind"

Target: education of auditory perception and clear pronunciation of sound c. At the same time, practicing the duration of oral exhalation, the ability to change the volume of the voice.

I option. The teacher invites the children to listen to the light breeze buzzing (makes a soft sound in: www). Then he offers to listen to how the strong wind is buzzing. (increases the volume of pronunciation - vvv). At his direction, the children reproduce, by changing the volume of their voice, the buzz of a light breeze and a strong wind.

M o d o d i c h i n g s I: Make sure that the children correctly reproduce the buzz of the wind, softly - light, loudly - strong.

II option. The teacher invites the children to show on one exhalation how a light breeze hums, a strong wind and again a light breeze. The guys play the sound of the wind - vvvvvvvv ... in sequences: quiet - loud - quiet.

M o d o d i c h i n g s I: Make sure that the children increase and decrease the volume of their voices on one exhalation without additional intake of air, they are able to smoothly move from a quiet voice to a loud one and from loud to a quiet one.

A GAME "DOG, DON'T BARK" (ml. w.)

Target: education of auditory attention, development of the ability to play role-playing games, voice training.

Description games. One child - "dog", he becomes the center of the circle, the rest of the players - "ducks", they dance, an adult pronounces nursery rhyme:

Doggy don't bark

Don't scare our ducks

Our white ducks

Without that, timid.

After these words "dog" barks, and "ducks" scatter in different directions.

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They say that the dog behaves like a three-year-old child almost all his life. She loves to play! And if the owner does not want to participate in her amusements, the dog is offended. Therefore, he scatters food or relieves himself in the wrong place.

The dog being played with is happy. She behaves decently and pleases the owner. So let's go play! This will be useful not only for the pet, but also for you. Playing with a dog is a great way to relieve the stress that has accumulated during the day, keep yourself in great physical shape. And yet - this is an opportunity to carelessly frolic yourself.

  1. Annoy your pet.
  2. Start running away from him. Let it catch up.
  3. Develop speed, change the trajectory of movement.

This fun game is a great alternative to the usual and already bored run. You will train the muscles, and at the same time help the animal throw out the accumulated energy.

At home, he will not have the strength even for minor dirty tricks, damage to things and slippers. Happy and pleasantly tired, the dog will go to bed. And the more often you change the direction of the run, the better the dog will develop a reaction. I hid!

Alexey, manager:

Relations between our dog Lelik and daughter were tense at first. The dog did not feel attached to the child. She even tried to dominate our eleven year old daughter. Something had to change! A familiar trainer advised me to play hide and seek more often on a walk.

The dog was supposed to be looking for my daughter. When I found it, I gave him a treat. After a few lessons, the daughter herself began to reward Lelik with a treat. A month has passed. Now the dog and the girl are playing hide-and-seek without me. The dog does not have a soul in a child. The trainer explained that such a game very much binds the dog to the person it is looking for. Try it!

Agility training

We have already written about this sport more than once - one in which a person and his dog become one whole, one well-coordinated team. A participating dog must understand the owner perfectly. So why not use it as an exciting and educational game?

Get busy. Let the pet first learn to follow standard commands. Then you can move on to more difficult tricks - passing obstacles. Only practice on grassy areas. Otherwise, the animal may be injured.

For starters, park benches can be used as a training base. The way the dog jumps on them at your command and walks gracefully, and then jumps off. Then try to play in the playground. There are a lot of obstacles! Just do it during the evening walk, when the kids are no longer there. And be sure to pick up your trash.

Such exercises will be very useful for a domestic dog. Overcoming obstacles, she will strain those muscles that are usually relaxed in her. In addition, such a game develops the animal's trust in humans. Just insure the dog, make sure that he does not fall, does not fall off the obstacle, in the excitement of the game does not hit the broken glass with his paw.

Otherwise, the pet may develop a phobia for such training. And for each victory, reward the dog with a tasty morsel. When you feel like taking it to the next level, start training on the agility area. Perhaps together you will be able to win many awards in this sport.

Game with a dog - Oh, I'll ride!

Biking, rollerblading and skiing are boring to ride alone. Unfortunately, often we cannot find a worthy companion for ourselves who would support our rhythm. In such a situation, just a faithful dog will become an ideal company. After all, you will start and finish riding whenever you want. No one needs to fit in!

And the dog will gladly take part in a full-fledged walk, and then also boast to his fellows, what an active and caring owner he has. For such fun, use a tape measure leash. The collar of the dog should be soft. It is important that he does not dig into the neck. If you ride a bike with your dog, fix the end of the leash on the handlebars. Decided to go skiing with your pet? Then attach the leash to your belt.

Follow the same method when rollerblading. The dog will make you pedal faster and use your ski poles more actively. Just watch your pace. The dog must run ahead. If he starts to fall behind, stop for a breather. Such fun is suitable only for dogs of large breeds. And you must be sure that the dog obeys you implicitly. If he has discipline problems, you and he cannot avoid injury, and in fact, during the movement, a lot of distracting objects will move past the dog.

Obedience at a distance

Tamara, seller My Labrador was a real tomboy. Didn't listen at all! Once, while walking, he ran into the bushes and pulled my son along with him. The kid wrapped the leash around his hand and could not free himself. The child was all scratched up. Something had to be done! A friend suggested playing obedience trainer with the dog.

This is a special art of obedience at a distance. At first, I taught my dog ​​the basic commands long and hard. She didn't let him off the leash, but she didn't approach him either. For obedience, she treated, and ignored bad behavior. It was the most difficult stage of our joint studies. It took a lot of patience to get through it.

But over time, I was able to make the dog obey me at a distance of 5 meters, then at 10. Disobedience must be stopped with a loud command “stand!” During the period of our training, the dog and I finally learned to understand each other. He became obedient, and I understood what it was like to speak in a commanding tone.

I think this talent will still be useful to me in life. It's not every day that you learn to be a leader. And with a dog, it won’t work out otherwise: either you become a leader, or you fly after him on a leash into thorny bushes. Now Marlon and I are setting a new record: learning obedience at a distance of 25 m! So far, the successes are small, but I know that everything will work out. Wish us luck!

Game with a dog - Catch!

Playing with a thrown ball or plate is every dog's favorite pastime. Give your pet some fun! He will gladly bring the ball and amuse you with his enthusiasm. Just use soft tennis balls and special plates for dogs - regular frisbee shells will not work. Toys for people sands can get hurt! Have a nice and unusual walk

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The education of the sound culture of speech includes the work of teaching the correct sound pronunciation, which has always stood out as the leading line in the development of the speech of children 3-4 years old.

For the development of the articulatory apparatus, onomatopoeic words and animal voices are widely used. For example, children are given musical instruments - a pipe and a bell; the pipe blows “doo-doo”, the bell rings “ding-ding”, thereby fixing the pronunciation of hard and soft sounds.

Diction (distinct and clear pronunciation of words, syllables and sounds) is worked out with the help of special speech material; these are tongue-twisting jokes (“Would-would-be-there is smoke from the chimney”), as well as nursery rhymes, sayings, phrases containing a certain group of sounds (“The sleigh rides at the sledge themselves”), exercises for syllable negotiation, naming words, similar in sound (mouse - bear).

Games and exercises for the pronunciation of hissing sounds can be thematically combined. So, after looking at the picture “Hedgehog and hedgehog”, an adult offers to perform a number of tasks: clearly pronounce phrases with sounds [ w] and [g] (“Sha-sha-sha - we are bathing the baby; shu-shu-shu - I will give the mushroom to the baby; shi-shi-shi - where do the kids walk? or: zha-zha-zha - we saw a hedgehog; zhu - zhu-zhu - we will give the fungus to the hedgehog; zhi-zhi-zhi - where do the hedgehogs get mushrooms? Such exercises help children master the intonation of the question and develop their sense of rhythm.

Isolating the sound with a clear pronunciation of a word, phrase, the child is led to an understanding of the terms "sound", "word".

It is necessary to pay closer attention to the development of intonation instinct, speech tempo, diction, voice power, since these skills contain the most important conditions for the further development of all aspects of speech.

Purpose of the game:Distinguish between adult animals and cubs by onomatopoeia, correlate the names of an adult animal and its cub.

For this game you will need figures: mouse and mouse, duck and duckling, frog and frog, cow and calf, cat and kitten. If the selection of figures causes difficulties, you can pick up pictures or sculpt toys from plasticine, involving the child in joint activities.

Animals come to visit the child (they come by car, by train), they want to play. The child must guess whose voice he heard.

Meow meow. Who is meowing? (Cat.) And who meows in a thin voice? (Kitten.) The mother cat has a baby. How does he meow? (Meow meow.)

Moo-o-owho's moaning like that? (Cow.) And who is her cub? (A calf.) In what voice does he bellow? (Thin.) Now listen again and guess who is mooing - a cow or a calf?

Other toys are played in the same way. You can invite the child to call the toy correctly, then he will be able to play. (“Frog, come to me”, “Duckling, play with me”).

In such games, children learn to distinguish between adult animals and their cubs by onomatopoeia (a cow lows in a loud voice, and a calf in a quiet, thin one; a frog croaks loudly, and a frog is thin).

Similar games can be played with different animals. For example, an adult shows a picture to a child. It has a bird on it.

This is a bird. She lives in the forest and sings her song: cuckoo, cuckoo. Who is it? (Ku ... - an adult invites the child to pronounce the word on his own.)

And who is this? (Rooster.) And affectionately we call him ... (Cockerel). Petya-Cockerel screams ... (ku-ka-re-ku).

Listen to the words “cuckoo”, “petuuuh”, “uuutka” (the sound “y” stands out in a voice). These words have the "y" sound.

Its emotionality and expressiveness depend on the sound design of the statement, therefore it is important to teach children the ability to clearly pronounce simple phrases using the intonation of a whole sentence, question or answer.

For example, the Russian folk song "Ryabushechka Hen" is read to children. The adult first reads the whole song to the child, and then the dialogue begins. You can make a child a chicken hat and invite him to answer the questions:

Chicken - ryabushechka, where are you going?

To the river.

Chicken ryabushechka, why are you going?

For water.

Chicken ryabushechka, why do you need water?

Water the chickens. They want to drink.

They squeak all over the street - pee-pee-pee!

Children are also offered tongue twisters, phrases from poems, they pronounce them with different strengths of voice (quietly - loudly - in a whisper) or at a different pace (quickly - slowly). In parallel, you can change intonations (ask, answer, convey joy, sadness, surprise).

Work on the education of the sound culture of speech includes the formation of the correct sound pronunciation, the development of phonemic perception, the vocal apparatus, speech breathing, the ability to use a moderate rate of speech and intonation means of expression.

Children are introduced to new terms and clarify the terms "sound", "word", which they have already met. For this, games and exercises “How the word sounds”, “Find the first sound” are held, in which children learn the ability to find words that are close and different in sound. Children can pick up words for a given sound, establish the presence or absence of a sound in a word. Picking up certain toys and objects, in the names of which there is a certain sound, they begin to understand that the sounds in the word are different.

"Find the First Sound"

Target:learn to clearly distinguish the first sound in a word.

For this game you need a car and different toys, but among them there must be an elephant and a dog.

An adult invites the child to name all the toys and ride in the car those animals whose name begins with the sound [s] (elephant, dog). If a child calls a word in which there is no sound [s], then an adult pronounces this word, highlighting each sound, for example, koooshshshkaaa.

An adult puts a goose in the car, the car does not go.

-The car will not go, because in the word goose the sound is [s] and not [s].

Developed speech hearing enables children to distinguish between increasing and decreasing the volume of the voice, slowing down and accelerating the pace of speech of adults and peers. Moreover, such exercises can be carried out in parallel with the selection of sounds in words and phrases.

"Loudin a whisper"

Target:to teach children to select phrases similar in sound, pronounce them loudly or in a whisper.

The adult says that a wasp has come to visit the kitten. First, you can say the phrase together: "Sa-sa-sa - a wasp flew to us." Then this rhyme is repeated loudly - quietly - in a whisper (together with an adult and individually):

Su-su-su - the cat drove the wasp away (the text is spoken quickly and slowly).

Invite the child to complete the phrase on their own: sa-sa-sa ... (a wasp is flying there), su-su-su ... (I'm afraid of a wasp).

Particular attention is paid to the intonational expressiveness of speech, children are taught in dramatizations to speak in different voices and different intonations (narrative, interrogative, exclamatory). To develop good diction, clear and correct pronunciation of both individual words and phrases, special material is widely used (pure tongues, nursery rhymes, rhymes, small poems), which is pronounced by children with different voice strengths and at different tempos. When guessing riddles, children can determine if there is a given sound in the riddle.

"What does Tanya say?"

Target:distinguish between different intonations and use them in accordance with the content of the statement.

The adult takes the doll and begins to tell: “This is Tanya. She goes home from a walk and hears: someone meows plaintively, like this - meow-meow (plaintive intonation). How did the kitten meow? (The child repeats.) Tanya took the kitten in her arms, brought it home, poured milk into it in a saucer. The kitten meowed happily, like this: “meow-meow” (joyful intonation). Then the dog came running and began to bark loudly at the kitten. The kitten got angry and began to meow angrily, like this: “meow-meow” (angry intonation). But Tanya quickly reconciled them. The kitten and the puppy began to merrily ... meow and bark. The child tells the whole story on his own (an adult, if necessary, helps with a single word or sentence), conveying all the intonations according to the content of the text.