Original hands and heart offers and an unusual offer to the girl to marry. Original offer to marry

You will need: Clear evening, access to the roof of a multi-storey building with a good overview, hiking table and two chairs, a beautiful tablecloth, two plaid and candles in high glass candlesticks.

Rising to the roof, put the lover at the table, cover the blanket, lit candles, treat dinner and only then make a sentence.

For a romantic evening, choose Light dessert snacks, fruits and sweets. Some canapes, tartlets, small sandwiches that can be ordered in advance in the restaurant, make or contact the invaluable experience of the female half of the family. From drinks prefer good champagne, and in order not to freeze, prepare the thermos with delicious tea in advance or.

Unusual situation in aggregate with billions of stars over his head will make the evening for a truly memorable.

2. Unexpected package

You will need: Balls filled with helium, champagne, roses, packaging from under the refrigerator and helping the best friends.

A business tone Warn the future bride that the courier will deliver her parcel from one online store exactly at such a time. All questions leave the phrase: "I'm sorry, my favorite, once, call you a little later!".

At the appointed hour outside the door, the girl should be a big box, which friends with a serious look will bring to the house.

Inside the unusual parcel you will wait for you armed with romantic attributes, ring and sincere feelings. Ask one of the friends to capture the entire process: from the opening of the package to the tears of happiness and the cherished "yes." Unique frames sincerely delight you and your relatives.

3. Attention! Emergency Meeting

You will need: Help the head of the future spouse, a bouquet of flowers, a cake, two prepared pre-present presentation slides with inscriptions "The most important project in life" and "Favorite, marry me!" (with your joint photo).

Hand and heart offer scenario Next. The boss asks urgently to collect colleagues in the conference room. Among those present should be your chosen. Terminated from work, serious, actually correcting the hairstyles and ready to record valuable guidance on the work notebook.

Everyone was located, the head takes the word: "Colleagues, today will happen an event important for our company. I ask you to carefully look at the screen. "

The first slide is launched, then the second, and, while the eyes of those present are increasingly expanding from surprise, you are entering. Become on one knee near your beautiful lady and make a proposal. Applause, amazeled laughter, congratulations, shared joy and tea drinking with a delicious cake will really become an unusual event for the company and your future family.

4. Painting "Recognition"

You will need: Permission of the administration of the art gallery about renting a place for your masterpiece, an agreement with the guide, the picture depicting you together.

The picture can be created by applying art filters in Photoshop and high-quality photo printing. This frame will surely be necessary to visually your masterpiece not strongly stand out against the background of the original. Invite your favorite on an excursion to the gallery.

Imagine you go to excellent rooms, and the professional tells you about the history of the presented at the exhibition. Suddenly you stop directly opposite your picture. Favorite does not believe his eyes.

The guide, meanwhile, authoritatively declares: "But this canvas depicts an extraordinary couple, known later as a sample of an ideal family and non-recurrent love." Here is the exit of the future groom. Ask for the gallery employees to find you in this important and responsible moment.

5. Unexpected surprise

You will need: Your creative beginning and love for surprises.

The proposal of the hand and heart can be short, but spectacular. For example, you decided to look together. Make a roller in advance - cutting out of the scenes, where the hero asks to marry him. At the end, you will only have to present the ring and utter cherished words.

As another option, you can choose photo historical with an unusual continuation. Print your joint snapshots in advance, make a photo album, leaving some empty tabs. Invest the sticker in them with the inscription "Other photos in album №2".

Elegantly getting a pre-hidden wedding photo album in advance, open it on the first page and tell me: "Favorite, I would be happy to see our wedding pictures here. Be my wife!".

And you can simply fill the trunk of your car with flowers, balls, candy and put the cherished jewelry box in the middle. Associate your girlfriend to get your girlfriend from the trunk ... yes, anything. The effect will be awesome!

Choose any hand and heart offer option. Experiment, fantasize, try! Let your engagement and the upcoming family life be full of love and happiness.

And you remember how they asked the hands of their future spouse?

Valery Zhilyeva April 23, 2018, 15:50

Sooner or later, it is necessary to make an offer to all men, except for convinced bachelors. And here there arises a lot of questions on the organization of this romantic event. Each man I want to offer your hand and heart to your girlfriend so that this event causes her unprecedented delight and tremble.

Not only the one who makes the proposal, but also the one who is addressed is worried. From surprise, the girl can be confused and answered at all as she would like.

The first thing to be done before start organizing a solemn event is to make sure that To create families, seek not only you, but also your girlfriend. To do this, you can discuss marriage issues in advance.

The proposal should be a surprise, even if the wedding has already discussed earlier

In the most responsible moment, it would seem, a simple phrase "will you marry me?" It is very difficult. This question is so significant that many men become tonasky. Practge in advance in front of the mirrorso as not to get to come.

At the time of voicing the main question, the girl gives a ring and a bouquet of her favorite colors. Preferences of the chosen, as well as the size of her finger, should be recognized in advance. After a positive answer girl's ring dress on the ring finger of the right hand.

Gold ring with diamonds, SL (price for reference)

No clear rule, what knee you need to get up. However, by itself, this knightly tradition gives the event a special atmosphere.

Another tradition, which is now almost forgotten, is to ask the brides and hearts from the parents. Sociologists conducted a survey, as a result of which they found out that only 19% of women believe that this step will be superfluous. Of course, not many claim that they need to ask their hands from parents, but the absolute majority of girls admitted - such a gesture has a very convenient to himself.

Be sure to tell your sentence, why do you want to marry it on it. Let it be a banal phrase, but the girl will certainly want to hear it. We can say that acquaintance with her made you the biggest person Or what you want to wake up with her every morning until the end of your days.

When choosing an idea how to make an offer relieve yourself from characteristics of characterchoices. If she is an introvert and does not like publicity, ask the most important question alone.

Forget about the options where the cherished ring hides in food. This method is extremely insecured and not aesthetic. Yes, and you should not complicate so much. Focus on your feelings, not on organizational issues.

Stock Foto Beautiful sentence girl get married

After the offer, the wedding does not play right away. This allows a pair to establish themselves in the decision to create a family. For the same reason, you should not hurry a woman with the answer. Wedding is a serious step that requires respectfulness and responsibility.

How to react when a man makes an offer?

The reaction to a greater extent depends on the attitude towards the bridegroom. However, it is worth thoroughly weigh all the "for" and "against" before giving an accident to an unexpected offer.

Depends on the answer whether the girl will be a bride or will lose the status of a beloved woman

So, the answer depends on the situation. If the relationship and the man are indifferent, then you can not be shy and answer negatively without unnecessary sublimation. Quite another thing when a man does not like, but I want to keep friends with him. There are several options here:

  1. Can translate the situation. For example, to say that appreciate his taste, but you cannot answer consent. Or use the reception "as if consent, but in comic form." Suppose to smile and assume the further development of events, as in the k / f "Girl" - "Well, the family will turn out: Ilyushka - a husband, a belch - Wife! You can die with laughter. "
  2. Leave a man on the "Spare Bench". For this enough to give him hopeBut do not give a reason. The main thing is not to move the face so that he does not decide that the girl burns with the desire to become it as quickly as possible. We can say that it is not yet ready that you need to finish studying, find a good job, etc.
  3. Use the popular phrase "I need to think". Her beauty is that it does not contain any specifics. However, it is necessary to understand that after a while, a man will require report on the results of thought.
  4. Frankly talk to a man. Better bitter truth than a sweet lie. The frank conversation will set all the points over "I" and will relieve from the need to "drive a man for the nose."

If a man likes, and the marriage is a logical continuation of your relationship, saying to him "yes" is still not recommended. It is better to wait a couple of days and only then to give your favorite positive answer.

Photo rings for the offer: Golden Ring; gold ring with diamonds, All SL (Link Prices)

Offers from girls

Not all girls are waiting for initiatives from a chosen one, to make a proposal to the guy marry you can independently, well, or carefully bring the man to a sentence of marriage. However, you need not to overdo the fineness of the hint - the guy may not understand what is required of it.

The easiest option is to say about your desire directly

So, how to offer a girl and heart to your man? With the months to think and be sad, it is better to immediately figure out which intentions of him relative to you. In order not to spend time, risk and ask the question directly.

The conversation is better to start from afar. To tell how he is dear to you, how are you glad that you have it, and then ask a question for which, in fact, the conversation began - "Do you want me to become your wife?" Or "would you like to be my husband?"

Stock Foto Girls who makes a job guy

If a he will answer "yes", ask not to postpone the wedding. If there is no "no", it is not worth upset. Most likely, you are not on the way and spend your time for it.

However, before trying such conversations before, it is worth thinking, and whether they need? Perhaps you need to just be able to wait, and your loved one will offer his hand and the heart when the time comes.

How to organize a proposal of hands and hearts?

Ideas and options to help make an ideal offer to marry, die variety. It does not matter where it will be in the restaurant, at home or on a busy area. The main thing that Choams appreciated the gesture of dignity.

If you like risky adventures, think about the original and extravagant offer.

For adventure lovers The following options are suitable:

  1. Skydiving. After the landing, go down on one knee and get a box with a ring.
  2. Offer under water. This option is suitable for those who love diving.
  3. Offer in campaign. Go to the mountains or organize a descent on kayaks with privals and campfires. At the end of the adventure, ask the question you need.

An interesting scenario of sentences and hearts implies that quests are used. For example, you can send in search of "treasures" in your anniversary of dating. You need to thoroughly think about, draw a movement plan for it, and at the end the girl should wait for the ring with your offer.

Photo of the cake with a proposal of hands and hearts

To such an important event you can connect the media. Think about printing an advertisement in a newspaper with your photos, create a one-page Internet site or place a beautiful video on YouTube. He will only take care to see the girl in your offer.

You can arrange a real show. How did a young man with friends on this video of the original romantic sentence of his hand and hearts.

You can make an offer and at home. For example, buy a lot of candles and lay out the way to the wedding ring. The decoration can be put in the center of the candles laid out of the burning candles. Of course, it is also necessary to take care of romantic music and a light dinner. Do not forget about the bouquet of flowers.

Instead of a banal serenade under the window, you can contact a special agency, as the guy did in the video. This is one of the best videos among the video of the most beautiful hands and heart offers.

What to say when you make a sentence?

The main thing in speech is to build proposals correctly, and what exactly you will no longer be so important. It is best to speak in your own words, and not borrowed. Girls love ears, so the "alien" speech the one will calculate the "Once or two". Moreover, borrowed words may not be called so sincerely.

Speak the truth about your feelings. If you are worried before trembling in the knees, tell me about it

Maximum naturalness can be achieved only if the offer sounds in prose. Poems are good, but not at that moment. It is better to start a conversation from how much favorite woman changed your life And she became its meaning.

Speak more compliments. Tell me that it always looks great, even in the morning sleepy and without cosmetics, that you would like to wake up with her every day, look at her before the oldest and raise your joint children.

Cut at home, but do not memorize speech. It is important that everything was natural, sensually and sincere.

Stock Foto Guy who makes beautiful hand offer girl

Text Offers

Believe me, the most beautiful offer is the phrase, said in your own words. However, if you want something original and unusual, you can pick up the most suitable for your pair of the "alien" sentence of your hand and heart. Remember only you can come up The best romantic recognition for the beloved girl.

The offer may well be funny and cool. With this option, however, you need to be careful. First, not every girl will appreciate your sparkling humor at such a serious moment. And, secondly, she can decide that you are joking.

By organizing the proposal of the hand and heart, think about the peculiarities of your pair. Surely there are some particularly exciting or funny moments in your relationship, which will be appropriate to remember.

Do not tighten with the wedding after she responded "Yes." This solemn event must occur during the year, but the sooner the better.

Every man is trying make a proposal of hands and hearts with your beloved unforgettable and most original way. Therefore, we decided on our place a couple of interesting options, exactly how it is possible to carry out the most cherished offer extraordinary, unexpectedly, so that it is remembered for a long time.

Ideas that make your hands and heart suggestions unforgettable

Invite your favorite artist's favorite concert, but agree in advance so that you will be allowed from the scene to make an offer or to do the performer on your behalf.

You can go to look for the treasure. Find a small chest, put the ring and close it on the key, and the key separately hide. Then everywhere where you can place the closer to the location of this key. When your favorite will find the key, it will be able to open the chest and find the wedding ring. That's then you will make an offer.

Take a rental plane and attach a banner message to him: "(Name)! Get married for me!".

With the help of the aircraft, you can also write your hand and heart offer high in the sky.

You can fill the room to fill in many balloons and / or beautiful colors, and put a teddy bear to the middle, to put a ring and a letter with your offer in the paws.

If you compose poems, you can compose a sentence in verses and tell it under the lover window if the floor allows you to.

Arrange a party, on the occasion of the birthday of your beloved, invite all friends and native people, and already there make an offer of your hands and hearts.

As an option, you can write a story about your love and relationships. Like a diary. Last record Make the one in which you are going to make an offer and write that the story cannot continue until you know the answer.

You can write in the winter in the snow: "Will you marry me?".

You can agree with the waiter so that he put the wedding ring to the favorite dessert of your companion and brought it.

You can invite your favorite to the theater, before this to agree with the administrator so that he will allow you to go to the scene and make the proposal of the hand and the heart immediately after the performance.

You can come to your favorite office in the middle of a working day with a red rose, a bottle of champagne and a glass, in which put a ring in advance.

Invite a girl in a restaurant and ask the waiter to write on a saucer with a dessert chocolate cream "Marry me."

On a piece of paper, write the offer and shove it into the bottle. Then invite your favorite beach and pretend that they caught a bottle of water. Give a bottle to the girl so that she herself opened it and read written.

Buy stars, glowing in the dark and write your offer on the ceiling. When you fall to bed, your loved one will surely see them and read the written itself.

Shoot the index arrows in a wide variety of places of the apartment and tell me that having passed all the way to the end she will see a surprise that you have prepared in advance for it. And make the latter shooter pointing at you holding a wedding ring.

You can write with chalk on the street under its windows: "(girl name)! Will you marry me?"

Invite your beloved on nature (romantic picnic) and there "under the magnificent song of the nightingale" tell her about her sincere feelings.

Prepare your favorite breakfast, decorate the rose and do not forget about the champagne glass. Then wake up your beloved gentle morning kiss and ask your innermost question.

You can call the local radio station and agree that they voiced your hand and heart offer in the literal air at a time when your favorite is guaranteed to hear it.

You can collect all your friends or the whole family together in a cozy cafe, a restaurant or at home, and make an offer there.

The second part of the ideas are not far from the mountain about how else you can originally explain in love and make an offer to your beloved ... so wait.

And yet those who will shine or simply cannot find suitable home clothes, it will help the purchase of women's bathrobes in bulk. Thus, always a bathrobe will be at hand and will choose from what.

When you go to the elevator, click on all buttons. The cabin will stay on each floor, and your beloved is to read one word from the proposal of the hand and hearts. (Yes, the words will have to print in advance and put it on the walls.) When you get to the last floor, it will only say "yes."

A win-win way to conquer the heart of the one that is crazy about domestic animals. The main thing is to accurately clarify whether the girl is ready to take care of the pet. If so, give her a kitten or a puppy, on the collar of which there will be a small postcard or a medallion with your offer.


Well, or damage the message to the bird cage or aquarium.

3. Arrange the film

Rent a small cinema or hall with a projector in a time cafe or invite the girl to watch the movie at your home. Show the video that you made from joint rollers or photos. The credits will be your offer.

4. Connect Drone

Assign her a date in the park or any other place in the open sky. When a girl comes, direct to it with a ring and a note.

This method will suit the amateur of intelligent fun. Just follow up to your brief message at the end of the game. Let even have to break the rules a bit.

6. Find a note bottle

Take a century bottle, put a ring and a note with a confession and hiding on the banks of the river, lake or the sea. Invite your beloved on the water picnic, "by chance" find the bottle and give the girl. Perhaps it will not be easy to open the find. But the content is worth the effort.

7. Rent Billboard

Let the big billboard, by which the girl passes every day, paste your or her photo with a proposal.

8. Invite it in the photo tab

When you breed the faces, laugh and take a photo, suddenly get the ring. The historical moment will be captured in the picture.

9. Make a website

Create a page with your photos and video and send it a link. When the girl is smoking to the end, he will see a proposal of hands and hearts. It will remain just clicking on the button "Yes."

10. Print offer on a T-shirt

At the right moment, remove the sweatshirt and demonstrate the message on your chest or back.

Buy the same book like that that your beloved is read now. Cut the box from the pages and put inside the ring.

12. Give the girl to where you first met

Do not speak in advance where you go. Let it be a surprise. When you find yourself on the spot, make a girlfriend offer.

13. Order or bake a cake

A win-win way to offer the hand and heart of a sweet amateur. A beautiful cake on which important words are written will surely be the most delicious in her life. So order. And better - prepare yourself.

14. Make a birthday offer

Give her a big beautiful box. Inside the girl will see one more, then also. In the end, your favorite will get to the cherished ring. It will become the main gift.

15. Collect thematic playlist

Make a selection of songs that like your girlfriend. When it comes to the last track, then you will hear your offer.

Write your offer to the marker at the bottom of the white mug. When the girl will thank coffee, he will see an inscription and probably will not be able to refuse. If coffee was tasty, of course.


17. Organize picnic

Purchase flowers, products and wine and ask friends to help with a surprise. Give a girl when everything will be ready, and tell the cherished words. Just let it occur alone. Friends better thank later.

18. Give origami

Make paper cranes, butterfly or rose. Hand a gift to the girl and offer her to deploy paper. Inside the girl will find the proposal of hands and hearts.

Treat the right route, invite a girl for a walk and fix your move on the maps in your smartphone. When you find yourself at the last point, show her a map. There will be the main words.


20. Place the scene from her favorite movie.

What girl does not dream to be on the site of the heroine of his beloved? Recreate one of the brightest scenes (for example, order a white limousine, as in "Beauty"), and at the end make a sentence.

21. Print offer on bottles

For this, the bottle of cola, juice, wine and even ketchup are suitable. Stick on them labels with the desired words, put in the refrigerator in the correct sequence, and then ask the girl to bring something tasty.

22. Come up with Quest

Make a route from the places that something mean for both of both of them, and send it along the route, sending messages with prompts. When a girl is at the last point, he will meet you, and you will say the main words.

23. Bake prediction cookies

If she loves sweet, then this is a win-win. Prepare small cookies, and put the notes inside with your message. When you meet, offer her to find out what is waiting for it further.

24. Go on a trip

When you find yourself where she has long dreamed of visiting, make a sentence. Just think over everything in advance and order a table in a restaurant nearby to mark an important event with a romantic dinner.

When the time comes to set one of the most important issues in your life, you must be sure that you get a positive answer. Of course, every man is nervous before such a delicate moment - it is quite natural. We offer 17 original ways to make an offer so that in response to hear the cherished "yes."

Use pet pet

If you trust your tailed friend is enough to give the ring, then be sure to use it. In addition, you can give your second half of a cute kitten or a puppy, attaching the master attribute of the engagement to the collar. Well, who can say "no" in such a situation?

Christmas lights to help you

Are winter holidays approaching? This is the perfect moment. Write to decorate the house and, using garlands, make a sentence. Let your partner see a shining inscription with a cherished question. She will surely answer "yes."

Primary materials are also suitable

If you are family people and live together, use magnetic letters by posting a phrase on the refrigerator with a hand and hearts offer. The sprockets are suitable and luminous in the dark, from which you can make words, sticking to the ceiling. Just imagine: your girl turns off the light, falls into bed, and her head ... She will definitely be touched.

These romantic cups

Make a gift to your future bride: You write your important question at the bottom of the circle. Just imagine the expression of the face of the girl after she gives the drink and will see your "get out of me?".