Why dairy glands hurt during pregnancy. Why does the chest hurt in pregnant? Useful video about breast preparation to kid feeding

The condition of pregnancy is always new sensations, but not always pleasant. Already from the very conception of many women, various pains and discomfort are beginning to be disturbed, characteristic of the new position. So, let's talk about pain in the chest during pregnancy. Is it always happening with everyone? When do these unpleasant sensations begin and how can you be softened?

Why hurts chest at the beginning of pregnancy?

In many cases, from the first days of pregnancy, the chest ladies undergo quite significant changes. They are just considered one of the most reliable and early. And this is because it increases the level of sex hormones in the blood, and very much. Under the influence of the pregnancy hormone, which is called human chorionic gonadotropin (), the chest is quite significantly increased in size (and the mammary glands themselves, fatty tissues). HCH makes breasts heavy, she even begins to swell. Sometimes it is accompanied by the appearance of a mesh, since blood flow is increasing to this body.

For some women at the beginning of pregnancy, swelling or darkening of nipples is characterized. Of them begin to even stand out. In addition to all this, breasts and nipples are becoming very sensitive, painful. Often even touching the chest causes pain and discomfort.

But it is not necessary to worry about this, since this is a completely normal phenomenon accompanying pregnancy. Be patient, because thus breast is preparing for the future feeding of the child. All of the above symptoms are a peculiar improvement of the mammary glands during the nesting period of the baby. By the way, all women who survived and feel these symptoms become less susceptible to cancer in perspective.

Individuality of breast changes during pregnancy

Women should know that not all pregnant women can be characterized by changes in the chest. Some ladies feel them very much, others say that the breast becomes sensitive only when touching, hurts, as before starting menstruation, and others do not notice any deviations from the usual state at all. That is why this process is purely individual. By the way, changes in the chest during pregnancy depend on heredity. If your mother has no breasts during pregnancy, then most likely it does not face it.

How long does chest hurt during pregnancy?

The pain in the chest and its changes begin with the onset of pregnancy, and they are terminated, as a rule, by the end of 12 weeks. But the individual category of women is characterized by such a state until the births themselves. Alas! Sometimes it happens. True, at the beginning of pain in the chest is strong, and by the end of the term weaken slightly. It may still be that in the third trimester from the chest will constantly flow by colosure. And to this, too, you need to be ready and calmly perceive. This is not a pathology!

How to reduce chest pain during pregnancy?

The main condition of your comfort is comfortable underwear. The bra is recommended to wear on wide straps, without "bones" so as not to squeeze and rub the chest. It should be made of natural tissue, preferably with a minimum of seams and decorative elements from synthetics. It is better to purchase a special bra for pregnant women. It will be needed to you during breastfeeding period. Note that with the approach of childbirth, there may be a need to change the size of the bra.

As for the reduction of painful sensations in the chest, you can try not to shoot a bra overnight if you are comfortable in it.

If a browse begins to stand out from the chest, it is recommended to buy special liners in a bra for absorption secretions. They must be changed on time.

Every day you need to wash your chest with warm water, wipe off with a wet towel. Soap or other detergents are better not to use, as they cut the skin.

With the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, doctors recommend to conduct challenge procedures for breasts in the form of contrasting water wiping.

You need to do special exercises, strengthening muscles and bunds of the chest. They contribute to the outflow of lymphs from it and thus improve the condition.

So, painful sensations in the chest with the beginning of pregnancy is a normal phenomenon. Usually they take place by 12 week. Futive mothers need to be patient and take advances to reducing the discomfort of the breast.

Especially for Elena Thochec

The nature of a woman is given a very sensitive organ - chest. Each time hormonal changes occur in the body, soreness may occur in lactic glands. At the same time, such intelligent sensations are accompanied by even unborn women. Often pain in the chest accompany girls during puberty, and later, every time before menstruation start. But, which means pain in lactic glands after conception and in the future at certain deadlines, what can acknowledge this sign?

When a woman first got pregnantly to be interested in wondering various questions, for example, is it characterized by pain in the chest for all pregnant women or is it manifested only in some? According to statistics, the painfulness of the mammary glands appears in virtually 80% of pregnant women. Women can be observed as painful sharp pain and its complete absence. These pain indicators are directly dependent on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman, that is, from physical training and configuration.

Pain of the mammary glands after conception

It is well known that the prepar agent is characterized by the preparation of the mammary glands to feed the child, therefore it starts to be actively produced by colostrum, as a result, there is soreness.

There are cases when a woman feels discomfort in the chest after a few weeks after conception. This feature can scare a future mother, and she will demand him as an alarming symptom.

Early deadlines are characterized by a different mechanism for the occurrence of pain in the chest, based on what, a woman is experiencing certain sensations. They are explained by several factors.

Impact of hormones (hCG, progesterone)After conception, the body begins to actively rebuild, producing certain hormones in large quantities, which leads to the expansion of the vessels and, accordingly, to expand the breast ducts. In this case, there is a feeling in the form of tingling, and sometimes the cutting pain. If the girl has a slender bundle, then from the nipples you can observe the discharge that are not pathology. In this case, it is recommended to use special sterile gaskets, but impact (pressed, kneading) the dairy glands are categorically prohibited.
Active increase in fat and iron fabricThe soreness in the chest is accompanied by a newer, and sometimes the sawing character. Due to the fact that the growth of breast tissues occurs, the cells of the skin may not have time for this process, which will result in the formation of stretch marks. In some cases, the skin changes and becomes thinner. The proceedings in the chest are additionally accompanied by itching and peeling.
Slender body equipmentIf the pregnant woman has a slim body, then in the early deadlines in the chest will be quite noticeably felt. Breast sizes are increased throughout the first trimester. The chest hold special bundles, which, with an increase in weight and size of the breast, do not cope with such a load - because of what the soreness occurs. Characteristic drawn, but not strong pain.

Specialists advise to select the right underwear to unload the ligament apparatus, and, consequently, avoiding pain

Attention! Often, a woman's breasts becomes so sensitive that he reacts with soreness for each touch. Pain may be intensified during sleep when the body is improper. Experience and stressful situations may also cause pain in early terms, significantly enhancing pain threshold.

How is breast pain with conception?

It happens that long before the delay and the test confirms the positive result, the woman feels an uncharacteristic diseases of the mammary glands. If pregnancy is not planned, then this symptom is confused with premenstrual sign. It is believed that the pain has a driving character, therefore is not atypical for the premenstrual period.

Note! A change in the density of the breast is added to the driving pain, which can be seen when palpation and hypersensitive nipples.

Women having children already unmistakably determine the fact of pregnancy long before the setting of the delay of monthly or test. Despite this, it should be understood that this feature is still subjective and accurately confirmed pregnancy can be possible only after an ultrasound examination.

On what time of pregnancy can the pain of the mammary glands can manifest?

Unfortunately, the precise response experts cannot provide. Since the appearance of pain depends on several factors:

  1. Age of pregnant.
  2. The presence of vascular ailments.
  3. Endocrine diseases.
  4. Hormonal background indicators.

The average period of time the occurrence of milk glands is five to six weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, more complete women in the breast may not appear at all or two weeks later later.

Attention! The soreness of the breast does not accompany the woman throughout the entire period of tolerance.

Already on the twelfth week of the term, the body gets used to a new state and adapts to it, hormonal changes occur not so actively, so the chest ceases to increase in size. Thus, the pain gradually subsides either completely disappears. After unpleasant sensations in the chest, the period of toxicosis occurs.

But pregnant is not worth relaxing, as often pain in the chest is returning in three or four weeks before delivery. It is explained by the fact that the body begins to prepare for the period of lactation and produces colostrum.

How to reduce soreness?

There are several simple tips, which contribute to the decrease in pain in the female breast:

  • choose special underwear when the chest will start to increase. It must be made of natural tissues and not to comprehend the mammary glands, but to act as a supporting element. Thus, the load on supporting breasts will be reduced. This laundry is perfect for sleep when pain can enhance;
  • do not forget about the rules of hygiene. The probability of sewage from the nipples is not excluded, so it is necessary to wash the chest daily and wipe with a soft cloth. For the kneading procedure, you can use chamomile decoration;
  • perform a wellness charging to make a reinforced Lymph outflow;
  • on the twelfth week of time to start taking a contrast shower. Due to the alternation of water of different temperatures, the vascular walls are strengthened, and muscle tone is satisfied.

With the onset of pregnancy in the body of women, changes inevitably occur. Milk glands are especially sensitive to them. Many future mothers, especially those in the position for the first time, are interested in - when breasts begin to hurt during pregnancy, and is it possible to soften discomfort?

Changes, affected hormonal background, are reflected in all organs and systems. Breast pain belongs to signs of successful conception and development of pregnancy. It may appear after a few days after fertilization and remind of itself throughout the pregnancy.

Determine the pregnancy before the delay of menstruation is quite difficult. The test is still silent, the stomach does not grow, the only sign of possible conception is the pain and tension of the mammary glands. Not all women are serious about this symptom, as many begin, and only if they do not come on time, it becomes obvious that it can be about pregnancy.

So what week or what month does the breast begins to hurt during pregnancy - when does it happen? An increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands will begin to manifest itself after a few days after conception. Since all individually, sensations and timelines may vary. The pain most often appears at the beginning of pregnancy and goes to the end to return and remind itself shortly before the birth of a child.

Sometimes women complain that the chest continues to root throughout the term, but the sensations will still be less pronounced than they were up to 12 weeks. With repeated pregnancies, the dairy glands begin to disturb earlier than when the firstborn is conceived. The severity of pain and term, on which breasts begins to hurt, depend on the characteristics of the female organism.

Character of pain

No matter when breasts begins to hurt during pregnancy and how much it continues, the nature of pain is determined by the individual characteristics of the woman.

If pregnancy confirmed, many women are already present in lactic glands. At the same time, some future mothers celebrate only tingling in the nipples, while others simply cannot touch the chest - so intense pain.

At the same time, the dairy glands increase significantly in the amount, their density increases, in connection with which the "web" from the veins is formed under the skin, since the fabrics need additional blood circulation. At the same time, colostrum may appear from the nipples, it is especially noticeable by this symptom in repeated.

Some future mothers begin to disturb the situation when the chest does not hurt and does not cause discomfort during pregnancy. It is usually found after the first trimester, but sometimes there is no soreness of the mammary gland before.

This can also be an option for the norm due to the reduced sensitivity of the breast receptors to hormonal changes. In this case, the pain and expected growth of the dairy glands may appear somewhat later - in the second half of pregnancy. To dispel anxiety, you need to consult with a gynecologist.

Is it always a chest during pregnancy?

Pregnancy can not be equally even in close relatives. Some future mothers complain about improving the sensitivity of the breast, others marked the enhancement of pigmentation and an increase in Areol, the third is a small soreness. But sometimes the dairy glands do not deliver the unpleasant sensations to a woman, but at the same time they still increase and become denser, as it should be during the tooling of the baby.

As a rule, breast pain in the future mother resemble the same sensations of tension and discomfort, which are observed with them on the eve of menstruation. But if there is no pain, this should not cause panic, since this option is also included in the framework of the norm.

How long does it continue?

What period during pregnancy begins to hurt chest, we told, but after how many weeks the soreness passes? Most often, the unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands disappear by the end of the first trimester or closer to 12 week. On this time, many women are softened by the symptoms of the early. Thus, the body prompts the future mother, which ended adaptation to hormonal restructures.

It can be noted that the peak of the sensitivity of the mammary glands to go to the morning, in the late afternoon, discomfort is usually softened. Due to the enhanced blood supply, the tissue of the mammary glands begin to increase in size. If a woman observes the routine of the day and leads an active lifestyle during the daytime, then in the evening its dairy glands will be less sensitive.

How to reduce pain?

Regardless of what time of pregnancy begins to hurt and how long it will last, you need to make sure that this stage is most comfortable. There are several simple recommendations, with which you can noticeably reduce discomfort in the chest.

First of all, you need to pay attention to your wardrobe. Clothing of a future mother should be sewn from natural "breathable" tissues, have a free cut. Carefully need to go to the selection of linen. During pregnancy, the woman is forced to change several pairs of bras, as the dairy glands continue to gradually grow up to the birth.

The bras must fully correspond to the size of the chest, have good support and have quite wide straps. The task of this item of the wardrobe is not only the maintenance of the chest, but also protection of it from and other troubles, so to preserve the beauty and health of the chest, to save on the bra it is undesirable.

While no weeks began to hurt the chest during pregnancy, you can not forget about constant skin care. Toning and strengthen the skin of the chest air baths, a contrasting shower, wiping with cool water.

You must not forget about personal hygiene: the chest should always be kept clean, for this it is recommended to wash it daily with warm water or wipe off with a wet towel. When kneading the mammary glands, for example, while taking the shower, it is undesirable to use soap or other detergents, as they are strongly dried gentle skin.

Also, to prevent high sensitivity, breasts should be avoided by hypoints and drafts, do not attend the places of mass accumulation of people in order to accidentally not get a push into the chest. It is impossible to stimulate the nipples and squeeze the colostrum - these actions increase, contributing to the development of spontaneous.

Visiting a gynecologist, a woman should tell him about any changes that appear in the chest. Attentive attitude to the state of the mammary glands will help not only to unmistakably determine, on what day of pregnancy the chest begins to hurt, but also to identify possible diseases and complications associated with the milk glands, at an early stage.

Pregnancy is a particular condition for any woman. Joy from the upcoming motherhood overwhelms a woman. However, the period of tooling the child in some women flows calmly and without complications, others are constantly under the supervision of doctors. But those and other pregnancy accompanied by unpleasant pain in the chest. Only someone they worry in the first period, and someone in the last period of pregnancy. Why does the chest hurt during pregnancy, and how to eliminate or weaken their manifestation.

Causes of chest pain during pregnancy.
It is no secret that with the occurrence of pregnancy in the female organism, numerous changes begin, which prepare it to bearing and the birth of the baby. Breast pain is one of the signs of these changes, testifying, as a rule, the position of the woman. In the female body there is a sharp jump in the direction of increasing the level of genital hormones of progesterone, estrogen and prolactin, as well as a pregnancy hormone - chronic gonadotropin. Under the influence of the last milk slices and ducts of the mammary glands undergo serious changes, which indicates the preparation of the body to breastfeeding. As a result of these changes, the chest begins to increase in size, it becomes severe and swinging against the background of improving blood flow, as well as the growth of the mammary glands and the growth of fatty tissues. Since there is more blood in the chest department, then the vascular mesh can clearly appear on the chest. In addition, during pregnancy, many women have swelling and darkening of the nipples, while colostrum can be allocated. Often the sensitivity of the mammary glands (chest or nipples) is so high that the pains in the chest are very strong, delivering a significant discomfort to the future mammage.

Despite these unpleasant feelings during pregnancy, they should not be afraid, all this is the normal process of training the body to the fast feeding of the baby. In addition, according to mammologists and gynecologists, all the changes occurring in the female organism in this period help the crevice of the women's dairy dollars. In this case, this can occur only during pregnancy. All this has a beneficial effect on the state of the mammary glands, which in the future will be less susceptible to cancer (cancer) and mastopathy.

Similar changes throughout the cherished nine months each specific woman occur in different ways. In which their manifestation is carried out in a greater, in a lesser extent, individually or all at once. Many women complain of pinching or burning in the nipples, someone only celebrates the darkening of the nipples, someone is just a chest becomes hypersensitive in the absence of other symptoms, and someone compares its feelings with sensations before menstruation. Many pregnant women have pain when pressed or touching movements. Often, women in a consultation position at Mammologa celebrate increased chest sensitivity to the cold. But there are also such, who has a period of training the body to feeding is so smooth that they don't even notice any discomfort. In this case, according to many psychologists, it happens in women positively tuned for pregnancy. Allegedly on this background, a woman does not feel pain and discomfort at all, being in a position.

Very often a woman in a position concerns the return problem - the cessation of chest pain. As a rule, any pain and diskfoot leave a woman at the end of the first beginning of the second trimester (10-12 weeks). This phenomenon is absolutely normal, but it is not observed at all. The cessation of pain in the chest during pregnancy worried women due to the fact that sometimes such symptoms is one of the signs of frozen pregnancy. In this case, it is not necessary to panic, it is necessary to go to the reception to the doctor observing you.

If the chest pain during pregnancy is strong, then not only a gynecologist should be visited, but also a mammologist to eliminate various problems that are not related to pregnancy.

How to reduce pain in the chest during pregnancy.
The main thing in this situation is "correct" underwear, that is, made of natural fabrics, seamless, and also without stones. Lingerie should be comfortable, with wide straps, comfortable and high quality. Properly selected underwear does not squeeze and does not rub the chest and nipples, while it is perfectly held that it is necessary to prevent blood stagnation. Today, for future mothers for each period of development of pregnancy, special bras have been developed, which can be changed for more, as breasts grow. Such a bra come in handy in the lactation period.

In case the breast is excessively sensitive to any irritation, it is recommended not to remove such a bra during night sleep.

If there are cases of volatility from breasts, it is necessary to buy special hygienic pads in a bra, designed to absorb such discharge and prevent irritation and discomfort on this background. The data of the pads during the day should be replaced with clean, after knead drying and drying. By the way, this procedure should be carried out daily water temperature. Use soap in the process of this procedure is impossible, it dries the skin.

At the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, breast harvesting procedures should be carried out (the adoption of air baths, carrying out contrast wet wipes). All this will serve as excellent

After conception, serious physiological changes occur in the body of each representative of excellent sex. About the occurrence of pregnancy Many women will be recognized after a latency of menstruation, when the fetus is already 3 to 4 weeks. But there are early signs testifying to pregnancy. Many women have breasts in the first week of pregnancy.

To the first signs testifying to the conception include sensitivity and heat of the thoracic glands, but the chest hurts on the first weeks of pregnancy. Changes in the body of a pregnant woman associated with the breasts are explained by the genetic features of its body: some girls have a boobs already on the second - the third day after conception, other changes begin in the second and even the third trimester of pregnancy.

In the first days after the conception of strongly pronounced signs, testifying to physiological changes in the body, the future motley may not be. Some representatives of weak gender pulls into sleep, they feel weakness, mood swings, feeling of gravity at the bottom of the abdomen. But all these signs are also present in women during premenstrual syndrome.

But implanting bleeding testifies to the occurrence of pregnancy. But not every woman faces him, and if it arises, some girls take it for the beginning of menstruation.

For any woman, the first days after conception are very important. For the first seven days, the egg cell, fertilized by spermatozoa, passes the path to the uterus, and then fastened on its wall. At this time, the risk of physiological miscarriage is high, since the female organism does not always take the fertilized cell.

The first week after the delay of menstruation is considered the fifth obstetric week. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • menstruation delay;
  • prostration;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea;
  • sensitivity to smells;
  • feeling of gravity at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • in some girls for 1 weeks pregnancy, chest hurts, glands increase in size;
  • allocation from the vagina.

The future mommy sensations after conception can be diverse, everything is individually. Some women change in their body do not feel and do not even suspect that a new life appeared inside.

Other girls are the first pregnancy symptoms perceive, as signs before the start of the menstrual cycle. After all, in front of the menstruation, many of us pull the lower abdomen, the mood changes sharply, nipples hurt, the chest increases slightly.

And some women hormonal perestroika feel immediately after conception: the chest increases and hurts in the first week of pregnancy, pulls at the bottom of the abdomen, nausea appears, taste addiction change.

Chest during pregnancy: general changes

The girls who did not give birth before, in the first weeks of pregnancy, the chest weigh up to 200 grams, and during the feeding of the baby, the weight of the breast will increase the weight to 900 grams (due to milk). To avoid further stretch marks as soon as a woman finds out that she managed to get pregnant, you need to prepare anatomical area around the nipples.

In the early pregnancy, a woman feels a drawing pain in breast glands. Why chest hurts, a woman will explain an obstetrician gynecologist at the reception. This is due to the change in hormonal background in the body. At the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, painful sensations decrease, which is due to the readiness of the chest gland to the production and release of milk.

Changes can be explained by hormone fluctuations:

  1. Progesterone affecting the parenchyma (the number of lobes and alveoli increases).
  2. Estrogen affecting the growth of stroma, ducts and glands.
  3. Prolactin, which contributes to the production of milk.
  4. Gonadotropin, protecting breast glands from cancer tumors.
  5. Oxytocin that affects the intensity of the passage of milk in breast flows.

There are also other hormones affecting the dairy glands.

During pregnancy, breast glands increase due to increasing and appearance of poles, connective tissue, alveoli, etc. In the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, an active growth of the structure of the mammary glands occurs, and then continues until the baby is born.
If the breast has increased significantly in the amount, a vascular mesh may appear (after delivery it will pass). For normal breast growth, women's body needs full nutrition and blood supply.

It must be remembered that for the growth of a new life, the female organism is completely rebuilt.

The following changes in the body are possible:

  • From the second trimester of pregnancy appear from the chest: colostrum. Yellowish liquid has a thick consistency. Over time, the colostrum will become milk.
  • Areolas and nipples are also subject to change (increase and darken). Color changes are caused by the action of melanocytes (skin cells).
  • In the early period of pregnancy, the chest becomes very sensitive. This is due to the preparation of the body to feed the kid.

Before childbirth, it is necessary to consult with a mammologist and, if necessary, make the mammography of the chest glands. It is very important to exclude pathological processes in the body, since neoplasms can provoke an increase in breast during pregnancy.
A mammologist will tell a woman how to care for breast glands, and what actions to take, so that the milk stagnation does not occur.

What does the breast look like on the first weeks of pregnancy

Breast glands after the occurrence of conception increase in the amount, the structure of the glands becomes dense. Changes make dairy glands raised and very beautiful. If the change in the body did not accompany the painful sensations, such changes would only please the representative of the beautiful sex.

But, when squeezed with the bra, the chest hurts much, so the underwear need to pick up correctly.

Essential changes that become noticeable with the naked eye are coming to the 8th week of pregnancy. Breasts are increased by one - two sizes, nipples are darker, and the skin becomes brown.

Sometimes there are pimples on the nipples: Montgomery's tubercles. Some women appear on the chest blue extended veins that disappear after delivery.

Already from the first days after conception, breast glands need special care. Since the chest is growing rapidly, the skin is stretched: to avoid stretch marks, it is desirable to apply a special cream to the chest skin. It may increase by several sizes, so the bra will have to acquire several times. Costs are standing because now the care of the breast means its health in the future.

Selection of breast during pregnancy

Colosure is considered the first maternal "milk". This is a yellow liquid having a sweet taste and a watery structure. Initially, the colostrum is yellow and thick, but in front of the flight becomes white.
The colostrum begins to stand out from a woman from 4-5 months of pregnancy. But the fluid from the chest is distinguished before and earlier, especially during the massage.

Some women discharge from the breast range at all. And after the birth of the baby, milk appears in sufficient quantity. Everything is strictly individually and is considered an option for the norm.

But in some cases without consulting a mammologist could not do. At 6-7 months of pregnancy, the future milf can be selected from the mammary glands with bloody engines. It is at this time in the body that female hormones are allocated oxytocin and prolactin. Allocations of this kind are taken to be the option of the norm, but it is desirable to be renounced to eliminate the likely pathologies.

You should also refer to the mammologist:

  • with severe rich pain in the chest;
  • the appearance of depressions and bugs on breast glands;
  • allocations from nipples with streaks of blood.

But the sense of scratching of the skin of the chest glands is not pathology: breast fabrics grow up, preparing for the production of milk, so skin covers go. In this case, cream against stretch marks will help.

If a representative of the weak floor does not bother, then there is no reason to worry. But a pregnant girl should know that it is impossible to discharge from the chest glands. It is necessary to comply with the chest hygiene (wash 2 times a day under the shower, and then nipple wipe dry). Also, a woman should choose a bra who does not argue his chest.

I would like to add that the discharge of the chest glands is considered a natural hormonal phenomenon, which is observed not only among the representatives of the beautiful floor, but also in men too. In addition, even the babies from the nipples can be released fluid, which is explained by a high level of hormones during pregnancy in the blood of the mother. Therefore, you should not worry about this. And if something "suspicious" happened, then it is better to consult with a mammologist.