Why beauty is a terrible force. Beauty is a terrible force: why men are afraid of beautiful women

Beauty is a terrible force, sometimes requiring the most incredible sacrifices.

Sometimes the victims can be so serious that a terrible force turns against the owner of beauty and brings him a lot of trouble.

Igor Vyacheslavovich Lyakh, a psychotherapist of the European registry, talks about beauty, beautiful people and their problems.

Beauty is the key to success ...

Most people once notice that outwardly attractive people manage to solve many questions and problems much easier than everyone else. This is due, first of all, to the fact that an outwardly attractive person quite naturally, instinctively attracts our attention, we are simply pleased to communicate with him, this is inherent in us at the genetic level.

When passing exams, to obtain the necessary information, when applying for a job and in many other life situations, beautiful people, as a rule, are more fortunate, if, of course, they know how to use their external data. But, starting to use their natural data to achieve various desired goals, they often take a rather dangerous path ...

It is not for nothing that folk wisdom warns, "do not be born beautiful, but be born happy." External beauty, sex appeal is very strongly reflected in the character, manners of a person's behavior, and does not always change them for the better. This can have a huge impact on relationships with different people. Already from early childhood, an outwardly handsome person can develop skills in manipulating others. But it is far from a fact that "easy solutions" to life problems for a baby in the future will turn into an easy, carefree life.

Outwardly beautiful people easily achieve their goals, but they do not acquire the ability to hold on to their desires, they are not characterized by patience, perseverance, which is so important for adult life. Therefore, such natures are often capricious, prone to hysterical manifestations and even rebellion if their desires are not satisfied.

Beauty is the source of big and small problems ...

Constantly being under everyone's attention, an outwardly beautiful person may have problems of a different nature, and even develop all kinds of complexes. A beautiful boy is often teased and called a "girl", but a beautiful girl can simply be beaten by envious girlfriends. Therefore, external beauty carries with it not only obvious advantages, but also hidden problems and even a certain risk to life.

Why are beautiful people rarely happy? From childhood, outwardly attractive people enjoy special attention from others,

they are often talked about, they are constantly praised, they are paid compliments. In ancient culture, there is a belief that a mother should not praise the beauty of her child. This point of view has deep psychological roots. When a mother begins to constantly praise her daughter's physical attractiveness, she may develop a jealous attitude towards her appearance, which is good ground for the development of an oedipal conflict between them. The so-called "Electra complex".

People around can also introduce “family discord”. Before praising an outwardly beautiful girl, first look at her mother. If it is not particularly attractive, then you can "jinx" the child, provoke an unconscious aggressive reaction, even the child's auto-aggression process. When you really want to compliment a beautiful baby, praise the mother and daughter together as an interesting couple, find similar features in them so as not to become a provocateur of intra-family conflict.

Male beauty is praised somewhat less often than female beauty. For representatives of the stronger sex, this quality is not in the first place, the main advantages of men are still considered mind and strength. And if in adolescence all girls dream of being beautiful,

then all the boys are strong. Of course, with age, such priorities undergo certain changes.

There are many fairy tales about the "terrible power" of beauty and the problems it can lead to. The tale, of course, is a lie, but there is a certain hint in it, which, as a rule, is associated with real life experience. The stepmother drives out an outwardly beautiful stepdaughter from the house, makes her take her to the forest, but similar emotions can come from his own mother. There are situations when parents are especially jealous of the child's appearance.

Sometimes you can see an outwardly beautiful baby, dressed in old, shabby clothes, unkempt, overgrown "ugly duckling". Time passes, he grows and, literally, "blooms" before everyone's eyes, becoming a real prince or princess. At the same time, there is also an inner beauty in him: he is kind, polite, courteous - in general, "not spoiled" by an excess of attention. It would seem an ideal situation, but every medal has a second side.

The zealous actions of the mother and other relatives can be so aggressive that beauty becomes complex over time. Child,

who was humiliated for his beautiful appearance, begins to consider her dangerous. This is a two-faced, contradictory situation, on the one hand, such a person would like to be beautiful and attract the attention of others, and on the other hand, he is afraid to be in full view of everyone, since he is pre-configured for trouble.

Childhood trauma can be caused not only by the negative from the parents, but also, for example, by the unpleasant remarks of teachers at school. The consequences of such an injury are different and can affect all aspects of life in adulthood: an outwardly handsome person does not know how to emphasize his pluses, and even “translates” them into minuses. For example, an outwardly charming girl with a too stooped posture and angular movements seems surprising to those around her.

Often, complexes associated with beauty become a huge problem not only for an outwardly attractive person, but also for those around him, relatives and friends. Such people can take any compliment with aggression, emphasizing their shortcomings also causes them deep resentment. Therefore, people around have to ignore the appearance of such a person, not to notice his attractiveness, to pretend that his beauty has absolutely no meaning in order not to provoke a conflict.

Fear of rejection

The average man, having seen a woman of incredible beauty, most likely will not even attempt to get to know her for one reason (or for great stupidity) - he considers himself unworthy of her, ugly, unkempt and therefore sets himself up in advance to refuse from her. However, psychologists give comforting statistics: beauties suffer the most from loneliness and dream to get to know them. In addition, a girl who is friendly with her head does not consider herself incredibly beautiful, she remembers that modesty adorns.

Fear of being the center of attention

Beautiful women always, in any place, at any time and in any clothes, attract attention to themselves. Men, as a rule, do not like excessive attention to themselves, and therefore they refuse in advance from relationships with beauties: the attention that they will attract will be thrown on them.

Fear of being overshadowed

As a rule, beautiful women are more successful than ordinary women. Men, on the other hand, are by nature ambitious and, at times, envious. A rare man is ready to be in the shadow of the glory of his beautiful chosen one, and therefore refuses her.

Fear of not being good enough in bed

There is a strange opinion that if a woman is incredibly good-looking, then at least more than a dozen men have visited her bed, and in sex she tried, if not everything, then almost everything. The average man who practices sex the old-fashioned way (in socks, under a blanket, without light, silently, in the middle of the night) is afraid that he will not make any impression. Conclusions suggest themselves: to hone skills and not believe rumors (who knows, maybe a beautiful woman is saving herself for her only average man).

Fear of inconsistency

Princesses only marry princes, so most people think. That is, beauties build relationships only with beauties. In fact, this is not at all the case. Love is a complex chemical reaction in our body, and no one knows which man will start this reaction in the heart of the first beauty in the area.

Fear that a beautiful girl is not ready for a serious relationship

Champagne for breakfast, endless parties and weekends on the Cote d'Azur become boring as much and quickly as unleavened rice on fasting days. Men think that beautiful women only have parties and fun on their minds, and they need a strong family. Beautiful women, on the other hand, tired of sleepless nights and loud music, often dream of being (as Madonna put it) “a sweet home duck”.

Fear of being laughed at

Shyness on the male side and arrogance on the female side are far-fetched stories. The average man, most likely, will not go to meet a beautiful woman, thinking that he will be laughed at in public, trampling his self-esteem in the mud. In fact, the icy heart of a beauty is not so icy.

Secrets of the female brain. Why clever girls are capable of stupidity Rizo Elena

Beauty is a terrible force!

Beauty is a terrible force!

First, beauty! The more charm a woman has, the faster she will achieve what she wants. The main thing is to choose a target, and then apply your feminine charm. You don't have to be blue-eyed blonde or green-eyed brunette. Attractive femininity turns men on much faster than regular facial features. A simple example is the famous Pushkareva. A frightened look, a bear gait and a Soviet schoolgirl's hairstyle. The ugly duckling, not the girl. What do we see at the end? A little makeup, a stylish haircut and, of course, a complete wardrobe change. And from a clumsy girl, Katyusha turns into a real businesswoman. No plastics, tooth replacements and hair extensions. All ingenious is simple. Men love well-groomed women. And women love to take care of themselves.

Physiologically, female beauty is subordinated to one function - the birth of a child. The visible features of the female body are designed to attract the attention of the opposite sex. The sameness of people would not allow to give birth to further life. However, some physiological features of female embryonic development remained in men. For example, in the form of nipples, which do not perform any physical function in the male body.

Naturally, beauty is an individual concept, but any man is able to distinguish a beautiful woman from a masculine one. Although someone likes that. Homosexual relationships are generally difficult to explain, except perhaps as a developmental disorder. It turns out that the concept of female beauty is embedded in male thinking. Of course, stereotypes of the time are forming new criteria for beauty, but the main thing is still that a woman should arouse desire.

The question remains: why are some women born very beautiful, while others suffer from a lack of male attention? What is the beauty gene?

Undoubtedly, heredity is not the last component of a beautiful appearance. But it happens that not very pretty mom and dad have a child with a model appearance. In this case, we are considering two options: either dad stayed away from the process, or the beauty gene was laid in previous generations. It is impossible to guess how beautiful your child will be, even if you are sure of paternity. Genetic changes can also turn a beauty into a monster.

Here is another fact of the negative influence of modern medicine on a woman's appearance. During menopause, doctors are advised to undergo hormonal treatment. The female body is enriched with male hormones, preventing premature aging. What's the bottom line? There are no wrinkles, but light "unshaven" becomes a companion of the remaining years. It's scary to think what an overdose of the hormones "happiness" can lead to. Some contraceptives, by the way, work in much the same way. Therefore, alternate between contraceptives.

It turns out that beauty at the present stage of life is becoming a ticket to a better life, given the crazy pace of development of the modeling business. On the other hand, people are not always ready to perceive the combination of beauty and intelligence in a woman, because this simply cannot be! If a woman is beautiful, then she fits perfectly into the interior of a luxurious mansion. The intellectual abilities of such a young lady are of no interest to anyone, even if they are at a sufficiently high level. Delusion? Or the intrigues of "enemies" with eyes full of envy? No matter. The main thing is that the woman herself really recognizes beauty and mind as a killer cocktail. You should not dwell on innate data, because there is no limit to perfection.

A change of image sometimes becomes the beginning of a new life. Why do blondes suddenly turn into hot brunettes? The woman decides to take this step for a reason. There are several reasons.

Unhappy love. Unrequited, tragic ... Call it what you want. But it is precisely because of this unfortunate life "incident" that a woman is ready to change her hair color. For what? At least in order to turn from a fragile and windy blonde into a bitchy and purposeful brunette. Now it's up to the small thing: to establish internal correspondences. And you're done!

But there are also reverse reincarnations. For example, when a strong enough woman wants to hide behind a mask of naivety and emptiness. Then from a fatal brunette she turns into a pretty blonde. If a woman decides to drastically change her image, she will never return to her old life.

Do not discount women's resentment and disappointment. These sensations never go unnoticed. It is highly likely that the new hair color is a weapon of revenge. Former lovers, once in the network to a "new" "old" girlfriend, beware! This is just a retaliatory step to betrayal and lies. Beauty becomes an excellent weapon in the skillful hands of the fairer sex.

Life realization. Folk art in the form of anecdotes always finds its admirer. It is then that stereotypes begin to take shape. Blondes are naive, stupid and simple-minded. Brunettes are lonely, cruel, but smart. Redheads are windy and fickle. What happens in real life? Do intelligence, beauty and upbringing depend on hair color? And why does this stereotype only apply to women? After all, men also have different shades hair or not at all. After all, for some reason, it never occurs to anyone to compose another tale about the mental abilities of brunettes, brown-haired or bald. Although there is a lot to say and in different ways.

Due to stereotypes, some owners of white curls become "smarter", repainting in a dark color. But the mind is either there or not. No change of hairstyles will add or take away from it. When you are not hired for some incomprehensible external criteria, you should not fight for a place. Don't cheat on yourself. If you're comfortable with being blonde, be that blonde. Take your time to get rid of red curls just because they pissed off your boss's wife. This is silly. A woman's thinking does not depend on the color of her hair, but on the level of education of the young lady. Look for compromises. Apply feminine charm and cunning. Try to match your image and emphasize your inner sense of peace with your appearance.

I'm so comfortable. This is how a true lady should answer. Why did you change your hair color? Because I feel that way. Why did you cut your chic long braids? Because a fashionable haircut fits the shape of my face. It is a pity that women change less and less often just because they want to discover a new self. Most often they do it because of some life stress. This is a woman's nature. Excessive emotionality manifests itself not only through the scratched face of a young man, but also through dyed hair, a changed haircut or a bold wardrobe.

Every woman has her own sense of beauty, and he often needs to be trusted. The beauty of a woman is not in a perfect figure and pretty face - we create beauty ourselves. One thing is certain: a beautiful woman is a confident woman, and that costs a lot.

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Beauty is a terrible force: why men are afraid of beautiful women

They are really afraid. No matter what they tell us, we still see that their veins are shaking. But why?
Beauty is a terrible force: why men are afraid of beautiful women

The average man, having seen a woman of incredible beauty, most likely will not even attempt to get to know her for one reason (or for great stupidity) - he considers himself unworthy of her, ugly, unkempt and therefore sets himself up in advance to refuse from her. However, psychologists give comforting statistics: beauties suffer the most from loneliness and dream to get to know them. In addition, a girl who is friendly with her head does not consider herself incredibly beautiful, she remembers that modesty adorns.

Fear of being in the center of attention

Beautiful women always, in any place, at any time and in any clothes, attract attention to themselves. Men, as a rule, do not like excessive attention to themselves, and therefore they refuse in advance from relationships with beauties: the attention that they will attract will be thrown on them.

Fear of being in the shadow

As a rule, beautiful women are more successful than ordinary women. Men, on the other hand, are by nature ambitious and, at times, envious. A rare man is ready to be in the shadow of the glory of his beautiful chosen one, and therefore refuses her.

Fear of not being good enough in bed

There is a strange opinion that if a woman is incredibly good-looking, then at least more than a dozen men have visited her bed, and in sex she tried, if not everything, then almost everything. The average man who practices sex the old-fashioned way (in socks, under a blanket, without light, silently, in the middle of the night) is afraid that he will not make any impression. Conclusions suggest themselves: to hone skills and not believe rumors (who knows, maybe a beautiful woman is saving herself for her only average man).


Princesses only marry princes, so most people think. That is, beauties build relationships only with beauties. In fact, this is not at all the case. Love is a complex chemical reaction in our body, and no one knows which man will start this reaction in the heart of the first beauty in the area.


Champagne for breakfast, endless parties and weekends on the Cote d'Azur become boring as much and quickly as unleavened rice on fasting days. Men think that beautiful women only have parties and fun on their minds, and they need a strong family. Beautiful women, on the other hand, tired of sleepless nights and loud music, often dream of being (as Madonna put it) “a sweet home duck”.


Shyness on the male side and arrogance on the female side are far-fetched stories. The average man, most likely, will not go to meet a beautiful woman, thinking that he will be laughed at in public, trampling his self-esteem in the mud. In fact, the icy heart of a beauty is not so icy.

An open championship of Russia and Eastern Europe in women's bodybuilding was held in Murmansk this week, according to the correspondent of MIR 24 Roman Nikifirov.

Bodybuilder Natalia Kuznetsova is 24 years old. With an increase of 168 centimeters, she weighs over 90 kilograms. Hands - 46 centimeters in girth, legs - 72. The girl does not have a single gram of excess fat, and she plans to grow further.

“Maybe I’ll add a couple of centimeters in my arms and legs. We need to see how it all looks. Having a beautiful athletic body is always a pleasure. It's like driving a powerful car, ”explained Natalya Kuznetsova.

The girl focuses on bodybuilding, but in between times she sets world records in strength exercises. She squeezes 165 kilograms from her chest, squats with a barbell weighing 280 kilograms - and all, in her words, for the sake of beauty, which requires sacrifice. The girl explained that she had done breast augmentation, since a woman's breast cannot be pumped up.

“Women who try to pump up their breasts are doomed to fail. As you exercise, your breasts will shrink, because it's fatty tissue, ”she explained.

Daily workouts and increased nutrition, instead of seasonings - a variety of tablets and powders - creatine, glutamine, amino acids. The girl does not deny the use of more powerful drugs - steroids.

“There is no way in any sport without it. It's just that in the Olympic sport they try not to talk about it. But all the same it is in any sport of the highest achievements ”, - Natalya considers.

Doctors warn that professional bodybuilding is not the most beneficial sport for a woman.

“Facial features become similar to those of men, excess hair appears on the face and body, the voice becomes coarse, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted. That is, he can recover, but then the reproductive function of a woman may suffer, ”explained the sports physician Elizaveta Pauper.

Such muscular femininity is not always accepted even by colleagues in the shop.

“Girls who go in for bodybuilding are kind of iron and mass fans. But as a man I don’t like it, ”said Dmitry Karatash, master of sports in bodybuilding.

At the same time, Natalia has a whole army of fans and admirers. She receives a thousand messages every day on social networks. Through the Internet, I also found the man of my dreams, who is delighted with the proportions of his wife.

“The looks are definitely attractive. That is, appearance is the first thing a person looks at. We are definitely planning children. Although now she has a constant preparatory season, and so far there is no talk about it. But without fail, we are planning soon, ”said Vladislav Kuznetsov.

So far, Natasha is not up to simple female happiness. Work in the hall, competitions and photo sessions are ahead. However, she decided to pamper herself and bought a new dress for the summer. Short - highlighting the peculiar beauty of her legs.