Why does a child sweat during feeding? What to do when the baby sweats the head during feeding in the breast of feeding why when feeding the child sweats

Moms are always worried about the health of their children, therefore any changes in their condition notice. Sometimes they pay attention to the fact that the child sweats during feeding. Why does it happen and do you need to do something in this case?

Natural causes of wet head when feeding

In fact, you do not need to panic. Most often, this phenomenon is explained by simple physiological reasons. There are no pathologies in the body in the body. Sweet glands of the kid are not well developed, so the head of the baby may be wet at the most inopportune moment.

When the child eats, he is actively working. This is especially true of natural feeding. To get milk from the chest, the infant has to apply a lot of effort. Yes, and with a bottle is not so simple, albeit a little to a lesser extent. Feeding for kid is akin to physical activity. Especially if the baby has been the baby for several months, and he cries in the process, growls, spinning, waving his handles and legs. It is not surprising that he gets tired and overheats, as it happens with adults in sports.

Increased body temperature during feeding is a normal phenomenon. This is spoken by many pediatricians. Therefore, it is not recommended to measure the temperature if the child eats: the results will be non-informative. Wise nature took care of protecting the baby from overheating. So he sweats his head.

If a child sweats when he eats, then you should think about it - maybe someone from parents is distinguished by increased sweating? Perhaps the baby it passed.

In some periods, the baby has to make more efforts for the sucking of the chest. For example, if mom has a lactation crisis. The amount of milk produced decreases. Some children do not want to make more effort to get food. They cry and capricious, and a woman must be tried to rack lactation. Other kids are diligently sucking, trying, so they sweat more actively. As a result, Mom does not notice changes in its body, but wet hairs can not miss.

Maybe the child is too warm too much?

Often the situation is exacerbated by the fact that the baby is simply hot. Small children seem like fragile and weakness, parents often ride them, forgetting to pay attention to the temperature in the room, ignoring ventilation. The children's body does not cope with overheating, the thermoregulation is not yet established. It is not surprising that the baby sweats his head if he eats. Especially he is in close contact with mom at this moment, getting extra warmth. It is necessary to choose clothes according to the microclimate in the room, from the cap from the first months it is worth refusing. If, of course, it does not happen to cold winter and the house is not too cool.

Also, such a problem is often observed in weakened children who recently suffered a disease. Soon the crumb will come to normal. We just need to wait.

Rahit is one of the possible causes

But not always the causes of wet hair in infants in the process of feeding so harmless. Sometimes it is a symptom of heart disorders or failures in the work of the thyroid gland. But most often, if we are talking about diseases, this is a manifestation of Rakhita.

It arises due to the lack of vitamin D, which is very important for the growing organism. After all, calcium is not absorbed, and therefore, the deformation of the bones, the height delay and teething is likely. The consequences can be very unpleasant.

Rahit is accompanied by other signs:

  • the baby sweats not only the head, but also the handles, and legs;
  • wipe hair on the back of the head;
  • the skull changes the shape, the head becomes flat;
  • the muscle tone becomes weak;
  • inflatable belly;
  • behavior changes: the kid becomes a capricious and irritable.

One of these symptoms or even does not mean a few that the child really has a disease. Sometimes you can face the fact that the pediatrician, looking at the stuck outstage, immediately voiced the diagnosis of Rahit. But if you chat with other moms, it turns out that most of the kids are absolutely healthy, the same problem. And she passes after the child becomes more active, begins to spend little time on his back. It also applies to wet hair when the crumb eats.

But, of course, just to ignore the situation, focusing on someone else's experience, is not worth it. A good doctor will give a direction for urine and blood tests. Perhaps need X-ray in the knee joint. Based on the results will be prescribed treatment. For example, an increase in the amount of vitamin D. But to independently increase the dose if the baby sweats the head, it is impossible. The preparation is toxic in overdose. For prevention, it takes 1-2 drops according to the instructions.

What if the baby is wet hair when feeding?

If my mother noticed that the baby eats, and his head sweats at the same time, then she should inform the pediatrician about this. He will hold a more thorough examination to assume why this happens and eliminate any diseases.

During the normal condition, the child is enough to perform the following.

  • Do not allow the infants overheated. Do not wear it too warm, monitor the temperature in the room. Well, if it does not exceed 22 degrees. Humidity should be at least 50%.
  • Children on breastfeeding are less often exposed to rickets. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, you should not finish breastfeed too early. Only mom should receive a full nutrition so that its milk ensures the crumb to everyone.
  • Walking is also useful for children. Under the action of sunlight, vitamin D is naturally produced, so it is a good prophylaxis of rickets. In addition, immunity rises, as a result, the head sweats less when the infants eats.

Like adults, the infants sweats in physical activity and emotional experiences. And feeding requires a lot of strength from him, especially during periods of lactation crises or if the kid is weakened. Yes, the stuffy furnishings in the room can affect. But with the doctor still it is worth consulting to understand why Kroch sweats when eats. Especially if the behavior and childhood behavior changed. In this case, the disease should be eliminated.

All people, equally both children and adults, sweat. Potting is not only a natural physiological reaction, but also a thermocontrol for the human body. The degree of sweating as a whole depends on many factors, among which physiological heredity dominates. Nevertheless, young mothers are often disturbing the question: why the child sweats during feeding.

The fact is that the baby, when eats, applies serious efforts for sucking milk. For an adult, this is comparable to intensive physical labor in which sweating is an absolutely normal phenomenon. Therefore, when the baby sweats during feeding - it is completely normal.

Why the baby sweats the head when feeding: the main reasons

It is possible to highlight the main reasons because of which a child during feeding can sweat:

  • Physical activity. Feeding makes the child physically strain. If the mother's milk or the influx of milk disappears from time to time, the work for mining for the baby becomes even harder. However, if there is no reason in the calm state in the calm state, there is no reason to worry and panic.
  • Emotional overvoltage. Too saturated day of events and many new impressions can also cause increased sweating. It is very important to ensure that there is no nervous activity. Permanent enhanced sweating can be a signal that there are problems, and a neurologist is needed.
  • Failure to comply with the temperature regime can also become one of the reasons why the kid sweats when feeding. If the room is too hot, or the child is overly dressed, the sweat is the natural reaction of the children's body. This factor is found quite often, since young parents are afraid to overeat their baby.
If more clothes are dressed on the child than in an adult, it can cause temperature discomfort.
  • Rickets. Increased sweating can be a sign of rickets. If the child sweats too often, and on the painting appears "Galtsin", you should contact the pediatrician. Most likely, the doctor in therapeutic or preventive purposes will assign a vitamin D course.
  • Heredity. If one of the parents sweats greatly, and this is not a disease, but the feature of the body, the baby can get it "into inheritance."
  • Transferred respiratory diseases. Echoes of the disease in the form of increased sweating can affect quite a long time.
  • Failure to follow sanitary and hygienic standards can be one of the reasons why infants sweats during feeding. Too soft mattress or the use of too fat cream for children's skin can lead to a sweating during food.
  • Vegeth vascular dystonia. Today, many doctors do not recognize this disease, but if the problem exists, it is better to seem to the experienced pediatrician.
Psycho-emotional factor. Oddly enough, the baby can sweat, if you just missed my mother's chest.

If you have doubts, you do not know how serious the reasons for the increased sweating from your child are best to show his doctor: a pediatrician or neonatologist. In this case, you calm yourself and be able to take action in time if there are really reasons for excitement.

Horror stories for mothers great set. Each action or inaction of the baby is particularly impressionable women perceive with horror. One of the most common fears is the threat of Rahita, if the head sweats the head during feeding.

It is worth a mom at least once to notice - it covers anxiety and the desire to immediately cure the child from this attack. But if Rahit and did not work out, the surplus of vitamin D can harm him more than its disadvantage. Do not hit panic, you need to carefully study the problem and find the right solution.

Why a child sweats when sucks chest

The selection of sweat is a natural phenomenon for any person, even if he is just a few weeks to the outfit. The process of feeding for a child is quite serious work, requiring great efforts. Therefore, nothing strange that it sweats, especially during periods of lactation crises, when milk becomes less and getting it becomes even harder.

However, the reasons for sweating at the kid quite a lot - from quite harmless to quite serious. Therefore, it is not worth ignoring this sign. By excluding them all in turn, it is possible to determine whether it is worth worrying and contact the doctor or just open the window.

Congenital feature

If mom or dad is prone to increased sweating, it should be expected that the newborn will have such a "ability". In this case, worry that during feeding the child sweats, not worth it - if there are no other disturbing signs, it is not a symptom of the disease.

The thermoregulation system in newborns is not configured immediately. Sweet glands begin to work already in 2-3 weeks, but they will fully "communicate" only to 5-6 years! Therefore, kids are much more sensitive to the slightest and imperceptible for adult temperature drops.


As logical follows from the previous point, it can be hot, even when adults feel quite comfortable. In addition, with the birth of a child in the family often, the desire to protect him from everything in the world is often sharpened, so it is warm clothes, close all the vents and cracks so that the crumb does not blow. If at home is hot, naturally, the child sweats and during feeding, and during sleep, and just like that.

The child is so subject to sweating when eats breast milk, as it requires great effort. If, at the same time, the caring parents wrapped up so that only the nose sticks out, and in the house +25 - nothing surprising that the baby would sweep abundantly.

Do not boil the child - there should be as many clothes on it as the parents plus one layer. The cape in the room becomes superfluous already in 1.5-2 months. For a walk, you will need another layer of outerwear.

Wrong clothing

Another reason for increased sweating when feeding or during sleep is incorrectly selected clothing. Synthetic, non-passing materials do not give the skin to breathe and disturb the thermoregulation of the baby, which is still not too stable.

If a child sweats, review his wardrobe and get rid of unsuitable clothes, leaving only cotton, flax and wool (if there is no allergies), high-quality knitwear and mahru from natural materials (for towels and bathrobes).

This also applies to moms - at the time of feeding it is better to choose clothes from natural materials, especially in hot time.

Child cleaned

Do not exclude the possibility of a cold. It is accompanied by an elevated temperature and often increased sweating. Recognize infant disease will help additional symptoms:

  • Runny nose;
  • Cough;
  • Reddened and deploying eyes;
  • Hot arms and legs;
  • Chills.

At temperatures, abundant drink is recommended, and it usually causes sweating. In addition, often infants sweats from accepted drugs that have such a side effect. Clearance during a cold cannot be considered a negative phenomenon, since this is a way of the body to avoid overheating and reset "steam".

More often, pour a child (if he is an artificial or already eating lures) or let's breasts to avoid dehydration.

Starting stage Rakhita

Of course, if the baby sweats the head at sucking the chest, it can be a sign of Rakhita. In this case there are still a number of other symptoms:

  • Bad sleep, shuddering, crying;
  • Irritability;
  • Afraid of sharp sounds;
  • Unpleasant, sour smell of urine;
  • Irritation on the skin from sweat, its acidic smell. Because of itching, the kid constantly rubs his head about the pillow and appear poisons on the back of the head;
  • The softenness of the bones of the skull, which detects the doctor during inspection.

You can probably diagnose only after a special examination and analyzes. Usually the doctor prescribes a child vitamin D for the prevention or treatment of rickets.

Do not be nervous immediately, you need to explore the behavior of the baby, his backstage, check it is not hot to him. If all external causes are excluded, you need to consult a doctor. As in other cases, the treatment of Rahita is much more productive in the early stages. Also, mom should know that lately Rahit is rarely found. He was distributed when most children did not receive enough maternal milk, today many women are breastfeeding for a long time, much walk with children. And this is the best prevention of Rahita.

Neurological features

With violations in the work of the nervous system, sweating and anxiety can serve as signs of disorder. In this case, the newborn baby, as a rule, sweat the handles and legs, forehead and the front of the head. He sleeps restlessly, quickly gets tired, can't concentrate attention.

If the doctor did not reveal serious disorders in the work of the nervous system, and diagnosed with increased nervous excitability, any drug treatment may not be required. Sometimes enough infusions from the soothing herbs and compliance with the day of the day.

The chest kid is very sensitive to the emotional background in the family, so if the child sweats the child during feeding, and there are signs of nervous excitement, pay attention to the atmosphere in the family.

Endocrine violations

Endocrine disorders can cause the development of secondary hyperhydroposis - increased sweating. Also as a result of the impaired metabolism, the kid may appear excess weight. In this case, any activity requires great effort, so it sweats.

Reflect the reason and then think about treatment. If the case is in excess weight, you need to revise the diet of the baby, but the cause of steel hormonal violations - the doctor will help to choose the right drugs.

Cardiovascular disorders

The symptoms of violations in the work of the cardiovascular system are quite difficult to track down in young children, especially under the age of 1 year. Carefully treat the child and keep track of any suspicious deviations from the usual picture.

You need to pay attention to such signs:

  • Increased head sweating;
  • Bad appetite, lethargy, general inhibition;
  • The formation of the area between the nose and lips;
  • Crying in a dream, pallor, cold sweat;
  • Rapid breathing, shortness of breath;
  • Pain in the chest when pressed.

In childhood, violations of the cardiovascular system are pretty successfully, the main thing is not to delay the visit to the doctor.

What to do

It is necessary to exclude all the causes that are not related to health. First, the temperature in the room and the baby's clothes are checked. Then mark heredity, stress, physical activity and excess fluid.

If everything is in order, you need to visit the doctor. He will be able to accurately determine the cause of increased sweating and exclude the threat of rickets or other serious violations. When visiting, it is advisable to tell a doctor about all suspicious symptoms, it will help him make a full picture.

And although sweating when feeding frightens many mothers, in this case a thoughtful approach and lack of panic is necessary. It will save from unnecessary treatments and nervous, allowing to keep the health of the baby and Mamino calm.

I have a five-month baby baby son. Recently, it began to notice that the child sweats the head in the full sense of the word. This is my second child and there was no such problem with the first daughter. And sweats at the slightest voltage: when eats, intensively walks, moves. Even at night, when wakes up, he often has wet hair.

I'm hot even in a dream.

Qualified consultation will give the doctor.

Causes of increased head sweating in infants

In general, in most cases, the sweating of the child's head is quite a normal phenomenon and the usual physiological process, but we, super attentive moms, will always sense the danger to the child with any deviation that has arisen. So, the answer to the question: "Why does the baby sweat a head?" The following reasons can be served:

  • Overwork due to long wakeful time. Indeed, a small child begins to be capricious, and the occipital and temporal area can sweat from the voltage. Attentive mom will immediately determine that the baby is time to rest. When he falls asleep, he stops sweat head.
  • I have to sleep!

  • Use clothes for a child from synthetic tissues.It is probably not a secret that artificial fabrics do not pass air, so for infants (and indeed, for children of different ages), clothing only from natural tissues (cotton, flax) is strongly recommended. And moms often neglect this circumstance: there are currently a lot of children's clothing in the markets and shops, but synthetic, but natural clothing is significantly losing for some reason in color. Young mothers will choose clothes caressing eyes, maybe even without realizing that it is harmful for the baby. After all, the baby's body breathes, and such clothes does not allow to pass the air, and from the head to the legs, the baby will definitely sweat. It is worth thinking!
  • Only natural fabrics!

  • Punch blanket and pillow.We, of course, choose all the best for your unique kids! So and with bedding - blanket and pillow. These products from the fluff seem to us the perfect option, but few know that the fluff creates the so-called greenhouse effect, so it becomes clear why the baby, waking up, the whole wet, including the head. Mom again does not understand what is happening.
  • Soft perina to me at all.

  • Various diseases (cold, lack of vitamin D, etc.). During the cold against the background of a decrease in immunity (as well as temperature jumps), the child has weakness, the manifestation of which is the increased sweating of the body, especially the dark and temporal part of the head sweats. I think that this circumstance Mama is familiar with your own feelings during colds.
  • Kids are hardly tolerated virus and colds.

  • From overheating.Mom all the time it seems that their baby is cold (and he cannot say!) And that he will certainly get sick. Therefore, they want to seek the baby as expensive as possible, and from this often, literally every baby, there can be a red minced stains in some parts of the body. And on the fact that the head sweats, the specks are localized in the neck area.
  • In this take you too hot.

  • From "excessive" physical exertion. It sounds ridiculous, of course, but such loads for infants is feeding. He tries so hard to suck her chest or a nipple on a bottle with a mixture (and if the baby is still strong, and the holes in the nipple of the bottle are small!) That, of course, and sweat will have to go! Well, the parents will again ask themselves the question - why does the child sweats? (Most often, the function of sweating in young children performs the head).

The kid makes a lot of effort to dine.

Of course, as can be seen from the reasons, the consequence of which is the increased sweating of the head, there is no reason to be worried. It suffices to eliminate the cause, and the child is ensured in this regard full comfort.

So that the child's head is not necessary. Downhes are categorically not suitable. Preference should be given to synthetic fillers, or mattresses on natural coconut fiber.

Choosing a pillow is no less difficult task. What to stop your choice, and whether the pillow is needed? Look answers to these questions on this link.

Special attention should be paid to the sweating of the head against the background of the lack of vitamin D

But this circumstance can not be left without due attention - this is a lack of vitamin D, which entails an unpleasant disease to the child Rickets. It is very important in time to determine the presence of the disease in order to begin treatment as early as possible. The fact is that if you run this disease, irreversible phenomena can begin.

A sufficient amount of vitamin D and no rickets are not afraid.

If there are also frequent crying, irritability, the child begins to smell it in a special way to smell it in a special way (I did not feel it from my child), then conscious moms should immediately consult a doctor so that he appointed an additional survey.

As the doctor explained to me, with a biochemical analysis of blood (in the presence of Rahita), there is a reduced amount of phosphorus against the background of increased phosphatase activity.

The causes of the disease Rakhit are quite banal and, if desired, are eliminated by the moms themselves. Judge for yourself, it all depends on us:

  • the first and most important reason - the wrong "single-sided" meal (for infants I am very important Mamino Milk - it is known to everyone);
  • the birth of children in the autumn-winter period (they lack sunlight, which contributes to the absorption of vitamin d from sunlight;
  • insufficient motor activity of the child;
  • frequent colds (unfortunately, they cannot be avoided).

The beginning of the disease usually begins, as already noted, in winter. For a more accurate diagnosis, the doctor recommends passing blood tests on the biochemistry (as in our case), as well as undergo a radiological examination.

In order not to torment doubts, you must pass the blood test on the biochemistry.

When diagnosing a diagnosis, Rahit is prescribed to drink Ergocalciferol droplets (vitamin D), and it is necessary to drink in preventive purposes about a year. And the second point is to adjust the kid's diet: it should contain products containing vitamin D. Best sources: fish oil, fish (preferably marine), cereals, dairy products.

- This is a fairly common phenomenon. You can fight seborrhea at home. All you need is a cream, natural shampoos and a little patience.

Cottage cheese perfectly strengthens the child's bones, contains calcium and trace elements, so necessary to the child organism. The present recipes for cooking cottage cheese for infants at home are given.

Sitting at the reception in the clinic, heard a conversation for three mothers, who seem to have the same problems with the child as I.

It seems to me that the daughter sweats. Although there are no explicit drops of sweat, but the head is wet ... They say that this is a sign of Rahita. Although Komarovsky says that this is not so that the full diagnosis is made after a full examination. Scary…

My grandmother said: "Do not let the head flows ..." I did not give this phrase a value, she seemed strange to me ... But two months have passed, and the son began to notice the droplets of sweat during feeding. We decided to consult a doctor.

And we set Rahit half a year ago and we are intensely treated. It seems no more signs.

I listened to moms and waited for our tests with a fading heart. And here comes our doctor from the office and goes to me. On her face a smile, and I immediately realized that we were fine. So it was.

The greatest happiness is to hear from the doctor: "Your child is absolutely healthy!"

And for all moms I want to wish healthy and joyful babies!

Often parents of the babies celebrate some of their children. It is not too hot in the room, and the child sweats very much, the hairs are wet, moisture was accumulated in the skin folds. Such phenomena is characteristic of sleep time, and for the wake period. Why is it going on? Why does the baby sweating?

Baby age can sweat even in a cool room, ideal in terms of thermoregulation

Why does a child sweat?

In most cases, which occur quite often, the reasons for the reinforced sweating are absolutely normal and non-hazardous. Sweet glands are not yet sufficiently formed, their full operation will begin closer to 5-6 years, maximum to 7. Interruptions in their functioning is frequent and common phenomenon. We mention that the sweat is absolutely natural for any person.

The weak body of the newborn baby is unable to instantly rebuild when the temperatures drops, even if these changes are very insignificant. Natural and imperceptible temperatures from the point of view of adults can cause freezing in babies or provoke reinforced sweating.

We list the circumstances contributing to the fact that the breast child sweats:

  • the temperature in the room is above 28 ° C;
  • synthetic or airproof materials of children's clothing;
  • physical activity;
  • reception of drugs that have a side effect in the form of an increased sweating.

By eliminating all these reasons, but having as a result of a sweating baby, you need to look for the root of the problem in something else. In this case, it is recommended to visit the doctor for consultation.

The result of overheating

Normal adult sensations The temperature in the room may not be quite comfortable for the baby (more in the article :). Must with the child from overheating can be observing the following rules:

  1. Avoid wrapping starting from early age. The same condition necessarily for older children.
  2. Sweet glands begin to work in newborns from a 3-week age. Take the children just like yourself when you are indoors. For the street, you will need another additional layer of outerwear.
  3. The air in the room should be moderately warm - 19-20 ° C.
  4. Support a comfortable moisture level of 50-60%.
  5. Avoid a long walk if the street is too hot on Street. If possible, you are in the shade while walking.

Symptom of colds

With a cold, it is quite likely to increase the body temperature, it happens quite often. It is important in this case not to confuse the symptom with the manifestation of other, more serious diseases. The doctor will avoid mistakes.

Apply to him the visit is necessary, if in addition to reinforced sweating, the child has the following symptoms:

  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • hot palms and feet;
  • chills;
  • red eyes.

With these symptoms, the right solution from parents will be a bid of abundant drinking. It, in turn, affects the fact that the infants sweats more.

Sometimes sweating can talk about a cold illness that is accompanied by an increased body temperature.


If the external reasons quickly disappeared, you can think about the internal: the baby can have hereditary hyperhydrosis disease, which is characterized by the intensive work of the sweat glands. It is particularly acutely manifested at the voltage of the emotional plan, physical exertion, increasing body temperature.

Hyperhydrosis can be several types:

  1. general or generalized - sweats the whole body evenly;
  2. local or localized, having its varieties: palm-fitful; Patch-crinical; axillary; The face and head sweat.

The most common two forms of hyperhydroposis are most common: palm-soles (observed in 60% of patients) and armpits (approximately 30% of cases). The cause of the primary hyperhydrose is extremely difficult to establish, since the disease appears by itself, and not as the result of another disease.

Secondary hyperhydrosis may arise as a result:

  • diabetes;
  • psyche disorders;
  • obesity;
  • cancer;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • infections, etc.

Do not panic. In newborns, the primary form of the disease is most often found. If the tests did not show the presence of deviations, you can simply wait a bit until this physiological feature is held by itself.

Rachita development

When often and richly sweats the head of the infants, it can be a symptom of developing rickets. With this disease, the bone system is incorrectly formed, which is due to the disturbed metabolism and the lack of vitamin D.

For the diagnosis of Rakhit, the child must have the following symptoms:

  • shuddering during sleep, restless sleep;
  • afraid of sharp sounds, irritability;
  • sour smell of urine;
  • the doctor during inspection determines some softenness of the bones of the skull.

It is especially noticeable that the child sweats intensively when he sleeps or during feeding. Pot at the same time causes skin irritation and has a sharp sour smell. Kroch is discomfort and severe itching, which is why it begins to hide and rub his head about the pillow. As a result of such friction on the back of the head, small balds are formed.


Large babes, which have overweight at birth, are prone to sweating even with the smallest loads. The child sweats, even if it does not move at all.

Parents should close as much as much as possible to the infant diet, in order to prevent obesity development. What weight is considered big? Kids having a weight of more than 4 kg at the time of birth, considered large.

Large weight gains suggest a later duration of the competence. Todders under 12 months along with maternal milk in the diet should be present in a large amount of vegetables.

The kid that consumes calorie food during the day requires the implementation of extra calories. The optimal option is physical exertion, such as swimming. It is suitable for most children.

What if the mother is watching the weight of the baby, regularly producing weighing, carefully monitors the power, and the problem of excess weight does not go away? Most likely, you need to visit the doctor. Insulin enhanced in the blood may well be the original source of excess sweat due to metabolic disorders. The child will need to go through the necessary surveys.

If the crumbs have overweight, it is necessary to pay more attention to its physical stress and the food consuming

Disorders of the nervous system

Pediatricians very often have to hear various complaints of parents whose children are not 3 years old:

  • the child falls asleep badly;
  • anxiously sleeps, turning and screaming;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • violation of attention or this ability is unstable;
  • hyperactivity.

All listed symptoms can be the answer to the question why the child sweats greatly. The nervous excitability, which has excessive sweating in its subsequent, is not always treated with medical drugs. Herbal infusions and compliance with the day of the day is usually able to correct the existing problem.

Increased nervous excitability in the child in most cases is treated with herbal infusions and the correction of the day

Cardiovascular violation

Violations of the cardiovascular system is not so simple, especially under the age of the year. Parents should always be alert and notice any suspicious signs, which then definitely report to the pediatrician. The symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system, in addition to the sweating head, are as follows:

  • pressing the chest area causes the pain to the child;
  • the kid cries in a dream and does not wake up, it pale and covered with drops of cold sweat (we recommend reading :);
  • the area between lips and nose blue;
  • bad appetite, total lethargy and inhibition;
  • student uneven breathing;
  • the appearance of shortness of shortness of breath even after a minor physical activity.

This successfully cured in children. The main thing in time to consult a doctor for relevant therapy.

Bad appetite, total lethargy and inhibition may indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system

Inappropriate clothing

Poor-quality synthetic clothing or bed linen can cause that even a completely healthy child sweats greatly in a dream. The following types of natural fabrics are suitable for infants:

  • cotton is the perfect option for hot summer;
  • wool - the optimal choice for winter and cool autumn;
  • len is a good option in the heat;
  • mahra from flax, bamboo - soft and cozy towels and bathrobes;
  • bamboo fiber - clothes for any season;
  • high-quality knitwear.

Sweating in a dream comes to no or will be less pronounced if you choose the underwear, pajamas and blouses you will focus on the above list. Consider the importance of materials when choosing clothing and bed linen, especially if the carapus often sweat legs, handles or head.

Choosing clothes for crumbs, you need to give preference to natural materials, pleasant to the body and suitable for the season

Solving the problem of excessive sweating

Excluding possible non-medical factors, why the infants will sweat intensively at night, it is necessary to consult on this issue with the doctor. It is important to pay attention exactly which area the child sweats most of all - the diagnosis will depend on it.

If the head sweats

When the child sweats the head after intensive exercise or after the games and jumps, it should not scare parents. Such an organism reaction is absolutely normal. True, sometimes the reason for the appearance of sweat on the hair and the head serve completely different circumstances.

Moms may notice that while sleeping the child sweats his head. It is not necessary to worry about, it is just a protective reaction of the body for possible overheating. It is dangerous for infants much more than adults.

That's what you need to do to avoid this:

  1. do not cover the baby, even if you believe that he has bad well-being;
  2. in the room you need to maintain a comfortable temperature, it is recommended to sleep with a slightly open window;
  3. materials of clothing and bed linen must be natural;
  4. no need to wear a headdress in the room, the cape is the only possible option, and then in the extreme case.

If you sweat your arms and legs

Often moms, removing the boots from the baby after a walk, they find out that his legs are wet. What is the first coming to mind at this moment? The legs do not breathe. It is absolutely true. Artificial materials of shoes, socks or tights provoke increased feet in the field of legs.

Ways rid a baby from sweating the palms and legs:

  1. washing the handles and legs with water and soap, careful wiping them;
  2. use of powder or talc;
  3. daily socks and tights;
  4. increase consumption of products rich in vitamin D content and calcium.

If the child has a lot of legs and palms, you can try to solve the problem with regular hygiene procedures

Sweating during feeding

The child sweats when feeding and is it bothering mom? Unrest is unnecessary. There is no reason to suspect the presence of diseases or bad heredity. Sucking a bottle and chest is a hard work that requires great effort. With sucking, all the facial muscles are actively working and the child really gets tired of this process, so sweats.

It is possible to facilitate the situation as follows:

  1. before feeding, the room should be airport;
  2. do not strengthen the head of the baby with a headdress before feeding;
  3. for meals, wear a monthly crumb into easy comfortable clothing from natural materials (more in the article :);
  4. when planning keeping a baby in the hands, while he eats, choose and for yourself light instext.

Never treat the baby yourself, especially with the help of drugs. To find out why the child sweats the head or other parts of the body, you can have a pediatrician who will prescribe the necessary analyzes and surveys. Only after that a qualified doctor will be ready to diagnose and proceed to treatment.