Under a closer look: the area around the eyes. Flabby skin of the eyelids - what to do

The classic said precisely: "The eyes are the mirror of the soul." When a woman is young at heart, she forgets about her age. And shining radiant eyes are a symbol of youth that never ends.

But here is the skin under the eyes! The classic did not say anything about her! And she treacherously betrays the number of years lived. The skin became flabby, wrinkles appeared.

Do women have to humbly accept changes in their appearance? Not at all! The processes that have begun can be influenced in such a way as to slow them down and delay aging. Want to know what to do when flabby skin appears under the eyes?

First, let's figure out what sagging skin is.

Loose skin and its causes

In youth, the skin of a healthy person looks attractive. Elastic and elastic, it is filled with health and beauty.

But if you notice that the complexion has become grayish or yellowish, wrinkles have appeared under the eyes, the corners of the eyes have noticeably lowered and “look” down, if the skin has lost the feeling of fullness from the inside, the muscles of the face have become weaker, and the pores are noticeably enlarged - you have all the signs of a flabby skin.

The reasons for the changes are:

  1. Changes that occur in the body with age: the cessation of the production of hyaluronic acid, which provides skin elasticity;
  2. Lack of skin nutrition associated with excessive dieting or fasting;
  3. Lifestyle: lack of rest and proper sleep, combined with constant overwork, increased workload and stress.
  4. Bad habits: smoking, alcohol in large doses, unbalanced diet;
  5. Abuse of exposure to the open sun and fashionable procedures in the solarium;
  6. Excessive use of decorative cosmetics without the possibility of skin restoration.

If a woman saw something from her everyday life in this list, she should urgently intervene in the aging process!

Let's start the fight against sagging skin

Is the skin around your eyes flabby? From now on, you need to stop taking care of yourself last, after all your relatives and friends have been taken care of. You are worthy of attention and care on your part, on an equal basis with everyone, and perhaps in the first place.

Let's start with the skin under the eyes. You can influence the well-being and appearance of the skin in many ways:

  1. Special procedures in the salon;
  2. Skin mask: toning, cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing;
  3. Gymnastics for facial muscles.

Let's dwell on each method in more detail.

Visit to a beauty salon

If you have time, money and, importantly, a licensed beauty salon with professional staff, you only need to sign up for a convenient time and choose the most suitable procedures for yourself.

A variety of peels will be useful for the skin under the eyes - procedures for cleansing the skin of the face, getting rid of dead cells. These procedures are performed using liquid nitrogen, ultrasound or vacuum. The purpose of peeling is to cleanse the skin, restore proper blood circulation, and resume the production of collagen, a protein that provides skin elasticity.

To restore skin elasticity during mesotherapy, it is saturated with vitamins, hyaluronic acid is injected, metabolic processes are activated and stimulate the resumption of collagen and elastin production during plasmolifting, and other methods of influencing the skin are offered.

If the beauty salon and the level of qualification of its employees is beyond doubt, you should trust the professionals, let them take care of themselves and enjoy both the process and the result!

But you can take care of yourself without visiting a beauty salon.

We will tell you how to do it competently and efficiently.

Taking care of the skin under the eyes

The sooner a woman begins to properly care for the skin under the eyes, the longer the skin will retain a healthy appearance.

Effective means include, first of all, the use of a cream, performing a massage, applying masks.

We select a cream

Choosing a cream that can be applied to the skin under the eyes should be based on the individual skin type. In addition, you need to carefully study its composition indicated on the package. We give preference to a cream that contains substances useful for the skin under the eyes: hyaluronic acid, vitamins K, C, fatty acids, etc.

The industry today offers a ready-made cream for application to the skin under the eyes. Its composition is enriched with useful substances and balanced.

You need to keep the cream for about an hour, so it is recommended to apply it 1 hour before bedtime. The cream is applied from the edge of the eyelid - to the nose.

Making your own cream

To make the cream, we buy glycerin and vitamin E in a pharmacy. A mixture of 30 g of glycerin and vitamin E (10 ampoules) must be thoroughly mixed. The resulting cream is applied to the skin under the eyes and left for 20 minutes. At the end of exposure, the remaining cream is blotted with a paper towel or cotton pad. The cream is stored in the refrigerator.


For a massage that will help tighten the skin under the eyes, you will need. But we do not freeze water, but herbal decoctions: chamomile, calendula, sage. We wipe the skin under the eyes with ice cubes gently and gently, avoiding sudden movements. Direction - from the outer tip - to the nose. The procedure lasts 1-2 minutes. When finished, let the skin dry on its own. It will be useful to apply a nourishing cream 20 minutes after the massage.

It should be borne in mind that only daily massage becomes effective, which is not carried out in winter.

Making a mask

Flabby eyelid skin responds positively to special masks. Their application has become one of the main ways of skin care.

These are the compositions of the available elements that will affect the sagging skin under the eyes.

Aloe and Vaseline

After mixing 3 ml of vaseline with 5 ml of aloe juice, gently apply the mixture on the skin under the eyes, trying not to stretch it. You do not need to apply too much of the mixture, the excess can be blotted with a paper towel, lightly applying it to the skin. The mask that nourishes and moisturizes the skin can be left overnight, the remnants are washed off the face with warm water when washing in the morning.


A cucumber-based nourishing mask combined with egg yolk and cocoa will saturate the skin with useful vitamins and amino acids. To prepare it, grate 1 medium cucumber, after peeling it, add 1 raw yolk and 5 g of cocoa butter. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, immediately apply it to the skin under the eyes. It will be useful to apply such a mask not only to the areas of the face under the eyes, but also to the entire face.

The exposure time is 15-20 minutes, at the end the face is cleaned, removing the remnants of the mask, using a damp cotton pad.


Potato mask has a tonic effect on the skin around the eyes. To get this mask, a small raw potato is rubbed on a fine grater. The resulting mass is wrapped in gauze and placed on the eyes. You need to lie with a mask on your eyes for at least 15 minutes. After that, a rich nourishing cream is applied to the skin of the eyelids under the eyes.

Potatoes with parsley

Similar to a potato mask, in which chopped parsley is added to grated potatoes. The rest of the mask is used in the same way as a potato mask. A mixture of potatoes and parsley, wrapped in gauze, is kept in front of the eyes for 15 minutes, the application of a fat cream completes the procedure.

Sour cream with parsley

A mask of sour cream and parsley is used to give the skin of the eyelids freshness, get rid of bruises under the eyes. To prepare a nourishing mask, use fat sour cream (can be replaced with cream) at room temperature - 15 ml, as well as parsley - 1 tsp. chopped fresh herbs. After carefully rubbing the parsley in sour cream, apply the resulting mixture on the eyes for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Based on parsley infusion

Before going to bed, it is useful to apply a mask of parsley decoction to the skin under the eyes. Its components: chopped fresh parsley - 1 tbsp, grated raw potatoes - 1 tbsp, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp, boiling water - 1 cup. You will also need cotton napkins (handkerchiefs can be used). Parsley is poured with boiling water and left for 15 minutes, after which the infusion is filtered. For the mask, parsley infusion (2 tablespoons) is mixed with the rest of the ingredients (potatoes, vegetable oil). Napkins with the mixture wrapped in them are applied to the eyes and left for 20 minutes. It is not recommended to wash off the mask or wash after removing it in order to prolong the effect of the mixture on the skin of the eyelids under the eyes.

We perform special gymnastics

Let's do a lifting - skin tightening, paying attention to the lower eyelids, which have become sagging. Remember what exercises will help the skin under the eyes.

  1. To start, warm up and prepare the skin for the exercises, let's perform the usual blinking. We just try to blink as often as possible. We perform exercises for 5-6 seconds.
  2. Keep your eyes open, look ahead and begin to lift the lower eyelid. We try to raise it as much as possible, do not close our eyes. We feel how, moving up, the lower eyelid raises the pupil, directing the gaze to the ceiling. We perform the exercise for 5-6 seconds, trying to do the maximum number of times without a break.
  3. We leave our eyes open. Again we will raise the lower eyelid, creating a certain resistance to it. To do this, put your index fingers to the outer corner of the eyes. Raise the lower eyelid for 5-6 seconds.
  4. We finish a little gymnastics with a similar exercise. The index fingers are again located on the outer corners of the eyelids, slightly pressing on the skin. We close our eyes! Now lift the lower eyelid with closed eyes. The execution time is the same - 5-6 seconds.

As you can see, this is a complex of simple exercises. However, their systematic implementation will lead to the desired result.

Care and prevention

Flabby skin under the eyes is not a sentence of final aging, but a signal: the skin of the eyelids under the eyes needs additional attention and care.

We have already talked about the reasons that lead to sagging skin under the eyes. To stop this process, to stretch it in time, you need to change your attitude towards yourself as a whole.

Follow the simple rules of a healthy lifestyle that will prevent the appearance of sagging skin under the eyes.

  • If possible, give up bad habits or minimize the consumption of alcohol and tobacco products.
  • Review your diet, be careful with smoked, salty, fatty foods. This, as well as excessive consumption of flour and fried foods, will immediately affect the skin under the eyes. Choose fresh vegetables and fruits, especially tomatoes, peaches and apricots, spinach and broccoli, as they contain the collagen necessary for the skin. Drink enough water.
  • Protect the skin around your eyes with sunglasses, stop squinting, let your skin recover during your full sleep.

Regular care will restore its firmness, elasticity and former attractiveness.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared ...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return ...

Loose skin under the eyes is usually just the result of the natural aging process. It happens to all women and men and nothing can be done... Under eye wrinkles begin to appear when the skin around the eyes begins to lose its elasticity and becomes thinner and drier. Flabby skin and wrinkles under the eyes give, with age, a "boring" appearance and make people outwardly unattractive. How to remove wrinkles under the eyes? How difficult and expensive is it?

Currently, there are surgical methods to eliminate this cosmetic problem, but there are also simple, non-invasive, home remedies that can effectively deal with wrinkles under the eyes. The use of such funds also allows you to save quite a significant amount of money.

Sagging skin and wrinkles under the eyes can be eliminated with proper skin care. We offer you some general recommendations on how to remove wrinkles under the eyes. By doing them, you will strengthen and tighten the skin sagging under the eyes, as well as reduce wrinkles, without resorting to plastic surgery methods and Botox injections. So:

  1. Apply moisturizers. Moisturizing creams play an important role in the process of skin care in the eye area. The best products are those that contain natural moisturizing ingredients. Almond oil, for example, is an excellent moisturizer to combat sagging skin and wrinkles under the eyes.

  2. Apply Retin creams. These anti-aging creams work very effectively in the eye area, reduce sagging skin and wrinkles under the eyes. Apply the cream with light pressing movements, but in no case use rubbing movements.

  3. Use a hyaluronic acid serum. Hyaluronic acid is a fairly common ingredient in skin care and works by absorbing moisture from the air around you. This drug stimulates the production of collagen by skin cells, which increases its firmness and elasticity. Apply hyaluronic acid serum around the eyes before going to bed and after a series of such treatments, you will notice a clear improvement in skin condition.

  4. Use sunscreen. Sun exposure is one of the main causes of skin damage, which leads to sagging, baggy eyelids and wrinkles. Sunscreen is one of the best natural ways to save skin today. Its regular use will definitely lead to a decrease in flabbiness of the skin and wrinkles under the eyes.

How to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home

We offer you the most simple and proven means that allow not only to remove wrinkles under the eyes, but also to prevent their appearance.

Pineapple juice contains an active enzyme called bromelain, which, being a natural form of alpha hydroxy acid, not only has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, but can also help treat wrinkles, including wrinkles under the eyes.

Take some freshly squeezed pineapple juice and apply it gently on the skin under the eyes. Leave on for 20 minutes and then wash off with room temperature water.

If this procedure becomes your habit, then you will quickly remove wrinkles under the eyes.

The skin under the eyes is very delicate and requires daily moisturizing to prevent the formation of wrinkles. Castor oil works great as a moisturizer and you can use it under your eyes every day. Your skin will remain soft and supple, and wrinkles will gradually disappear.

Dip your index finger into the castor oil and gently apply it under your eyes. Leave the oil overnight.

Very gently massage the skin under the eyes, after applying a little rosemary oil to it. Follow this procedure every day for a few minutes and you will see a positive result very quickly.

Rosemary oil not only removes wrinkles under the eyes, but also prevents their appearance. In addition, it perfectly nourishes the skin, which is by no means superfluous to maintain it in a healthy state.


The reason for the formation of wrinkles under the eyes may be the banal lack of moisture in this area of ​​the face. A good way to moisturize your skin is to use fresh cucumber slices. Cut a circle from a fresh cucumber, cut it in half and place the resulting slices in the refrigerator. After they have cooled, place them under your eyes and leave for 15 minutes.

Daily performance of such a procedure will save you from dry skin and very quickly remove wrinkles under the eyes.

Ginger and honey

Honey is a natural, natural moisturizer, and ginger is able to increase blood circulation.
Take a teaspoon of ginger extract, add 1/2 teaspoon of honey and mix well.

Very gently massage, with this composition, the skin under the eyes for 10 minutes, and then leave it for 1 hour. Wash off with warm water.

Such a procedure, performed daily, will reliably protect the area under the eyes from the formation of wrinkles.

Coconut oil

Dip your finger in coconut oil and very gently massage the skin under your eyes for 10 minutes. Leave the oil overnight and your skin in this problem area will become soft and supple, and wrinkles will gradually disappear.

Such a massage is desirable to perform every day.

Olive oil

Olive oil will also help you get rid of wrinkles under your eyes. Olive oil deeply hydrates the skin and helps retain moisture.

Heat a small amount of olive oil, dip your finger into it and very, very gently massage the area under the eyes. Leave the oil overnight, and in the morning... And in the morning you will already see that your wrinkles under the eyes have really decreased.


Avocados contain a lot of fat, which contributes to the fight against wrinkles, including in the area under the eyes.

Cut two thin, small slices from a ripe avocado and place them under your eyes. Hold for 15 minutes, periodically pressing the slices so that the oil penetrates the skin and removes wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes.

Also, instead of slices, you can use mashed potatoes, after mashing a small amount of avocado with a fork. Apply the resulting puree under the eyes and hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. Wrinkles will disappear and the skin under the eyes will literally glow.

Pink water

Rose water has anti-aging properties, reducing wrinkles under the eyes and preventing skin laxity.

Dip a cotton ball or sponge in rose water and blot under your eyes. Let the rose water dry and do not rinse it off.

This procedure should be done twice a day, which will not only reduce wrinkles that have already formed, but also prevent their appearance in the future.

Egg white

Egg white has a strong astringent effect, which can be used in the fight against wrinkles formed under the eyes.

Apply a thin layer of egg white to the skin under the eyes. When the protein dries, wash it off with room temperature water.

Do not leave egg white on the skin for a long time, as this can contribute to the formation of bags under the eyes.

Video bun for today.

Loose skin on the face. Flabbiness of the skin. Bags and circles under the eyes.

What to do? How to get rid of loose skin? Treatment. Care.
The question of how to maintain skin elasticity, healthy and beautiful complexion, in the end, how to keep youth as long as possible, this question arises before every woman. Flabbiness of the skin is a very unpleasant phenomenon, characterized by a decrease in skin elasticity, the appearance of stretched pores, fine wrinkles, and a pale, grayish color. Of course, no woman wants this.

So why does the skin lose its shape, become flabby and lethargic? The reason for this may be heredity, and lifestyle, and diseases of the internal organs. Smoking, alcohol, oxygen deficiency - all this ultimately leads to negative changes in the skin of the face. We need to make a choice which is more important to us. Doubtful pleasures or beauty and health. If you smoke, quit, you will see noticeable results in a couple of weeks. Moderate alcohol consumption, walk more in the fresh air and you will not need anti-aging creams or masks.

A sharp weight loss or vice versa, a significant increase in body weight adversely affects the condition of the skin of the face. In the case of rapid weight loss, the face changes first of all - the skin sags, becomes flabby and wrinkled. Excessive fullness contributes to the stretching of the elastic fibers of the skin and also leads to the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, if you are for ..., keep track of the constant weight of your body.
What to do? Loose skin on the face. How to remove sagging skin, bags and circles under the eyes?

A good remedy is hot compresses. Fold a small towel or napkin, soak in ordinary hot water, wring out and apply to the face, leaving the nose and nostrils free. Hold the compress for 2-3 minutes and wash with cold water.

It is not bad to wipe the face with a cold salt solution, for the preparation of which dissolve half a teaspoon in a glass of water. spoons of salt. Instead of salt, you can take tannin. Very good for dry skin.

Prepare the following cream with your own hands: mix half a chicken, fresh yolk, two teaspoons. tablespoons of almond or olive oil, tea. a spoonful of sea salt, two teaspoons of a decoction of chamomile flowers, half a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of cosmetic vaseline. First put the mixture in the refrigerator, and when the vaseline has hardened somewhat, mix well again until smooth. Apply this cream on your face at night.

Has your body skin become flabby? Masks for loose skin. Treatment and skin care.

With sagging skin, various tonic masks help well. Cucumber and lemon masks are quite famous and effective for sagging skin.

Lemon: Cut the peeled lemon into thin slices and, removing the grains, knead well with a fork. The next step is to prepare the face. To do this, grease it with a fat cream and cover with a transparent thin layer of cotton wool. Spread the lemon mass evenly over the cotton wool layer. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes, then remove it and then lubricate the face with cream. This mask perfectly cleanses the skin, tightens pores, strengthens the skin and nourishes it.

Cucumber: Grate the peeled cucumber on a fine grater. Cleanse the skin of the face and evenly apply the cucumber mass. After keeping the mask for 10-15 minutes, then you need to remove it with a dry cotton swab. The face must be wiped with cucumber juice further and smeared with cream. In the same way, you can make masks from tomatoes and berries.

For people with flabby skin, it is good to take a course of B1 vitamins to tone up.

Puffiness and circles under the eyes are a big disappointment. A common cause of their occurrence is again alcohol and smoking, lack of sleep and eye fatigue, insufficient blood circulation. The fact is that the skin under the eyes is very delicate and as a result of its dehydration, aging, or other adverse factors, it becomes thinner and blood vessels appear more clearly. The reasons for the appearance of dark, black circles and bags can also be heredity, allergies, diseases of internal organs, iron deficiency in the body, excessive fluid intake before bedtime. All means that stimulate blood circulation will help improve the condition of the skin: contrast washing, ice cubes.

What to do? Bags and circles under the eyes. The skin on the face is flabby. How to get rid of loose skin?
In folk medicine, there are quite a few recipes for simple masks, compresses, lotions that help to cope with the problem of circles and swelling under the eyes.
Folk remedies. Raw potatoes work well:

A) On a fine grater, grate one raw potato, apply the mass on gauze pads and apply them under the eyes. Keep no more than 15 minutes. After removing the mask, lubricate the skin under the lower eyelid with a cream containing vitamins A and E. After a while, remove the remnants of the cream with a swab dipped in tea.

B) Mix in equal proportions grated potatoes, flour and milk. Apply the mass on napkins and apply under the eyes for 10-15 minutes.

C) Mix grated raw potatoes with finely chopped parsley leaves. Apply the mask as in previous recipes.

Folk remedies. Compresses:
1. Alternately apply to the eyes cotton or gauze pads moistened, some in hot, others in cold sage broth. Make a compress before going to bed.

2. Finely chop fresh parsley leaves and apply under the eyes. Cover with wet disks and keep fifteen minutes.

3. Mix chopped parsley leaves with sour cream. Apply to problem areas under the eyes for thirty minutes and then rinse with cold running water.

Folk remedies. Gadgets:
1. Bags under the eyes can be removed with lotions from warm tea or infusion of chamomile flowers. Apply moistened cotton pads for 5 minutes.

2. Freeze decoctions of medicinal herbs and put the resulting ice cubes under the eyes for 5 minutes.
For the prevention and treatment of sagging skin, dark, black circles under the eyes, it is necessary to do special exercises for the facial muscles or a special massage.
Vitamins will help.
It is necessary to saturate the skin with vitamins. To do this, you need to purchase complexes containing vitamins A and E for facial skin care. Vitamin A helps maintain healthy skin, vitamin E prevents premature aging. You can find them not only in shops and pharmacies. Vitamin A is found in abundance in spinach, as well as in vegetables and fruits of bright or dark green color. Vitamin E is available in sufficient quantities in vegetable oil, nuts, wheat grains.

And one more important condition - rest more, fatigue is the main enemy of female appearance.

It often happens that the face looks young, but the skin over the eyelid sagged. Treacherous "bags" not only look unaesthetic, but also age the face. To look younger, many women resort to surgical procedures, but they are expensive and not accessible to everyone. If the situation is not too advanced, you can also tighten your eyelids at home using folk methods and cosmetics.

Sagging skin over the eyelid, what to do?

Why does the skin of the eyelids sag?

The skin above the eyes is very thin, so it is more prone to damage and aging. The reasons for sagging can be:

  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease;
  • neurological disorders;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • face and head injuries.

But in most cases, if the skin sagged over the eyelid, then the muscles have lost their elasticity and stretched, and this is a sign of aging. You can prevent sagging and even fight it, but you will have to regularly care for the skin around the eyes or resort to the services of a plastic surgeon.

How to remove sagging skin?

There are several ways to keep the skin around the eyes young and elastic, among which the most radical is blepharoplasty - eyelid lift surgery. Herbal infusions, lifting creams and massage also help to effectively deal with sagging eyelids.

1. Eyelid masks

Cosmetic stores sell special masks for skin care around the eyes. They should be applied to the eyelid for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water and lubricate the skin above the eyes with a lifting cream. With regular use of such masks, the skin is tightened and looks younger.

You can also prepare masks at home from products that are in the refrigerator:

  • egg yolk and a few drops of olive oil;
  • cucumber mixture with sour cream;
  • fresh chopped parsley leaves with vegetable oil;
  • potato porridge.

Home masks are applied to the skin around the eyes for 10-15 minutes, and then washed off with water.

2. Hardware lifting - thermage

Thermage is an effect on the dermis and hypodermis with an electric current (6 MHz). During the procedure, collagen fibers are damaged, and new ones begin to be intensively synthesized in their place. After hardware lifting, the skin looks young, very toned and elastic. One procedure is enough for six months, after which thermage should be repeated.

3. Blepharoplasty

Another way to remove sagging skin of the eyelids. This is a surgical operation, the principle of which is to remove excess fat from under the skin. To do this, an incision is made along the ciliary edge, sebaceous deposits are removed, after which stitches are applied. The main advantage of blepharoplasty is a long-term effect, and a significant disadvantage is the need to stay in the clinic from 5 days to a week until the stitches are removed.

In order to prolong the youthfulness of the skin, especially in such delicate places as our eyelids, as well as get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes, you must first deal with the eyelids.

1. Ice eyelid massage.
To tighten the eyelids after sleep, you need ice. Prepare ice cubes in advance from chamomile, mint or just from mineral water, where add a few drops of lemon juice.

With this ice, wipe the eyelids with gentle circular motions, starting from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelashes and gradually rising to the eyebrows. (If you work with acidic ice, try to avoid contact with eyes).
A wonderful effect of a morning eyelid lift is obtained with a silver teaspoon. To do this, immerse a teaspoon in finely crushed ice, and then apply the chilled one to the eyelids for a few seconds, repeat the procedure 5-8 times.

2. Eye mask with yolk
In order to get rid of impending eyelids, use the following mask. Beat one egg yolk and add a few drops of sesame or olive oil to it. Apply to the eyelids for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, apply cream.

3. Potato eye mask
Raw potatoes perfectly cope with swelling of the eyelids, remove fine wrinkles and renew the skin. Grate medium-sized potatoes, mix the resulting mass well and put in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. Then apply the mask on the skin around the eyelids for 10-15 minutes, rinse with cool water, apply cream. Instead of potatoes, you can use fresh cucumber, it perfectly removes puffiness, moisturizes the skin, and makes it fresh.

4. Milk eye mask
Take 1/4 cup of fresh milk and add 4 tablespoons of soda to it, beat the mass well and chill for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. Apply to the eyelids and rinse gently with cool water after 15-20 minutes. Milk is a wonderful natural ingredient that is very good to use for the skin around the eyes.

5. Eye mask from puffiness from parsley
Take a bunch of parsley (you can also cut the root), chop it into small pieces, then crush it a little so that the juice stands out. Apply parsley to the skin around the eyes, and cover the top with a damp cloth. Wash off the mask with cool water after 15-20 minutes. Parsley moisturizes the skin, relieves puffiness, removes wrinkles.

When applying any cream to the skin around the eyes, we recommend doing this with massage movements, along the upper eyelid with fingertips from the bridge of the nose to the temples, and along the lower eyelid - from the temples to the bridge of the nose. It is worth finishing with jerky movements along the lower eyelid, as if with small blows of the pads of the middle and ring fingers.