Better to develop the child's fine motor skills. What is fine motor skills of hands. The development of fine motor skills according to the Montessori method

Do you want your baby to develop safely and actively, so that he starts to speak early, and his speech is correct? It turns out that the whole thing is in the fingers, more precisely, in the well-developed fine motor skills. Therefore, you need to start work as early as possible. It is possible and necessary to develop fine motor skills already in infancy - from the first month. To do this, it is enough to do a daily massage of the palms and fingers. Hold the baby's handle with one hand, and with the other perform massaging movements: stroke your palms from the inside, knead each finger from the nail to the base, tap the pads. Stimulate the grasping reflex: put your fingers in your palms, and when the baby has a firm grip, pull him towards you. In the first months of life, the baby's fingers are clenched into a fist and relax only during sleep, so it is very convenient to massage while the baby is resting. Massage will help not only develop motor skills, but also relieve tension and hypertonicity. And when the baby is awake, massage his fingers, calling each by name. So the baby will also learn the names of the fingers. You can do a "fruit" massage: on the hand 4 fingers, 3 phalanges. Massage each phalanx from the marigold to the base of the finger and say:
A pineapple
Thumb - two phalanges: fruit. And on the other hand, you can do a "flower" massage:
Thumb - flowers.
From three to four months, you can use a prickly ball for massage (you can buy it at the pharmacy). Stroke the baby's palms with them, saying:
Stroke my palms a hedgehog.
You're prickly, but so what.
I want to get along with you
I want to stroke you.
You can also use cones, chestnuts, walnuts for massage.
Finger games are a very important part of fine motor development work. These games are very emotional and exciting. They contribute to the development of speech, creative activity. In the course of finger games, children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control their movements, to concentrate attention on one type of activity.
"Finger games" is a dramatization of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate in terms of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc.
You can also play finger games with a baby under one year old. Poems should be short, so as not to bore the kid, and not difficult.
Clap your hands with your baby, saying:
Oh, okay - okay
Let's bake pancakes!
We put on the window,
We will force you to cool down.
And if they cool down, we'll eat
And we'll give it to the sparrows.
The sparrows sat down
They ate the pancakes
They ate the pancakes -
Shu-oo-oo! .. and flew away!

Unbend your baby's fingers while singing these songs:
This finger is a grandfather,
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy,
This finger is I.
This is my whole family!

Finger boy
Where have you been? Where have you been?
With this finger I went to the forest, I went to the forest.
With this finger I cooked cabbage soup, cooked cabbage soup.
I ate porridge with this finger, I ate porridge
With this finger I sang songs, I sang songs.

This finger wants to sleep
This finger jumped into bed!
This finger nipped,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
Hush your finger, don't make a noise,
Don't wake the brothers up ...
Fingers stood up, hurray!
It's time to go for a walk in the forest.

Very soon, the baby, upon hearing familiar rhymes, will activate his fingers himself.
As the year approaches, start more difficult finger games. When reading a verse or nursery rhyme, show the crumbs the movements of his hands. For example:
We chop cabbage, chop,
We salt the cabbage, we salt it,
We are three, three cabbage,
We squeeze cabbage, squeeze.
Movements with straight palms up and down, alternate stroking the pads of the fingers, rub the fist on the fists. Compress and unclench the cams.

Malanya has clapping hands at the old woman's. We lived in a small hut. Put your hands in a corner, show the hut.
Ten sons, Show ten fingers.
All without eyebrows, show finger eyebrows
With these ears, Show ears
Show spout with these noses
Here with such a mustache, Outline the mustache with your fingers.
With such a head, Draw a large circle around the head.
With such a beard! Show with your hands a big thick beard
They did not drink, did not eat, With one hand to bring the "cup" to the mouth, the other - "spoon".
Everyone looked at Malanya, Keeping their hands close to their eyes, patting them with their fingers, like eyelashes.
And everyone did like this ... clap their hands

I will press two palms
And sail on the sea.
Two palms, friends, -
This is my boat.
I will raise the sails
I will float in the blue sea.
And along the stormy waves
Fish swim here and there.
On the first lines, connect two palms with a boat and perform wave-like movements with your hands. On the words "I will raise the sails" - raise the straightened palms up. Then imitate the movements of waves and fish

I have five fingers on my hand
Five grippers, five grippers.
To plan and to saw
To take and to give.
It is not difficult to count them:
One, two, three, four, five!
Rhythmically clench and unclench the cams. Into the account - alternately bend the fingers on both hands.

In addition, the right toys are needed to develop fine motor skills. These are beads, lacing, nesting dolls, pyramids, etc. Some of them you can do yourself. For example, you can string various buttons on a lace - different colors, sizes, shapes. Tie the lace tightly so that the baby cannot remove the button. Beads turned out. Let the little one fiddle with them, knock them, touch them with his fingers, chase the buttons along the lace. Sew several bags of different colors from different fabrics: soft velvet, coarse linen, smooth silk, etc. A couple of bags can be knitted: from prickly wool and fluffy mohair. Fill them with different fillings: rice, peas, beans, acorns, nuts, coarse salt. Pulling such bags in his hands, the baby not only does a finger massage to himself, but also gets acquainted with new tactile sensations.

The main stages of the development of fine motor skills in children under 1 year of age:
1 month - grasping reflex works. The palm is mostly closed. Hypertonicity persists, which does not allow the fingers to move freely.
Up to 2 months - tries to make grasping movements with his hands. Stretches out handles, but cannot reach and grab an object. Hypertonicity is still present.
2 months - the palms are often slightly open. The grasping reflex is preserved. The hypertonicity is slowly leaving.
End of the 3rd month - palm half open. Stretches handles to objects that are in the field of view, palpates the diaper, pulls objects into his mouth.
3 months - reaches for the toy, hits it, but cannot grab it, misses.
The end of the 4th month - the palms are often half-open. Begins to play with his own hands. Take any object with both hands. Pulls toys into her mouth.
4 months - seeks to reach objects that are in sight. Grabs an object by touching it. "Rakes" the object, and does not take it with his hand, holds it, pressing it with bent fingers to the palm.
5 months - the brush opens. He touches the toy, takes it first with one hand, then with the other and examines it.
6 months - reaches out to the object and grabs it with his whole hand. Shifts the toy from one hand to the other. To pick up the second toy, he drops the first one. Picks up objects with index and thumb.
7-8 months - each hand grabs the object, and holds them for a short time. Can hold the ring with fingers without touching the palm.
8-9 months - when another toy is offered, he does not drop the first one, but holds both in his hands or puts the first toy aside. Deliberately drops objects on the floor.
10 months - masters the tweezers grip. Knocks toys against each other.
11-12 months - Grabs small objects with the pads of the thumb and forefinger.

The development of fine motor skills in children: myths and truth about finger games, how to properly conduct finger gymnastics and finger games with preschoolers, exercises for the development of fine motor skills, massage of hands and fingers for the little ones.

Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills especially needed by modern children. After all, now kids, unfortunately, little practice the movements of their fingers: on clothes and shoes - Velcro instead of buttons or laces (so for us, adults, it is more convenient and faster), at games, buttons, few of the children embroider, sew or knit, cut or burns out, helps mom sort out cereals, dust off, wash toys or wash doll accessories. This change in the life situation of the development of preschool children was also reflected in the development of fine motor skills of the hand, which had previously developed in everyday life, imperceptibly, without special training. Now the development of fine motor skills began to require special exercises and classes with babies.

It is believed that any exercise that develops fine motor skills develops speech and thinking. Does the child not speak or speak poorly? Collect mosaics, string, and speech will appear! Do you want your baby to develop well? Develop your fingers, and the brain will develop much more efficiently. But this is not so, or not quite so. Let's try to understand and separate the truth from the myths. And also learn how to use fine motor exercises to really develop our little ones.

The development of fine motor skills in children: video

The development of fine motor skills, speech and thinking of the child.

The statement that hand development helps preschool child's speech development and develops thinking. And all educators and speech therapists know the words of M.M. Koltsova “There is every reason to consider the hand as an organ of speech - the same as the articulatory apparatus. From this point of view, the projection of the hand is another speech area of ​​the brain. " This position entered pedagogy in the 70s of the 20th century and is justified both by the results of an experiment with children and by the anatomy of the brain (Broca's motor center of speech and the center that governs digital motor skills are located next to each other).

But there have always been families in which a lot of children are involved in the development of fine motor skills, they buy special toys and aids (lacing, sorters, beads), but the result is not encouraging, and for some reason there is no shift in the development of speech and thinking.

And there are other families where they did not specifically develop fine motor skills and do not do it, the child just sculpts, draws, plays, helps his mother around the house, but fine motor skills are all right, and the baby is clearly very smart and with well-developed thinking and speech.

So special games are not a panacea? Or - here a seditious thought appears - are we doing them the wrong way? And we obviously don’t know something? Yes this is true!

After all, finger games and exercises are just a tool. And you also need to be able to use it! After all, we also learn to use other tools - we learn to play the violin, sew on a sewing machine or crochet. If we try to play the Paganini violin without training and without special knowledge, we will not get the desired result.

And the basis of my story is scientific research on child development. I strongly advise specialists to get acquainted with them in the book "15 Myths About Children's Speech". The authors of the book are Oleg Igorevich Efimov, a pediatric neurologist, and Victoria Leonidovna Efimova, a candidate of pedagogical sciences, a speech therapist. The book was published by the Dilya publishing house this year.

And for non-specialists - interested parents and educators - I'll give the most important recommendations in this article. And I will share what I know and use in working with children.

First fact. So where did it all start. In the 70s, research was conducted on the development of infants. Children from the Orphanage were divided into three subgroups. One subgroup of children sat in the arena, the second could easily crawl around the group room. And the third subgroup collected pyramids, strung beads and did other exercises to develop fine motor skills with an experimenter. And the children of the third subgroup significantly surpassed their peers in development, they had a sharp leap in the development of speech. It turns out that "develop fine motor skills - and everything will be fine"? But this is not the case.

Second fact. The author of the book V.L. Efimova conducted another experiment in an orphanage in 2001. And he gave a completely different result. It turned out that the children in the orphanage are already eating soup with a spoon at the age of one and a half, buttoning the buttons on their clothes themselves, doing a lot with them - they endlessly collect pyramids, inserts, sort. But at the same time ... do not speak !!! What is the reason? Maybe this is not how we communicate with the kids? Or do finger games really do not affect the development of speech and thinking so much? Did the fact that they just started communicating with these kids influenced the result of the previous experiment? And all other subgroups of children did not have such communication with an adult experimenter, and therefore lagged behind in development?

Third fact. It turns out that the answer to our question can be given not by pedagogy, but by physiology! Scientists argue that at an early age, the primary center of speech in children is not Broca's center, but the anterior cingulate gyrus, which means ... the development of fingers does not directly affect the development of the child !?

What then influences? The limbic system is the center of a person's emotional life! Does it mean that communication with an adult influences first and foremost? After all, we know how quickly babies grasp information in a state of joy and interest.

Modern biological research makes it possible to assume that Wernicke and Brock's zones mature no earlier than the third or fourth year of a child's life (as we remember, it was the proximity of this very Brock's center to the motor control center that made it possible for scientists to assume the great influence of finger games on the development of speech in babies).

Scientific work in this direction is still underway, but what should we do at this time ???

Fourth fact. The answer to all questions! And a key for educators and parents!

It turns out that it is not the fact of finger games and exercises that is important, but WHAT exercises and HOW are carried out with the baby. And therefore, either there will be a result of such games and exercises, or it will not be! And it depends on whether motor planning is involved in finger exercises and in games for the development of fine motor skills. What it is?

Motor planning is between the idea and the action. There are automatic movements that do not require motor planning and are performed in a familiar way. And motor planning appears when a new task appears, when you need to use a new tool, when you need to do something in life that is not mastered, unusual.

Dear readers, who were at our April "Workshop of educational games" - remember the first webinar about the mechanisms of development of babies. And the concept of "zone of proximal development"? This is what we are talking about now. For those who have not been to the webinar - by popular demand, I made a mailing list, in which you can receive his recording for free. To do this, you need to subscribe in the subscription form after the article.

It is known that all children with developmental problems have poorly developed motor planning. And this is the root of all the troubles in many cases of developmental lag. But how can it be poorly developed if the baby has a bunch of developmental toys at home for the development of fine motor skills, there are pyramids, and lacing, and beads for stringing? What's the answer?

As we already know motor planning appears in the case of new tasks, new unusual situations, new materials, new actions. The key word here is new, unusual! When a child already knows this unique pyramid by heart, but collects it many times, even quickly collects it for the joy of all adults - this is not a new action! There is no motor planning here! When he plays the same lacing, this is also not motor planning, but almost a skill. After all, such a toy is no longer new for him, but is familiar! When he sees the same cards for many days, with which an adult performs the same actions, there is no motor planning here either! Namely, motor planning provides the developmental action of the exercises!

So what is the conclusion. Where can you find our Key to Success?

  1. The very fact of execution is not important exercises for the development of fine motor skills, important what exercises we do with the baby and how.
  2. The main principle of conducting exercises and games for the development of fine motor skills is as follows- if the kid gets this movement quickly and easily, then we do it quickly, skip it and move on. But what if the exercise fails? Then we stop on it and work out this movement until the movements become easy, simple, fast, beautiful, clear. And we move on to mastering new movements.
  3. It is necessary to do such complexes of exercises and games that are difficult for a child on a regular basis until they are fully mastered, that is, every day (for 4-5 minutes).

Previously, kindergartens had special five-minute finger exercises before breakfast - every day! It was when I started working, and I remember it very well. The kids did the same finger gymnastics complex for at least one week, until they completely mastered it. Every day they did better and better. Now for many years there are no such regular minutes in ordinary kindergartens, alas, or almost none. And finger gymnastics exists as a fragment of classes with children, and almost always the exercises are given to children on different days of the week, different! And it happens that the exercises are too easy for children, which they already get so easily! But it is precisely in the regular gradual development of complex movements that the essence of such gymnastics lies.

The secret of successful fine motor skills training is already known. Now let's figure it out what is involved in the development of fine motor skills and what exercises the child needs.

Why do you need to develop fine motor skills? What is the problem of modern society and why was it not specially developed before, and the children did not have any problems? Why are long cartoons harmful? What is thread writing and how does it work with children? You will learn about this in the video of the first educational channel.

What includes the development of fine motor skills in children under three years of age:

1. Grasping movements:

  • Grasping an object of various shapes with the whole palm with one hand or with two hands (rattles, cube, ball, etc.), for which it is necessary to take into account its shape, size, location, details.
  • Grasping an object or substance with a pinch (three fingers)
  • Grasping an object with two fingers - index and thumb (tweezers).

2. Development of correlative actions

Ability to combine two objects or two parts of one object (inserts, sorters, pyramids, nesting dolls and other similar toys).

3. Development of finger movements - performing a variety of figures and finger movements(bunny, wolf, house, chair and others).

At first, these movements are awkward, with errors, and over time they become more and more subtle and clear. It is also important to be able to imitate the movements shown by an adult.

These skills develop not only in the process of special finger gymnastics, but also:

  • while putting on your clothes on buttons, buttons, zippers,
  • during work assignments (from 3 years old - water, wipe dust, wipe plant leaves with a sponge, brush clothes and others),
  • in visual activity - drawing, modeling, applique, design,
  • in games - dressing and undressing dolls in the game, using substitute items, making toys, attributes for their games, etc.

How to develop fine motor skills in children?

Development of fine motor skills: massage of hands and fingers for the smallest (up to one year old).

Hand massage is done for the smallest children. It is not difficult. Here is the technique of such a massage given by O. Prikhodko

  • Pat the baby's handles up to the elbow towards the center six to eight times, each handle separately. You need to iron both the inner and outer surfaces of the handle.
  • Fingers are dancing. Bend and straighten all the fingers of the handle at the same time except for the thumb (2-4 times on each handle).
  • Exercise "Ball". Draw spiral movements with your finger on the baby's open palm from its center to the base of the fingers (recall the well-known nursery rhyme about "magpie - crow"). After that, without interruption, the movement passes to the inner side of the thumb. Draw these balls two to four times on each palm.
  • Exercise "We walk top-top" - point clicks with the thumb and forefinger of an adult. Press on the middle of the phalanx of each finger from the tip to the base. We say: "top-top, this is how we walk." You need to press in two planes: between the fingers and from the back-palmar side. So massage all your fingers 1-2 times. At the same time, we say nursery rhymes, rhymes, talk with the baby.
  • Thumb Exercise. Move your thumb out to the side, and then return it to its place. You need to take the finger in three directions in turn: back and forth, sideways - they returned to their original position, in a circle.
  • Pat with light strokes each hand of the baby towards the center five to six times.

Development of fine motor skills: games and exercises for young children (from one to three years old)


  • Games and exercises to develop fine motor skills are difficult for toddlers and therefore do not need to be lengthy.
  • They should be carried out in the game so that the kid would be interested (sort out cereals for Cinderella, help the hedgehog hide under his needles from the fox and other game situations).
  • If the movement fails, the fingers do not obey, then the game must be repeated many times until the movement is easy, correct, clear. In this case, every time you need to change the plot of the game, objects, introduce something new so that the child is carried away by the game and does not get tired of the monotony (first, lay out a bridge for the dog out of small pebbles on plasticine. Next time lay out a path for the doll. just lay out the river for the fish, and so on).
  • All games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills should always be carried out in the presence of an adult in order to ensure the safety of such games.
  • Do not use button games. They do not develop fine motor skills (whatever their manufacturers say), but only distract the child.

List of exercises and games to develop fine motor skills in children

1.Rubber pear(sold at the pharmacy). Choose a small pear. By pressing on it, a stream of air is obtained, which can be used to blow off a cotton swab or leaf from the table. You can even play football, trying to blow a fleece into the goal with a stream of air. For children of the first year of life, a pear is not needed, this role is played by rubber toys - tweeters, playing with which the baby develops the strength of the hands.
2. Kneading plasticine. Before sculpting a child of any age, be sure to knead the plasticine. This is a very useful exercise for developing fine motor skills. In this regard, ordinary domestic plasticine is much more useful than soft imported.
3. Playing with raisins is always very joyful for both mother and child and useful for the whole family. Make dough, roll it out. Invite your toddler to decorate the dough with raisins. Show how to take a zest correctly ("tweezers grip" with two fingers - thumb and forefinger). Show that the raisins should be spread out over the entire dough at a distance from each other. Then bake the resulting cake and eat it with the whole family! Joy is guaranteed!
4. Stringing rings on the rod of the pyramid (development of correlating hand movements). First, the baby learns to disassemble the pyramid toy (it is easier), and only then to assemble it. Pay attention - even the smallest children easily memorize the color sequence in the pyramid and assemble it simply from memory, and not by comparison of values. Therefore, if you want to teach them how to compare the size of the rings and arrange them from largest to smallest in sequence, then you need a pyramid with rings of the same color!
5.Paper Exercises:

1) crumple - the development of hand strength (after that you get a "ball" that can be thrown into the basket from a distance),

2) tear (development of correlating movements) - grab the sheet with the fingers of both hands and pull it in different directions. Stripes are obtained. We put these strips in a box and make a "rain", pouring our strips out of the box.

Important Tips:

- When offering your child the paper for this exercise, you should always show him where the paper can be obtained from. And they themselves must always take paper for this game only from this box. Otherwise, the baby will understand that you can tear everything that is around and tear books or something else you need. There is always a place for this exercise.

- Don't let us tear up old books and magazines. With any game we bring up an attitude towards life. And this is an example of inappropriate handling of a book. Plus, ink isn't good for young children at all.

- You can give old rolls of wallpaper for this exercise.

3) make applications from paper balls (crumple the paper, tear it into strips, then tear the strips into squares, roll each square on the palm into a ball, the silhouette is laid out in balls - for example, a cat, a lamb, a cloud)

4) make appliqués from pieces of paper that the baby picked. Draw a picture on a piece of Whatman paper. And stick pieces of paper on it according to the plot. White pasted pieces can represent snow or clouds, blue - a river, yellow - autumn foliage of trees.

6. Pressing small objects into plasticine (beads, seeds, shells, small stones). So we can make pictures - mosaics on plasticine. And you can also help the hero of the game - for example, make a "blue river" (smear clay on a strip of cardboard) and build a bridge across the river (press stones into the clay). And then toys will pass along this bridge and thank the kid for his help.

7. Sorting small items- it is very important that the baby does this either with a pinch (with three fingers), or by the "tweezers grip" method, that is, with two fingers - thumb and forefinger. In this case, the rest of the fingers should be bent and not interfere. Show your baby the correct way to do this exercise.

Mix two kinds of beads in one box (or peas and beans; or shells and pebbles, or buttons of different shapes and sizes) and ask for your help. You can sort by color (if you have mixed beads of two colors), by shape, by size. First, the baby sorts two types of large enough items. Then the task becomes more complicated - smaller objects are taken and sorted into 3-5 groups (for example, beans in one box, peas in another, beads in a third, pebbles in a fourth, shells in a fifth).

Sorting is always done in the game. For example, our chicken loves peas, and the cockerel loves beans. They need to divide the food into bowls.

Or one doll loves pasta and the other loves beans. You need to give everyone what she loves.

Sorting small items is very important in the third year of a child's life.

8. Overflowing. Use a funnel, scoop or spoon to pour various bulk substances from one dish to another. You can pour sand, cereals, peas, lentils). Use different dishes - you can pour it into a glass, a vessel with a narrow neck using a funnel. You can pour sand into the box with your hands, hide and look for various small toys in the sand.

9. Use of cutlery- spoons forks. The ability to eat independently with a spoon, fork, drink from a cup is also a very important component of the development of a baby and the development of fine motor skills.

10. Unfolding a paper-wrapped object - surprise - "What's in there?" When the baby unfolds the paper and finds a gift, plays with it, wrap it up again - hide it in another paper. Try to find again. Teach the kid to wrap - to hide an object from an older sister or brother, dad, grandmother. Let them be happy when they unroll his surprise.

11. Filling the bottle with small items. Beans, pebbles, balls can be dipped into a plastic bottle.

To make this exercise effective, show your baby how to do it correctly:

- Grasp small objects with either a pinch or two fingers (thumb and forefinger) - just show how you grab an object.

- Hold the bottle with one hand and take one part at a time with the other hand. It is very important to ensure that the kid takes one piece at a time correctly!

- At the end, close the bottle with a lid and rattle the resulting rattle.

12. Constructors. Various designers develop fine motor skills very well. It is important to have several constructors at home (but always with a DIFFERENT principle of joining parts). Making crafts, working with clay is also very useful.

13. Winding. Winding a thick thread on a stick, on a spool, on a ball and unwinding. Winding a thick lace around your hand or your mother's

14. Stringing beads with large holes. I saw a very good idea for stringing in the Solnyshko kindergarten in Moscow. The teachers in this kindergarten collect old, unnecessary plastic-cased felt-tip pens. This body is sawn to pieces. Multi-colored "tubes" are obtained, which are strung on a lace.

You can also string spools of thread, rings for curtains, construction kit parts, beads made of clay or salt dough, rings from small pyramids.

15. Flip the pages of the book one by one. This exercise is available to a child from one year old. For this, the pages of the first book must be dense, made of cardboard.

Show your baby the book. And put a picture on the next page - a surprise. To find it, you need to turn over the page. If it is difficult for the baby, then help him by slightly lifting the page.

16. Games - lacing(to lace an apple to the back of a hedgehog, details of clothing and other plot lacing). But these games quickly become boring to the kid. Therefore, it is better if you have a doll whose shoes or clothes are tied with a lace. Putting on this doll in the game and undressing it, it will be easy and fun for the kid to train to lace up.

17. Untie and tie knots, bows, weave pigtails, unfasten and fasten Velcro, buttons, buttons, hooks, zippers, take off and put on a hat, pull off socks, take off boots.

Although most often in modern families, the task of mastering different types of fasteners by babies is solved with the help of a developing book or rug, this is just the first stage. Then the baby trains to do this in everyday life.

The baby's clothes should have different fasteners - buttons of different shapes and sizes, buttons. It should be borne in mind that it is much easier to fasten the fastener on a rug or other person than on yourself.

The situation when a child has only Velcro on clothes and shoes during the entire preschool age leads to the fact that even second-graders at the age of 8-9 are not able to dress themselves if the clothes have a different type of fastener, and they cannot even lace up the laces, changing into physical education! But the child's lack of independence and dependence on an adult directly affects his further behavior and success in life.

Already at an early age, the baby can take off and put on a hat, stretch out handles when putting on a sweater, put on and take off mittens and gloves, pull off socks, take off boots, stick your hands in your sleeves and legs in your trousers, take off your unbuttoned pants, coat, jacket - and this is also a contribution to the development of fine motor skills baby, and a very big contribution.

18. Tops. First, the kid learns to launch the spinning top, and then the tops of large sizes. And after that, give the baby tops of a small size. Use any other items instead of a top: pyramid rings, balls, plastic bowls, etc. It is also useful to start wind-up toys with a key.

19. Open and close the jars (unscrew and tighten the lids) To make it more interesting, hide the surprise inside by wrapping it in paper. And at the same time, the kid will practice unfolding and folding the paper. What is hidden in the jar?

20. Lay out figures from sticks, from different types of mosaics.

21. Rolling balls. Children roll small balls on table (on the playing field, on which you can draw different paths - straight, curved, spiral). During the game, the ball should not slip out from under the palm of your hand. Tell the kid: “The balls are naughty! So they strive to run away. Don't let them go! " The balls can be rolled with both palms (in the first games) and with one finger (in subsequent games).

22. Rolling a pencil between palms. First, try rolling your pencil on the table with your palm. Then show your kid how to roll the pencil between the straightened palms in your hands (the pencil is in an upright position). At the end of the pencil, you can glue a picture that will "dance" - spin.

More about the development of fine motor skills in children on the site "Native Path":

We will talk about how to develop fine motor skills in children from 3 to 7 years old in the next article (for children from 3 to 7 years old). In it you will find finger games, Maria Montessori exercises for the development of fine motor skills in preschoolers, finger theater, games with clothespins, tests to determine the level of development of fine motor skills and many other interesting ideas.

You will find the list of "20 most interesting and unusual objects for the development of fine motor skills of children"


"Development of speech from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

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Fine motor skills are a complex of coordinated actions aimed at precise execution of small movements with fingers and hands and feet. This involves the nervous, muscular, bone and even visual systems. It includes a variety of movements: from all familiar gestures to the smallest manipulations.

From the point of view of anatomy, 1/3 of the motor projection on the cerebral cortex is precisely the projection of the hand, located next to the speech area. Therefore, the development of fine motor skills in children 3-4-5 years old is so important: the formation of speech skills, success in school, and the child's successful socialization will depend on it. What are her age characteristics and how to achieve her maximum progress in preschool children?

In preschool age, normal motor skills become more varied and more complex compared to 2–3 years of age. The proportion of manipulations requiring coordinated hand actions is increasing. You need to know what age characteristics are characterized by the development of fine motor skills in children 4-5 years old in order to direct it in the right direction.

  1. By the age of 3, children's finger movements become, at least somehow, similar to those of an adult.
  2. Fine motor skills acquired earlier are improved.
  3. Children learn to put things in a specific place.
  4. Up to 3 years old, the baby grabbed and held mainly with his palm, and now he is more actively using his fingers.
  5. Preschoolers from 3 to 5 years old try to draw circles and lines, cut paper with scissors, take off and put on loose, loose clothes.
  6. Fine motor skills are now formed in conjunction with kinesthetic feeling. The child begins to realize the position and movement of his own body in space. The process of development of visual-tactile-kinesthetic connections is started. Thanks to this, the movements of the hands are carried out under the control of vision.

Thus, the development of fine motor skills of hands in children 3-4 years old occurs sequentially, gradually. First you need to learn how to reach the object in order to grab it, and then manipulate it. Coordination of movements of both hands and eyes is important in this process. Teachers, psychologists, physiologists have identified the norms and deviations in the development of fine motor skills in preschool age.


According to experts, the development of motor skills in children 4 years old and even 5 years old should meet the following regulatory requirements.

  1. Knocks the object against the object.
  2. He takes a bead or crumb of bread (any round small part) with two fingers, and it should be thumb and forefinger.
  3. Draws on a piece of paper and then crosses out the drawing.
  4. Pulls out small items from a transparent jar.
  5. By analogy, builds a bridge of 3 cubes.
  6. Builds a tower on his own from at least 3 cubes.
  7. Tries to draw a vertical line: the error should not exceed 30 °.
  8. Redraws a cross, a circle, a square.
  9. Draws a human with at least 3 elements.

It is to such norms that the development of fine motor skills of hands in children 4-5 years old should strive: if your child has mastered most of the skills from this list, the formation of his thinking and motor abilities does not require correction. When there is a partial delay (and even an advance) in 1 or 2 indicators, they speak of inharmonious dynamics of the functions of thinking, speech and fine motor skills. In the case when the child has not mastered most of the listed skills, a more accurate diagnosis of lagging to one degree or another is needed.


If the development of fine motor skills in children 3-4 years old is insufficient for this age, the child will have characteristic deviations from the norm:

  • the technique of movements is impaired;
  • motor qualities suffer: agility, quickness, strength, coordination, accuracy;
  • psychomotor deficiencies are diagnosed;
  • basic self-service skills are poorly formed;
  • weak technical skills in drawing, modeling, construction, application;
  • inability to hold a brush or pencil correctly, to regulate the pressure on them;
  • difficulty using scissors.

If the development of motor skills in children 4-5 years old occurs according to this plan (5-6 violations), these are deviations. Despite the absence of gross movement disorders, the level of physical and motor progress is much lower than that of normally developing preschool children. And here it is very important to recognize it in time.


Diagnostics is needed to reveal that the development of fine motor skills in children 3 years of age and older is impaired. The specialist will tell you the exact results, but it can also be done at home. Ask your baby to do the following simple exercises.

  1. Read the nursery rhyme to him, while performing simple movements with your fingers and hands, and then ask him to repeat them after you.
  2. Stretch your arms out in front of you. One hand is clenched into a fist, the other is extended. You need to slowly, but at the same time, change the position of the brushes.
  3. He should be able to "walk" on a flat surface with his fingers (index and middle alternately).
  4. He should be able to "bend his fingers" one by one, starting with the little finger.
  5. Ask him to do the pinch-palm exercise. It is proposed to connect the fingers of the left hand in a pinch as if it depicts a woodpecker's beak, and knock on the right palm, which should be vertically open. Do the same by changing hands.
  6. Ask to unfold both hands at the same time in a strict sequence: fist - edge of the hand - palm.
  7. In front of the child's eyes, disassemble the pyramid and give him the task to reassemble it.
  8. A similar exercise with a matryoshka: first, they take it apart in front of his eyes, and then ask to assemble it.
  9. Ask to sketch a house consisting of ordinary elements that are easy to reproduce, even if you don't have an artist's talent. Check how accurate the received copy is. Pay special attention to such small elements as a porch, chimney, door - they will indicate the dynamics of development in the hands of fine motor skills.
  10. Offer to circle the drawing point by point, but at the same time agree in advance that you cannot tear off a pencil (pen, felt-tip pen) from the paper.
  11. It is necessary to shade the figure with straight lines, while trying not to go beyond its contours. Ask your child to use different types of shading: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, wavy.

Now sum up. If at the age of 3 it is permissible for him to perform at least 30% of all these exercises, then by the age of 5 the fine motor skills should be so developed that 80-90% of these tasks are considered the norm. If your indicators are lower, you need to work more with your baby. Otherwise, it will then have a deplorable effect on his further speech and even intellectual development.

The most important factor that determines the development of fine motor skills in children 3 years of age and older is the timely organized assistance of a correctional and pedagogical nature. Children with disabilities should be sent to correctional groups at specialized kindergartens. To prevent this from happening, parents should engage with a preschool child as much as possible, developing fine motor skills in the fingers: there are a lot of techniques and methods.

Development techniques

In order for the development of fine motor skills in children 3-4 years old to be within the normal range, it can be accelerated. There are different techniques.

Small object games

A child from 3 years old just needs to be offered all those games where you need to collect small parts into a single whole:

  • mosaic;
  • puzzles;
  • constructor.

Such games not only contribute to the development of fine motor skills, but also form a creative imagination, orientation in space. You can read more about games and exercises.

Finger games

Finger games for the development of fine motor skills

Finger games for the development of fine motor skills for children 3-4 years old can rely on:

  • colored sticks;
  • Tongue Twisters;
  • poetry;
  • finger alphabet;
  • finger theater.

At first, for three-year-olds, it will be normal to repeat movements after an adult. But at the age of 5, hearing a poem in which the task is to perform the simplest finger movements, he must do them on his own.

Massage of hands and fingers

This method of developing fine motor skills in the hands involves several methods:

  • professional massage by a specialist;
  • independent warm-up of fingers and hands by parents ("as they can", as they say);
  • invite your child to launch a small top so that it spins as long as possible;
  • let him run his hands into cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat) and sand, touching each grain with his fingers separately.

Games with massage elements very well contribute to the development of fine motor skills in fingers and hands.


It is difficult to formulate any specific tasks here. Just give the preschooler plasticine in hand: let his fingers create from him what his irrepressible imagination will come up with. The main thing is that modeling is present in the daily activities of the baby from 3 to 5 years old.


Despite the fact that drawing, just like sculpting, requires a flight of imagination, it focuses on the more concrete development of fine motor skills. Therefore, there is the fulfillment of certain tasks:

  • drawing on stencils;
  • hatching;
  • drawing with curly rulers;
  • work with entertaining recipes especially for preschoolers.

It is recommended to carry out work on the development of fine motor skills regularly for 5 minutes several (5-6) times a day. Results can be achieved using different types of activities: play, modeling, drawing, appliqué, design. Regular exercises contribute to the formation of perception, speech, sense of color along the way. Only in the aggregate of all these efforts, which will be required from both parents and preschoolers themselves, the development of fine motor skills in children 3-4 years old can be successful.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten combined type number 24

Municipal Formation Ust-Labinsky District

Methodical development

"Dexterous fingers"

(development of fine motor skills of hands)

Prepared by the teacher:

Biryukova Tatiana Vladimirovna

2016 year


    Explanatory note …………………………………………………………………….3

    1. Relevance ……………………………………………………………………….……...4

      Targets and goals ………………………………………………………………………..……..5

      Novelty …………………………………………………………………………………….5

      Methods and techniques ……………………………………………………………….…………6


    1. Work organization …………………………………………………………………….…….7

      List of main activities …………………………………………………………….8

      Effectiveness ………………………………………………………………………………9

    Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………… ..... 10

    References ………………………………………………………………… .... 11

    Appendix …………………………………………………………………………… ..... 12

Methodical development "Dexterous fingers" designed to work with preschool children. This manual contains material on the educational field "Cognition" through the integration of educational areas: "Socialization", "Security", "Communication", "Reading fiction".

The presented methodological development is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions working with preschool children, parents.

Explanatory note

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Education", "Concept for Preschool Education", the main priority of education today is the personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with the child: acceptance and support of his individuality, interests and needs, the development of creative abilities and concern for his emotional well-being.

The leading cognitive process at an early age is perception. Its importance can hardly be overestimated. If the child does not receive the components that contribute to the development of perception, then he may have serious gaps in his ideas about a number of properties of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

The child's perception of the world goes through feelings and sensations. Children are trusting and spontaneous, they are easily involved in joint practical activities with adults, they are happy to manipulate various objects.

The main tasks of the formation of perception are integrated with the tasks of the development of speech, movements, playing skills. In order to interest the kids, to awaken creative activity in them, play methods and techniques, the artistic word are offered.

The proposed material can be used variably, concretize it, supplement the tasks, methods of interaction with children.

"The origins of abilities and talents

children at their fingertips.

The more confidence in the movements

child's hand, the finer the interaction of the hand

with a tool of labor, more difficult to move,

brighter the creative element of the child's mind.

And the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child is ... "

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


It has long been no secret to anyone that the development of fine motor skills (flexibility and accuracy of finger movements) and tactile sensitivity is a powerful stimulus for the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking and speech in children. Children who have better developed small hand movements have a more developed brain, especially those parts of it that are responsible for speech. Fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the human central nervous system.

Therefore, it is very important to develop fine motor skills in a child from a very early age. But just doing the exercises will be boring for the kid - you need to turn them into interesting and useful games.

Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and also the baby's vocabulary develop.

Fine motor skills of the hands are a variety of movements with the fingers and palms.

It is very good when there are a lot of various toys at home, which are interesting for children and parents to play together. But very few people think that the huge potential for the development of fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity is given to babies by life itself.

You can develop the flexibility of fingers and tactile sensitivity of children by organizing educational games for children using ordinary household items. The most important thing is that in order to play with the child, we do not need to buy anything specially - we have everything at hand: buttons, lids, cereals, clothespins, paper, etc.

The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for learning. Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, his memory and attention, coherent speech are sufficiently developed.

The relevance of work on the development of fine motor skills in young children is also due to the age-related psychological and physiological characteristics of children: in early and early preschool age, the structures and functions of the child's brain are intensively developing, which expands his capabilities in cognizing the world around him. The teacher, organizing various activities of children with objects, toys and natural objects, it is important to activate the sensory foundations of cognition in children, teach kids to use different senses to obtain information about the world around them: vision, hearing, smell, tactile sensations.

At the tips of children's fingers are nerve endings that contribute to the transmission of a huge amount of signals to the brain center, and this affects the development of the child as a whole. That is why the relevance of fine motor skills is undeniable. All ways of developing fine motor skills have a beneficial effect on the body.

So, shaping and improving the fine motor skills of the fingers, we complicate the structure of the brain, develop the psyche and intellect of the child. Through the development of fine motor skills, we improve the mental processes and speech function of the child.

Joint activities under this program are carried out in a playful way. During the game, the situation of success is realized as much as possible, therefore, the work occurs naturally, there is no mental stress.

Goal and tasks:

Target: Develop finger motor skills using traditional and non-traditional methods.


    Choose finger games, exercises, practical tasks, board games for the development of fine motor skills, prepare didactic material.

    Develop imagination, speech, thinking, spatial orientation, memory, attention, perseverance.

    To acquaint children with non-traditional methods of visual activity.

    Formation of the ability to translate your ideas into an artistic image.

    Development of the ability to make precise movements with the hand and fingers.

    Development of the ability to coordinate the work of hands with visual perception.

    Fostering a respectful attitude towards one's own and other people's work.

    Strengthen the physical and mental health of children.

    provide emotional well-being.

    Expand the horizons of children, create an atmosphere of joy and pleasure.

    To foster feelings of sympathy for peers, to form a single child-adult team.

    To develop cognitive abilities, mental processes of children.

    Foster an interest in the diversity of human relationships.

    To enrich children with a variety of sensory experiences.

    To develop the creativity and creativity of the project participants.

    To acquaint parents with the work that is carried out in the group on this topic and its meaning, to involve them in joint activities.

The novelty of this methodological development consists in the fact that the work on the development of manual skill was carried out through various types of children's activities. I started my work on the development of fine motor skills with children of younger preschool age (from 3 to 4 years old). To improve manual skills in the younger group, I used: pyramids, "lacing games", finger games are a very important part of the work ("Soup", "Family", "Flower", "Hedgehog", "House"). In addition to games and exercises, the development of manual skill is facilitated by various types of productive activities (drawing, modeling, application, construction). Of course, mastering all types of productive activity, the child will not learn to write. But they all make the baby's hand skillful, easily and freely control the instrument, develop visual control over the movement of the hand, and help the formation of a hand-eye connection. All this will be a good helper at school.

In sculpting, I use a variety of techniques: rolling in straight and circular movements between palms, flattening, pulling, learning to connect parts by smearing, smoothing. In the middle group, I plan to use natural material: bones, seeds, pebbles, shells and make patterns from them on plasticine.

In applique classes, I use napkin applique, tear-off applique, pasting of ready-made shapes. I believe that tissue application has a particularly positive effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands. By crushing pieces of paper napkin with fingertips, lumps are obtained, which children use to fill in the outline of the drawing, gluing these lumps to certain places. Collective works made with napkin applique are distinguished by their colorfulness and artistic taste. Children are happy to do this applique, getting satisfaction in the form of a finished work done with their own hands decorating the group.

Working with children, I decided to gradually introduce short napkin applique classes into the regime moments. At first, the children crumpled large pieces of napkins, then the squares became smaller and smaller. The children's fingers became dexterous. The creation of the drawings was collective and individual. Productive activity is always interesting for children, but when children see the finished work decorating the group, there is no limit to children's joy, admiration, pride in their work.

Break applique is a separate type of applique, the essence of which can be captured from the name. In a tear-off applique, all the details of the drawing are not cut out of colored paper, but are torn off and glued in the form of a mosaic. The breakaway application is easy to perform, and a 3-year-old child can also master it. In addition, clear lines are not needed here - a real scope for creativity.

Methods and techniques:

Correctly selected teaching methods and techniques contribute to the development of fine motor skills in children.

1. Finger games - development of speech, creative activity, concentration of attention, development of memory, emotionality.

2. The use of sculpting from various materials (plasticine, clay, dough, the use of natural materials; non-traditional drawing techniques; use of a constructor ("Lego", wooden, metal); application.

3. Didactic games: puzzles, beads, mosaic, lacing.

4. Development of graphomotor skills: stencils, graphic dictations.

5. Why is fine motor development important for children?

Work organization:



Study of literature on the topic.

Get the necessary knowledge and skills.

Drawing up a file of games for the development of a small motorboat

Distribute games by lexical topics

Development of a long-term work plan for the development of fine motor skills for the current academic year

Develop practical activities for the project period.

Selection of visual - informational and advisory material for parents.

Parents' questioning.

Revealing the competence of parents on this issue.

Examination of children.

Revealing the level of development of fine motor skills.

Experimental activity: Cognition of properties: household items, natural material (nuts, beans, cereals, flour, clothespins, plastic lids, paper)

Formation of sensory representations, development of cognitive and research activities.

Performing productive activities (non-traditional techniques) "Funny pictures", "Patterns on a tray", etc.

Introduction to the fine arts.

Using Su-Jok methods

Health promotion with unconventional techniques

Studying finger games

Finger training, development of attention, imagination.

List of main activities

Educational area



Experimental activity: Cognition of properties: household items, natural material (nuts, beans, cereals, flour, clothespins, plastic lids, paper).

Д / и "Wonderful bag",

"Lotto", "Dressy beads", etc.


Memorizing nursery rhymes accompanying finger games

"Five Happy Piglets", "Family", "Cabbage", "Friendship", etc.


Collective creativity,

familiarization with the norms and rules of interaction with peers and adults.

Artistic creation

Performing productive activities "Funny Pictures", "Patterns on a Tray", etc.

Subject - developmental environment

Replenishment of children's sensory development corner (lacing, loto, dry pool, mosaic)


Improving children's health with non-traditional techniques.

Joint activities with parents

Visual - informational and advisory material for parents.

Performing creative assignments.

Participation in the consolidation of learned games with children at home.


Using this system in order to develop fine motor skills of the hands of preschool children, I have achieved certain results. In the process of repeated diagnostics, positive dynamics can be traced in the development of fine motor skills of the hands of children. With a high level, 36% are pupils, an average level for 60% of children, and a low level for 4%.

    The hands and fingers of the children acquired good mobility, flexibility, and stiffness of movements disappeared. In visual activity, children demonstrate good pressure, confident lines. Most children have achieved a high level of mastery of productive skills and self-care skills

    Children are introduced to non-traditional methods of visual activity

The results obtained during the experiment helped to solve a number of other problems:

    The effectiveness of diagnostic studies for all types of activities of children at the end of the year was quite high.

    Life in the group became brighter and more interesting.

    The partnership between teachers and children has improved.

    Cooperation between teachers and parents has been strengthened.

    Finger games unlearned with children

    The classes contributed to the development of such mental functions in children as thinking, memory, attention, speech; improved orientation in space; brought up such qualities as perseverance, patience, the desire to bring what has been started to the end


The system used gave a positive result in the development of fine motor skills in preschool children.


The development of the hand and the coordination of finger movements is a complex task that covers many areas of the child's activity. It is one of the aspects of the problem of ensuring full development in preschool age. And since the general motor lag is observed by researchers in the majority of modern children, the weak hand of a preschooler must and must be developed

Taking into account the fact that active movements of the fingers stimulate the development of speech, it is advisable to expand the volume of finger games and systematically use them in work with children.

Thus, in order for the result of the work to be effective, it is necessary to use a variety of techniques and methods of work to form fine movements of the fingers. I see the results of my work in the manifestation of children's interest in various types of activities.

The outstanding teacher Maria Montessori argued that finding a way to teach a child to do work before he started the work itself, that is, to prepare movements with the help of repeated exercises. She also wrote that "a child, taking on things that he does badly, dulls his sensitivity to his own mistakes, while one must remember that the child's first impression is the brightest and strongest."

Therefore, I try to provide children with the opportunity to experience the pleasure of the creative process, from the fact that he did something himself, I teach that any work and any action can be done with interest.

As a result of the work done, I came to the conclusion that purposeful, systematic and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands in preschool children in interaction with parents contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities, positively affects the speech zones of the cerebral cortex, and most importantly, contributes to the preservation of physical and the mental health of the child. And all this directly prepares him for successful schooling.

In the future, I will continue to look for new methodological techniques that will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of hands, general motor skills, independence, which will form interest in various types of activity.

Informational resources:


    O. A. Zazhigina Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands using non-standard equipment Childhood-Press

Finger steps. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills E. Yu. Timofeeva, E. I. Chernov

    Belaya, A. E., Miryasova, V. I. Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers [text]: a guide for parents and teachers / A. E. Belaya, V. I. Miryasova. - M.: OOO Publishing house AST, 2000. -48s.

    Krupenchuk, O. I. Teach me to speak correctly! [text]: textbook on speech therapy for children and parents / OI Krupenchuk.- SPb .: Publishing House Litera, 2005. -208p.

Many mothers have repeatedly heard that it is very useful for a baby to regularly do exercises that contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. But few of them know what fine motor skills of hands are and why it needs to be developed. And also, what kind of exercises and games should be carried out with the baby to develop his motor skills.

What is fine motor skills of hands

Fine motor skills of the hands - the ability to perform precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers. For a child to be able to perform an exercise for the development of fine motor skills, his muscular, skeletal and nervous systems must work in sync. Teachers and psychologists have long established a direct relationship between the level of mental development of the baby and the level of development of his fine motor skills of his hands. Therefore, it is recommended that young parents begin to carry out elementary exercises with the baby as soon as he shows interest in the objects around him, and begins to try to grab them and pull them towards him. At this stage, the mother can massage the palms and fingers of the baby. And when he grows up a little and can sit on his own, it will already be possible to develop his fine motor skills with the help of games and special toys.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the timely development of fine motor skills of the hands. In children with developed motor skills, the nervous system, attention, memory, perception, perseverance and speech function better. You ask, what does the speech have to do with it? What is the relationship between the ability to speak coherently and manipulate small objects? It turns out that in the brain, the speech and motor centers are located side by side. And when the area of ​​the brain responsible for fine motor skills is activated, the speech center is stimulated. It has long been noticed that the earlier the baby begins to regularly play games for the development of fine motor skills, the earlier he begins to speak, his speech quickly becomes intelligible and varied. And the development of fine motor skills improves the child's manual dexterity and the speed of his reaction, which in the future will positively affect the ability to write quickly and beautifully.

When school teachers and psychologists decide whether a child is ready for learning, they evaluate him according to the following criteria:

  • the ability to speak coherently, concentrate, think and reason logically;
  • the degree of development of attention, memory, imagination;
  • preparing the child's hand for learning to write.

It is the fine motor skills of the hands that are responsible for the development of these skills.

Games for the development of fine motor skills can be very diverse: from simple tasks for babies, for example, taking a rattle, to more complex ones designed for older preschool children, for example, drawing a picture point by point.

Fine motor games

Massage of palms and fingers... To do this, you can play with the baby in the well-known game "Magpie-crow". A child of younger preschool age will be interested in the following game: an adult draws letters, numbers, figures with his finger on the palm of the child, and the child guesses what is drawn.

Small object games:

  • An adult takes a vessel and pours a homogeneous filler into it, for example, sand, cereals, beads of the same diameter, pellets or other small objects. Then he invites the baby to put his hands in each vessel in turn and mix its contents for 5 minutes. After the child has mixed the contents of all the vessels several times, he is blindfolded and helped to lower his hands into any vessel. He must feel by touch what kind of filler is in the vessel.
  • An adult pours out a lot of beads or buttons in front of the child and offers to string them on a fishing line, observing a certain order, for example, only large or only light ones, or one large, one small.
  • Children over two years old can be offered to assemble puzzles or mosaics from large parts.

Finger games... An adult gives the child an elastic for hair with a diameter of 4-5 cm. The child inserts the fingers of one hand into the elastic and tries to rotate the elastic with all fingers, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.

Molding... The child sculpts numbers, letters, geometric shapes from plasticine. And then, with his eyes closed, by touch he tries to determine what kind of figure he has cobbled together in front of him.

Drawing and applique:

  • Drawing is very useful for developing fine motor skills. In addition to the usual drawing of pictures and coloring pictures, you can invite your child to draw geometric shapes or animals through a stencil, draw a path through the maze with a pencil, race around the contours of circles or squares.
  • Together with the baby, take care of applique work (cutting out and then gluing small details), cutting and painting "snowflakes" from paper.

Use household items. Place in front of the child regular rolling jars of different diameters and a saucer with small objects (beads, buttons or peas). Ask your toddler to arrange the items in the jars. Over time, the task can be complicated, for example, you need to put one object in the first jar, two in the second, and so on until ten. You can also invite your child to put on Dad's shirt and try buttoning and unbuttoning all the buttons on it.

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