I had a fight with a girl, I want to call her. We'll have to look for other ways of reconciliation. Original ways to reconcile with your beloved

How to make up with a girl

Get the girl back

How to make up with a girl

Anyone who wants to make peace with a girl should understand the difference between the terms “make up with a girl” and “return a girl”.

When we want to make peace with a girl, then we have a "next" quarrel, when the girl leaves the back door open and waits for your actions. Usually, this is a kind of pressure on you from the girl's side, or the girl's desire to convey some information to you.

But when we talk about the return of a girl, we mean a situation when she announced her desire to leave and broke off the relationship. This is a categorical situation when a girl put a fat point and stopped all contact with you.

Therefore, if your situation is not critical, then read this article. And if the girl left you, then .

Does the girl want to make up

If during a quarrel with you the girl was not categorical, and after her declaration of separation she still "maintains" any contact with you, then she definitely wants to make peace with you. The trick is only that you need to catch the "reason" of such behavior on her part and it is easy enough to restore communication. In other words, there is some kind of "jamb" that needs to be fixed.

Make peace with a girl if she doesn't want to. When the girl finally leaves the guy, he understands this by the complete ignorance and "chilling" behavior on her part. No calls, no messages, no face-to-face meetings can change her behavior. She is cold and silent. But when a girl, on the contrary, insists that she does not want to put up and so on, then she only deliberately touches you in order to fray your nerves and force you to act. Therefore, in any case, she wants to make peace with you.

Make up with a girl after a quarrel

There is a certain category of guys that compels, and even after their mistake, the girls themselves are the first to strive for reconciliation and contact. But, nevertheless, the typical situation is more inclined to the fact that the girl puffs out her cheeks and is "offended". And here comes the guy's time.

Remember that it doesn't matter who is to blame for this situation, in any case, it is you who will have to put up, since most girls will strangle themselves, but will not be the first to contact. The exception is the method of returning the girl, the link to which you can find at the beginning of the article.

Therefore, remember that you are the main one in this situation, you set all the actions, and it is you who expect any result from the girl for your actions. She can only sit and sulk, and you can change the whole situation. You are the king.

Instructions: "How to make peace with a girl"

First, you need to find the error that led to this situation. Yes, the girl wants to hear from you the phrase: "Forgive me, Tanya, you are right, I acted stupidly and made a mistake in this and that." After that, there is a moment of greatness on the part of the girl, and she reads you morality about good behavior for 15-30 minutes. Even the coolest males go through this situation too. But the catch is that until you find the error “in this and that in this”, you will not be able to tell the girl anything.

Our practice shows that few guys can determine the reasons, but at least something similar can be found by everyone. To be sure, it is better to find more reasons for your past conflicts, and already turn to the girl with all this.

Your speech should be slightly angular and bullish so that the girl sees in front of her not a weak boy, but an uncouth Neanderthal trying to be romantic. The first one annoys girls, but the second makes them "strict mothers", which they really like.

So, if you get into your own reason, or about this reason, it will launch a "dunno" in the girl. She will start asking you questions like: “Why did you do that”, “Why did you do that”, “Do you think I was pleased” and the like. You will only need to nod your head and answer with direct phrases: “You’re right, I didn’t think it would turn out this way”, “I made a mistake, I didn’t think about it”. Those. you say phrases that admit your mistake, but do not give her the freedom to unwind aggression and hysteria.

After she realizes that you are a typical "impenetrable man" who realized his mistakes, but is too "stupid" for sincere remorse (in fact, she does not want to see your weakness), then she will allow you to apologize completely, and you make up.

Yes, buddy, it is this behavior, which can be called stupid and tasteless, that most often breaks through the girl's “resentment” and makes them reconcile with you (accept your apology). It really works.

How long does it take to put up with a girl

The girl must believe you that you were worried and thought about the reasons for her behavior. She has to believe that you really understood the reason why she had a fight with you. And only after your "inspiration" did you come to her on the carpet with requests for reconciliation.

Therefore, you must wait at least one day without any contact from your side. Let the girl completely lose sight of you and even be afraid that you can leave her, or you do not dare to take the first step.

And now, after one day of ignoring on your part, you will be able to come to her and declare that you have realized everything, and she is right. Then the girl will believe you and listen to your statements. It's simple.

Do I have to put up with a girl beautifully

If you mean sex by beauty, then they can complete reconciliation with a girl, and if you are talking about some kind of gesture like a bouquet of roses or an inscription on the pavement, then this is a waste of energy and money. If the girl did not leave you, then she will make peace with you and listen to you. And if she left you, then this bouquet of roses and the inscription on the asphalt will be a gross mistake on your part. Therefore, the maximum is an invitation to a cafe or bar, this is your maximum.

After another quarrel, your girlfriend decided that her patience had reached the limit, and she resolutely pointed to the door. What to do and what to do if you are definitely sure that you do not intend to lose your girlfriend forever? How to make peace with your girlfriend? What actions should be taken so as not to completely ruin everything and not become a "turned page"?

No matter how cloudless your relationship is, it is impossible to do without quarrels at all. The reasons for quarrels can be very different, and the result is usually the same - a loved one is offended, and you feel guilty. What if you are torn apart by conflicting feelings - pride - on the one hand, and the desire to return to your old relationship - on the other?

First, you need to give your pissed girlfriend time to think. There is no point in expressing your own arguments, opinions on the phone, especially your claims in response to her grievances - the situation can become uncontrollable and irreversible. Of course, in the early days, anger, discontent and even hatred will overwhelm her. But after a while, perhaps, she herself will come to the conclusion that the two of you are still a good and promising couple. You can ask your mother or best friend about the onset of such a moment. Now take decisive action to make peace with the girl.

Through third parties, you need to inform your girlfriend that you intend to restore the broken relationship. Be sure to show your regret and self-guilt about the situation. In conversations, focus on the best and most beautiful moments of your meetings. Joint trips, picnics, jokes - everything that can melt the ice and awaken emotion and delight.

To come to reconciliation, pay attention to the little things so important to her - whether it be a jar of cat food on her unbearable pussy's birthday, a movie disc featuring her favorite actor, or a box of liqueur chocolates, as she likes. By doing so, you will demonstrate that you have not forgotten her habits and addictions, and they are important to you too.

Every woman considers her partner to be her property, which she will not give to her rival even as unnecessary. In view of this circumstance, you can carefully, for prevention, conduct a lesson in jealousy by speaking to a charming person in front of your faithful.

Pleasantly surprise your girlfriend, for example, with an invitation to a 3D cinema to watch "Titanic", even if you can't stand DiCaprio, take a trip to a forgotten monastery on the other side of the country or visit a restaurant with Chinese culinary masterpieces. In general, to do together what she once wanted, and you had neither the time nor the desire for such events.

The last step is to raise the issue of reconciliation "edge-on" in a romantic setting that is conducive to this, for example, the same Chinese restaurant. In this article, how to make peace with your girlfriend, it is told that if you have successfully followed all the previous instructions, then the resistance of your chosen one will be easily broken to everyone's pleasure.

How to reconcile with a girl

Being in a quarrel with a loved one is rather unpleasant. But there is no need to wait until everything is forgotten. Without your apology, your relationship can be left with an indelible mark forever. So how to make peace with a girl and quickly forget about this disagreement?

Sorry by the rules

Apologizing is not only necessary when your guilt is obvious. In most quarrels, both are to blame, so if you value your relationship, apologize, for example, not for the cause of the quarrel, but for your behavior or for flaring up. It will be easier to apologize if you understand that after such an act of yours, the girl will begin to respect you even more. This is the act of a real man who is able to admit his mistakes.

To make up with a girl, be sincere. The future of your relationship can depend on your sincerity. Don't think that the girl will kick you out. Most likely, she also wants to quickly forget everything, but she expects an action from you. And a sincere apology will take your relationship to the next level. After all, you are just learning to be together, rubbing in, learning to forgive and treat each other more tolerantly.

Your apology shouldn't be just one word: "I'm sorry." Usually, since a girl has decided to take offense at you, then she expects an apology in a special form. Decorate everything nicely. Present flowers, invite to a restaurant, cafe or cinema. As much as she is angry with you, she will not be able to resist such an apology. Girls are not only sensitive, but also greedy for all sorts of romantic things.

Only apologize to the girl when she's calmed down enough, otherwise you will have to apologize at least twice. Give her time to cool down and think about what happened. In addition, during the time of separation, she will begin to miss you, and your apology will be received more favorably.

To make up with a girl, only apologize in person. As much as you are ashamed, you will have to do it by looking into her eyes. In this case, the Internet and the phone will not become your allies, but can only complicate everything.

You can write letters only when her resentment does not allow even talking to you. Send her a letter of apology at home along with a bouquet of flowers. This is what real men do.

How to restore a relationship with a girl after breaking up

We are all human, and people tend to be wrong. Sometimes we think that the time has come to end a relationship with a person with whom we have a long and reverent relationship, and we boldly declare this to him. Without a shadow of regret, we leave him and go to build our new and, as it seems to us, a better life.

A couple of years pass, and we are left with nothing, in our souls there is a persistent feeling that we have made the most irreparable mistake in life, and before our eyes there is such a stamp of disappointment and pain from the earlier decision that it is time to cry. The most important question becomes "how to make peace with a girl and restore relations" after all that we have done.

Love is a very complex and fragile substance, and if it was once in your relationship and was mutual, then there is a chance even years later to return the old feelings. But there is no need to rush, and options with an unrestrained attempt to repeat everything and return to the previous channel in one day will not work either.

Remember how much pain and suffering you caused your loved one when you offered to leave. Then it seemed to you that ahead - new acquaintances, happiness and a million opportunities to find your love. And for him, on the same day, love turned out to be the most disgusting and painfully wounding feeling in the world. And it was you who made him go through such a death of love and the collapse of a relationship.

An apology, an honest admission that you were wrong, cannot heal all the wounds you have inflicted overnight. And it will take much more time to regain the trust and strength of the relationship lost through your fault than you had to spend on the initial period of courtship.

To make peace with your girlfriend and restore relations after breaking up, try to give your significant other time to think, prove that the years (or time) spent without such a loved one have become an invaluable lesson for you that you will carry throughout your life.

Tell us honestly what you were missing during the time when you did not communicate with your loved one, admit that you are sure that there is no better combination of character, appearance and talent than your significant other anywhere.

Be sure to say the most important words - what you love, appreciate and value the fact that such a dear, caring and beloved person is in your life.

Ask for forgiveness, offer to give you a trial period, do everything in order to find the very way to restore the relationship. After all, not only your happiness, but also the attitude of your loved one towards you will depend on whether you succeed in doing this.

To make peace with a girl after a quarrel, you need to understand how her psychology works. After a conflict, two are often offended. Men make a mistake when they continue to make claims and reproach their beloved for the reasons for contention. This does not lead to reconciliation. To re-establish relations, it is necessary to perform beautiful noble deeds and say pleasant words to the half. It is necessary to analyze the situation with a discussion of a woman's shortcomings even when she managed to win over.

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Features of female psychology

“What women want” is an eternal question that will never be crowned with an answer if a man does not know how to think broader than his own interests. The difference between the two genders is that girls are more emotional and talkative. After a violent quarrel, whatever the cause, they feel bad and need support and understanding. All representatives of the fairer sex are characterized by:

Psychological feature Explanation
Desire to discuss the problem

If a man is to blame and does not take the initiative, then discussing this situation with others will not be in his favor - the subjective assessments of outsiders in order to support his beloved will probably only confirm her negative opinion about him during this period. It is better to try to talk to her yourself and withstand the flurry of negativity than to allow her to draw a series of unfair conclusions.


Even if the conflict was strong, the girl still misses her boyfriend. Especially if they had a long-term relationship with many bright moments. Therefore, all women listen to "common" music, look at joint photographs and cry. The nature of a woman is such that on very rare occasions she enters into a relationship without feelings. And one problematic situation cannot completely eradicate them.

Doubt that you are right

Many ladies do not confess, but they tend to critically assess their behavior before, during and after a quarrel. The warmer and more sincere the relationship of the guy after her, the more the girl feels guilty and herself. And vice versa - the negative gives rise to her confidence that the chosen one is not worthy of her.

Need attention

The location of a woman can only be won by love. Criticism, even justified, hurtful words, ignoring her suffering and attempts to intimidate are only repulsive, especially in conditions of tense relations. It is important for her to know that she is loved and needed always, not only when she is "good" or "right"

Wait for action from a man

Men make a mistake when they stop making attempts to put up with their beloved, arguing that she does not want to restore the relationship. The more the guy is inactive, the worse the girl feels: it seems to her that he does not need her and he has lost interest in her. In such conditions, she is capable of extremes, which she can later regret: look for a replacement, move to other cities and countries, burn bridges.

It is better not to allow this and try to conquer it continuously. Important: the man's steps will not necessarily get a positive assessment, but they should be

Women, as being more emotional, appreciate those who are able to give them positive emotions. In the process of reconciliation, a rational approach is inappropriate and incomprehensible to them. It is much more important to try to please and evoke pleasant memories of a joint relationship.

How to make up?

To make peace with a girl, you need to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. 1. Accurately realize that the guy needs it and he feels bad without her. If the reason for reconciliation is habit, convenience, or fear of public comment, then it is best not to. Feelings and a willingness to work to improve the relationship should come first.
  2. 2. All actions should be performed on the basis of the need to be together, but not the desire to put it in its place. It is the right motivation that determines the success of reconciliation.
  3. 3. Analyze the causes of the conflict. After a breakup or a quarrel, when emotions have subsided, this is much easier to do.
  4. 4. Be willing to sincerely apologize and confess her power over a man. The ability to admit their mistakes and speak openly about their feelings is very much appreciated by women.
  5. 5. Act with enthusiasm. The girl has the right to react as she feels at the moment, but this should not affect the persistence of the man.

Declarations of love or sympathy are what all girls expect after a quarrel. The confidence that she is loved by a person, even the one who has recently offended, makes her an order of magnitude more loyal to him.

What should I say?

You need to build relationships with communication. What should sound in a conversation:

What to say Why Examples of

It is imperative to ask for forgiveness with admitting that you are wrong. It relaxes, has a life partner and demonstrates to her the guy's ability to think critically of himself.

"Excuse me, please, I was too harsh and categorical, the last thing I wanted to offend you and hurt you."

"I am very sorry that I made you suffer and worry, it was thoughtless, forgive me."

Declarations of love

The importance of feeling loved was discussed above. Love confessions have another important function - when a man sincerely talks about his feelings, his speech becomes close and understandable to a girl who is emotional by nature.

"I always knew that I loved you, but as soon as we had a fight, and I realized it even more."

"I have never loved anyone as much as you, and I think I will never love you anymore. And I don’t want that, I am pleased to love you."

"I hope this whole situation hasn't made you doubt that I adore you as I did before."


Surely during the scandal, a lot of nasty things were said that left the girl with her last impressions of the relationship. It is on the basis of these words that she assesses the situation.

Therefore, it is important to say "thank you" to her for everything that happened before in order to demonstrate the importance of her merits: communication, attention, showing affection and attention to a man, housekeeping, support in difficult times

"I am very grateful to you for always being responsive and attentive to me."

"Thank you for our communication, it was not more interesting for me to talk to anyone than to you."

"You have always taken care of me, cooked deliciously and ironed my shirts thoroughly, thank you for that."


A compliment is the easiest way to win over your interlocutor, especially a woman. They can be done regarding appearance, intelligence, personal qualities - everything will be appropriate, especially in days of tension in relationships.

"You are very beautiful, I always thought so."

"I was lucky to have you, because you are smart, wise and always behaved with dignity, especially in comparison with me."

Conclusions from the situation and promisesIt is important for a girl to be sure that the reason for reconciliation after a conflict or a decision to leave was not a physical need to have sex or a desire to return to the former comfort and coziness in everyday life, but a sincere awareness of her mistakes and unwillingness to make them in the future

"I realized that I was very rude and you deserve a warmer treatment, I promise I will give it to you."

"I thought it over and realized how little attention I paid to you, I want to fix it and invite you to a restaurant or other places at least once a week."

The proposed conversation scenario will help to restore communication, and this is already the first stage of a new, restored relationship. It often happens that a girl refuses to communicate, does not call herself and does not answer calls from a guy. This is completely normal when she is angry and resentful. Men tend to view this situation as negative, but this is not entirely true.

Benefits of remote communication:

  • writing to the first one is less risky than asking for a conversation - the girl can answer or not, the emotions and negative reactions of both remain behind the scenes and do not spoil the impression of communication;
  • the text written in a letter or by SMS can be thought over both at the first contact and in the process of correspondence - this protects against spontaneous unsuccessful statements;
  • you can write unlimitedly, which means that you can always show attention and show your former or current beloved that they remember about her and want to keep in touch with her;
  • it is easier to hide the excitement and imperfections of appearance when communicating online.

It is also necessary to remember the disadvantages of communicating by correspondence: it is more difficult to charm, there is no eye contact, it is impossible to hug and kiss at the right moment, you cannot hear the intonation and sincerity of words. Therefore, as soon as the girl gives feedback, you need to try to make an appointment with her.

What to do?

In addition to conversations, it is necessary to act, it is by actions that many girls evaluate guys.

What you can do to make peace:

Action Explanation, examples
Show concern

In whatever quarrel the couple may be, nothing prevents the guy from showing his masculine qualities with the help of care:

  • If the relationship was of a family nature, to continue to provide for the girl - there is nothing lower than "punishing" her with money, especially if conditions are created when she is financially dependent and it suits everyone.
  • Ask if she needs "male" help and provide it: fix a door handle or a tap, help convey purchases.
  • If earlier it was customary for a man to pick up a woman from work - do not stop doing this, in extreme cases, send a taxi for her.
  • Take care of her health - make an appointment with a doctor, bring food and medicine if she is sick.

Any woman will melt from such actions. They are much more advantageous in characterizing a man who, while making them, does not boast and does not pretend to be "grateful." Let them look organic - the guy does this because he is pleased to make the life of his beloved easier, and not because he wants to show how good he is.

Show attention

You can show attention with or without material means. Effective ways:

  • Write pleasant words on the pavement, the girl will read them when she leaves the house.
  • Deliver flowers to her.
  • Invite on a date anywhere.
  • To give her what she has long dreamed of.
  • Constantly wondering how she's doing, how she feels, what plans, even if she doesn't answer or answers rudely - she has the right, it's more important than a man's act
Decide on drastic changesIf the guy realized that life without this girl has become unbearable and is sure that she is what he needs in life, then it's time to make her a beautiful marriage proposal
To appease her friends and relatives

The guy who managed to win the sympathy of the girl's mom and girlfriends got himself allies and an excellent support group. If she does not want to communicate, he can call her loved ones and sincerely talk about his remorse and love. They are guaranteed to be given to her, and her heart will melt - she will be pleased with such persistence and the fact that a man does not hesitate to say about the main thing "in front of everyone."

How to defend your position correctly?

If both were to blame for the conflict, the guy, for various reasons, decided to make peace with the girl first, but there is something that he would like to change in the chosen one - this must definitely try to do. If you "swallow" the situation, then it will most likely repeat itself more than once, and then the claims will be illogical: if this or that feature suited you before, then what questions could there be now.

Psychologists' advice on how to defend your point of view:

  1. 1. At the time of discussion of the problem, the couple should already reconcile and get closer, and the emotions should subside.
  2. 2. To talk about it in the context of the problem and with the request: “This is why I did so badly - your actions / words caused such a reaction. ". Reproaches and self-talk are prohibited.

The article focuses on one of the essential problems that every woman has to face in a relationship with a man and vice versa. Describe your situation in the comments.

How to make peace with an ex-girlfriend if she doesn't want a relationship and talk, doesn't love you, she has a boyfriend

Reconciliation with an ex-girlfriend is possible only by understanding what she actually wants and what she is tired of. If the girl is really dear to you, then you need to surprise her with a change in yourself or perform a romantic act in her honor.

How to make peace with a girl if she is to blame and you broke up, does not make contact if she is very offended with a passion

It is easier to put up with a girl when you directly look into her eyes and see a response in them. For the sake of restoring peace, if you really want to, you need to completely forget and not remember the wrongs inflicted on each other.

Feel free to verbalize your regret and remorse over the fight. It will be especially appropriate to do this with good humor, which will make the girl smile - and half the work on the way of restoring the old relationship will be done.

How to make peace with a girl via the Internet if she is far after parting, what to write to her and what to do and give, say

There are many more ways to make peace over the Internet than you might think at first. The easiest of them is to master Photoshop and create a collage of joint photos, made in a humorous way.

Do not look for hackneyed and formulaic phrases that need to be said in order to make peace, but come up with them yourself so that they come from your soul, and then the girl will believe you and return.

How to make up with a girl who doesn't want to see you

You can make peace with a girl who does not want to see you by arranging a costume show for her. Make the girl become an active participant in it and get joyful emotions, and then take off the mask and ask for forgiveness.

How to make peace with a girl whom you abandoned, greatly offended, hit but love

It makes sense to make attempts to make peace with the girl whom you abandoned, greatly offended, hit, but you love, it makes sense only if you know that the girl is not vindictive and quick-witted.

Find words that explain the motive of your behavior, do not be afraid to call a spade a spade and scold yourself with the last words, sincerely repenting for what you have done. In general, let the girl understand how dear she really is to you.

How to make peace with a girl after a strong quarrel and breakup sms

It is unlikely that it will be possible to make peace with a girl after a strong quarrel and parting with the help of an SMS message - an offended girl may simply not read it.

Try to get a date through mutual acquaintances, for example, by sending them an invitation for your beloved to meet in a cafe in order to make amends.

How to make up with a girl without an apology or money

You can make peace with a girl without an apology or money by letting the girl know that you are still interested in her. In the absence of money, a simple bouquet of wildflowers that suddenly appeared on the table of your beloved or suddenly whirling in your strong man's hands can help make amends.

How to make peace with a girl because of jealousy, drunkenness and trifle

Reconciliation with a girl because of jealousy, drunkenness and trifle can be a heart-to-heart talk. Let the girl talk and don't argue if you really feel guilty about the fight. Admit your mistake - and you will be together again.

How to make peace with a girl friend, ex-girlfriend of a friend and propose to her and not swear anymore

Making up with a girl and proposing to her right away is not always appropriate. The girl must be sure that your quarrel was an absurd accident, and in the future you will find compromise solutions that prevent misunderstandings that have arisen, without resentment and separation.

What do men want and how to provide them with a problem that they have to face constantly, therefore it is not surprising that many want to find from ...

Quarrels and partings between a guy and a girl are happening more and more often, but how make up with a girl after parting, quarreling, by SMS, at a distance, if I am to blame or she is to blame, not everyone knows. The main thing is to maintain love and respect for each other, then it will be possible not only to make peace with the girl, but also to create a strong and reliable relationship. Since strong people quarrel and reconcile, and the weak are looking for a replacement.

In this article, you will learn howmake up with a girl after parting, quarreling, by SMS, at a distance, if I am to blame or she is to blame. After all, the main thing is not that you often quarrel for good or bad, the main thing is that you put up and continue to meet. If the girl does not want to put up, let her go, since she has already found a replacement for you.

How to make up with a girl after breaking up

To make up with your girlfriend after breaking up, you need to find out the reason why you broke up. If this is not treason, but some ridiculous reason, then you can easily return and make peace with her, the main thing is that you and she love each other.

Also to make up with a girl after breaking up, invite her to come back and apologize to her if you really made a mistake and offended her. But if you are not to blame and the separation happened by itself, then just offer to restore the relationship. Most likely, she will refuse, because because of little things, people do not part, but it's worth a try.

To make peace with a girl via SMS, write her a beautiful love confession if you really love her. Do not hide what you feel, the main thing is that she also likes you, then the words will not have the same meaning. The main thing is that you did the act and tried to make up first, which, perhaps, the girl had been expecting for a long time.

To make peace with a girl, if I am to blame, you need to admit your mistakes and apologize to her if you offended her and the quarrel was your fault. The first step is very important, it makes it clear to the girl that you really need her. Since many guys do not reconcile and are looking for a replacement immediately, only a strong guy will try to reconcile.

To make up with a girl , if I am to blame, you do not need to humiliate yourself in front of her, just apologize and offer peace. If a girl says that she does not want to continue communicating with you, let her go and then maybe she herself will return to you, since she will understand that you are stronger and more worthy of her new guys.

How to make peace with a girl if she is to blame

In order to make peace with a girl, if she is to blame, you do not need to take almost any action, since she will be the first to apologize to you. But because of the principles of girls, you need to take a small first step and at least say or write something to her. If she doesn't respond and rejects you, then she has forgotten you and does not want to continue dating. It means that there is no point in suffering for her, it is her choice, and if you even return her, there will be no love between you anymore.

To make up with a girl if she is to blame, you need to learn to let go of those people who reject you, do not impose on those people who do not want to see you around. If a girl offended you and she understands this, then if a girl loves and appreciates you, she will apologize and write first.

How to make up with a girl after a fight

To make peace with a girl after a quarrel, you just need to understand the reason for the quarrel, in most cases there are no reasons for quarrels other than selfishness. When your negative emotions have subsided, just make up and invite her to continue the relationship. If a girl loves you, she will quickly return, if she deliberately arranged a quarrel to leave, let go.

To make up with a girl at a distance, call her or write a message that you love her and want to make up. Nothing superfluous is required, one such message is enough. If a girl reciprocates you, you make up, if you don't eat, then she already has another boyfriend and, there is no reason to suffer.

If you want to make up with a girl at a distance, do not complicate the situation, make everything simple and fast. If you quarreled, write a proposal to restore the relationship, if you don't want to, let it go, don't keep it. By the way, it is the quarrels and partings that decide, your love is so strong. If you and she really love, then no amount of fights can ruin your relationship.

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