Congratulations to the class teacher on others. Congratulations on the birthday of a woman class teacher

The class teacher plays an important role in the life of the younger generation. Schoolchildren and their parents seek not to miss the opportunity to congratulate it on any holiday to express gratitude for the difficult work of the teacher. Many students retain communication with the class teacher all life. Any teacher will be pleasantly the attention of the ward, which has long graduated from school. If you pick up a warm word for a teacher's birthday, we present to your attention congratulations to the class teacher in prose and verse.

Wishes from student

Every teacher is nice to hear congratulations on the birthday. If they sound from schoolchild's mouth, especially nice. In addition to oral congratulations, it is possible to arrange a wallpaper, where every student will write a couple of lines from ourselves. It can be the following words:

  • "Today is a special day, I want to pronounce Congratulations to the classroom Dear teacher! You do not just replenish the luggage of my knowledge, you show me the right way in life. I wish you always enough forces and patience to fulfill your work. Let wisdom always prevail over emotions. So that the disciples are appreciated, and colleagues treated with respect. "
  • "Happy holiday, dear teacher! I want to thank you for everything you have done for me, what we taught. For me, you will always remain not a class manager, but a true friend. It is easy for you to seek advice, because you do not condemn and always come to the rescue. Such honest, smart and fair people, I have not met in my life. But you are an example of what they exist. Low you bow for your work. Achievements of professional peaks, good health, happiness, success, joyful events! "

Congratulations from the whole class

Most often, happy birthday congratulations sound not from one student, but from the whole class. Take advantage of the reason to express to make him a surprise and write wishes on the school board. If you want to leave not only pleasant memories, then sign a beautiful postcard. Seeing her later for many years, the class teacher will remember his favorite students and read these words:

  • "Our dear teacher, you have passed a few years with our class. We grew up on your eyes, gained knowledge and formed as personalities. Thanks to your work, our class is characterized by high performance. Because of your immense love, we ran into a single team. Today's congratulations to the class teacher HAPPY BIRTHDAY - it is not only a tribute for the huge work invested in our upbringing. This is a low bow for a ticket. "
  • "Dear and favorite teacher! Happy Birthday. We wish you great happiness, optimism and patience. For our part, we promise to become the most obedient class and please you with your performance. "

  • "We address our congratulations to the class teacher. Happy Birthday! We wish that in your life everything was fine. Let the house waiting for harmony and mutual understanding. At work - respect and career growth. You are an unusual teacher, you are our second mom. We are confident that you are worried about each of us. Very grateful to you for care, love and instructions. "

Congratulations from parents

Who is more than schoolchildren, respects and loves teachers? Of course, their parents. After all, they give to the upbringing of the most expensive - their children. It is not surprising that parents wish teachers only the best. After all, they do not need to know how it is sometimes hard to find a common language with a child. Words of gratitude on his birthday from parents may look like this: "Dear cool leader, our children fell to you to raise the young. And who they will become, most of them depends on what atmosphere you create at school. Already, we know that the teacher of our children is a really worthy person. You have something to learn not only to children, but also to us. Take sincere congratulations on your holiday. To the class teacher from parents a lot thank you for learn our children to be good people. We wish you to surprise you and pleased you. Let all troubles bypass the side, there will be peace of mind and harmony, and at work - a decent salary. Let you always surround only Favorite and Talented Pupils! "

Congratulations on the anniversary

If happy birthday congratulate colleagues or bosses, then before proceeding to the wishes of all benefits, talk about the merits of the teacher. Schoolchildren do not always pay attention to the merits of the teacher before school and society. They try to express their emotions simply and from the heart. Here are some examples how can this be done:

  • "Dear teacher! Take a festive congratulation from us. Class leader with anniversaries Hurry to congratulate the very first. We love you very much and respect. You are the one who told us what is good and what is bad. You can contact you at any second for advice. We wish good health to have enough strength to release many more classes. We are proud to live this segment of your life with you. "

  • "We congratulate the anniversary and wish that your students occupy only the first places on all Olympiads. So that you do not have time to write out the letters for their performance. Let you assign the title "Class Leader of the Year." After all, for us you will forever remain the best teacher in life! "

in verse

The most original way to congratulate the teacher is to write poems to him. If poetry is not your strong side, use ready-made writings:

Dear teacher,

Happy Birthday!

You are the leader,

Without a doubt!

In life Path

We indicated

Happiness essence

All told everyone!

Cool leader my

I have a hurry to congratulate on your birthday!

And I want to wish everything

And the main thing is the patience!

Let life give what you need:

Health, happiness, respect.

Again, happy birthday!

Let you be waiting ahead

Only bright road,

No wonder you everyone says:

Teacher you are from God!

Professional teacher

In the whole example for us,

Allow you to congratulate you

Today, at this hour.

We wish to be a clockwork,

Beautiful, forever young.

We hug you hard.

Your best fifth grade.

Dear teacher,

From ignorance Savior.

At school you all honor,

Let you always bring!

To love you kids,

To listen to the boys,

And today at this hour

We want to congratulate you.

Cool leader my

Indeed, because cool!

You did not allow me to roll

On the slippery way dangerous.

You were my friend and relatives,

I knew how to laugh with me.

I seemed to myself another

Imagined in vain.

You, teacher dear,

I want to say thank you

With open heart and soul

I helped me beautifully!

Looking for the best happy birthday? The most pleasant words are obtained when they are told from the soul. So that you do not find surprise on a festive day, prepare a pre-solemn speech. Using congratulations presented in the article, you can make up your unique appeal. If you are difficult to compose yourself, try to remake the famous song or poem. Such a congratulation will be remembered by the class teacher.

"Teacher, before your name, allows you to humbly kneel." These wonderful words are not aging and not losing their relevance, despite the difficulties of modern realities. Of course, on a festive day, many students and their parents will want to say a lot of warm and sincere words to the expensive mentor. How to organize congratulations to a happy birthday teacher? In this conscious ward, a special selection of wishes and solemn checks will help.

Congratulations to the teacher happy birthday in prose

At all times, the teacher's profession is considered noble and revered. Work for the benefit of the younger generation is a difficult and requiring considerable investments, both physical and emotional. And although in the calendar, the teacher's holiday is assigned a special October date - the day of the Education Worker, there is teachers and a personal holiday, bench birth.

Congratulations in prose - an excellent alternative to poetic wishes. The latter, undoubtedly, are beautiful and spectacular, but the poetic works sometimes differ in certain sizes, not always suitable for postcard or messages in SMS format. In addition, for personal congratulations to the teacher (in a private or telephone conversation), it makes sense to give preference to a more comfortable and concise prose.

  1. Dear and beloved our teacher! Congratulations on your birthday and wish you very good health so that it is enough for our kids, not always obedient and humble! We also wish that in your life there were a lot of beautiful, happy and bright days, so that the joy constantly accompanied you and inspired! Saturated everyday life and excellent rest, love and respect for children and from parents, very happy and calm personal life in love and harmony! Be just a happy and beloved woman!
  2. Multivaable teacher, congratulations on your birthday! First of all, we want to thank you for the extract and a huge life experience that you invest in us, because you are not only our teacher, but also a mentor and guide. It is not easy with us and it is ashamed for it, but we value you for it and appreciate. We wish you good health, energy at all and everything for life to give you only joy and delight. Let your invaluable luggage of knowledge touches more than one generation, and your work is highly valued and generously paid, and even if not only monetary, but also great appreciation, and the love of your students.
  3. Happy Birthday I congratulate you on all my heart. I wish to always remain a great teacher worthy of attention, deep respect and high reputation. Let all expanses be opened for you to achieve success. Let in life there will be a lot of opportunities to implement their ideas. Let the soul live with happiness, and the heart beats in the beat with love and inspiration.
  4. Favorite our teacher, congratulations on your birthday! We wish you inspiration, good health, many beautiful, sunny days, lungs filled with events of everyday life and bright, bright weekends, love and consent in the family, respect for children and parents, and most importantly, patience, so much enough for all your active And noisy students!

How to congratulate your words

Congratulations decorated with beautiful, sincere and simple words - a great choice for the presentation as a congratulation to a person designed to sow intelligent, kind, eternal. At the same time, not only parents can express wishes, but also grateful students.

We should not worry that children's congratulations will seem to the teacher too naive or ridiculous. On the contrary, the sincere and infertility thoughts of the child will probably touch the teachers for their own immediacy.

  1. Congratulations on your birthday! I want to wish you a real, big happiness in fate and joyful moments every day! Let the disciples appreciate you and justify your expectations, and relatives - love and support. I wish you success and inspiration. Let your desires come true!
  2. Good, the most faithful teacher congratulations on your birthday. Let the new labor days be holidays, let the meeting with the disciples will be joy, let his health come with every new grateful smile, let people meet only good, and colleagues are faithful and friendly.
  3. You trust the most valuable - children, you love them and teach the necessary knowledge. Your profession is not easy, but in it your whole life and happiness. Thank you for your teacher. Successes to you and a lot of joy. Happy Birthday!
  4. We wish wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that health does not give failures. To mood is always at the height. In the family, let them be warm and comfort. Successes, good luck, luck!

Short greetings and small poems

Often to congratulate the teachers seek in writing. For these purposes, postcards are excellent or, in extreme cases, SMS. At the same time, the volumetric, lengthy congratulations will not be the most suitable option. But the small compact wishes in the format of prose or poems will become quite comfortable and relevant.

  1. Dear teacher, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you all the finest. Let your life always be filled with joy, good laugh and love! Be infinitely happy every minute of your life! I wish you always achieve the highest results in everything and never knew disappointments!
  2. We wish you so much health to have enough for all students. We wish you a golden pointer, executing desires, instead of a magic wand. We wish you a fabulous globe: where he poked his finger, and got it. We wish you a self-writer magazine: what they will write down, it will come true. We wish you students, the same good, smart, fun and modest, like us.
  3. Teacher ... how much wisdom, patience, tenderness and love in this word. The teacher is the second after his parents, who directly participates in the upbringing of a new person. On this holiday, we want to thank you for work, dedication and sincerity. We wish you for many years in excellent health and mood.
  4. You gave us knowledge - we give you love. You guard us, protected from errors - to you as a gift our respect. You taught us to live without malice and envy - we bow to the heads in front of your kindness and wisdom. You are a wonderful mentor, our teacher. Everything that you can wish - all your life remains yourself: a sensitive, responsive, sincere, honest and wise man.
  5. You are for the shower of innocent children's kind, fiery keeper. Happiness to you, good, patience. Happy Birthday, our teacher.
  6. In each you see the talent and the challenges of genius. The best you are a teacher! In general, happy birthday.
  7. You mentor and assistant, inventor and writer. Congratulations on your birthday, our most cool teacher.
  8. Let's say you "Thank you" for good, teachings. Congratulations, our teacher, with this birthday.

Happy birthday congratulations to the class teacher

Cool leader is a kind of deputy parents in the walls of the educational institution. It is he who controls and instructs his wards, follows their successes and is sharply experiencing failures. Of course, such a wonderful person deserves a beautiful, bright, original congratulations to his birthday.

Council. If happy birthday congratulations to the class teacher comes from a particular student or from his parents, it is possible to make a saying even more personal and touching.

To do this, you can describe the personal qualities of the teacher for which he is so appreciated by a specific student (people are always pleased to hear the transfer of their positive parties). As an option - you can make a comparative characteristic of a student's child who has passed under the guidance of this mentor a certain temporary path and has become from this, of course, only better. If congratulation is issued as a postcard, it is possible to make it original by adding a small photo collage to it.

Such a present will definitely not be sent to the basket for unnecessary papers, and carefully will be preserved by the teacher as a subject of wonderful and warm memories of a happy pionerage over the student-congratulator.

  1. I want to say thank you for the care and warmth that we give us. We are very lucky with you! For us, you are not just a teacher, you are a teacher Etalon, you are the cool our head, from the class low you bow. I know, we are for you - like children, and you are like mom (dad) for all of us. Not enough all the colors in the world to collect a bouquet for you! So be happy always, and let the adversity be retreating. And never be sad, we love you and respect!
  1. You are a truly cool leader, and very kind, bright man! You are just a wonderful teacher, we wish to live happily a whole century! Let every moment give you a pleasure and joy let it cover with your head! We wish you on your birthday, so that your life has always been color!
  1. With respect and respect, congratulations on your birthday! We wish you all class in the life of only bright colors, happiness, joy, good and spiritual heat. The best in the world you are a teacher, our work is cool!

For primary school teachers

Mentor kids, perhaps the most time-consuming work among multiple branches of the teacher's profession. It was in elementary school that basic knowledge, skills and skills remain with the child throughout the next years of study at school for all subsequent years.

It is a teacher of primary classes that falls the task of "sculpt" from inconsistencies, for the first time timidly sitting at the desk, decent elemental graduates. This teacher is resorted to broken with knees and other problems, so serious at this age. All thanks and love for an expensive teacher can be expressed, sincerely congratulating the teacher with a bright holiday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

By the way. The elementary school is a kind of springboard, a step in a new one, not an adult, but not a children's world. It is believed that the first teacher, like the first love, remain in the heart and memory of a person for life.

In this regard, you should not forget about the days of the birth of a class teacher, even if since the elementary school of the congratulators are separated by whole decades. The aged teacher will be doubly more pleasant to receive an annual evidence that he is not forgotten and respect so far.

  1. Happy birthday congratulations and the patience you wish you. After all, you have a hard work - the kids are waiting for you. You are the first mentor for them, the source of knowledge is the surest. Let happiness give you them, already big kids. We wish the sun in your heart, love of loved ones forever warm. So that the children did not be upset. And miracles arrived more often. Merry and jokes of glorious, moments of fabulous, funny. Let your health stronger and the light in the shower will not fade.
  1. The most important, our first teacher celebrates his birthday, adult life is our guide, the doors to us who opened another, who learned to add and set, and read beautifully in syllables, not to calculate and not summarize everything for which we are grateful to you, work is always yours We respect, dedicate a lot of warm words, Happy Birthday we congratulate you, wisdom, health and colors!
  1. Pretty woman, wonderful teacher of primary classes Congratulations on the day of birth. You are a wise conductor for kids to the country of knowledge, you are a good adviser and present support. I wish your forces never weaken, so that the children love you and appreciated, so that the work was only a joy so that life would not be shot down from the settings of happiness and good luck.
  2. Congratulations on the birthday of the beautiful primary school teacher. I wish the diligent and capable students, exciting and interesting lessons, great success and achievements in work, light happiness and well-being in life. I wish you never to know fatigue from checking in the words and notebooks, I wish with great enthusiasm and zeal to be accepted for every new business. Let you always accompany the luck, let you be happy every day the wonderful weather and a ringing laughter of children.

Birthday - a holiday special for people absolutely any professions. The teacher dedicated to his life to the ministry to children will probably be nice to get congratulations on grateful students and their parents.

A special balsam for the teaching soul will be wishes with the recognition of professional qualities, because most specialists really deserve sincere praise and admiration.

A selection of beautiful colorful congratulations will greatly facilitate the process of choosing the right words, and give a birthday a few unforgettable pleasant moments spent on their reading.

Let me congratulate you on the birthday of birth,
Thank you for your hard work,
No wonder our head is cool,
You just call you the most cool.
Do you learn carelessly,
Pupils are all waiting and love you,
Good luck, happiness, joy, fun,
And most importantly - the patience about the reserve.

Our favorite cool leader!
You are for each of us almost like a parent!
And sometimes you first learn about the angina,
And about the deuce in chemistry, about the cause of the cause.
Congratulations on your birthday, we wish you success,
Let there be a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy and cheerful laughter.
You are not just a teacher, but with the letter big,
With a wonderful good heart and generous soul!

Head cool,
Today is your holiday.
Congratulates you brave
Sometimes a friendly class.

We will say happy birthday!
Thank you for everything.
We ask for forgiveness -
Suddenly it was that not that.

Good luck, positive,
Patience in everything.
So that there are always forces,
How to apply - find!

You have invested all the wisdom and knowledge of the ages
In each of their bright student.
With gratitude and respect you
Congratulates your loving, sincere class!
We wish to recognize, patience to you,
So that even commemorates were all for money,
So that you do not need anything
Were happy, miles, lovers always!

You congratulate you on your birthday,
Let even at work you are now.
We wish you iron patience,
Health strong, calm stock.
About us take care of you, like mom,
Always everywhere you remember us.
We believe that you are the first at school lady,
And we are your briskly grateful class.

You are kind and affectionate word
We meet us every time;
Forward to achievements new
Our class is stubborn;
And it is difficult to submit to us:
You will release us ...
We really want to congratulate you -
The second you can not find!

You are our wisdom, and our prudence,
Without you, we probably disappeared
Our extension depends on you,
We are glad that we always need you.

And on your birthday without a doubt
Health want to wish
To have enough patience to you
Good we wish to rush.

Our cool, dear head,
Health and smiles to you always
You are our in the darkness guide,
We wish grief not to meet you never!

If the school is a second home for us,
Then cool our head
My mother seems sometimes relative to us.
Our steering in the seas of discovery.
We wish sincerely heartily you
Happy, bright, good days!
So that there was no tears in life
So that children always led children.

All school, yes school,
And personal life
Also forget by the teacher ...
Recall to her
Happy birthday soon
We congratulate the leader!
And together to declare: "Good luck on the way
Good rated ratings to find
For us, your favorite children.
Teacher you are unique! "

Our work is cool,
You as an angel is our keeper,
Protect always.
And sometimes bother -
Exclusively for business!
You teach us skill!
Congratulations to you now
This is your favorite class!

On this sunny day
With amazing, fabulous day -
Happy Brithday!
From the whole class, we wish you success
Health, happiness and unexpected victories.
We obedient to be promised
This is not just words - our vow.

You taught us wisdom and honor,
You passed us as in this world to live,
Advised us to keep together
You teach us how happy to be.
We are grateful to you for all those knowledge
Which you always give.
And let all your desires come true.
And stay forever, young!

The head is classroom, everyone has
But we have it the very best -
Will give the joy to us and laughter
Good to learn everyone will teach!

Holy our debt today in front of him
Sincerely congratulate happy birthday.
Knees let down let the whole world
Before you for great achievements.

Joy let work gives forever
Good luck to turn into your guide
And they will not touch, let the adversity never, of course,
Congratulations, our work is cool!

You have become "Cool Mom"
The best, good one!
We immediately love you
And today did not forget
Happy holiday to congratulate you!
We wish you now
Joy, good luck, patience,
And huge lucky!

Any minute to the aid will come
Our leader is that our class leads.
Helps, tell me. Anytime and anywhere
You are with us, you are near the fun, in trouble.
We will visit you to invite you
And we are ready to always help you.
And you give you a bouquet on your birthday,
Many thanks for good your light!

On the way of knowledge, with you,
Long for us to go
Believe, you will be with us
And help on the way!
Our work is cool,
On your birthday, you wish everything
Happiness, joy, health,
Let good luck bears!

Will say everything is the most important teacher
In the life of each student -
This is a cool leader,
They know all this is probably.
In the life of everyone took part,
Thank you say we want
Wish you health and happiness
We thank you from the soul.

We teachers congratulate gathered today,
Your work is very important, the most noble,
You are the leader of steel in our class,
We wish you from the soul, you have great happiness.

We need a class management -
Unattended, children are a dangerous thing,
We need excursions, contests, hiking,
After all, we are fidgets by nature.

Your leadership of all we really need
I'm wondering, and not at all bored,
You are anyone ready to resolve the conflict,
And every student respects you!

Incredible career
Love, health, happiness, faith,
The head you are our cool,
We are on the birthday of your beautiful
You will be presented to wishes,
Well, more - in love acknowledged,
You are the best teacher
And even more - the inspiration!

The work of the class teacher oh as not easy.
But all these years spend the power to be
Do not just smart, but also bold, honest,
In order not to be ashamed to you for us!
We promise you will not let you down.
We sincerely be happy for the steel.
And today we congratulate you and want
You will wish good, love and happiness.

I want to say thank you
For that care and warm
Which give us
We are very lucky with you!

For us, you are not just a teacher,
You are a teacher standard,
You are cool our head,
From the class low you bow.

I know we are for you as children
And you, like mom (dad) for all of us,
Not enough all colors in the world,
To express love to you!

So be happy always
And let the adversity be retreating
And never be sad,
We love you and respect!

Let there be a lot in the life of bright days,
And we will love you all stronger!
Head cool, dear,
We respect you, do not need another!
Today, in your holiday, we wish you
Successes! And, we hope that we.
You will help you know,
And you will give your warmth!

You are the most important teacher for everyone,
Labor work is assigned to you.
After all, not just the head of the class
Being responsible for our entire class.
We wish you good
In life only good abundance
For responsibility, you are assigned
And for knowledge that they gave us.

We are today a class of
We want to congratulate you
And bouquet of chrysanthemum
I will give our class.

And thanks to say
For your care
All we know and what can -
Your whole job.

We love you like mom,
We have a look, the word.
And for the rapidate of us
Be healthy!

Be happy always
And always beautiful
And so that in life through the year
Stayed classes!

You are mom and father in one person,
You are our spiritual and physical keeper -
And the comforter of fiery hearts,
And our ideological super-inspirer.
We wish you hundreds of thousands of years
Health is strong, so that nerves are not shalie,
So that you also sincerely loved
And so that the class of good light was stored.

To the one who is closer to the children
In the walls of the native institution
Today we are transmitted
The most sincere congratulations!
Thank you for sensitivity and attention.
And for communicating with children is pleasant,
For children's shower such an understanding -
For all - thanks to our immense.

Our friendly school team today honors our class teacher! Happy Birthday, Favorite Teacher! You are our example of courage, sanity and justice. Your knowledge and experience is a very important element for our development. Thank you so much for the love and friendship you surround us from the first day of dating! We wish you further prosperity, obedient grateful students and sincere colleagues! Let every new day brings only positive results! Happy Birthday!

Dear teacher, happy birthday! Your students respectfully congratulate you on the holiday and wish many happy years! Let every coming year bring new victories: over age, over diseases, over graying! Thanks for long work on our personalities, for help and tips, for the desire to turn us into real people! Happy Birthday!

Today, our favorite class teacher appeared on the light! We sincerely congratulate you with this holiday and say Thank you for extensive knowledge, confidence and nerves spent on us! You stay our good friend, the senior comrade and the most respected man! We want to wish for a long fruitful life, radiant family happiness and long career from the bottom of my heart! Let you still have many students who are ready to take your wisdom and experience, but let our class forever remain in your memory!

Happy Birthday, our cool teacher! You are our guide, which opens the road to a bright future! You are always ready to stretch your hand to help and cheer up a good word. We sincerely thank you for everything and wish you even greater victories, successful solutions and grateful students! Let your house stand under a peaceful sky, covered with clean, family happiness and deep respect for others! Happy Birthday!

Congratulations to you, our favorite teacher! We wish you peace, good and wisdom! Let your bright life flourish for many years. Let there be more pleasant moments and happy minutes! We thank you for all love and knowledge given to us. For open conversations and honest answers, for the right path, open to us, which is called life! From all students - you have a low bow and immense thanks for the years spent with us! Happy Birthday!

To the one who is closer to the children

In the walls of the native institution

Today we are transmitted

The most sincere congratulations!

Thank you for sensitivity and attention.

And for communicating with children is pleasant,

For children's shower such an understanding -

For all - thanks to our immense.

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2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

You took me at Mom,

And led the handle to the new world

Where did I recognize about Antarctica

And where the elbows wipped to the holes.

Where I shaliel on change

Where then fell in love for the first time

You for all, for all I forgive me

And translated the solid class.

Who, you, my good man,

You will always hear and understand

Be cheerful if the world has snow

Or behind the window cries rain.

You have such a day today

Wishes we carry a bag

Do not be sad, my kind teacher,

Let everything be good around.

And let the head be spinning,

Only from smiles on the lips,

And ordinary good words

Stop the time on the clock.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

We teachers congratulate gathered today,

Your work is very important, the most noble,

You are the leader of steel in our class,

We wish you from the soul, you have great happiness.

We need a class management -

Unattended, children are a dangerous thing,

We need excursions, contests, hiking,

After all, we are fidgets by nature.

Your leadership of all we really need

Swami is interesting, and not boring at all,

You are anyone ready to resolve the conflict,

And every student respects you!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Before you froze the whole class,

You entered the office without embarrassed,

Congratulations on us today

Happy Holiday - Your Birth Day!

Fair, kind man,

The most cool you are the leader,

You wish for forces and long years

And do not even look at age

We love you and appreciate your work,

You have already invested not enough

We wish your life

Good and beautiful fairy tale has become.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

All school, yes school,

And personal life

Also forget by the teacher ...

Recall to her

Happy birthday soon

We congratulate the leader!

And together to declare: "Good luck on the way

Good rated ratings to find

For us, your favorite children.

Teacher you are unique! "

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

We are today a class of

We want to congratulate you

And bouquet of chrysanthemum

I will give our class.

And thanks to say

For your care

All we know and what can -

Your whole job.

We love you like mom,

We have a look, the word.

And for the rapidate of us

Be healthy!

Be happy always

And always beautiful

And so that in life through the year

Stayed classes!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

You are for us the second mom,

We love you on all one hundred

And for our class lady

Bring a bouquet of flowers.

So as not to be today prediction,

We swear behind the mile

Even carnations and buttons

Do not throw on a chair.

And easily and noble

Promise kids

Competently writing today

"Us" and "tsya", and "zh" and "shi."

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Any minute to the aid will come

Our leader is that our class leads.

Helps, tell me. Anytime and anywhere

You are with us, you are near the fun, in trouble.

We will visit you to invite you

And we are ready to always help you.

And you give you a bouquet on your birthday,

Many thanks for good your light!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

We are in a hurry to congratulate you

With your birthday!

You are always an example for us

And our inspiration!

Wish we want you

Long and happy years

You are your students

Always ready to give advice.

Let us learn not only us

Sharing his wisdom

But we have a special class,

We hope to become pride!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

You congratulate you on your birthday,

Let even at work you are now.

We wish you iron patience,

Health strong, calm stock.

About us take care of you, like mom,

Always everywhere you remember us.

We believe that you are the first at school lady,

And we are your briskly grateful class.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

The leader is our cool!

Today you have a holiday so beautiful -

Birthday day! With him we congratulate you!

Let there be a feast cool, unforgettable.

We wish younger health,

To work with due love

You have easily all the time

So that everything, what is the way, managed!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

On this sunny day


With amazing, fabulous day -

Happy Brithday!

From the whole class, we wish you success

Health, happiness and unexpected victories.

We obedient to be promised

This is not just words - our vow.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

You are our wisdom, and our prudence,

Without you, we probably disappeared

Our extension depends on you,

We are glad that we always need you.

And on your birthday without a doubt

Health want to wish

To have enough patience to you

Good we wish to rush.

Our cool, dear head,

Health and smiles to you always

You are our in the darkness guide,

We wish grief not to meet you never!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Incredible career

Love, health, happiness, faith,

The head you are our cool,

We are on the birthday of your beautiful

You will be presented to wishes,

Well, more - in love acknowledged,

You are the best teacher

And even more - the inspiration!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Head cool,

Today is your holiday.

Congratulates you brave

Sometimes a friendly class.

We will say happy birthday!

Thank you for everything.

We ask for forgiveness -

Suddenly it was that not that.

Good luck, positive,

Patience in everything.

So that there are always forces,

How to apply - find!

15 236