Congratulations on the tin wedding are cool short. Congratulations on the Tin wedding (10 years of marriage)


Congratulations on the pink (tin) wedding 10 years

Wedding congratulations:

"Beautiful poems for a tin (pink) wedding"

You lived together for ten years
Not knowing grief and worries!
I would like to wish today
Always pleasant only hassle.

You are always together, walking arm in arm,
All difficulties were overcome.
After all, ten years is not a time for marriage -
But only a short bright moment!

"Congratulations on 10 years of marriage"

As husband and wife you have been for ten years,
Look at you, there is no happier.
Let's drink to this soon
Anniversaries like this don't happen often.

May everything that you have long wanted come true
So that the feelings of love are fresher every day!
We wish you to go further together,
Let everything turn out on your way!

"Congratulations on your wedding day 10 years"

Congratulations - you've been together for 10 years!
With a pink wedding, success in everything!
I wish you happiness and a lot of money!
Good and comfort, good luck in everything!

Let there be only a peaceful sky above you!
May only spring and peace reign in life!
Walk the right path in life
And may the white angel keep you on it!

"Wedding Anniversary 10 Years"

Today is ten years, as you are a family -
Ten - is it a little or a lot?
Yes, for the universe - it is impossible to compare.
For the two of you - a serious road!

You learned to understand each other
Learned to speak frankly
Goes to bed or meet the dawn -
You learned - each other gradually ...

Today is ten years since you two -
And the rose is your flower, and there is no more beautiful
As in a mirror, let them be reflected in it:
Dreams, hopes and desires are yours!

"Congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary"

Love is doubly exciting
When it lasts a long time:
Husband kisses his wife's hand
And she beams with joy.

It's so nice to look at you
Hugs, caresses - how sweet!
After all, ten years to sing a duet
Not everyone can do it!

"10 years of marriage"

Nearby a dozen good years,
And in the eyes of the same gentle light,
And hearts are filled with warmth
As if they had not touched the year.

There were no stupid fights...
There were, but the fire did not go out from them
Dear, native hearth -
And the family is still strong.

We give you a rose bouquet
In honor of the glorious years spent together.
The freshness of your feelings, like the freshness of roses,
Let it excite you to happy tears.

What to gift:

Tin wedding - 10 years of marriage. During this time, the spouses have already had a chance to get used to one to one, learn to bend and adjust. Their marriage became as flexible as tin. This anniversary is also called the pink wedding. A rose is a sign that passion and love still live between husband and wife.

Usually such an anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale, they invite guests who were at the wedding 10 years ago, and accept congratulations on the pink wedding. On this day, the husband gives his wife a bouquet of 11 roses (10 are red, one is white).

The spouses accept congratulations on their 10th wedding anniversary from all guests who wish to express their bright wishes and shower them with praise for the years lived together peacefully and in harmony.

No matter what the gifts and congratulations will be, a tin wedding should be remembered with cordial and warm words. On this day, everything should be permeated with an aura of romance and adoration.

Congratulations in verses from relatives and friends

You are steadfast soldiers
Proven in battle.
For 10 years now, consciously
You go in line.

All the battles you have passed -
Work, jealousy, life ...
But your family anniversary
Today is not forgotten.

And you did a lot
Pass with your family
And we wish you to live -
Before the wedding golden!

Your strong union is tin,
Your family is strong, noble.
And keep flowing
In love, your life is blessed!

Let there be more tenderness for you
So that in life they do not know barriers.
We wish you endless love,
Let passion flourish like a garden!

You have a tin anniversary,
You are the bride and groom.
Can't take my eyes off you
On this day, there is no place for sadness.

We give our wishes again,
So that you live many more years,
Let love not go out in your heart,
So that you all overcome troubles and anger.

After all, you have lived a short time,
Although made of steel from a common test,
And so that on your anniversary Golden
You were such a bride and groom.

You've been together for many years
You all managed to get through.
Accept a rose bouquet
With love and hope.
What life will bring, Nobody knows about that. But your union will survive Everything that fate throws!

Congratulations on a tin wedding to a friend

My girlfriend dear
In honor of the tin wedding,
I sincerely wish you
To be only drunk from love!

Girlfriend, always for you!
I wish the dream come true!
Husband make you happy!
And it will be the standard of kindness!
Hug him tight
And don't forget about friends!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary to a friend

Friend, you've been married for 10 years,
Your family is good.
Be happy, not knowing the troubles.
We are with you! Your friends!

Congratulations in prose

Not everyone knows how to beautifully read congratulations in verse, and even more so to compose them. But congratulations on a tin wedding can be conveyed in any form. You can simply voice your wishes in prose, improvising.
Today is the day of a round and conscious anniversary - the 10th anniversary of living together. It's your pink wedding day! During this period, you have already understood the true essence of love and respect! We wish all the next years of your life only to strengthen your mutual feelings! May they be a good example for posterity.
Steadfastly, like tin soldiers, you walked side by side for 10 years. We wish you to walk together with the same perseverance, perseverance, trust and love for more than a dozen years. May the goals set in your life together be achieved. And let your common desires be realized in a life full of harmony and mutual understanding!
Dear (names)!
Congratulations on your anniversary. It's been 10 years since you tied yourselves in a strong marriage. We wish that you always have a good memory that will come in handy so that you always remember the most important days - the day of the first meeting, the first kiss, gifts and the day when the guests shouted “Bitter!”.

SMS congratulations

It is not always possible for relatives and loved ones to personally congratulate them on the anniversary and come to the celebration. There is a phone for this, and congratulations can be sent in the form of SMS. Such messages should be as short as possible, but meaningful.

Happy round anniversary!
Dear friends!
We wish you happiness!
And love always!

SMS congratulations from husband to wife

10 years with you, dear
I lived in paradise like!
I can't imagine without you
Life is not even a minute.

SMS from wife to husband in honor of the anniversary

You my husband, congratulations,
And now what I wish
So that you, like 10 years ago,
He did not avert his loving gaze.

Cool congratulations

You can not do without comic congratulations on a tin wedding. After all, without humor, life becomes gloomy and boring. Cool poems here, too, by the way!

Anniversary we celebrate
Strong happy family.
We do not invite everyone in a row -
Only their own walk here.

You got married once
Standing firmly on the ground.
Let life be (very important)
Sweet like creme brulee.
10 years - today is the date!
The guests are all a little drunk.
They drink for your strong union,
It's not an easy load.

Treats must be eaten.
There is everything on the table -
There's champagne and vodka
Husband-eagle, wife-beauty!

How else to please each other.

10 years of marriage
They flew by unnoticed.
More tenderness mutual
We would like to wish you.

So that, as you love each other,
Never forgot.
And each other, even though they are married,
On a date to be called!

The joy of your joint days
Carry through the years
So that worries and sorrows
You did not make the weather.

Ten years is a long time:
Not one lesson was for you,
Your marriage has endured a lot.
This is a wonderful sign!

So there is still love
What drives your blood
There is attention and kindness.
What follows is just a fairy tale!

So live to be a hundred years old
Never know trouble!
Pour brandy
Get congratulations!

Congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary! On this tin anniversary, we wish that quivering feelings only flare up. Enjoy and love each other, give attention and care. Let understanding, mutual tenderness and the ability to support, hear and trust in time always dominate in your home. Be happy and don't need anything!

You are tin soldiers.
Slightly melted down in battle.
Love is like a flag, carried diligently,
Go ten years in the ranks.

You fought tirelessly in battles,
Jealousy attacked, everyday life ...
Victory march to you pewter
Today the wedding is already trumpeting.

And hoisting love over the fortress,
What is called a family
I wish you to grow stronger in happiness
Until the wedding golden!

You've been together side by side for ten years,
Working together to achieve victories
Love carried through these years.
May the sun always shine brightly for you!

We want to wish your strong union
He was a shining example for all marital ties.
Appreciate each other! And long years to you
After all, many victories await you ahead!

You are young today
Everyone drinks for you today.
"Bitter" is heard in the apartment,
Everyone is happy to congratulate you.

You have been together for 10 years
Holding hand in hand.
Here I want to congratulate
Happy tin wedding!

I can only wish you
To have peace in the family.
So that the grandchildren shout "Bitter!"
Gold for your wedding.

Your family is ten years old!
With you love and advice,
You are warm and kind,
In life - radiant, light.

Let it bypass
Your house is any restlessness.
May only bright days
Meet you on the way.

Tin... soft metal
It became a wedding symbol.
Be flexible and durable
Marriage union long-term!

A whole decade
You lived together as a family!
Respect, admiration
You certainly deserve it.

Happy anniversary of this glorious
I congratulate you today -
With your tin wedding!
Light, I wish you joy.

Peace to you, good luck to the sea,
So that there is only happiness!
Never know sorrow
And always love. Bitterly!

We've been living with you for ten years
Our marriage began to be called tin,
I love you more day by day
And all moments are long-awaited.

We raise beautiful children
They are wonderful and smart
Amassed a hundred things together
With you, we are strongly intertwined.

Congratulations on your anniversary!
I remember the wedding and now - 10 years.
I wish you a happy and long path
You will pass with love and without trouble.

Be strong, support each other.
Keep the brightness of feelings in your hearts,
Be friendly, though not without controversy,
With kind tenderness in clear eyes.

date pewter
I knocked on your house.
holding hands tightly,
Everything that passed here

We survived together
And they stepped over.
No, the family will not collapse,
No matter how pissed off you are.

Be like this:
strong soul,
So that each other's hearts
Fill with love.

So that in ten
Years you were congratulated.
Let everything be fulfilled
What did you wish!

Happy holiday, folks!
Let the violins sing to you.
Go along the way
Yours with a smile.

Congratulations on a pink wedding,
With all our hearts we want to wish
Another half century or more
Walking through life is fun.
Walk with confidence
There is still a long way ahead.
There will be losses and finds,
And you are always the same family.

Congratulations on a pink wedding today
From the bottom of my heart, two loving people.
And you guys sincerely wish
Live another hundred million days!

Happy tin wedding, dear friends!
10 years you are together. I congratulate.
Live together for 150 years,
Well, better than 200. Let the years fly by.
And other years will be better than those
What have passed. May you always be successful.
Let happiness fill every corner
And love will saturate your entire earthly life.

pink wedding petals
Showers your marriage, as in a dream!
Ten years of love have passed between you!
And there is no end to that love!
10 years have passed and you are still the same!
The same feelings, and in love eyes!
The same passion between you, the same tenderness!
Just like ten years ago!

I congratulate you on a tin wedding,
I wish you joy in family life
May all good things happen in life
So that your faces shine with joy,
So that your children grow up quickly,
Parents are always to help
And may joy come to you soon,
Unlimited luck awaits you!

Today your wedding is tin,
And the chronicle of the family has been going on for a long time.
But there is an even more beautiful name -
She's called soft pink!

You've been together for ten years! So be happy!
We give you beautiful rose bouquets.
May people always be sympathetic to you,
And there will be fewer tears for you in this life!

Please accept my sincere congratulations,
May the path be adorned with stars!
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Other children to return youth!

There is great happiness, but there is also small!
Happy wedding! After all, family is the most important thing in the world!

You have a tin wedding today,
And you are still the same - the bride and groom.
Your couple is so pleasing to the eye,
That there is no such word or gesture.

Please accept our wishes again,
So that you live ten by ten more,
So that your love does not end,
And all the troubles so that together you win.

Tin wedding - a short time,
And excuse me for going out of context.
But I wish that on the Golden
Before us sat all the same - the bride and groom.

You've been married for exactly ten years!
There is no happier couple in the world.
You kept your love
Appreciated feelings as best they could.
We give you a large bouquet of roses,
We wish you to live together for a hundred years!
Let the hearts burn
And happiness lasts forever!

Today is your pink wedding!
And I hasten to congratulate you!
My dear and kind friend,
You are so beautiful - in your very bloom!
Let there be peace and quiet in the family always!
May your dreams come true!
Let love warm you with tenderness!
Let the husband be an example of kindness!

Let me congratulate you, friends!
Happy tin wedding, 10 years!
I wish you a bright holiday
I give a huge bouquet!
You've seen a lot in a decade
We went through hardships and joy together,
We wish you a cloudless life
And let's drink some wine for this toast!

Happy Anniversary.
You've been together for ten years already!
And there is no better reason
And there is no better reason
To drink to your happiness
And love to the bottom and with a slide,

We cry today: bitterly!

Ten years like a moment, a moment,
Gone, can't return.
There was happiness, tears, joy,
And forget everything bad.

You are now a fearless family,
Many years shoulder to shoulder.
Accept congratulations,
I will write them now.

Let bad weather bypass you
Happiness guards your house,
And fortune, like a friend,
Replenishes wallet.

Tin, which is very flexible,
Strongly bind your union,
So that in another 20 years,
We raised a toast to you.

Congratulations on your anniversary today!
You've been together for 10 years already!
And celebrating your pink wedding
We give you a beautiful bouquet of roses!
Let life be a blooming garden
For you now and always!
And be inseparable - near
With each other for many years!

Congratulations - you've been together for 10 years!
With a pink wedding, success in everything!
I wish you happiness and a lot of money!
Goodness and comfort, good luck in everything!
Let there be only a peaceful sky above you!
May only spring and peace reign in life!
Walk the right path in life
And may the white angel keep you on it!

Ten years have passed since the wedding
And sometimes it happened
It's hard to live with your loved one
And there is little understanding.
Ten year love anniversary
It's called the Pink Wedding
All because this flower is cute
It doesn't fit into the hands at all.
And only for those who have enough love,
Who has the patience
Roses of beautiful thorns are not terrible,
And the aroma is intoxicating.
I'll tell you, since it comes to that,
So that love does not go out:
The first ten is always hard -
Further will go like clockwork!

10 years of marriage
They flew by unnoticed.
More tenderness mutual
We would like to wish you.

So that, as you love each other,
Never forgot.
And even though they are already married,
On a date to be called!

The joy of your joint days
Carry through the years
So that worries and sorrows
You did not make the weather.

You are each other's husband and wife for ten years.
As before, the family celebrates together
Another cherished anniversary
In the circle of relatives, acquaintances and friends.
Well, what more do you need to be happy?
Live long, joyfully, easily!
Congratulations on your tenth anniversary
We wish you health and wellness.

You've been a family for ten years now!
Yes, a big anniversary!
More happiness and kindness
Let the stars give you!
Without quarrels, I wish you to live,
Treasure each other very much
Don't get angry, don't know jealousy
Always admire each other!

A decade is a tin wedding,
But she has - so it has long been conducted -
There is a better name:
She is also called pink.
Congratulating you on a beautiful date,
We bring you bouquets of roses.
Fewer thorns and tears in your life,
May life continue to be happy.

Only the wedding was noisy
A bouquet flew into the crowd -
Time flew by quickly
Ten years have passed.
They didn't change you.
You are all good too!
We didn't flatter at all
And they said from the heart!
We wish you together
It was a joy to go
In every look, in every gesture
A ray of sunshine.
Just don't lose
This is happiness on the fly
Never forget
Warmth of the first meeting.

This date is so beautiful
Like the two of you now
This Pink Wedding
We will sing verses.
The years have touched you a little
Strong, steadfast is your union
And your marriage has not become a "marriage"
Became the crown of family ties.
These bonds don't pull you
And do not choke every day
You are each other's helpers
Forgetting the word laziness
Life try not to do
You are the routine of weekdays
And for you love is so pure
There is nothing more important.

With a tin wedding, with a round anniversary!
10 years you do not spill water!
We wish you happiness, lots of money!
May love always reign in the family!
Let the children behave obediently,
Let everything be easy!
Let everything be carefree in life
It's simple and easy!

Ten years is not a short time.
Life has taught me a simple lesson:
Love, appreciate, adore.
Always give thanks for everything.
Do not blame, do not offend
More sweet kiss.
Give warmth of the heart.
And try to give in.
Be kind, be friendly
And full of energy!

Happy Anniversary.
You've been together for ten years already!
And there is no better reason
And there is no better reason
To drink to your happiness
And love to the bottom and with a slide,
And lived to please you together,
We cry today: bitterly!

Together, step by step, you went.
Maybe something was missing
Passion has passed and jealousy from longing

Are you ready to be together forever,
Even sliders are not afraid of you.
If necessary, he will start over
And ask again for your hand.

And understanding each other from half a word,
From the floor of a glance, from the floor of a scream, from the floor of a poke.
Nothing that sometimes she is harsh,
This is life today.

Ten years is not too much and not too little
You have a tin wedding
She said her congratulations
I'm waiting for an invitation right now.

Nearby a dozen good years,
And in the eyes of the same gentle light,
And hearts are filled with warmth
As if they had not touched the year.

There were no stupid fights...
There were, but the fire did not go out from them
Dear, native hearth -
And the family is still strong.

We give you a rose bouquet
In honor of the glorious years spent together.
The freshness of your feelings, like the freshness of roses,
Let it excite you to happy tears.

Happy 10th Anniversary of Marriage
I hasten to congratulate you and wish:
Not sagging, not aging, not getting sick,
Walk to the silver of the family.

Ten years legally married
Ten years soul with soul.
This means that today
The holiday is really big.
We wish that love
They did not spare each other.
Keep your feelings
So that everything is as you want.
Your pink wedding
This is a new step in life.
So love each other
The rest is all nonsense.

Let the petals of beautiful roses
Today the holiday is decorated
We wish you happiness seriously
We wish you love and joy!
Exactly ten years ago
Connected their hearts
Let your eyes shine with happiness
May you be forever happy!

Happy 10th wedding anniversary
We congratulate you today!
So let me wish you
Let your marriage breathe with love!
So that life is a fairy tale,
And to be in it, of course,
And respect and kindness
Care, tenderness, passion, hope!

Ten years from the date of the wedding is a good date,
But always a little sad
Because they fly away forever
Our best years ever.
Ten years is a special date
Nothing compares to a pink wedding
Someone smart once came up with
On this day, talk about love.
Roses at a meeting, kisses, smiles,
Wishes of health, love,
So that happiness is cloudless,
We don't need colored glasses.

Pink wedding - pink bouquet,
Blossoms gently at your ten years.
Let the family be decent, everything will be OK,
The sonorous laughter of children will be heard in the house.
Don't let everyday life dampen your feelings.
Tenderness, passion and affection must be preserved.
And smile sweetly at each other in the morning,
And confess your love more often.

Ten years to live is not a joke,
When it comes to family,
Where every minute is love
Filled with joy doubly.
Congratulations on your tenth anniversary
And for you a big carpet of roses
Spreads its splendor,
Grown without water for tears.

Everyone is happy today! And yet
I can't hold back my involuntary tears
Congratulating you on your marriage anniversary -
Ten-year date - the wedding of roses!

You made no mistake in choosing each other,
Experience has confirmed the authenticity of feelings,
Having passed the exam for the title of spouse,
We made it to the lucky ten.

Live together, harmoniously, easily,
Breathing love like a bride and groom.
Let the milk not run away and curdle,
That, but which kneaded tili dough.

So you lived to the tin,
And this is the first round anniversary.
I want to remember on this day the main thing,
About your feelings, that they are not more tender.
I wish to continue this difficult path,
And be together until the very end.
And let life together be long,
Let two rings sparkle on your fingers!

Congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary
I wish you happiness, joy and good luck,
Never let your children get sick
Well, you've only gotten younger with age.
So that your husband, (name of wife), dear
He warmed you both in body and soul.

Helping each other for 10 years
Save your holy fire
He also saves the moment
When you become a particle of one.
Tremulous your relationship
Earned the favor of higher powers
Because happiness and luck
Each asked for another!

Ten years have passed
And love lives
Children are growing up
Day after day goes by.

pink wedding,
Tenderness is full!
Her magical light
Gives miracles.

We wish you happiness -
pink flowers,
Let it knock on the veins
Eternal love.

Let joy come
The main guest in the house -
Kiss me hard
Bitter, something in it.

We are celebrating your first anniversary today.
Roses crown all ten years,
After all, a pink wedding means
That there were thorns, and even tears!
But, giving you a pink bouquet,
We are not thorns, flowers, we put in the first place.
Accept a good, sincere covenant:
We wish you love, happiness, joy!

pink happiness,
Or dawn?
pink wedding,
And there is no doubt!
Spilled joy,
Happiness brought -
Most importantly, perhaps
That love is alive
Who walks together
Couple 10 years old
We wish them
Joy bouquet!

To a beautiful couple in honor of a special date:
So beautiful, meaningful, big!
It's good that 10 years ago you
Decided to become husband and wife!
You keep your feelings
During these light years.
May it always be so! Always love!
Love to you on this holiday and advice!

You lived together for ten years
Always in harmony and love,
Let them sing songs to you for up to a hundred years
Crazy nightingales in spring!
And on this day, warmed by the warmth of friends,
We wish you all earthly blessings.
And, of course, many summers!
Let your family flag fly proudly!

You lived together for ten years
Not knowing grief and worries!
I would like to wish today
Always pleasant only hassle.
You are always together, walking arm in arm,
All difficulties were overcome.
After all, ten years is not a time for marriage -
But only a short bright moment!

Bride and groom,
I would like to say -
Let's be very friendly
Congratulate the couple.

And drunken words
Will talk,
To not get tired
You are happier to be!

And loved harder
Happiness was kept
10 years, because together -
Didn't pass for nothing.

Congratulations are flying
Blinding with pink light -
It's a pink wedding
All the neighbors are talking.

We are proud of you again
Save your love
Passed through the years
And, as before, you are together.

Let your kids grow up
Your daughters and sons
Let spring bloom in the soul -
Be happy always!

You've been together for ten years
The term seems to be short
May it bring good news
Your souls every moment
Congratulations, relatives
Happiness to you on the earthly path,
So that neither trouble nor the elements
They didn't destroy your home.
For everything to be
You are wonderful
And love has always kept
Stock of new joys.

Mom, congratulations on your tin wedding,
May all that is desired be fulfilled.
May you and dad be together longer,
May your happiness be greater every year!

Roses drop the scent
Anniversary shines,
And joyfully meets the eye
All dear guests.
And may a happy fate
Gives us again and again
Today, tomorrow and always
Good luck and love!

Mother! I would be so happy to be -
After all, you are not happier in the world.
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary -
Together with dad for ten years!
No, there were both scandal and drama,
And sometimes she carried a huge load! ..
Only you always took care, mom,
Two hearts and souls are a great union.
I wish you with dad and further
To live in happiness, to appreciate each other again,
So that the rivers of falsehood do not flow
Into the ocean called "love"!

pink wedding petals
Showers your marriage, as in a dream!
Ten years of love have passed between you!
And there is no end to love!
10 years have passed and you are still the same!
The same feelings, and in love eyes!
The same passion between you, the same tenderness!
Just like ten years ago!

Ten years hand in hand, and the light in the window does not go out.
Be happy, you are friendly, let the fire of love burn.
So that you can walk another seventy-five years together.
We wish you the sorrow of not knowing and inspiring each other.

Tin wedding - a common decade,
And your happiness is bright, so real!
It's also called pink for a reason.
Rose is the flower of love
And the heart beats with happiness!
We wish you to double the term,
Live together, have fun.
Reading our congratulations
Fall in love with each other again!

Happy 10th wedding anniversary
We congratulate you today!
So let me wish you
Let your marriage breathe with love!
So that life is a fairy tale,
And to be in it, of course,
And respect and kindness
Care, tenderness, passion, hope!

Pour glasses and glasses fuller,
Let's drink to the pink anniversary!
On a solemn day
At the solemn hour
happy wedding anniversary
May the dawn of happiness shine on you,
And let only at the wedding be to you: “Bitter!”

Today is your friendly family
Celebrates its decade!
Accept congratulations from me
Let love light the way for you!
You approached the tin wedding
Fully armed with beauty and happiness!
May God keep your beautiful union,
Let envy and bad weather pass you by.

We will give you an armful of beautiful roses,
And we will glorify your pink anniversary.
It's so beautiful and fragrant
And you, relatives, friends are pleasant.
May the days of the family be filled with good
And you will warm up in fate with evil.
Let the piggy bank be filled with gold,
So that life is always rich.
And the angel will surround with tenderness,
And always let him be friends with you.

The first anniversary is victorious!
Have you booked a banquet hall?
We want to congratulate you
We hasten to wish you happiness.
Let's say that it's not at all strange:
We meet a tin wedding.
You are also in love with each other,
In work, and in the joys of leisure
You are together - do not spill water,
So let trouble go around you
Tenth road in the distance.
Love stays deep!

We have a special date with you today:
It's been 10 years since the wedding.
And I was the happiest groom once,
And today my husband is not happier!
I was lucky with my wife, I won’t argue with that,
You are beautiful on the outside, good on the inside,
You perfectly managed to build a family life,
And from the budget you do not spend a penny in vain!
Thank you, dear, for your kindness and care,
And thank you for your love today
For the fact that I'm willing to go home from work ...
My dear wife, I love you so much!

Ten years is not a short time.
Life has taught me a simple lesson:
Love, appreciate, adore.
Always give thanks for everything.
Do not blame, do not offend
More sweet kiss.
Give warmth of the heart.
And try to give in.
Be kind, be friendly
And full of energy!

Congratulations on your anniversary today!
You've been together for 10 years already!
And celebrating your pink wedding
We give you a beautiful bouquet of roses!
Let life be a blooming garden
For you now and always!
And be inseparable - near
With each other for many years!

10 years like ten days
Flew like a blue bird
You have everything now
Everything you could imagine!
Now we wish not to be sad,
We wish happiness like wine
Drink from tin goblets
And live beautifully like in the movies!

By calculation or at random
Find love, create a family -
What an important task!
I will praise you today!
After all, you decided it a long time ago,
Ten years have passed today.
Since then, we have not forgotten at all
What a vow of fidelity!

Congratulations on your tenth wedding anniversary
I wish you happiness, joy and good luck,
Never let your children get sick
Well, you've only gotten younger with age.
So that your husband, (name of wife), dear
He warmed you both body and soul.
Years fly and rush like dreams
But is it worth worrying about the past?
A decade together is just a moment

First anniversary! Blossom!
After all, it is proved by the poets:
First decade -
Start happy long years!
Let neither flame nor water
Do not disturb your tin -
The two of you are great!
Be happy always!
There is also a toast:
On the anniversary of the tin
From each other be drunk
Not sober for a moment!

They say blondes are only crazy about pink
Let's not believe all the forecasts?
You have a holiday - an important day,
He is also a little brave for you.
You lived together for ten years
Everyone says that with one you test.
I wish you much happiness
To live happily, happily, for a long time.
May luck be with you forever.
And do not be sad, so that you will never!
Always in everything to be successful,
And you remember - you are the best!