About the wedding anniversary 1 year. Significant dates for husband and wife. What to give for a chintz wedding for children

Psychologists unanimously recognize the first year of life together as one of the most difficult and "crisis" periods of marriage.

Most important date: first wedding anniversary

The first, or chintz, is an important milestone in the relationship of young spouses. Psychologists unanimously recognize the first year of life together as one of the most difficult and "crisis" periods of marriage, husband and wife rub against each other, learn to treat the other's peculiarities with understanding, quarrel and reconcile.

That is why the first anniversary is called chintz, because chintz is one of the most fragile fabrics. According to another version, chintz is a simple "everyday" fabric, but its colors are usually motley, like the boring first months of marriage.

The first wedding anniversary should be celebrated by all means. It is this day that will lay your first family tradition of celebration, and all subsequent anniversaries largely depend on how everything goes. Traditionally, the first wedding anniversary is celebrated with close relatives and friends. In front of the guests, the “first years” spouses exchange chintz handkerchiefs and arrange the ceremony of “tying knots”, tying the other half to themselves even more firmly.

This is done this way: the young take a scarf and connect the ends diagonally, tying knots on them. It is necessary to say: "As these nodules are strong, so are our feelings and words." After that, the spouses themselves and their guests sit down at the table, and one of the two champagne bottles tied together with ribbons, which have been hidden since the wedding day, open behind it; the second is cherished until the birth of the first child in the family.

On this day, relatives should expect bed linen as a gift; Another name for the first anniversary is gauze, and it means an allusion to the too violent activity of a young couple on the matrimonial bed, as a result of which the sheets are wiped to the state of gauze in a year. They also give other home textiles or special heart pillows made of chintz.

Also on their first wedding anniversary, some couples get married. Even if you are not yet ready for such a serious step, you can still go to church together and light candles for each other's health. The first wedding anniversary, as a rule, is especially magnificently celebrated by those couples whose doubts have been expressed about the strength of family ties and the seriousness of their relationship. In other words, the first wedding anniversary turns for some into a demonstration of the "longevity" of the union. Celebrities often sin with this, making a PR occasion out of a family holiday.

For example, Heidi Klum and her husband, the singer Seal, throw a full-fledged wedding party every year on May 11, each time adopting one or another original wedding ceremony. But Ksenia Borodina, the host of the exiled from the daytime air of "Dom2", and her husband did not arrange a magnificent celebration on the first anniversary of their wedding; however, two months before this day, Ksenia became a mother, so it is not a fact that, due to the parenting chores, the couple even remembered what day it was.

If you don't have the time or the mood to start a noisy celebration, it's okay. The first wedding anniversary is a reason to rejoice, first of all, for the spouses, so it will be enough to arrange a holiday for two on this day, go out for dinner and be sure to exchange gifts.

Calico wedding script

The first anniversary of marriage, according to folk tradition, is associated with chintz - a bright, but delicate and fragile material, since this is exactly what the relationship of spouses is at this stage of life together. The impressions are still vivid, love is strong and fresh, but any quarrel or disagreement threatens to degenerate into rupture and alienation.

For implementation required: extras (from among the guests) - from 5 to 10; a place - a cafe, a restaurant, a large room in an apartment is also suitable: the presenter is a witness, a witness (from those who were at the wedding) or just an active person with a cheerful character.

Part one (indoors)

A couple enters the hall where the guests have gathered. Today they have the first anniversary of their marriage, called chintz, because, like chintz, the relationship of spouses is full of bright colors, but still fragile. Therefore, according to tradition, the young wife is wearing a bright chintz sundress, and the husband, wishing to please his wife, put on her gift in honor of the celebration - a beautiful chintz shirt.

The festive table is covered with an embroidered tablecloth. If the hostess is a craftswoman, embroidery can be the work of her hands. The host and the hostess stand at the head of the table. While the rest of the guests are sitting, the host rises from the table.

Before starting our celebration, I want to remind you all of one beautiful and romantic ceremony. This is a kind of oath of loyalty that our ancestors swore to each other after a year of living together.

I ask *** and *** (the names of the "calico" young people) to stand right here, in the center, facing each other. You probably already know that for a chintz wedding, a husband and wife should give each other a chintz scarf. I think now is the right moment. (The spouses exchange gifts, handkerchiefs.) And tie a knot on the handkerchiefs presented to each other. It will be a symbol of the fact that your love will last for many, many years.

Now join hands and repeat after me the words of the oath: “As the knots we have tied are strong, so our words are strong. As the wind-reveler in the field will wake up the cornfield, so joy and happiness will abide with us forever ”.

The spouses repeat the words after the presenter.

The handkerchiefs that you gave each other will keep your love. Now they need to be hidden in a secret place and kept for the rest of your life. But...

Everything in our life is fleeting
Change chintz to linen.
We wish you to live carelessly,
As varied as a chameleon.
And this ringing noise of glasses
For you guys, in your honor,
We'll drink to the bottom on this date,
After all, to live life is not to cross a field!
So that your life is as bright as day
And happy and clear.
Well, in a word, so that she was
Cheerful, joyful, beautiful.
Was full of spring dreams
Bloomed like a morning dawn,
I propose this toast
For you, for your happiness.
And again, like a year ago,
I want to say: “Bitter! Bitterly!"


The spouses kiss, the guests count the duration of the kiss, and then present the "chintz" husband and wife. Gifts, according to tradition, should be made of chintz.

If the spouses are going (or really want) to have a child, usually the mother of the young wife (close friend, mother-in-law, husband himself) presents her with chintz diapers as a wish for an impending pregnancy or a successful resolution of the burden. In addition, it is customary to give tablecloths, bed linen or chintz clothes.

The donation process is accompanied by wishes - toasts.

Friends and Relatives:

Happy anniversary, young people!
In honor of you today is a celebration!
Friends, acquaintances, relatives
You are warmly congratulated!
We wish you great love!
And personal happiness forever!
Let it bloom in spring May
Life without obstacles and hindrances!

In a life where there are many tears and doubts
Happy is only the one who knows how to love
You can live without wealth and money
But it is impossible to live without love!
Today you can't be sad and gloomy!
To hell with separation, treason and evil!
When she married (points to his wife) for him (to her husband),
Was she the luckiest one then?

While some guests are busy making speeches, congratulations, wishes, toasts in honor of the young, others, waiting for their turn, support the heroes of the day by tasting drinks and food.

A chintz handkerchief ... Such a seemingly simple and ordinary thing, but how many has a secret meaning. It turns out that this little rag can become a guarantee of future happiness.

Who doesn't want to be happy? So let's take an example with *** and *** (names of spouses) - let's practice a little in tying knots!

The game begins "Handkerchief"

It is necessary to prepare in advance a beautiful neckerchief, preferably from chintz. Everyone should stand in a circle. One person goes to the middle of the circle and puts a handkerchief around his neck. Moreover, he does not just throw on a handkerchief, but ties it with a bow. This is a prerequisite.

Music turns on and the person starts dancing in the middle of the circle. Having made several spectacular steps, the player must pass his handkerchief to someone from the circle. In this case, the handkerchief must be tied with a knot, and the person must be kissed. Now the new "carrier" of the handkerchief comes out to the middle of the circle.

You can dance and show off in the spotlight as much as your heart desires. The only thing, remember that at the most unexpected moment, the music turns off, and the one who remains in the circle must loudly shout out everyone's favorite "ku-ka-re-ku!"

So we all practiced knitting knots. Perhaps now it will be easier for all of us to bind happiness ... And in anticipation of our own happiness, I propose to drink to the happiness of our hosts. What cup do you think we drink, drink and cannot get drunk from? .. From the cup of love. So let's drink to love!

Guests are drinking, having a snack, at this time the presenter can relax a little and think about future congratulations, toasts and ways to entertain everyone present. But the pause doesn't last very long.

Of course, we all already know each other, we have known each other for several years, as have our dear owners, and yet ... it will not prevent us from getting to know each other better. For example, let's pay attention to the color of our clothes. So who's wearing red today? They are joyful, beautiful, independent people who value the fullness of life. Always ready for love, in the sense of a great feeling. They prefer to spend their vacations and vacations in the south.

Who's wearing white clothes? Often naive, honest people with an unblemished reputation, kind and decent. They prefer to rest among the snowy plains and polar bears.

The black color of clothes suggests that we have talented people who are able to enchant absolutely everyone. They love black caviar and black coffee. Sexually attractive, prolific in everything! They love to rest in the country with lovers.

Blue clothes guarantee that their owners have a noble origin and romance. These are loyal, glorious people, worried about literally everything and for everyone. They love to rest everywhere, just to fly by plane or sail by ship.

The green color of the outfit indicates that these are people overwhelmed by hope and dream. Always fresh and attractive. For recreation, they prefer the nearby forest.

Who came in yellow clothes? These people are pleasant, warm, romantic, but ... insidious. Gold is preferred as jewelry. Strive to take a place in the upper class. They love to rest on the Golden Sands. They love to listen to Sting's "Fields of gold", they love to be called "Golden". So we became a little closer and more understandable to each other!

But in order to check how much we all know each other, I propose several tests. And again our owners - "one-year-old" spouses will show us an example!

Games begin in which you need to guess the person. For disguise, a sheet is best suited (again, in tribute to tradition, made of chintz), and you will also need two "Atlantes" capable of holding the "sky" over the heads of the participants throughout the game.

"Oh, those legs!"

Ladies are hiding behind the sheet. The men turn away for a while. Ladies stick out from under the "curtain", by agreement, the left or right leg (you can wear shoes or without them, you can go to the ankle or to the knee, the main thing is that the skirts are not visible). Then the representatives of the stronger sex take turns trying to guess which woman belongs to which leg.

"I recognize the dear by the palm of my hand ..."

Men are hiding behind the coverlet. The ladies step away for a while to give them the opportunity to prepare. During this time, the gentlemen put their arms out from behind the coverlet (it is more convenient to do this at the lower edge of the fabric, near the floor, so that the shoulder is not visible). The lady's task is to guess the strong man's hand of her gentleman.

"Mirror Kiss"

Ladies put lipstick on their lips thicker, go up to the mirror and leave bright prints on it. Further, the gentlemen approach the mirror and try to figure out the female kisses.

Men who have shown the maximum shrewdness are awarded the right to an extraordinary slow dance.

As thin chintz and fragile linen,
And this anniversary symbolizes one thing.
Your relationship is not that strong.
And the boulders are rolling towards you.
But if you're friends
Support each other yourself
Without waiting for outside help,
You will be completely happy!

Guests drink to make this wish come true, again there is a short pause, during which all the owners of bad habits have time to leave the room and come back.

To the future groom:

- Remember, the decision to marry was your last independent decision.
- Carry your wife in your arms, and she will sit on your neck herself.
- You should help your wife on March 8, but on the rest of the days, do everything yourself.
- Walking with your wife, do not look to the left, as you may not notice that she is looking to the right.
- The first word of the baby should be "mom" so that he does not disturb his father's sleep.
- Getting up in the morning, kiss your wife, maybe you will be the first.
- Love and respect your wife, but do not allow her to be the mistress of the house, be the owner yourself, so that, while escaping the wrath of your wife, sitting under the table, you can say to everyone: “I am the owner of the house! Where I want, I sit there! "
- During your honeymoon, do not waste time in vain, do not read poetry to your wife, it is better to read her the book "About tasty and healthy food."
- Manage to speak today, soon you will only listen.
“Don't overuse excuses about being late in the service. Imagine, thoughts, create ...
- Do not forget the name of the witness, in which case she will feed you.

For the future bride:

- If your husband came home late, give him the opportunity to tell what you have known for a long time.
- Observe a strict division of labor in money matters. Leave the important and honorable right to earn money to your husband. And take the difficult, difficult task of spending them on yourself. You have to give in at least something.
- It is strictly forbidden to tease and call your husband the names of the inhabitants of the zoo!
- Never argue with your husband, but start crying right away.
- If your husband starts to stay late at work, change your husband's profession.
- Love and take care of your husband and his nervous system, never tell him the true value of purchases.
- Record all his pre-wedding promises on tape, and when he gets sad, this record will make him laugh to tears.
- Do not forget the name of the witness, he can help you with the housework when your husband is late at work. Maybe I confused that when I poured invaluable experience into verbal form ... But even so, do not be angry with me, because I had the same intentions - to amuse our whole honest company!

While reading the advice, guests can not only listen carefully to the presenter and take note of the invaluable experience, but also engage in their immediate duties - tasting food and drinks on the table. The tasting continues after the reading - you need to give the host a rest.

Leading(after rest):
Now I propose to test your imagination. For example, what associations do you have, for example, when it comes to Philip Kirkorov? But today we will not discuss the pop stars, but we will pay all our attention to those present here. So, I propose to ask me any associative questions about who I am now asking. I undertake to answer sincerely and honestly!

An example of questions and answers to associations would be the following dialogue:

1.What vegetable or fruit is this person associated with?
- With kiwi.

2.What kind of footwear is this person associated with?
- With hussar boots with spurs.

3. What color is this person associated with?
- With green.

4. What type or brand of car is this person associated with?
- With a limousine.

5. What animal is this person associated with?
- With a tiger.

6. What kind of music is this person associated with?
- From the popular one.

7. What mood is this person associated with?
- With joyful.

After such answers, everyone understands that we are talking about someone perky, with a good-natured character and a wide soul. The guests look around in bewilderment: "Who could it be?" And then suddenly someone's voice is heard, calling the name of the "chintz" husband. The presenter says: "This is the correct answer!"

Love leads through the deserts
And through the mountain ranges
And she does not get cold in the wind,
And he is not afraid of heights.
For the fact that we care about blood,
My toast is, of course, to love!

After the last wish, guests are invited to continue the celebration in the fresh air.

Part two (on the street)

Often the wedding anniversary does not fall on the warm season. But even for this case, there are recipes for how not to sit through the whole holiday in a hot room, methodically pouring in another portion of alcohol. You can, for example, admire the snow ...

Leading(after everyone is in the yard):
Look around! Isn't it beautiful: the snow seems to wink at us with its stars, as if inviting us to have some fun ... I invite you too! How many of you sculpted a snow woman in childhood?

And who knows how a snowman differs from a snow woman? I'm listening to options! And now we have two teams (those present are divided into teams), one of which will make a snowman, and the other - a snowman. And we'll see which team can do it faster and better.

In the game, not only the speed of execution is assessed, but also the quality, as well as "compliance with generally accepted standards", that is, so that the snowman and the snow woman really have signs of gender. The winning team will receive prizes. After this game, a free program (for example, a walk) may well begin, followed by a return to the table.

The first anniversary of family life is of great importance for the spouses. Knowing the features of this date, you can further strengthen the relationship with your loved one. At the same time, understanding the traditions of a chintz wedding will help you not to be mistaken with a gift and correctly celebrate this important day.

The first year of married life was nicknamed the chintz wedding for two reasons. First, the properties of this fabric are reminiscent of new relationships between people. At first, bright and catchy, chintz fades after a year and begins to deform: it is believed that this happens with the relationship of newlyweds.

Secondly, for the first year of married life, it has long been customary to give diapers and baby clothes, since most often at this time a child appears in the family.

By tradition, a chintz wedding is celebrated without a grand scale, with a minimum number of guests. Close relatives and witnesses may be invited to celebrate the anniversary, but it is best to celebrate this date together.

Signs and rituals of a chintz wedding

Wedding omens differ significantly from those of the first anniversary. On this day, family life can be both strengthened and torn, like a bright cloth. Relationships between spouses are still fragile and can be subject to bad influences.

It is considered extremely important to keep strangers out of your home on your first family anniversary. If a woman is allowed in, then the husband's infidelity may wake up, and if a man, then the wife's infidelity.

If on this day the spouses woke up at the same time, then soon you can expect a child.

On the day of 1 year of married life, the husband and wife need to give each other a piece of clothing. If a wife gives her husband a shirt, then further life will be based on mutual fidelity and feelings, and if a scarf - then on daily work.

It is considered a bad omen to give or receive trousers or socks as a gift for a chintz wedding: such a gift can "send" the spouse on the road, that is, lead to separation.

If the husband and wife met the day of the first anniversary of their life together, then life will go on smoothly and smoothly. If the spouses quarrel at a chintz wedding, it means that the relationship is still not strong.

If you invited guests to your first joint holiday, then you need to see who will come before everyone else: a man or a woman. It is believed that if the first guest is a man, then there will always be money in the family, and if a woman is the first to appear on the doorstep, soon one should expect an addition to the family.

For a long time, a simple but effective ceremony for a long family life has been held for a chintz wedding. Spouses need to choose a large handkerchief in advance. On the day of the anniversary, the husband and wife stand opposite each other, holding the scarf by the opposite diagonal edges. At the ends it is necessary to tie a strong knot, saying the following words:

“I knit a knot, I bring my destiny. I weld it into the house, I close it from the paths, I leave it for myself. As the knot is tied, so we are tied together! To be together - to love each other! "

These words must be repeated three times. After that, the scarf is folded and hidden in a secluded place.

What to give for your first wedding anniversary

Spouses are traditionally presented with textiles for a chintz wedding, wishing a "smooth and well" life together. A good gift is:

  • tablecloth;
  • linens;
  • textile rugs;
  • curtains;
  • kitchen apron;
  • embroidered napkins.

To understand which moments of your life together indicate imminent happiness, folk signs will help you. We wish you joy and a long family life. Be happy and remember to press the buttons and

23.05.2017 07:51

The fifteenth wedding anniversary is a serious date. For a long time, the spouses have become one, and now ...

The fourteenth wedding anniversary is named after a semi-precious stone that guards family happiness, gives wisdom and ...

There are many wedding anniversaries. And one of them - calico wedding... A chintz wedding is considered a year of married life... This anniversary is also called a cotton or gauze wedding. This anniversary received this name as a sign that for a year the marriage is still not strong enough and is similar to gauze or chintz. During the year of their married life, the newlyweds have not yet learned enough of each other, they have not yet experienced the difficulties of life that they have to overcome together.

For a chintz wedding, it is necessary to present chintz fabrics, chintz handkerchiefs and other chintz products that are necessary in everyday life to each other. Guests from the wedding, parents, witnesses who also bring chintz with them and say wonderful toasts that the newlyweds are not waiting for a single anniversary, that the first obstacles are left behind, and also wish that the chintz of the newlyweds is the most durable are always invited to this anniversary. ...

On the day of the chintz wedding, the newlyweds should understand that the first year is just the beginning and that there will be many more unforgettable moments in the future.

A year has passed since you are married.
Year in harmony, love.
Did you ever
Could you live without each other?

You are family and you are one
And let the years fly by -
Together, you are invincible.
Never swear.

To this calico wedding
Again "Bitter!" shout to you.
And we wish both of you:
Be loved, be loved!

With the first tender date
A year already married - this is
Just class!

Let the chintz not be torn
It will be durable
Just hold on together -
That's the whole law.

Happy wedding anniversary, my dears, congratulations! So your first year of family life has flown by. May your whole life be as bright as chintz. I wish you good health, good luck in life, positive and love. I wish your wonderful, friendly and cheerful family to grow and develop, to be resistant to life's circumstances, as well as strong and resilient. I wish you, my dears, family happiness, prosperity and understanding. And let your love never fade amidst the troubles of life, always protect and protect you.

Your first year has passed
It was all the other way around
The first year is an academic year,
And truly magical.

There were tears and lapping
For ironing, for washing.
Not a presented bouquet,
Unfried omelet.

Happy anniversary
And we wish your family
Only get stronger and grow
And with joy to bloom.

So that love does not fade away
So that you have enough money.
So that for your 30 years
Everyone gathered for lunch.

Golden at your wedding
We'll have a mountain feast.
And today is only a year old
You can shout "Bitter" again!

Does heaven need a reason
To bring two destinies together at the appointed hour?
On a bright holiday, your anniversary,
I congratulate you today,

Whatever happens - be there
And never quarrel in your hearts,
And for this they will be your reward
Long honey years.

The first year is like the first page,
Trial, error, careful step
Happiness also needs to be learned
So that the marriage only grows stronger over the years!

The year passed unnoticed
The family has been living for a year,
Happy your first anniversary,
Congratulations to you friends!

You will live together for a very long time,
And have many children
So that love does not fade away
Easy and happy days!

To live to old age,
So that harmony lives
So that they understand each other
To be together forever!

There were many happy days
Many joyful worries
Here comes the calico wedding -
You have lived together for a year.

First year - family foundation,
In the union of two hearts
We wish you to build
A whole fabulous palace.

So that in prosperity and love,
As if you lived in a fairy tale,
To cherish each other
And the heirs were raised.

Calico wedding tonight
It's time for you to celebrate.
For a whole year we could each other
You get to know much better.

Although the anniversary is small
But very important to you.
We wish you to keep your feelings
Have a little patience.

Let there be no quarrels in your family,
And let peace reign in the house.
Live amicably and without disputes,
Let love in hearts burn!

The wedding anniversary has arrived.
All in chintz, she is the first.
We congratulate you spouses
We wish you happiness in full,

May every day
love grows stronger
Is growing
respect for each other,
May your union be protected
Caring, tenderness and patience.

May it always shine, shine
Your happy eyes
May it be the strongest in the world
Your lovely family!

Full of joys and worries
Your first year has flown by.
There were quarrels and reconciliation,
And magical moments.

Wish you from my heart
All adversity to pass together.
To avoid quarrels,
As a joke, a dispute to be turned.

To, as a piece of art
You took care of your feelings.
After all, love and respect -
The key to loyalty and rapprochement.

Only you can do it
Prove to the big world
That there is no pair more beautiful than you.
I wish you only happiness.

So that even through the years
We remembered as never before
The enamored look of your eyes
Happy chintz wedding!

Each anniversary of living together can rightfully be called a celebration. The couple were able to live together for another year and become closer and dearer to each other. But the most important of all can be called a chintz wedding - a holiday that marks the first year they lived together.

Calico wedding - how old is it?

What is a chintz wedding, how old is it and what is presented for this date, every newlywed should know. This wedding marks the first year they have lived together. This period is considered the most difficult for a young family, since at this time the spouses have to get to know each other most of all and get used to it. For this reason, the first family holiday was called chintz. Just as chintz is thin and fragile, so a young family during this period is fragile and unreliable.

Some etymologists argue that the name of the chintz wedding has other roots. During this period, young spouses want to enjoy physical intimacy with each other, so they spend most of their time in bed, covered with chintz sheets. Gradually, physical intimacy will cease to occupy such an important place in the life of young spouses, and other needs and desires will come to the fore.

Calico Wedding Gift Ideas

Don't worry about what to get for a chintz wedding. The young family still has many needs and needs, so choosing a gift will not be difficult. According to custom, items made of chintz or other fabric are presented for a chintz wedding. This custom comes from the times when there were no contraceptives and a baby was born to young people in the first year of marriage. For this reason, chintz was given as a gift for diapers for a newborn. Now newlyweds rarely have a baby in their first year, but the custom of giving chintz remains.

What to give friends for a chintz wedding?

A gift for a gingham wedding is selected taking into account the nature of the couple and the rituals of the celebration. If you follow the traditions, then the following things will be the best gift:

  • double;
  • a set of elegant cloth napkins for decorating furniture;
  • sofa cushions or pillows for the interior of the car;
  • painting on canvas. The ideal option would be if the picture shows a photo of a couple;
  • two bathrobes;
  • beautiful plaid;
  • themed set of bath towels.

What to give your husband for a chintz wedding?

It is not so easy for a spouse with a year's experience to choose a gift for her husband for a chintz wedding. I would like the gift to be pleasant, useful and in line with traditions. To do this, you can choose any item from the list of gifts for a chintz wedding, and add a little imagination and humor to it:

  • T-shirt, pajamas or bathrobe with a love lettering;
  • bath towel with love inscription;
  • warm blanket;
  • a cup and a plate with wishes printed on them or a marital photo.

What to give your wife for a chintz wedding?

Women are gentle and romantic creatures. It is not so important that a man chooses from the list of what can be presented for a chintz wedding, the main thing is that the gift should be presented with love and tenderness. A romantic setting, flowers and a gift in a beautiful package, accompanied by words of love, can inspire a lady and make her happy. The most suitable gifts for a spouse for a chintz wedding will be:

  • a set of underwear or a certificate to the store for its purchase;
  • beautiful nightgown, negligee;
  • a box of chocolates wrapped in a chintz shawl or tied with a scarf;
  • jewelry in cloth packaging;
  • soft toy.

What to give children for a chintz wedding?

A gift for a chintz wedding to children can be either practical or symbolic. Due to the fact that newlyweds have few things, it is easy to choose a gift for them. The list of gifts for a chintz wedding includes the following things:

  • a pair of T-shirts with inscriptions like: the best husband is the best wife;
  • a pair of bathrobes;
  • a pair of quality bath towels with themed inscriptions;
  • bedding set;
  • an elegant tablecloth or napkins for furniture;

Ideas for a gingham wedding

There are various ways to celebrate a chintz wedding, but you should choose one based on the couple's preferences. Here are some popular ideas for a chintz wedding:

  1. A visit to the sauna or spa. Here you can relax and receive a range of pleasant services.
  2. Excursion trip. On normal days, there is not enough time for travel and sightseeing. Why not do it on such a solemn day?
  3. A trip to the recreation center. Relaxing in the bosom of nature will help make your day unforgettable.
  4. Thematic event. If you intend to spend this day with guests, then you can make a theme party. To do this, all guests should be notified in advance so that they pick up the appropriate outfit.
  5. Amusement park. Two young people are still full of excitement and enthusiasm. A visit to the amusement park and amusement park will charge them with positive energy for a long time.

How to arrange a chintz wedding?

Together with the question of how to celebrate a chintz wedding, the problem of decorating the premises in which the event will be held also appears. As mentioned above, the main material of this day is chintz. For this reason, a chintz, or gauze, wedding should be filled with fabrics, soft toys, napkins and other fabric items. It is customary to decorate a room or place for rest and picnic with ribbons, bows, cloth napkins, soft rugs, pillows, and rugs. The decor details used should speak of softness, tenderness, comfort.

Menu for a gingham wedding

A chintz wedding, like any other event, is impossible without a delicious lunch. However, unlike other anniversaries of a joint life, the menu of a chintz wedding should be simple and modest. The first year passed symbolizes the beginning, which should be reflected in the menu. The young housewife is still inexperienced, therefore, when choosing dishes, one should give preference to those that do not require a lot of time and culinary skills to prepare.

  1. Traditionally, dishes are prepared consisting of three to four components.
  2. Keep salads and side dishes as simple as possible.
  3. Unpretentious sandwiches, sliced ​​cheeses and sausages, baked chicken - everything should reflect the simplicity of the first year of life.
  4. The crown of the wedding table is a cake decorated with figures of the bride and groom. Unlike other dishes, the cake should be bright and interesting - it is a symbol of future life together.

Calico wedding ceremonies

All rituals for a chintz wedding are associated with chintz. This fabric, symbolizing the fragility of a young family union, is present in every rite of this day. Interesting and important rituals of a chintz wedding are:

  1. A chintz wedding is celebrated at home where guests are invited.
  2. The wife puts on a chintz dress, which she must wear until evening.
  3. Young spouses give each other chintz handkerchiefs. On each handkerchief, they tie a knot and pronounce vows of loyalty and love. This ceremony symbolizes the desire of the spouses to be forever connected with each other by marriage.
  4. The dining table is covered with a cotton tablecloth. In addition, chintz should be present in the decor in the form of ribbons, napkins, and artificial flowers.

Calico wedding - signs

All signs for a chintz wedding are associated with the well-being of the family and the strength of the union. A chintz wedding is a holiday that says that family life is just beginning, and only together will spouses be able to overcome all difficulties and troubles. To understand what awaits the spouses next, the signs of a chintz wedding will help:

  1. If on this day the spouses woke up at the same time, it means that the family will soon be replenished.
  2. If a stranger comes to the house that day, one of the spouses will be unfaithful. If a woman comes - to the infidelity of her husband, if a man - to the infidelity of his wife.
  3. Crumpled linen, clothes, tablecloths - to family quarrels.
  4. You cannot give trousers or socks, because, according to the sign, this is a step towards parting.
  5. Kind and loving relations between spouses on this day - family life will be pleasant and long. A quarrel or conflict relationship - to quarrelsome life and parting.
  6. If a man was the first to enter the house of the guests, money, if a woman - to the imminent birth of the first child.

So the first year has passed since the moment the lovers put on their wedding rings and began to officially be called husband and wife. For some, this time was not easy, you learn to feel each other, seek compromises, go hand in hand.

photo: Calico wedding - 1 year of marriage

Calico wedding: 1 year

Calico wedding also called gauze, there are two interpretations of the appearance of such a name. Someone thinks that the relationship is still fragile, like gauze, and the disagreement of the spouses can easily destroy them. Popular rumor came up with another meaning: according to tradition, chintz fabrics are light, colorful, beautiful, this was also the year for newlyweds - new, colorful, full of unexpected discoveries.

photo: Tie a knot on a scarf - one of the rituals of a chintz wedding

A print wedding is just the beginning of your journey together. According to tradition, spouses on this day present each other with scarves and tie knots on them - this action symbolizes the strength of their love and union. After that, the scarf becomes a family heirloom, it is kept, because it protects the feelings of two lovers.

How to celebrate a chintz wedding?

In past calico wedding could be celebrated magnificently, summoned guests who a year ago witnessed the conclusion of the union. No one obliges modern young people to observe such a tradition, everyone decides for himself where and how to spend this wonderful day. The most convenient way is to go to a cozy restaurant or cafe - you don't have to cook anything on your own, you can invite enough guests, and not be crowded in the apartment and take chairs from neighbors.

A good option would be a country house, a romantic picnic. You can start the celebration with a joint trip, visit the spa, do something extreme (if you wish), go to an unfamiliar city, and so on.

If a chintz wedding is held surrounded by guests, invite only those closest to you, in their company you will feel comfortable. The holiday can be organized themed - in the style of the peoples of the world, Gangsters, fairy-tale characters and so on. An anniversary according to Russian traditions will also be an interesting option. The bride can choose for herself a bright chintz sundress and kokoshnik, the groom - an embroidered shirt, a bright belt, wide trousers. It is colorful and interesting, and you can find appropriate entertainment, especially if the holiday is taking place in nature - jumping in bags, tug-of-war, catching apples, merry dances to folk music, and so on.

photo: Vintage-style chintz dress is perfect for a celebration

We decorate a hall or a tent with improvised materials, but do not forget about the theme of the wedding, especially since handmade is always in fashion. Holiday cards, beautiful tablecloths, a garland of wedding and post-wedding photos, do-it-yourself paintings, collages, fabric butterflies, flowers and much more. The harmonious end of the evening will be the launch of balloons into the sky with notes with wishes or innermost desires - fun and beautiful, and the guests will act together, and most importantly, the calico wedding will be remembered for a lifetime!

What to give for a chintz wedding?

Traditionally, on the first anniversary, young people are given a product made of chintz fabric - bed linen, curtains, shirts, towels, embroidered napkins. Parents often buy among other gifts and romper, diapers, so to speak, with a hint of the future addition of the family.

photo: Romper - a gift for a chintz wedding with a hint