Psychological characteristics of the modern family. Marriage and family concept

There is no universal answer to the question of how to achieve family happiness. Some spouses constantly quarrel over little things, and then quickly reconcile. Others get divorced, faced with the first difficulties in family life. How does love appear and how does it go away forever? What is the ideal relationship model for your couple? What's missing in your relationship? What can be changed so that family happiness does not disappear over the horizon? Let's listen to the advice of a professional psychologist.

Each union between a man and a woman is individual. It is difficult to generalize anything here and to highlight any patterns. However, psychologists identify several basic styles of family relationships. Maybe you will recognize your family in one of the proposed models of marriage unions. In any case, acquaintance with this classification will not be superfluous. You will understand how not to behave, and you will understand who plays the main violin in your pair.

The first model is classic.

In many families of our parents and grandparents, it is accepted that a man achieves success in his career, and a woman is the keeper of the hearth. As a rule, such alliances are very strong, since partners are not just husband and wife, but also players who play in the same team.

Such alliances arise between people with similar life goals and interests. Such people try to do everything together. The spouses create traditions and rituals, and their main dream is to live happily ever after. Husband and wife usually profess the same life principles and try to spend all their free time together.


First of all, such unions are characterized by constancy and stability. Responsibilities are distributed, family life is serene, and conflict is rare. Spouses know how to find compromises and try to avoid contradictions.


Over time, stability can become boring and begin to seem like a routine. You need to be able to refresh relationships and bring a bit of unpredictability into family life.

Psychologist's advice.

Don't be afraid to do stupid things. Remember Baron Munchausen, who said that all the worst mistakes are made with an intelligent expression. Leave your husband a note with a declaration of love, invite him on a date, send a beautiful postcard by e-mail, add new rituals to the list of family traditions. Let your life together play with all the colors of the rainbow!

The second model is every man for himself.

There are unions where both spouses are self-sufficient and self-confident individuals. Both spouses have achieved a lot in life. Such people tend to perceive the husband or wife as equal partners.

If you and your husband are striving to be self-sufficient and independent of each other, this may be your type of marriage. This model of marriage is suitable for people who, even in marriage, prefer to maintain a certain amount of independence and want to achieve a lot in life.

Husband and wife in such unions do not recognize the division of responsibilities by gender. The spouses will never give up interesting work for the sake of the family, both are happy to prepare family dinners and do not worry about it. Spouses often part for a while and often travel alone. Both husband and wife in such a marriage respect each other's personal space.


Tasting all the delights of family life, the spouses do not infringe on their own interests.


Such people are very selfish and value independence above all else. In order to create harmonious family relationships, it is sometimes necessary to be able to step on the throat of your own song and make decisions that will satisfy both parties. Unwillingness to sacrifice one's own interests often leads to the collapse of family relationships.

Psychologist's advice.

In order for family life to be happy and serene, you need to learn to live in the interests of each other. If the wife loves painting, the husband can keep her company. The wife can go with her husband to a football match or play billiards with him.

You can try making a to-do list that pleases both. Since people love each other, then they have a lot in common. It is necessary to create family rituals that will delight and bring family members together.

The third model is there is no life without you.

Such a marriage union unites people who cannot imagine their life without each other. Husband and wife live in the interests of each other and believe that they will live happily until the end of their days. They create family coziness, not getting hung up on details, believing that with a loved one and in a hut - a real paradise. The meaning of life for them lies in caring for loved ones, and, first of all, for each other. The spouses protect their little world from external intrusions.

This model of family relationships is suitable for those who consider the most important thing in life - to achieve peace of mind, hiding from the troubles of life in the cozy quiet of their own home.

Partners do everything together and never argue about the distribution of responsibilities. All household issues are resolved easily and without quarrels. The main values ​​in such families are mutual understanding and love. In this case, prosperity and career growth are not a fetish for a man and a woman who are married. It is much more fun to spend time together than to achieve any kind of heights outside the family.


You can rely on your spouse in any endeavor. You can always expect support, encouragement, understanding from a loved one. Both husband and wife in such unions are ready to make any sacrifices for the sake of their partner's happiness.


It's not always worth getting hung up on each other. There are a lot of interesting things around, acquaintance with which can please both the whole couple and each spouse individually. In order not to get bored with each other, it is very important to have your own interests and hobbies. Dissolving in a partner, we often lose ourselves as a person. Over time, when passionate feelings fade into the background, the accumulated problems are able to destroy even the strongest relationships.

Psychologist's advice.

Those who consider their family relationships to be of this type must remember the need to preserve their own interests and aspirations. Permeating each other's interests, do not forget that you are a self-sufficient person. In such a model of relationship, more than in any other, the creative and career realization of the spouses is important. If your career doesn't appeal to you, you can try attending personal growth trainings or finding a hobby you like. It is worth trying to achieve anything without the help of your spouse, and you will see how pleasant it is to be proud of your achievements. Do not be jealous of each other's hobbies and interests. The best remedy for boredom and monotony in family relationships is the ability to find interesting activities for yourself, which you can enjoy alone. To feel happy in marriage, you just need to simultaneously feel your own personal freedom.

The fourth model is equal partners.

In such an alliance, partners have their own interests, which they value above all else. Their interests practically do not overlap. From the outside it seems that they live together out of necessity. Everyone solves his own problems, and only those issues are discussed, on the solution of which the joint life depends.

The spouses clearly describe the household duties, rarely throw parties, and almost never go on vacation together.


The strengths of such a marriage are order and the absence of violent shocks. Such unions are stable and rarely break up, despite the lack of strong feelings. In such a marriage, sentiment and feelings are successfully replaced by healthy pragmatism. However, it is worth noting that it also happens that partners break up as soon as their usual way of life changes.

Psychologist's advice.

If both husband and wife are satisfied with predictability and stability in family relationships, it may not be worth changing anything. "They do not seek from goodness." Now, if such a relationship is boring and bored, you should probably look for ways to improve it.

Such families very often live in perfect harmony. You just need to be able to look at your spouse in a new way, and arouse his genuine interest in your person. Try a second honeymoon. Think over everything to the smallest detail and seduce your own husband. Try to start life from scratch, forgetting the years lived by an unspoken agreement. Bring romance and spontaneity into your life.

The fifth model is husband and wife - one Satan.

This model is the most harmonious type of marriage. Partners are focused on long-term relationships, they solve all problems together. They create a cozy family nest in which it is convenient for both of them to exist and develop as individuals.

Spouses have common goals in life, the same priorities and outlook on life. The strengths of such a marriage are freedom from stereotypes and lack of predictability.

Partners in such marriages share responsibilities, but often substitute for each other in their execution. Rules and traditions exist, but often change and improve. The interests of the family are always in the foreground, and only then are personal goals. For the sake of a common cause, both spouses are ready to sacrifice their own interests. Spouses who choose such a relationship model are usually active and bright personalities. They often host parties and celebrations for a variety of occasions.


This relationship can be called close to ideal. Strong families are built precisely on the desire to take care of each other, openness to the outside world, and the ability to support a partner in difficult times. In such families, a good mood and positive emotions reign.

If you can attribute your marriage to this model of conjugal union, you can only be envied. Such families very rarely break up and do not need practically any recommendations.

Psychologist's advice.

The only advice here is to take a closer look at each other so that the relationship does not become superficial. Don't let an active social life and social events crowd out the most important thing from your life - the person who is next to you.

In conclusion, I would like to say. That the ideal model of relationships does not exist, as well as ideal people. However, this does not mean that you should not strive for the ideal. It may be distant and unattainable, but it helps us to make our relationships with the people around us more harmonious and happy.

The most important thing is to try to find a model of relationship that would suit both spouses. What works for some may be contraindicated for others. There are no universal recipes for family happiness. You always have to look for compromise options. Avoid misunderstandings, discuss all problems, reach solutions to conflicts that suit both parties. If people love each other and want to be together, they do not care about any vicissitudes of family life.

Sociologists believe that in the modern world there is a need to create a new family model that will satisfy both those people who prefer freedom and those who, above all, value home comfort.

Futurologists - specialists in the future insist that guest marriage will soon become such a new family model.

Before explaining what a guest marriage is, let's recall other, more famous family models.
1) Traditional marriage : the most common form, including registration, cohabitation, common household, and, as a rule, a single budget and the head of the family responsible for making decisions.
Trial marriage (civil or unregistered marriage): differs from the traditional one by the absence of registration, and from ordinary love relationships by the presence of a common living space and a joint household. As a rule, partners plan to "test their feelings" by harsh everyday life, or they believe that it is not at all necessary to devote the state, represented by official bodies, to their personal lives.
Seasonal marriage (time-limited family): is concluded for a certain period, after which it is considered automatically terminated. Spouses re-weigh all the pros and cons of living together and choose: to part with them or to agree on another period of time. Supporters of this form of marriage are of the opinion that adults grow out of relationships like children of old clothes.
Communal marriage or "Swedish family": a family in which several men and several women live. They are connected not only and not so much by common sex as by common household and friendly relations. If children appear in such families, they are brought up by all members of the "commune" who are guided by the idea - the more men and women before the eyes of a child, the more opportunities he has to learn about the diversity of the world.
Open marriage : a traditional family in which spouses allow hobbies and intimate relationships on the side. There can be all kinds of options: from disguising betrayals under threat of rupture to an open discussion of the "adventures" of each of the spouses. In the extreme case, it can be a common family hobby, up to joint participation in group sex.
Guest or extraterritorial marriage : a family in which the couple is registered, but the spouses each live at home. From time to time they meet, dine together in a cafe, spend a married night, sometimes live together, but they do not run a common household. They go to visit each other, from time to time they spend vacations together. The rest of the time, each of them is free from family responsibilities and lives his own life.

Psychologists are of the opinion that traditional marriage is a female lifestyle, and extraterritorial or guest marriage is a male vision of marriage - and freedom is whole, and a wife is available. A guest marriage is a family that men invented and which women like more and more every year.

In such a marriage, many problems are solved that seem insoluble in the traditional one. Nobody pesters with questions "when will you come" and "where have you been" nobody solicits, the husband ceases to be a boring exhibit in family shorts, but remains an interesting man, and the woman does not frighten with a mask of fresh cucumbers on her face and always remains attractive.

Children are an important issue. In practice, children born in guest marriages are raised by a mother and absolutely all the same worries as in an ordinary family fall on her shoulders. But - without the daily presence of the dad's child in the life of the child, who wants to come to visit with cakes, dolls or cars, and does not want to - he will spend a fun evening in the company of equally carefree friends or girlfriends. And the woman will not be able to influence this situation in any way, since everything has already been discussed.

In the event that the husband turns out to be a loving father so much that after some time the family will look like an ordinary, traditional and such an outdated family.

What model do YOU ​​prefer ???

NOU VPO "Moscow Psychological and Social Institute"

Branch in Murom


By discipline:

The psychology of family relationships

On the topic:

“Models of the modern family. Traditional and non-traditional forms of marriage "

Completed: 4th year student

Gr. 28 / PMS - 41

Vyalova E.V.

Checked: Ph.D.

Ilyina E.A.

Murom, 2011

1.Models of the modern family ... ... ... .......................................... .................... 3

2. Traditional and non-traditional forms of marriage ……………………… 5

References ………………………………………………………… ..16

1. Models of the modern family

Currently, there are three models of the family: patriarchal, child-centered and marital, which in reality are intertwined. Next, I will tell you about them in more detail.

Patriarchal family- the most common model. Kinship relations are leading in it: the wife's dependence on her husband, children on their parents, in connection with which there is a rigid consolidation of family roles. The marriage is outwardly stable, the family consists of several generations: grandparents, parents and children. The husband is considered the main one: all the economic resources of the family are concentrated in his hands, he owns the main decisions. The wife takes her husband's surname, obeys him and treats him respectfully. Its main functions are to give birth and raise children, to run a household. Such a family is characterized by parental authority and an authoritarian upbringing system.

Childcentric familyelevates the role of privacy, intimacy and value in children. The relationship between husband and wife is more or less equal; sexuality practiced in marriage is not limited to childbirth. Socialization takes on a different meaning, since the family may not have a brother or sister, few cousins, contacts with whom are sometimes reduced to a minimum. The child turns into an object of special parental care and persistent affection, they try to give him the maximum possible education. Parenting is the main concern of this family. Such spouses do not have fixed family expectations, as a result of this, the importance of mutual overwhelming of spouses in the psychological, everyday, sexual, spiritual spheres arises. Elderly parents do not want to live in the home of married children; adult children, in turn, prefer independence. At the same time, the young family, having separated from the parental family, does not lose touch with it.

A change in the social position of women leads to the emergencemarried family... Women master new spheres of activity - social, labor, political, cultural, begin to transform the family sphere and successfully combine all this. This state of affairs is facilitated by the disappearance of the "double" standard in terms of educational and training opportunities, women's participation in public life, home improvement, the growth of children's educational institutions and the ability to plan the number of children. However, men, having lost their professional monopoly, are in no hurry to part with "traditional" family privileges, which gives rise to numerous family conflicts.

We can say that marriage is a personal interaction between a husband and wife, governed by moral principles and their intrinsic values. This interaction is characterized by equality and at the same time the divergence of the roles of the spouses. For the husband, the sexual expressiveness of the wife is now important, and not only her ability to manage the household, which in the past determined the choice of the wife. Husband and wife cease to unconditionally subordinate their own interests to the interests of children, sexuality is not limited to childbirth, and eroticism is more and more characteristic of marital relations. The marital model opens up wide opportunities for the realization and equality of each member of the family: the interests of the husband and wife are more diverse than those of the family, and the needs and social circle go beyond marriage. At the same time, fundamental family values ​​are first formed in the relationship between spouses and only then become the natural basis for the appearance of children.

It can be said that in many countries, spouses concentrate the idea of ​​family life around marriage rather than around children, thereby giving greater importance to the marital relationship.

2. Traditional and non-traditional forms of marriage

Loneliness. This category is made up of people who have never been married, that is, they exist in a monovariant.

At present, young people in general retain their attitude towards marriage, but the number of people who think differently is growing. A minority skeptical about the institution of marriage is growing in numbers in all countries of the civilized world. According to R. Sieder, a survey conducted in 1978 in the Federal Republic of Germany showed that approximately 18% of all unmarried persons seem attractive to remain "in principle independent and independent."

Living alone is a historically new phenomenon. This dramatic change is especially evident in the big cities. More and more men and women in the "marriageable" age are deciding to live alone. From the point of view of social infrastructure, this becomes possible thanks to a developed network of services and technical assistance in large cities. Lonely people have decided to live in a monovariant for various reasons, among which are:

□ The growth of a woman's education, which sometimes dramatically changes her views on ideas about self-realization, she longs for and looks for opportunities to take place in the professional sphere, in the sphere of spiritual searches, in the field of serious hobbies - these attitudes "take away" a modern urban woman from burdensome, in her opinion , family ties.

□ The overwhelming number of women of marriageable age (one of the reasons is the high mortality rate of the male population, including as a result of accidents, murders, hostilities).

□ The point of view, widespread in some strata of the population and corresponding to some aspect of reality, that it is easier to live alone. One of the reasons is economic: the growth of unemployment, delays in the payment of wages, the lack (or lack of) state support for the family, the uncertainty and instability of the future, the high criminality of the current Russian situation. The benefits of the psychological comfort of living in a family are offset by the costs of the socio-economic state of affairs in family policy.

Researchers found that women tolerate loneliness much easier than men: the educational level, professional career, mental health, household life of single women is higher (better) than that of single men.

It should be added that the attitude towards loneliness, life in a monovariant may not be lifelong. It has been noticed that in women it can change at 30-35 years old, in men at 40-45 years old, when feverish attempts are made to "get" a partner and find a life partner / companion.

Unregistered cohabitation.This form of informal marriage and family relations has become widespread in Russia under the name "civil marriage", which is terminologically incorrect, since it is a legal, legally formalized marriage that is a civil marriage, which is recorded in the record of the act civil state (registry office).

In common everyday ideas, there is an opinion that the younger and more educated usually enter into such a marriage. However, this is not entirely true. Research shows that in developed countries, about 25% of unregistered couples have children under the age of 14.

In cases of unregistered cohabitation, the attitude toward marriage does not disappear. 90% of women and men in such a relationship intended to marry, but not necessarily with this partner. Let's analyze the pros, which are usually cited by supporters of unregistered cohabitation:

□ this form of relationship is a "training" of a certain type ("trial marriage");

□ in cases of unregistered cohabitation, strength and compatibility are tested (“trial marriage”);

□ in such variants of cohabitation, relations are freer, there is no coercion (in the case of quarrels between partners, arguments such as “Why did you marry me?” Or “Are you my wife, finally?” aspects after printing in the passport (long-term relationship - "unmarried family life").

□ Unregistered cohabitation provides more spirituality and satisfaction in relationships (“unmarried family life”).

Arguments about greater freedom and spirituality in cases of unregistered cohabitation are also not very stable and reliable: both negative and positive development options are known

It should be added that, in addition to psychological ones, there are also socio-economic reasons peculiar for Russia that give rise to the variant of unregistered cohabitation: housing problems, the issue of registration, the possibility of receiving child benefits as a single mother, and others.

Consciously childless marriage.(We specially emphasize that the subject of consideration isdeliberately childlessmarriage, i.e. when healthy young people they can, but they don't want to to have children; all options in situations where childbirth problems are associated with poor health, infertility, miscarriage, trauma, etc., do not apply to any alternatives, but represent a family tragedy.) 10% of women in industrialized countries do not want to have children, in Russia up to 1%. Voluntary sterilization is increasing throughout these countries. For Russia, mass abortion is more typical.

Let us consider the problem of deliberately childless marriage in the broader context of motivation, planning and regulation of childbearing *. At the family level, the influence of such factors as the spouses' ideas about satisfaction with living and material conditions, the nature of the distribution of responsibilities, the compatibility of the role positions of the spouses, their attitude to lifestyle, the specifics of leisure, the strength of marriage, the peculiarities of the individual's experience of the stages of the formation of marriage and family relations ...

Mass intrafamilial birth control is a process of social adaptation. The meaning of social adaptation is associated with the balance between the size and density of the population and the ecological habitat. The goals of social adaptation are changeable and varied: environmental, political, religious. How are they achieved? Different strategies are used here: abandoning a child, postponing the birth of a child (“let's live for ourselves”), ordering life events, dividing individual resources, redirecting family functions, simplifying parenting.

Thus, the laws of procreation are social. The need for children is dictated in a social way: the attitude to have children is formed; and in an individual way: love of children, attitude towards the value of children, the process of their upbringing and number.The need to have children is socio-psychological, moral in nature.The need for children in this sense is an individual combination of various attitudes towards children in general, conditioned by the history of personality development.

In addition, the birth of a child is an act of acceptance by the parents (father and mother jointly ) all responsibility for his fate before his conscience and before society. Not every modern married couple takes on this responsibility.

A common variant is when a child appears in the family and the parents immediately shift the care of him to the grandparents, then to the kindergarten, and later to the school.

We add that not every married couple(husband and wife) psychologically ready for the birth and upbringing of children.

□ late age at marriage;

□ among such women, the percentage of divorced is higher, that is, those who have experienced a failure in a previous marriage;

□ high level of education, as a rule, these are women of highly intellectual or creative nature of work, who have clearly expressed and stable socio-psychological (non-family) needs;

□ more often they are the eldest or the only children in the family, whose birth (“birth”) had a bad effect on the marriage of their parents;

□ are more mentally healthy;

□ more androgenic women;

□ often have a good, well-paid and interesting job (as, indeed, their husbands).

The ideology of childless families is based on the following argumentation:

□ children interfere with marital relations (it is empirically established that this influence is contradictory and weak, that is, the root is not in children, but in the nature of the marital relationship itself);

□ children interfere with social activity (it is empirically confirmed, but the differences in the social activity of a person with children and a childlessare not significant) .

Such childless families, in the overwhelming majority of women, experience strong social pressure, condemnation and negativism (“you cannot live without children”). In general, from a psychological point of view, this position (childlessness) is no worse than others, if the person himself consciously made his choice, bears responsibility for it and does not experience psychological discomfort and torment.

Open marriage. Its main feature is an unspoken or voiced agreement on personal life. The main conflict in modern marriage is the impossibility of combining intimacy and free personal growth. The goal of an open marriage is to increase the openness, self-expression and authenticity of the relationship, and to increase the partners' tolerance to each other.

Principles of open marriage *:

□ build life based on the present and based on realistic desires;

□ be respectful of your partner's privacy;

□ openness of communication: freely, openly express feelings (“Say what you see and feel, but without criticism”);

□ mobility and flexibility of role-based communication;

□ open partnership: have the right to their interests, their circle of friends;

□ Equality: fair sharing of responsibilities and benefits;

□ authenticity: to know one's worth and not to let one's dignity be belittled;

□ trust: a combination of “statistical” trust with “dynamic” trust.

This marriage is a historically new phenomenon, since for traditional representations, he actually legitimizes the right to treason.

The emergence of open marriage is associated with the movement for the enrichment of marriage and family relations, which is realized through the absence of neurotic breakdowns in marriage, constant renewal of a person in marriage and family relations and the possibility of personal growth of partners, renewal of the family as a whole. The transition to open communication in marriage is contrasted with:

□ punitive communication;

□ subordinate communication;

□ “cold” communication;

□ pointless communication.

But in reality, this turns out to be a significant simplification of existing problems, but not a solution to them.

Extramarital sex and intimate friendship.In both cases, we are talking about the presence of extramarital affairs of an intimate nature. However, the first assumes (admits) some participation in the joint management of the household, the appearance of illegitimate children is possible. Such a relationship between a man and an unmarried woman who has children from him is called konkubinat. In 1980, children out of wedlock in our country were born 10.8%, in 1990 - 14.6%, in 1991 - 15.1%, in 1992 - 16.6%, in 1993 - - already 18.4% *. Undoubtedly, such a connection is associated with the expectation that the relationship in the primary couple will be interrupted and a new marriage will take shape from this connection. As a rule, such ties are not long-term: they either really develop into a new marriage, or they become a burden, tiresome, and it becomes burdensome for a person to play a double game.

Swinging. Swinging is the exchange of marriage partners.

In this case, two married couples form a so-called "Swedish" family. Such an exchange of marriage partners originated in the 70s in Scandinavia. Currently, such alternative marriage and family ties are typical for 2% of the US population.

Studies of such married couples have recorded that such partners have less connection with their parents in childhood, practically no contact with children.

The initiators of such relationships are usually men, and there is a high self-esteem of marriages in a couple.

Homosexual couples.Such marriage and family relations are based on same-sex love, which manifests itself in sexual attraction to persons of the same sex: man-man or woman-woman. Same-sex love rests on the same psychophysiological premises as heterosexual, and the final ratio of both is determined only in the process of individual development. Homosexuality is not a single phenomenon; its origins and forms are diverse. Despite the possible genetic predisposition to homosexuality, in general, it is built on the basis of individual experience and learning.

According to some studies, the life path and personality traits of homosexuals have their own specifics (lack of male influence in childhood, bad relationships with fathers, the special influence of mothers with a puritanical character, whose sons were favorites, and they (mothers) wanted to be the center of attention of their sons) , early homosexual contacts with brothers and peers, etc.), according to others, no significant differences in the socialization of persons with a homosexual orientation were found. It should be noted that mainly men were involved in the research.

Homosexual couples in the case of same-sex love face the same problems as heterosexual ones: betrayal, jealousy, resentment, domination, misunderstanding, lack of trust, inconsistency between role attitudes and role coherence, monotony, etc.

Group marriage, residential communities, collective family.Criticism of the social functions of the family, associated not only with the reproduction of the labor force and ensuring the integrity of society, but also with the stabilization of relations of domination, in the early 70s gave rise to attempts to oppose it with an alternative in the form of group marriage. Initially, group marriage was radical and often political in nature, associated with drug orgies, group sex and terrorism. Since then, group marriage has evolved into residential communities and communes. V. Satyr uses the term "collective family" to refer to them.

From the point of view of the structure of relations, the following are distinguished: residential communities of several small families (the so-called "big family"), residential communities of several pairs, residential communities of several persons not related to each other by paired relationships, as well as mixed forms. According to the criterion of the tasks they face, student communes on university campuses, rural groups that often practice macrobiotic cultivation methods, religious and treatment groups, groups of cohabitation of the elderly, persons with reduced mobility, production and residential groups, as well as educational groups of parents can be distinguished. with children (in the tradition of the anti-authoritarian education movement). Consider those groups that represent a temporary or long-term alternative to the family lifestyle.

Student residential communities have financial advantages, contribute to a pragmatic solution to the housing problem, and enable students, despite economic dependence, to live in a sexual and loving relationship. R. Sieder adds here a high level of experimentation and at the same time solidary group defense. The social structure of residential communities responds to claims of egalitarian rather than authoritarian relations. Currently, on university campuses of the Federal Republic of Germany, up to 30% of students live collectively. Every fourth or fifth residential community includes children. Thus, residential communities represent one of the largest experimental models of non-traditional parenting of families.

V. Satyr finds the advantage of this type of family in the fact that the child sees before him different people with different characters. The main problem is, of course, that good relations must exist between all adults in order for such social education to give real results.

In residential communities, rarely does one group remain the same. In this sense, the residential community is more suited to the flexibility and mobility requirements imposed by the majority of young members (for example, to facilitate changing jobs or studies) than the family household. In connection with the social and psychological problems of adolescence and youth, life with peers fulfills an important orienting function. Belonging to residential communities can be considered as a stage of socialization, when the results of upbringing in a small family are partially corrected.

Utopian notions like the abolition of couples, "free sex" and the like, as they try to implement in group marriage, fail. One of the reasons is that notorious egocentrism of the individual: jealousy of spouses and children arises. For the majority of people impossible love other people's children as their own. Of course, the willingness to experiment in matters of eroticism, sexuality, fidelity, or breakup in relationships in residential groups in general is higher than among people living with small families.

Doing household chores and raising children together helps control the fair distribution of chores and childcare. Thus, the trend eliminates the division of labor on the basis of gender. An individual couple is freed from the burden of excessive demands on themselves.

In residential communities, there is a high degree of material security for an individual, because in moments of lack of earnings and money, the solidarity of the group protects him from moral and physical decline. Common ownership of the means of production exists in rural communes, residential and production cooperatives. Collective use rights reduce the need and value of personal property. Personal needs are under the control of the group. Sharing commodities limits their prestige and fetish character.

Residential communities have so far been more conducive to the formation of environmental awareness and alternative consumer behavior than ordinary families.

The loss of its value by a legal marriage, the weakening of parental and kinship family relations, the "separation" of self-preserving, marital, sexual and reproductive behavior, the crisis of the modern family signal a tendency for the emergence of alternative forms of marriage and family relations. The outlined alternatives to family and marriage are still limited to minorities and young people. Most people live in traditional forms of family and marriage. The strongest argument in favor of traditional options remains the interests of children. Nonetheless, the increase in the possibility of divorce and the alternatives that have emerged are affecting those living in traditional marriages. Traditional forms of marriage and family relations seem less stable, less uncontested and less self-evident than before. Tolerance towards a minority that does not live in marriage and family is increasing significantly. Together with it, the requirements for the quality of their own marital and family life of the majority are increasing.


1. Antonova. I., Medkov V. M. Sociology of the family. M., 1996.

2. Boyko VV Small family: Socio-psychological research. M, 1980.

3. Grebennikov IV Fundamentals of family life. M., 1991.

4. Druzhinin V. N. Psychology of the family. M., 1996.

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Traditional marriage - the spouses are registered in marriage, cohabitation, common household, and, as a rule, a single budget and the head of the family, who is responsible for making decisions.

Seasonal marriage (limited time family): it is concluded for a certain period, after which it is considered automatically terminated.

Spouses re-weigh all the pros and cons of living together and choose: to part with them or to agree on another period of time.

Guest marriage - the couple is registered, but each one lives at his place. From time to time they meet, sometimes they live together, but they do not keep a common household.

An incomplete family - when there is only one parent in the family. 3 types of such families:

1) this is when one parent left, and the remaining one did not remarry;

2) a single person has officially adopted a child;

3) an unmarried woman brings up a son or daughter alone. Most often, single parent families consist of a woman mother and her children.

Mixed family (Satyr) - a newly created family, with foster (adopted) children, 3 types:

1. A woman with children marries a man without children. (+ ex-husband)

2. A man with children marries a woman without children (+ ex-wife)

3. Both - both man and woman - have children from previous partners (+ ex-husband and wife)

M. b. the former spouse died. the spouses adopted a foster child - this is another form of a blended family.

alternative forms:

loneliness - never married

unregistered cohabitation - unmarried couples, “civil marriage” is a misnomer. formal, short-term ("trial marriage") and deep, long-term,

deliberately childless marriage - when healthy young people can, but do not want to have children. Mass abortion is typical for Russia.

divorces, repeated marriage and family relations -

open marriage - a feature is an unspoken or voiced agreement on personal life. Principles: increasing openness, self-expression of relations, increasing the tolerance of partners to each other, the right to their interests, their circle of friends, equality, trust. actually legitimizes the right to treason.

extramarital sex, intimate friendship - extramarital intimate relationships. 1st short-lived, either a new marriage, or remains in the primary pair. 2e - m.b long, high degree of trust in the primary pair

Swinging - Marriage Partner Exchange

homosexuality - same-sex love, manifested in sexual attraction to persons of the same sex M and M or F and G. Sexual orientation cannot be changed arbitrarily

group marriage, residential communities and collective families - student communes on campuses, rural groups, religious and treatment groups, cohabitation groups for the elderly, persons with reduced mobility, production and residential groups, as well as educational groups for parents with children

Traditional marriage, marriage, cohabitation, common household, and, as a rule, a single budget and the head of the family, who is responsible for making decisions.
Seasonal marriage (limited time family): it is concluded for a certain period, after which it is considered automatically terminated. Spouses re-weigh all the pros and cons of living together and choose: to part with them or to agree on another period of time.
Guest marriage - the couple is registered, but each one lives at his place. From time to time they meet, sometimes they live together, but they do not keep a common household.
An incomplete family - when there is only one parent in the family. 3 types of such families:
1) this is when one parent left, and the remaining one did not remarry;
2) a single person has officially adopted a child;
3) an unmarried woman brings up a son or daughter alone. Most often, single parent families consist of a woman mother and her children.
Mixed family (Satyr) - a newly created family, with foster (adopted) children, 3 types:
1. A woman with children marries a man without children. (+ ex-husband)
2. A man with children marries a woman without children (+ ex-wife)
3. Both - both man and woman - have children from previous partners (+ ex-husband and wife)
M. b. the former spouse died. the spouses adopted a foster child - this is another form of a blended family.
alternative forms:
loneliness - never married
unregistered cohabitation - unmarried couples, “civil marriage” is a misnomer. formal, short-term ("trial marriage") and deep, long-term,
deliberately childless marriage - when healthy young people can, but do not want to have children. Mass abortion is typical for Russia.
divorces, repeated marriage and family relations -
open marriage - a feature is an unspoken or voiced agreement on personal life. Principles: increasing openness, self-expression of relations, increasing the tolerance of partners to each other, the right to their interests, their circle of friends, equality, trust. actually legitimizes the right to treason.
extramarital sex, intimate friendship - extramarital intimate relationships. 1st short-lived, either a new marriage, or remains in the primary pair. 2e - m.b long, high degree of trust in the primary pair
Swinging - Marriage Partner Exchange
homosexuality - same-sex love, manifested in sexual attraction to persons of the same sex M and M or F and G. Sexual orientation cannot be changed arbitrarily
group marriage, residential communities and collective families - student communes on campuses, rural groups, religious and treatment groups, cohabitation groups for the elderly, persons with reduced mobility, production and residential groups, as well as educational groups for parents with children

  • Modern model families and unconventional shape marriage... Traditional marriage- the spouses are registered in marriage, cohabitation, shared household, and, as a rule, a single budget and chapter families responsible for making decisions.

  • Modern model families and unconventional shape marriage... Traditional marriage- the spouses are registered in marriage, cohabitation, shared household, and how. Loading.

  • Modern model families and unconventional shape marriage... Traditional marriage- the spouses are registered in marriage modern families and violations of its development.

  • Modern model families and unconventional shape marriage... Traditional marriage- the spouses are registered in marriage, cohabitation, common household, and how ... more ". A crisis modern families and violations of its development.

  • Next question. " Modern model families and unconventional shape marriage... Traditional marriage- the spouses are registered in marriage, cohabitation, shared household, and how.

  • A crisis modern families and violations of its development.
    Depending on the shape marriage monogamous and polygamous are distinguished a family.
    Model families as a social institution is very important for predicting changes families, trends of its development.

  • form.
    A family v modern society. Functions families... Influence family relationships on human health.
    Frivolous attitude to family and marriage can disfigure privacy.

  • Crisis periods in marriage. A family- the oldest institution of human interaction, a unique phenomenon.
    If the application does not start on your phone, use this form.
    specific aspects of the functioning families (model MAK-MASTERS).

  • These principles are based on the generally recognized rules and norms of international law and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which prohibit any shape discrimination in joining marriage and in family relationship. According to the RF IC, the rights of citizens in family can only be limited ...

  • Religion is one of forms public consciousness, which can be defined as a fantastic reflection. Marriage and a family... Conclusion and termination marriage. Family the code entered into force on March 1, 1996.

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