Are pregnant women allowed to fly by plane. Pressure drops and, as a result, premature birth, the threat of miscarriage. Respiratory Infection Risk

How dangerous are flights during pregnancy? After all, modern reality does not dispose to sit still, and many girls, even being in an interesting position, lead an active lifestyle, especially in cases where this state is easily tolerated.

A woman can feel great. Namely, this feeling really arises in the early stages of pregnancy. Everyone knows examples from women's sports, when many victorious results were achieved precisely by pregnant athletes. In the early stages of pregnancy, the placenta releases hormones (doping) into the body that can actively stimulate the surge of physical strength.

Pregnancy and air travel

Desire to fly

Thus, a woman in the third and fourth months experiences an inexplicable enthusiasm for her. He starts repairing or rearranging the house, makes many kilometers of walks, wondering at himself. She sees no danger in her position, including in a flight to the other end of the world. This is exactly the period when a woman is sure that pregnancy is not a sentence. She packs her bags without fear.

We must say right away that no one can forbid pregnant women to use such a transport of movement as an airplane. Moreover, scientists have not identified the negative effect of the flight on the fetus. However, the individual characteristics of each pregnant woman should be taken into account. It is not worth relying on the new hormone of a sublime feeling that has just emerged in the body. With the onset of pregnancy, a woman has a double responsibility. So let's look at all the pros and cons. that must be matched before flying.

The expectant mother is now simply obliged to take into account her health and a new position for the body. Reasonable care must be taken so take your doctor's advice. He will recommend how to properly prepare for the flight, what you can pay attention to.

What can cause concern on a long flight

Are you ready for all unpleasant situations accompanying the flight? Such as turbulence or bumpiness. You yourself understand how much the body's anxiety is increased in this case. So that the expectant mother does not get confused and knows how to cope with these problems, it is advisable for her to be on the plane for the first time.

Here are some unpleasant factors. that accompany the passenger during the entire flight:

With a competent assessment of your condition these listed factors will not play any role. But you need to know them, because they can also affect your well-being, because childbirth in the air sometimes happens.

Potential risks

The likelihood of a serious condition occurring during an air flight that would threaten a pregnant passenger is low. But, you should be aware of the possible risks.... At least in order to be able to navigate and do everything for the successful resolution of the situation.

So, unforeseen situations that can happen during air travel:

In what cases should a pregnant woman categorically refuse to fly:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • malposition;
  • pregnancy as a result of artificial insemination;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • Congenital heart defect;
  • high blood pressure;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • preeclampsia (complication of pregnancy, in which there is a disorder in the activity of vital organs, especially the blood flow and vascular system);
  • any other complications in which the doctor considers the flight unacceptable.

At the slightest deviation in health, do not panic. Don't be afraid to disturb the flight attendant as she is trained in first aid techniques. Her duties include informing the pilot about a force majeure situation on board in order to make an emergency landing at the nearest airfield, where doctors will be waiting for the woman, ready to help. However, one must understand that not all employees of the airline have such a rich experience and may get confused. And there are no suitable conditions for childbirth.

How to make your flight comfortable

You should worry about your comfort in advance..

  1. Of course, try to get the most comfortable seats. And these are seats in business class, because only there are quite wide seats and aisles between them.
  2. In economy class, it is better to take seats in the front rows or near the exit door, there is more distance for outstretched legs. But the last places located in the tail of the aircraft should not be considered for pregnant women, since the bumpiness is felt more and the air circulation, passing from the nose to the tail, does not provide a sufficient presence of oxygen.
  3. If flights are stressful for you, then stock up on sedatives that are approved for use during pregnancy.
  4. Take an anti-motion sickness medication in your first aid kit, since it is in pregnant women that problems with the vestibular apparatus are observed, even if you have not noticed this before. Use indispensable lozenges in such cases.
  5. Provide your body with enough fluid before flying. To do this, just drink water. This must be done both before boarding the plane and during the flight. Such measures will reduce the risk of disturbed blood circulation in small vessels during pressure drops during takeoff and landing.
  6. The day before the flight, do not eat food that provokes gas formation processes, since accumulated gases in conditions of altitude and pressure drops can stretch the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. This will lead to discomfort and constant urge to use the toilet.
  7. In case of forced immobility, blood stagnates in the legs, which causes fatigue and swelling. Be the last to board, while walking around the airport. During the flight, you should sometimes walk around the cabin to warm up.
  8. Fasten the seat belt under the abdomen (at the level of the pelvis). Be sure to keep it fastened at all times as turbulence during flight is unpredictable and can cause serious injury.
  9. You can deal with dizziness and ear popping with swallowing movements and deep breathing exercises.
  10. For the trip, prepare comfortable clothing that does not constrict movements. Take your favorite lumbar cushion with you (you can get the exact same one on board for an additional fee). You can ask for a neck pillow and a blanket for free to use under the lower back.

Airline requirements for staying pregnant on the plane

Know your rights, as well as the requirements for pregnant women by airlines.

Most airlines only allow pregnant women to fly for up to 32 weeks. As already mentioned, you must have with you a certificate and an exchange card of a pregnant woman from an observing doctor, confirming the duration of pregnancy. If you are flying abroad and upon departure from Russia, you were not asked for such a certificate, this does not mean that it will not be requested on the territory of another country.

For example, on the Aeroflot website we find information: “ Pregnant women who are expected to give birth within the next four weeks must submit a written consent from a doctor for the flight. A medical examination must be completed no earlier than 7 days before the start of the flight. "

But AirFrance is the most loyal carrier... This company will not require any papers: “Pregnant women are allowed on Air France flights without a doctor's certificate. Despite this, we still recommend that you consult a doctor before traveling. "

On Lufthansa aircraft, pregnant women up to 34 weeks of age are allowed to fly completely free. But from 35 weeks they will require a certificate, and only from the doctors of their company.

Other variants of requirements are also possible, therefore it is better to clarify the information before the trip, especially since airlines have the right to change the rules. In such cases, it is better to make a choice of which company you can fly by.

Keep in mind that for women with multiple pregnancies, even stricter rules apply when flying, as expectant mothers expecting twins are more susceptible to various risk factors.

A pregnant woman does not need to queue to check in, no need to go through the customs frame. She is given the opportunity to go through manual inspection.

Ask the flight attendant, if space is available, to transfer you to business class. Believe me, he will willingly do this, since it is much more convenient for him to take you to your destination than to take part in a forced birth.

To fly or not to fly? You should weigh everything, think it over and decide how important this trip is for you. Indeed, according to world statistics, approximately seven babies are born on airplanes every year. Of course, not all women give birth in flight and because of pressure drops. These statistics also include births that occur after landing in a foreign country, for example, due to hot climatic conditions. Here, by the way, you need to know about the consequences of having a child. on the territory of another state. But that is another story.

Today it is difficult to imagine life without air travel. There are more and more active, successful women for whom travel and flights are a common thing. Someone wants to travel often, someone wants to visit relatives who live far away. But when pregnancy comes, the time comes for such women to think for two.

And the question naturally arises: is it possible for pregnant women to fly on an airplane? How will air travel affect the child, what are the restrictions for pregnant women, what is the safest time for a flight for both the mother and the fetus.

Is it safe to fly an airplane?

Many people think that air travel is not safe for expectant mothers. And there really is a reason. It's just worth figuring out which of the arguments are true, and which are false, far-fetched, without valid grounds.

Pressure drops as a risk of premature birth.

At the moment of takeoff and descent of an aircraft, pressure surges are most felt by a person. And a woman in a position with a double load on the cardiovascular system feels it all the more. There are several studies by foreign authors on the risk of such pressure surges for expectant mothers. Moreover, the conclusions based on the results of these studies contradict each other.

Some argue that sudden surges in pressure lead to contraction of the muscles of the uterus and, consequently, to premature birth. Others argue that the frequency of premature birth is the same both on the ground and high above it.

This question is so controversial due to the fact that each individual case has its own predisposing factors for the premature birth of a child. And pressure surges during flight can serve as a trigger for the implementation of these predisposing factors. That is why many airlines will not allow a pregnant woman on board without a doctor's approval certificate.

Ionizing radiation.

The upper ozone-containing layer of the atmosphere protects the earth from radiation. This is the so-called ozone screen, located 20-25 kilometers above the ground. It traps ionizing radiation from space. And that part of the cosmic radiation that passed through the ozone screen gradually decreases on the way to the earth's surface.

Since planes fly at a decent altitude (about 10 thousand meters), they are more susceptible to this radiation. But the doses received by infrequent guests of the plane are negligible and are not able to negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

But for people regularly on board (pilots, flight attendants), this radiation is very dangerous. The Americans even have a study proving the high probability of a missed pregnancy in flight attendants and female pilots.

Another area of ​​concern for pregnant women is often the need to go through the metal detector bezel. In fact, such a framework is based on a weak magnetic field. Thus, it is absolutely safe to pass through such a frame both for an ordinary person and for women in position.

In this regard, being near a mobile phone or having electrical appliances in the bedroom, including a TV, is more dangerous, since such appliances also create magnetic fields, and their effect on a pregnant woman is much longer.

Deep vein thrombosis of the extremities.

Pregnant women with prolonged uncomfortable position have a risk of blood clots in the vessels of the extremities. During pregnancy, the blood thickens, especially in the later stages. This is done to a large extent in order to minimize blood loss during labor.

Thus, the concentration of blood factors responsible for clotting is higher, which causes blood clots to form. The consequences of this are dire, and, as a rule, come with lightning speed.

Women who have prerequisites for the development or already have varicose veins should be especially careful in this regard. Wearing during the flight of compression stockings with a preventive degree of compression for such women is mandatory.

On long flights, a pregnant woman needs to get up at least every hour and walk around the cabin for a few minutes. You can knead the calf muscles of the lower leg in a sitting position or pull the toe of the foot towards you and away from you.

Risk of viral infection.

Given that the immunity of a pregnant woman is suppressed, she runs the risk of contracting a viral infection. And not only because of the crowding of people on board.

As a rule, the air on board is cleaned by filters, which in turn are capable of accumulating viruses, bacteria, fungi during the entire period of operation. All this "living creatures" accumulated during more than one flight will circulate freely in the air during the flight. If you often carry viral infections during pregnancy and understand that the immune system does not provide adequate resistance, protect yourself with a gauze mask while flying.

It is also important to note that the air in the aircraft cabin is dry. This circumstance makes the nasopharyngeal mucosa even more vulnerable and unprotected to viruses. To moisturize the nasal mucosa, you can use special sprays based on sea water or a simple saline solution (simple salt water, 0.9 grams of sodium chloride per 100 grams of water).

It is also often said that a pregnant woman on board an aircraft is at risk of dehydration. Again, due to the dry air on the plane. The risk, so to speak, is small, since a person will not be in a confined space without access to water and food. People in need of additional drink can in any case ask the flight attendant for water.

In this regard, you should not drink diuretic drinks before and during the flight (coffee, carbonated sugary drinks). should be limited not only when flying.

The fact that people are allowed on board with a limited supply of fluid shouldn't come as a surprise to you.

Lack of oxygen.

The concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere at altitude is reduced. This also applies to the air on board the aircraft as well. Scientists have investigated how this reduced oxygen content in the air will affect the condition of the fetus.

The data of cardiotocography (CTG) confirmed that such a lack of oxygen does not lead to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus. The thing is that with an uncritical lack of oxygen in the body of the expectant mother, compensatory mechanisms are triggered that allow the organs and tissues of the child to receive oxygen in the required volume.

It is worth mentioning that there are maternal conditions in which fetal hypoxia can actually develop during flight (severe anemia, feto-placental insufficiency). These pathologies are absolute contraindications to flying for expectant mothers.

Excitements and worries.

During pregnancy, the psycho-emotional state of a woman is already at a special level. And during the flight, excitement can further destabilize the condition of a woman in an interesting position. For those who are particularly susceptible, it is possible to take in advance sedatives approved by your doctor.

Motion sickness, feeling unwell.

In principle, flying on an airplane is always accompanied by some unpleasant symptoms (nausea, headache, dizziness, vomiting, congestion in the ears). But for a pregnant woman, this question is especially relevant.

In the first half of pregnancy, women may experience such manifestations, and this is considered absolutely normal. But during the flight, these symptoms can manifest themselves with renewed vigor, which is undoubtedly unpleasant, but not dangerous. If we are not talking about indomitable vomiting, which, without replenishing the water balance, can lead to dehydration of the body of the expectant mother.

In any case, if you have such a problem even in any land transport, you should think about the advisability of such a trip in general in an airplane. And when there is a really urgent need for such a flight, drugs for motion sickness can come to the rescue. Do not forget to consult with your doctor about possible contraindications of such drugs for you.

What is a favorable time to fly?

The safest and most favorable period of pregnancy for air travel is the second trimester (3-6 months of pregnancy). During this period (from the 14th to the 27th week), the problems of the first trimester associated with toxicosis are usually over. Almost all the main organs and systems of the fetus are formed, and the threat of termination of pregnancy at this stage is minimal. It is not unimportant that the complexion of a pregnant woman at this time still allows for a fairly active lifestyle.

After which week can the airline require a doctor's certificate?

As a rule, women before the 28th week of pregnancy are not asked for permission from a gynecologist when boarding an aircraft. But the document confirming your pregnancy period should be at your fingertips.

After 28 weeks and up to 36 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother will be allowed on the plane only after presenting a certificate from the attending physician about the absence of contraindications for the flight.

From the 36th week of pregnancy, flights for women preparing to become a mother are prohibited.

These conditions are generally accepted, but some airlines introduce their own rules. You can find out more about them on the website of your chosen airline or by calling your carrier company for information.

Contraindications to air travel for expectant mothers.

Experts identify absolute and relative contraindications.

The absolute include:

  • full placenta previa (the placenta is on the path of the fetus during childbirth);
  • severe anemia (hemoglobin below 70 g / l);
  • preeclampsia (a combination of pathological edema, high blood pressure, the presence of protein in the urine).

In the presence of the above pathologies, air travel can lead to disastrous consequences.

Relative contraindications do not exclude, in case of urgent need, the possibility of flying on an airplane during periods of pregnancy that are favorable for this.

In the presence of relative contraindications, doctors recommend that a pregnant woman, if possible, refuse to travel by plane. But it so happens that a woman is observed in a foreign clinic, and for childbirth she must arrive in another country. Such a flight is possible, but only if certain rules of caution are observed for this period. Discuss these rules with your doctor.

Relative contraindications:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy, premature birth in history (spotting, suspicion of placental abruption, isthmic-cervical insufficiency - incomplete closure of the cervix and isthmus of the uterus);
  • anomalies in the structure and location of the placenta;
  • severe toxicosis, preeclampsia;
  • uncompensated concomitant pathology of a pregnant woman (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, acute viral diseases);
  • breech presentation of the fetus after the 28th week of gestation;
  • after 26 obstetric weeks in case of multiple pregnancies.

Rules for a comfortable flight for pregnant women.

A pregnant woman should think about the safety of her trip in advance. First of all, it is worth clarifying (even before booking vouchers and tickets) with your attending physician about possible contraindications for air travel for you. If you do not have such contraindications, then it will not be superfluous to immediately take a certificate (maximum 7 days before the flight) from a gynecologist about a flight permit.

Be careful, when booking tickets, check with your airline about their rules for transporting women in an "interesting" position. These rules may differ from carrier to carrier.

Most airlines will not allow such a woman on board without a doctor's certificate. Some companies require a certificate only from the specialists of the medical center of the same airline (for example, Lufthansa). Other variants of requirements are also possible. So it's worth finding out about them in advance. You may have to make a choice about which airline you will fly.

Even if by your build it is not yet noticeable that you are in a position, the certificate will allow you to avoid unnecessary questions during the inspection. In the event that the belly is of a decent size, you will need to confirm the duration of your pregnancy with a certificate in order to prove your permission to fly at this stage of pregnancy.

Also, you must have an exchange card with you with the obligatory indication of the blood group, contact details of the next of kin. Medical records must be prominently displayed. Then, in the event of an emergency, they will help you faster.

So, on a flight from medical documents you will need:

  • a certificate with a flight permit from a gynecologist indicating the duration of pregnancy;
  • exchange card of a pregnant woman.

When booking plane tickets it is worth:

  • choose a seat in the first row, on the edge of the aisle. The reasons for this recommendation: air circulation in the cabin goes from the nose to the tail of the aircraft - the pregnant woman breathes easier; there is more space in the front row - you can take a comfortable position; you will have to get up often - the aisle seat will allow you to do this without disturbing the others;
  • if the financial opportunity allows, it is better to buy a ticket to the business class, there the seats are more spacious and comfortable, the aisles are wide.

Flight preparation:

  • choose clothes that are comfortable, do not restrict movement, and allow the body to breathe;
  • Choose shoes that you can put on and take off without bending or kinking down. Moreover, the shoes should be such that even if your legs swell during the flight, so that you can put them on;
  • take small inflatable pillows to the salon. They will allow you to relax the muscles of the neck and lower back as much as possible, take a comfortable position;
  • take with you mint or sour lozenges, which, when motion sickness or ear popping, can fight these symptoms;
  • it is better to drink ordinary drinking or mineral water without gas;
  • put on special stockings with a preventive degree of compression to prevent blood clots.

What should not be done during the flight?

  • for a long time to sit or be in a position that impedes blood circulation and lymph drainage from the lower extremities and pelvic organs (for example, leg by leg);
  • do not fasten the belt (you need to fasten it under the tummy);
  • drink diuretic drinks before landing and in flight (coffee, sugary drinks, green tea).

What medical supplies can you take with you for a comfortable flight?

On the flight you need to take:

  • drugs approved during pregnancy (Avia-Sea) to prevent or reduce the symptoms of motion sickness;
  • a gauze mask for the prevention of a viral infection, for the same purpose, enter the aircraft cabin last;
  • saline solution in the form of an aerosol to eliminate dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat (Aqua-Maris, Quicks).

Here is briefly and succinctly about what a woman preparing to become a mother should know about flying on an airplane. By reading this information in advance, you can avoid unpleasant surprises, and therefore worries. Enjoy your flight.

Pregnancy comes with a huge number of restrictions. Some of them play into the hands of the expectant mother, others, on the contrary, make her life more boring. So, the opportunity to sit on maternity leave, while receiving a salary, will delight even the most ardent careerist, and the need to eat only healthy foods will upset a lover of tasty food. And there are a lot of such examples. At the same time, if some of the prohibitions and recommendations are known to everyone, others remain a mystery to many. For example, recently, the question of the possibility of flights by pregnant women has become very relevant. What are the risks and prohibitions in this case - read on.

Can pregnant women fly: possible risks

Many women ask, "Can pregnant women fly on a passenger plane?" In this case, you need to understand the essence of the issue. Are you wondering if the flight company will miss you or what impact the flight will have on your child? If the former, then it all depends on the company, and you need to talk in more detail about the effect of flight on women during pregnancy.

Pregnant women need to be aware that many companies do not allow flights late in pregnancy. Also, most aviation companies require a medical certificate confirming the possibility of such a trip.

Doctors say that during pregnancy it is better not to take risks and limit flights. However, there is no categorical prohibition for women with normal pregnancy. To begin with, we invite you to see why traveling by plane is dangerous.

Why it is believed that flying during pregnancy is harmful:

  1. Pregnant women are especially sensitive to pressure changes. This unpleasant fact cannot be avoided when flying. It is especially pronounced during takeoff and landing. It is impossible to say for sure how the pressure drop will affect the expectant mother, but there is an opinion that such an anomaly can cause premature birth. Of course, this opinion has not been confirmed, but women at risk of premature birth are prohibited from flying.
  2. As is already known, the oxygen concentration decreases during flight in the cabin. Therefore, many women in a position are afraid to fly, imagining the consequences in the form of oxygen starvation for them and the fetus. However, in this case, breathing problems are possible only in women suffering from anemia. Mainly due to this factor of the flight, the reviews are good.
  3. Flying in airplanes is harmful to pregnant women due to the increased risk of thrombosis. The fact is that during pregnancy, most expectant mothers suffer from varicose veins, and motionless sitting in an uncomfortable position for several hours of flight aggravates this ailment. This risk is especially degenerate if you are flying in economy class.

These are the main problems that you can have with flying. Also, a negative factor is that the plane does not have a team of doctors and full-fledged medical equipment, so if something happens to you during the flight, you will receive qualified assistance only by landing on the ground.

Airplane radiation: hard facts

Separately, it is worth talking about such a problem as possible radiation exposure in an airplane. Unfortunately, this is not a myth. Radiation does have a negative effect on aircraft passengers.

Space contains a high level of radiation, but the earth's shell protects people from its evil influence. However, when flying on an airplane, a person approaches close to space and the radiation affects him more strongly.

Thus, when you travel by plane, you are indeed exposed to a small dose of radiation. However, it does not have a detrimental effect not on the mother, not on the fetus.

A few facts about radiation during flight:

  • Metal detectors before entering the plane will not irradiate you, they work on a magnetic field;
  • Even with the longest flight, the passenger receives radiation 2.5 times less than with x-rays of the lungs;
  • Airplane pilots receive a dose of radiation per year almost equal to that that irradiates people working in a high-risk zone.

Thus, it is believed that infrequent flights are not capable of harming you or your baby. However, is it worth the risk, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Contraindications or is it possible to fly in the first trimester of pregnancy by plane

If you nevertheless decide to travel by plane, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications for such an adventure. You cannot neglect them, since in this case you endanger your life, and the life of your baby.

As we have already said, many airlines require a certificate from a gynecologist, which will indicate the permission of the pregnant woman to fly. Moreover, most airlines require women in position to sign a document that the company is not responsible for any adverse consequences.

We suggest that you carefully read the contraindications for the flight. Only by taking into account these nuances, you can save the life of yourself and your child.

Contraindications to the flight for pregnant women:

  • Placenta previa;
  • Severe to moderate anemia;
  • Preeclampsia;
  • The risk of premature birth and placental abruption;
  • Low placentation;
  • The presence of bloody discharge;
  • Multiple pregnancies;
  • Incorrect location of the fetus at a later date.

For any of these contraindications, it is strictly forbidden to fly in an airplane. You must understand that non-observance of these rules can lead to the most dire consequences.

How long can you fly on an airplane

Many are worried about "For how long, or up to how many weeks, you can fly an airplane without consequences." Exactly, only your gynecologist can give the answer to this question, but there are several recommendations on this matter.

It is interesting that there is a law, which, by the way, has not been signed by all countries, that if a child is born on an airplane or on a ship, then he can become a citizen of the country to which this vehicle belongs.

So let's talk in more detail about which month you can fly in an airplane. The data indicated by us is supported by all the leading gynecologists in the world.

Which weeks are considered the most favorable for flights:

  1. In the early stages, it is better not to fly in an airplane. During this period, the child's organs have not yet formed, he is weak and susceptible to adverse environmental factors. Flying in the first trimester can lead to miscarriage or complications.
  2. The second trimester is the safest to fly. During this period, the child's organs are already practically formed, and he sits tightly in the womb.
  3. The third trimester is dangerous, the possibility of the onset of premature birth.

Thus, the second trimester is considered the most favorable. However, in any case, you must first consult with a gynecologist.

Flight rules during pregnancy

If you dare to fly during your pregnancy, we advise you to use our tips. Responsible approach to this flight event.

Flight rules during pregnancy:

  1. If possible, purchase a business class ticket. If this is not possible, try to find places in the front, there it will be easier for you to stretch your legs. Plus, you get more fresh air there.
  2. Drink plenty of water during the flight. Avoid coffee and soda.
  3. Make yourself as comfortable as possible. Take pillows and put on loose fitting clothes.
  4. Skip the seat belt under the belly
  5. Keep your exchange card and the number of a loved one with you.

Following these tips will make it as easy as possible for you to reschedule your flight. Thanks to the exchange card, if necessary, you will be provided with medical assistance.

Doctor's advice: can pregnant women fly by plane (video)

Can pregnant women fly by plane? Yes, but are you willing to take this risk? In any case, you should consult with your gynecologist.

Before the birth of a baby, married couples often decide to rest, gain strength and impressions. However, many refuse to travel long distances, fearing that the flight may harm the expectant mother. Is it so?

The opinions of doctors on this matter are ambiguous. Some say that pregnant women, in principle, should not use air transport. Others do not see any particular harm in this for the expectant mother and child, provided there are no contraindications and precautions are taken.

Influence of the gestation period

First of all, it is necessary to focus on the woman's well-being, the duration of pregnancy and the presence of complications. Do not take into account the advice of friends and acquaintances, since each case is individual.

It is believed that the optimal period for air travel is the 2nd trimester. This is the "golden" period of pregnancy, when the toxicosis has receded, and the stomach is not yet uncomfortable, and the woman can enjoy pregnancy in full force.
Travel outside these times should be planned with caution for the following reasons.

  • In 1 trimeter. The baby's organs are being formed, any adverse effect of the external environment can lead to disastrous results, the likelihood of a threat of interruption is high.
  • In the 3rd trimester. A big belly begins to cause inconvenience to the expectant mother, it becomes quite difficult to withstand a long flight. In addition, after 36 weeks, there is a possibility of premature birth, so all travel should be postponed until the baby is born.

The danger of flying

Flights are ways to have a negative impact on the condition of a woman and a fetus for a number of reasons.

  • Barometric pressure surges... During takeoff and landing, sudden changes in pressure are observed, which provoke vasoconstriction and spasms of internal organs, including contractions of the uterus. In the early stages of gestation, this can lead to spontaneous abortion, in the later stages - to premature birth.
  • Decrease in oxygen concentration... At altitude, the concentration of oxygen in the air decreases. If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with anemia, impaired placental function or intrauterine growth and fetal development retardation, this can cause fetal hypoxia.
  • Dry air. During the flight, a woman's mucous membranes may dry out, a runny nose and other unpleasant sensations (sore throat, a feeling of stuffiness in the ears) may occur. It does not do much harm, but it does cause some discomfort.
  • Radiation exposure... For a long time, it was believed that during flights, the human body is exposed to increased radiation exposure. This is partly true, but only for pilots and other onboard personnel who fly all year round. Doses of radiation during a standard seven-hour flight are minimal, they do not affect gestation.
  • Sitting position... But a long sitting position in an uncomfortable chair promotes stagnation of blood in the legs and increases the risk of blood clots. Moreover, doctors warn that the likelihood of thrombophlebitis in pregnant women is many times higher than in non-pregnant women.
  • Emotions and fears. A woman in an interesting position does not need extra excitement. Fear of flying and excessive emotional stress can tone the uterus and provoke an increase in blood pressure.

You should not be afraid of magnetic frames at the airport, they are not a source of radiation and are absolutely safe.

If gestation proceeds without complications and all tests are within normal limits, then the risk of negative consequences of air travel is minimal. However, flights are possible only with the permission of the attending physician.


One of the main contraindications for air travel is a short gestation period. Flights are only possible from 12 weeks. Until this time, the likelihood of miscarriage or freezing of pregnancy is too high. Of course, this does not mean that misfortune will necessarily happen, but it is better not to risk it without good reason.

For a period of more than 36 weeks (and when carrying twins - more than 32 weeks), the threat of premature birth becomes real, so you should also give up air travel.

In addition, there are a number of pathologies and conditions in which pregnant women cannot fly, regardless of the period.

  • Placental insufficiency. Failure of the placenta to fulfill its functions, as well as severe anemia, intrauterine growth retardation are contraindications to flight.
  • Leiden mutation... If a woman is a carrier, then the risk of blood clots increases. Plus, pregnancy has a similar effect. Therefore, an additional provoking factor in the form of flights is categorically contraindicated.
  • Toxicosis or gestosis... Suffering from nausea, it is physically difficult to endure many hours of flight. In addition, changes in blood pressure can aggravate the situation and exacerbate the course of the disease.

IVF is not a direct contraindication to air travel. Therefore, if there are no other prohibitions, and the expectant mother feels well, the doctor usually allows travel by plane.

Measures not to harm the child

If it is not possible to cancel or postpone a flight until the postpartum period, there are several ways to make it more comfortable, as well as to minimize the risk of possible complications.

  • Medication assistance... To relax smooth muscles and prevent uterine tone, many doctors advise using antispasmodics permitted during pregnancy. Just before takeoff and landing, you can drink "No-Shpu" or "Papaverine". In addition, if there is a fear of air travel, then valerian in tablets or any of its analogues can calm the expectant mother and restore her emotional stability.
  • Prevention of dehydration... To avoid dehydration and drying out of the mucous membranes, you need to drink more water, drip seawater-based drops into your nose, and periodically spray yourself with thermal water.
  • Prevention of thrombophlebitis... To avoid stagnation of blood in the limbs, it is useful to use compression stockings. In addition, you should stretch your legs every 30-40 minutes and walk around the cabin. It is also better to ditch caffeinated and carbonated drinks in favor of plain water.
  • Creation of comfort. Ideally, you should buy seats in business class, there are comfortable seats and there is where to stretch your legs. But if this is not possible, it is better to try to arrive at the airport in advance in order to get a seat in the nose of the plane (there is the cleanest air) and, preferably, in the aisle. It is better to choose clothes for the plane that are comfortable, free-cut and made of natural fabrics. It is helpful to bring extra pillows with you to make the most of your seat.

You shouldn't go on a trip without an exchange card. In unforeseen situations, she can tell doctors about the course of pregnancy.

Airline regulations

Usually, companies do not recommend flights after 36 weeks, and when carrying two or more fetuses - after 32 weeks. If an interesting position of a woman is noticeable with the naked eye, carriers require a pregnancy certificate before boarding the plane.

The document indicates the gestational age and the expected date of delivery. And it was also confirmed that there are no contraindications to flying. It should be borne in mind that this certificate has an expiration date. It must be issued no earlier than seven days before the date of the proposed trip.

In addition, a woman in a position will have to sign a document in which she takes full responsibility for possible adverse consequences caused by the flight.


The thirst for new impressions and a supply of positive emotions inclines to change the environment - whether it is a trip to relatives or a trip to the sea. If your plans are serious, talk to your doctor about them, because the question of whether pregnant women can fly on an airplane, and even more so whether it is possible for pregnant women to fly on an airplane in the early stages, is an exclusively individual case, depending on the state of her health and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. Is it safe for a woman to fly in position, will everything be all right with the baby, or maybe by train? We will try to help answer these questions in this article. 1. Pregnancy period and the atmosphere on the plane
2. Fear of flights and heights
3. To make the flight comfortable

There is no definitive answer. The stories and horror stories of other mothers (some have been flying around the world for a whole period of time, having spent a lot of time on airplanes, while others - an hour-long flight ended in tragedy) cannot be taken as a standard. You need to be determined together with a specialist.
Let's just say that pregnant women can fly by plane. BUT! Flight by plane for every pregnant woman is her own, special case. This can only be solved by consulting a doctor - and he will already allow or prohibit travel, based on many factors.

Pregnancy period and the atmosphere on the plane

This is not recommended for a woman in a position with a pregnancy of less than 12 weeks, as the risk of termination of pregnancy increases, and toxicosis that has manifested itself will not leave you a chance to calmly transfer the flight.

When the gestation period exceeds 28 weeks, any shaking can provoke a wave of problems. During takeoff, pressure drops can cause vasoconstriction, resulting in hypoxia in the child and a possible rupture of the fetal bladder. Also, write down the likelihood of veins and the appearance of edema. You should not fly if you have problems with the placenta, especially with its presentation.

Each airline has its own prescriptions about whether you can fly during pregnancy. As a rule, without a document from a doctor, they are allowed to board up to 32-36 weeks. And if the deadline is approaching this date, or your tummy is noticeably large, they will ask you to show the admission from the doctor issued earlier than a week before departure. It may be required to present. In any case, it is necessary to find out in advance about all the restrictions concerning the transportation of a woman expecting a child. If it turns out that a woman with her belly does not "fit" into the instructions, she will simply not be allowed on the plane.

Fear of flights and heights

If you suffer from a fear of flying, and if not, then aerophobia may develop during this period. Pregnant women are famous for being suspicious. Stress and fears will negatively affect the development of the child and the general well-being of the expectant mother, and since any medication must be taken with extreme caution, it is better to postpone the flight.

If the expectation of the baby passes without any difficulties, the milestone of the first trimester has been passed, and the baby is still far from the birth, most likely the doctor will wish you a happy journey. Otherwise, the specialist will advise another type of transport.

To make the flight comfortable

Ideally Hurray! The coveted flight permission has been received. We will discuss the amenities that will make your flight comfortable.
  • When you issue your boarding pass, immediately state your “interesting” position and ask to be given a seat in the aisle or front row to stretch your legs freely. Many airlines have electronic pre-check-in for the flight. The Internet is your friend here, not only in terms of obtaining information, but also providing convenience in flight.
  • The air flow inside the liner goes from nose to tail - the desire to get a seat in the first part of the cabin is justified from this point of view.
  • Wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing made from natural materials, possibly from soft knitwear. Compression stockings are a must to prevent swelling and leg vein problems.
  • Take a pillow with you to put on your neck. When you feel like taking a nap, the discomfort and numbness in this area will be relieved. You can use a folded blanket as a pillow under your back, which will be provided by the flight attendant at your request.
  • Shoes are preferably soft in shape and without laces. You will most likely want to free your feet, stretch your legs and move them. If your shoes are laced, you will have to bend over at least twice to tie and untie the ribbons, which is extremely inconvenient and harmful for you.
  • Fasten the seat belt under your belly.
  • From time to time during the flight, get up and walk around the cabin so that your legs don't get numb.
  • Lower the back of the chair to a horizontal position.
  • Even if you are not afraid to fly, just in case, take a sedative approved by your doctor.
  • Remember to drink water to prevent moisture loss in your body.
  • Take your "snack food" with you, it is quite possible that you will not like the airplane food and its smell, and you and your baby need regular meals.
  • Take a first-aid kit and money to purchase an unscheduled return ticket on the flight.
  • We hope and will be glad that advice and discussion will come in handy when making a decision. We are sure that your prudence and responsibility, coupled with the doctor's advice, will help you make the right choice.
We wish you a comfortable and safe flight!