A child of 8 years old has no interest in learning. How to instill in your child a sincere interest in learning. You need to give rest

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More on the topic "The desire to learn, there is no desire to learn from the child":

Is that what determines the desire to learn? Or, on the contrary, an ardent unwillingness? It is very interesting to find out the opinions .. So, in attempts to create a desire in a child to learn, you need to follow the general rules: use those needs that the child definitely has (however, try more often ...

Well, the New Year holidays are over and it's time to study. My child, a first-grader, in the second quarter of school: letters and words, all through hysterics, enormous efforts are required to force him to write, read or count. I ask, I praise, I demand, I threaten, everything is useless, and this is the first class! What's next?

How to instill a responsible interest in learning? The child feels emptiness, meaninglessness of study, and teachers themselves often have no interest in their profession. On the question of how I studied, I studied poorly, which now I regret very much, she forced me to enter the institute ...

How to instill in a child a desire to learn? There is no desire to learn. There is a child of 11 years old (we are finishing the 5th grade). Why do you let the child go into independent swimming? There is no incentive to study. I ask for advice. How to instill in a child a desire to learn?

There is no desire to learn. There is a child of 11 years old (we are finishing the 5th grade). A normal girl, smart, but she learns no motivation. Taking into account the realities of the modern school, I have formed the conviction that a child cannot have any motivation to study in it.

6th grade. my daughter doesn't want to do anything: she doesn't want to do her homework, doesn't want to clean, doesn't want to go to any sections. (we go to the music room, however, without much desire, but also without negativity, for the last year) Well, plus, he is rude, snaps, calls names and offends our younger sister. with classmates, too, periodically problems, she is disliked in the class. although there is a best friend, a cheerful and combative girl. trouble with the lessons: comes from school and DOES NOTHING! those. at all.

My post is addressed to the parents of children who, to put it mildly, show little desire for learning, but, nevertheless, do not lose hope for the best and do not give up. None of the children wants to study, do not even remind about school, mind it!

How, well, how to instill in a child the desire to learn? The desire to learn is not to instill. It itself appears when there is interest in the chosen business. Here, of course, not everything is smooth either, but at least there is no need to force.

There is no desire to learn. Of course, the subject can be difficult, and this may not discourage the desire to study this subject, but only in How to instill in a child the desire to learn? Lack of desire to learn to read / write / count. 1. not stay in class 2. ask the child ...

The child is capable and studies at school perfectly in all disciplines except English, because he just DOESN'T UNDERSTAND it. The school English teacher is not our helper. Parents are also powerless, because to instill a love for the language, this can probably only be special. We study in grade 3, English from the 1st 4 times a week, the school is normal. Are there teachers from God, true professionals and no more than 500 rubles per hour?

There is no desire to learn. Generally. He does all tasks with moans. The swimming coach, apparently as a consolation, once told me, do not worry, he has. The fact that the desire to learn from the child has disappeared is partly to blame for the mother. Her demands on the child are too high.

"If a child has a desire to study and work hard .... Do all the children studying there really have such a strong desire to learn? In a year I plan for the child to take exams in the 5th grade of a strong gymnasium. There is no desire to learn. What should I do?

There is no desire to turn over :(. Age norms. A child from birth to a year. How to instill in a child a desire to learn? "If a child has a desire to learn and work hard .... Are all children studying there really such a strong desire ...

How, well, how to instill in a child the desire to learn? How to instill a child's interest in learning? The son finishes the 2nd grade. After the 4th grade, we want to send him to the gymnasium, there you need to pass the entrance one and have a high average mark, and we have entirely fives in one subjects ...

Section: Preparing for school (how to instill in a child the desire to study at school). Until that moment, we always worked together, he liked it, but now for some reason he stopped liking it, and in general he keeps asking, is it possible to never go to school at all?

There is no desire to learn. There is a child of 11 years old (we are finishing the 5th grade). Persistent reluctance to learn. The fact that the desire to learn from the child has disappeared is partly to blame for the mother. Why you need to study, or About an individual approach to learning motivation.

How to instill in a child a desire to learn? In elementary school, his school results and the attitude of his parents to his efforts are very important to him. Child 6.5, in September goes to school. Now he goes to training. There is no desire to learn. Generally. He does all tasks with moans.

How to instill in a child a love of science. Parents really want their children to study well. Therefore, in order to instill in a child a love and respect for books, it is necessary to pay attention to reading and to enthrall How to instill in a child the desire to study? Throws everything out.

How to instill in a child a desire to learn? 1. not stay in class 2. ask the child what he would like to do. - what problems are you afraid of at school? - if it starts to lag behind It is very necessary to instill love and desire to learn English in an 8-year-old.

Does your robber have deuces in his diary again? The child does not obey, and it is simply impossible to plant him at homework? Many parents have a situation where the child does not want to study, skips school and is not attentive in the classroom.

Adults often make many mistakes in order to force a daughter or son to learn. This happens because there is no knowledge of how to cultivate a love of learning in children. Some begin to educate in the same way as they were brought up in childhood. It turns out that parenting mistakes are passed on from generation to generation. First, our parents suffer themselves and force us to learn, then we apply the same torture to our children.

When a child does not study well, unhappy pictures are drawn in their head of what their future might be like. Instead of a prestigious university and a degree, a third-rate technical school. Instead of a brilliant career and a good salary, a job that you are ashamed to tell your friends about. And instead of a salary, it’s a pittance on which it’s not clear how to live. Nobody wants such a future for their children.

To understand why our children are reluctant to learn, we need to find the reason for this. There are a lot of them. Let's consider the main ones.

1) There is no desire and incentive to study

Many adults are used to forcing a child to do something against his will, to impose his opinion. If the student resists doing what he does not want, this means that his personality is not broken. And that's okay.

There is only one way to involve a child in his studies - to interest him. Of course, teachers should think about this first. An uninteresting program, boring teachers teaching the lesson, regardless of the age of the children - all this contributes to the fact that the child will avoid learning and be lazy in completing assignments.

2) stress at school

People are arranged in the following way: first, simple needs for food, sleep, security are satisfied. But the need for new knowledge and development is already in the background. School for children sometimes becomes a real source of stress. Where kids experience various negative emotions every day, such as: fear, tension, shame, humiliation.

In fact, 70% of the reasons children do not want to study and go to school are due to stress. (Poor relationships with peers, teachers, insults from older peers)

Parents may think: there were only 4 lessons, the child says that he is tired, so he is lazy. In fact, stressful situations take a lot of energy from him. Moreover, it causes a negative attitude towards this environment. Therefore, he begins to think poorly, his memory works worse, he looks inhibited. Before attacking a child and forcing him by force, it is better to ask how he is doing at school. Was it difficult for him? How is his relationship with other children and teachers?

Case from practice:
We had an 8-year-old boy for consultation. According to the boy's mother, in the past few months he began to skip school, often did not do his homework. And before that, although he was not an excellent student, he studied diligently and there were no special problems with him.

It turned out that a new student was transferred to their class, who in every possible way mocked the child. He ridiculed him in front of his comrades and even used physical force, extorted money. The child, due to his inexperience, did not know what to do with it. He did not complain to his parents or teachers, as he did not want to be branded as a sneak. But I couldn't solve this problem myself. Here is a clear example of how stressful conditions make it difficult to gnaw the granite of science.

3) Pressure resistance

The psyche works in such a way that when we are under pressure, we resist with all our might. The more the mother and father force the student to do homework by force, the more he begins to avoid it. This once again confirms the fact that this situation cannot be corrected by force.

4) Low self-esteem, self-doubt

Excessive criticism of the parents towards the child leads to his low self-esteem. If whatever the student does, you still cannot please, then this is just such a case. The child's motivation is completely lost. What difference does it make if they give 2 or 5, anyway no one will praise, appreciate what they deserve, or say a kind word.

5) too much control and help

There are parents who literally study on their own instead of their child. They collect a briefcase for him, do their homework with it, command what, how and when to do it. In this case, the student takes a passive position. He has no need to think with his own head and he is not able to answer for himself. Motivation also disappears as he is acting as a puppet.

It should be noted that this is quite common in modern families and is a big problem. Parents themselves spoil their child, trying to help him. Total control kills independence and responsibility. And this pattern of behavior continues into adulthood.

Case from practice:

Irina turned to us for help. She had problems with the academic performance of her daughter 9 years old. If the mother was late at work or went on a business trip, the girl did not do her homework. In the classroom, she also behaved passively and if the teacher did not look after her, then she was distracted and did other things.

It turned out that Irina from the first grade strongly interfered in the learning process. Excessively controlling her daughter, literally did not allow her to step on her own. Here is a disastrous result. The daughter did not at all strive to study, she believed that only the mother needed it, and not her. And she was engaged only from under the stick.

There is only one treatment here: stop taking care of the child and explain why you need to learn at all. At first, of course, he will relax and do nothing. But over time, he will understand that he still needs to learn somehow and will begin to organize himself on the sly. Of course, everything will not work out right away. But after a while he will come out better and better.

6) You need to give rest

When a student comes home from school he needs 1.5-2 hours to rest. At this time, he can do his favorite things. There is a category of mothers and fathers, which begins to press on the child as soon as he comes home.

There are questions about grades, requests to show the diary and instructions to sit down for homework. If you do not give the baby a rest, his concentration will be noticeably reduced. And in a tired state, he will begin to dislike school and everything connected with it even more.

7) Quarrels in the family

An unfavorable home atmosphere is a major obstacle to good grades. When there are frequent quarrels and scandals in the family, the child begins to worry, become nervous and withdrawn. Sometimes he even begins to blame himself for everything. As a result, all his thoughts are occupied with the current situation, and not with the desire to study.

8) Complexes

There are children with non-standard appearance or with not very well developed speech. They often receive a lot of ridicule. Therefore, they experience a lot of suffering and try to be invisible, avoid answering at the blackboard.

9) bad company

Even in first grade, some students manage to connect with dysfunctional friends. If friends do not want to learn, then your child will support them in this.

10) Dependencies

Children, like adults from an early age, can have their own addictions. In elementary school, this is games, fun with friends. At the age of 9-12 - a passion for computer games. In adolescence - bad habits and street company.

11) hyperactivity

There are children with excess energy. They are characterized by poor perseverance and concentration. In this regard, it is difficult for them to sit in the classroom and listen without distraction. And hence - bad behavior and even disrupted lessons. Such children need to attend additional sports sections. Detailed tips for can be read in this article.

If you correctly understand the reason for poor schooling, then we can assume that 50% of the problem has already been solved. In the future, you need to develop an action plan, thanks to which it will be possible to encourage the student to study. Shouts, scandals, swearing - it never worked. To understand your child and help him with the difficulties that have arisen - that's what will create the right motivation.

13 practical tips to motivate your student to get A's

  1. The first thing every parent should know is that the child needs to be praised for any success.
    Then he will naturally develop a desire to learn. Even if he is not doing something well enough, he still needs to be praised. After all, he almost coped with the new task and put a lot of effort into it. This is a very important condition, without which it is impossible to force a child to learn.
  2. In no case should you scold for mistakes, because you learn from mistakes.
    If a child is scolded for what he cannot do, then his desire to do this will forever disappear. Making mistakes is a natural process, even for adults. Children, however, do not have such life experience and only learn new tasks for themselves, so you need to be patient, and if your child does not succeed in something, it would be better to help him figure it out.
  3. Don't give gifts for studies
    Some adults, for the purpose of motivation, promise various gifts to their children or monetary rewards for good studies. Don't do that. Of course, at first the baby will gain an incentive and begin to try hard in his studies, but over time he will begin to demand more and more. And small gifts will no longer satisfy him. In addition, study is his daily compulsory actions and the child must understand this. Therefore, the issue of motivation will never be resolved with such images in the long term.
  4. You need to show your son or daughter the full degree of responsibility that lies with this lesson - study
    To do this, explain why you need to learn at all. Often children who do not have a special interest in learning do not understand why this is necessary. They have a lot of other interesting things to do, and classes at school interfere with this.
  5. Sometimes parents ask too much of their children.
    Now, and so the training program is several times more complicated than before. Moreover, if the child, in addition to this, goes to developmental circles, then naturally overwork can occur. Don't ask your child to be perfect. It is quite natural that some subjects are more difficult for him, and it takes more time to understand them.
  6. If any of the subjects is especially difficult for your son or daughter, then it is a good decision to hire a tutor.
  7. Better to instill a learning habit from 1st grade
    If a child in the first grade learns how to achieve his goals, complete tasks and for which he will receive praise and respect from adults, then he will not leave this path.
  8. Help see positive change
    When your child succeeds in something very difficult, support him every time. Say phrases like: “Well, now you do it much better! And if you continue in the same spirit, then you will do very well! ” But never use: "Try a little more and then it will be good." Thus, you do not acknowledge the small victories of the child. It is very important to maintain it and notice the slightest changes.
  9. Lead by example
    Don't try to teach your child to do homework while watching TV and relaxing in other ways. Children love to copy their parents. If you want your child to develop, for example, to read books, instead of messing around, do it yourself.
  10. Support
    If the student has a difficult test, support him. Say that you believe in him, that he will succeed. Moreover, if he tries hard, then success is inevitable. It is also necessary to support when he has completely failed something. Many mothers and fathers prefer to be reprimanded in this case. Better to calm the child down and say that next time he will definitely cope. You just need to put in a little more effort.
  11. Share the experience
    Explain to your child that you cannot always do just what you want. Yes, I understand you don't like mathematics so much, but you need to study it. You can endure it more easily if you share it with your loved ones.
  12. Point out the good qualities of the child.
    Even if these are so far from good performance at school, but the positive qualities of the baby, such as the ability to help others, charm, the ability to negotiate. This will help in creating adequate self-esteem and find support within yourself. And normal self-esteem, in turn, will create self-confidence.
  13. Consider the desires and aspirations of the child himself
    If your toddler is interested in music or drawing, you don't need to force him to attend a math class. There is no need to break the child to say that you know best. All children are different and each has its own talents and abilities. Even if you force the student to study a subject he does not like, he will not achieve much success in it. Because success is only where there is love for the work and interest in the process.

Is it worth making the child learn?

As you probably already understood from this article, forcing a child to learn by force is a useless exercise. This will only make things worse. Better to create the right motivation. To create motivation, you need to understand why he needs it. What he will get through his studies. For example, in the future he will be able to get the profession he dreams of. And without education, he will not have any profession at all and will not be able to earn his living.

When a student has a goal and a concept of why he should study, then there is a desire and ambition.

And of course, you need to deal with the problems that prevent your child from becoming a successful student. There are no other ways to do this, how to talk to him and find out.

I hope these practical tips will help you improve the performance of your children. If you still have questions, you can always contact us for help at online psychologist consultation. An experienced child psychologist will help as soon as possible to find out all the reasons due to which the child is experiencing difficulties and unwillingness to learn. Together with you, he will develop a work plan that will help your child get a taste for learning.

Children who love to learn perform well in school and later in life. This is a well-known fact. The best we can give our children is to instill in them an interest in learning.

Remember, a child is born to learn. Just think how many things a child learns in the first two years of his life: getting what he wants from adults, walking and talking, smiling and frowning, sleeping at night and playing during the day, clapping and playing games, holding a spoon, giving and taking. By the age of 4-5, most children already know colors and numbers, can ride a tricycle, handle complex toys, and communicate with equally difficult people. If the family speaks other languages, up to the age of 10, the child can master them at the level of a native speaker.

Every new day for a child is full of new things to learn. If a child is not isolated from the world around him, every day he learns something new and rejoices in new achievements. Watch a child who decides to excel at something - and you will understand what real perseverance is. Parents do not need to specifically instill in their child the desire to learn. You just need to make sure that no one has discouraged this desire from him.

How to keep your child interested in learning

Tip # 1. Love to learn for yourself

The child adopts interest in new knowledge, like many other things, from his parents. If you love to learn something new, find solutions to various problems, develop new skills - your children will love it too. Interest in new knowledge is contagious. Show your excitement for new discoveries. Tell about times when you managed to solve some difficult problem. Let the children watch your efforts as you create or fix something, and the joy of achieving the goal.

Tip # 2: Explore with your children

Children are naturally curious. Cultivate this curiosity in them by example. Express your surprise at how things work in nature. Take the questions children ask seriously: look for information in books or on the Internet. Watch popular science programs on TV with your children and discuss what you see. Experiment at home. On the Internet, you can find many examples of interesting experiments - how a volcano erupts, how you can observe chemical processes using food, etc. Dedicate a couple of hours on the weekend to this and it will always be interesting for your child to learn something new.

Tip # 3. Read with your child

A child's progress in school depends largely on interest in learning and reading skills. ... Read individual pages together or one at a time. Find a book with a compelling storyline that encourages you to read chapter by chapter. Enroll the children in the library and borrow new books every week. When children can read on their own, it will be an opportunity for them to learn something new and great fun. Children who can and love to read find it easier to learn in the lower grades, where most of the tasks are related to reading.

Tip # 4: Train Your Writing Skills

Writing skills are just as important to a child's academic performance as reading. Parents always pay attention to the moment when their child has learned to write his name. But don't stop there. Develop your writing skills from an early age in the same way as your reading skills. For example, when the child is still young, ask him to tell what is drawn in his drawing so that you can make a caption. Ask him to dictate to you what good happened to him during the day, and write it down in your journal. When your child is learning to write letters, invite him to fill out this diary himself. This is how you analyze the events that happened during the day and add value to them by writing them down. In addition, these diaries can become a valuable childhood memory in the future.

Tip # 5. Be curious about what your child is doing in school.

Children take an example from us in everything. If we show a genuine interest in what the child teaches in school, he will also be interested. Take some time to talk to him about the lessons. Take an interest, but don't criticize. Discuss your homework together. Ask how the child is going to do it. Ask questions that require a detailed answer. Don't do the task for him - just be interested and support.

Tip # 6: Provide your child with a place to study

It doesn't matter where the child learns his lessons - in the kitchen or in his room. It is important that he has enough space and time to do the tasks, and that everything necessary for this is at hand. If you give your child space and time to complete homework, he or she begins to take school seriously. When he teaches his lessons, the TV and mobile phone must be turned off. Monitor the process from time to time: support the baby and praise him for the work done. The interest and support of parents is more important to him than words.

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Our reality is that most children are pathologically do not want to study... The thoughts of a modern schoolchild are occupied with computer games, the street, TV, but study most often fades into the background. And only their parents understand that good grades are the key to a successful adult life. How can you instill in your child the desire to learn?

First, stop forcing your child to do well. The more you demand, the worse the result will be. Even if the grades are good, as soon as you loosen your control, the diary will start to appear in the diary if the child does not like to study on his own.

You should not use various kinds of punishments for poor studies. Very often, as a punishment, parents deprive their child of the ability to watch TV or restrict access to the computer. These ineffective methods will only embitter the child, and he can easily make up for the hardships when visiting his friends.

To instill in your child a desire to learn, try to act on the other side, using the principle of the carrot, not the stick. For example, if your child - an elementary school student - brought the first deuce, do not scold him. On the contrary, you can organize a delicious send-off of a deuce from the diary by telling the child to study well, because bad grades can no longer be stored in the diary. A child, surprised by your non-standard reaction, will try to study well so as not to let you down in the future.

Also, to instill a desire to learn, you can use your child's favorite pastime - computer games. Choose for him a variety of simulators for those subjects that he dislikes the most. It has long been proven that, while playing, a child perceives complex information better. By piquing curiosity about school subjects, you let your child know that lessons can be fun too.

For high school students, a promise to buy him a thing that he has long dreamed of can become an incentive for a good study. Sadly, but money is increasingly becoming the most effective motivator in the modern world.
In order for your high school student to study better, do not forget to periodically remind him that his future depends on his attitude towards studies. Most teenagers dream of fashionable clothes, cool cars, chic summer cottages and other benefits that are popularized in the media as signs of a successful life. So tell me that it is impossible to achieve this without study. Give examples of your friends and relatives who have achieved material well-being thanks to their knowledge gained at school and institute.

Instill a desire to learn in a child- the process is difficult, but no matter how difficult it is, remember that not only the future of your beloved children, but, possibly, your future depends on your efforts.

Take it to the wall so you don't get lost.

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Slide captions:

How to instill in a child a desire to learn? 8 basic rules for parents Author of the presentation: Abidina Natalya Pavlinovna, primary school teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 4" in Sosnogorsk

1 . How to instill in a child a desire to learn? Few people like to learn in childhood. For some reason, many adults forget that they themselves preferred to spend more time playing with friends in the yard than sitting with textbooks in the library. Having become parents, adults begin to wonder: why does a child not want to do homework, learn rules, theorems, read given books on literature? Why should he be constantly forced to study lessons, resorting, at times, to extreme measures, up to punishment? How to instill in a kid the desire to do homework? How to motivate a little student to study?

2. Develop independence in the child In order for the child to study at school with interest, and not from under the stick, you need to start the development of the baby from an early age. Most parents initially make the mistake of depriving a young child of independence. By doing everything for the kid, they are doing him a disservice. Studying is independent, everyday and hard work. Teach your baby to be independent, and he will subsequently become good and without problems at school. And parents will no longer need to be nervous and waste energy trying to get their offspring to take up a textbook.

3. Give your child more attention Some adults at work, phone, computer and TV simply do not notice how their child is growing. The child, seeing that his attempts to ask the parents with a question do not bring the desired result, may withdraw, feel unnecessary. Parents in no way should disown children's questions, because curiosity is a natural feature of a little inquisitive creature! If the baby stops asking you with a bunch of different questions, this should alert you. It is very important for a child to receive answers to all his “why?”, “When?”, “Why?”. Even if you don't know the right answer, you shouldn't ignore children's questions. The main thing is to keep the child interested in the world around him, the desire to understand everything that surrounds him.

4 . Cultivate curiosity in the child Cultivate curiosity in the child, interest in everything new, praise him for even small discoveries. Pay the baby's attention to different patterns, the relationship of various phenomena and events, conduct simple exercises for attention and memory. Believe me, feeling the support of people close to him, the child will be drawn to new knowledge, which will greatly help him in the future in the development of school subjects.

5 . Praise your child often Interest in everything new in early childhood also contributes to the development of interest in learning at school. By showing his baggage of knowledge, his own erudition in front of the teacher and classmates, the child increases personal self-esteem, which also affects his desire to learn, acquire new knowledge, and become smarter than his peers. This does not go unnoticed by the teachers, it causes them a kind and supportive attitude towards the little man, with a desire to absorb new knowledge. It is clear that having good relations with teachers, the child feels confident at school, sees the result of his interest in school subjects in the form of excellent grades.

6. Do not scold for poor grades Scold or punish a child for poor grades cannot be categorically. After such humiliation, he is unlikely to seriously take up his studies. It is necessary to find out the reason for the failure, jointly analyze the situation and help draw appropriate conclusions so as not to aggravate the situation.

Let him (herself) try to complete all the tasks. If it doesn’t work, let him look at the solution in a textbook or in a class notebook, even finding the right solution on the Internet will be useful. 7. Never do homework for your son or daughter. But it is imperative to check homework - it disciplines and teaches responsibility.

8. Don't force your child to study. Some parents go for trickery and blackmail. "You won't go for a walk until you do your homework." "You can't sit at the computer until you complete the task." Of course, the children try to finish their lessons as soon as possible in order to free themselves up for more interesting activities for them. Be that as it may, any coercion causes a counter protest, therefore it is necessary to motivate the child to study, and not try to force. For some, this situation becomes a kind of incentive: the sooner I do it, the sooner I get freedom. It has a negative effect on others, forcing them to do their homework mechanically, without being interested in their content.

Support your child and you will succeed!

Source of information: http: // site-dlya-zhenschin.ru/sovety-roditelyam/psihologiya-detej/435-kak-privit-interes0k-uchyebe.html Photos on the slides are taken from open sources on the Internet.