Recommendations to teachers at the readiness of children to school. For successful learning and personal development of the child, it is important that he goes to school. Recommendations to parents and teachers for the preparation of children to school

"The role of a kindergarten teacher in preparing children with low levels of readiness

to school "(psychologist tips).

The work of the teacher is constant contact with children. Therefore, it is necessary to install such relationships with children as they have installed with loved ones so that children began to trust the educator as trusting close people. How nice when children willingly go to the group. At the meeting, smiling with something please, something interesting is told than they are divided. Each child develops in its own way, and therefore, the approach to each child should be individual. It is very important, familiarity with parents. It is necessary to know in which family, and in what conditions every child lives. It helps to create a cozy, calm, confidence atmosphere in the group, understand every child. The style of the behavior of the teacher to children should be like this: do not allow children to do everything to please them, but also not to prohibit in whom cases are clearly defined for children that they can and that it is impossible to show their behavior to the child an example when you need to restrain emotions And when not to restrain. During seeing when the child needs to pay attention to not felt like a forgotten and no one needed. All, we, we know that the school is waiting for not so much educated children as psychologically prepared for training work. This means that children should have moral and volitional qualities, such as perseverance, hard work, perfection, patience, sense of responsibility, organizedness and most important discipline. Children should be able to communicate, be able to listen to the interlocutor, without interrupting it, avoid rudeness, vulgarisms. If all these qualities are observed in children, then they will be happy to learn, do not turn into a grave burden. Currently, many parents are trying to give to school from seven years old. This is the right approach to children, the readiness of the child to learning is based on sufficient brain development. At this time, children begin to obey their behavior, they increase the level of self-assessment of their own actions. Having prepared for school, it is necessary to take into account the features of children who differ in development: (children with a high, average and low level of development).

Children with low levels are lagging behind the peers in development and in mastering the software material. They are not attentive to explanations of the educator, can not focus on tasks for a long time. In their work, they take into account only certain requirements, have difficulty in organizing their own activities in accordance with the settings of the educator. Knowledge of them surrounding them, cognitive interests are unstable and often reduced. They are not independent for children, they need constant control and help of the educator. Under the influence of failures, such children are gradually a negative attitude towards classes. Success in overcoming the shortcomings of the development of low-level children can be achieved under the condition of joint actions of the educator and parents. Parents must provide specific recommendations regarding the organization of classes with children at home, develop their horizons and speech activity. Explain how to correctly evaluate the actions of the child: to encourage the efforts of children, encourage, kindly and patiently disassemble his mistakes, inaccuracies and stimulate to obtain a higher result. Together with parents, learning, developing and maintaining children, it is necessary to promote the overcoming of passivity, stiffness, the inefficiency of preschoolers. It is important to remember that later, in school, children will be calm, focused, are neat and diligent if parents will systematically engage in preschool age in the family.

Probably, every teacher working in the graduation group of kindergarten was accounted for many times to answer the question of parents: "How does my child behave on organized educational activities?". How does he cope with the task? Is it not lagging behind from others?. All these questions, parents directly associate with the training for school. Almost never sounds the question: "How does my child play? But the children of the preparatory group often play, love to play diddeactic games with the rules. Therefore, the use of didactic games with the rules naturally and naturally introduce a child to educational activities. At the same time, the task of the teacher is to teach the child, listen to the instructions, master its rules, master the learning actions, control the actions to estimate the result. In the game, the baby tries his strength and opportunities. Independence, activity, self-regulation - the most important features of free gaming activities, they fulfill an indispensable role in the formation of the personality of the future schoolboy. In the Games with the rules, the arbitrary behavior and communication with adults and peers is developing. Children standing at the school threshold must necessarily have elementary self-organization skills. These skills will later become their "assistants" in training activities, reasonable time spending, the ability to transfer work, study, game, rest.

Any activity is a game, work, organized educational activities - require certain training. Therefore, educators need to raise in children hard work, heaviness, track that preschoolers do anything diligently and not throw it halfway. Children brought up in labor less tired, differ in the creative approach to everything, the ability to serve themselves, keep their workplace in order. To school, children must learn a certain system of knowledge, skills and skills, and mental processes should be formed: attention, memory, thinking, speech. Organized educational activities of preschoolers should be organized by teachers so that children can communicate freely, argue, jointly perform various tasks. And most importantly, the preschoolers learned to jointly discuss, and their discussions were aimed at collective search for the correct answer so that every child manifests itself, as much activity as possible, reasoned, expressed his opinion, was not afraid to make mistakes.

"A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but the fire that needs to be lit." This is the purpose of us, teachers!

1 . Enrich activities with plot role-playing games, talking about school.
2. Develop communicative skills.
3. Teach literacy

  • Use games and exercises to secure the correct sound pronunciation
  • Use games and exercises to sound analysis words.

4. Promote the formation of elementary mathematical skills and representations. Develop mathematical thinking and intelligence

  • Use games and exercises to compare items
  • Use games and exercises to define the form of objects
  • Use games and exercises to compose figures from parts
  • Use entertaining tasks, riddles, count, puzzle.

5. Teach school skills:

  • Landing at the table
  • Method of holding a writing subject
  • Orientation on the page in the notebook, book.
  • The ability to listen and perform the tasks of the teacher.

6. Develop manual praxis

7. Promote the development of logical thinking and ability to generalize.

8. Use games and exercises for the development of figurative - schematic thinking and visual analysis.

9. Promoting the development of arbitrary regulation of activities, perform tasks for verbal instructions, develop the ability to control and evaluate their actions.

Massed teacher-psychologist Chizhovova N.G.


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1. Enrich the activities with plot role-playing games, talking about school.

2. Develop communication skills.

3. Training a diploma.

  • Teach a child to analyze his speech. It is understood that it consists of proposals, which in turn consist of separate words, words - from syllables, syllables from sounds.
  • During the period of graduation, a great place to divert the development of phonderatic hearing, the ability to distinguish between individual words in the speech stream, sounds in the Word.

  • Help the child to learn the sound-sound structure of the words of Russian speech and signs of sound letters.
  • Literacy training in close connection with the work on the development of speech, according to the understanding of the words of the word and its sound-syllable structure.
  • Teach children freely use simple and complex offers for transmitting temporary, spatial, causal relationships.
  • Help children master the pronunciation of the most difficult sounds: whistling, hissing, sonornal.
  • The game should be a priority form and learning method in the preparation of children to learn literacy.

4. Promote the formation of elementary mathematical skills and views .

Develop mathematical thinking and intelligence

Use games and exercises to compare items

Use games and exercises to define the form


Use games and exercises to compose figures from


Use entertaining tasks, riddles, counting,


5. Training academic work skills:

Landing at the table

Method of holding a writing subject

Orientation on the page in the notebook, book.

The ability to listen and perform the tasks of the teacher.

6. To promote the development of logical thinking and ability to generalize.

7. Use games and exercises for the development of figuratively schematic thinking and visual analysis.

8. Promote the development of arbitrary regulation of activities, to fulfill tasks for verbal instructions, develop the ability to control and evaluate their actions.

Joint activities of the teacher and teacher.

I. A visit to the educators of kindergartens lessons at school, and teachers of school schools in kindergarten, with a subsequent discussion, rendering recommendations;

2. Joint thematic meetings of primary school teachers and educators of pre-school institutions with the participation of institution managers;

3. Conduct parental meetings in senior groups with teachers and educators;

4. Study by the educator and teacher of kindergarten programs and class I class in order to identify, as knowledge, skills and skills in the preschool institution. Studying a class I program, educators of preschool institutions recognize the requirements of the school to first graders, take them into account in the upbringing and training of preschoolers;

5. Organization of various activities to prepare children to school with parents;

6. Teachers conversations with educators about children who are leaving the I am in school, the oral characteristic of the weak and strong children, about the health of children's children, about the nature of collective relationships, about the assimilation of the children of the rules of conduct, on the attitude of children to the elder, on the development of cognitive interests , volitional development, as well as the development of intelligence: intertiness, curiosity, criticality, etc.;

7. Joint preparation for conferences, organization of exhibitions;

8. B. learning of matinee and concerts.

Psychological readiness for school learning is a multicomponent neoplasm. To prepare a child to school, parents can make many as the first and most important of his educators. Recommendations made by us on the basis of data obtained and taking into account the available recommendations of psychologists can be used in the consultation of parents on the preparation of 6-year-old children to school.

The child of preschool age has truly enormous development opportunities and abilities to know. It contains the need for knowledge and peace research. The child needs to help develop and realize their capabilities. But work on the development of school readiness should be based on age-related features. For example, you need to take into account that the leading motivation at 6 years of age is a game (see Appendix E). Thanks to the developing work, taking into account the peculiarities of age, the child will cross the threshold of the School with confidence, the teaching will be not a difficult duty for him, and the joy, and there will be no reason to get upset about its progress.

For the efforts to preparing the child to be effective, it is necessary to be guided by the following principles.

1. It is not necessary for the child to miss during classes. If the child has fun to learn, it is better. Interest is the best kind of motivation, he makes children truly creative personalities and gives them the opportunity to experience satisfaction from intellectual classes.

2. Preschool children poorly perceive strictly regulated, repeated, monotonous classes. Therefore, when conducting classes, it is better to choose a gaming form.

3. Repeat the exercises. The development of the child's mental abilities is determined by time and practice. If any exercise does not work, take a break, go back to him later or offer the child a easier option.

4. Pay attention to the development of mental actions with the concepts. The modern school has great demands for the mental development of the child. When he goes to school, it will be necessary to be able to generalize the concepts, compare them, to allocate significant. This is especially important if the child will learn from developing learning programs.

5. Do not show excessive anxiety about insufficient success and insufficient move forward or even some regression. Be patient, do not hurry, do not give a child tasks exceeding its intellectual opportunities.

6. In classes with the child, you need a measure. Do not make the child do an exercise if he spins, tired, upset; Take yourself something else. Try to determine the endurance limits of the child and increase the duration of classes every time for a very short time. Give your child the opportunity to sometimes deal with the business that he likes.

7. Develop in the child the skills of communication, spirit of cooperation and collectivism; Teach the child to be friends with other children, share success and failures with them: all this is useful to him in a socially complex atmosphere of secondary school.

8. Avoid disapproving evaluation, find words of support, often praise the child for his patience, perseverance, etc. Never emphasize its weaknesses in comparison with other children. Form him confidence in your abilities.

9. Develop a shallow hand and graphic skills using classes with plasticine, drawing on a sheet of paper, in developing notebooks, handling pictures, cutting figures with scissors, etc.

10. Learn to navigate in space and on a sheet of paper.

11. Expansion of the horizon through joint reading of books, retelling and discussion read, viewing drawings, the formation of cognitive interest in the surrounding, development of interest in research on natural phenomena, etc.

12. Formation of the right idea of \u200b\u200bschool, desire to go to school.

13. Development of skills to cooperate with peers (playing situations, visiting various circles, sports sections), awareness of their emotions and emotions of other people through drawing, games, discussion of illustrations in books.

14. Formation of self-consciousness. Start "Forget" about what your child is small. Give him a lot of work in the house, determine the range of responsibilities.

15. Acquish the child to the economic problems of the family. Gradually teach it to compare prices, orient in the family budget.

16. Teach the child to share their problems. Discuss conflict situations, sincerely interest his opinion.

17. Respond to every question of the child. Only in this case the cognitive interest does not run out. Teach the search for answers to some questions yourself.

18. Do not build your relationship with your child on forbotting. Always explain the reasons for the validity of your requirements, if possible, offer an alternative.

Given the peculiarities of the physical development of children adults need:

- add exercises on the physical training of children to school training in a complex of exercises intended for the development of small motorbers with the help of finger gymnastics;

- organize games with small toys, small designer, mosaic, modeling;

- conduct hardware procedures, including airbags, walking barefoot, rinse mouth with cold water, pouring legs, visiting the pool, etc.;

- accompany physical culture with a complex of phytotherapy, music therapy, art therapy, aromatherapy and physiotherapy.

The main emphasis in the development of emotionally volitional readiness for school teachers should do on the upbringing of motives to achieve the goal:

Do not be afraid of difficulties;

The desire to overcome them;

Do not give up the target target.

Adults should strive for the development of the following qualities and characteristics of the personal sphere in the field of emotions:

- resistance of feelings;

- depth of feelings and emotions;

- awareness of the reasons for the emergence of certain emotions;

- manifestations of higher feelings: aesthetic, moral, cognitive;

- Emotional anticipation (conscious expectation of success or failure).

In the development of volitional and emotional readiness, the use of examples from fairy tales and stories can help (reading fiction, formulation of fairy tales of the children's theater, viewing of paintings, listening to music).

To form a motivational readiness for school, it is necessary:

1. To maintain the interest of the child to everything new, to answer his questions, give new information about familiar subjects.

2. Organize excursions to schools, acquaint with the main attributes of school life.

3. Practice the parishes of children - schoolchildren in kindergartens.

4. Use riddles on the school theme.

5. Use educational games like "Collect a portfolio to school", "Spread in order", "What is superfluous?"

6. Create conditions for the plot-role-playing game with the school themes "Lessons", "Library", "Holiday in School", "Cooking homework."

7. To perform homework (conversation with parents on how they studied at school, collecting photos of parents, of which then you can make the exhibition "Our Pope and Moms are schoolchildren."

There are the following methods and means for the development of readiness in the field of communication:

Methods of learning to expressive movements through the playback of etudes with a consistent study of poses, gait and other expressive movements;

The dramatization of emotional states, the consciousness of the children of emotions, the recording of them;

Methods of using auxiliary means of communication in the process of teaching children to the skills of adequate perception and expressions of emotions (facial expressions in drawings, game in "blots", free and thematic drawing, music);

Psychodstastics is a special course of classes aimed at the development and correction of the cognitive and emotional and personal sphere. The main emphasis in this course is made to train the elements of the technique of expressive movements, the use of expressive movements in the education of emotions and higher feelings and the acquisition of skills in self-dissolution.

Currently, many schools organize the so-called preparatory courses for future schoolchildren. This is very good full. You can allocate undoubted advantages of such activities:

- Child learns to communicate with the teacher and children;

- the child meets and gets used to the rules of behavior at school, in the lesson;

- The child is beginning to form common school skills: how to position the notebook, keep a pen when writing, work with a book.

However, there are also disadvantages of such training:

- classes usually pass in the evening and the probability of overwork is quite large, as the child is forced to attend courses after kindergarten;

- Classes on courses most often end in May, and training begins in autumn (in September). For three year old months (if parents are not engaged) the child can forget a lot;

- Visiting courses in a specific school, it is advisable to learn later in the same way. This is due to the fact that the child gets used to learning features in this school.

In our opinion, it is most effective to combine visiting preparatory courses with activities at home.

And most importantly, try not to perceive classes with your child as hard work, rejoice and enjoy the process of communication, never lose a sense of humor. Remember that you have a great opportunity to make friends with the child. Parental support and interest in the child is the main condition for its prosperous adaptation to school and successful study.

As a result of the experimental study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Methodik Yakyukov L.A. Allows you to analyze the features of the child's intelligence (both the overall level and the operational structure) and assess the degree of formation of thinking in the concepts that are necessary for successful training and further full-fledged child's development in school.

2. The results according to the study group can be said to the following that the Group is generally ready for training in school. According to the results of the diagnosis in comparison with the sexual sign, boys are ready 100%, girls 91% of 20 diagnosed children are not ready, or rather according to the results of the survey: the rate of information processing, the development of attentiveness, the development of visual structural thinking, the development of visual-motor coordination, conceptual intuitive Thinking parameters showed a low level of development.

3. Teachers and parents are informed about the result of the revealed weak levels of development, based on what recommendations received, to which the child should pay attention to this development problem.


Special relevance of studying the problem of the child's psychological readiness for school learning is related to the fact that today it is non-formation in a child psychological readiness for school often is the main cause of the problems arising from a child in the first year of study at school.

Often a child who has good intellectual development, is difficult to adapt to the school, at the first failure refuses to go to school, does not have interest in doing homework. This happens as a result of a non-informed motivational readiness of a child to school, the lack of the "inner position of the schoolchild." Thus, at the end of the first year in school, a child can work out resistant reluctance to learn.

The training program for school in the children's preschool institution is mainly aimed at the development of intellectual readiness, in addition, their feature is the school method of training, as a result of which the child's desire to go to school does not increase. As a result, we get such a situation that many children want to stay in kindergarten.

Every parent wants his child to be successful, he studied well, walked to school with joy and practiced with pleasure. This is possible only with the formed motivational readiness of the child to school.

As a result of the development of the pre-school educational program of the child's quality arising by the end of the preschool age, diagnosed before the child leaves the kindergarten to school. But throughout the preschool age, the development of a child is monitored, which in the end should lead to the appearance of the qualities specified in the project. At the same time, the parameters of the child's development should be determined. These parameters act as landmarks on the way of promoting a child to the intended educational program of its development goal - designated in the concept of "quality" (physical, personal and intellectual). The designation of the purpose of developing a child through the formation of its specified qualities makes it possible to approach the problem of its development as a holistic personality, and not on a separate component (separately intelligence, separately social and personal development, separately physical development - as a result of which the development does not work). The proposed partitioning of qualities into physical, personal and intelligent is very conditional, since the quality is asked as a systemic education. For its occurrence, the systemic development of the child is required: physical (including the ripening of the nervous system) and mental (personal and intelligent).

The basis of my research work was the methodology for determining the readiness for school. Forecast and prevention of training issues in elementary school on L.A. Yasyukov.

The core of the diagnostic system is tests that allow to analyze the features of the child's intelligence (both the overall level and the operational structure) and assess the degree of formation of thinking in the concepts that are necessary for successful training and the further full development of the child in school. This diagnostic complex allows you to assess the level and features of the intellectual development of the child.

As a result of our research, it turned out that the results according to the study group can be said to the following that the Group as a whole is ready for school training. According to the results of the diagnosis in comparison with the sexual sign, boys are ready 100%, girls 91% of 20 diagnosed children are not ready, or rather according to the results of the survey: the rate of information processing, the development of attentiveness, the development of visual structural thinking, the development of visual-motor coordination, conceptual intuitive Thinking parameters showed a low level of development.

Teachers and parents are informed of the result of the revealed weak levels of development, based on what recommendations received, to which the child should pay attention to this development problem. Developed recommendations to parents will help to form in children who have shown a weak or average, improve the levels of children's development, prepare children to enter into a very serious stage of their development.

List of sources used

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Table (Appendix 12). In the next paragraph, we describe the results of diagnostics and compare them between the two groups under study. 2.2. A comparative analysis of socially psychological readiness for the school of children visiting and not attending kindergarten 1. Analysis of the diagnosis of the characteristics of the relationship of children of preschool age to adult. Consider the analysis of the questioning of parents "...

L.I. Bozovic, D.B. Elkonina, N.G. Salmine, E.E. Kravtsova. In theoretical works of L.I. Bozovic focused on the significance of the motivational sphere in the formation of the child's personality. From the same positions, psychological readiness for school was considered, that is, the most importantly recognized a motivational plan. Two groups of exercise motives were allocated: 1) Wide social exercise motives, or ...

With these children, it requires return to the types of activities, characteristic of preschool age - game, design, drawing, i.e. The fact that contribute to the development of figurative thinking. Psychological readiness for school is a holistic education. Loge in the development of one component Sooner or later entails a lag or distortion in the development of others. Comprehensive deviations are observed and ...

We are necessary and sufficient for the initial stage of learning qualities, which then develop and are improved in the educational process. Chapter II. Experimental study of the psychological readiness of children to school 2.1 Organization and methods of experimental research Testing a child need at least for the following reasons: first to determine on ...

Material Description: I offer you the practical recommendations of the psychologist's teacher to prepare preschoolers for future learning. This material will be useful to parents of future first-graders. In the cycle of everyday life, we literally do not notice how our children grow. And now, finally, the excitement and most, perhaps, important it is time for parents and a child - admission to the 1st grade. How to effectively prepare a child to school, which classes should be visited, which basic knowledge and skills should have a future first grader - this article is devoted to everything.

Recently, the requirements for the level of preparedness of the child to school have increased significantly. This phenomenon is due primarily to the school learning program. To date, there are many different options for the preparation of the child to school: special classes, organized in kindergarten, who visits your child; pre-school gymnasiums (organized, as a rule, on the basis of an educational institution); All kinds of children's centers; Creative Development Clubs; Private tutors. Some parents prefer to do with the child on their own. What method is preferable?

First, it should be borne in mind that in the preparation for school, not only the basic knowledge of which your child possesses; Psychological factors are played a huge role in the successful adaptation of the kid, such as: motivation, the inner position of the schoolchildren, socialization. Often, parents unconsciously form an incorrect learning motivation from the child, which can lead to difficulties in further training. For example, you should not talk to the child that "go to school to get five" or "in school will be fun, you will constantly play with friends", etc. These statements give rise to false ideas that may interfere with children relate to the learning process. Of course, dry wording that "go to school to learn" is also not enough. Interest in knowledge of the new need to form gradually, even before the direct preparation of the child to school. Along with a visit to the ballet, children's performances, exhibitions that develop creativity and aesthetic perception, attention should be paid to the development of natural science knowledge of the child: to go to the observatory, watch a documentary movie about wildlife, etc.

In order for your child successfully adapted to school, you need to visit special preparatory classes in the children's group: first of all, it is necessary for the socialization of the baby (especially if the child did not go to kindergarten). In the game, which is in preschool age, the leading activities are formed by basic communicative and social skills that help in further study. In order for the baby to felt more confident in the first school days, the good option is to prepare on the basis of the educational institution, in which your child will learn. So, the baby will get acquainted with his future teachers (after all, classes at school lead, as a rule, teachers of primary classes, teachers-psychologists and teachers-speech therapists), learns their future classmates, will gradually get used to the school schedule. In addition, the preparatory classes based on the school will be held according to the program implemented in this educational institution (it is worth considering that various educational programs are carried out in each school, respectively, the requirements for the preparedness of children differ). As a rule, school-based classes last throughout the year, so by the end of the preparatory course, the school walls will become for your baby "relatives", which will reduce the level of anxiety and increase the motivation.

Thus, the School Base Preparation Option is the most successful in terms of both cognitive, and psychological adaptation.

The second option that can be recommended in this case, it is preparatory classes in kindergarten (if the child goes to kindergarten). However, there are nuances here: for example, there are no training on the relevant school program (because kids will go to different schools in the future).

Now wide distribution received all kinds of preparatory courses in various children's centers. At first glance, the program of classes is very saturated: often besides basic disciplines there all types of dances, yoga, children's massage, etc. are offered. Thus, in such institutions there is an extensive set of occupations that have nothing to do with the preparation of a child to school. Despite the brilliant sentences and guaranteed high level of preparedness, write a child to such classes is not recommended for two main reasons: first, in private children's centers, classes are held, as a rule, according to independent methodological development (i.e., obtained by your kid knowledge may not meet the requirements of your chosen school); Secondly, in private centers, unfortunately, there are little attention to the qualifications of teachers (often these are students of the 4th or 5th course). In this regard, the quality of preparation in these institutions is very dubious. But if you still decide to record a child for preparatory classes in the Children's Center, then give preference to state, not private organizations.

If you still prefer a private tutor, then you should invite a teacher from the school in which your child will learn. This specialist will be able to offer high-quality preparation based on the educational program being implemented at the school.

Nevertheless, do not forget that all the knowledge gained in the preparatory classes must be repeated at home in order to deeply absorb material.

What are the basic knowledge that the future first grader should possess?

It should be noted that the child should not just "drive away" these numbers: he must be able to apply the score in practice, i.e., relate the number and subject (for example, you can offer a child to count the number of buttons on clothes; ask the baby to expand so many plates on Table, how many people will lunch, etc.). Thus, the score process must be conscious.

2. Implement the simplest mathematical operations within 10 (fold, deduct).

3. To know the names of the main geometric shapes (Circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle, rhombus) and be able to reproduce them.

4. Know the letters of the alphabet.

In some educational institutions, children are needed to be able to read even before joining the 1st grade. In practice, this leads to the fact that the children read, but they read wrong. In our school enough for the child just knew the letters.

Since the leading activity for the preschooler is a game, then the best learning process is happening in the game. For example, it is possible to offer the child to cut out the letter from multicolored plasticine (so that the baby can study the letter form); Then ask the future first grader to suggest what this letter is taste? where she lives, etc. Thus, with the help of associations, a deeper assimilation of the material studied occurs. At the same time, the lesson for the baby will be interesting and fascinating.

5. Know fairy tales, poems, sayings, riddles.

It should be noted that, despite the dominant position of the computer in the modern world, the reading is of great importance for the intellectual development of the child. Communication of the baby with this, and not an electronic book plays a significant role in the formation of its inner world.

6. Have basic ideas about natural phenomena, months and seasons, days of the week.

7. Have basic spatial representations (right / left, top / bottom).

In the home atmosphere, you can ask the child to put my right hand on the left ear, and the left hand is on the right knee, etc. Walking together in the city, you can offer the future first-grader to describe what is located to the right of him, to the left of my mother, behind the store, etc.

8. Be able to copy from the sample (act according to sample).

You can draw a pattern in the checkered notebook and ask for a child to continue it.

9. Be able to classify, summarize, eliminate superfluous.

You can offer a child to be called in one word: "Apple, pear, orange, plum"; Ask the kid to exclude an excess: "Dress, coat, boots, pants." In both cases, it should be asked to explain your answer.

It should be gradually to teach the future first grader to independence: ask to help cover on the table, remove in the room, to store the bed, etc. In this period, it is very important to observe the day of the day so that your baby is accustomed to go to bed and get up at a certain time (it will significantly reduce the likelihood of difficulties in adaptation).

It is also very important that the child knew his accurate home address and telephone, had basic knowledge of road rules.