Rubber bands tricks and their secrets. A collection of five catchy tricks with elastic bands. Complicated focus option

You don't have to use complex paraphernalia to surprise viewers.

Among the many tricks, tricks with threads and elastic bands are especially popular. They are perfect for both adults and children. In addition, in order to confidently perform these tricks in front of the audience, it is enough to repeat them at home a couple of times.

Tip 1: If you go to a party and decide to surprise your friends with your sleight of hand, take more than one elastic band or thread. It can break at the most unexpected moment and it will be offensive.

Tip 2: Before showing the rehearsed ones in public, show them to an outsider - someone from your family or a close friend. They can notice inaccuracies in performance and will help you not to fool yourself in front of real spectators. As a last resort, experienced magicians who keep the secrets of their tricks in secret, recommend rehearsing in front of a mirror or recording yourself on a video camera.

Video training for tricks with rubber bands:

Tip 3: The main tool to trick with elastic bands and threads is your hands. It is on them that all the viewer's attention will be focused. Pay attention to the neatness of your hands and your manicure. Also, do not wear rings and bracelets, as in the process the props can catch on them and your debut will fail.

Important: All the tricks that are described below are adapted for right-handed people, that is, the leading hand will be right. If you are left-handed, just swap them.

Magic tricks with an elastic band on the fingers

Focus 1. "Wandering rubber band"

Rubber band jumping tricks impress the audience no less than other spectacular tricks

Props: regular stationery gum.

What the focus looks like: You are showing a whole rubber band. Spread your hand and wrap it around the ring finger and little finger of your left hand in two turns. Then make a fist. The elastic will lie in a double ring on your fingers. Shake your fist and open your hand. Voila! The elastic "jumped" on two other adjacent fingers.

Focus secret: When you clench your hand into a fist, with the other hand you discreetly pull the elastic over your palm and put it on the outer phalanges of the middle and index fingers.

Focus 2. "Wandering rubber band for distrustful viewers"

It is performed in the same way as the previous one, but now on top of the first leading elastic band, you put on another one, which will seem to hold the leading one. The second elastic will be in eights to hold all four fingers together.

Focus secret: In fact, it does not affect the course of the trick in any way, but only distracts the audience.

Tricks with a thread on your fingers

Focus 1. "Tangled thread"

Tangle the threads right in front of the audience, and then untangle them in one second. The secret is very simple!

Props: Thick thread or lace about 50 cm.

What the focus looks like: Tie the ends of the thread together. Then quickly tangle it on your left open hand between your fingers. The main thing is to do it quickly so that no one realizes that every movement is rehearsed. Then you pull on the "random" part of the thread and it completely falls off your hand.

Focus secret: As mentioned earlier, the thread does not get entangled in an arbitrary way, but according to the pattern.

Focus 2. "Endless thread"

This one is very simple to perform, but it causes a lot of delight in children.

Props: Spool of thread.

What the focus looks like: Standing in front of the children, you find a thread sticking out on your clothes. If you try to blow it off or shake it off, nothing works. You take it with your fingers and start pulling. The thread stretches indefinitely - you are surprised, the children are laughing.

Focus secret: in the hidden spool of thread under the clothes.

You can learn tricks with threads from the video:

Admit it, more than once I wanted to go to the center of the room or the middle of the circus arena and make the audience gasp with admiration: “What a trick! What a magician! "

Surely even more often I myself had to envy how skillfully the magician performs his tricks. However, to learn tricks is quite a feasible desire. True, making a person believe in what he sees is the result of great efforts and rehearsals, and, moreover, not one day. Ease of movement is achieved by manual dexterity.

Some tricks are based on the effect of surprise, others on the distraction of attention from some movement. For most, special props need to be carefully prepared.

Tricks with an elastic band are obtained due to dexterity of the hand and movements perfected during rehearsals.

Video training "Tricks with an elastic band"

The secret of the trick

We hook the rubber bands with your thumb and forefinger. We shift one over the other and show the audience that they are supposedly linked one after the other and do not separate in any way.

At one of the moments of the demonstration, we make a covert movement: we move our fingers away, stretch the elastic bands and press the elastic band that is on the index finger with the middle finger of our right hand:

  • take it down, thereby throwing the elastic band from the index finger to the middle finger;
  • we make movements at such a speed that the viewer does not notice the moment the elastic is thrown from finger to finger;
  • move the right hand even further and insert the index finger of the right hand into the loop of the thumb of the left hand;
  • this movement will help the elastic bands to separate;
  • for an absolute effect, you can rub the elastic bands against each other, as if showing that one does not want to pass through the other and disconnect from it;
  • with the next movement, remove one elastic band with another;
  • an elastic band remains on the fingers of each hand.

The focus does not take long to complete. The main thing is to master the moment of intercepting one of the elastic bands from the finger of one hand to the finger of the other.

You need to start with slow movements, gradually gaining speed, along with it, mastery will come.

On the instructions of the editorial board, I went to study the magic tricks for the training "Magician" and this is what I can do now. And what can I teach you))

Magic lesson

The training began with the question: "Do you believe in the supernatural?" At first I was a little confused, and when the teacher Alexander began to demonstrate everything that he promised to teach me, I was completely speechless. Before my eyes, a 10-ruble bill turned into a 50-ruble one, the red foam balls disappeared and appeared in the most unexpected places, and not in the same quantity as they disappeared. In a normal deck of cards, all suits have become one. Then this deck began to move in the palm of the magician in the direction in which he wanted. All this time I only had time to pick up the fallen jaw from the floor.

And when the rose, made from a simple napkin, began to fly in the air, I began to shiver - I am such an impressionable person.
For myself, I already believed in everything supernatural at once, but out loud, suppressing nervous laughter, I could only utter: “Alexander, how are you doing this?” (Which sounded like “Have mercy, otherwise I’ll go crazy!”).

Magicians and illusionists are also called by a foreign word prestidigitator (from "presto" - finger and "digital" - movement). Today, as well as many years ago, they delight the venerable public with sleight of hand and their ingenuity. I must warn those who want to learn how to show tricks: be prepared for the fact that there will be a little less magic in your life than in the lives of those lucky ones to whom you will show these tricks. After all, learning how to demonstrate tricks means learning the secrets of the illusionist, which he uses in his work, and therefore, losing faith in the fact that the rose flies at the wave of the wizard's hand. Think carefully if you want to know the truth. If you still want to, enthusiastic glances from colleagues at a corporate party, relatives at an anniversary and a loved one on a date await you. In other words, any shy woman who knows how to perform tricks can become the soul of the company, as if by magic.

Trick with a "lock"

Alas, I cannot tell you in detail about the technology of each trick I mastered during the training. Modern magic has its own security system, which was developed by Moscow magicians: all novice magicians, participants in the training, sign a paper where they promise not to divulge the secrets they were taught. As a reward for their silence, they receive a set of "magic" items. So now I can go to Uncle Ilya and surprise him with the teleportation of the balloon and the levitation of the rose. And sleight of hand. I'll show him how he should fold his palms (three photos above), ask him to bend his arms and touch the shoulder with the lock. He won't succeed. Then I'll fold my arms myself (four photos below) - it looks very similar. And I will easily and naturally complete the task. Let him be surprised!

secret In a deceitful twist of brushes. The magician puts them in the castle without crossing his arms.

Trick with rope

The magician puts a string around his neck so that its right end is longer than the left. With his left hand, he takes the right end, and with his right hand, the left and makes a loop on the back of the head. Pulls on both ends of the rope, but it does not tighten - the untied rope remains in the hands of the magician.

secret The loop that the magician makes on the back of the head is imaginary, so it does not tighten, but is easily untied

Trick with two rubber bands

We put the red elastic band on two fingers of the right hand - the middle and index. We take a green elastic band in the left hand. We braid each finger of the right hand with it, except for the thumb (see photo), so that an "eight" is obtained between two adjacent fingers. Then do this: the palm "looks" at the magician, the magician pulls off the red rubber band on two fingers, lowers all four into it, opens them - and the rubber band flies over to the little and ring fingers.

Magic tricks with an elastic band on the fingers require knowing the correct position of each loop of elastic around your fingers. Only if you follow all the steps as instructed in the instructions can you guarantee that the trick will go smoothly, so you need to train carefully.

Simple magic tricks are based on sleight of hand and knowledge of the secrets of their implementation. Preparation is carried out quickly in front of the viewer, which does not allow him to immediately unravel the mystery of your trick. Initial position of the elastic: pull it over your left thumb, thumb and forefinger of your right hand. Bend the middle finger of your left hand and reach it to the top of the elastic, pull it down.

Place the thumb of your left hand under the elastic so that it is located between the index and thumb of your right hand. Now you need to pull up your right hand, while you will get the feeling that your middle finger on your left hand is being tightened in a loop. It is this loop that is the main secret that they have magic tricks with an elastic band, training takes place with the help of special books and video tutorials.

After that, you need to slightly relax the rubber band (in this case, you can imitate the movement, as if sawing your finger with an elastic band). The viewer sees that the elastic passes through the finger, as in other tricks with fingers, which are described.

You can also enhance the effect of focus if the viewer is asked to hold his thumb when you have already completed the secret loop. You can also involve the viewer in performing the trick: ask the viewer to wind a second elastic band around their finger, most likely, the viewer will simply loop around their finger, looking at the final position of your elastic band on their finger. Of course, the viewer will not succeed in any miracle and the elastic will remain entwined around the finger. This is how the rubber band tricks are performed.

There is an interesting trick with the wide rubber ring, which must first be held in a certain way. Then twist it twice with your thumb and forefinger, they need to be moved in certain directions, which can be found on the net in a special video tutorial.

Now you need to ask the viewer to remove the ring from your finger, but you need to grab it in the same way as you are holding: the right thumb and right index finger hold the ring by its upper end, and the left thumb and left index finger hold the ring by the lower end. Next, you need to offer to straighten the ring in order to get rid of twists, you can change the position of your hands, but you cannot open your fingers while doing this. Of course, no matter how much the viewer moves his hands, he will not be able to complete the task. After these unsuccessful attempts, the magician must carefully remove the ring from the viewer's hands, take it in the same way as initially. Then slowly lower your right hand and raise your left. The magician does this and all the twists disappear before our eyes in a miraculous way, but you and I know that all




The description of each focus is divided into several sections.

1:647 1:656

IMPRESSION: what the viewer sees is a mystery - a miracle that you, the illusionist, have created.

1:827 1:836

SECRET AND PREPARATION: a description of the gadgets you need and the secret to create the illusion. Most of the tricks required for focus can be made by yourself, or you can find something suitable in the house.

1:1246 1:1255

METHOD: the action itself with an explanation of how to give focus to the audience.

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COMMENTARY AND ADDITIONS: additional information and ideas to help you make each magic trick even more amazing and fun.



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Please remember and always follow four very important rules:

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  • 1. NEVER explain what the secret of focus is. If someone in the audience knows him, then the mystery, charm and magic of the illusion will disappear.
  • 2. NEVER tell in advance what you are going to do. If the audience does not know what is going to happen, people will not know ahead of time what to watch, and it will be easier for you to fool them.
  • 3. NEVER repeat the same trick in front of the same audience. People who have already seen the trick have a chance to catch you.
  • 4. And the most important rule of all: ALWAYS READ EACH FOCUS CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU SUBMIT IT TO THE PUBLIC. Read the instruction. Work out in front of the mirror using all the necessary tools. When you can complete everything cleanly and without delay, you are ready!

The art of illusion is not only one of the best forms of entertainment, but also a wonderful hobby. We hope you enjoy innocuously fooling your friends, and maybe a large audience, by performing magic tricks.



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Focus "Jumping rubber band"



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(A) The magician puts an elastic band on the index and middle fingers. (B) He makes a fist. (C) When he opens his fist, the rubber band magically jumps to the ring finger and pinky. (Figures A, B, and C are viewed from the viewer's side.) In all illustrations, the magician's fingers point up.




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1. Pull the elastic up to the base of the index and middle fingers of your left hand together. If the elastic is too loose, you can wrap it around your fingers twice. Try several rubber bands to find the right size. You hold your hand in front of the audience, while the palm is facing you.

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2. Close your fingers in a fist. The moment you close your fingers with the index finger of your right hand, you secretly pull the elastic so that you get the opportunity to thread the tips of four fingers of your left hand, except for the thumb, under the elastic.

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3. This is what your fingers look like to you. (Viewers at this point see what is shown in figure B.)

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4. Straighten your fingers, and the elastic will automatically jump to a new position, that is, to the ring finger and little finger of your left hand.

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Trick "Jump of the rubber band to the same place"




The magician makes the rubber band jump from the ring finger and little finger to its original place: to the index and middle fingers.

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1. Carry out the reverse procedure of the procedure first jump.