Roses and a snake. Various manifestations of a snake tattoo on the body. Snake tattoo for men - power, courage, speed

The snake tattoo fascinates with its beauty and symbolism. With the help of our article and exciting photos with sketches, you can find the optimal image with the right value.

In ancient times, the snake was respected, appreciated and considered the center of the universe. Despite the nondescript appearance, they admired her grace and beauty. The tribes were amazed at the speed of the attack and the serpentine instinct, as if she could predict every step of her prey. They treated her with poison, smeared arrowheads, which helped a lot in battles. If a person survived after her bite, it was believed that he had been in another world.

Perhaps no other predator has been so positive despite its aggressiveness. Only with the advent of Christianity was the snake accused of tempting Eve and made the culprit of the human fall. However, there is no such meaning in tattoos. The biblical story gave her new symbolism (positive): knowledge, sexuality, seduction.

Each nation had its own idea of ​​a dangerous animal, so the meaning of a snake tattoo is quite extensive:

  • The animal personifies eternity and the cyclical nature of life. According to Indian beliefs, when the heavens fell to earth, the serpent separated the two worlds, and still supports the clouds. The Aztecs assumed that the two main gods turned into a quirky animal and tore a terrible monster in two. From one piece they made the earth, and from the other - the sky. The Greeks believed that the Ouroboros was responsible for the cyclical nature of life and death. He is in the Universe, and every day he eats his tail, which is constantly growing and renewing itself. This snake tattoo symbolizes eternity and constancy, and in Africa it was an ancient symbol of the sun. If the predator sheds her skin - a symbol of renewal and resurrection, rejuvenation and longevity... Such an image is made by individuals who have decided to radically change their lives, to reconsider their values. Body painting of a fiery snake is purification or a sign of a good start.
  • Protection and safety symbol. The Indians believed that there was a way to the other world, but the entrance was guarded by snake people. If you ask them for help, they will definitely help. Perhaps beliefs have become the reason for the appearance of various emblems. The animal is entwined around an ear - a plant protection service, around the rod of the god Hermes - a sign of trade, around a bowl - a symbol of medicine. A snake drawing can be a talisman, for example, Ouroboros.
  • Fertility, femininity, a symbol of the hearth. A tattoo of two snakes that entwine each other is applied as a sign of strong love or friendship. Ancient tribes believed that a reptile could cause rain and protect their fields from drought. The Indians worshiped the predator, they assumed that she could curb a storm or direct a tailwind. In Egypt, the goddess of fertility was portrayed with the head of a cobra. The animals were appreciated because they hunted rodents. For girls, a snake tattoo can be interpreted as sexuality, lust, or femininity.
  • Symbol of wisdom, teaching. The snake was one of the attributes of the goddess of wisdom Athena. The predator was portrayed along with the healer god Asclepius and his daughter Hygeia (goddess of health). According to legend, the animal taught the doctor to raise the dead. She managed to crawl into the Garden of Eden, persuade Eve to disobey God and eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge. A snake tattoo wrapped around an apple or rose indicates that the wearer cannot resist the great temptation. An animal with a lion's head - agility, strength, luck. A snake tattoo crawling up a melee weapon means that the owner has suffered a serious illness or trial. Such a picture speaks of mental and physical healing, and is most often applied to the hand. The animal does not look aggressive and crawls calmly - a symbol of wisdom. A child with a predator means the acquisition of paradise life, harmony and freedom.

Cobra symbolizes power. In Egypt, a picture of a snake was applied to the forehead of the pharaoh to emphasize his power in heaven and earth. Beliefs say that she guards the treasures, and her head is adorned with a precious stone. The animal symbolizes protection, strength, the desire to rule. A cobra tattoo looks beautiful at the moment of an attack, when the hood is open and teeth stick out from the mouth. On the zone, the meaning is slightly different: if it is wrapped around a dagger or knife, the picture is a sign of the king of the thieves' suit. If a crown is depicted on the animal's head, it means that the owner took revenge (killed). On the territory of the prison, the predator always symbolizes danger.

Features of a snake tattoo

The snake tattoo looks beautiful in a realistic style when every scale is drawn. Shades can be varied: golden, bright red to make the animal more aggressive, green, coral, orange, grayish and black and white. The picture can be depicted symbolically or monochrome, in the Celtic style, in the form of a rock painting or a talisman, in tribal style.

A snake tattoo looks great on the back, stomach or chest. If you choose the right sketch, you can emphasize the figure, muscles or thin waist. Small snakes twisting along the leg, or large paintings with numerous details and bright colors, also come out well. Japanese-style body pictures attract attention. Can be portrayed snake-animal fight however, the reptile must take over as it symbolizes victory, strength and dominance. If the prey overcomes the predator, then this is a manifestation of weakness.

Snake tattoo for men - power, courage, speed

Men often choose the image of a reptile at the moment of an attack, mainly a cobra, although the rattlesnake is associated with courage and fearlessness, as it warns the victim when attacked. It is better to focus on the head of the predator: spread the hood, give the scales a warlike color, highlight the sharp fangs. It is undesirable to pay attention to her flexibility, as you can give the image extra pounds.

Looks interesting snake tattoo on forearm, shoulder and chest when her head breaks through the skin and crawls out of the body. You can depict an animal curled up in rings with dice or a skull (denotes either death or rebirth). Interestingly, drawings are obtained with a snake charmer holding a flute in his hands, luring the animal out of the bag.

A small snake on the ankle, crawling upwards, also looks good. For men who love danger and strength, you can choose a snake tattoo around the neck, as if it is trying to tighten the ring tighter. However, such a body picture looks interesting on an arm or a leg.

Snake tattoo for girls - grace, cunning and wisdom

Girls are more likely to choose bright, medium-sized pictures. The snake tattoos on the shoulder blade look interesting when the predator crawls up the flower stem. The wriggling predators accentuate the perfect leg line from the foot to the knee or thigh. The bracelet design adds grace and mystery. Look interesting miniature snakes around the neck, on the side of the hand, between the shoulder blades.

Girls are better off focusing on the flexibility and fluidity of the animal. A snake tattoo at the bottom of the spine means femininity and sexuality. According to yoga teachings, this place contains the energy of a reptile. Most often, such a picture is chosen by smart, liberated, purposeful girls who want to emphasize their mystery, or be under the protection of a snake.

The snake tattoo impresses with its graceful beauty and ambiguous symbolism.Even in ancient times, the snake was the center of the Universe, it was endlessly appreciated, respected, admired by its grace and special charm. The tribes admired her impeccable flair and speed of attack. It seemed as if she could predict every movement of her future victim. Its poison was used for medicinal purposes, and arrows were also smeared with it, which helped a lot in battles.

Surprisingly, despite their ardor and aggression, the snake was perceived very positively. Unless only at the time of the emergence of Christianity, they began to accuse her of temptating Eve, rewarding them with the symbolism of human falls. But in the image of a snake as a tattoo, such a meaning was excluded. The history of the Bible has presented this predator with a new auspicious symbolism: seduction, knowledge, sexuality.

Nevertheless, each nation had its own idea of ​​the snake, so the meaning of a tattoo with its image is quite diverse.

Cyclic and eternal life

According to Indian belief, when the heavens fell to the earth, the serpent designated two worlds and to this day supports the clouds. According to the Aztecs, the two dominant gods, having turned into an animal, tore the terrible monster in half. From one part of it they made the sky, from the other - the earth. The Greeks believed that the cyclical nature of life and death falls on the shoulders of Ouroboros, who daily eats its own tail, which subsequently grows back.This kind of snake tattoo symbolizes constancy and eternity.

If a carnivorous animal sheds its skin, it means resurrection, renewal, youth and longevity. Such a drawing is made by those who have revised their life values ​​and decided on cardinal changes. The image of a fiery serpent is a symbol of purification and a wonderful beginning.

Protection and safety

The Indian faith said that the entrance to the other world is guarded by people in the face of snakes. One has only to ask them for help, they will certainly respond. Rather, such beliefs contributed to the emergence of different emblems: a snake wriggling around a spikelet - the organization of the protection of nature; near the rod of the almighty Hermes - a symbol of trade, near the cup - a sign of medicine.

Femininity, fertility, home

Two snakes brushing each other are applied as a symbol of strong friendship or great love.

And in ancient times, the tribes believed that such an animal could cause rain, thus saving the field from drought. By worshiping a snake, the Indians believed that a predator could stop a storm. In Egypt, the goddess of fertility was associated with the cobra. A snake tattoo for girls symbolizes femininity and sexuality.

Teaching and wisdom

The snake was an important attribute of the goddess of wisdom - Athena. The animal was depicted next to the gods of health - Asclepius and Hygeia, his daughter. According to legend, the snake taught the healer to resurrect the dead. She skillfully crawled into the Garden of Eden and persuaded Eve to taste the apple from the tree of knowledge.

A tattoo of an animal on a hand wriggling a rose or an apple means that it is difficult for its owner to resist the temptation.

A snake with a lion's head - strength, luck, dexterity. A tattoo of a reptile crawling on a melee weapon indicates that a person has suffered an ordeal or illness.

Such a plot symbolizes physical and mental healing and is often crammed into your hand. A picture of a child with a predator means freedom, harmony, paradise life. A quietly crawling snake is a sign of wisdom.

The meaning of a cobra tattoo

Cobra is a symbol of patronage and power. Even in ancient Egypt, the image of this snake could be found on the forehead of the pharaoh, it emphasized his mighty power on earth and in heaven.

On the zone, the symbolism of the cobra tattoo is somewhat different. An animal wrapped around a knife or dagger is a sign of a representative of the thieves' suit.

The image of a cobra with a crown on its head suggests that its owner has already taken revenge.

In the prison theme, the predator is a symbol of danger.

Various manifestations of a snake tattoo on the body

A snake tattoo looks great in a more realistic form when a master draws each scale. Shades are very different: green, golden, red, grayish, orange, monotonous.

The tattoo perfectly manifests itself on the chest, back, abdomen. And if you choose sketches correctly, you can best emphasize muscles, a thin waist and a beautiful figure.

Miniature snakes on the leg or large images with a bright palette and many details are great. Japanese-style wearable designs are no less beautiful.

Snake tattoo on the male body: courage, speed and power

Men for tattooing mostly choose the image of an attacking cobra, since the rattlesnake attacking snake is associated with strength and fearlessness. In this case, it is better to concentrate on the head of the predator - the spread hood, sharp fangs, pronounced scales.

The tattoo of a reptile on the shoulder, chest, forearm looks impressive when the snake's head breaks through the skin and seems to crawl out of the body. You can also capture the predator curled up in rings.

Snake tattoo on a woman's body: grace, wisdom and cunning

Girls often prefer bright images that are compact or medium in size. A snake tattoo on the shoulder or shoulder blade looks beautiful when a graceful predator wriggles around a flower. The graceful drawing will favorably emphasize the line of the female leg. The image of a predator in the form of a bracelet will add special mystery and originality.

Small snakes on the wrist, between the shoulder blades or on the neck look interesting.

It is better for the fair half of humanity to show the image of a smooth and flexible animal. A snake tattoo at the bottom of the spine symbolizes sexuality and femininity. According to yoga culture, the energy of the predator is concentrated at this point. As a rule, such a drawing is chosen by girls who want to be under reliable protection, as well as smart, purposeful, seeking to emphasize their character and their own mystery.

Snakes tend to have a bad reputation with humans. This is especially evident in religion among Christians and Jews. On the contrary, in Hindi, according to mythology, the snake was a revered creature, the ancestor of all living things. In other ancient cultures, the snake was considered a symbol of rebirth. Most likely due to its unique ability to shed skin and grow new skin in a short time. This can be clearly seen in the West African culture of Ashanti.

In ancient Greece, where medicine was born, the snake was personified with death and life at the same time. The poison of this creature can both kill a person and heal him. This conclusion was first reached by the "father" of medicine, Asclepius. From that time to the present day, the symbol of medicine is the snake, which gives its poison to the bowl.

In addition, snakes are associated with glamor, including sex drive. The serpent mesmerized Eve, forcing her to eat the forbidden fruit with his deceitful persuasions.

Snake tattoo

Snake tattoo: meaning

Let's summarize all of the above. So, a snake tattoo most often means:

  1. Healing and rebirth;
  2. Sexual energy and fertility;
  3. Glamor;
  4. Intelligence and cunning (ingenuity);
  5. Divinity;
  6. Vindictiveness.

Snake tattoo ideas

The snake tattoo is unique in that it can be placed anywhere on the body, highlighting the area you want to advantage. The flexible long body of this creature is perfect for both girls and guys. Tattoo colors are not limited to black ink alone. The image looks much more impressive in red, green and blue colors.

Tribal snake tattoo

One of the most requested designs for this tattoo is tribal motifs. The meaning of the image itself can vary significantly from each other (as described above). Therefore, before applying the "snake" to your body, find out what in the culture that you have chosen this creature meant.

tribal design on the chest

snake head on shoulder

tribal cobra on the back

King Cobra

In many cultures, including Hindi and Ancient Egypt, the snake symbolized belonging to the ruler. Like the ruler himself, she was deified and all the inhabitants of the country worshiped and feared her. Very often people put on the body the image of a snake with its own venom. It was believed that such a ritual is a powerful talisman against all bad influences.

cobra full back

cobra on the shoulder top

Snake tattoo and skull

In Western cultures, the meaning of this image is quite predictable. Like the skull, the snake symbolizes death. On the contrary, some peoples associate this creation in rebirth and life, the same can be said about the skull. The snake is also a symbol of medicine and healing, and the skull represents a human being. In this sense, the design acquires a very positive quality.

snake and skull on chest

snake and skull on the shoulder blade

Eagle and snake tattoo

The snake is a symbol of sexual attraction and obsession, while the eagle is a noble and "decent" bird. These two opposite beings remind us of the eternal conflict between mind and heart. Very often, the mind stops a person, reminding him that his desires are unreasonable and can lead to serious consequences, while the heart calls upon him to obey his instincts. A very philosophical tattoo with deep meaning.

eagle and snake on the shoulder

Rose and snake tattoo

Rose is a symbol of beauty, love and innocence. What girl would refuse a bouquet of beautiful flowers that beckon with their incredibly pleasant scent? The snake in this interpretation takes on very negative features: the inability to resist temptation. In general, this combination of images is interpreted very simply as an obsession.

cobra and rose on the inside of the hand

snake and rose on the shoulder blade

The same meaning can be applied to the combination of a snake and an apple. The well-known biblical parable is self-explanatory.

snake and apple on the whole hand

Dagger and snake tattoo

Perhaps you will ponder over this image, considering that these two "murderous" things together can only harm a person. In fact, everything goes back a long way. Asclepius, the god of medicine, always had a dagger and snake venom at hand. It was these items that helped him to heal people. Therefore, this design does not make such a bad sense as it might seem at first glance. Some people apply this tattoo to remind themselves that they survived a terrible disease and were able to recover. Others want to talk about a healed mental wound.

snake and dagger on hand

Blooming roses - joy, loyalty to a lover and friends.

Bouquet - you will receive a long-awaited marriage proposal from your loved one.

Red roses - hopes and dreams come true.

Cutting off in a dream and making bouquets of them is a hobby, light flirting.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for the bitch

Dream interpretation - snakes

If a woman dreams of a snake, this means that the person she loves will turn out to be a deceiver and a traitor, and this will make her suffer and worry. If you see in a dream how snakes sting someone else, this means that in real life you will commit an offense that can offend your loved one. If a woman in a dream worries about her child, who is behind her, and hears a snake hiss, this means that she will have to give up the love of a person dear to her. Subsequently, she will probably be drawn into a low intrigue, because of which she will lose the love and trust of her chosen one.

If your lover is on a path among menacingly hissing snakes, this means that you can uncover a conspiracy directed against you and your chosen one. If a girl dreams that she has been mesmerized by a snake, this means that she will be oppressed by low people. However, an influential and loving person will be able to help her cope with the misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams from