With the birth of a baby. Poems of congratulations on the birth of a child

Congratulations on the replenishment
And with all my heart I wish
So that the child is healthy
So that you have enough diapers.

In education - patience,
God's blessing.
I wish you a little bit of happiness
Happy birthday, congratulations!

Wish for the birth of a child

In this little envelope
Your life is all meaning!
Eyes, pens, cute nose,
There is happiness in your life!

Congratulations to mom and dad
With the addition to the family!
And so happy
You have become doubly now!

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a child

Congratulations, today
You have a joyful holiday!
It's like a gaze of God
So the joy of the eyes shines!

Let the sun shine in the house,
It's also good!
You are the best in the world.
More happiness came to the house.

Congratulations on the birth of a child in verse

We congratulate you on the birth of your child!
He also lies a little in diapers,
But joy has come to your house today.
From now on, there will be noise and din in your life.
Concerns, troubles you have enough with your head.
May the golden child be a joy to you!

Verse-congratulations on the birth of a child

Like a cherry orchard in May
Your soul has blossomed.
It only happens once
With the advent of the baby.
I sincerely congratulate
With replenishment dear,
I wish you joy, love
And health to you three!

Touching congratulations on the birth of a child

So the stork has arrived
Welcome to the long-awaited.
And now in your family
There is a welcome baby!

A man appeared
Small and cute.
He is now for you forever
It will be the center of the world!

We are health to the baby
We sincerely wish.
Mom and Dad are strong
Loud congratulations!

Best congratulations on the birth of a child

We congratulate you on a new holiday.
You've got a child.
And we wish: be healthy!
Life is so good sometimes.

We are in a hurry to congratulate you with the child.
And we want to repeat again:
We wish to leave behind
Anything in life that can be upsetting.

May only happiness be found now
There will be more kind, light meetings.
And now let's say hello to the baby,
And we wish you to save love!

Good congratulations on the birth of a child

You are the happiest today!
Hold your happiness in your hands!
You became parents!
There are more of you now!

We are all in good health
We wish the baby!
And let the Guardian Angel
Protects your family!

Original congratulations on the birth of a child

The mystery of birth has come true,
Your first baby was born
We bring you congratulations,
We lift up our prayers for him.
And we wish that a favorable fate
Your child was a godmother,
Kept it, took care,
I was leading by the hand all the time.

Cool congratulations on the birth of a child

The baby was born - it's a miracle
For your little family.
He filled your life with happiness,
And it is waiting for you ahead.
Charming legs
Such wonderful eyes!
And it will grow out of crumbs soon
Both the bully and the fidget.
While he is quiet and humble.
So let him grow healthy.
And even if my mother's nerves are strong
He keeps his own all the time.

Short congratulations on the birth of a child

The sacrament of birth is wonderful!
Your baby was born!
Congratulations, no doubt,
Let your stalwart grow!
May the Lord bestow upon him
Savvy, dexterity in full!
May life give him happiness
And for him I drink to the dregs!

SMS congratulations on the birth of a child

Congratulations on your birth,
This is a miracle sweet moment!
We wish the baby health,
So that a person grows up great!

And to you - love, patience,
Ability to explain.
Live peacefully, amicably,
It's not for me to lecture you!

Congratulations on the birth of a child in prose

I congratulate you - you became parents! I would like to wish that there were more laughter and smiles in your family than worries and anxious nights. Let your son grow up in love and harmony, not knowing disease and sadness. Be happy!

Congratulations on the birth of a child in your own words

Great happiness has come to your family - a child has been born. Congratulations on this joyous event. We wish you patience, wisdom, strength and energy. May your sun grow up as a healthy, happy child. She always makes her family and friends happy with her wonderful, very sincere smile!

Birth of a child- perhaps the most magical and meaningful moment in a person's life. After many months of anxious waiting, a small miracle is born, a new life is born. There seems to be nothing more pleasant than feeling like a parent.

The long-awaited baby will further strengthen the already strong and reliable relationship, becoming a link in the family chain. Feel the happiness of the birth of a new person with the parents of the child, sharing their joy in congratulating the newborn.

In this section, we have tried to collect only the warmest and sincere congratulations on the birth of a child - congratulations on the newborn.

Congratulations on the birth of your child.
Congratulations to the newborn

Congratulations to the newborn in verse

Congratulate your child's parents in a playful, poetic way.

Congratulations to mom on the birth of a child

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly marked through the centuries:
The most beautiful of women
Woman with a baby in her arms
Conjuring from any misfortune
She really has no good
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud, sublime mother
The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,
And since then she has lived for centuries,
The most beautiful of women
Woman with a baby in her arms
Everything in the world is measured by footprints
No matter how many ways you walk
The apple tree is decorated with fruits,
A woman by the fate of her children
May the sun always applaud her!
This is how she will live for centuries
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a child in her arms!

Your baby was born

Your baby was born
How a bright angel appeared!
Let there be no troubles in life,
Motherhood will be happy

And let your son grow
And mom pleases over the years!
Let only happiness in life wait
And we will rejoice with you!

Congratulations for happy parents

Happy parents congratulations
With the birth of a child on this day!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you -
May the Lord's shadow keep the baby!
Albeit invisible, but always reliable
From all diseases, future adversity
The Savior protects carefully
And good luck in life awaits the kid!

Congratulations on the birth of your son

You were born, appeared like a golden ray,
We've been waiting for you for so long
The days and months were counted, -
When you grow up big!
Be beautiful, be happy
Be kind and patient
Well, and the main mandate is -
So that you always remember us!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter

Another beautiful princess
Reappeared in this world
She looks at the world with interest,
And he feels the love of his parents.

I congratulate you and wish you
So that my daughter grows beautiful!
So that you wake up feeling happiness
And most importantly - she was healthy!

Congratulations on the birth of a boy

I was under my heart yesterday
Legs pushed until morning
Spun around merrily and waited
So that someone tickled the heel.
Today you met him,
The long-awaited son was born!
They wonder who they look like:
Is it to mom, or to dad, is it?
May it be happiness every day
After all, you are parents now!
And I can't find worthy words
To convey this love!

Beautiful poems with the birth of a son

There is no reason above for joy:
You have an heir in your family - a son!
May he only give happiness to everyone
Let there be fewer problems with him!
Maybe he'll grow up to be a scientist
Or maybe he will become a football player ...
The main thing is that he is carried away,
So that the heart is kind, pure.
Let him walk through all the obstacles
Let people marvel at the young man
May he be a joy for mom,
Let him be an assistant to his father!
Dear, my dear ones,
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Let him grow up as a real man
Will meet the expectations of the family.
Surrounded by love from birth,
Let him grow strong and courageous.
Until then ... More health!
And, of course, less hassle.

We congratulate parents from the bottom of our hearts

Great joy in your home,
Now there are three of you in the family!
A wonderful baby was born
Look - he's a real tough guy!
What eyes, what cheeks,
He's really a real angel!
We congratulate parents from the bottom of our hearts
We wish you to raise your baby in love and happiness!

Congratulations to the newborn in prose

Congratulations on the birth of a son

Dear lady! Congratulations on the birth of your son! May he grow up strong and protect his mom. May he always make his parents happy and never bring them grief! We wish your child to be healthy, happy and prosperous. And let even after many years you will be mistaken for his older sister! May good luck smile at you and your family, and may His Majesty Chance be favorable to you!

Child's Birthday Wishes

Dear friends! A wonderful event happened in your life - you have a wonderful baby! Now your life will change dramatically. Of course, the first time will not be easy, because you are not yet used to the fact that you need to take care of your baby. But very soon you will be surprised, thinking, how could you live without this wonderful little man? He will give you so many wonderful minutes - you will play with him, give him gifts, teach him everything that you can do yourself. So let happiness not leave your home, and your life will be bright and joyful!

Birthday greetings

Dear friend! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! We wish her to be as sweet and beautiful as her mother. May she always be in the center of attention in the future, may there be no problems and worries in her life. We wish that mom and daughter never have disagreements, that you always understand each other perfectly and become best friends! I wish you happiness and fulfillment of all your desires!

Happy Birthday Baby

Dear friend! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! May your girl grow up happy and kind! May she be like her father! Let her inherit all your best qualities! We wish you to be proud of your baby and make her proud of you! Let your daughter's life be sunny and bright, and your life will now become more interesting and colorful, because the child will make you look at many things in a different way.

Funny birthday greetings

Dear friend! Congratulations on the birth of your son! The day is not far off when he will become as strong and courageous as his father. We wish you to teach your son everything that you can do yourself. And may you never have disagreements in the house, may your baby always make you happy and may your family be strong and friendly!

Let every baby's smile be a huge reward for you. After all, he learns this world, and the world smiles back at him! Children are great, great happiness. They make us kinder and stronger, because it is not only our future, but also our present. Children are love, respect and understanding! Let your baby grow up healthy, strong, smart, prosperous, to your delight! Happy Newborn!

SMS congratulations on the newborn

Short congratulations on the newborn

SMS with the birth of a baby

Sweet baby, nice daughter,
On the family tree - a fresh bud,
Let it develop, Let it bloom
There will be a flower, And after - and the fruit.
Let's drink to this flower of beauty
Let your dreams come true!

Children are flowers of life. How wonderful that another flower has appeared on earth! Congratulations, my dear gardeners! I would like to wish you to have a large and beautiful bouquet in front of you in old age!

Voice greetings with a newborn

Congratulations to the newborn on the phone you can listen and send what you like to the recipient as a musical or voice greeting on a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send a congratulation with a newborn to your phone either immediately or by specifying in advance the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. Sound congratulations with a newborn on the phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to a mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving congratulations by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Funny congratulations on the newborn

Cool congratulations on the birth of a baby

Dear friends! More recently, you were just a husband and wife, and now you have become a mom and dad. We congratulate you on this wonderful event and wish your son to grow up healthy and happy! A new life begins for you, because now you have to raise a little man. We wish you to educate him as the most, intelligent, most courageous, kind and courageous! Let him love his parents very much, who will always give him their love and support.

Cool congratulations on the birth of a girl

Congratulations on the birth of a girl! Your experience and wisdom in raising children will help you raise your daughter happy, smart, beautiful and kind. You have a son, and now a daughter has appeared. Your family has wonderful children - a boy and a girl. And we wish you that they bring only joy to their parents! We wish your daughter to be like a star! May she do everything as best as possible, may she admire everyone with her beauty! And may everyone admire the untold beauty of your daughter, may the most worthy men be at her feet! And may she never meet sadness, longing and disappointment in her life!


Small hands, chubby cheeks:
This cute angel is your daughter!
I want to congratulate you on your little dear,
Wish the health of the beautiful girl.

Let the baby grow only in love and affection,
Pamper your daughter and read fairy tales.
On this day, today, your angel was born,
It means that the meaning has appeared in your life!

Congratulations on the birth of a miracle
Every year I will now congratulate!
May it grow healthy and happy
Very smart and very handsome.

Surrounded by warmth and love,
Let him be proud of his family.
Let him meet every day with a smile
Let him not know neither sorrows nor troubles.

Today is a joyful day
Intoxicated with happiness
I sincerely congratulate you
I'm with a newborn.

A new man was born
Let the whole world hear
How his heart beats
How he breathes with happiness.

May it grow healthy
To the delight of mom and dad,
Will be the best
And the happiest.

Like a bunny - a hare,
Like a squirrel - a squirrel,
Like our mother
Wonderful child!
The folder is glad, well, it’s familiar,
Happy father-in-law, a little drunk
Both grandmothers are under the hospital
Trampled all the weeds,
Congratulations, congratulations!
How to see the baby?
We wish to come to you,
Let's be quiet, breathing a little:
Get our greetings!
Smack on the cheek and smack on the nose!

My dear friends,
Here, accept congratulations from us,
May the family become even stronger
On this bright and important day.

Congratulations on your newborn,
With the very first and most important thing for you,
By the bright name named
With a warm, sincere gleam of eyes.

We wish this child
I gave you a lot of joy,
To be happy right from the cradle,
So that you have him healthy,

To please mom and dad
So that he grows big and beautiful,
So that he cried less in life,
So that you only bring happiness with you!

A man appeared in the world
Everyone congratulates grandmother and mother,
And he, not yet raising his eyelids,
Now he whines, then he suddenly cries stubbornly.

Thus, he proves to us
That he is in charge today, and attention
We must give everything to his eyes
And the handles that hold the universe.

Let it grow by the day and by the hour,
May everything be good with appetite
Child today God gives you
And new paths are now open.

Health to you, parents, besides
More strength - now we are changing the regime.
And let the grandmothers support in everything
Let my mother's experience be remembered!

The stork arrived today
And put the package under the door
We open, lo and behold:
Newborn baby!
Nose wrinkles, looks clear
Like, what are you looking at?
Take me quickly on the pens
And of course, caress
I am now with you forever,
He left paradise for you!

Birth of a child
It will inspire everyone.
Will capture all the film
Will inspire you to a feat.

We want to wish you
With a joyful birth
It's good to play with him.

Raise with hope
And invest your labor
Didn't grow up to be ignorant
And made all the people happy.

In a cozy room where the cradle is waiting
A small miracle will become the owner today.
Once "mom", "dad" will suddenly say.
Well, in the meantime, he sniffs quietly and does not know any troubles.

Parents admire, a spark burns in their eyes.
The house is filled with happiness. Holy love.
For the first time in her mother's arms, he is sleeping peacefully, quietly.
And dad along with the child melts with happiness.

We became parents on this bright day.
And the name has not yet been given to the crumb.
We wish you happiness and health to all.
We sincerely congratulate you on your newborn!

The child announced the whole world
And he marked with his date,
What a miracle new land
It came into the world, dropping joy.

And my mother can't hide her tears
It is easy to breathe from happiness
Grow up baby and sleep at night
And drink milk more often.

Your family has more strength
So that she does not ask for mercy,
Didn't forget to smack loudly
Such a lovely child!

Your baby was born
How a miracle or an angel appeared!
Let there be no troubles in life,
Motherhood will be happy!
Let him sleep, eat and grow
And mom pleases over the years,
May happiness await him!
We are very happy with you! rating: 37 ↓

The baby was born,
Lucky this year!
What a joy it is
Who knows will understand!
A great thing has happened -
The glorious family is continued,
May the son live happily
Grows healthy! 38 ↓

Congratulations to you, friend!
May God keep you and your baby!
Let fate protect
And in everything he is pleased!
May my son grow up healthy
Will be strong, tempered,
To eat with appetite,
I listened to my mom even a little! 41 ↓

Congratulations to you, buddy!
After all, you have become a father today!
I believe without false modesty
You are a great fellow! 40 ↓

Let the baby sleep peacefully
May the saints keep it
And they surround with love
Mom and Dad are dear! 40 ↓

Parents, congratulations on your newborn! We wish your baby to grow up smart and healthy! So that he is beautiful, happy, kind and patient! Let him have everything he needs in life! 38 ↓

Congratulations on the birth of your son! Now your daughter has a wonderful little brother who really needs care and attention! Soon he will grow up and become a cheerful and mischievous little boy, so let him be healthy, physically strong and kind-hearted! May all his wishes always come true! 37 ↓

May it be happiness every day
After all, you are parents now!
And I can't find worthy words
To convey this love!
I wish you affection from life,
Let the baby grow, as if in a fairy tale!
More makes you happy
After all, he is now your destiny! 35 ↓

Congratulations on the birth of your baby! Let him give you smiles and joy! May his life be bright and beautiful! Patience, optimism, good luck and may the baby bring you happiness! 41 ↓

When a child is born in a family
Then you forget about peace and sleep,
But among diapers, diapers,
May he bring you happiness!
The moment must be enjoyed
And get enough sleep sometime later,
We wish the whole family patience, happiness,
Happier to be every day! 40 ↓

The birth of a long-awaited child
This is the biggest success!
Always let it ring in your house
Laughter is heard mischievous! 41 ↓

Mommy, congratulations on the birth of your daughter,
We sincerely wish you endurance, patience,
To everyone's delight, let the baby grow
Happy fate always leads her! 39 ↓

Mother and father! Congratulations on the birth of your child! We wish your baby to grow up beautiful, healthy and happy! May this day be very happy for your whole family! 36 ↓

Happy day, with replenishment
Congratulations with all our hearts!
Just a miracle, feast for the eyes -
Your dear son!

May your baby be cheerful
Strong, joyful growing,
And a new family
Waiting for many happy years!

With the best of events
With the most important day in life
Congratulations, accept -
With a new miracle! With the baby!

Let him grow up happy
Gives you smiles, laughter!
Will be smart and beautiful -
Most wonderful of all!

Everything became different in the world:
Brighter than paint, brighter days.
After all, a boy was born to you -
All the more wonderful and sweeter!

The whole family is proud of their son!
Let the baby grow up soon.
Every day he is happy
Only joy will bring!

With a little angel you - with a baby,
Great happiness that has looked into your home!
Let children's laughter not subside now,
Your boy will be happier than everyone!

There are a little more pleasant worries
First games, smiles, steps ...
Let the boy grow strong, healthy
In joy, happiness and light love!

Happiness settled in the house
Everything became brighter around
Like the sun lit up
Life for many many days!

So many discoveries ahead
And waiting for wonderful minutes.
Take care of your happiness
Let it grow faster!

Congratulations on your addition!
The newborn is good:
The voice is clear and confident
Having painted, blush, comely!
There is no more beautiful in the world -
Happiness, joy, our pride!

What a wonderful boy was born!
There is no more wonderful it in the whole world!
Let him fill the house with bright light,
There are many joyful roads in front of the baby!

Let the smart, strong grow
Assistant to parents,
And let it go through life
Only a winner!

The holiday happened today
Smiles never leave their faces!
Today was born
Lovely little prince!

Happiness overflows
And lights up the house!
Let the prince grow up soon -
Becomes king!

There is now help in the house -
Son for the joy of mom and dad!
After waiting quite a bit
Everyone will understand it yourself!

Let it grow up, grow up,
Learns the world slowly -
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy baby!

You, dear and young parents,
I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your first child.
So that the son grows up as a creator and a winner,
I sincerely wish.

I would love books, music, football,
I could do a lot, go hiking.
I walked a stubbornly chosen road,
Carrying love for parents through the years.