Homemade orders and medals. How to make a paper medal

Depending on which attributes are used, contests can be carried out by taking, as the main subject:

  • rope;
  • newspaper;
  • fruit (apple, banana);
  • clothespins;
  • air balloons.
Of course, items can be different, but these will help to spend cheerful and funny contests. Let's start with the first.

Prepare for him:

  • air balloons of two colors;
  • ropes;
  • special pump for balloons.
Filling with air, tie to each ball on a rather long and durable rope. When it comes to rolling games, divide the participants to 2 teams and let everyone give a certain color ball in their leg. Competition will try to step on a rival trophy. Whose attribute burst, that person leaves the playing battlefield. At the end, 1 person will remain here who will be recognized as the winner.

Merry contests in nature can also be carried out with the use of this attribute. Such will help to easily communicate invited strangers. Everyone is divided into pairs. 2 people must hold the ball among themselves without touching his hands.

A rope stretches in advance between two trees or stakes. Holding the ball among themselves, the couples must go under her. But this is only the first stage of the contest. In the second, the same rope is tied slightly below. Those who could not overcome the obstacle come out of the game.

In the third and subsequent stages, the rope is lowered even below. Wins the remaining steam. You can simplify the task. Pulling the ball between the belly, on the team pairs run from one line to the other. If the ball fell, you need to raise it, put in place and continue to move to the finish. The couple that will come here the first, without bursting the ball, wins. Merry music for contests will help them become more funnier. You can go from simple, taking the melodies from songs:

  • "Lived with babous";
  • "In the grass Grasshopper sat";
  • "Dog Waltz";
  • "Let run clumsily";
  • "Dance of small swans."
The story continues about merry contests for adults and using inflated balls. They need to scatter on the floor. According to the team, each participant under fast music should not only score more balls, but also to keep them.

Contests with phantas for adults

They can also be turned into contests for a funny company. So that everything happens, write in advance on the leaflets of the paper tasks for each and hand come. This is what can be fun orders:

  • Pronounce your toast, as a presenter, that is, declare, for what reason everyone gathered. If this is a birthday, briefly tell about the advantages of the birthday man.
  • Come up with a small poem relating to the perpetrator of a celebration or event.
  • Pronounce a toast with a foreign accent (you can, with Caucasian).
  • Stop hard drunk.
Each phanta needs to come. At any time, the presenter may tell that now the day is the day ... He must fulfill what is said in his paper.

Interestingly, when the tasks for playing in the phantas write the guests themselves. To do this, everyone is heard over a small sheet of paper and on a handle or pencil. Guests write tasks. Then roll the sheets and clean in the basket or hat. The beauty of such entertainment is that the task can go to the one who wrote it.

If these are games and contests for adults, then you can form a bank - each at the beginning of the game will put a small bill. If someone refuses to perform the task, must put here a certain amount. It or part of the bank will get to the one who takes the task for the refusal. The entire bank and title of the winner will receive the one who implemented a greater number of fantas.

If the game caused difficulty, then see what can be written on leaves. Exemplary assignments for phantas:

  • Picture animal, fruit, vegetable or some guest.
  • Show some event, without saying not a word with a pantomime.
  • Sing a children's song or read verse.
  • Draw your portrait.
  • Pour flour into a plate, bury candy in it. The one who got a Phanti must get the sweetness without hand - teeth. You can pour sour cream in a saucer, lower the ring there, the player must remove it in the same way.
  • To dance the cancan with a glass filled with water.
  • Tell a joke.
  • Quickly pronounce patter.
  • Draw an animal to felt-tip pen that needs to be kept in the mouth.
  • Portray the famous actor or singer so that those present guess who it is;
    praise yourself in front of the mirror.
  • Some word with different intonations and emotions.
  • Eat the peeled banana lying on the dish, without hands.
  • Fold together the newspaper with one hand.
  • Wash legs mother-in-law (if it's a competition at the wedding).

Such funny phantas will help you have fun and then remember this holiday for a long time. And here is another game on this topic. The leading competition collects among those who gathered one subject, folds them into a bag or a large opaque package.

Next, the eyes are tied with one playing. The presenter pulls out the turn of things, asks what makes the owner of this thing. For example: read verse, sing a song, dance, rinse, bring something, etc.

Merry and funny contests for any holiday

An ordinary rubber medical glove will deliver a lot of pleasure to the company's assembly. To do this, prepare in advance:

  • rubber glove;
  • needle;
  • water;
  • rope;
  • chair;
  • bowl.
Tie a glove with a rope, down your fingers, to the back of the chair. Make small punctures with needles on the tips of the fingers of the glove. In the hole for hand pour water. The game is called "Cow" and will cause a lot of positive emotions, both at the audience and participants. Let the leading at the end of the competition presented the homemade medal, which will be written to the "best millet millet" or milkma.

Since especially zealous guests can inadvertently break the rubber glove, take them a little and do the holes in advance to quickly replace if necessary.

Ignitional dances can be combined with a dance competition. The main attribute of such a number is a scarf. His lead will learn on the neck of the dancing. He will be sailed in the center of the circle, which forms other participants. Further, the soloist accounts for a handkerchief on the neck of any participant of the improvised dance team. And this man gets into the center of the circle for an incendiary dance.

Very funny and funny birthday contests are obtained when attributes are clothing. For the next eccentric contest, put in packages:
  • underwear;
  • footwear;
  • trousers;
  • skirts;
  • blouses;
  • ties, etc.
All broken over the pairs. One duet must be tied up and give the package. At the command of the leading all temporarily, the blindness is beginning to get things and clothe their partner in them.

It is very fun to watch women's things put on men, and gentlemen on ladies.

But what funny competitions in nature or at home can still be held. The next will start the "hunting" season. All participants are divided into 2 teams: "Hunters" and "Beasts". On the latter the latter, the circle of cardboard is attached, on which the target is discharged. "Hunters" should take a crumpled paper into it. At the same time, the task of animals is to shy. If the "shell" got into the center of the target, then her owner drops out of the game. If the piece of paper touched the outer circle, then the "wounded" beast continues to run away from the pursuer. In compliance with the rules, the selected jury follows the compliance.

That's what contests for a funny company can be noted. But that the competitions succeeded at all 100%, it is necessary to buy memorable souvenirs in advance, which are handed over to the winners, but also to the participants. Then everyone will be pleased.

How to make your own postcard for contests?

For the manufacture of such signs of attention, many materials and time will not need. You can use simple options by taking:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • feltolsters.
Fold each sheet in half. On the facade side, write to whom such a postcard is awarded, for example:
  • skillful militant with the most tender hands;
  • a born dancer who does not interfere with;
  • irresistible fashionista (for a dressing contest);
  • charming round (someone who gets many balls in the competition), etc.
You can put on each sheet of paper saucer or plate, outline, cut. Then it turns out a round postcard, which will also fold in half. Or you can glue small circles to postcards by writing on them, for what merits are awarded.

To give the signs of attention of men and women, you need to know how to make a postcard from paper, which will be seen, the representative of what gender it is addressed.

To make this for gentlemen, take:
  • white paper sheet or striped and darker one-time;
  • line;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • scissors.
Fold a piece of light paper in half, bend from the right side of 1 cm from the edge, glue the workpiece in this position. Upstairs in the center make a small vertical incision, beat the corners of the collar.

From monophonic paper (in this case, blue) cut out a wide tie. We sit under the collar, if you want, decorate it a pair of sequin.

But how to make a paper card differently, so that it turns into a female dress. If the origami technique does not represent the complexity for you, roll the sheet as follows.

If such a model causes difficulty, use the other offer. Drawing a dress on paper, cut it out and stick to the sheet of contrasting color.
Decorate the dress to your liking, using:
  • gold or silver paper;
  • sequins;
  • artificial pebbles;
  • slices of skin.
You learned how beautiful to make a postcard to make a few and give all participants of fun competitions. And for the winners you can make medals that are also molded from paper.

How to make a medal for contests with your own hands?

For the process of needlework you will need:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • zeal.
Cut from two sheets squares. One will soon turn into a medal, the second is in the ribbon.

Let's start with the first. Direct the upper and bottom edge to the center. Turn over the billet on the opposite direction. Leaving in this position, attracted the lower edge to the top. Press your fingers into the scene of the fold to designate it, we will expand.

Let's go to verticals. We need to make 4 bends at the same distance, to designate 8 identical squares. We make a medal with your own hands on.

Deploy the left corner and bend its corners, as in the photo.

Right bend the same. Now we deploy the left upper corner first, we fold it so that a small square was formed.

In the same way, we decorate the remaining 3 corners. So that you have a round medal, with your own hands we feed a small top corner (on half the first square), then, here, the second. Learn the same 3 squares, and the remaining 4 corners start back.

It remains to make a ribbon. For her, the second sheet fold horizontally 2 times. Then overcap it in the middle.

Sharp the paper ribbon to the medals and you can hand the present, made by your own hands, winner.

If you want to hang such an attribute on the neck, for you - another idea.

For her incarnation, take:

  • colored paper;
  • cardboard;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • ribbon or braid;
  • glue.
From the paper cut the long strip of 2-3 width. Fold it with the harmonica, and then in the form of a ring, connecting and gluing 2nd. Direct its inner edge to the center, disguise the hole with a paper mug. You got a corrugated circle.

Now take the cardboard. Draw on it a circular circle slightly smaller diameter than corrugated, cut out.

If you do not have a circulation, attach a round item to the cardboard, for example, a glass, outlines, cut out.

Fold the braid or ribbon, glue the edges on the cardboard circle. From above, put a corrugated workpiece that you also need to stick.

Merry adult contests will be remembered by participants not only by photographs, video, but also thanks to such postcards, medals who are made with their own hands.

Look at the plot, where it tells how to make them in the Origami technique.

But what funny contests for adults can be included in the party program.

Each famous military man holder, whose chest is decorated with dozens of orders and medals, once there was a mother, and most of these heroes will agree that they deserve all their awards precisely thanks to her upbringing. In addition, everyone knows how difficult maternity labor, therefore, at least for the holidays, children must honor those who gave them life. So why not reward the most expensive person yourself in the world? For this purpose, it is impossible to be medals for mothers who can be made with their own hands. For their manufacture, you will need only anything: fantasy and some patience.

Medal with a photo in the form of the sun: what will be needed

To make beautiful medals for mom with their own hands on the birthday or March 8, you can use the printer. It is so easier to create a workpiece that the child over 5-6 years old can decorate himself.

For crafts, you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • glue stick;
  • tape;
  • small beads of different colors;

Sun medal making

First of all, you need to print a circle, on the edge of which the inscription will be applied: "Mom - my sunshine!" Or something else in this way. If the printer is not, then you can simply cut the circle from the white paper with a diameter of 6 cm and sign it from hand.

  • cut 11 straps of yellow color yellow 12 cm long and 1 cm wide;
  • fold every twice so that the loop is obtained;
  • paste on the wrong side of the circle with the inscription;
  • take a ribbon with a length of about 50-60 cm;
  • cut another circle with a diameter of 6 cm from yellow colored paper;
  • fold twice the ribbon, connect the ends and glue in the top of the coin;
  • cut another circle;
  • stick it on reverse medals;
  • take a photo mom (you can with a child);
  • cut part of the snapshot, where there are faces;
  • stick to the obverse together with a multitude of tiny flowers of colored paper;
  • take small beads and, using making framing for a fragment of a photo.

Master class of making medals for mothers on March 8

At the beginning of the spring, in all kindergartens of the country, they are actively making preparations for the International Women's Day. On this occasion, you can make beautiful medals for mothers with satin ribbons, which will simultaneously be congratulators.

Operating procedure:

Such medals for mothers for the mother's day can be made more than more and hang on the wall. Then she will decorate the hall, where the festive matinee passes.

Heds for mothers on their own salty test: what will be needed

The process of manufacturing such simple crafts invariably leads to the delight of kids. For making a medal for mothers, it will be necessary:

  • salt of fine grinding (not large, the smaller, the better);
  • flour;
  • water;
  • bronze Paint Caller;
  • satin ribbons;
  • lighter;
  • scissors;
  • coffee cup of small diameter;
  • toothpick;
  • glue pistol;
  • threads and needle.

The process of making a salt dough medal

First prepare the dough. For this, 1 portion (one medal) is mixed in 2 tbsp. l. shallow salt and flour. Add slightly water and knead the tight dough, as for dumplings. Next come as follows:

  • put it in a plastic bag and sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours;
  • after this time, the dough is removed from the refrigerator, flatten so that it turns out to be a cake and with the help of a coffee cup, two identical circles are cut;
  • engrave the surface of each on one side, inflicting with a match;
  • send blanks in the oven for two hours;
  • from the aerosol can be sprayed by engraved sides of the proposed circles;
  • the satin tape is glued along the edge of the reverse side of one of the billets, forming frequent folds of about 1 cm width;
  • fasten the long tape, folded twice, so that the loop is obtained;
  • two blanks are connected with glue.

Such medals for mom, with their own hands made, can be stored for quite a long time and will always wake pleasant memories.

By the way, grandmothers are also moms. That is why it makes sense to make a reward for the most caring and affectionate babuleck with an appropriate inscription. It can be comic. For example, you can write to the medals: "Thanks for the dad." Grandma will definitely appreciate the efforts of the granddaughter and his humor. The same award can be done for another grandmother with gratitude for mom. After all, it is thanks to her a pretty mammy such a swoused!

Gift reward from paper: a set of tools and materials

Heds for mothers for mother's day or March 8 can be the most different. For example, an interesting handicraft can be made of colored paper, folding it like a harmonic.

It will take for it:

  • a set of paper of different colors;
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife for cutting paper;
  • compass;
  • line;
  • pistol);
  • feltaster or marker - for signing award.

Work order for creating paper crafts on March 8

Medals for mothers are manufactured with the direct participation of the educator. Algorithm of actions:

  • from the colored paper, two strips of blue and dark blue colors (can be red and white, pink and blue) 4 x 32 cm sizes;
  • fold every neat harmonica;
  • glove the end of the first strip with the end of the second, and then in the same way comes with free;
  • as a result, get a socket;
  • gift the center of the workpiece and wait until it snacks;
  • cut the circle with a diameter of 2 cm;
  • cut a piece of ribbon, process edges and folded twice;
  • the scene is applied to the center of the blank outlet and fixate, sticking the paper circle;
  • print on the printer a circle with the inscription "Mom No. 1";
  • cut it out and paste on the medal from the side, the inverse of the one where the tape is fixed;
  • with the help of a adhesive pencil, they can be fixed on the reverse to the award could be fixed on the chest of beloved mommy.

If the craft is made in kindergarten, you can not use the printer, and simply cut the mugs with a diameter of 5-6 cm from white paper and write the name of mommy and congratulations. In this case, the bands used to glue the harmonica must take a width of 5 cm.

Now you know how you can make medals for mothers, and you can please them on March 8, appreciating their heroic work!

Svetlana Zubenko

Good afternoon dear colleagues. I imagine your own craft for congratulations to your favorite moms. The work was very beautiful and original.

For the manufacture of dIY need you:

1. Color cardboard.

2. Color double-sided paper.

3. Glue, line, pencil.

4. Satin narrow tape.

5. Beads, flowers for decoration.

Stage 1.:

Cut from yellow cardboard two circles with a diameter of 8cm., Cut the strips from yellow paper length strips 8cm., Width 1cm.

Bonding strips in the loop.

Stage 2.:

We stick on one wheel of the loop and the ribbon you need length. We glue the second round on top. We got out sun medal.

Stage 3.:

I suggest you decorate medal in different ways:

1. Just with flower and beads.

2. Insert the photo and arrange at your request.

In the middle medalkas I pasted already printed text. Senior Children can offer to write text themselves.

Like these ones medalkas I handed my mom's pupils for the mother's day.

Thank you so much for your attention. Send his reviews and voices.

Marina Afanasyev

I thought for a long time as an original one can thank employees and thank you to say. I was looking for in the store, on the Internet unusual forms of gratitude. He stopped on medals, but they are all very ordinary and beaten. Therefore, I decided to make it yourself.

We will need:

Billets, openwork napkin (small);

Satin ribbons (you can ribbon);

Glue, tape;

1shg. Found and picked up a floral pattern in the internet in the form of a circle (for everyone different). Each medal has two sides.

2 step. I picked up words and printed a medal on the back of the face. The nomination "The best colleague", "Best Methodist", etc., was supervised on the front side.

3 step.For stiffness, the front side of the medal printed on the photographic paper, revolving on a simple.

4 step. Cut out in shape. They turned out such blanks.

5 step. For registration of the edges and giving them tenderness, we glue the front side on the openwork napkin.

6 step.With the help of glue and scotch, fasten the ribbon.

That's all! Medal is ready!

For the manufacture of four medals I took only six minutes.

How nice to give them to people! See their smiles and hear in response "Thank you very much!", "Beautiful surprise!"

Publications on the topic:

M. Montessori said: "The child is the best educator for himself. The pace of development of each child is individual. Adult task.

I suggest your attention a bizeboard - a developing board for children with your own hands. The purpose of creating this boards to take children to research interesting.

I work as an educator in MBDOU kindergarten 155 Leninsky district of the city of Nizhny Novgorod. In this kindergarten I came about 8 months ago.

Master class "Didactic Games with your own hands." Purpose: deepening knowledge of teachers on the topic didactic games for preschool children. Tasks: Improve the knowledge and skills of teachers.

Form of conduct: Master class Participants: educators and musical leaders DOU. Purpose: Development of motivation on the use of the system.

In the meadow, dandelions rose in the morning. Walking on solar clearing, my cheers! Flowers spring I do not break, but I will make them with my own hands! To make.