Gorgeous declaration of love to a girl. The best declarations of love to melt her heart

Many men claim that sincere feelings cannot stand verbosity, but being able to describe them in a couple of phrases is extremely important for your beloved. If you yourself cannot formulate phrases, then you can borrow and, on its basis, write your beautiful declaration of love to a girl in your own words. Even if your soul mate receives an SMS with hot words, it will be much better than modest silence.

Declaration of love to a girl to tears

A sincere declaration of love to a girl will touch her spiritual strings to tears. It is especially important to feel love when your half is at a distance. So that your girlfriend does not feel abandoned when you are far away, write short messages to her more often. Or leave her a letter that will contain all your big, romantic and tender feelings for her alone. The text of the confession might look something like this:

  • How could I love another girl? Not! Only you can give me tenderness. Only with you I realized what happiness is. You are the best girl on earth! Next to you, I gained the ability to enjoy the sun and spring, rain in the middle of the autumn forest. You are the most important thing in my life!
  • My angel! I can not speak beautifully, but you will understand me. Since the day we met, everything has changed in my life. I look at the future in a different way, and I see it only next to you. Only for you I am ready to change. I want to give you happiness, surround you with care. You are very important to me because I love you very much.
  • I am happy because next to me is a girl like you. My sweet, gentle and infinitely beloved! I'm so afraid of losing you! You bewitched me with your beauty. Your hair is like a golden river, I love to stroke it and run it between my fingers. Your eyes are two oceans of tenderness, I am drowning in them and immensely happy. The curves of the body and the way you move ignite my blood. I am captivated by you, and this is the best reward in my life for me.
  • I'm hopelessly in love with you! Nothing can be compared to the feeling that lives in my heart. You taught me to love. Love sincerely and selflessly. For you, I am ready to destroy mountains and build bridges, laugh like a child and roar like a lion if someone offends you. I live for you! Trust me, I will not betray you in body or soul. I promise you to love only you all my life. I am yours! And you're mine!
  • I never thought that I could lose my head in love. But it happened. And it's all your fault, my joy! No matter the distance between us, you will always be with me in my heart. How much your smiling eyes, your voice, the warmth of your hands mean to me. Every time I fall in love with you again, my sorceress. Thousands of phrases about love will not fully describe the feelings that I have for you. You are my light, my joy, my love!
  • I like your golden hair, your blue eyes, like the sea, your tender lips, like rose petals ... Every day I fall in love with you more and more, my beautiful girl!
  • You have become the meaning of my life. I never thought it was possible to love so much. Since we met, I cannot live a day without you, my most beautiful woman in the world!
  • I like everything about you: your big brown eyes, framed by lush eyelashes, and dark silky brown hair that you love to put in a bun, and your slender graceful figure, and your sonorous voice, and even a small mole on your wrist. You are perfect and unique!
  • I've never met girls like you! Your refined manners, your regular features, your graceful gait, your character traits ... I'm crazy about you, my femme fatale!
  • You are like a ray of sunshine in the spring sky, a delicate fragrant flower in the grass, a quivering singing bird in the trees... You are beautiful! My feelings for you forever, my wonderful girl!
  • Our meeting was planned by heaven! We were supposed to meet! You are mine and I am yours. Forever and ever. Forever. No matter what happens.
  • It seems to me that you have bewitched me with your dazzling beauty, your sonorous voice, your tenderness ... I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to touch your skin, I want to be with you always. Only with you. I want to be in your captivity.
  • My happiness, my joy, my sunshine, my love... When I see you, the world gets better, I want to love you all my life.
  • The world lit up with sunbeams when I met you, my beautiful ... I love you, my feelings for you are strong and strong. I will endure all hardships, just to be with you always. You are the most precious thing I have. I breathe you, I live you.
  • It is very difficult to find a person for whom you can give, whom you love with all your heart. And I found it's you. My beloved, my dear, my desired. I want to protect you from all troubles, from all hardships, from all problems. I want you to be happy so that we can be happy together.

The best declaration of love to a girl in prose

Your declaration of love to a girl in prose, written with your own hand on an ordinary white sheet, will say more than a huge bouquet of flowers. Beautiful words can show your true feelings. After all, this is not just a text - a cute letter - these are your feelings. Here are some more love messages:

  • My only one! Do you remember the moment when we first met you? I remember that time stopped and only you remained real. Nothing existed around, only your face. Eyes, like two dazzling stars, they still guide me through life, and always will. I remember that I acted ridiculous, you laughed. Oh how I love your laugh! You are like an angel, illuminated by a bright light. I am infinitely happy, I live with your love. We'll always be together! You are my favorite girl!
  • Bunny, you are often offended that I tell you little about love. But know that no one in the whole wide world will replace you for me. I breathe you, my dear. You and I are made for each other. I believe that you will be happy with me. I will do everything to make you smile more often and enjoy life. For the hundredth time, I apologize for being sometimes inattentive to you, that I kiss you more and more often on the run. Every moment when you are near is a holiday for me, and you are my sunshine.
  • Darling, I thank heaven that I can call you mine. Fate gave me a chance to be happy next to a girl like you. I really value you and I'm afraid of losing you. You are like a crystal Madonna for me, and I am happy to worship you, my goddess. It's hard for me to find words to describe all the feelings that you awakened in me. I am sick of you, and this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I need you like air, like life. Because you are my life!
  • I have never felt a stronger feeling than love for you, my sweet girl! With you, the world around is filled with colors, with you I want to enjoy everything around. You won my heart at the first glance of your big brown eyes. And from that moment on, I couldn't think of anything else. I want to spend my days with you, I want to give you only happy moments. I want you to smile, my dear. Your smile illuminates everything around with joy and makes the sun shine even brighter.
  • Is there a feeling brighter and stronger than love? Next to you, my wonderful, I realized that there is nothing more important than love. You came into my life and everything changed. I realized that I have someone to live for, for whom to create, for whom it becomes better and more perfect. For you, my joy! I will do everything to make you happy!
  • Your eyes are like two blue lakes, there is so much warmth and love in them ... Your lips are so similar to rose petals, you want to touch them so much ... Your blond hair, fluttering in the wind, looks like ears of wheat on a fine summer day ... Your graceful figure reminds the camp of a swan, noble and magnificent ... You are perfect. I love you!
  • Our meeting was destined for us by heaven. I believe that you are my destiny, and I want to live with you all my life. I love you, my best of all living on Earth ...
  • My feeling for you is difficult to describe in words... When I don't hear your sonorous voice, when I don't see you, the whole world becomes gray and insignificant. I want to spend more and more time with you, I want to take care of you, get to know you, your interests, outlook on life. I want to become one with you, so that no one and nothing can separate us. I love you so much…!
  • I remember that wonderful day when we met. It was early autumn. I immediately liked your graceful gait, your impeccable taste in clothes, and when I heard your sweet voice and saw your gaze, charming and mysterious, I fell in love like a boy. And now in my thoughts only you, only you alone. I want our relationship to become stronger and stronger. I want to confess, I love you, my beauty!
  • Every hour, every minute, every second of my life is filled with thoughts of you, my love. I wake up and fall asleep thinking only of you alone. You are the best thing in my life. I am grateful to God that we met on that sunny spring day. I will do my best to always be together!
  • Wherever I am, whatever I do, I think of you. I really hope that I am also in your thoughts, and that you, like me, are also looking forward to our meeting. Just a little bit more and we will be there, we will enjoy each other to the last drop.
  • Today I want to confess to you ... I love you, more than life, more than anyone in the world. You are alone in my thoughts and in my heart. I can't imagine my life without you, my beautiful nymph.
  • I feel bad without you, I miss you very much. The world without you loses color and fades. I want to be right next to you. Hug your fragile shoulders, kiss your tender plump lips, stroke your blond hair. You are an angel, you are the most beautiful girl in the world! Be mine forever, I love you very much!

Poems declaration of love to a girl to take for the soul

It is unlikely that a woman's heart will remain indifferent if poetic lines are dedicated to her. A declaration of love to a girl in verse can be presented to her in a letter. If you have never observed a talent for rhyming in yourself, then you can resort to the help of the classics. It doesn’t matter if this poem is long and touching, or short and humorous, what matters is its meaning and correspondence with your feelings.

There will be morning, there will be coffee,

There will be a fresh croissant

Rose petals, perhaps

I'll make the bed myself

I will give you the morning

What a girl's dream.

Not on purpose, as if

How you dreamed.

Scarlet paint on asphalt

Right under your window

I will write "Happiness, hello !!!"

Let them laugh! Does not matter!

I don't care about gossip

And that there will be hands in the paint.

I love. And I will do

Anything to get you out of boredom

Everything to make you smile at me

Everything for you to wait for the dawn

For the morning to be

The best in this life.

For the whole world to see

How I love you, dear!

To the first ray of dawn

Playing in your hair

I was envious at the same time,

Understanding nothing.

He won't stand a chance

Though he kisses your eyelids.

He will leave and I will stay

With the best person.

You came to me from a children's fairy tale:

Gentle, naive, simple.

Your magic hides your eyes,

Taking you into secrets.

Your laughter is a magical song for me

It sounded, and now there is no rest.

Life has become much more interesting

And it doesn't matter what's wrong with me.

I just want to be with you all my life

Watch the stars fall with you

And stroke your hair with your hand.

Choose words simple for recognition,

That I love you incredibly!

All flowers at your feet, dear one!

My life is in you alone, my love!

To drown in your eyes is happiness!

Don't save me, please don't...

I'm ready to confess to you today

What the soul sings from this look.

I look into your eyes carefully:

Do not frighten away this quiet tenderness!

The whole world is ready to give for the opportunity

To drown in your eyes endlessly.

Maybe this is called love

See the look and forget everything in the world?

I don't know who will reveal the secret to me,

Who will answer this question for me.

Of one thing I am infinitely certain:

I don't need this world without you!

I am ready to be the most sensitive and faithful

Under the influence of a magical look.

Exclusive declarations of love for the most beautiful girl

It is already very difficult for men to talk about their feelings, and when your girlfriend is the best, it is hardly possible at all. Then you need to try to show all your talents. Write for your one and only those exclusive words that are intended only for her alone.

Show originality. Give her not just a banal postcard with a ridiculous confession, but create an ode to your love (even in prose). The most exclusive and original for the most beautiful girl in the world.

  1. My precious, I have been looking for you for so long and painfully. And when I met your eyes, I realized that I could no longer be without you. My life without you has no meaning. You are the one for whom I will go to the ends of the world. You are my dream, my reward, my love... Every minute of my life is devoted only to you. The whole world is in your eyes. Your voice is the song of my joy. I thank fate for the fact that you met me, that you are mine! You are my life!
  2. My only one, you know that you are everything to me! Without your presence, I'm dying. We have been together for so long that we have become kindred spirits. I feel when you are in pain, when you are scared, when your lips are touched by a smile. And I strive to protect you, wrap you in my arms, press you to my heart. I will never give you away to somebody! I don't love you, but I adore you, my girl!
  3. I don't know if there is a stronger feeling than love. You have dramatically changed my life. Now I know what to live for and what true genuine happiness is. My heart is filled with joy when I see you. All my thoughts are devoted only to you ... I live only for you! I want to give you only joy and moments filled with happiness and warmth. My sun, you are the most precious thing I have! My angel with sparkling eyes!


It is not true that all the words about love have already been said. Every girl wants to hear from her beloved a sincere sincere confession. Let it not be rhyming or let it be even funny. The main thing is that the declaration of love comes from the heart, and the feelings are real.

Every love has its own words, and they are not yet spoken and not imprinted on paper. The most beautiful thing has not yet been said by you. Not always an eloquent look, full of adoration, can make it clear about the degree of love. All the same, you need to try to convey everything in words. Your girlfriend really needs tender words, in which all your love is. Just a couple of phrases will make your beloved smile. Do not forget about the importance of those words that are so desirable and so sweet to a girl's heart.

Do not forget to tell your soul mate how dear she is to you, how much you love her and are afraid to lose her. For confessions, you should not expect a holiday, such as Valentine's Day, remind you of love on an ordinary day. Write at least a short SMS message, but write sincerely, without using template phrases.

The fact that "a woman loves with her ears" is true in a sense. Deeds that prove love are certainly important, but verbal expression of feelings is also not in last place. Love for beautiful ladies has been sung in all ages, it has been an inspiration, a driving force. And now nothing has changed today. Examples of confessions are just a guideline that will help formulate your unusual love confession. Be original in your confessions, and your girlfriend will definitely appreciate it.

Poets spoke about love confessions, writing poetry or prose, and many songs were sung. A beautiful declaration of love to a girl is probably one of the few things that are difficult for a man. There are many ways to show your love to a girl. But whatever you come up with, you need more words to accompany your actions. Women are so arranged that in addition to actions, it is very important for them to hear the words of declarations of love.

It is noticed that not all men or guys are easily given. There are representatives of the stronger sex who can easily pick up beautiful words for a declaration of love, while for others it takes a lot of effort. Therefore, in this article, we have selected some beautiful love and original confessions that can be used as a model, so that in our own words we can express the most beautiful, best love confession to the lady.

The article will be useful especially to those who want to express feelings for their soulmate, but do not know how to say it better. Who find it difficult to find the right words, so they do not dare to say it.

We have divided this list into categories for convenience. Some of them are short and funny, as well as SMS confessions that you can say or write in your own words to your beloved girlfriend, woman or wife. Moreover, we are sure that they will definitely leave a smile on the face of the beloved or touch her feelings to tears. Therefore, if some of these confessions are in tune with your feelings, then you can safely use them to confess to your chosen one, making her heart flutter with joy.

In this list, you will find some interesting phrases that you can use as a guide to let the girl you like know how you feel about her.

  1. When we first met, I was struck by your beauty. Now I can't stop thinking about you because I love you.
  2. You are the reason for my ongoing good mood. I've never had to experience something like this before. For a long time I did not dare to confess to you, but I sincerely say that I love you.
  3. There is something about you that makes you different from other women and that attracts me. I will say that I am pleased to realize this and feel how I loved you with all my heart.
  4. A million scarlet roses, which are sung about in a song, cannot surpass your beauty. I love hearing your voice, love your sweet face and silky hair. My heart is overflowing with love for you and it will never let you down.
  5. I like to see you smiling. Then my day is transformed, even if it is a cold winter or a rainy autumn day. Only a loving heart can do this. I love you.
  6. You have the most captivating smile I have ever seen. When I see her, my heart jumps out of joy and the realization that I found my happiness in loving you. (Some ideas for a beautiful confession you can take from these).

Declaration of love to a girl in your own words

  • After I met you, an arrow of love pierced my heart. You are the woman I have always been looking for and whom I love with all my heart. When I see you, my insides are covered with a wave of pleasant sensations.
  • After meeting you, everything changed in my life. You inspire me every day to become a better person than I was before. I want to tell everyone around me how much I love you.
  • I used to think that I would never meet a girl like you - smart, beautiful, sweet. Now that I know you, I fell head over heels in love. And my greatest desire is to prove to you the sincerity of my feelings.
  • I never thought that a girl would be able to capture my heart and feelings so easily. You succeeded and I am not ashamed to confess my love for such a charming girl.
  • When I first saw you, my heart whispered to me it was her. Although I never thought before this meeting that you can look at a girl for the first time and smile for no reason. Whereas the heart will be captivated by a sweet feeling - love.
  • I fell in love with you from the first day of our acquaintance, although then I did not understand these feelings. An inner voice tells me that you are the perfect woman for me. Only when I see you, I awaken the most beautiful feelings. My declaration of love to my beloved girl, which I am writing to you in my own words, is a desire to let you know about your feelings.
  • Opposites attract according to the laws of magnetism. But it seems that we are two drops of water from the same stream, because we love the same things, dream of the same goals in life and oppose the same stupid rules. I love you. (In this article you can read about)
  • Everything you do brings me joy and makes me smile. I realized that when you love a girl a lot, you will never be sad in her company. And the memories of the time spent with her will brighten up any of my loneliness.
  • People say that I have become a different person. Now I understand that when you fall in love, everything changes in you and around you. That is what happened to me. Loving you has completely changed me.
  • My love will never pass. Even when I am surrounded by problems, and my very existence is presented in gloomy colors, suddenly you appear, and it all disappears like a morning mist. I don't know how you do it, but it makes me love you even more.
  • I have never been disappointed that in my heart the main place belongs to you. Because I know that my life will never be the same again. Because of her love for you, she will become much better in many ways.

Declaration of love to wife

  • You are the beautiful woman in my life who made my life more beautiful. No artist can convey my feelings of love for the owner of such beauty.
  • I fell in love with you not only because you were the most beautiful, but also because you were and continue to be the most extraordinary woman in my life.
  • Life, love and laughter are things that occupy an important place in the life of every person, making him happy. I am happy that I experience all this with the most beloved woman - my wife.
  • I was lonely, waiting for the woman I needed, and now my heart tells me - this is she! Why should I listen to my heart? Because where it is there is my treasure.
  • You are a woman who, even after many years of marriage, is able to make me feel like a boy in love.

  • Darling, I have confidence that loving you with all my heart and continuing to experience these feelings until now is the only right thing that I have ever had to do in my life.
  • There is no other woman like you in the world for me. To love you and see reciprocity in your eyes is to feel like the happiest person on the planet. (Read,).
  • For a poet, you would become a muse, for a traveler - a guiding star. But for me, a simple person, you have become a dream woman - a beloved wife.
  • Loving you is inspiring and uplifting. You are the secret of my night's rest and the fact that I smile every morning when I look at you.

SMS declaration of love to a girl

  • Your smile and joy mean a lot in my life, which would never have become so happy if I had not met and loved you.
  • No matter where I am, I always remember you. This inextricable connection lets me know that you and I are one and look at the world with the same eyes.
  • Is there anything more valuable than our love? With a girl like that, the only measurement I'm interested in is the rhythm of my heartbeat.
  • Of the eight billion people living on earth, half are women. And among all this multitude, love in me broke out precisely for you. (More beautiful sms for your beloved)
  • Words cannot express all that you mean to me. Even such a phrase as I love you sounds like a simple banality in front of my feelings for you.
  • Wherever I am and whatever happens to me, I will think of you every day. I won't get tired of doing this over and over again because I love you.
  • Every time I see you, I smile, and my heart overflows with joy and is warmed by love for you. You are the source of all these feelings in my life.
  • Love for you is like the light of a beacon, illuminating the way home and dispelling the darkness of a dark night. Nothing brightens my path more than the love you have brought into my life.

Short and funny declarations of love

  • With every beat of my heart, I love you more and more. You are the rhythm of my heart, which steadily supports me on the march of my difficult life.
  • I would like to promise you to move mountains or get a star from the sky, but these are hackneyed phrases. One thing I can seriously promise you is to love you all my life.
  • I never thought I could settle down or get serious, but I've changed because I love you. Now my life is better than it was before.
  • It seems to me that thanks to the love for you I soar in the clouds. Because love gives me wings so I can build you a palace in the clouds.
  • Loving you every day is bringing peace to my restless soul. Thanks to this, I know exactly what future lies ahead for me.
  • Loving you is like the air I breathe. The clock ticking in my heart and giving me a reason to live the rest of my life with you.
  • No riches under heaven can change my feelings of love for you.
  • My love for you knows no bounds and you are the reason for all the good things in my life.


They confessed their love and continue to confess both young and old, rich and poor. Each person, experiencing love, tries to let his soulmate know about it. And although it is difficult for many in their own words to say a beautiful declaration of love to a girl, nothing is impossible.

In this article, we examined samples of confessions that a man or a guy can use as a sample, so that, having edited it to suit the characteristics of his chosen one, confess his feelings to her. It is not necessary to write or invent entire poems, just a few short, but beautiful and original lines that can be sent via SMS or said at a meeting to impress your passion.

Sincerely, Andronik Oleg/Anna.

Watch one short video with a beautiful declaration of love.

When the water is blocked
Forest stream, not finding a way,
It will fall from the mountains with a burning waterfall,
To find your hope.
That's how I hide my feeling
The ban was placed on fiery words.
And my heart became cold and empty
The pain made her head spin.
But the feeling again broke all the prohibitions.
Life without you has remained a bad dream.
I'm ready, like Shakespeare, to write sonnets
And sing romances under your window.
I love! And the sun shines brighter.
I love! I strive for you, my star!
And if you agree to answer -
I will be the happiest person in the world!

I won't get tired of confessing my love
My heart is completely captive
Do you want to kneel in front of everyone
And I will shout about love to the whole world.

"Darling, beautiful, beloved!
I am subdued by you forever!
I used to be an ordinary guy
And now - the happiest person!

“There is no more tender, more beautiful girl in the world,
You are beautiful like spring
You inspire like the sun at dawn
you are so flawless, alone!”

You are the most important in my destiny,
All my thoughts and dreams are only about you,
Be mine, love, always
You are my ideal, my dream.
My confessions are bright, pure,
You deserve only admiration
I look forward to meeting you again and again,
You are my only love.

Days run, the thread of time winds.
Every day I understand better
To love you more and more
My dear, I'm starting.

A strong feeling in my heart
Warms the soul, drawing happiness to me.
How warm I am when we are together ...
Sunshine, I love you so much.

I forget about everything next to you
And if we don't see each other, I miss you very much!
Every meeting becomes priceless
After all, you are the most beautiful of all in the universe!

I don't see happiness, I'm a baby without you
I want to say, but you hear me!
You are beautiful and incomparable
And as always unique
After all, I love you alone!
In your eyes I always drown!

Like magic rose petals
And overflowing dreams-desires,
Beautiful curls of hair
And the tenderness of your eyes shine.

You are like a fairy tale incarnation:
Very beautiful and sweet.
You conquered like a vision
And you tamed me.

I breathe with you, I dream with you
I want to protect you
From various troubles and all suffering,
After all, you give me a reason to live.

In my destiny you are a bright angel,
That shines and disturbs the soul.
I won't stop loving you
And I will forever admire.

I want to confess to you
And in warm feelings to explain.
'Cause I didn't think I could
Fall in love so hard.

When I look at you
Every time I understand
How much I love you
What kind of family are you to me!

You're the girl of my dreams,
You are like a light in a window to me!
Everywhere only you, always only you.
Do you love me even a little?

Poems declaration of love to a girl

I lived like everyone else: I threw words into the wind.
He was unrestrained, rude and frivolous.
But the day came when I met you -
And this incident changed everything.
I say goodbye to my troubled youth,
Ready to take it seriously.
Princess! Love me like this
I swear: I will become different for you!
I bear my confession to you alone,
I repeat, like a spell, again and again:
You are the only charm for me
Dream, hope, faith and love!

My love yearns for you
Passion foams and rushes,
Feelings avalanche I can not hold,
I can't resist your beauty.
My confessions, dear, accept,
You're the girl of my dreams,
I always want to be with you
May our path be illuminated by a bright star.

You are brighter than the sun, there is no more beautiful than you,
You radiate a miraculous bright light
I love you so much - beyond words,
I'll try to convey this with deeds!

You are the girl of my dreams, from a fairy tale,
Ready to bathe you in dreams and affection,
I love you so much that there are no words.
Let the spell of flowers speak instead of me!

When I see you -
Warmer at heart
Brighter sun, louder sound
Cheerful heart.
I would like every day
Look into your eyes,
To be alone with you
Kiss by the moon.
I love you very much
Be happy - I say!

Sweet and dear! tender,
Kind, dear!
I love you so much
What makes me go crazy!

There is no such thing as love!
There are no more girls like this!
And my passion - does not go out!
You are my life! You are the light of the sun!

Child of the Goddess, nymph, rose...
No, it's not that ... but how to say?
You will warm in the cold from the frost,
You can show love...

Again, not that ... I'm so worried ...
Admitting feelings is not easy.
Love you! I'm jealous of everyone!
I don't have that right...

Forgive me for these lines
I only disturbed your peace...
But know I'm very lonely
When I'm not with you!

When I saw you for the first time
I knew right away that I was completely lost.
Without you, the whole world is invisible to me now.
You are the one I dreamed about for so many years.
Darling, I want you to know
What are you to me heaven and earth,
That only dreams are connected with you.
I'll just say: "You are my love!"

A beautiful declaration of love to a beloved girl

I woke up very early myself
And watching you
Yesterday I noticed something very strange
How pure are you in your soul in a dream ...
I have loved for a very long time
How did you see the dreams quietly ...
And I touched your cheeks
Gentle lips lightly ...
The light from the sun shone brightly
And you opened your eyes...
You are the best gift
Which fate gave!

I try to breathe, but there is no air,
I'm trying to sleep, but dawn broke.
I'm trying to gather my thoughts into a fist
It's just that I can't get it out.
I see your eyes in the glow of the stars,
I seem to be entangled in the shackles of dreams.
Your name trembles on my lips
My will with you is immeasurably weak.
Your image is so gentle, so gentle look,
I am always glad to see your smile.
I cherish my hopes in my thoughts
About the fact that I dare to confess my love.

Every meeting I worry
I'm waiting for your every call
Falling in love more and more every time
To your beautiful one!

Let the years run like thoughts
My feelings are the same as always -
I can't imagine life without you
Even if I'm not nice to you yet.

I don't want to let you go...
I love you like life
Blooming spring and willow lashes ...
I want to give my life to you
Once forever in your network ...

You deserve only admiration
Accept my declarations of love,
You give me warmth and affection
With you, life is like a fairy tale.
I want to be with you always
You are my ideal, guiding star,
I love you, I love you
With you next to me, I just melt.

I want to confess to you
I love you madly
You warm my soul
With you I'm like in a beautiful dream!
And there is no one better
And I don't need anything
I only want to be with you
With my beloved, dear!

My girl is sweet, tender...
There is nothing dearer to me than you, believe me!
You are my angel, my serene,
My joy is in the stream of days!

You are the only one kept in the heart,
The one that is so dear to him,
And my destiny is you, my love
In my thoughts you are the only one!

I will never get tired of repeating
One phrase that is sweeter than all:
I love you, my sun is desired!
Every day it gets stronger and stronger!

Honey, I'm being honest
You just won me over!
I have never met in my life,
Girls are prettier than you.

I will open my soul to you
I give you the key to my heart
I won't hide my feelings from you
Honey, I love you!

Letter of declaration of love to a girl to tears

What are my earthly dreams without you!
And why do I need the sun without you!
All the charms of spring are useless
If you turn away not loving.
If from the touch of a hand
A shiver runs through the body sweetly,
So we are a little, but close,
So you won't be gone forever.
I will humbly wait for an answer,
I will keep a gentle look in my thoughts.
And the colors in this world will explode,
If you answer me: "I love!"

I can talk for hours
What I love, I love you.
But, perhaps, it is better to do things ...
I will make your dreams come true!

I'm ready to anticipate desires
Eavesdrop on your dreams and dreams
To earn cherished recognition
I will do whatever you want...

I will make surprises
I will make you happy
Soft, adorable, sweet!
From the first meeting you conquered me!

Today I confess: I love you,
And so I hope for reciprocity,
You make my dream come true
And you make me happy.
You are the epitome of beauty
When I see you, I just freeze
You deserve only the best
I adore and adore you!

Where you are, there are smiles and flowers,
Beloved, only admiration is worthy of you,
Accept confession again and again
Let love rule the world.
If only you were by my side,
And I don't need more happiness
I will never meet more faithfully and faithfully,
You are my other half.

You are very loved by me
I think about you day and night
And without you I'm sad
I'm sad, I miss and I yawn.
Please give me your love!

I love you dear
You are my desire.
Very dear to the heart
And you are gentle at heart.
Days and nights without you
Like years.
Let fate prophesy me
To be with you forever.

I fell in love with you without memory
And I lost my peace and sleep
I melted into your love
I must be laughing now...

But I'm not at all ashamed
The feelings that took over me
On the contrary, I am proud
What we saw with you

Managed not to pass
Each other in the bustle of the world.
I know there's a lot ahead
Waiting in this life for you and me.

But I also know that we
Let's not stop loving each other
And in the souls even in the middle of winter,
Spring will never stop blooming.

Hello, I'm writing for a reason today,
I want to tell you a secret
Promise me, I only ask
You won't tell it to anyone.
Let me start by saying something happened
It all happened recently
Happiness happened to me
And my heart seemed to come alive.
I loved so much, with all my heart,
I fell in love with one girl, there is no equal,
I always think about her at night
She is my bright, wondrous light.
And you know, she's so beautiful
And her voice is gentle and beautiful,
And I'm not afraid to die for her
I like her for a long time!
And you know, I won't play around
I can only say one thing for sure
You are a girl with beautiful eyes
Which I love so much!

You are a magician, a dream
pleasure, beauty,
Always burn for me
My heart has been shattered!

I admire you
I adore, I adore
I will do everything for you
You are my queen!

Feelings captivating volcano
inspirational ocean
I give you one
Gentle, sweet, dear!

Declaration of love to a girl in your own words

Perhaps only now, for the first time in the entire path I have traveled, I realized how deep and poignant the feelings that engulf me can be. One has only to imagine you, and emotions fill everything around. You woke dormant tenderness and passion, you turned my usual sensations of the world upside down. I am completely fascinated and madly in love.

My dear, the best girl on this Earth. I don’t know what is happening in your soul, I just want to say that for me getting to know you is the best thing that has happened to me lately, I am grateful to the Almighty that I met you, I can’t imagine how I would live, no knowing you. I love you.

My sun, my queen, the smartest, beautiful, adored, beloved, dear, sweet, dear, angelically beautiful, absolutely incomparable, the most exciting and even magical, certainly delightful, a little impressionable, graceful, dizzying, precious! I love you!!!

My dear, my angel, my sun, my soul. You are always beautiful and irresistible, kind and sincere with me, you give me a feeling of flight of the soul and freedom to my feelings, you have become a dear and important person for me. I love you.

My dear, you have become for me my air of happiness and good luck, my bright hopes and joyful moments, my inspiration and stimulus to life. You have become a dear and very important person for me, I love you, sunshine.

The beginning of every love story is like the beginning of a new book not yet written. Its pages are still empty and are waiting to be filled with new conversations and events. I was thinking, maybe we should write our own book about you and me? It seems to me that it will turn out to be an exciting novel with many pages. Because since I saw you, all thoughts are only about you, and in my head there are already plots for ten chapters, at least.

Since the first time I saw you, I have lost peace and sleep. I constantly think about you alone and want to be near. I miss when you are away and rejoice when she returns. I like to look into your eyes, they are so big, because they reflect the whole world, which is so dear to me and without which I can’t do it anymore. I love you!

Only with you I realized what it means to be truly happy and that without love there is no real life. You are the one I think about 61 seconds a minute ... I will always admire you, my beauty!

Short words of a declaration of love to a girl in prose

All songbirds are ready to gather in a choir, just to decorate your speeches with their singing, and I, like them, are always ready to be there to share with you all joys and sorrows, to meet dawns with you and see off the sun to sunset, to be always together, my love.

Sometimes I'm just afraid to look directly into your beautiful eyes, because I'm just scared that I might fall in love with you even more.

I love you madly! You are the most precious person in the world! Please forgive me for all the bad things I've done! I really appreciate you and our relationship!

You warm my soul, you illuminate my life, with you I am like in a happy dream, you are a miracle, I love you!

I love you with all my heart, adore you with all my body, adore you with all my soul, because no one will ever compare to you, you are the only one like that! You are the most beautiful, tender, affectionate and desired by me!

I want to confess to a stunning and charming, alluring and incredibly beautiful girl - I love you! You are my inspiration, motivation and reward. The most needed person in the whole world. You make the world around you better by your very existence. I adore you!

My dear charmer, my soul and joy, you have become a dear and significant person in my life for me, you gave me happiness and hope, faith in myself and unearthly feelings. I want to tell you that I love you and cherish you dearly.

It seems to me that I met exactly my soul mate, which I had been waiting for all my life. Your laughter, your smile I dream of every night. I do not find a place for myself when we are not around. I want to be always with you. I love you with all my soul and with all my heart.

What could be more beautiful and desirable in the world than love? After all, it is this feeling that makes you soar in the sky, forgetting about all the problems and worries. But no matter how strong feelings are, sometimes it is so difficult to express them in words, picking up and saying all that is necessary and important about your feelings.

You can confess your love to the girl you like in an original and beautiful way thanks to the confessions presented on the pages of our site. Only we have collected the warmest, sensual and beautiful confessions not only in prose, but also in poetry, romantic wishes. Or maybe you are a quivering girl who is afraid to be the first to tell a young man about her feelings? Then our declarations of love will help you take this important first step in your life, thereby subtly hinting about your pure and romantic feelings for him alone.

Let declarations of love become a boundary for you, which will resolve your further relationship, give them certainty and confirm your mutual desire to be together forever.

It happens like this, you love a young man or a girl, and he (she) also knows about it, but does not dare to take the first step. But, even when you decide to take this first step and confess your feelings, the second question arises: “How beautiful is it to confess your love?”.

How often do we want to hear words of love from the lips of a loved one. And how rarely do we ourselves tell our loved ones and loved ones about our feelings ...

How often gentle affectionate words are torn from the heart. And you are ready not just to talk - to shout about your love! But the person you love is far away...

And sometimes love just tears the soul apart. Because you love, but you don't know if it's mutual. Are you worried, embarrassed, afraid to admit - what if your love is not accepted, what if now is "not the most opportune moment"? And you wait, postponing "until a better opportunity." And a loved one feels the same and is just as shy, waiting for the "case". But the chance never comes. And then suddenly you realize that it's too late to say something ...

The most suitable moment for a declaration of love is the moment when you feel love! Stop waiting! Use every chance, every opportunity to express your feelings!

Declare your love to the whole world! Tell your loved ones how much you love them! Give your loved one your warmth, tenderness and affection!

Confess your love, say "I love you!" or just affectionate words to your loved one right now! And get recognition in return!

You are my happiness, my heart, my life! I love you!

I love you for your insanely beautiful eyes that look at me with tenderness and care. I love you for your hot body that warms me at night. I love you for your hot kisses that intoxicate me!

I love you, and I want the whole world to know about it, but at the same time it was our little secret. I want to read you like an open book, but at the same time try to unravel the secret that is hidden inside you...

Today I met a girl who I really liked. We talked for a long time, walked around the city together, and then I even took her home. And then I realized that I love her very much and want to be with her always.

You don't even know how much I love you! During the day I meet many different girls passing by me, but none of these girls will ever stir my heart like you, only you can do it! All my life I dreamed of a girl like you... Affectionate, smart, beautiful, tender, the list is endless. You are incredibly unique among all the girls that I have ever seen. You are the only girl I want to be with forever.

Every morning, as soon as I wake up, the first thing I think about is you. I think about you during the day, and before falling asleep, and even in my sleep. And if I suddenly wake up at night, then I think about you again, after which a smile appears on my face, because I know that I will definitely dream about you, and I know that soon I will see you in reality. And when I see, I will breathe in the smell of your hair, look into your beautiful eyes, touch your tender lips, feel your heartbeat and your warm breath.

Even if not so much time has passed since we met, but I am completely sure that I want to live with you all my life, besides, I can’t imagine it without you. And believe me, with me you will be the happiest girl in this World, I will save you from all adversity and problems, I will do everything so that you do not know sadness and sadness, I will do everything so that you always smile the way you do now!

I love you so much that you can't even imagine!

What is love? Each person endows this word with his own special “content”. For someone, love is an unbridled passion, for someone it is an endless series of romantic events, for someone it is unthinkable, crazy deeds. The moment when you appeared in my life was an amazing discovery for me - I understood what love is for me. From the first day of our acquaintance, tender, bright feelings tremble in my chest, intensifying with each of your calls, messages, with each meeting. Now I can draw a clear line between the feeling of sympathy, falling in love and the feeling of love that I feel for you.

I love you! My love is not a dream or a fairy tale. My love is something intangible, it is the unity of souls. It cannot be measured by the number of our meetings, any of your actions, gifts and other romantic nonsense. I love every line of your face, every moment of our sometimes short meetings. Know that my feelings do not depend on whether you are near, they will not cool down, even if thousands of kilometers separate us. First of all, spiritual intimacy is important to me, but when you are far away, I often close my eyes and feel you nearby, your intermittent breathing, your gentle voice and the dune touch of your strong, courageous hands.

You are my air. I want to live for you. It is important for me to know everything about you, about your experiences and dreams. I will be grateful if you let me share with you every moment of your life, no matter if it is sad, full of sorrows, or joyful. You are all for me! Before we met, I could not even imagine that it is possible to know a person so well, and at the same time feel that there is still so much unsolved in him. With you, every “I love you” sounds like the first time. I love that feeling when you are near, because with you you can not hide behind masks, you can be yourself, talk on any topic.

My feelings for you cover me completely, give me the strength to become better every day, work on myself, develop spiritually and physically. You opened a new person in me, a new potential. Next to you, I feel free, you do not set limits and boundaries for me, you give me the opportunity to make decisions on my own. I can't help but love you and myself when I'm next to you.

I love you! But I don't want to scream about our love, I want it to be our little secret. I cannot know what lies ahead for us, but I know for sure that my love does not depend on what is happening in the outside world. I will fight for our relationship, for our love. You are the meaning of my life. I will be infinitely happy if you share my feelings.

You are a wonderful and very dear person to me. I really want you to be (a) happy (a), and I will be grateful to you if you allow me to take part in this.

I keep you very carefully in my heart ... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips uttered, every second that we were there. You completely and completely filled my soul and heart with you ... and my heart can not be without you ... I love you baby!

You are my happiness, my heart, my life!
I love you!

I'm sorry, but I can't find tender words.
I just want to say that I love you.

My sweet baby. I love and adore you. I think that even the most beautiful confessions still do not reflect your angelic beauty and tenderness, love and affection. I love you!

If one day there comes a day when there is no room left in my heart for you, it will be the darkest day of my life. Then there will not be a drop of joy left in him, and life will lose its meaning. I love you.

I will give you the dawn, the moon and stars, moonlight. And a breath of breeze, as gentle as a touch of lips. I will give myself to you, because I love you!

You warm my soul, you illuminate my life, with you I am like in a happy dream, you are a miracle, I love you!

A declaration of love to a girl is an exciting and important step in the life of any guy, man. A declaration of love to your wife is a touching reminder of your feelings that can add more warmth and romance to family life. These confessions can sound equally beautiful both in prose and in verse. However, in both cases it is important that the confession be beautiful and sincere, as in these confessions.