Comic telegram with adjective adjectives. General congratulations on guests (adjectives)

At the beginning of a feast, for example, before the release of Santa Claus, a leading (or snow maiden) offers guests to participate in the compilation of the letter to Santa Claus. The essence of the game: those present you need to call any (preferably funny, unusual, original) adjectives. The presenter (Snow Maiden) fits these words, and then read what happened. We offer a comic letter of Santa Claus for the corporate celebration of the New Year. By analogy, you can make any fun text for friends.

Lead (Snow Maiden): "Dear guests! Let's all be writing a letter together to our beloved Grandfather Frost. I have already compiled text, but I forgot (a) to enter adjectives. Therefore, I need your help: call me any adjectives, only preferably funny and original, and I will record them. Thus, we will have a collective message. So, who we have the most witty? .. "(so as not to stretch this game and activate guests, you can promise a souvenir for the most witty adjective).

_______________ Santa Claus!

All ____________ Guests look forward to yours ______________ arrival. Our ___________________ men spend _______________ Men to spend old year, which brought a lot of everything _______________ events. We put on the table _______________ a snack and _______________ alcohol, included _____________ music and guess ______________ desire. The new year is the most ______________ holiday per year. We are with ______________ mood we will talk _______________ toasts, drive for you _______________ dance, dance _____________ Dancing! Finally will come _______________ New Year! How I do not want to talk about _______________ work. But we promise that next year we will work _______________ and receive only ______________ salary. We really hope that the new 2016 will bring all the gathered many ______________ adventures, _____________ Successes in work and _____________ Luck in love!

In this ______________________ and __________________

evening when on _________________ Sky burn _______

stars, behind this ___________ table, in this _________

the hall gathered _____________ ladies and at least ______ _________ Cavalers to congratulate our ______

Jubiesta. We wish her ________________

Smiles, ________________,

Friends, ________________ Success

and love. Today in honor of our jubilee we will sing _______________ songs, _____

Give gifts and drink _____________

wine. On our ______________ Party will be __________________ Jokes _______________ jokes _____________________ Dancing, Shmannians and _________

Firman. We will play in ________

Games and put ________________

scenes. Let our birthday name be the most _________________ and _________________________.

And now in the program Doping - control

Unmistakable alcohol test.

Get ready to answer

Only "yes" Ile only "no".

Hall smiles sogret

We continue the holiday?

We will celebrate then

Let's say boredom together?

Anniversary beautiful bouquet

Need to her, of course?

Together cry for all the world

Love jubilex?

Because of this, then

Will she cry?

And then collect ballet

Are we striptease?

Happiness long year

Do we wish Gale?

Doping - control You have passed very well.

And now, dear guests,

You can not sit until infinity

Is it time to cross the limbs.

Music sounds again

We invite you to dance.

Dear birthday girl!

Let's not do long deviations,

Let's start with heart congratulations

Galya was born in a big and friendly family, she has 5 native brothers and 4 native sisters, as well as many cousins \u200b\u200band sisters and a whole army of nephews and nieces. But the most expensive and beloved people for her were and remaining children: wonderful, beautiful daughter Nastya and Male shoulder for his beloved Mom's beautiful son Sergey.

On the soul always peace

When children are with you

They say now

Mom good words. (Nastya and Seryozha)

Dear Galina Valentinovna, your son is invited to a slow dance, Sergey.

(song D. Malikov "Happy Birthday, Mom)

So raise our spells,

Each, taking its wine,

Let's drink for the anniversary

And for a friendly family of her.

Let my life be rich.

And happiness will not leave your threshold

How little we wish you alarms

But they still do not avoid

So let them be forces to win.

(Song gr. Freestyle "Happy Birthday, Mom")

Riddle. What is encrypted in this poem.

For the letter G, only the heart beats.

For the letter, but only blood is boiling.

For the letter l only the heart whines.

For the letter I soul hurts.

Beautiful, tender and cheerful,

Charming, crazy

Always beloved and in love

The soul is forever young

With fire in the chest, with a dream in the heart,

Incomprehensible like a star

And an undelivered riddle

You stay forever!

Today's holiday is not just just

Please prepare for toast.

And we continue to congratulations to our jubilee.

Wovu and Nina.

Parachina Olya, Misha and Pasha.

You have an anniversary today

Yes not simple, and gold

We could believe soon

That you have forty.

Lovely appearance, gentle

Well, how so do not fall in love

In all matters you are good

And you can be proud of life.

Achieved in it just 5

And continue to strive

Example be the light emit

In matters to be the first craftswoman.

Results early to supply

They are increasingly submitted

And you just need to live bright

You can manage it like.

Yes, be happy and continue

In friends, work, longevity

So that all enemies wander

And as always in everything there is a lady!

More scenario !!!

LEADING: The magnificent hall of our restaurant, a wonderful chibathy table, live music - all this today prepared for his closest guests the guilt of today's holiday.
And today he will definitely take place, and he will not be just a holiday, but an anniversary. It seems to me that time under stormy applause, to an excellent music to invite a wonderful and always young woman to our hall - charming and attractive Olga, the culprit of the celebration!
Your applause, dear friends!
Music accompaniment sounds - fanfares, at hand with her husband, son and daughter in the hall included a birthday girl, which on this day marks 50 years.

"Balls of desires for a birthday room"

LEADING:Fifty - it's a bit, but already a lot, really have something to tell, remember, much I want to forget. Fifty already a lot was, but it was in fifty everything can still happen!
Surprise day after day, year after year, bringing with you and joy, and sorrow of the loss. But, if our Oblaj loved, dreamed, worked - then the golden birthday comes to her as a reward.
And, let, today is only fifty - our Olga is young, like forty years ago.
Therefore, all those present wishing the birthday girl in the affairs of good luck, a huge amount of bright and clear days, love, health and peace, happiness in all, real friends, and long - long years.

Now I want the guests present to make their wishes for birthdaynice, wrote it on symbolic balls, and the birthday name Olga sent them to the sky!

The guests are distributed to the inflated gel balls, markers, they write their wishes on them, then everyone goes to the street, the jubilee's applause sends them to the sky.
All guests are suitable for the birthday girl, congratulate her, give gifts. The presenter invites everyone at the table.

First toast

LEADING:Dear Olga! Today is a special holiday evening, at a festive table, in a circle of the closest friends, relatives, your family you meet your golden anniversary. I do not want to open a holiday by pathetic speeches, not the banal words "raise our glasses", and these words that go from the soul
I really want that today evening is the warmest and cheerful evening in your life, so that congratulations sounded today - once a hundred, no less, let the brightest dance program take place today, the most funny songs, a sea of \u200b\u200brelevant jokes will be.
I want today evening to become the warmest and cheerful evening in your life, so that congratulations sounded today - once a hundred, no less, let the brightest dance program take place today, the most funny songs, a sea of \u200b\u200brelevant jokes will be.
Mark your anniversary together, so everyone needs to pour into the glasses, and you need to drink for a birthday room - the youngest, fun and clockwork jubilee!

Second toast

LEADING: Who knows, would be the life path of our Birthday of Olga so light and clean, could pass it without obstacles, if on the way she did not meet her love - one and forever - a good man named Oleg, with whom together in love and creativity were raised Beautiful children - Inna and Sasha.
Dear friends, let's invite you to pronounce a toast to the loving husband and the faithful friend Olga - her husband Alexei!

Those toast

LEADING:Dear Olga! We know exactly that you will not leave the anniversary in life, he will overtake everyone, like a bird. But, the main thing, through life skillfully carry the heat of the heart, a particle of souncest.
And you are just such a woman, a woman with a big heart, beautiful soul. And not in vain loves you your Alexey, and no wonderful children were born from your love - Inna and Sasha.
Therefore, I want to pronounce the third toast on the holiday for the greater power that we all call love!

All subsequent toas leads providing guests to those present. They get up, fill their glass, are presented to guests.

Gypsy output "Hey, Romale"

In Gypsies, you can wear birthday friends, in advance pickup costumes and script. Well, if a group of gypsies is large and multiged, with tambourines and ratchets in hand. They can manipulate their scarves, shalms, making them "circle-dance", entering into it gadgets, and the "gate", passing the public in them. You can connect the theater team - "Gypsy" with a rich "bear" performing various commands. It will be great if two - three guitarist will perform gypsy songs live.

The company Roma under the tallers of Gypsy songs dance, stick to the birthday girl, offering to pay.

Gypsy 1.Ay, Chavale, young blue-eyed, do not look around, look at us. Chuchom Chase, you want our fate! The gild is a pen, preciously, the card by fan decompose - we will tell the whole truth, do not utter anything. Wolf legs feed, and gypsies - cards!

Gypsy 4 substitutes a huge wallet

Blocks in the Gypsy Wallet Cash - how much is not a pity - yes one map of Trani any ... Looks not to pay!

The birthday girl pulls out the card, Gypsy 1 explains its meaning. Comic Maps (several) so you can predict anything. Gypsy 2 acts forward, interrupting it.

Gypsy 2.Ah, diamond you are ours, diamond, try again to experience destiny -
At the Gypsy "Bottie" to pay ...
Show money! Round money - Tsyganka Double.
Gypsy about your destiny, everything as it will tell - it is not suitable, the money in vain will not disappear!

Gypsy 4 revealed revealed and already empty wallet

The money right hand you throw
And lower the left hand in the pot.
There are a lot of things in it, but all of you do not take
And something one for yourself choose!

In the pot, covered with a handkerchief, the objects are folded. The birthday girl, not looking, takes out the subject from under the handkerchief, Gypsy 2 explains its value.

Objects from the Gypsy pot.

1. Ring - to the emergency wedding of children, change in personal life.
2. The nasal scarf is to parting with childhood, there is soon chagrin.
3. Flower - to success and prosperity in affairs, to popularity at the opposite sex.
4. Sweetie - to tempting proposals, mild and sweet life.
5. Borya bread - to dietary tests
6. Button - to a large family, to adding in the family.
7. Coin - to profits, wealth, unexpected inheritance, the emergence of a financial patron.
8. Bird Feather - to the ambiguing news, unexpected news, news.
9. The key is to a new home, apartment, awareness, change of residence.
10. Horseshoe - to full happiness in life.
11. Slice - to good health.
12. Tape or tape - to a long road, a long trip.
13. Bubrenchik - to the ambulance, great fun.
14. Bob or beans - to family well-being, mutual understanding in the family, love of relatives.

After divination, the revealed subject is returned back to the pot. Gypsy 3 acts forward, interrupting Gypsy 2.

Gypsy 3 comes to the wife of a birthday man

Gypsy 3. A, Yichontty you are our, pearl, see:
Here is an old chest with a black hand of an old gypsy inside!
If you are bold in the shower
That hand is giving you for a cute business.
The most important,
So that you gave a gypsy paper paper ...

Gypsy 4 reiterates an empty wallet.

Gypsy 4: And there will be a copper money -
It will become a gypsy harmful.
Decale money
Yes, carefully open the chest!

The wife of the birthday party opens the chest, there are rolled up the notes in the tube with predictions.

Gypsy 3:Any scroll of Take, do not be very smalleled,
The black hand of the old gypsy is not woken!

At that moment, when the husband's wife takes a note, Gypsy 3 through the rear wall, decorated with a black fringe, encourages the "Hand of the Old Tsygan" and covers his hand.
Hand - a rubber glove with glued shreds of wool and nails. Then the wife of the birthday girl is asked to read a removal note aloud.

Note from Gypsy Chest

1. Beware of random relationships, remember: all-looking spouses - always with you. Why do you need such problems?

2. Distributing proposals to take a walk for someone else's account, especially with Kum remember: free cheese - only in a mousetrap. Calculate with percent!

3. The event you started with your wife - will not succeed, children will come. If you want to be happy - change the plans!

4. Soon you will become the subject of adoration of employees for work, but do not surrender the feelings whole, they are pleasing in them, they are all - their wife's girlfriends!

5. You can lose something very important, be careful, do not forget the snack in the wallet!

6. With a slight effort on you, this year it is possible to change the place of work to another with the best conditions.

7. In the near future, the wrath of anger from your boss is flew. Be alert and must adequately reflect undeserved attacks!

8. You are waiting for the wind of distant wanderings - a romantic journey with his wife!

9. Soon it is possible to change your family position, you have another grandson!

10. You hide the secret that torments you. Is it time to open up your loved ones, because you still sleep with a plush teddy bear!

11. Avoid abundant feasts and fun companies: it's time to listen to your health, it will not be late!

Gypsy 1. Well, my dear Olga and Alexey! We knocked you all the best, and now it's time to go on the road, our husbands are strict, do not like it when they do not come from work for a long time.
The bird is twitched, the rooster sings,
And we do not mind if someone "fuel" one hundred grams nallet
And the guests are expensive, for the health of Olga Ryumuchka tilter into the mouth!

Texts of comic telegrams for birthday, anniversary

"Congratulations on your birthday. He is on the way. I will live tomorrow morning."

"Although I am inconvenient and changeable, I never happen bad. Therefore, I accept me today what I am"

"Pey, Gulyi if only I had enough"

"It is not enough to squeeze so long, stroking me. We finally have a decision"
(Wine glass vodka)

"I am descended as always on your birthday."

"Do not drink without me"

"I want to cuddle to your knees or chest"

"Happy Birthday Dear, I will be with you three more days"
(Salad Olivier)

"You're all drinking and you thought about me"

Ask your friends to not scare me as last time "

Already deformed when the dancing will start "

Oh and unwind me today.

"Ah, when will all go when we stay alone and you will start to look at me."

Be careful we can not keep you "

Thanks for the holiday I will come in a year. "

"From such physical exertion you can and fuck."

"If I hiss - do not be offended, because it is from the feelings overwhelming me."

"Report: The work began with creak!"

"Today you will listen only to us"
(Congratulations and wishes)

"As we hate your birthday. If your friends will turn with us, you will stay without your us. "
"Congratulations. I wish you on my birthday at rush with me. "

"I want to capture this wonderful birthday" -.

"We are ready to pour tears about your outgoing years."

"I want to congratulate the birthday name, not, step on my throat."

"I allow me to get drunk today, I still do not offer me."

"I am glad for you and Tyu from happiness."
(Cold or ice cream)

"Slug in comparison with your charm."

"I am ready to blow your sail!"

"We wish us come true."

"Sorry, I'm in the fur coat. Help remove. "

"Festive illumination take on yourself."

"Here you all drink, and thought about me?"

"Who wishes to congratulate me cut me!"

"Do not be sad that it broke up with us. Next year we promise to be more often. "

"If you get up, there's nothing to do with me" -.

"Maybe I am a fool, but how nice to feel boredom."

"Shine with black streams of joy."

"You celebrate, and we will wait." .

"I promise your birthday not to wake up."

"I forgive you that you do not notice me."

"Forget sorrow, give me."

"Already ready to inflate."

"Tuk, Tuk, Tuk, that's me! Open the door!"

"Cute, I know, on this birthday you wanted to part with me. I beg, do not throw me. "

"Waiting, when everyone goes to say:" You are now mine! ""
(Dirty dishes)

SMS - from pop stars
On the eve of our holiday, pop stars congratulated the stars. They have long and sincerely gave her compliments to her. Now I suggest you listen to audio recordings of these phone calls.

Alla called first.
She learned about the anniversary.
And he hello to you.
And the birthday advice:
Rest ...

And immediately after Pugacheva Alcalka
Called her buddy - Galkin.
In the soul he did not restrain
Jubiolese only repeated:
I saw a lot of girls in life ...

Kirkorov Philip, words do not regret
In love is recognized on the day of the anniversary:
I sleep badly at night ...

And Basque does not lag behind him.
Today, Olga he sings:
My lovely...

Prime Minister Musicians
Today we all opened the mystery.
That song where the eyes like diamonds
They were dedicated to Olga:
Two diamonds ...

Smelted another man.
And Olga is the reason:
I love you to tears ...

Kirkorov did not asson.
I went to the Kabak and got drunk there.
He called Olga again
And he spoke to her:
I raise my glass ...

And Dima Malikov her gently, secretly,
Locked the line of this:
You are alone, you're like this ...

Pieha Stas was in a hurry somewhere in cases.
Let me listen to what will tell us:
I will give you ...

Battery is bored
In cold and snow-covered Moscow
Dished with longing Soso Pavliashvili
"Well, where are you, honey? Where are you?"
Waiting for the Georgian ...

As time went. Kirkorov drank.
Wine did not cool the dust:
My only one...

And all men, burning burning,
Told, admiring without hiding:
What a woman...

And congratulations continued.
And, happiness all the illness,
Birthday culprit on his birthday
We could only hear the words:
I wish you...

And at the end of the concert stars,
Whose congratulations sounded in the hall
Allegrova Irina will say toast
For the birthday room - let him sound in the final!
Happy Birthday...

Texts of humorous posters - telegrams.
Welcome to the Pentecostal Club! The sixties are preparing for a meeting. Sixtiets.
Yes, it is gold, shines once! Lysina
My years is my wealth. We wish to become a millionaire! Bill Gates
Autumn of life, like the autumn of the year, will call gold! Russian Green Party
To find out your truth
age, summarize the numbers denoting it (interpret the result obtained in numerologists). Department of Applied Mathematics

Oh, how many discoveries to us are wonderful granddaughter (or grandson) is preparing. Trade Union of Russian Grandparents
Why if "wise", then definitely "scared"? Opponents of the writer A. Volkov
Age and wisdom - Gemini - Brothers! Who is more than our grandfather? Loving grandchildren
And the cavalier is enough for me ... Full Cavaller's wife of Glory

Tick \u200b\u200bis so walking. Gohoters fly.
Life is not sugar and not honey ...
... maybe the jubilee nap? Group "Balagan Limited"

Not sure - do not overtake! / Jubilee Council younger brother /
If I were Sultan, before the anniversary would not live ... Eastern wisdom
Dance always, dance everywhere, until the days of the last Donets! The motto of frisky jubileera
Toli will still, oh - oh - oh! Your new anniversary
For anniversaries and their guests! A new service center for repair of heels has been opened! Shoe factory

And there is no words in the world, so that our feelings express! From crowded feelings
Enough before the bosses to fuse, it's time for the garden seriously take! Neighbors in the country
Long live new Russian pensioners! Just new Russians
What makes you think that we are fed up to each other? Your favorite job
Today is considered a general rehearsal. The main representation in five years. Next anniversary

Here is the anniversary and waited, in pensioners signed up! Favorite jubilex
Hooray! The regiment of our readers arrived! Dontsova, Dashkov, Polyakova
Well, now - can you count on you? Children and grandchildren
Downion and reports! Give fishing and hunting! Friends - Pensioners
Work, everything is given to you! But I will leave the best years. Jubilee

Guests of the jubilee, do not hesitate to gather at the table more often! Jubilee sponsors
Work is not a wolf, pensioners are not afraid. Human-loving chiefs
The door will always be open for you! Vakhter with beloved work
What is a mature age? This is a miracle! Yu. Shevchuk
Well, that, that whiskey has grown! If only the guests sat longer! Sentimental jubilee

Do not pain, do not give up and do not give up diseases! Health Group Activists
Whether you wanted big happiness to the jubilee? Othelllo
The wishes of the jubilee - the law for guests! Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
Now his star rose! Employees of Planetarium
Not ashamed to the anniversary to be, trouble - not to invite guests! Sale guests

Give the jubilee the point of the support - and it will cover the table. Archimedes
If the granite of science is no longer on the teeth, go to the nectar of art! Ermitage staff
Congratulations - good, and gifts are better! State Storage of the Russian Federation
Lord! Following for the anniversary of 5 years rounded in a smaller side! Nii statisticians
Saw together who can! Weeds and garden pests

Resting is also science! Restaurants
We are not a prosecutor's office, but they will not hide from us too! Your anniversaries
Do not forget to celebrate the anniversary and old style! Supporters of the Julian calendar
Well dancing one who leaves the last. Rock Rock Fans
The jubilee who met such an anniversary is assigned to the general title. The orders of the general are not discussed. Genstab.

Love all ages are submissive, the anniversaries are twisted. Amur
Be careful! The lights in the eyes of the jubilee are fireless for the ladies! Fire Department
Guests! Split! I can not justify hopes! A vase for flowers

Some of the touching souls can be written on the pawns that stretch from one wall to another. Which of them are to make invitation cards to create appropriate mood, etc.

Universal placement of design of the room - rave on the walls of the hall "Telegrams" from the famous, wise life of people, as well as messages with humorous content.

... this hour is in our hands. Welcome the same. R. Burns.
The time does not go empty and does not roll without any impact on our feelings: it creates amazing things in the soul. Blessed Augustine
In no age can be acquired by the talent, which we are deprived, but at any age you can fix your mistakes. F. Volter.
In twenty years, the feeling reigns, in thirty - talent, in forty-mind. B. Grasian
You can always find enough time if you use it well. I. V. Guete
Good time consuming takes time even more precious. J. J. Rousau

Regret it is unreasonable to the time, which people indulge, does not always help them intelligently use his rest. J. Labryuer
One thing today costs two tomorrow. B. Franklin
Only very few live today, most preparing to live later. D Swift.
Live - it means to act! A. France
Great man ... loud on affairs. I. Krylov

Do what gives pleasure, means to be free. F. Volter.
Blessed, who has been decorated next to the nice jobs of his nice business. A. Tolstoy
If something is worth doing, just what is considered impossible. O. Wilde
The old people are because they like to give good tips that no longer capable of submitting bad examples. F. Larochefuky
Wise does not fight with anyone, and therefore no one is angry with him. Lao Tzu

Let Tane whisper about love on the ear!
Tsarevna for Nickname ...... Frog

I wish to drink only vintage wines!
Merry to you, Tanya! ........ Malvina

Let there be a slim figure!
Hi hot from the north! ..... Snow Mary

I wish to sing more often under the guitar!
Good company to you! ....... Rotaru

I wish not to meet the love of unscheduled!
Hello you musical from ..... Bulanova.

Live, Tanya, fun and cool!
Do not forget about childhood! ............ Korolev

I wish you a lot of music and laughter,
Love and eternal youth! .......... Pieha

Let the money always go to the fig!
And chicken legs! ............. Baba Yaga

You look like a picture!
I hand the key from happiness! ..... Pinocchio

Let it fall on the ground White Pooh,
And you are blooming like a rose! .... WINNIE THE POOH

Because more often in the field and in the forest!
Health to you strong! ......... Alsu

Saddy never allow!
Big hello from mom! ......... or cloth

Do not get into PE and shootout!
I wish you a long life! Group .......... arrows

Let us grow up every year our friendship!
Always the same pretty ... ...... Natasha

perhaps you will be interested:

The happiest day for mom, a day that is impossible to forget is the birthday of her child. However, the older the kid becomes, the more stupid it happens this holiday for parents.

However, these troubles are pleasant.

A gift to the birthday and colorful invitations for its guests, a cake with candles and many, many balls, pick up games and entertainment for kids ... It seems they have not forgotten anything. To help you a little, we have collected the most interesting birthday contests for children.

Competition "Pushing the nucleus" (a cheerful children's competition not only for schoolchildren - adolescents)

On the edge of the table put an inflated balloon. Water tie eyes and put back to the table. Then he makes 5 steps forward and turns three times on the spot. Next, he must return to the table and blow away the ball on the floor. Most likely, he will lose the right direction and will blow away the ball from there, where it is not and in risen. It turns out very funny!

Penny ruble coats

For the game you will need small coins and somewhat small in size. Participants are divided into teams with the same number of players. In the number of commands on the finish line, copyright cups are put. Each team is lined with each other. On the foot sock of the first one from the team participants is a coin. The player is trying without dropping, to carry it from the start line to the finish (three - four meters) and reset to the "piggy bank". The participant dropped by the coin drops out of the game. For each coin that fell into a cup, one point is charged. Wins the team that scores the largest points. Birthday gifts do it yourself

"Find boots"

Preparation. Two or more teams consisting of 10-15 players, remove their shoes and collect in one bunch of 15 steps to themselves. Shoes should be well mixed so that no one could recognize their own from afar. The game. Both teams are built into the line, and the first queue player runs to a heap and is looking for his shoes. How will find, putting it up and runs back to his team. The next in the queue player makes the same thing, and so until all the team members are waiting again. The game is most interesting when the player shoes do not have a diversity!

Game with adhesive - Congratulations to a child for a birthday

... and ... (child name)! Congratulations on your ... Birthday! During this year from ... and ... the baby you turned into ... and ... the boy / girl! And this is all thanks to your ... Mom and ... dad. Let them continue the same ... love you and ... raise. I wish you to stay the most ... grandson / granddaughter for your ... Grandparents. And your ... Grandma Anya, if still does not make souls in you. ... Mom's girlfriend Aunt Lena Let love you like a native son, and her ... Katenka's daughter will be crazy about you .... Aunt Masha and ... Uncle Vitya will always invite you to visit them and their ... The sons of Tyoma and Stupa will become you ... Comrades. In general, grow, (the name of the child) ... and ... kiss and hug. Your ... Aunt Tanya.

Instead ... - adjectives, invented in advance, written on paper and distributed among guests are substituted. Than funny adjectives, the more interesting there will be a game.

"Theatrical Director" (a great competition for school and birthday)

Tell the poem "Our Tanya loudly crying, if
1) you have a tooth
2) You wet in the rain and Obrogly
3) you got into the eye Sorinka
4) You have fallen a brick
5) You have scabies
6) the wolf chases you
7) you were offended by parents
8) flies to you
9) you fall pants
10) You have a very good mood)

Pail with the help of facial expressions:
1) athlete suitable for rod
2) the fan of the team that scores the goal
3) football goalkeeper
4) Fencing
5) Athlete, running 5 kilometers
6) the patient in the office of the dentist.

"Who quickly"

Guests are divided into two teams, each comes from each participant. They get a big box and the corresponding set of objects. Task: as soon as possible put items in the box and close it. With each new member, the box is less and more, and the items are more or more difficult in packaging. But keep in mind, you should try in advance, whether the items in the container are accompanied. The team wins, whose members will cope faster, and will make their job better.

"Dance with a lid"

You need an ordinary cover from the pan. Participants are divided into pairs, clamping the lid from the pan and under fast music begin to dance. They should dance so that the lid does not fall, and if it happens, the couple leaves the game. The remaining couples continue to compete before the winner.

"Nature soon"

For this game you need to prepare two coils and threads 3 - 5 m long. In the middle of the thread, the mark is made - paint or node. Playing becomes against each other, keeping in the hands of the coil in such a way that the thread is tightly stretched. The team is starting to quickly wind thread on the coil, all the time approaching each other. Wins the one who will come to the middle of the thread


Everything and everything turns into something else, but not by the help of words, but by determining the feasibility of actions. The room turns into a forest. Then the participants are in trees, animals, birds, lumberjacks, etc. And if the station means in a suitcase, train, passengers. And if in the studio - in the speakers, tele operators, "pop stars", etc. At the same time, someone can make noise design, depict details, etc.


First, the participants are offered to "open" a new planet - to inflate the balloons as quickly as possible, and then "settle" this planet in the inhabitants - quickly draw on the ball figurine with markers. Who has "residents" on the planet will be more - the winner.

Merry contest

You will need: empty (glass) bottle, threads and pens (pencils).
1) tie a thread to the waist
2) for the remaining end (15-20cm) tie a handle (pencil)
3) You become over a bottle (1 sow slightly push the pen (pencil) and try to insert the end of the handle (pencil) in the neck of the bottle.
Very fun contest! Win, the one who will be the first to do !!! ...

I wish you live
Nice and freely!
And to be your wallet,
Nabe the money tight!
I wish beer oceans,
And in them Tranki and shrimp
You would be the best captain,
Did not get out of the army!
Be white and pink, warm, big,
Tiny, round, green, intelligent,
Mushroom, flower, nut, soul,
Azure, icing, beloved Alena!

Let the sun shine brightly!
I will give you gifts!
Be happy, strong and healthy!
Grow on joy to people!

Do not forget about mosquitoes,
Which we do not love.

Happy Birth, Kid
Today congratulations
While you sleep tightly,
I guard your sleep.

Congratulations! I wish you
Forces for men and female attention
Business to develop up the scale of the universal,
Cold beer in a warm company.

You can once again about women's attention
Bourgeois money in a leather wallet,
Less in life to celebrate frozen,
Walking wheel cool and light green,

Let the money chicken be peeling,

Let nightias sing in the soul
In the morning early - a splash!

And only happiness freezes!

Friends and loved ones!
Happy Birthday!

Basket of Success, Sachet lucky,
Pouch fun on your birthday,
Health backpack - for fragile shoulders,
Tight wallet with a pack of bucks - at the meeting!

Let every birthday
I'll buy my wife and decoration,
Stay bare and bare,
And only with hearts panties.

But, I just became more expensive
Her smile unearthly
Her shiny eyes
Her own words:

That, they say, "the girls envy,
What are you treasure my
and they say, "hold" girlfriend -
you are madly lucky! "

In the morning I woke up early
Smiled with pleasure:
In the room the balls fly
Sun in the window sparkles,

The windowsill is all dutiful
Hundreds of roses buds.
Surprised looked at:
Who is all this brought?

What could be better than a good joke? Only a successful joke, which, being uttered on his birthday. Forced a man to laugh. Even a closed, serious person who does not have a sense of humor is able to evaluate a good joke and will be grateful to a person who cheered him.

Buddy, I wish steep parties
Merry beautiful Ol, Mash and Irina
Justice winter, dear summer
I wish to be fashionable and stylishly dressed
Happy tickets always and everywhere
And that friends get out in trouble!

Comic congratulations are able to defuse the situation so much that any phrase can cause a burst of laughter, and the fun who reigns on this day will give a lot of positive for many days ahead and give a good charge of cheerfulness, raised mood and optimism.

I want to wish you on the birthday of birth
Excellent to be your mood
In work hours and in minutes of idleness
On weekdays, in the morning, and in full swing fun

With your beloved in a cafe, in the office of the boss
With a wallet thin, with a thick wallet
And if you still start to lose heart
Not a bag of best friends need to call!

Let the money chicken be peeling,
There will be a solid in Sberbank!
Let nightias sing in the soul
In the morning early - a splash!

Let the heart beating in the ranks steps
And only happiness freezes!
Let the holiday on the feast to you
Friends and loved ones!

I want to have a good, funny and cheerful mood at such a beautiful day. And this should help comic happy birthday greetings.

Divination for names. The girls go out and ask the names of the first passers-by. By accepting the name of the guy, so they will call and husband. If the first woman comes across, it means that such a name will be in future mother-in-law.

Music I wish you beautiful,
To overclocked blood in the veins,
Wines, vodka and sterbets of different, -
What is an empty stomach love?
Let the fun fairy tales splash,
And let every joke will understand
I will not build eyes here -
Believe that you are lucky in life!

Let him always go for you luck

After all, today is expensive,
We have a golden wedding!

Let it be on the birthday
Just a sea of \u200b\u200benjoyment
Waters with vodka, with beer mug
Cute girlfriends.

Wish you get drunk on this day
In your apartment get lost!
Friends, relatives not to know
And do not find your bed!

Happy Birthday Congratulations!
I wish a lot of money
Head so as not toache
And the soul is always sang!

To love you love,
Generously generously gave!
Well, those who do not agree
In hand - flag! And the path they are clear!

I wish you positive
And good sex.
Yacht, cottage, plane,
The state of letting grows.

So that friends are not let
And they mounted with you.
So that health would have enough
Beauty did not disappear.

It was fun today
And in the morning excellent.
Will be inspiration in life
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday congratulations
And I want to tell you
What I wish you just:
Never lose heart

Be in life optimist
Only joy to notice
Do not compromise
All from life getting.

Let everything be just cool:
Money, children and love!
Know that life is always beautiful,
Smile again and again.

Congratulations, Birthday!
Jam Day, E-Mo!
Will let your live.

Not a minute without luck
No seconds without love
In positive, mood
Wake up in the morning you.

Eat, dance, cool pedals,
From ecstasy dying,
Love everyone, friends with all
Life in full live!

I wish the health and life rich,
Gorgeous cottage, greater salary.
Let everything be in life only "Wow!" yes "ah!"
From happiness, let him in both ears.

A ticket to Cyprus and Coats "from Gabbana".
And the premiums are unscheduled in both pockets.
Let it be excellent always mood
And lasts weeks your birthday.

Let dreams come true,
Goals are achieved.
Budget - multiplied
Career - develops.

Health is strengthened
And your spirit is tempered.
Let them decide
And henceforth do not appear.

Let misfortune and adversity
Will not find a way to you,
The trouble is not going to the threshold.
Remission as a gift Congratulations!

Resting - so in the Maldives,
Get - so Million!
Let luck, happiness, joy
Surround from all sides
Don't give you a pass
On weekday and weekend,
Let the wave of love picked up
And she covers with his head!

Let happiness dirty sticks,
Luck accompanying
Health, joy and success,
With you in one harness jump.

Let finances do not sing
You are sad romances.
Well, and the fate of letting gives
On life only steep chances.

I wish you happiness, laughter,
Luck, success.
And life - well, just a fairy tale
And from native only affection.
Dreams be performed,
Friends only smile.
Let the problem are cheerful
In pockets they will rustle.
Good luck - full chest!
Keep your higher patch!

Hello dear readers of my blog, Gennady Korolev welcomes you in the subject of free congratulations on your birthday with a joke.

Free congratulations on your birthday with a joke of those and good that they get to us for free. We only pay the time we invest in the preparation of funny congratulations.

The very idea of \u200b\u200bthe original congratulations is not Nova: on a specific holiday (anniversary, birthday, new year, corporate party) There is a pre-prepared text of congratulations to the top of one small exception - there are no adjectives in it.

In this and all the salt, we all invent these adjectives together and insert into the text. Since the words are taken in the "random" order, it turns out very messy and funny.

See how it came out on the birthday of Brother:

But the text you can creatively recycle and apply (notice it all free):

As you understand, instead of spaces and inserted funny adjectives.

I wish the profit indestructible
In the Swiss bank, the bill is huge
Beyond the city is a big cottage
Health strong in addition

Big victories in amur affairs
Canar and Azure Coast
Successes in the life of all sorts of
And most importantly, friends reliable!

Congratulations, approxpion!
Wear and not sad!
Head in salad tasty
You are swinging to lower!
To all the range say -
The birthday name is our such
The most super-duper
Positive, young!

True you man
Not Uzbek and not Tajik.
Smart, strong, clockwork!
Birthday will be yours
We note it together!
On the table everything is what you need -
And snack, and wine, -
So we have to go!
Congratulations take
And come on, pour out!

Three apartments and three cottages,
Mercedes to you put
And wife that does not scold
Although I do not believe, but I wish!

You are a man at least where,
You never be sad!
All girls are already squeezed,
And the knees are trembling them,
If you go nearby,
Before you brother is good!
Happy birthday, brother!
Wait even a bit,
Now girls will fit
And you will be congratulated here!

Always in your pocket so that
So girls fucking skillfully
The car is not broken,
My wife smiled more often,
So that the mother-in-law did not go to visit,
But the money is still given to Darila -
We wish you from the soul!
Your birthday after all, dances!

What do you want
It will come true, we know it!
So that woke up in the morning early
Not on an old sofa,
And in luxurious rooms,
In the Caribbean islands
On the table is wine,
Plastic cards are full
And at each - a million!
And so that it was not a dream!

Congratulations on Birthday!
Take our congratulations!
We wish you
Everyone made dreams:
To live in a large apartment,
To the telly in the sort
And on all channels
Exceptionally football!
Well, hockey so that sometimes,
The rest is nonsense!

Lovely occasion - Birthday,
To take a good walk!
No need cakes and jams,
We run beer buy!
After all, you are a man! What is the stuffy?
No better beer on Birthday!
We wish that from the brewery
You were in the life of the benefit,
And beer so that the river
Our birthday party!

The rest always to be in the soul,
And Virgo, in complete negligee
You hookah to serve
And vodka in a glass of splash!
So that could per day five times
Her you satisfy!
So that all on your birthday
Furnished at surprise!

To live you, as if in a fairy tale
Shah Persian, dear!
To give the Virgin caress,
And the heart was peace!
So you princess meets
And lived with her for many years
And so that you have children,
And so that you did not know the troubles!

We wish on birthday
Awesome luck!
So that raise salary
And you always lived richly,
So that gasoline is not in price,
So that the traffic cop does not "clamp".
So that in traffic jams
And that always stood!

Let be the beer and fishing!
Garage, hunting and football!
Metallol home dump
And with her immortal rock and roll!
Let it be with angelic patience
Move your wife.
Well, after all, at least on the birthday,
She suffers a little she

Who is sleeping a man for his life:
Up to 5 years old - with a nipple,
from 5 to 10 - with a teddy
from 10 to 20 - with a dream,
from 20 to 30 - with his wife,
from 30 to 40 - with someone else,
from 40 to 50 - with any
from 50 to 60 - with a drill,
from 60 to 70 - with a closed window.
So let's drink for ever
fortochka did not close!

Let the ladies look, after always sighing
The people are not bad -
Man every year like cognac
It becomes only stronger. He Mastak

Little crazy anymother.
May it be so! Thanks for God,
For your wonderful life lot.
Let everything be like you wanted!

We wish that the periodic Mendeleev's periodic system use instead of adjectives, because you have: golden hands and heart, character - silicon, iron will, and you yourself are a man-titan!

Happy birthday congratulations!
Be lucky
Be fun and rich
Live not only on salary
And another income to have
And, of course, do not get old!

What to wish for a truly macho?
More money, car and cottage,
Women beautiful and loyal many,
Life, as in a fairy tale with a successful expensive!

Still good luck, health, love,
His dream quickly find!
Many good, strength, happiness, luck,
We wish you on your birthday!

Let even snow vertices are taiting before your charm, any closed door will not stand in front of your pressure. Let your capabilities open all the new horizons on the love front.

On my birthday
Do not regret the mood!
And be happy to the odor!
Let it be elevated
One adventure
Brilliant your life path!

And I wish you rich!
Treasure some kind of finding
Travelling aroun the world,
To see a lot, know a lot!

Today is your day, so we wish you not to hit the face today either in the dirt, nor in a salad, nor somewhere else, but to spend it worthy, so that everything remembered it in the morning, and there was no shame on the memories in the morning.

Let life men become certain
So that the king envied
So that only good changes
And that love played a big role in it.

Happy birthday, the coolest,
The smartest and beautiful
The strongest, strong, kind,
Wealthy and fashionable!

The most joyful, cheerful,
And, of course, healthy!
For a long time live,
In the world of happiness and love!

I wish you to feel this day yourself with the hero of the "Bachelor party in Vegas", well, or on the extreme case of "American Pie"! The main thing is that the finish is bright, memorable and good! Happy Birthday!

Let the sports will be a form
Do not touch you reform,
To be king
In the big house you are yours.
And today all orders
We will be fulfilled at once.

A man should always be on a check, to provide everything and take care of everything, we wish you to entrust your duties to others today, and relax yourself, but exactly so much so that the head is not sick.

Today is your day and let someone only try to say that you are old! Immediately crasher it with a crutch, only the glasses are put on not to miss! And you still have for strength! Happy Birthday!

I wish a prayer,
Be beautiful like a lawn
So that you lived about a hundred years old
Lost three "keel",
To attacked you
Million and three rubles!

To take the laziness and boredom
You have longing, separation,
And in return presented happiness,
Yes, while the trump suit!
So that a lot of days
And still five children!

Energy in you like two hundred twenty
Let the battery never sits down.
It's nice to sing with you and hang out,
Girlfriend, with you and grief is not trouble!

Wherever we go - you are in the marshmallow,
Attention is flowing chocolate.
I think on a chess tournament,
Put the campus Shah and Mat!

Let in the eyes shine fireworks
And let Flamenco dance blood in the veins.
Let you wait for cool moments
Behind the turn has already been enjoyed!

Still congratulations to a friend in prose\u003e

What to wish you, girlfriend?
After all, you and everything is fine.

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