Brexton Higgs contractions: intermittent contractions of the uterus. Are Braxton Hicks contractions dangerous?

“I read here in the birth stories about the tone of the uterus, I got interested, because I hadn’t come across such a term before. Well, I am a meticulous person, in the questions that interest me, besides, I am a bit of a doctor, I wanted to get to the bottom of the truth, what kind of animal is this and how it is painted. In the process of shoveling through Russian-speaking resources, I discovered that almost all women in Russia (and other Slavic countries) are given this "diagnosis" (!!!). I went further, what kind of diagnosis is that, what kind of mother's forum you can't go to, all pregnant women talk about him, questions like “I'm terrified, what should I do, my gynecologist diagnosed“ uterus in good shape ”,“ uterus in good shape, in the polyclinic they prescribed noshpa, papaverine ... blah blah. "In particular, we read the answer of Dr. Komarovsky, I will cite it here: Let us recall from the course of school anatomy: muscles are striated (skeletal) and smooth. The first ones contract in a controlled manner - that is, this is what we give them in motion by the effort of our own brains. Smooth muscles are controlled by hormones. We can not influence either the muscles of the bronchi, or the muscles of the intestines, or the uterus - all muscular organ and all of smooth muscles - as a symbol of the biological uncontrollability of a woman (which is a plus, but not a minus). A smooth muscle can be relaxed and contracted. The force of contraction is different, it depends on the intensity of the contraction itself, and on the number of contracting fibers. Yes, everything is clear. Muscles contract, as they should O. When interviewing a pregnant woman, the doctor deliberately fixes attention on complaints indicating the contractile activity of the uterus, and during a gynecological examination, he pays attention to the symptoms (he is taught this at the institute), which make it possible to determine the intensity of contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, this is put into the concept of uterine tone. If the tone is increased (the same phrase "the uterus is in good shape"), then the level of hormones that cause uterine contractions is increased. A further increase in the amount of these hormones can lead to the onset of labor. Hence the recommendations and treatment, etc. Well, yes, it is shrinking, but what else can she do, smooth muscles, especially in a prickly state. I still do not understand why this is considered a symptom that needs to be TREATED ... And the constant contraction of any muscle leads to the depletion of its (muscle) energy resources. If a pregnant woman's uterus is actively contracting during orgasm, and the rest of the time "behaves" calmly - then this is really training, and such training can be welcomed in every possible way, but if it is constantly in good shape, then this is no longer good. So all the same, training? .. Or a symptom that needs to be treated. :))))) With the last sentence in bold, I do not quite agree, the uterus can and should contract, not only during orgasm, but when she wants, physiology, sir ... read it and somehow also comment, infa first-hand after all, since you have the appropriate job profile ..; 0)))) Let's consider what this mysterious "womb in good shape" is, from the side of Western experts. I’ll make a reservation right away that there is no such concept as “the uterus is in good shape”, but there is the concept of Braxton Hicks contractions - a natural process that is NOT treated here. No way. And they don't put it in the hospital for preservation, no ma'am. In this topic I will try to cover this topic broadly, trying to predict possible questions, so be patient, I will not be able to write right away, and Rome was not built overnight. Contractions Braxton Hicks (Fake birth pains or training contractions) Once upon a time, namely in 1823 (I personally spied on the wonderful Wikipedia resource, right here, since I did not know such personal information about the doctor, but since I am writing about Braxton Hicks fights, I can not help but tell about the person who first described them), in the city of Rye, Sussex county, one wonderful man was born, named John Braxton Hicks. He graduated from school like all children, and then, in 1841, entered the medical school at Gais Hospital. Proved to be an excellent doctor who specialized in obstetrics. It was this doctor who first described uterine contractions that did not end with childbirth, namely, what is now called "Braxton Hicks contractions." In the future, I will use the abbreviation BH (Braxton Hicks) to describe all the processes. So, what is Braxton Hicks contractions (in fact, it's good that I undertook to write about it, since I now need to repeat it in my studies hehe). Regardless of how long you are pregnant, you could already feel them, promiscuous (occasionally appearing) contractions of the uterus ,. In some women, HD appears very early, at about the 6th week of pregnancy, although not necessarily, everything is purely individual as always, most women do not feel them at such an early stage, but from about the 2nd or 3rd trimester you will feel like from time to time in the uterus shrinking / shrinking / contracting will appear (choose the most appropriate word). First of all, you get scared, oh, how, why, give birth? ?? Absolutely not. These are the very same BH about which we will talk here with you. The brain sends signals to your body to prepare for childbirth, in response, the body responds by contracting the smooth muscles of the uterus, thus preparing it for the upcoming labor process, which will end with the birth of your baby. In practice, these are painless contractions, although they bring some discomfort to some women. They last 1-2 minutes and, as I wrote above, they happen randomly, that is, not regularly. By the way, running ahead, I will say that many women come to give birth to the hospital with Bx, in the last trimester they are felt more often and some confuse them with real childbirth. And why are they needed, these BH ??? Well, let's see, really, why do we need them. First, their most important role is to prepare your uterus for childbirth, you know how athletes train before the competition, here and there too ... BH help to make the cervix softer and train all the muscles that will be involved in the birth process. Believe it or not, but if we hadn't had these preparatory contractions, childbirth would have been much more difficult and painful (those who have already given birth will understand and shudder, right? :)). Irina Vaynerman Administrator When HD begins: I already wrote about this above, sometimes they start early, but usually in the second trimester, in women who have given birth, they are felt more pronounced, stronger and appear earlier than in nulliparous women. As an example, I cite myself, in this pregnancy (2nd pregnancy) I felt the first BH at about 10 weeks, now at 16 weeks I can feel them when I put my hand on my lower abdomen. In the 3rd trimester, they will begin to appear much more often and more pronounced, especially when you are already approaching your PDD. It is these contractions that women sometimes mistake for birth, but if you distinguish the difference between birth and training, then perhaps you will prevent yourself a useless trip to the hospital.; 0) In Canada and America, a lot of women come to the birth ward with HD, since they think that, here, IT, but in fact just BH. ... As a result, the medical staff, after examination, poisons the woman home, wait for real contractions.; 0))) Usually they give detailed instructions on how to distinguish training from real contractions (I will talk about this write below). What sensations to expect from BH? What I feel? This is very individual for every woman. Some women do not react to them at all, when some feel certain inconveniences and discomfort. Usually women describe them not as painful, but as uncomfortable. I will make a reservation, in the last trimester, when the intensity of HD increases, you may feel quite severe discomfort and, possibly, pain, but for each woman in different ways. I describe myself - if I feel BH rolling, I put my hand on the lower abdomen (since we are now 16 weeks old, the uterus has not yet reached the level of the navel), and immediately I feel how the uterus literally stiffens, tenses ... and then gradually relaxes, as if "Softens" literally at my fingertips. This is due to the fact that the smooth muscles are contracting. BH lasts literally minutes. What can provoke HD? Physical activity (exertion) or intense tension Intimate relationships Dehydration (drink plenty of water, girls, during pregnancy! and a genetic phenomenon) Also, water helps to flush out toxins from the body, and, believe it or not, it will prevent swelling. we have come to one of the most important subsections. How can I distinguish BH (training contractions) from real labor pains? What if I don’t understand this again, or I’m already giving birth? I’ll try to describe in detail what you need to remember if, when it’s time to give birth, you are not sure ... The peculiarity of labor pains is that they do not lose their intensity, but rather gain it, as the cervix begins to open more and more. It is not intrusive, they gradually become "hmm .." ... well, and so on, when the intensity of pain already reaches "oO !!" a certain scheme, just as they appear, so they disappear, that is, the frequency of their appearance cannot be determined. Real labor pains, starting, reduce (gradually) the interval between them. It becomes shorter ... first, say, 1 hour ... then 30 minutes ... When the interval reaches 3-5 minutes between contractions, and they do not decrease their intensity, at this period we take our prepared bag with everything we need and go to the hospital to give birth .; 0) RULE, labor contractions are longer, more frequent, more intense. As I said, BH does not have a specific scheme, they will appear and disappear in the same way. Real contractions will have a certain system (certain periods of time, etc.). BUT, I will make a reservation, do not play doctor, if you have not reached another 37 weeks of pregnancy and notice that you have about 4 contractions per hour, consult a doctor or midwife, as this may also be a sign of premature birth. HD usually begins in the front, abdominal region. Labor pains begin from the back, approximately the lumbar region and, like a hoop, they begin to wrap around you, moving to your stomach. ONE OF THE MAIN DIFFERENCES. Well, of course, the level of pain. The pain of real labor pains is not comparable to HD. What to do? How to relieve discomfort? Drink some water, as sometimes it is dehydration of the body that can provoke them. Go to the toilet on a small, full bladder also provokes HD Breathe rhythmically and deeply Change position or activity level Take a warm bath or shower WHEN TO CALL OR GO TO A DOCTOR OR MIDWIFE: If you have not reached 37 weeks, and your contractions have become regular , rhythmic, intense, painful Pain similar to pain during menstruation and more than 4 contractions per hour, even if they are painless Any bleeding Discharge (mucous, pinkish, bloody) Increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, it feels like a baby is pressing down Lower back pain, especially if it is new to you After 37 weeks, the doctor should call if the contractions are regular (60 seconds length, 5 minutes interval between them), or if your doctor advises you something else. Materials from my books on obstetrics were used,

The contractions are named after a scientist doing research in this area. Cramps appear in women after the 20th week of pregnancy. The contractions of Braxton Hicks help the child to take the correct position, move along the birth canal, and increase the access of blood to the uterus.

Paroxysmal contraction of the organ shows a woman that the reproductive system is preparing for delivery already in the early stages of pregnancy. But the cervix does not open at this time, which means that real labor activity does not occur. The uterine muscles periodically tense, keep in this state for 30 - 60 seconds.

How many weeks does Braxton Higgins' contractions begin? On the 6th, but at this time the contractions are not felt. The reason is the size of the genital organ. Spasms become noticeable in the 3rd trimester, when the uterus becomes large.

False contractions are considered the norm in a pregnant woman's life, they often go unnoticed. The uterus hardens and is palpable. The contractions are painless, they do not cause physical discomfort, and the frequency does not exceed the norm.

Causes of occurrence:

  1. the appearance of a spasm keeps the uterine muscle in working order;
  2. provides blood supply to the placenta;
  3. prepare the cervix for labor.

The birth of false contractions is affected by any touch to the abdomen. A full bladder is uncomfortable. Toddler behavior during Brecton Hicks training contractions becomes too active. The occurrence of false contractions appears mainly in the evenings, when the woman is resting. Mom relaxes, it is easier to notice the changes taking place in this state.

Symptoms, signs

Brexton Higgs contractions represent irregular spasms of the organ, the intensity does not increase over time. The duration ranges from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. The frequency is equal to 2 - 4 manifestations per hour. During the contraction, the firmness of the abdomen is felt, the position of the fetus is felt, no pain is observed.

What are the sensations during the contractions of Braxton Hicks:

  • irregularity;
  • no pain, only inconvenience;
  • irregularity;
  • tenderness of compression in the upper part of the uterus;
  • unpredictability.

The tension is concentrated in one specific place, does not spread throughout the abdomen. This significantly distinguishes Hicks fights from real ones. Gradually, the discomfort decreases and disappears altogether. Training contractions occur by certain actions, a woman can stimulate their appearance.

False contractions cause:

  • experiences;
  • dehydration;
  • unrest;
  • full bladder;
  • orgasm during sex;
  • activity of the mother;
  • the mobility of the baby in the womb.

The sensation of contractions according to Braxton Hicks can arise from a hand applied to the stomach. In order not to provoke the appearance of temporary cramps, watch your emotions, actions, deeds. It is better to prevent undesirable situations.

False contractions should be distinguished from real ones. The first are irregular, painless. The second is characterized by an increase in pain. Training sessions in the later stages go with a certain frequency, not regularly. The strength of the manifestation is great, but painless. When pain is difficult to bear, review the frequency. Identical periods of time indicate real contractions, the approach of labor.

Relief of false cramps

Scientists all over the world cannot give a clear answer why the Braxton Higgins' training fights are inherent in the body, why a woman needs it. There are various theories based on the multifunctionality of abbreviations. Some obstetricians call the process of preparing for childbirth. Hence the name of the training. The cervix ripens during the preparatory period.

The second group considers contractions as the body's response to hormonal changes. It is believed that no preparation is taking place. Another important function, no less significant, is the supply of oxygen to the placenta.

A woman gets the opportunity to practice breathing when she feels the symptoms of contractions according to Braxton Hicks. In the courses of the prenatal period, they teach the technique of inhalation, exhalation. Actions should reach automatism, the mother will be able to perform them involuntarily to alleviate the condition during the birth process.


  • "Economical breathing". Exhale slowly at the peak of the spasm. Then take a deep breath. When exhaling, purification is felt;
  • "Like a dog". Breathe frequently, shallowly. Observe how the dog does it in the heat, try to repeat. The action lasts no more than 30 seconds, dizziness begins from a lack of oxygen;
  • "candle". Breathe in deeply through your nose. Do it slowly. Then exhale sharply through your mouth. Exhale should be short, do not drag out.

When it was not possible to avoid the appearance of false contractions, you need to know how to alleviate the condition. If the training contractions go unnoticed, there is no cause for concern. Spasms have begun and are uncomfortable, try to move, turn around, change position.

Does your stomach hurt during Brexton Hicks contractions? Not always, often it goes unnoticed. If pain occurs, then with the right behavior, the discomfort will disappear.

Ways to quickly remove uterine contractions:

  1. take a leisurely walk, walking will relax smooth muscles;
  2. change the position of the body, often tension causes an uncomfortable position;
  3. take a warm bath, shower, they will relieve muscle spasm;
  4. drink more, any liquid taken in sufficient quantity will prevent dehydration;
  5. do breathing exercises when the Brexton Higgs contractions begin, oxygen relieves the mother's condition, soothes the child's excessive activity;
  6. do relaxation, relax, be distracted, listen to pleasant music.

Simple actions help to wait out the training contractions, help relieve discomfort. If you behave correctly, false contractions do not cause inconvenience, they pass quickly.

When you need a doctor's help

Training cramps are considered common. Despite this, there are a number of signs that indicate a pregnancy failure. If you notice that there are abnormalities in the body, something goes wrong, contact your gynecologist.

What are Braxton Hicks contractions like? Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. When the spasms increase in intensity, frequency, they are taken for real. The genital organ is preparing for the birth process.

Reasons to go to the gynecologist:

  • bleeding has opened;
  • lower back pain syndrome appeared;
  • the water departed;
  • there was profuse blood, water discharge;
  • fetal movement has decreased.

In the last months of pregnancy, when the period for carrying a child comes to an end, intense, regular contractions indicate the approach of labor. Frequent, prolonged spasms indicate its onset. You need to contact a gynecologist without delay.

When an ambulance is coming, try to locate the pain. If the stomach tightens like a belt - false labor activity. When present, the pain sensation begins in the lower back and moves towards the abdomen. Rate the intensity of the spasm. During training fights, they feel pain, then it weakens, imperceptibly goes away. Real contractions are marked by an increase in pain.

How often do Braxton contractions occur? From several times an hour to 1 - 2 times a day, they begin at the end of pregnancy. The duration for a particular woman is not changed.

When training contractions in the last months of gestation become more frequent, consult your gynecologist. It is worth checking if the cervix is ​​dilating. Perhaps the real contractions have begun, the fetus is approaching the exit.

Some of us, before pregnancy, had never heard of training fights, well, except that our friends, who had already become mothers, enlightened. But even for those who knew about the "dress rehearsal" before childbirth, the appearance of training contractions often comes as a surprise, scares and makes them urgently quit all business and go to the hospital, even if the preliminary due date is only a few weeks later.

What is it, training fights? Why do they appear, do they all have it and how to distinguish a false alarm from a combat one?


Theoretical knowledge is a good and necessary thing to at least in general terms imagine what is happening. Therefore, let's start with the theory.

First, let's understand the terminology. Training, false or Braxton-Hicks contractions (named after the gynecologist who first described them back in the distant 19th century) are all about them, those very "rehearsal" moments. Contractions that occur at the end of pregnancy are called harbingers.

All these different names mean the same thing and they represent the preparation of the uterus (which, as everyone knows, is a muscular organ) for the difficult work ahead. Muscles can and should be trained. Here is the uterus and trains to do everything that is required of her at the right time. Such a "rehearsal" should not frighten the expectant mother. Therefore, let's figure out point by point how and what happens during training fights, so that later, when everything starts, do not panic.

Fact no. 1

Training contractions feel like periodic pain during menstruation. Moreover, many (but far from all) expectant mothers find that if their menstruation is usually painful, then false contractions are also strong.

What else, besides unpleasant sensations similar to menstrual pains, a woman can feel or see if she has false contractions:

  • tension in the abdomen, similar to cramps, in different parts of the abdomen (upper, lower, or even closer to the groin), but not all at once
  • during them, the uterus is easy to feel, she, as they often say, "turns to stone"
  • sometimes you can see the clear contours of a tense uterus
  • the contractions gradually "fade", their intensity decreases (while the strength of prenatal contractions normally only increases)

Fact number 2

Most often, training contractions occur in the morning and in the evening, although, of course, not always and not for everyone. Moreover, if the contractions began in the evening, then at night they usually subside, and in the morning they can resume again.

The duration of the period of false contractions usually does not exceed two to three hours, but there are also exceptions to this rule. What to do - we are all different, and the female body, as one of the Orthodox priests noted, can be compared to the most complex computer, while the male, in his own funny expression, is just a typewriter.

Fact no. 3

Not all women are faced with training contractions. Or rather, not everyone feels them. Since the frequency, intensity, duration of contractions, as well as the individual pain threshold, are different for everyone. Therefore, some pregnant women can feel them after 20 weeks, others only towards the end of the nine-month expectation, and still others do not even know what it is.

So don't worry if things are steadily heading towards a "show," and there is still no "dress rehearsal". Chances are, you just don't feel false contractions.

Fact no. 4

Although it is often possible to read in special literature that training contractions do not cause much discomfort to pregnant women, many mothers strongly disagree with this far from indisputable statement.

False contractions are often quite long and strong. They are able to exhaust even very persistent and positive expectant mothers. And, if you are going to give birth for the first time, then you may well take them for real contractions. Therefore, if in doubt, go to the doctor or call an ambulance. There is nothing to be ashamed about. If you wait for the second, third and so on child - and without doctors you will understand what's what. In the meantime, you have no experience in this matter and it is better not to risk it. Let the experts reassure you.

Fact number 5

Yes, training contractions are completely normal, but if they are long (longer than 3 - 4 hours in a row) and exhaust you, then you should definitely tell your doctor about them. Perhaps this is a symptom of some kind of trouble.

Fact no. 6

It is difficult to predict the occurrence of training contractions. However, it was noticed that they often occur:

  • with a full bladder (so try not to push it too far)
  • after an experienced orgasm or during active sex life
  • if the expectant mother is stressed
  • with heavy physical exertion experienced by a pregnant woman
  • in cases of maternal dehydration

Although, of course, everything is individual. What causes your girlfriends or even your sister to start training bouts may not have any effect on you. Just try to observe your feelings and, perhaps, you will be able to grasp the relationship between some of your actions and the subsequent onset of training fights.

Fact number 7

Many fear that, getting used to the training fights, they simply will not understand when it comes down to it.

Do not worry! It is difficult to confuse forerunners (even if they are quite strong) with real ones. But you shouldn't relax either. After all, training contractions may well turn into prenatal contractions. Therefore, even if false or precursor contractions have become commonplace and habitual for you, still listen to your body, pay attention to the frequency, duration and regularity of contractions.

Fact no. 8

You can distinguish training contractions from the onset of labor by the following features:

  • intervals between contractions of different duration
  • contractions are irregular
  • often pain sensations decrease, or even disappear altogether with a change in body position; try to lie down if you were sitting or standing, or stand up and walk around if, on the contrary, lay down

Fact number 9

False contractions can give a mother-to-be a lot of unpleasant minutes, but they are absolutely safe and painless for the child. So don't worry about the baby either.

Fact number 10

If the "rehearsal" continues, albeit with interruptions, for several days, then even the most persistent and calm expectant mothers begin to fear that this is still not a training session, but the beginning of labor. And they have a fear of not making it to the hospital.

Don't worry, doctors say that training contractions or forerunners never do not precede rapid (4 - 5 hours) or rapid (3 hours) labor. So you will definitely have time to get to the hospital. And this, you see, inspires some optimism.

Training bouts. Easing the condition

If you are unlucky, and training the body before childbirth, contrary to the assurances of smart books for pregnant women, delivers unpleasant sensations and is exhausting, you can try to alleviate your condition in the following ways:

  • lie on your left side or just try to find a comfortable position using a maternity pillow or regular pillows
  • take a knee-elbow position or kneel by the bed and rest your hands on it
  • drink some water, sometimes it helps relieve stress
  • do breathing exercises, try those breathing methods that are advised to be used during childbirth (at the same time, practice)
  • try to count during contractions: on inhalation - up to four, on exhalation - up to six, the need to focus on counting distracts from thoughts of pain
  • take a shower
  • watch a good funny movie

Experienced mothers remember that these simple methods helped many of them and, if not completely removed the unpleasant sensations, then at least distracted them from them and allowed them to forget about the discomfort for a while.

Is it time - isn't it time?

The first sign that the time has come to move from training to "performance" is the regularity and regularity of fights. For one to two hours, record the frequency of contractions, their duration and the time intervals between them, or use the special contraction counters that are available on many sites for expectant mothers. If you realize that contractions are regular, their duration increases, and the time intervals between them, on the contrary, are reduced - go to the hospital.

In addition, you should consult a doctor, the sooner the better if, in addition to training fights:

  • bloody discharge appeared (this may be a symptom of placental abruption)
  • amniotic fluid poured out or began to leak (the information in the article will help you understand this)
  • the child has "quieted down", almost does not move
  • there was a pulling back pain, diarrhea or nausea

So be attentive to yourself, listen to the slightest changes in your body, do not be too frivolous about unusual signals, but do not be unnecessarily nervous. And everything will definitely be fine.

Photo - photobank Lori

Starting from the moment of the birth of a new life, changes occur in the woman's body that are necessary for the growth and normal development of the fetus. The expectant mother needs to know that at various stages of pregnancy, she may experience sensations similar to real contractions, but differing from them in short duration and less intensity. This should not scare her, since is considered normal when carrying a child.

Braxton Hicks contractions concept

Most women who are carrying a baby experience Braxton Hicks contractions before giving birth. These are false contractions that are necessary in order for the body of the expectant mother to prepare for the process of giving birth to the baby. The benefit of this phenomenon is that a woman can learn a variety of breathing exercises, as well as relaxation techniques that can help reduce pain during real contractions.

So that the fetus can fully develop throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the uterus is constantly increasing and changing. By the last months of pregnancy, it should be formed in such a way as to withstand heavy loads.

During childbirth, the baby is pushed out by the uterus, so it should be in good shape. Braxton-Higgs contractions are also called training contractions, because they are similar to real contractions, but much weaker and cannot provoke childbirth. They promote oxygenation of the placenta and increase uterine tone.

Every woman preparing to become a mother should be aware of the possibility of false contractions. Faced with such a phenomenon unexpectedly, a pregnant woman can experience severe stress, which is very dangerous in her situation.

The first description of training contractions was carried out in the late 19th century by the physician John Braxton-Hicks, who practiced obstetric practice in England. Later, this type of fights was named after him.

Reasons for the appearance of training contractions in pregnant women

From the first months of pregnancy, preparation for the birth process begins in a woman's body. Uterine contractions are the main symptom of these changes. The expectant mother periodically feels how the muscles of the uterus contract and remain in tension for 1-2 minutes. In this case, the cervix does not open, because this only happens when the baby is ready to be born.

Contractions according to Braxton Hicks appear already at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, but due to the small size of the genital organ, they are practically not felt. By the end of the second trimester, the uterus enlarges tenfold, so a woman begins to notice how her muscles contract.

The main reasons for the appearance of false contractions:

  • periodic contractions of the uterus keep it in good shape throughout the entire period of bearing the baby;
  • spasms of the uterine muscle improve blood circulation inside the placenta;
  • the cervix gradually prepares for delivery.

The appearance of Brexton-Higgs contractions in the later stages can provoke even a slight touch on the skin on the abdomen. Uncomfortable contractions can be caused by the pressure of the bladder if it is full. At the time of contractions, the baby becomes more active than usual.

In the evening, false muscle contractions cause a woman to have more severe spasms, this is due to the relaxation of the body. During rest, the expectant mother may notice the appearance of contractions even in the early stages.

Symptoms of training contractions and their difference from real ones

To avoid panic when false contractions appear, a woman needs to learn how to identify them by their characteristic symptoms. The main feature of Braxton Hicks contractions is their frequency. A woman can experience involuntary contraction of the muscles of the uterus several times an hour. In some cases, the interval between contractions increases to several hours. In this case, the spasms last no more than 2 minutes.

With Braxton Hicks contractions, the woman is unable to feel or palpate the uterus, and a feeling of numbness in the abdomen may also appear. Sometimes cramps are accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, the same as during menstruation. After a couple of minutes, the muscles relax and the painful sensations disappear.

In order to be sure that the contractions are false, a woman should pay attention to the following symptoms, which are not characteristic of normal contractions:

  • squeezing is felt in the groin, upper or lower abdomen;
  • spasms recur irregularly;
  • attacks come on unexpectedly;
  • characteristic sensations appear only in a certain area of ​​the abdomen;
  • are irregular in nature, i.e. pain syndrome and duration of attacks do not increase over time.

Training contractions are painless for most pregnant women, but for some they can provoke pain or discomfort. This is due to the individual characteristics of the organism. If muscle contractions are accompanied by severe pain, you must inform your doctor.

Most often, the intensity of false contractions increases in the third trimester of pregnancy. This shouldn't scare expectant mothers. On the contrary, they must learn to understand their body, which makes it known about the changes that occur from the moment of conception.

How to relieve sensations?

The nature of Braxton Hicks training fights is still not fully understood. There are several opinions about what function this phenomenon performs in the body of the expectant mother. Some of the scientists are sure that in this way the uterus is prepared for the birth process.

If the contractions are accompanied by discomfort, the woman can use a special breathing technique that will not only reduce pain, but also help her learn how to breathe correctly during childbirth. Breathing exercises for pregnant women are taught in prenatal courses.

Other obstetricians believe that the compression of smooth muscle tissue occurs under the influence of hormonal changes. Periodic spasms in pregnant women, in their opinion, are necessary to saturate the placenta with oxygen. When they are accompanied by pain in the groin area, you need to start moving or changing the position of the body.

Expectant mothers who are uncomfortable with Brexton Hicks contractions can also use the following methods to relieve pain:

  • slow walking for short distances helps to relax the muscles;
  • a change in body position will reduce tension if pain appears in a particular position;
  • a warm bath is considered a good relaxation method;
  • drinking plenty of fluids will avoid painful cramps. they are often due to dehydration;
  • breathing exercises reduce tension and calm the baby;
  • relaxation to melodic music helps to cope with painful attacks and psychological stress.

What signs do you need to see a doctor urgently?

For many women, the contraction of the Braxton-Higgs muscles is asymptomatic. However, this does not mean that minor discomfort with false contractions is a sign of illness. In order to monitor her health and take timely measures if something goes wrong, a woman should listen to her body, paying special attention to the characteristic symptoms that may be signs of illness.

It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor if the following is observed:

  • bleeding, which, regardless of the intensity, may indicate placental abruption;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • sensations typical of real contractions in the last months of pregnancy;
  • changes in the activity of the baby (the intensity of movements increased, or, conversely, he began to move much less often);
  • contractions do not stop within an hour, and the interval between spasms is 5-10 minutes;
  • a large amount of vaginal discharge;
  • suspicion of a disease due to a change in the consistency, smell or color of the discharge;
  • pulling pain in the lumbar spine;
  • premature discharge of amniotic fluid or partial leakage;
  • feeling of pressure in the small pelvis.

The listed signs may appear before the onset of labor. Timely medical assistance is necessary so that the baby is born healthy, and the mother's well-being is not affected during childbirth.

What are Braxton Hicks contractions?

Most women give birth between the 38th and 42nd weeks of pregnancy, and sometimes labor can begin as early as two weeks before the expected due date or two weeks later.

However, some women experience Braxton Hicks contractions, or irregular contractions of the uterus, before day X. Braxton Hicks contractions (also known as fake contractions, trainers, training contractions) can begin as early as the second trimester of pregnancy, but are more common in the third trimester.

Braxton Hicks contractions occur when the muscles in the uterus contract. They are usually non-periodic, do not follow a "pattern", and do not increase in intensity and frequency.

Of course, they can scare you, and you might think that real contractions have come. Braxton Hicks contractions are normal and useful in their own way: they train the muscles of the uterus, preparing it for childbirth, they also give you the opportunity to practice breathing and learn how to use other relaxation techniques to soothe pain during labor.

What causes Braxton Hicks contractions, what are the causes of training contractions?

Experts don't know the answer to the question of what causes Braxton Hicks' contractions, but these false contractions appear to tune the uterine muscles by training them before childbirth, and also by training bouts improves blood flow to the placenta. The biggest difference between Braxton Hicks contractions and real contractions is that during Braxton contractions, the cervix remains unchanged, with actual contractions of the uterus, when labor occurs, contractions lead to opening the cervix... Several situations trigger Braxton Hicks contractions, including:

  • active activity of the mother or activity of the baby in the womb
  • if you or anyone else puts your hand on your stomach
  • dehydration
  • full bladder
  • sex (orgasm).

How common are Braxton Hicks contractions?

Most women experience Braxton Hicks contractions, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy when the term is approaching.

What are the signs and symptoms?

Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish training fights from real ones, but if you closely monitor the sensations, you will be able to determine what is what. The main difference lies in the frequency and duration of the contractions. If you have any doubts or concerns, be sure to see your doctor.

Braxton Hicks contractions (training contractions) can be defined using the following characteristics:

  • a feeling of tightness in the upper part of the uterus or in the lower abdomen and groin;
  • concentration in one area (and not across the entire abdomen to the lower back, as in real contractions);
  • irregularity (less than 6 cuts per hour);
  • intensity of violations;
  • unpredictable;
  • irregular (the picture is not observed: the contraction becomes longer and more painful over time, the duration of the break between contractions is reduced - as in real contractions, but with real contractions);
  • not very painful, although they, of course, can cause severe inconvenience;
  • the contractions gradually subside, and then disappear altogether.

As the pregnancy progresses, Braxton Hicks' contractions can get stronger and even painful. It is better to concentrate on what kind of contractions they are (whether there is regularity, the pain increases or, conversely, subsides), it will help if you try to rest and relax.

If it seems to you that the picture does not change, or the contractions increase even when you are resting, then most likely you are starting to labor! Stop sitting in front of the computer, call your doctor :)

How can you manage Braxton Hicks contractions?

False contractions give you the opportunity to practice breathing exercises, check which relaxation methods help you to muffle pain - after all, all this will come in handy with real contractions during childbirth. Try to calm down, determine the length and frequency of the contractions. Count how long each of the contractions lasts and what is the interval between them. Now on the Internet there are many online services that will help you do this. Just type in a search engine « scramble reader» . Real fights usually last at least 30 seconds after they start, and can last up to 75 seconds. As they progress, the contractions get stronger.

Braxton Hicks contractions, on the other hand, vary in length and are generally irregular, weak, and not intense.

If training contractions are very inconvenient for you, then try to rest, change body position, walk, take a warm bath (not hot!), Drink water - until the contractions go away.

The only way that you can surely help to determine if the contractions are false or not is when your doctor examines the cervix. As we said earlier, Braxton Hicks contractions do not affect the cervix in any way. Real contractions are identified when the cervix is ​​dilated. If you have any doubts, then contact your doctor, and he can do and tell you if you have started labor.

What are the possible consequences of Braxton Hicks contractions?

Braxton Hicks contractions are not harmful and can help you prepare for childbirth and actual contractions. However, if you experience contractions, feel unwell, are experiencing or, like during your period, you are likely to have labor. Below are also indications that labor may have begun:

  1. the feeling that the baby has fallen lower in the uterus - i.e. when the baby's head has settled deeper in the pelvic area. This can happen a few weeks or a couple of hours before the onset of labor.
  2. Increased vaginal discharge - it can be light pink or slightly bloody discharge, this process is usually called "The plug came off"... This happens when a thick mucous plug moves into the vagina when the cervix is ​​opened, usually at any time: from a few days before the onset of labor or just before childbirth.
  3. You water flows- there is a rupture of the amniotic fluid-filled bladder, and the aqueous liquid can either be a weak trickle or simply pour out of the vagina. This usually happens a few hours before or at any time during labor.

Below is a list of questions to ask your doctor when you are worried.Braxton Hicks training contractions.

  1. What is Braxton Hicks' bout?
  2. How can I distinguish false contractions from real contractions?
  3. What if false contractions start?
  4. When are training contractions most common in pregnancy?
  5. Do they change over the course of pregnancy? How?
  6. How can I relieve my symptoms if my contractions are painful?
  7. Can you tell me more about childbirth?
  8. How do I know when labor has started?