Blue color in clothes: shades and combinations. Green, brown purple, blue

The color blue in clothes is very common for people. For many, this is a favorite color, moreover, a basic color, that is, they collect their wardrobe, relying on this particular shade in clothes.

The color blue is considered pretty official. Uniforms, business suits, overalls - all this is not at all difficult to imagine in blue, but not in red, not in purple. At the same time, this shade, in a lighter, airy embodiment, is easily transformed in our imagination into a bride's dress or into a beautiful ball gown of a graduate. It is with this color that little girls most often paint the dresses of painted princesses.

It is difficult even to imagine how many shades this color has. However, in some nationalities, the designation of this part of the solar spectrum is completely absent in the lexicon. For example, in Japan, blue and green began to be distinguished in educational materials only in the middle of the twentieth century. There is no such color among some peoples of the African continent. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the nature surrounding these tribes there is no blue at all, except for the blue of the sky.

Basic shades of blue

There are few colors in the paint palette that have as many shades as blue. Depending on the penetration of violet, green, yellow into it, designers amuse themselves with creating tables of shades of blue, coming up with amazing names for many of them: steel blue, niagara, heavenly, royal blue and even Bondi Beach waters. And if you are one of those who previously knew only blue and light blue, we bring to your attention 7 basic shades of this multifaceted color:

  • navy blue;
  • midnight blue (navi);
  • sapphire;
  • ultramarine;
  • cobalt;
  • electrician;
  • blue.

Cold to warm

The color blue has the unique ability to add coldness to any shade adjacent to it. Nevertheless, it is possible to distinguish tones in it that radiate a faint, almost intangible, warmth, and others that only real Snow Queens should have in their wardrobe.

Colors of the spectrum such as yellow and may green add warmth to blue. The intervention of purple and cold greens will make it cool. Although, in relation to blue, this division into degrees is extremely arbitrary.

Who will go blue?

Due to its low temperature, it is believed that the choice of blue is the prerogative of only those women who can be attributed to cold color types: winter and summer. However, "warm" beauties should not avoid this tone in women's clothing - just the colors will be slightly different, emphasizing the natural beauty of spring and autumn.

Color type Winter

This contrasting type of feminine beauty has two main qualities: radiance and coldness. No pastel, muted blue should be allowed into the closets - dusty, lacking in contrast, they will do a poor job for. In blue it is better to pay attention to shades of bright blue, electric blue, blue-violet, turquoise, ultramarine.

Color type Summer

A woman who is an embodiment, on the contrary, does not need excessive saturation and play on contrasts. The best blue option is the one that you want to describe with the word "calm". The bleached shades of the summer sky, grayish-blue or gray-blue, the color of a low-hanging thundercloud, the blue that is called royal - these are the main trump cards in the wardrobe of summer ladies.

Contrast is not as common in autumn as it is in winter, and yet, girls and women should beware of slurred, pale tones in clothing and accessories. The chosen shade of blue should be quite complex, in which you can see two or even three subtones at once: greenish-blue, blue-black, deep blue with a purple tint. Pure colors will argue against the complex gamut of autumn women. Ultramarine, electric blue, and pale blue, azure, faded tones should be avoided.

Color type Spring

Blue shades for are those that necessarily include a yellow undertone. They must be bright, joyful, no mutedness and halftones - bright turquoise, aquamarine - especially advantageous for the skin tone inherent in spring, as well as cornflower blue, sky blue. It is permissible to wear the last color bleached, but not so much that the honey gamut of spring fades out under its coldness. Gray notes in blue in spring should be avoided without fail.

What is blue combined with?

Many outfits become winning and complete as soon as blue appears in them. The main thing is not to upset the balance and correctly combine this color with others. Despite its versatility, with carelessness and ill-considered appearance, blue can make you a "blue stocking". And it's not at all about the brightness of the hue.

Blue and white

The combination of black and white is considered classic. However, in addition to this quality, a pair of these colors determines the formality, severity and some detachment of the whole image, while the use of blue instead of black in clothes will make your appearance at the same time restrained, but not boring, businesslike, but close and understandable, without a strict distance. Therefore, office trouser suits in dark blue are so loved by business women. Combined with a simple white blouse and small, elegant accessories, they remain feminine even in the most formal office setting.

As a rule, the combination of blue and white suggests a darker bottom and a lighter top: blue jeans - a white shirt, a blue skirt - a white blouse. But after trying the colors in reverse order just once, you will understand how this unconventional connection sets you apart from the crowd.

Blue and red

A very ambiguous combination. In this case, it is preferable to focus on: a handbag, a strap on a dress, gloves and a scarf with blue outerwear. The red tone is always expressive, it throws a challenge that blue must accept with its inherent restraint and equanimity. Red on a bright ultramarine, on intense turquoise will cut the eyes of others, and your set will disintegrate into separate components of incompatible elements of clothing.

Also, be careful about the proportions of the two colors in one outfit: there should be more blue. And don't add too much white here. It will look very patriotic - it will remind everyone around about the Russian tricolor. But it’s probably appropriate only on the stands of the fans.

Blue and orange

But this combination, in contrast to the previous one, is quite welcome in any ratio of colors in the outfit. Orange is the main antagonist of blue, it is at the opposite end of the rainbow spectrum, so it always emphasizes and sets the contrast of the combination. Dark orange, peach, orange in combination with alternative blue make the image light, fresh, and memorable.

Blue and brown or beige

If you choose two dark shades of these colors, together they will look too heavy and will certainly add to your age. Therefore, the best option would be to give one tone - brightness, and the other - restraint. An exception to the rule will be dark blue - it looks equally harmonious with any of the shades of brown, but with dark chocolate it will still look official. But perhaps this is exactly the effect you are trying to achieve?

Beige will support both light and dark shades of blue well. It has long been noticed that beige is perceived as a symbol of sophistication and elegance. Combined with royal blue, it will make you a lady of high society. Experience this combination by visiting an expensive boutique, where you have not dared to go before, or sit down at a table in a cafe, where usually there is no rush to serve. The hackneyed truth - met by dress - in this case, will work in your favor as it should.

Blue and yellow

In combination, the main thing is not to overdo it with the color saturation included. In fashion there is such a thing as color blocking, where colors of the same intensity are combined. It always looks rough, so dim some of your garments. Dark blue seems to be created for union with mustard, light yellow, amber. But all the same colors with blue or turquoise will look pompous.

Blue and purple (lilac)

Despite the closely related relationship between these two colors, it is not as easy to combine them without being an experienced stylist. Here you need to take into account such nuances as the brightness of both shades, their temperature, the scale ratio in the outfit. In order not to miss, start simple - combine dark blue with pale lilac or bright purple. The best way out would be to wear a dress of one shade and to it - an accessory, or a jacket, or a coat of a different color.

The combination of blue and violet in dark tones will create a too gloomy, depressing image, and a bright cobalt or electric blue with the same brightness in lilac or violet will generate an incredible contrast, which is called "pluck out your eyes", which is unlikely to beautify you.

Blue and pink

In this tandem, it is also important to maintain the same color saturation. Moreover, the whitened tones of both shades are combined more successfully than darker or too bright ones.

The only blue that matches absolutely any other color is dark blue. A bright pink color and a delicate, almost transparent color will suit him.

In order not to spoil the outfit, add neutral colors to it - white or gray, but not black, which, although considered achromatic, will look too heavy against the background of blue and pink colors.

Blue and Silver / Gold

In especially solemn moments when you need to shine, the combination of blue and one of two sparkling colors - silver or gold - can turn you into a bright star of celebration. It should be noted that silver enhances coldness, while gold smoothes out this blue tint effect. Depending on whether you want to be admired from afar or sought to get a closer look, choose the shine you want.

It should be borne in mind that large scales of gold and silver fabrics in clothes - in the form of dresses, skirts, blouses - only look reasonable on catwalks. There is a huge difference between the concepts of "shine" and "shine", so choose a blue dress or an elegant suit of the same color with a silver clutch, gold-colored shoes or just jewelry made of your preferred metal. Your appearance will certainly be discussed, but it will not be the subject of ridicule.

Blue and green

These two colors have innumerable shades, so there will be exactly the same number of combinations. However, this combination will not suit every woman. If your skin is pale or has a pronounced pink tint, veins are clearly visible on your hands, the whites of the eyes have a natural yellowish tint, as well as tooth enamel, give up an outfit in which there will be too much blue and. Use accessories or shoes of these two colors to stay in trend and, at the same time, not harm yourself.

Blue and black

In this fusion of colors, let the blue be bright and noticeable. A pale blue, pastel, whitish shade of this beautiful color in tandem with black will look disadvantageous for any type of appearance. Bright sapphire, electric blue, ultramarine, thick turquoise color will create an active contrast with black, and, of course, will suit only women with contrasting colors. To soften the harshness of the borders, break this combination with a white that suits you - with a shade of blue for the cold group, with a light creamy shade for warm springs and fall.

Any accessory of equal brightness looks especially impressive against the background of a black-white-blue set: bag, shoes, necklace. It is important to observe the expressiveness of colors: with blue in the shade of an electrician, choose an equally expressive decor element. With a calm dark blue - let the handbag or scarf be soft red, burgundy, noble malachite.

Blue and gray

Unlike the previous combination, this combination looks more standard, even ordinary. This can be a casual outfit for work: a dark gray skirt and blue blouse, blue dress pants and a relaxed shirt or jumper of the same color. In such a harmony of colors, you can go for a walk with friends if it involves an ordinary meeting, and not a solemn exit: jeans in any shade of classic denim - a gray T-shirt or T-shirt, sweatpants - and a sweatshirt. But if you add a little sparkle to this combination, the image immediately ceases to be everyday and becomes elegant, even defiant. Leave the blue office trousers, change the jumper to a gray blouse made of fine organza, softly iridescent satin in the color of asphalt or smoky silk - and the evening dress is ready for going out!

Trendy shades of blue 2018

It is known that every year designers choose for themselves a dozen basic colors, which for some time will be considered fashionable - in order to then change their authoritative opinion to the diametrically opposite and force fashionistas all over the world to rush to the shops in search of new collections.

In the upcoming season, the hit parade is topped by two shades of blue, according to the color and color expert Pantone Color Institute. The first color is called "riverbank" - it is a smoky blue color, based on cobalt, with a subtle ash touch, truly beautiful and deep, suitable for both women and men to create a stylish fashionable look.

The second color, ice-blue, frosty, airy, is called “airy blue”. It is especially recommended by fashion designers for use in outerwear, but will be appropriate in both casual wear and evening wear.

Accessories - the finishing touch

There are still women who believe that blue earrings, beads or a necklace of the same color must be chosen for a blue dress or such a blouse. Better yet, if all this is the same tone and brightness.

In fact, for more than a dozen years, fashion has insisted that the details of the outfit in most cases should be contrasting or matching in color with the detail of the ornament, if a pattern is included in the kit.

Blue, thanks to its rich palette, is a little out of this rule. It's not a fashionable mistake to grab a blue handbag to a navy dress, or tie a turquoise scarf over a navi coat.

At the same time, do not try to float on the waves of blue hysteria and grab things that are considered hottest from store shelves. At the whim of designers, either blue shoes, which are difficult to fit somewhere after the season, become popular, or clothes of the color of some kind of "blue dust" that disappear from the pages of glamorous magazines after a couple of months, and continue to live in the wardrobe for years. sadly reminding the hostess that it is ridiculous to follow fashion ...

Choose classic shades of blue and your clothes will never stop being trendy. Well, maybe it's vintage.

Any fashionista may have a question, what to wear with blue. After all, it is present in various forms in almost every wardrobe, be it a jacket, dress or even shoes. But you won't be able to call it neutral, so you need to be wise when combining with other things. But if you do everything right, you will get a bright and stylish image both for a party and for a quiet walk with a child.

Which shades of blue to choose depends on. Light blue will suit someone, the dignity of the appearance of another beauty will be emphasized by a dark one. A variety of options will allow you to find a suitable solution for any occasion, for a blonde with fair skin and eyes and for a dark brunette. It can be cobalt, electric, ultramarine or rich royal. You just need to pick your own. And then figure out what the blue goes with.

White, black, gray

The most obvious choice is a combination of blue and white. Indeed, it always looks great. Even if only small inserts on the main clothes are light, a polka dot pattern or small and large stripes.

In the office, a matching dress will be complemented by a white jacket, a blue blouse is originally combined with a light bottom. In the summer, you should wear a long skirt, it is better to choose a light blue or ultramarine, and a white top. Accessories, such as a clutch and a belt, can also be white. Jewelry - earrings, bracelet, necklace - will also not be superfluous. White color women's jacket will harmoniously fit into almost any style.

Ultramarine is a cold color. Contrast with warm yellow, orange will attract attention with its unusualness.

Black is less suitable, as the bow can turn out to be too gloomy, in contrast to the combination of blue and white. But if there is a little dark, then you can experiment. For example, classic pumps are suitable for a business suit. A blue blouse and a pencil are appropriate in the office, it is better to choose a beige jacket. It is neutral and light, therefore it will soften the severity. Blue boots are appropriate in such an ensemble. The dress, which combines a royal shade and black, looks understated and solemn, so it should be worn at a formal reception. Red jewelry, purple or pink clutch will dilute the look. So you can pay attention to them if you have a question about which jewelry to prefer.

Light blue is in harmony with gray, but only if it is green without ebb. It could be a jacket or pants. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a boring and dull image. To avoid this, it is worth combining with other colors, for example, with white. A bright red accent will also fit well. But with beige, you can safely experiment. Almost any shade of blue is suitable for it: cobalt, electric blue, indigo. In this combination, bows come out warm and tender. It can be a blue blouse and a long beige skirt, a pastel dress and a blue clutch, in general, you can give free rein to your imagination. Brown accessories are in harmony with such an ensemble: belt, bag, wide leather bracelet.

Yellow, gold, red, orange

Light blue and yellow look fresh, original and very summer-like. More muted shades of blue and softer - sunny, especially if it is a women's jacket, it is allowed to wear to the office. Therefore, if you need to decide which kit to choose, it is recommended to experiment with them. It is worth combining things so that only one of the colors is the main one, and the second only complements it.

Royal chic will add to the image. This is almost an ideal solution for an evening out. It is only important to observe the measure so as not to look vulgar. It is good when cobalt predominates, and golden is used for accent, as is the case with yellow.

Combinations with red options can look provocative if unsuccessfully combined. Azure blue sweater and scarlet trousers look too bright. But if you add royal, light blue or cobalt accessories with red accessories, you get a stylish and non-trivial bow. What you need for brave beauties! also gives tenderness. So romantically-minded women of fashion should try this ensemble.

When wondering what to wear with blue, you should pay attention to. Such warm combinations will cheer you up, especially in the slushy autumn. But even in summer, they look very organic due to their brightness.

Green, brown purple, blue

The combination of blue in clothes with green gives the impression of natural freshness. Such a kit will not go unnoticed. Dark shades of blue harmonize well with green. With him, the outfit does not seem gloomy.

Another natural combination is. A blue jumper will match a sand skirt, blue boots will complement the warm shades of dresses. They open up together, getting rid of some of the aggressiveness and gloom inherent in them.

Cobalt and others are successfully combined with a related palette. For example, it might be. The image will be calm. Pink is capable of diluting it, making the image more harmonious. Purple will add mystery to the look.

Blue and cyan are essentially two shades of the same scale. This makes them compatible. But you just need to choose them so that the contrast is clearly visible. A women's sweater and an azure blue skirt will look interesting.

Bright shoes

Different items of clothing need to be combined with others in different ways. Letting your imagination run wild, you will be able to get original and stylish bows.

Cobalt or electric shoes deserve a special mention. It will create a bright accent in the image, it will well complement a blue clutch.

If you have a problem with what to wear blue boots, then you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Blue and light blue look good together. Therefore, an interesting option is an azure blue dress and cobalt-colored suede boots. A neutral jacket will complement the look.
  • The model without a heel will match jeans with a green sweater or tunic.
  • The purple top - dress and jacket - will complement blue boots and a matching bag.
  • Sheath dress electric blue with pink flowers.
  • A long skirt, black or green, and a purple jacket will do.
  • Warm boots or lace-up boots are interestingly combined with an ethnic-style blouse and an elegant vest.

There are many options for what to wear with blue boots. They go with different outfits, especially if they have pink, green, purple. The same goes for other shoes. Bright shoes will draw attention to slender legs, sandals will cheer you up on a summer day. In some cases, for example, if created, they are allowed to be worn on their own. In other variants, it is worth taking care of another accent in this tone.

By the same principle, you should combine a blue sweater with the rest of your wardrobe. Warm kits are appropriate in cool weather. Adding white and red will create a nautical look that is reminiscent of summer. Soft combinations with things of brown or beige colors are appropriate in everyday life, including in the office. A neutral jacket looks harmonious. Decorate the ensemble with pink, making the bow more romantic. Especially if it is a short, airy skirt.

A cobalt bag will adorn an outfit in which this color is already present in one of the items of clothing.

Another good solution is a light blue top and a mid-length flared skirt. If its color is black, then the kit is suitable even for work. For an informal walk, it is better to choose a brighter green and purple. A jacket in dark colors will suit such an ensemble.

Stylish outerwear

Do not give up such outerwear. The classic coat silhouette in the electrician version looks quite unusual. You can also use muted options. It will turn out to create an image in any style, if you figure out what to wear with a blue coat:

  • Nautical. A short product is suitable; it must be supplemented with gloves and a red handbag. It is recommended to wear blue boots with him.
  • Business. Black and white in shoes and accessories will allow you to achieve a strict formal look.
  • Everyday. Favorite jeans and comfortable shoes are a suitable solution for every day. To liven up the bow, you can decorate the set with a light scarf.
  • Bright. Accessories in rich red or yellow in combination with a shade of electric blue and ultramarine look unusual and interesting.
  • Romantic. To achieve this effect, coats are complemented with accessories in delicate pastel colors, for example, pink.
  • Warm hats or are the best suited for cold weather. They can be either in the tone of the coat or be played up with accessories.

An electric blue jacket is organically combined with jeans and either pinstriped or even red. A similar jacket can be worn with a long skirt and blouse, only it should be shortened. And also any jacket beautifully complements a scarf. They choose it to match or play in contrast.

When choosing an outfit, the most important thing is to take into account the peculiarities of your appearance. Any fashionista should remember this golden rule. Then it will turn out to find the perfect, one might say, royal shade. With the right approach, figuring out what to wear a blue coat or any other wardrobe item is not difficult. After looking at the photo, it will be possible to navigate in which color will complement the main one.

Last update: 03.11.2018

The color of the season is very powerful. Royal, Azure, Klein, Iris, Majorelle, Oxford, Sky and French. The number of words used to describe the attractive shade of blue that is currently popular with men is only limited by the imaginations of the people describing it. In truth, it doesn't matter what you call it. The only thing that matters is that you wear it. That's why we've put together a guide to many ways to show you how to wear blue in menswear.

Of course, blue, traditionally a masculine color, has always been central to. However, most of the time, it is dark blue that predominates. Blue looks graceful because it is a uniform color, not a speckled color, and so dark that it borrows much of the formality we associate with black clothing. In a nutshell, while navy blue adapts nicely, it's pretty sensible - royal blue provides a brighter alternative, especially during the warmer months.

The extent to which you want to use royal blue will likely depend on your environment as well as your desire. For some men, a new watch strap will be enough, while others won't be satisfied until they are in a royal blue mohair suit. Whether you want to add some personality to yours, look for an alternative to black for your next pair of pants. Or simply if you want a new casual jacket, this season the answer comes in the form of royal blue.

Blue as an accent

Whether a person is held back by their environment (formal office environment) or simply doesn't want to nudge a tailor's envelope, there are many ways in which they can display a simple hint of their personality. The man in the photo, dressed in an ensemble that makes us imagine drinking gin and tonic on the deck of an expensive yacht, fuels his classic white trousers and with a royal blue striped shirt and azure strap.

The contrast between vintage style and lively strap is especially pleasing, and suggests a disrespect for the serious world of watchmaking.

Using pale blue

What a strange place the Internet is. Lino Ieluzzi runs a Milan-based menswear store that does not sell online and does not seem to have ambitions to become a global brand. And yet he's a style star. His bold taste in tailoring inspires thousands iGents (this is the generation of a tailor-obsessed man whose style appears in Pitti Uomo every season).

Here Ieluzzi is wearing a padded double-breasted jacket with shoulders. Of course, he almost always wears a double-breasted jacket with soft shoulders, but this color has a bold hue. It can be seen so often on the streets of Florence that we tend to call it Pitti blue... The color of the jacket is intense, but Ieluzzi has managed to soften the visual impact with accessories in the same shade (which pull the eye up) and opts for more muted shades of blue in his open-necked shirt and perfectly folded pocket square. Just ditch your tie when wearing your regular navy blazer. Make sure your look is paired with complementary light blues to avoid being too dazzling.

A little open body

If Ieluzzi takes a completely casual approach to tailoring, he is still one of those clearly rooted in traditional tailoring codes. A more modern way is to abandon the old rules when looking for clothes.

It is with this elegant blue suit, which, besides the fact that the jacket and trousers are made of the same fabric, bears little resemblance to sewing clothes. As such, it serves as better inspiration than an office ensemble. The way the fabric is easily pushed against the hand suggests that it is very lightweight, reinforced with wrinkles around it. The way it is worn, with an open-necked shirt, further reduces the formality.

Business trip

Even if a man dresses up in a conservative style, he can still gain a lot by lightening the shade of blue he wears. As these three men show modest changes in blue, they transform the image of the garments. If these guys were dressed in navy blue, they might get the impression that they were boardroom titans, but with their soft shoulders, brown boots and slim pants, they look like they're heading for a glass of chilled Prosecco. not for PowerPoint presentation. Thus, they give us a lesson on how to manage the sometimes difficult transition from office to work, which is relevant to the men of Florence, as well as to the financial districts of the world, especially when you go to work.


A well-designed accessory is a great way to show some dexterity in a conservative way. Here, a wonderful tweed suit is worn over a classic and wool tie. However, the eye is drawn to a dramatic portfolio crafted from lapis lazuli leather that changes the viewer's perception of the entire outfit.

The key to this is the contrast in the color of the suit and portfolio, and the obvious quality of the accessory. Any element you use to grab the viewer's attention has to stand up to scrutiny.

Keeping it simple


Blue has many shades. Work clothes and haute couture dresses are sewn from fabrics of different shades of blue, of course, these fabrics are different, but the blue color in clothes embodies all the variety of fashion, from real luxury to charming simplicity and modesty.

Royal blue or cobalt blue

For example, the incredibly beautiful shade of blue known as cobalt or royal blue. This color is incredibly flexible in creating a variety of ensembles and images, it can dominate or be present in the form of individual details, but in any case, royal blue always looks sophisticated and elegant. If you like this color, when choosing clothes, be sure to consider the following point: cobalt blue looks much more dignified in high-quality and expensive fabrics, cheap fabric levels the uniqueness and attractiveness of this noble color. Royal blue harmoniously combines with coral, yellow, turquoise, mint, pink, sky blue and blue-green.

  • In fact, royal blue or cobalt looks very stylish and expressive and, even if it is not the main trend of the season, this color always remains relevant and never goes out of style.
  • Another positive side of blue is its excellent compatibility with almost any skin tone, but in order for blue to play in full force, it is advisable to find "your" shade of blue.

  • Dark colors are not the best neighbors for royal blue, avoid brown and its shades, blue looks good with contrasting colors, but dark in this case look too gloomy and inharmonious.
  • A blue dress needs accessories, it can be a contrasting scarf or a handbag, but too bright a necklace or earrings can, on the contrary, distract attention from the color of the dress.

  • In addition to bright jewelry, jewelry with black crystals looks very interesting with a blue dress. In this combination, there is a charm of mystery, gothic and mysticism.
  • Royal blue or cobalt is a self-sufficient and deep color, few manage to create a successful monochrome look in this color, in most cases a dress, shoes and a handbag in one color look too intrusive, too much blue overloads the image. Especially do not forget about this women with too expressive appearance.
  • In makeup for a blue dress, it is also worth giving up too bright and dark colors, makeup in neutral, natural shades always looks appropriate, for special occasions bright red or plum lipstick is suitable.

Electric color

Another type of blue - electric blue - is a kind of mixture of blue and blue, sometimes with a grayish tint. An electrician is a strong and calm color at the same time, he does not feel aggression, only elegance and real dignity. However, despite the expressiveness of this shade, stylists do not recommend monochrome looks, just like red, an electrician can look too flashy, and stylish ladies with exquisite taste do not need such an effect at all. The electrician is best combined with white, red, or a palette of pastel shades.

Electrician with black

Electric, like cobalt, has a subtle purple hue, and any of these colors combined with black makes a pretty strong impression. This combination is especially appropriate in evening wear, especially in combination with pearls or vintage jewelry. ... For a cool evening, a light dark blue coat is suitable for an electric blue evening dress. If you choose such a combination for one of the publications, no one will have any doubts about your impeccable taste. More casual and austere, electric blue dresses work well with today's trendy collar necklaces.

Electrician with yellow

Electrician with yellow looks joyful and life-affirming, it is the perfect color combination for an urban casual look, especially if yellow is present in the form of a handbag, ballet flats or oxford shoes in a masculine style. ... The whole combination can consist of a blue top, jeans and yellow shoes. If you want to create a calm and comfortable look, choose lighter shades of yellow, bright and hot, like the sun, yellow is perfect for impudent and active girls.

Electrician with white

For fans of romantic and feminine images, stylists recommend choosing a combination of an electrician with white. In this color combination, there are hints of innocence and girlish pride, nobility and tranquility, an image in white and blue tones is ideal for a romantic date. Various details will add a special zest: lace, satin trim or metal decor. You can add spice and some drama with red lipstick. - the timeless classic of seduction.

Electrician with pastel shades

Pastels and neutral colors soften the expressive character of an electrician, beige, mint green, light brown will perfectly cope with this task. The tandem of pastels and electrics is appropriate in any setting, it looks fresh and elegant and at the same time there is a pleasant relaxation and comfort in it. For special occasions, the outfit can be supplemented with jewelry; in a relaxed friendly atmosphere, it is quite possible to get around without them.