Slavic practices. The spiritual and energy structure of a person in the traditions of Slavs

I always speak seriously, so listen and remember: in the thirties, Bukharin somehow asked Academician Pavlov, how to regard the death of a person in the 70th age? And he answered him that if a person leaves life at seventy, then it should be viewed as the death of a baby. Then Bukharin asked academician about a more solid age about death in 150?
And Pavlov replied with all his directness that if a person dies in 150 years, then such death should be considered a murder. In my own words, he signed himself a death sentence. But this is a little bit away.
Why did a great physiologist have such an opinion about the longevity of man? Because he knew thoroughly by the life potential of who he was doing.
- Academician Pavlov about the longevity of man told Bukharina the truth. The fact is that the cells of the living organism almost anyone, if they are periodically cleaned, almost not aging ... In such an organism, their replacement goes one to one.
Organisms are aging due to non-intracillary. In other words, due to the pollution of the body. The mechanism is natural and it acts in a couple with instincts. I will tell you that people eat not because hungry, but because it is the habit ... go about your instincts. And this will make a grave.
I will not talk about defective food now. There are many things in stores that can not be. But people eat, eat because tasty! Chase for getting pleasure! Speud is normal. First of all, they obey their instincts. What does such a meal lead to? To slap, gradual poisoning, aging and death.
Our first task will learn the right nutrition. The second task is to master the cleansing of the body at the cellular level. To do this, have little to relax from feeding food. We also need to drink some herbs. Plus, our Russian sauna, and breathing exercises ... See how much you have to comprehend?
But this is just the beginning. I introduced you with the action on the organism of the Earth-Mother Earth. Now I will deal with the elements of fire. When do you move or do you carry something hard that you feel?
"It becomes hot," I said.
- Here is the manifestation of the inner fire! But it's not warm, but in hormones. When a young man in his body dominates growth hormones. The hormones of aging are also present, but they do not define anything in youth. In adulthood, hormonal background is aligned.
The number of growth hormones and recovery is equal to the number of damage hormones. After forty years in an ordinary person in the body, the hormones of degeneration begin to prevail. This leads to old age. Do you think how to make it so that in the body always dominated the hormones of growth recovery, and the hormones of destruction or aging disappeared?
"I don't know right," I shrug.
- In fact, everything is simple. It is necessary to include in its body the element of fire.
- But how to do that? - I asked.
- Common exercises on all muscle groups, "" Zakar "smiled. - All these exercises have long been known, only a few of them knows that there are few people ... I mean what is taken in the West to call in bodybuilding, and we have athletic gymnastics ... I will show you something.
The old rose from the trunk of the fallen tree and headed back to his house. I followed him with undisguised curiosity. When we came to the courtyard, he held me the southern side of his house under the tested canopy and showing a pile of dumbbells and the bargain said:
- Here is my gym, young man. I am in it and in winter and in the summer. In winter in the frost and blizzards, in the summer in the heat. Taking into account everything without exception of the muscle group. And since I eat very little, my muscles are more restored, rather grow ... Therefore, I have a musculature, you saw, decent, but not hypertrophied ...
The main thing in the other, the exercises force the body to constantly produce growth hormone ... in a few days and you will become a bodybuilder. But not for showing, but for health.
So we disassemble the action of two elements. Earth elements and fire. We have the third elements of water. Its action: Bath pairs, squeezing slags from the body under the action of temperature and broom. All types of swimming and summer and winter in the snow or corruption ... Clean water should be drunk. Not from the water supply, but structured: either rain, or from wells, springs or clean rivers.
- Why can't you drink from the water pipe?
- Long conversation tags, because she is killed. In cities, water goes in a circle. It is cleaned and again served for use. Is it possible to clean water from the information? Especially chemistry? Funny! And then pipes? For water pipe - death!
They make it the water-emulsion structural plastic ... We have the element of air, the tags. What is it busy? Our breath.
So we will study with you to breathe correctly ... Now you breathe well. Obviously, breathing has put a military class. But still, you need to learn through the element to gain vitality. You still do not know how.
The last element, the most mysterious and complicated mean the element of our unconscious. If the simplest is the power of our soul. That's more seriously work. You must know, the tags, one law - if the consciousness of our soul is in contradiction with the consciousness of our body, then the soul the body turns off. Hence ordinary people a lot of disease. For example, the same cancer, stroke or heart attack ... For longevity, consciousness and soul are required, and the body is one.

(from the book G.A. Sidorova)

Practice of alive and harmony. The ancient Slavs drenched their strength in the energy of the universe, which was called alive. As the basis of the foundation, she supported our ancestors on a psycho-emotional, somatic and spiritual level, helped heal the disease and help build their lives in a positive "key." Today, this healing system is actively reborn every day ...

The fundamental qualities of the practitioner of the goddess alive are the strength and power of our relatives and harmony, fire, fate, love. Table of Contents. Introduction to Practice Live and Harmony Practice Live and Harmony - Level 1 God Ingl and Star Inglia Goddess Veda Veda Lives Slavic Mythology: Goddess Alive Trade about the goddess of alive goddess ...

Cleansing on fire, all negative burns. The special practice of Sacred Inglia, the goddess of alive, the God of Semarglag, the god Znier, which makes it all night on fire to burn. God Perun, God, Striboga and Goddess alive embed their sacred symbols ... ✅ Practice can be created for 1 day, 3 days and 9 days. ✅ Clean ...

God semargl-flambog - Vyshny God, the keeper of the eternal living fire and the guardian of accurate adherence to all fiery rites (both nearby) and fiery cleansing. SEMARGL - Firebog takes fiery gifts, demand and darkness sacrifices on the ancient Slavic-Aryan holidays, especially Krasnogor, the day of God kicked and in the Vyshny Day of God Perun, is a mediator between people ...

For now, the name of the fire of fire is most likely, his name is so holy. Still, because this god lives not somewhere in the seventh heaven, but directly among the people! His name is trying less often to say out loud by replacing allegoryrs. With fire Slavs bind the emergence of people. According to some legends, the gods made a man and a woman of two ...

Fiery heavenly god, guarding the sacred restless fire, which is revered in the birth of older - ingling as an eternal source of life. He lives everywhere, in the everyday worldly life of childbirth, in various spiritual rituals and rites of priest-clergymen of the old faith. God Znier gives all plants to forest and garden grow, all colors in the fields ...

The divination of Slavs meant the moment of the highest medium inhabiting of spiritual aspiration into the climax states of nature, the state of which was a reflection of the strength of collective thought. Guessing the magic, women, girls. Understanding the strength of the word, followed by the image, and in the way, the whole powerful energy reservoir, htizes with the thinking of many generations, the magic folded conspiracies, with the help of words Introducing a person in a slim ...

From the very birth, we need air, food and water. But few people think that there is such a need for any living organism, without which all other needs are becoming irrelevant. We are talking about energy.

It is due to the proper supply of energy, a person is able to think and act. The presence of strong energy gives people additional possibilities, such as the ability to creativity or healing. Is it possible to raise your energy and methods, and what methods for this exist?

What is energy practices?

People work with their energy from time immemorial. In which corner of the globe, we would not look, everywhere you can find secret or, on the contrary, widespread techniques transmitted from one generation to another.
Managing its energy balance, the ability to expand its energy production - the most important goals of any energy practice.

There are many ways to work with energy:

  • Through sound impact;
  • By committing certain televitations;
  • Work with a man's aura and its energy centers (chakras);
  • Working with breathing;
  • Getting energy from nature (from trees, sun, water, fire, land, etc.);
  • Work with the place of force;
  • Non-constructive energy practices (manipulation by other people with energy).

Each person may choose such a way that best meets the needs of its body, the energy reserves best fills.

The most famous types of energy practices today include:

Developed and strong energy is the most beneficial effect affecting a person:

  • Improves health;
  • Promotes beauty and longevity;
  • Creates an opportunity for creativity;
  • Strengthens leadership qualities;
  • Allows you to heal yourself and other people;
  • Reveals many abilities in man.

Whatever a certain energy practice, which methods and methods of working with human energy, it neither use, the main task of any energy practice is the development, strengthening, protection and harmonization of the human energy field and improving the body, since there is simply impossible existence without a sufficient amount of energy.

Slavic energy practices

The ancestors of Slavs have long been known that any manifestation of life is the result of energy interaction. When energy flows in the body are balanced, the man is happy and healthy. And in the event of a lack of energy in humans, physiological and psychological problems arise.

Slavs knew a huge number of ways to maintain and restore human energy:

  • physical exercises;
  • psychological settings;
  • special decoctions;
  • spiritual practices;
  • slavic mantras - "Glory" (handling through songs to the highest forces).

There are many similarities between the ancient fortificest and Slavic energy practices. Both of the Slavs, and in the East, energy systems are based on the mutual influence of energy flows having a certain sound, color, frequency, spectrum, as well as the corresponding energy center on the body.

Slavs also exists the concept of "chakra", however, such main energy centers of Slavs have numbed thirteen, and not seven (Slavic-Aryan Energy Cross).

Since the structure of the Slavs's energy system is very different from the Chinese energy system, Araba or Japanese, popular teachings about the chakro system do not always contribute to the harmonious development of a white person. Eastern practices rose from the heritage brought to the east of the priests of Praslavan, until modern, they reached several simplified, in comparison with the original source, form. Therefore, the Slavs make sense to begin searching for its energy practice precisely with the study of various Slavic systems.


Slavyanskaya Energy practice
Beloyar is the result of the merger of the generic knowledge of the ancient Slavs and modern teachings based on the writings of the best psychologists and neurophysiologists, such as profitable, Luria, Bekhterev and Sechenov.

The Beloyar system allows the internal conflict between the movement and the thought through the natural holistic movement of the body.

This energy practice consists of three special stages:

  1. Therapeutic.
    At this stage, simple exercises help the self-restoration of the spine and the entire musculoskeletal system.
  2. Plastic.
    Thanks to the massage and special exercises of the second stage, the muscles are unleashed by energy minzes resulting from stress and squeezed emotions.
  3. Combat form.
    Exercises at this stage powerfully affect the body, give a huge feeding of energy.

Training in the Beloyar system teaches a person with a holistic worldview, the ability to obtain a powerful influx of energy, which can be directed to the fulfillment of desires. There are many videos telling about this amazing system.


No less known Slavic energy practice called "Liva". The living ancestors of Slavs called the flow of vital energy. Slavs believed that nature elements directly communicate with the energy of the universe.

The basis of this experimental plastic gymnastics is the principle of natural movement and an idea of \u200b\u200bthe harmonious development of a person through the development of three aspects in it:

  1. Mental - the power of the mind;
  2. Sensual - the power of love;
  3. Physical (dynamic) - the power of the Spirit.

The practitioners of the Slavic system "Live" are confident that only the equilibrium of these 3 forces people is in psychophysical harmony with himself and the environment.

"Live" consists of three courses of 12 cycles each.

In each cycle, a variety of natural movement forms are being worked out:

  • Development of stability and posture;
  • Stretching and "broach", twisting and compression;
  • Massage and self-massage;
  • Work with objects;
  • Work on the dynamics of legs and hands;
  • Pair work on the dynamics;
  • Work with force;
  • Work with representative perception systems;
  • Plastic dance and self-defense, as well as much more.

Our body is the embodiment of the Earth, and the Earth is the embodiment of the nature itself. Thanks to the inner feeling of the stream of energy alive, the person performs his purpose and becomes the Creator of his life


Slavic energy practice "Zdrava" is a distinctive system of recovery, based on the experience of our ancestors. She has more than other Slavic systems similar to Eastern practices.

Head contains such methods:

  • Power optimization and lifestyle;
  • Therapeutic and hygienic gymnastics;
  • Use of nature resources for healing;
  • Special methods of manual impact;
  • The use of plant, animal and mineral medicines.

On the health system, a person consists of 4 began:

  1. The fire;
  2. Water;
  3. Land;
  4. Air.

These 4 beginnings ideally are in dynamic equilibrium - in Lada.

Achievement of equilibrium in healthy contribute to certain exercise keys:

  • The keys of the Perun (Element of Fire) - volitional psychological suggestive gymnastics, activating consciousness, awakening internal forces.
  • The keys of the veles (Earth Element) are exercises aimed at increasing the muscle strength and the accumulation of external forces.
  • The keys of the horses (element of water) - remove internal dysfunctions in the body, make a person passable for energy, help their deurcivers.
  • The keys of the striboga (element of air) are developing control over the body, provide full-fledged body function, lead internal force in motion.

In addition to the 4 main keys, there are many additional. For example, the keys of the arms of Makosh - exercises acting on the sex system, corrective by the sex life of a person. Slavic Zdrava Returns a person to a natural lifestyle in harmony with nature.

Eastern energy practices

Most of the energy practices known today belong to the eastern systems. The ancient Lekari East never refused the assertion that the body of a person has not only physical, but also the energy component.

Most eastern energy practices help a person:

  • restore chakras;
  • equilibrate the vital energy in the body;
  • prepare the body to receive and maintain energy.

When the energy of life (Qi - from the Chinese, Prana - Hindu) passes freely - a person is active and healthy!

Management of vital energy is:

  • The basis of the treatment of many physical diseases;
  • Changes in the consciousness and life of a person for the better;
  • Disclosure of incredible energy potential.


Energy practice Reiki - a healing method and, at the same time, philosophy. But any of such unambiguous definitions is one-bed. It is rather a system of healing of life - self-organizing and self-healing.

Reiki is a multifaceted science, the art of the use of natural universal energy. It is an unusually effective self-regulation technique to relax and withdrawing stress. Practice Reiki gives harmony, balance and healing.

People practicing Reiki use their hands to broadcast universal energy to heal themselves and other people, as well as to achieve energy equilibrium. For this, the palm of the healer is consistently located on the patient's body in the "Reiki positions".

The ancient Chinese art of self-regulation of the body of qigong is not only a traditional health system, but also the basis of the styles of Chinese martial arts.

Qigong is:

  • Defined philosophical concept;
  • Chinese martial arts;
  • Meditative practices;
  • Gymnastic exercises that remove bodily clamps and mental blocks.

Qi - vital energy, which is the basis of the existence of any body. Qigong teaches man control of energy to calm emotions, consciousness and body.

Qigong contributes to the spiritual awakening of the person and the development of his personality, the liberation of his consciousness and understanding its true nature.


Improving energy system Zen is an ancient Tibetan art of the organism self-regulation. Zen includes meditative practices and simple exercises aimed at liberation from physical blocks and energy clamps.

With the help of the practice of Zen, a person distributes the pure vital energy of ki for all organs and systems of the body.

The set of exercises Zen includes:

  • breath;
  • visualization;
  • movement.

With regular exercises, all organs and systems of the human body are rejuvenated, a confident weight normalization is observed.

Yoga today is a set of various physical, spiritual and psychological practices that are part of Buddhism and Hinduism.

If we talk about yoga as energy practice, some types of yoga work with energy very tight:

  • Pranayama - control over vital energy (prana) through special respiratory practices.
  • Hatha Yoga - Asana help the elimination of energy blocks in the human body.
  • Nidida Yoga - getting energy through "sleep yogis".
  • Kundalini Yoga is the awakening of Kundalini's energy.
  • Tantra Yoga is the release of energy through special rituals and practices.
  • Yoga energy flow management.
  • Some other types of yoga.

Daily yoga classes significantly raise the energy tone, make consciousness and body more flexible.

Health System K. Niche

Japanese Health System Katsudzo Niche is a special way of life that is aimed at restoring the body's resources.

By creating your system, the niche was based on a holistic approach to the body. He believed that one should not treat a separate organ, since the body is a powerful self-regulating system. The main causes of the diseases of Nici believed the insufficiency of blood circulation and the poor functioning of the Glomeus (arteriovenous channel, along which the blood is moving from the arteries to the veins, without passing through the capillaries).

These reasons lead to the following changes in the body:

  1. Changing the skeleton bones;
  2. Changes in body fluids (lymph, blood);
  3. Change in internal organs;
  4. Decay of spiritual strength.

Only a comprehensive effect on the body can defeat the disease.


Although today Taijice (Thai) is popular as wellness gymnastics, but the Quan's prefix (fist) suggests that once Taijitsuan was combat art.

Practice Tai Chitsean eliminates many problems:

  • cleans consciousness and energy;
  • strengthens the emotional sensual sphere;
  • gives a person health.

The action on the principles of Tauche must be confirmed by the style of human life, only then the practitioner can call himself a master.

Gymnastics U-Shu

Chinese gymnastics U-shu - branch
martial art Kung Fu, which includes gymnastics aimed at physical and spiritual improvement. U-shu develops hidden abilities, quickly restores energy spent, healing or cures the body.

Gymnastics U-Shu is a complex of physical and respiratory exercises. These exercises are aimed at achieving flexibility, muscle development, tendons and joints, maintaining endurance, health improvement. In addition, the activities of U-Shu positively affect the general development of the musculoskeletal system, the formation of posture, perfectly remove muscle and emotional tension.

Western energy practices

Modern people believe that religion, culture, lifestyle and ideas about the world of Europeans and Asian actually do not have any points of contact. However, Western energy practices prove the opposite.

Bowen method

The ability of the human body to self-herded was Bowen to the development of his author's technique. The essence of the methodology is that the implementation of a series of light circular movements to stimulate the energy flow causes a response of the body. This reaction helps to restore the function of self-excretion of the body.

The method of Bowen uses all sorts of combinations of movements, either on the whole body as a whole, or on some separate sections. Feeling hands tensile tissues, a specialist eliminates stress accumulated in muscles, stimulates energy streams in the body, seeking general relaxation of the body.

Although the feedback on this method is rather ambiguous, this method is suitable for ease of use.

Neurolynguistic programming (NLP)

Work with energy is one of the directions of NLP. Neurolinguistic programming is considering energy as a resource of human life, the ability to purposefully spend a certain amount of force per unit of time.

Any energy system is the balance of the arrival and consumption of energy, periodically it requires optimization. Man functions by transferring pulses with neurons. If its energy system is "clogged" of various kinds of interference and blocks, then the purification of energy is required.

Successfully functioning person is different:

  • steady increase in energy;
  • the transition from the use of "alien" programs to self-programming.
  • the formation of abilities and qualities contributing to the expansion of perception.

Holotropic breathing

The method of transpersonal psychotherapy, known as the Kholotropic respiratory rate of the essence is hyperventilation of the lungs through rapid breathing. As a result of the narrowing of the vessels of the brain, the subcortical is activated, which causes negative experiences long out of consciousness. The method was developed by the psychologist Stanislav Grof in the 70s of the last century, when he was considered the replacement of the drug LSD.

Holotropic breathing includes items:

  • rapid breathing;
  • ethnic, trance and ritual music;
  • special forms of working with the body.

Holotropic breathing has a healing and transforming effect. Wolllop sessions are unpleasant emotions and hard physical sensations from the subconscious, which makes it possible to completely free the person from them.


Rudolf Steiner developed a unique medical system, fully focused on man. Its use harmonizes the physical, spiritual and astral levels of human existence. According to Anthroposophy, a person reaches higher states, consciously developing its strength and abilities.

Anthroposophy will operate with such concepts as:

  • inner peace;
  • meditation;
  • conscious dream;
  • chakras;
  • clairvoyance.

The stronger the person is moving in mental development, the more correctly its body is functioning.

Is there any difference?

After reading the various systems and teachings, a person can ask such a question: is there a significant difference between male and female energy practices? Most competent sources argue that there is, but this statement is absolutely not based on anything, and is used rather to attract the attention of people. In fact, you can do any energy practice to your choice: all practices are equally suitable for men and women.

Most people have heard about the so-called shamanic practices when the shamans by special exercises were included in the state of the changed consciousness. In such states, the depths of the subconscious were revealed, and the shaman could travel to other worlds, remember past lives, communicate with the gods and with spirits.

However, such practices existed not only among the peoples of Siberia and the Far North, but also in Indo-European.

So, in the Old Island "Saga about the ingling" says that one " could change his kind. Then his body was lying as if he slept or died, and at that time he was a bird or a beast, fish or snake and was transferred to distant countries in their deeds or on the affairs of other people”.

Scandinavas also known a special variety of magic, called "Seide" (Seidr). They were usually dealt with Women-Watches - Vielva (the word "Völva" is famous for the Russian "Volkhv"). During the Seian, they were taken into trance with the help of monotonous singing and stayed in this state for a long time (often - many hours in a row). The seder was committed to managing nature forces (causing storms, rain, etc.) or the prediction of the future. Parallel with Asian shamanism (trance status is based on the practice) is obvious.

In our article we will tell about the spiritual and mystical practices of our ancestors - Slavs.

The Slavs (however, in many other peoples - for example, the same Germans) were widespread the rite of driving barefoot on the hot coals. Before the rite, participants introduce themselves to a special trance state (sometimes tambourine, singing, etc. are used for this) and thanks to this, they go through coal, without burning. Nowadays, many followers of the native faith are still engaged in fire yield. It is usually done on the holidays (on the day of the autumn equinox (Radochych), on the day of the god Perun, on the dock, etc.).

The general name of mystical practices - wound. They are known to the Slavs since ancient times, and after Christianization of Russia, this tradition failed to completely destroy. Radiation used, for example, the Christian sect of whips ...

Special attention is paid to the revival of the ancient Slavic mystical practices, the Moscow community of Rodolubiye, headed by Magi Veleslas, is given. The priest-keeper of this community - Svetloyar - introduced us to some of them; Below are the descriptions of the part of these practices.

One of the simplest joes is "Koloslav". This is the Slavic analogue of Hindu Mantra. Koloslav is a short relaxation of any of the gods, for example: "SPI Perun Giving Power" - or: "Goy of Este Veles, Veles Euse Goy," - repeatedly fell on the same motive. Gradually, the speed of singing increases, the cooler comes to climax, and after a few more times, but slowly. Most often, Coloslav sing a group, sometimes - in the dance, but you can do it alone. Variety of Koloslav - "Verification". During his reference, the person spins around his axis and simultaneously sings Slage.

During chas, a person is part of a special "delightful" (the ancient meaning of the word "admire" - "crawl"), a changed state of consciousness, finding in which helps to exchange power from the Universe - part of the power of the Radious goes to God, which he is famous, but in return Also gets strength ...

Another pretty simple, but hard wound - breathing on fire. This is a cleansing practice. After a focused fast breathing on fire for a few minutes, a person can keep his hand in the flame for a while and will not be born ...

Many of Slavic joes are associated with shamanism. In addition to shamanic practices, meditation techniques, practices aimed at disclosing chakras, etc., are also available. But this is already the topic for a separate conversation ...


Creative this in Major Day (14 Area Falls),

in the summer 836 from the fall of arc.

Restoration of Borea

Just imagine that you are element, air. The air is inherent most warm and damp. We are looking for among those around us those who are simultaneously inherent and warm and dampness. We make them a list of exactly 7 days.

When you learn this, it seems to be a simple case, find a secluded place and learn to rise above the ground, surrounding yourself from all sides by air. Throw off all the clothes in this place. For what? Let as much air be as possible to touch you. Feel like it comes out of your body and enters it the air. It is drawn by his nose, goes inside your body and reaches the lungs. Remember that each of its particle is intended only for one - breathe, and your skin is also part of this amazing system.

Feel like air cleans your entire body. Feel extraordinary ease, even a slight dizziness, warmth and humidity. HAVE THE AIR, "SURE OF COLLOGY" "BOREY"! And now it is important to learn to control the air. To do this, imagine yourself with a light breeze, and then pull your hands with your palms to each other at a short distance (15-20 cm). Immediately imagine how the air leaves you and fills the space formed, "closed" by your hands. In order to fill this space, 3-5 exhalations are enough. Then breathe air and return to its normal state.

You are not just engaged in "respiratory gymnastics", along with the air you exhaled all diseases, all evil. Pull your arms again and fill the space desepaced by your hands. Then imagine a large "black hole" (as Slavs spoke, "pass to nonsense") and "push out" from the mentioned space all the air into this very "hole".

After that, seal the "black hole" forever. Feel a landing? You can congratulate you out from the disease!

Restoration of "penis"

Let's try to focus on the healing "obsolent" in our "Punchy" organism. Recall what properties is water? All right - cool and dampness. Now try to negotiate yourself those things that are characteristic of these qualities. To merge with water, you need to throw off your clothes and enter the cool water (in the bath, lake or river). You can take a breathing tube with you to plunge into the water deelief. Feel like the air leaves your body. Imagine that your body is a huge breathing apparatus. Each part breathes it, each time the skin breathes ... with water. Water cleans you and goes out. But be careful: do not identify the element of water from the first penny with the water physical, otherwise and drown for a short time!

And another 3 minutes a day, imagine that you are water. Feel its fluidity, cooling, refreshing moisture. Learn her in all manifestations. And one day you will learn to "be water."

I expel water disease.

How with the help of ancient Slavic practice related to water, try to expel the disease? Quite simple. Choose a convenient moment and imagine yourself with water. Raise your hands up so that between the palms facing each other remained about 20 cm.

Now imagine that keep a small barrel in your hands. And on the exhale, slowly draw how water flows from you, and with it and all your illnesses in this very barrel. It should be filled after 4-7 breaths. As soon as this happens, make 3 deep breaths and pour water with diseases away, then return to normal condition.

We treat the fiery component of the forces of "penis"

With fire jokes are bad. Slavs existed special days for fiery cleansing practices: December 25, March 21-25, June 22 and the so-called parental days.

An unfinished attitude towards the "Fire-Batyushka" in the Slavic world was unacceptable, since he was considered a manifestation of the essence of the Divine Right.

Here is the old and most famous Treka:

"Batyushko You king the fire, you all kings you king. Be merciful, like you are hot and ditch, how do you burn and fall in a clean field of grass-game, bowls and slums, in raw oak root. Takso, I pray, swaying those ka: Batyushko King Fire, Luggages and slept from the grandchildren of God's sorrow and kilives, fears and passions! "

Before fiery clearative practice, it was usually not necessary to "eat fruits from the woods of the altar of forest and home, by satisfying the three chips of the cereals of the fields of fields", and in a simple way - porridge, that is, the Slavic was prescribed to perform the body cleansing. But not a simple cleansing. The sacred meaning of the grain bonus was that each seed was considered a symbol of the will of life. How much time was it required to "sit on the kashe"? There was no strict temporary framework on this score: maybe a day, 3 days, week ... The term was determined by the person himself, as far as it was allowed.

After such a post, you will need the following. Lay hot, dry (without steam) place. If this is not possible, drive as close to the fire. Uncheck all the clothes, cover only the breast yes, other sensitive parts of the body. It will be very hot, but breathing should not be difficult. Focus on my breath and feel the heated air enters your lungs and comes out of them. Imagine that your whole body is a huge breathing apparatus, and each time your skin breathes with warmth and dryness - penny fire.

The fire passes throughout your body and cleans it. With exhalation, it takes with him all toxic substances, pain and suffering. But remember: to perform this exercise is necessary, only being a real fire and for no more than 10 minutes. Since when performing this healing practice, you can easily lose a sense of time, it is better to start the alarm in advance, and then drink 1 -2 cup of cool, but not ice water and leave the heat.

Getting rid of colds, or "fiery breathing"

Sit comfortably. If you want to effectively and quickly get rid of the cold, you will have to master the principle of "fiery exhalation". Apply the palm to the lips and make a slow and light exhale to warm it up with the exhaled air. If you enrolled correctly, the palm started up and sweated.

Now let's try "burn out" cold. Put both palms on the stomach, take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Start slowly exhaled inside, in the field of nose breast, or rather, in the very center of the niza chest. Get the bottom of the sternum at the expense of such exhalations, filling it with heat.

Now wrap a warm knit scarf on the wrist. Close the lips to the scarf or a scarf over the hand and start exhaled by "fiery breathing" as if into the scarf itself. You will have a feeling of hot compress, and heat penetrates inside and warm his hand.

Now wrap the neck and repeat the exercise. Exhale air to the Kadyk area on the neck. Due to such exhalations, you will warm up the whole neck.

The interior exhalation of "Fire Respiration" from the Slavs was considered very useful: he quickly filled with warm sputural energy of any part of the body, beating the disease.

Restoration of "Vellese"

Physical strength " velezitsa"- This is. First of all, the Earth; it is a stone. And the healing practices of Slavs associated with this" dissolution of physical "were work with a stone.

Stone practice.

The stone was always, at least Russian, sincecorable Slavic stone. Listen to words:

"Kolo kind." "The genus gave birth to a sedavory star [a star of the genus, the polar star] in the embroidery, and under her stone Alatyr. And Alatyrem Pakhtal-knocked up milk - and the land-mother gave birth to the land of Mother ... Raised Mount Alatyarskaya." Stones and stars - and nothing more. When hitting the stone of Alativery with a hammer, is born from the sparks of the gods, the stars in the sky rushed. The stone (Mountain) Alatyr, the seven heavens surrounded, the century reigns on it the golden - century of top bliss. (Hence, by the way, the Russian saying happened: "In the seventh heaven from happiness").

For the Slavs, he is a central point of infinite space; Around him, this world axis, the constellations of both bears, the sun, the moon, the planets and the monasters of the stars revolved. The northern slope of the Mount Alakura from pure gold, southern - from sapphires, Western - from Rubins, East - from pure silver. Here people live at least thousands of years, and growing a world tree, according to which each of the inhabitants of Ston Alatyr will find out about the coming over his death in a series of continuous transformations.

The stone was always ... Life is a stone, and the stone has a life worthy of his great stone ritual ...

INTERESTING!!! In Russian life literature, the facts of ritual worship of stones are constantly noted. So, until the 19th century, the local residents served as two large stones in the Odoevsky district of the Tula province, from the century to the century known as Bashchika. These stones can be clapped with hands. "They say that a person who suffers a heavy illness is cured if, formerly tied ... will hold the night in this position" (E. Lassato; end of the XVI century). Some unknown manner (or thanks to the great knowledge of the true dedicated?) Slavs learned that before the sunrise from Basha and Bashihi, ultrasound pulses, subsequently decaying that this radiation is most intense and long and long during equinoxies, but at least during solstice. On a powerful energy flow, the request of the person affected by the human disease fell to the gods on the "direct communication channel".

Oh, these stone signs-objects of cult worship of the Slavic person! This is what Russian ethnographers reported at the end of the XIX century: in the Kharkiv province to the so-called "stone babe" sick children bring.

Not every mother and in those distant times were ready to give her native child in the hands of the magician, the sign. The great stones of nature concerns and distrust did not cause, because they are granted the earth itself and are its integral part, part of the life limitless. They are the best signs.

In Galitsky Pokhuchi there is a two-faced "stone woman": some see the images of Lelia and Pole, others - Dazhboga and Lada. From the century to the century, the ancient Slavs scraped the particle stone and used the mined stone dust as a medicine.

They had another "Stone Ritual". During the drought "Babu", this was laid on the ground so that it would rain for the forces of cosmic pool, and in overly rainy weather put her head up, again, it was energetically and informing it in touch with the light, the light of the gods.

In the suburbs and today they are surrounded by rituals of admiration for the jesters stone, blue stone near Pereslavl-Zalessky and Bohr under Tula. About them to this day (!) You can see the raised baby diapers, jams, handkerchiefs, etc.

And how not to read them, not to recognize the part of the great ritual of life, if it is said about them in the "velebook", and in the hymns of Rigveda, and in the "Book of the strides"?! The God of Val (Velez) turned into a great stone-born and covered the heavenly clouds-cows in himself (no wonder the Slavs of Veles as the "bearing of God"), stopped on the earthly Mother's rain. That is why Indra (Indrik), along with Semargl and Barm,, at the order of the Vyshny God, hit the Boulder-Veles and revealed it. "And we became believers, and were with the gods ..." ("Velesova").

How not to bow in the ritual of life the very blue star, what turned a blue-stone on the Plescheyev Lake? He "sailed" to Yarilina Mountain, to people on the jets of Lake Plescheyev, he embodied on Earth one of the faces of the Most High. They say (and they say not in vain) that the blue stone is able to move independently in space, fly.

People's Solva says, when during the cross struggle of Christianity with paganism, the stone collided into the lake, he miraculously returned to her former place.

The stones of these wondrous people practiced the following healing procedure. Mothers are gaining from the stream or river (lakes) of the water brush, pour it the stone, and then collect water into a separate container.

This water is revered by holy, it is poured (sanctifying) babies. Then they are disguised into new linen, and the old leaves from stone. During the ritual, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

"I will become (name), blessing, I will go to the blue river. On the blue river, the Alatyr stone lies on a steep mountain (that is, the blue stone, the jesters stone, etc.). How rolled from the body of the White Student Voddy, so Spring from (name) Roda fighter (Hard, fever, etc.), from a rainy head, with clear eyes, with black eyebrows, from a white calf, from a rheetic heart ... with the wind came - go to the wind go, came from the water - Go to the water, came with the forest - go to the forest from now on and before the century. "

The gods, grateful for their demand-rituals, guarded Russian people, warned about future hazards. Standing in Uglich Valun - Petukhov Stone, - on the upper part of it, the track was seen from the rooster of the huge. When a danger was threatened with the treasures, it was attached and sat down at this boulder in the image of a huge rooster "Cotiona God" Veles (defender) and a three-year-old Kukaranta warned the inhabitants, calling them to vigilance. And, since the dangers followed one after another, and unhappiness Uglich "Offended" was not (which is at least the murder of Tsarevich Dimitria and the "Uglich case", as a result of which a good half of the city went on stage in Siberia?!), Veles-cock It flew so often that a deep track was formed on the boulder from his legs. Footprints of God ... Veles was grateful for warnings and in solemn rituals sacrificed gold and a few stems of cereals.