Courageous deeds to be liberated. How to be relaxed

Many people ask how to become liberated a girl, do not withdraw into yourself and be more confident. After all, it is self-confidence that allows a person to be himself and live happily. Every girl or woman can become more liberated if she reads our article to the end and uses knowledge in practice.

In this article, you will learn how become liberated in life, in bed, at work, at school. You will learn the best methods and ways for this, advice from psychologists and recommendations, acting according to which you will reach your goal and dream. The main thing is to believe in yourself and strive only for what is really important to you.

Listen to soothing music

Do what you love

To become more a liberated girl in life and in bed, you need to do only your favorite things as often as possible. Avoid going to work you don't like where you feel insecure, constrained, and angry. Only positive emotions, love and joy allow a girl to be more liberated, and for this she needs to work where she pleases.



To become liberated in life, at work, at school, you need to instill faith, develop confidence, and believe in yourself. To do this, pronounce these lines 1000 times every day:

I'm getting even more confident every minute

Every hour I get even more confident

Every day I become even more confident

Every year I become even more confident

I am the most confident girl in the world.

You can also record these lines with your voice on a dictaphone and simply listen to them at any free time. After 40 days of regular repetition, you will believe in yourself, become confident and relaxed.

Do you often feel free to communicate with strangers or good acquaintances? Perhaps not often, or maybe this is generally a rarity for you. Probably, the reason lies in the congenital personality type, or it is an acquired trait.

If there are problems with communication, or they have always been, then the natural desire of a person will know the answer to the question - how to be liberated in communication. But in order to answer it, the first thing to do is to identify the source of the problem, and what exactly you want to change. There are two possible reasons why you considered yourself an uncommunicative person.

First. You close when communicating in an unfamiliar, stressful environment for you with unfamiliar people or more or less acquaintances. You cannot relax, while freely communicating with loved ones and even strangers in a relaxed atmosphere for you and in a good mood.

If the above situation made you think about the question of how to liberate yourself, most likely your innate personality type is, therefore, communication is a burden for you.

The personality typology was created by the Austrian psychologist Carl Jung, dividing, or rather, distinguishing two types of people: introverts and extroverts. The main difference between the two types is the completely different needs and capabilities.

Extroverts are aimed at others (to the outside world), which is why communication with other people is easy for them in any conditions and, most importantly, they need it. Introverts are directed inward of personality factors, and communication for them is not an urgent need, so it is absolutely natural that introverts experience certain difficulties in this area. After all, having experienced a certain feeling, an introvert shifts his attention from people and events to his own experiences.

Of course, this state of affairs can prevent the introvert from achieving their goals. In order for such a person to open up and become sociable, he needs to gradually master the means of communication: both verbal and visual - facial expressions and gestures. Try to make your speech more emotional, which is a sign of feedback for the interlocutor. And communicate as much as possible by training and developing these skills.

Second option. The absolute fear of communication, both with acquaintances and with strangers, in any environment during communication there is awkwardness, often just fear. This is already a serious problem that can ruin your life, where fear of people will be the main emotion. Perhaps even.

You can also cope with a similar problem if you determine its real reasons, after which you can already answer the question of how to be liberated in communication. First, determine what you want to change. There are enough reasons for fear - it is difficult to find a topic for conversation, fear of sounding ridiculous or stupid, a small vocabulary, etc. Once you understand the problem, you can find ways to fix it. As they say, "awareness of the problem is halfway to success."

Follow a few guidelines and the problem will become more and more insignificant - look people in the eyes and keep straight, sometimes talk to your reflection in the mirror to learn how to communicate, try to meet new people and try to act like a confident person.

In any of the cases, both in the first and in the second, you should not expect quick results, the main thing is daily training, and the question will disappear by itself.

The book by A. Kurpatov "1 top secret pill for fear" will be very useful for study and implementation - it is small, you can determine whether you need it after reading the introductory part. Just keep in mind - it takes practice, not just reading, to get results.

While humility is an undeniable virtue, emotional tightness can cause many problems. First of all, the person lacks communication. To improve relationships with peers and increase communication skills, it is necessary to get rid of internal clamping.

Why do we feel constrained?

Most often, emotional tightness is associated with children's complexes. The girl is afraid to seem funny or misunderstood, to hear laughter behind her back or to face gossip.

It should be learned that in every person's life there have been moments when he had to experience shame. You need to step over these memories and treat them like funny scenes from the past. Often the technique that the famous Beyoncé used in practice saves.

Yes, yes, a self-confident beauty on stage, she could not overcome shyness in everyday life. The girl was helped by the advice of a psychologist and her own findings.

To become more sociable and liberated, she came up with a new image and endowed him with all the qualities that she wanted to see in herself. Acting like an imaginary double, the girl was gradually able to get rid of her insecurities.

Another great way to increase self-esteem, especially in a tense situation, is to imagine the people around you in ridiculous positions, dressed in awkward suits, stumbling or falling from chairs. If everything is in order with the imagination, uncertainty and fear will disappear, giving way to laughter.

Naturally, overcoming shyness is important not to go to extremes or become obsessive. There is a huge difference between a relaxed girl and a boor. A liberated person feels confident and well aware of his own merits. He knows how to value himself and does not encourage disrespectful attitude.

A girl who can easily change gentlemen, who supports any proposal, rather looks accessible.

In order not to provoke such an opinion, it is necessary to transform without going beyond the bounds of decency:

An internal emotional clamp prevents a person not only from establishing communication, but also from becoming happy in his personal life, as it negatively affects sexuality.

Behaving loosely in bed is a real science, which requires practice to master. However, often a woman, despite all her efforts, is not able to overcome the clamp and get pleasure from sexual intercourse, as well as give pleasure to her partner.

What to do in this case?

To become relaxed in communication and in bed, you should feel as confident as possible. And for this it is necessary to get rid of complexes that often haunt a person from childhood.

Can't relax and feel free? Find out how to become a relaxed and confident person!

What prevents you from feeling free, uninhibited and getting free energy?

To become relaxed and feel free, you need to get rid of shyness and tightness. Moreover, this applies not only to the mind, but also to the body.

What are the reasons for the squeezed behavior?

  • These are negative thoughts that clog our energy channels. When energy cannot move freely through the channels, we feel pinched and constrained.
  • These are programs inherent in the subconscious, various frameworks, etc.
  • Tense muscles in the body.

How do body and mind interact?

Everyone knows that when our body is relaxed, the mind is also in a calm state. If we perform any movements or exercises, this also affects the state of our mind.

Try doing smooth movements, for example, and observe your mind. Then do some quick dynamic movements and also watch what happens in your head. Feedback is also possible, when the mind affects the body - the mechanism is about the same.

Why do some people like alcohol?

Let's think together why many teenagers and adults are addicted to alcohol? The fact is that while drinking alcohol, a person enters a special state (trance²), in which he can do what he will not allow himself to do in his sound (tense) mind.

A drunk can talk and not worry about what he is talking about and not think about the consequences. There is a relaxation technique that can help release tension in the mind and body without resorting to alcohol.

How to do the relaxation practice to become relaxed?

Relaxation practice should be performed on an empty stomach, at any time of the day. Try to choose the right place for exercise, preferably outdoors or indoors with mats and pillows to protect yourself from injury.

So, you need:

1. Stand with your knees slightly bent, your body as relaxed as possible.

2. Feel your body, concentrate on this sensation.

3. Feel your thoughts, let them float freely in your head, remove any control over the body and mind.

5. If it rolls aside, you need to succumb to this impulse, let everything be as it will: succumb to any hesitation, follow it.

This practice will help you become relaxed and allow energy to flow through your body.

The practice time is about 15 minutes. After that, it is recommended to lie down and relax.

The energy that freely circulates in the body normalizes the biological processes in the body, improves the condition of your organs and tissues, strengthens the thought processes, which will undoubtedly affect self-development and life in general.

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The subconscious is an outdated term used to refer to mental processes that occur without displaying them in consciousness and in addition to conscious control (Wikipedia).

² Trance is a series of altered states of consciousness, as well as a functional state of the psyche that connects and mediates the conscious and unconscious mental functioning of a person, in which, according to some cognitive-oriented interpretations, the degree of conscious participation in information processing changes (

Most likely, you yourself have noticed more than once that a girl worthy in all respects can spend the whole evening alone, watching from the sidelines how a less beautiful woman is surrounded by attention and enjoys communicating with people with might and main. This is not surprising, even the most real beauty is difficult to arouse interest if she is not able to present herself. If you want others to notice your beauty and your ability to behave, stop being shy. To be successful in life, you need to become more relaxed.

How to become more relaxed

Any psychologist will tell you that there is no harder work than working on yourself. It is impossible to change the view of the world, attitude towards oneself and behavior, if the person himself does not realize that it is necessary. Without the right motivation, you cannot find ways to become different. After all, the desire to behave differently requires the abandonment of the usual attitude to the world, formed over the years. Of course, any person changes over time, but this happens rather spontaneously and after a long period. From the moment when the thought appears that you need to change something in yourself and until when this happens, several years may pass, but more often the desire remains unfulfilled. It all depends on the strength of motivation, on how necessary it is, whether a person has great willpower and a strong desire to achieve the goal.

Change can cause discomfort after the first enthusiasm wears off and the real work begins. So don't try to be more relaxed right away. First, this quality must become an integral part of the character. Be prepared, the first steps will be perceived both by you and by those around you with surprise and even indignation. Understand that for those who are accustomed to your reliability and agreement to remain on the sidelines, your ability to stand up for yourself and protect your own interests, the desire to become more self-confident, will be an unpleasant surprise, they will try with all their might not to support you, but to try to return everything. back to square one. This period in life will reveal true friends and those who take advantage of you, without caring a lot about you.

Real girlfriends who take you to clubs and parties will never let you hide from others, being in the darkest corner. On the contrary, they will try to liberate you and give you advice. Those who do not care that you spend the whole evening alone while they are resting, or even worse, will not stop in time when in their desire to change, you can unknowingly cross the line and look funny in the eyes of others, pursue their own goals. It is better to refuse communication with such acquaintances for your own good.

As soon as you are ready to morally defend your right to decide for yourself what you should be, start working on yourself. If there are various trainings where you live, choose one that is dedicated to how to increase self-confidence and become more relaxed and uninhibited.

But it is more correct to learn how to work on yourself on your own. In life, this will come in handy more than once, and constantly going to various trainings is costly both morally and materially. Moreover, nothing is impossible for a person if he wants and believes in himself.

Oddly enough, you can become more relaxed by using a few simple exercises. Very often, tightness appears, even if mentally the fair sex is ready to behave more relaxed and confident. The body remembers for a long time about the pain experienced earlier and reacts to subconscious fear. To get rid of this reaction, use exercises that will have a "smile effect." After all, as soon as a person begins to smile, his mood instantly rises. If you relax your body, you will simultaneously feel self-doubt and excessive modesty recede.

Play your favorite music and move to the beat of the melody. So that no one bothers you, do it when no one is at home. Allow yourself to do what you like. Wave your arms, jump, go, clap your hands. Stop abruptly and freeze. Tighten and then relax again. 15 minutes a day and after a week you will feel that when you mention the upcoming party, you do not withdraw into yourself, but feel joy.

Turn off the music or put on one that evokes a sense of peace. Stop, close your eyes, let go of whatever bothers you, forget about the problems, imagine that they have disappeared. Stop controlling the body. In a minute, it will begin to swing. Ignore it, enjoy the feeling of peace. As soon as you want to stop, gradually regain control of your body, take a few deep breaths, stand for a few minutes and open your eyes.

Perfectly relieves tightness and exercise when you spread your arms in different directions, and then mentally give them the task of getting closer to each other. There is no need to help them. Hands should come close involuntarily, if this does not happen, there is a strong tightness. So, lightly start moving them towards each other. Do the exercise until your arms come together on their own. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times.

  • Take a closer look at how other people behave... Become more attentive. You will be surprised to learn how vulnerable and imperfect others are. Everyone has their own difficulties and complexes, neither you are the first, nor you are the last. So no one bothers you to feel absolutely comfortable in any environment.
  • Fear of looking ridiculous is linked to low self-esteem.... As soon as you feel more confident, your excessive modesty will disappear. Think about how much you are losing by not allowing other people to love you. By staying on the sidelines, you prevent people from getting to know you better, and as a result, getting to know someone who has many virtues. But you are able to make many positive changes in this world if you allow yourself to become more relaxed.
  • Stop looking around all the time... Nothing other than following the rules of decency is required from you. It is unlikely that others are waiting for you to do something wrong or get into an awkward situation. People are interested in having a good time, chatting, meeting people who are capable of infecting them with self-confidence. Nobody will think about what you did wrong if it's just a little awkwardness.
  • Finally, you can't be too strict with yourself... Even if you say something out of place, stumble or do not find what to answer the question posed, this does not mean at all that you are not worthy of attention. Treat everything philosophically, life is too short to constantly worry about the attitude of strangers towards you.
  • Do not take the world around you as a constant test of your actions and words.... Let yourself be yourself.
  • To become more relaxed, be a considerate companion.... Listen to others, take an interest in them, ask questions. Nothing is more captivating than genuine interest. Feeling a friendly attitude, people themselves will look for opportunities to communicate with you. And you yourself will not notice how stiffness and stiffness disappear somewhere.
  • If you want to become more relaxed, communicate as much as possible with a wide variety of people... The more you meet people on your way, the more often you have to fight your own complexes. Nothing can help you get rid of fear like meeting it face to face.

People are so arranged that, first of all, they pay attention not to the beautiful, but to those who behave confidently, radiating love and respect for themselves. Therefore, if you do not want to remain in the shadow of others all your life, learn how to become more relaxed. Take responsibility for what is happening to you, and soon you yourself will see that changes for the better will not keep you waiting long.