Condition before childbirth: mental and physical condition, harbingers of childbirth. How does a pregnant woman feel before giving birth?

The last weeks of pregnancy, starting from 36-37 weeks, are already considered the prenatal period. Now the baby can be born at any time. Therefore, pregnant women have various experiences and fears.

Some are afraid of pain, others are afraid that they have not finished the necessary preparations, and still others are afraid of sudden labor. Therefore, you should know all the actions of a woman in the prenatal period.

At that time the body of a pregnant woman tunes in for childbirth, the fetus is formed and ready to go out into the light.

From the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy, doctors advise to undergo a debridement of the birth canal. This is done to cleanse pathogenic microflora and ensure cleanliness during childbirth.

Herpes, STDs, or thrush increase the risk of infection in babies during childbirth.

If there is even the slightest inflammation, then the woman in labor risks getting a crack in the mucous membrane. With pathogenic microflora, there is always inflammation.

When sanitizing, pathogenic microflora is removed and a normal one is implanted. Therefore, this procedure lasts three weeks.

There are many methods of sanitation. Each woman is selected individually. In the prenatal period, visits to the doctor should be as often as possible, at least once a week.

Each time the doctor listens to the baby's heartbeat, measures the size of the uterus and determines the position of the fetus.

Weighing also takes place regularly. Weight gain should be 9-13 kg.

But in there is a slight weight loss in the last days before pregnancy... The body loses a lot of fluids and weight loss reaches up to two kilograms.

Before each visit to the doctor, a woman does a urinalysis to test the amount of protein and sugar. Protein is a symptom of preeclampsia (late toxicosis) or toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy, while sugar signals diabetes.

The doctor also measures blood pressure, an increase in which is a sign of preeclampsia, a severe stage of gestosis.

A woman needs to be examined for the last time by a therapist, ophthalmologist, ENT, neurologist and an ultrasound scan. Before giving birth, I can prescribe no-shpa, candles with belladonna to prepare the cervix. This is prescribed for those who have given birth for the first time or have had a cauterization of the erosion of the cervix.

What does the hospital do before giving birth?

Pubic shaving and enema in the hospital before childbirth recently is not necessary to do. Doctors have found that even extremely careful shaving leaves cuts through which infection can penetrate.

Therefore, pubic hair should not be shaved; it may be sufficient to shave the crotch area.
The same applies to enemas. Many experts doubt its beneficial effect. But you can also do this procedure so that there is no stool during childbirth. These things must be found out in advance at the hospital. Each institution may have its own rules.

You can shave off your hair and do an enema at home with warm water and chamomile. Please note only that an enema stimulates labor.

Before giving birth, you need to find a specialist who will take delivery and the hospital. You need to find out if the hospital is closed for a car wash, how best to get there.

Same a strict diet must be followed before childbirth... A month before giving birth, it is necessary to remove animal protein - meat, fish, eggs, butter, milk. Add fermented milk products, plant foods, porridge on water, baked vegetables, fresh juices, mineral water and herbal teas to the diet. But regarding herbs, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as some can stimulate the contractions of the uterus (thyme).

The closer to childbirth, the stronger the diet. The intestines do not need to be overloaded. Fourteen days before giving birth, cereals and bread should be excluded from the menu. Leave only vegetable and fermented milk products. But after 7 days, exclude fermented milk.

Do not eat anything on the day of birth... Since you can vomit during labor, the bowels should also be empty, as it is difficult to go to the toilet. Drink lemon water, but it can also induce vomiting.
Follow your diet after giving birth. Meals should be as light as possible.

This diet will help you avoid bowel problems during the prenatal period. Also, some foods help the body adapt to childbirth. So, vegetable oil is useful, as it contains vitamin E and makes blood vessels and tissues elastic. It is also used to prevent hemorrhoids. It can be added to grated carrots or juice.

Before giving birth, a pregnant woman can make herself a collection of herbs.: thyme, mint, lemon balm, oregano, rose hips, currants or raspberries. Brew tea from this collection. Drink a little during labor and during the postpartum period. Also, after childbirth, you can drink strong tea with honey, lemon and the addition of a small amount of sweet red wine.

The psychological attitude of the woman is also important. You need to be sure that the birth will go well. Listen to music, read books, watch movies, and walk more.

Continue gymnastics and swimming until the very birth.

You can do needlework. It has a calming effect. Getting enough sleep is important. Sleep should be at least 8-10 hours. More is possible. Before going to bed, do airing, you can sleep with an open window or balcony.

Be careful not to miss the precursors of childbirth.

Two to three weeks before childbirth, the fundus of the uterus drops, diaphragm constriction stops, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe. During this period, the fruit is fully ripe.

Also, the presenting part of the fetus descends and the child's head is tightly pressed against the bones of the pelvis. This can cause back pain. To make them easier to carry, you need to change the position of the body: walk, squat, lie on your side. You can massage the sacrum by pressing with your fist or wrist.

Before the beginning of the labor process, thick mucus is secreted., sometimes mixed with blood. This is the discharge of the uterine glands. They happen before childbirth, but do not signal their beginning. The generic process begins in a few hours or days.

You can determine the time of labor by the color of the mucus.: white liquid - 2-3 days before delivery, brown - several hours. Bloody discharge means the beginning of the opening of the uterus.

You should be afraid only if the discharge is accompanied by severe bleeding. It occurs as a result of premature separation or placenta previa. In these cases, you urgently need to see a doctor.

Before childbirth, the appearance of false contractions increases... They do not cause a generic process, they appear weakly, for a short time, with different periods of time.

Also, water can leave at the same time. According to statistics, after the flow of amniotic fluid and rupture of the membranes of the genus begin in 10-12 hours.

The supervising specialist must be informed about the waste of water. Since if childbirth does not occur within 24 hours, then the child will be at risk of infection. If water leaks, do not go to the pool, do not take a bath, wash from front to back.

Sometimes there is a prolapse of the umbilical cord to the cervical canal or into the vagina. This requires medical attention.

Pay close attention to the color of the water liquid. If they are yellowish or greenish, then this is a sign of oxygen starvation in the child.

It happens that a few hours before giving birth, nausea appears, diarrhea, vomiting begins. This is fine.

If there are precursors of childbirth, then the pregnant woman does not need to be far away from home, childbirth can begin at any moment. You need to be calm, go to sleep. You should go to the hospital at the beginning of regular contractions.

Before labor begins, contractions begin at intervals of 10-15 minutes. They get worse over time.

Without exception, all mothers are concerned about the date of the upcoming birth. And it is precisely to him that an absolutely exact answer cannot be given. Even if a woman knows the fertilization date up to an hour, it is still impossible to take into account all the factors affecting the birth of a child.

Doctors estimate that a normal pregnancy lasts 280 days. Based on this period, they calculate the date of birth. There are several ways to calculate your baby's date of birth. For example, this can be easily identified by menstruation. From the first day of the last menstruation, 3 calendar months are subtracted and 7 days are added. This will be the possible due date.

There are also such methods of calculating the day of the upcoming birth, which are available only to the doctor. For example, by the size of the uterus, its location and the volume of the abdomen. However, these methods do not give full confidence in the correct determination of the date of birth of the child.

Now doctors are more and more inclined to the conclusion that it makes no sense to divide babies into full-term and premature babies. They explain this by the fact that if the pregnancy is proceeding normally, without pathologies, then there will be nothing wrong if the child is born a little earlier or a little later than the due date. The main thing is that the child should be physically ripe by this time for birth. Therefore, pregnancy is now considered normal if it occurs between 35 and 45 weeks.

Harbingers of childbirth

As the day of birth approaches, certain signs may appear that indicate that labor is about to occur.

1. Breathing becomes easier

As a result of moving the child down, pressure is relieved from the diaphragm and stomach. It becomes easier to breathe. Heartburn may go away. This increases the pressure on the lower abdomen. Sitting and walking becomes a little more difficult. After the baby has moved down, the woman may have difficulty sleeping, and it is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position during this time.

2. Change in appetite

Before childbirth, appetite may change. More often the appetite decreases. It is good if a woman at this time will trust her intuition more when choosing products. You should not eat "for two."

3. Decrease in body weight

Before giving birth, a woman may lose a little weight. The body weight of a pregnant woman may decrease by about 1–2 kg. This is how the body naturally prepares for childbirth. Before giving birth, the body must be flexible and pliable.

4. "Descent" of the abdomen

The woman may notice that the belly has moved down. Abdominal "drooping" occurs due to the lowering and insertion of the presenting part of the fetus into the entrance of the small pelvis and the deviation of the fundus of the uterus anteriorly due to a slight decrease in the tone of the abdominal press. The child begins to sink deeper into the pelvic region. In primiparous, this is observed 2-4 weeks before delivery. For re-giving birth - on the eve of childbirth.

5. Unexpected mood swings

The woman is looking forward to "her hour". She is impatient to give birth ("hurry up too."). The mood may "suddenly" change. Mood changes are largely associated with neuroendocrine processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth. Explosions of energy are possible. The state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly be replaced by violent activity. The instinct of the "nest" is manifested. The woman is preparing to meet the baby: she sews, cleans, washes, tidies up. Just please don't overdo it.

6. Frequent urination and bowel movements

The urge to urinate becomes more frequent as the pressure on the bladder increases. The hormones of childbirth also affect the woman's intestines, causing the so-called pre-cleansing. Some women may have mild abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Like before an exam.

7. Pain in the lower back

After the child is displaced down, the woman may experience uncomfortable sensations in the lower back. These sensations are caused not only by pressure from the child, but also by increased stretching of the sacroiliac connective tissue.

8. Changes in fetal motor activity

The kid can either calm down a little or move very actively. He kind of chooses the rhythm and the most suitable moment for his birth.

9. Irregular contractions of the uterus

False contractions may appear after the 30th week of pregnancy. Perceptible, but irregular contractions of the uterus in this preparatory (preliminary) period are mistaken for the onset of labor. A woman can feel certain contractions even several weeks before giving birth. If a regular and continuous rhythm is not established, if the intervals between contractions are not shortened, then they usually do not mean the beginning of labor at all.

10. There are three main signs of childbirth:

The beginning of childbirth is considered the appearance of regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus - contractions. From that moment on, a woman is called a woman in labor. The rhythmic contractions are felt as a feeling of pressure in the abdominal cavity. The uterus becomes heavy and pressure can be felt all over the abdomen. The importance of the feature is not in the fact of contraction itself, but in its rhythm. Real labor pains should be repeated every 15–20 minutes (other frequency is also possible). Gradually, the intervals decrease: contractions begin to repeat every 3-4 minutes. The abdomen is relaxed between contractions. When your stomach is relaxed, you should try to rest.

- Vaginal discharge of cervical mucus - mucous plug... The mucous plug can go away 2 weeks before delivery, and maybe 3-4 days. This usually occurs after the start of uterine contractions to expand the cervical canal - thus the mucous plug is forced out. A mucous plug keeps the canal closed during pregnancy. Loss of mucous plug is a definite sign of the onset of labor. Discharge of colorless, yellowish, or slightly colored blood, weakly pink mucus may occur.

- Discharge of water. The fetal bladder can leak, then the water flows out slowly. It can burst suddenly, then the water will "rush in a strong stream." From time to time this happens before the rhythmic contractions of the uterus begin. This occurs more often in multiparous. When the fetal bladder ruptures, pain is not felt. If the waters left immediately, before the onset of rhythmic contractions, you should go to the family house immediately!

Childbirth, how it happens

Labor starts differently for every woman. Some women give birth "classically", that is, contractions develop gradually, the intervals between contractions gradually decrease and there is a desire to push. Others give birth "rapidly", that is, contractions are immediately active and the intervals between them are short. For others, the prelude to childbirth is delayed. Although childbirth develops and proceeds differently for all women, there are some points that are the same for most women.

Has it really begun?

The long wait should be over soon - the mother will be able to hug the baby to her breast. She is happy, but as the deadline approaches, her anxiety grows. How to understand that labor has begun? Can the pain be relieved?

There are a lot of questions about the upcoming childbirth for a young woman who has not given birth before. Naturally, this process takes place individually for each. Many pregnant women begin to feel anxious the day before the onset of labor, sometimes having palpitations, fever, or headaches. Some people may experience painless contractions of the uterus or have for the first time. You may have an upset bowel movement or increased blood pressure, and pain in the back, lower abdomen, or pelvic bones. In most cases, there is an increase in mucous secretions, including with ichor - discharge of the so-called mucous plug.

It comes suddenly

However, there may be no harbingers - in some cases, childbirth begins suddenly, with the onset of contractions. Contractions are contractions of the uterine muscles that help open the cervix and gradually move the baby forward along the birth canal. They make themselves felt by periodic pulling pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, which becomes more regular and stronger. If the contractions are repeated regularly and often, then it's time to get ready for the hospital. If the hospital is far away, go there at the first sign, do not try to waste time waiting, for example, for your husband (or mother) from work - just call a specialized "ambulance".

It is important

Powerful contractions of the muscles of the uterus and abdomen gradually push the baby's head through the uterine pharynx and birth canal. The expulsion of the fetus is a rather painful and difficult stage of childbirth, but, going through it, a woman gains confidence that the matter is vigorously moving forward. When efforts are added to the contractions, the final period of the child's birth begins. During the attempts, the woman in labor feels an irresistible desire to push with all her might (at this moment she needs to listen carefully to the recommendations of the doctor leading the birth) - her muscles literally push the baby out.

Most women want to have a baby naturally, without any medical intervention. Understandably, contractions can be quite painful. However, midwives and doctors know the means and methods for relieving pain.

Dispelling fears

Some women in labor are afraid that they will not cope with labor pains, and therefore ask in advance for pain relief. As with an ordinary headache: some try to relax, get distracted, go out into the fresh air, others immediately grab the medicine.

It is good that today doctors have many opportunities to help a woman during labor. And expectant mothers in the delivery room do not behave passively, as before - they can consciously influence the process of childbirth. It is important for a pregnant woman to thoroughly find out in advance what kind of help this or that clinic can offer. In addition, it is worth talking about your wishes and fears with your gynecologist. It is likely that he will dispel your fears and instill confidence in a successful outcome.


The approach of labor is characterized by numerous changes in the body of a pregnant woman. that indicate their near beginning.

Expectant mothers are listening to themselves more and more and celebrate new sensations and changes. Child before childbirth moves much less than during pregnancy ... Its activity is reduced, because there is not enough free space in the mother's stomach. A pregnant woman's mood may change, her appetite may deteriorate, and training contractions may begin.

The child, feeling a readiness to go out into the light, begins to move closer to the "exit". He takes the place of the presenting part in the small pelvis, taking a comfortable position for himself to wait for the onset of contractions ... Often before childbirth, the stomach hurts and turns to stone. Often women ask if the belly is drooping. Of course, the real sign of the close birth of a child is precisely ... In fact, when the abdomen drops before childbirth, it means that the fundus of the uterus has descended. Sometimes on the eve of childbirth, women have the appearance of blood ... It can be used to judge the exit of the mucous plug.

Belly before childbirth, as can be seen in the photo, and its lowering for all women occurs in an individual way - at different times and in different ways. Many primiparous women experience a prolapse within 2-4 weeks before labor begins. When a woman gives birth again, the belly drops. a few days before giving birth as shown in the photo, or not lowered right up to the birth itself.

Typical signs of lowering the abdomen before childbirth:

- the disappearance of heartburn and belching, so tormented during pregnancy;

Easier breathing, because the uterus is no longer putting pressure on the diaphragm;

The appearance of discomfort when walking and in a sitting position;

Increased urge to use the toilet on the eve of childbirth;

The presence of unpleasant pain in the perineum and pelvis.

Some pregnant women do not notice these sensations. The easiest way to understand if you have a sagging belly before childbirth (photo above), is to put your palm between your belly and chest. If it fits there, it is likely that the abdominal prolapse has already occurred before childbirth, and you will soon go to the maternity hospital.


Pregnant women before childbirth are usually very afraid of the onset of the onset of contractions and the process of labor itself. It is very important to understand how contractions begin.

Cervix of a woman during pregnancy tightly closed. At the very beginning, when contractions begin before childbirth, the uterus is also ready for disclosure - its pharynx is smoothed out, expanding to 10-12 centimeters in diameter. During contractions, intrauterine pressure increases as the uterus begins to shrink in size. This is leads to rupture of the amniotic fluid , as a result of which amniotic fluid is poured out.

How to understand that you have contractions? At first, you will feel some discomfort in the abdomen, hip joints and lower back. At first, contractions before childbirth will last only a few seconds, you will not notice any special painful sensations. The time interval between contractions will be about 10-12 minutes, sometimes 7-8 minutes. All these sensations will no longer raise your question, how to understand that the first contractions have begun.

The contractions will then become stronger, more frequent, and painful, and at a shorter interval. This will be the next phase. Thus, contractions will reach the moment when they will last about 2 minutes, and the next one comes after 60 seconds. If such moments occur, you should be prepared for the fact that the labor will begin soon, in 30-40 minutes.

How to behave before childbirth? After all, the most painful and last stage of contractions comes. Since a pregnant woman has a high diaphragm during childbirth, she can breathe only with the upper parts of the lungs. However, each breath must be accompanied by an infusion of air into the lungs, filling the upper chest freely. Exhale carefully and easily. In no case is it recommended to inhale the air forcibly, exhaling in jerks. When anesthetizing childbirth, you can use self-massage without resorting to analgesics.

Press in front of the points along the thighs, and massage with slightly spaced vibrating thumbs. The position of lying on your side with slightly bent knees is the most comfortable position for light massage of the lower abdomen, while maintaining the correct inhalation-exhalation rhythm. Stroking is done with your fingertips - from the middle of the abdomen to the sides.

Once labor begins, some pregnant women vomiting may appear... It does not last long, no treatment is required. As soon as vomiting stops, rinse your mouth with water and drink 1-2 sips of water, but no more. so as not to cause new nausea .
The second stage of labor is characterized by the transfer of women in labor to the birth hall. You can control the attempts yourself under the supervision of a midwife and doctor. There will be an unpleasant feeling of strong bloating. The soreness of the pushing depends on what your posture is and whether you push correctly.

You need to completely relax and breathe deeply - while inhaling without delay. The strongest attempts are those when the fetal head will pass through the pelvis. When the head of the fetus appears, the midwife assists the woman in labor so that she does not tear the muscles of the perineum. Follow exactly all the professional directions of the midwife. Remember that the baby's head will be pulled out of the genital tract when there is no pushing. Therefore, it must be restrained, relaxing and breathing only through the mouth without any delay on inhalation.


Removal of the plug before childbirth is very individual. However, this may not happen until 3-4 weeks before delivery. Often, it departs 7 days before the onset of labor pains.

What does a mucous plug look like? It consists of a dense clot of mucus (photo from the link) , which closes the entrance to the uterus. The infection cannot get there, so the baby is safe.

How the mucous plug comes off before childbirth ? You may feel clots of mucus coming off. The mucous plug before childbirth (photo) looks beige, pinkish or whitish-yellowish. Often discharge may be mixed with blood or with streaks, since the cervix, expanding, causes the bursting of small capillaries. A small amount of blood on the eve of childbirth is quite normal. There is no need to panic. remember that this is a mucus plug coming off. Just take a closer look.

The mucous plug does not look like ordinary discharge. It looks more dense. A variant is possible when it comes out immediately in large volume. From that how the cork comes off just before childbirth, for example, little by little, little by little, you may not notice it, or you can confuse it with secretions.

Most of the cases where the mucous plug has come off before childbirth occurs during the toilet or taking a shower. However, if the characteristic cork before childbirth has come off, while you were dressed, you can definitely see this mucus on the sheet or underwear.

Occasionally, the plug comes off during childbirth.

In the event that the cork has moved away, and then water or labor, it means that you urgently go to the maternity hospital. It is also necessary to go there in case of bleeding after the cork comes off. You should visit a doctor if the cork has come off too early, 14 days before the due date, especially if it is bright red.

The plug should not be accompanied by bleeding. It is only dark in color.


In every pregnant woman, before childbirth, the genital organ becomes its maximum size. The shape of the uterus (abdomen) before the upcoming birth may be different. In the event that the fetus occupies the most unfavorable location and lies across, this means that the uterus is stretched in width, not in length, just before childbirth. In this position, as a rule, according to the indications, a cesarean section is performed.

With a longitudinal presentation of the fetus, the shape of the abdomen acquires the correct oval shape. The abdomen of an irregular shape occurs in cases where the child deviates to the side.

During an external examination, the midwife analyzes the muscle tone of the uterus ... The uterine wall is normally soft in a pregnant woman. However, with increased tone, it is solid. Hypertonicity of the uterus (increased tone) is one of the threats to abortion. An increase in tone can occur at any stage of pregnancy. Sensations will be in the form of pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. They can be light, very strong, or sipping. Signs of pain depend on the intensity and duration of uterine hypertonicity before childbirth, as well as on the pain threshold sensitivity of a pregnant woman ... With a short-term increased tone, the sensations of pain or heaviness in the lower abdomen are small.

The cervix begins to open before delivery. This is the first stage of labor. It opens due to the tension during the contractions when the muscles of the uterus contract.

The maturity of the cervix depends on the production necessary hormones in the body of a pregnant woman, namely, prostaglandins. They have a complex effect - on the immune system, on the sensation of pain, on the regulation of blood pressure, secretion of gastric juice, blood clotting and uterine contractile activity.

Professionals should monitor when the cervix begins to open before delivery. Women in labor are obliged to fulfill all their professional requirements.

In primiparous women, the internal os of the cervix first begins to open, acquiring the shape of a funnel, and then the external pharynx also stretches. Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous - the opening of the external os of the uterus by one finger. This happens at the end of pregnancy. and it is easier for them to dilate the cervix. The internal and external pharynx begin to open almost simultaneously.

Repeated childbirth, as a rule, in women is faster and easier than the first. In order to give birth to a baby without tearing and not to tear the cervix, you need to listen to and follow the advice of gynecologists who take delivery. The preservation of the perineum and birth canal of the woman in labor depends on them by 80%. To avoid episiotomy during childbirth, the gynecologist should lubricate the vaginal area and cervix with a special gel or oil, then straighten it and folds. In the next step, the doctor teaches the correct attempts. Don't neglect these tips.

Special differences in the harbingers of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous not available. Reliable determination of the onset of labor can be only by observing the dynamics of the dilatation of the cervix.

The harbingers of childbirth can be, for example, a change in mood. Often a woman has a so-called nesting instinct. This is when a woman begins to clean everything, wash, sew, clean up. In a word, prepare for the welcome meeting of the long-awaited baby.

Signs of the onset of labor are changes in the motor activity of the fetus itself. The child begins to calm down, then, on the contrary, to be very active. The baby begins to choose a rhythm, as well as prepare for the right moment of his birth.

From the female womb, 1-3 days or several hours before the onset of labor, mucus is sometimes released, which resembles an egg white. In appearance, it is brown, very similar to the smearing of menstruation. The discharge may also be slightly streaked with blood.

Before giving birth, a woman in labor may noticeably change her appetite towards a decrease.

A woman's bowel movement can be a harbinger of childbirth. A pregnant woman often goes to the toilet. At the same time, the chair is much larger than usual. The urge to urinate will also be more frequent as the pressure on the bladder increases.

On the eve of childbirth, a woman may slightly lose weight - approximately 1-2 kilograms.

The lowering of the abdomen occurs due to the preparation of the child for the "exit" - he lies down with the presenting part in the entrance of the small pelvis. The fundus of the uterus at this time deviates anteriorly due to a slight decrease in the tone of the woman's abdominal press.

It becomes easier for a pregnant woman to breathe as pressure is relieved from the stomach and diaphragm as the baby moves downward.

When the child moves down, the woman may begin to experience pain in the lower back. , in the lumbar region.

Sometimes, the onset of labor is characterized by the appearance of dull, incomprehensible pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back. There are also so-called girdle pains - when both the lower back and the stomach hurt.

The most reliable sign of the onset of labor is the presence of constant contractions in a woman in labor. ... At this time, the uterine muscles begin regular contractions with a steady rhythm.

Sometimes the amniotic fluid may leak before childbirth. ... But it can burst suddenly. In this case, all the water can drain out at once. If amniotic fluid has flowed out, you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital.


A special diet is recommended for pregnant women before childbirth to help prepare the digestive system for labor. Vegetable oil before childbirth, it has a beneficial effect on the stretching and contraction of the uterus. In addition to everything else, dishes with vegetable oil enrich the body with vitamin E and are a means of preventing hemorrhoids and possible ruptures.

Women should definitely attend preparatory classes during pregnancy, where they will be taught to breathe correctly. , will introduce you to the adaptive comfortable posture, as well as perform effective exercises (including the Kegel method for intimate muscles ) to reduce pain.

Pain, sometimes giving unpleasant moments to a woman before childbirth, is a harbinger of labor. On pain Before a routine delivery, the following factors may affect:

the state of health and age of the woman in labor;

physiological and psycho-emotional preparation for childbirth;

menstrual irregularities recorded before pregnancy;

size and position of the fetus;

premature birth;

the level of the pain threshold of a woman;

individual anatomical features of the pelvis, muscular, hormonal systems, etc.

False contractions are a common first cause of pain before childbirth. This process is also often called training. At this time, the muscles of the uterus begin to contract, coming in tone for only one minute. Thus, the woman's cervix is ​​being prepared for childbirth. Such sensations appear after 20 weeks. , but they do not cause severe pain.

False contractions are intended to prepare a woman's body for labor. They are usually not intense and are concentrated in the lower abdomen.

Pain symptoms before childbirth, which need special attention to understand signs of the onset of labor:

constant contractions of the uterus;

the frequency of recurrence of pain with a break of 10-20 minutes;

reducing the gap between contractions to 2-3 minutes;

rapid relaxation of the uterus between contractions;

the nature of the pain is widespread, pressing and encircling.

Pulling pains before childbirth signal the imminent birth of a child. They start at 33-34 weeks. This process is caused by the stretching of the ligaments and muscles. In other words, preparation for labor. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen ... This is due to false contractions and the preparatory period, when the uterus acquires a tone, and the cervix shortens and shrinks. Lower abdominal pain, therefore, is an adaptation period that helps prepare muscles, ligaments and tissues for normal labor. It is not necessary to dramatize the pain sensations, since they are explained by a simple physiological stretching of the uterus and the displacement of organs located nearby.

Cause of pelvic pain before childbirth, there is an increase in the tone of the spiral uterine ligaments. These sensations are especially common in pregnant women who have a history of pelvic muscle distortion (twisted pelvis). The ligaments that attach the uterus to the pelvis, as a result of sacroiliac displacement, stretch unevenly, thereby causing pulling pain in the pelvic and lumbar region.

Chest pain accompany almost the entire period of pregnancy. This is normal. Within nine months, the mammary glands undergo changes. The most noticeable breast growth is after 30 weeks, when the glandular tissue grows rapidly. The capsules of the mammary glands stretch strongly, like the skin of a pregnant woman. Chest pain is associated with this.

Back pain before childbirth is associated with the movement of the child into a natural prenatal presentation - head down. The fetus presses on the lower back, and the connective tissue of the sacroiliac zone is stretched. The lower back hurts mainly during the period of contractions.

Hormonal dysfunctions in women provoke expansion and relaxation of the joints of the pelvis and intervertebral ligaments.

Due to the large abdomen, physiological displacement occurs forward of the center of gravity of the body. It leads to compensatory tension in the back muscles. At this time, posture may be disturbed and a curvature of the spine may appear.

Factors causing perineal pain before childbirth:

increased weight loads the lumbosacral region, which leads to pain in the perineum;

increased production of the hormone - relaxin, which controls the elasticity of the interosseous joints;

gradual expansion of the pelvic bones (pubic joints) in preparation for labor.

To prepare the birth canal for the passage of the fetus, doctors appoint No-shpa before childbirth. However, it should not be taken without the appointment of a specialist. No-shpa is contraindicated in hepatic, renal and isthmic-cervical insufficiency. In theory, it sometimes causes premature onset of labor, since it accelerates the opening of the cervix.

Usually it is prescribed by specialists together with other drugs, more often with suppositories. This is may be Buscopan candles, Papaverine and candles Krasavka. Experts assure that before childbirth, No-shpa can help determine the authenticity of contractions. If you are not sure whether these are real contractions or false, then you can drink two No-shpa pills ... If the pain becomes more frequent and worse, it is recommended to go to the maternity hospital.

Buscopan candles will have a stimulating and relaxing effect on the muscles of the cervix. Thus, they facilitate its disclosure. As a rule, they are prescribed to prepare the cervix and to accelerate the development of the first stage of the labor process.

Buscopan suppositories before childbirth are prescribed only if the expected benefit from them is higher than the potential harm to the child and mother. Of course, the best option is if you don't use them at all. But in the last weeks, at the end of the third trimester, gynecologists quite often prescribe the use of special suppositories for pregnant women.

The main thing that a pregnant woman should know is that Buscopan candles cannot be used in the first trimester, as well as for constipation. The best way to solve this problem is to revise your diet. Thus, Buscopan suppositories can be used no earlier than 38 weeks of pregnancy in order to prepare the muscles of the uterus as much as possible in order to facilitate future childbirth.

In candles with belladonna contains belladonna extract. The drug is produced in the form of rectal suppositories. It is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. An additional function of this drug is to provide a relaxing effect on the cervix.

Belladonna suppositories have proven to be very effective in relieving cervical tension. However, they still fail to completely relieve pain when the pharynx of the uterus opens. Candles with belladonna are used before childbirth only if the pregnant woman does not have a risk of hemorrhoids and a predisposition to delayed dilatation of the cervix.

Immediately before childbirth, a pregnant woman is given an enema
... The absence of feces can facilitate the advancement of the baby's head in the pelvis, because in this case there will be no seals when moving along the birth canal. The ability of enemas to tone the vagina, stimulating contractions and improving the birth process, is its undoubted advantage.

Enema before childbirth is very simple. Prepare a solution of chamomile decoction, for example. The water temperature is recommended no more than 37 degrees. Fill the mug with the solution, release the air from it and fix it at the level of one meter from where you will be.

Lubricate the tip of the tube with soap, cream or petroleum jelly, release the air and carefully insert the tip. Gradually, you should feel the bowel fullness. If you don't feel this way, try changing the direction of the tip. Make sure that no air enters the intestines. If you feel uncomfortable, start breathing slowly and deeply, stroke your stomach and relax. After the solution is injected, go straight to the toilet.

Sanitation- one of the important components of preparing pregnant women for childbirth. Sanitation is called cleansing from pathogenic microorganisms of the birth canal. When a child is born, it comes into contact with the walls of the birth canal. He can swallow grease, secretions, etc. In the case of pathogenic microflora, the risk of various infections in the baby in the postpartum period increases (thrush in the mouth, conjunctivitis, etc.)

To cleanse the birth canal, you need use antiseptics... It can be a decoction for washing with St. John's wort, sage or chamomile. Dissolved baking soda is good for relieving burning and itching sensations.

In addition, doctors may prescribe antiseptics in the form of pills or suppositories before childbirth. They will be aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms. The most common drugs are vinylin, miramistin, clotrimazole, terzhinan. , chlorophyll solution.

It should be noted that antibiotics do not work on candida fungus. This means that antibiotic therapy involves only targeting the fungus itself. These antibiotics are antifungal antibiotics. For example, nystatin contained in terzhinane.

Especially useful during pregnancy is the consumption of olive oil on an empty stomach, which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieving the pregnant woman of constipation. In the last months of pregnancy, constipation in women is a very common occurrence. Olive oil is also an excellent remedy for late toxicosis in the last months of pregnancy. ... To soften the cervix before childbirth, it will also not be superfluous to use olive oil.


Answering the question of how amniotic fluid leaves in pregnant women, we can say the following. Before giving birth, the fetus increases the pressure on the woman's cervix. The membrane may burst at a certain moment, then amniotic fluid is poured out. However, even in this case, the child is not in dryness, since that part of the anterior water that was between the head and the cervix of the uterus is poured out. In addition, the waters are replenished and renewed every three hours. Sometimes the waters drain before the contractions occur.

Understanding now how water leaves in pregnant women who are beginning to give birth, you need to know that they sometimes leave immediately in a huge volume, which is about 200 ml, or a glass of liquid. This process is such a feeling as if a cork is removed, an exit is opened and a bucket of water is poured out, at least. Such a process cannot be confused with anything. If this happens to you, you will have no doubt that the amniotic fluid is already leaving.

Sometimes the water flows away in a peculiar way, flowing in a small amount, little by little. This is simply due to the fact that the amniotic membrane is torn from the side or top.

Waters of light color, almost colorless are considered normal. They are sometimes slightly cloudy and should not have an unpleasant or pronounced odor.

After the water pours out in a pregnant woman, contractions may immediately begin. Sometimes this happens after a few hours.

The most favorable and successful option for women will be the discharge of amniotic fluid after the onset of contractions. This process takes place against the background of very strong contractions of the pregnant woman's uterus.

It is not worth accelerating childbirth with medications if the fetal bladder is intact, therefore, the penetration of infection is impossible. If water is retained, then the contractions will not be very painful. In this case, the opening of the cervix will be more efficient.

Seek urgent medical attention it is necessary in the case when the released water is greenish in color. This green color signals that the fetus is either experiencing or is currently experiencing a serious lack of oxygen. This also happens when some of the contents of his intestines get in - meconium, original feces.

The temperature before childbirth can sometimes be elevated. This signals an ongoing pathological process. Fever should not be taken as a symptom of approaching labor. She, of course, can increase as a reaction to contractions and stress. But often she talks about an existing infectious disease in a pregnant woman.

The increase in temperature, which is associated with obstetric infection, is of serious importance for the child. Premature leakage of water, not diagnosed for a long time, leads to inflammation of the membranes - chorioamnionitis. It can develop as early as 3-4 days in full force after damage to the amniotic fluid. This happens if the pregnant woman did not go to the doctors in a timely manner, therefore she did not receive any protection from them. Watch not only the temperature, but also the discharge of amniotic fluid.

If an infection gets inside the womb, then the child will not be able to resist it well. At first, bacteria can infect the eyes, resulting in conjunctivitis and blepharitis. In utero, the lungs may be affected (congenital pneumonia). When bacteria enter the bloodstream, they cause blood poisoning (sepsis) and meningitis.

In the first days immediately after childbirth, it is very difficult to treat a child with intrauterine infection and infections.

Fear, which often occurs in pregnant women before childbirth, is most common among primiparous women. This is a completely natural phenomenon. To overcome it successfully, it is necessary, first of all, to think about the child and his safety.

Tune in to this behavior when you need to listen to the opinion of the obstetrician-gynecologist. Only in this case, childbirth can take place easily, quickly and relatively painlessly. A little pain will only speak of their positive resolution. Always believe in your own strength.

Overcoming fear, as a natural reaction of the body, is necessary because during childbirth it is an absolutely useless thing. And even harmful. The attitude towards a favorable outcome of childbirth, and your confidence in this will help you successfully overcome it.

Do not listen too much to the stories of friends who have already given birth and are now relishing the smallest details of the process, sharing with you the details of their already forgotten feelings, or maybe somewhat exaggerated ones. The best option for you is taking preparatory courses for pregnant women. There you will have the opportunity to ask all your questions, to which you will receive comprehensive and very useful answers from professional medical professionals.

Look for only positive information about childbirth. Listen to the stories of those who consider childbirth the most amazing and wonderful moment in life.

Pregnancy is a natural process for a woman. As it is often said, pregnancy is not a disease. Don't neglect exercise. Continue to do your gymnastics and go to the pool. Your nine months' activity will be the basis for absolute preparation for childbirth.


The long-awaited week before childbirth has come after so many days and months of waiting for the baby. Weeks 36-37 are already called the prenatal period. The child may already be born at any time. Now, expectant mothers begin to experience fears that are not associated with pregnancy, but with the upcoming childbirth, increasingly thinking about the very process of childbirth. But first, it is necessary to do some recommendations of specialists in order to childbirth was successful and without complications ... This can be largely facilitated by pregnant women themselves, if they unconditionally comply with the requirements and advice that doctors give them.

Recommended approximately one month before expected birth, starting at 36 weeks of gestation , remove animal protein from your diet: fish, meat, butter, eggs and milk. Your diet at this time will be fermented milk products, cereals on the water, a variety of plant foods, fresh juices, baked vegetables, herbal teas and mineral water.

As the due date approaches, the diet becomes more restrictive. This is due to the fact that the intestines should not be overloaded before childbirth. It is also recommended to give up fermented milk products in the last days before childbirth.

Experts recommend that you make a complete debridement of the birth canal, starting from the 36th week of pregnancy. This is done in order to cleanse the birth canal from pathogenic microflora and ensure their purity directly during the upcoming birth. The risk of infection in a child increases if there is any infection in the birth canal. For example, herpes, common thrush and STDs ... A child can become infected with all of this when passing through the birth canal.

Pregnant women should be weighed regularly throughout the nine months. Weight gain is considered optimal during all this time by 9-13 kilograms. This calculation is done along with the weight of the baby, uterus, amniotic fluid, breast, placenta. The placenta, we note, at the end of pregnancy becomes much heavier and grows in size.

The urine given by a woman before each doctor's appointment is examined for the presence of sugar and protein in it. ... Protein can signal the so-called gestosis. This is late toxicosis, or toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy. The presence of sugar is known to be indicative of diabetes.

You can exercise and swim in the pool until birth. Do not under any circumstances give up on this.

The day before giving birth, a woman should sleep well. Sleep can be at least 8-10 hours. This is only the minimum time, do not deny yourself a dream, because it calms the body. The main thing is to feel refreshed and refreshed.

Before giving birth, doctors prescribe No-shpa to pregnant women , as well as candles with belladonna. They are necessary when preparing the cervix of those women who are at risk of slow dilatation.

Very often, before giving birth, a pregnant woman begins to vomit, vomiting and diarrhea appear several hours before giving birth. Do not panic, this is the body in this way begins to prepare for childbirth, naturally clearing itself of all unnecessary.

Labor begins directly with regular labor pains. First, they pass at intervals of 10-15 minutes. Then they become more frequent, much stronger. There is a gradual opening and smoothing of the cervix. Then mucus, slightly colored with blood, begins to move away, a fetal bladder forms.

Two weeks before the upcoming birth, it is recommended to think about what to take with you to the hospital ? Do not take anything extra, so that you do not return home later. Here's a rough list of things you need to do.

1. Required documents.
2. Items required during childbirth.
3. Things that will be required after childbirth.
4. Necessary things for a newborn baby.
5. Necessary things for discharge:

- things for mom;
- things for discharge for the child;
- required documents.

The optimal list of things to take with you to the hospital:

Perhaps it is you who need take some other things to the hospital additionally. Consult your family doctor and the specialists who have monitored your health during pregnancy.

Hooray! By popular demand, we are starting a series of publications on preparing for childbirth. Share your experience, ask your questions.
Today we will talk about the precursors and timely childbirth that occurred at a gestational age of 38 - 41 weeks, the reasons for their occurrence and the signs of an impending birth. What happens before childbirth? How is the onset of labor different in primiparous and multiparous?

Most pregnant women know that they will have three stages of labor. In front of them, the period is highlighted. precursors of childbirth.
At about 37 weeks of gestation, the concentration of the pregnancy hormone progesterone decreases and the synthesis of estrogens increases, mainly of their most active fraction, estradiol. Under their influence, a number of processes occur in the uterus, as a result of which the excitability and contractile activity of the myometrium (muscle fibers of the uterus) increase. Also, prostaglandins play an important role in the development of labor.
These are biologically active substances that are produced by the membranes of the fetus (amnion and chorion) - prostaglandin E (PGE) and the decidual membrane and muscle cells of the uterus - PGF2a. They increase the sensitivity of the myometrium to the action of other uterotonic compounds, that is, those substances that cause the development of contractions (this is acetylcholine, oxytocin, serotonin).
A few hours before the onset of labor appears harbingers- irregular contractions. They usually take no more than 8 hours for primiparous, and for multiparous - about 5 hours.
It happens that such precursor contractions can decrease by several hours or even days, without passing into generic ones, but then they reappear.

Changes before childbirth

  • Abdominal prolapse of a pregnant woman occurs due to the insertion of the fetal head into the entrance to the pelvic cavity and stretching of the lower segment of the uterus. Women experience relief of breathing and less or no shortness of breath.
  • The center of gravity of the body is displaced forward, and the head and shoulders are retracted (the so-called "proud step" arises).
  • A decrease in body weight by 1 - 2 kg a few days before childbirth occurs due to the removal of excess fluid from the body due to a decrease in the concentration of progesterone.
  • Fetal movements become less active.
  • Changes in the psychological state of a woman are possible - increased excitability or, on the contrary, apathy. This is due to changes in the central and autonomic nervous system and the formation of a generic dominant.
  • Dragging non-intense pains in the lower abdomen and in the sacrum, which gradually turn into preparatory, and then into true contractions.
  • Isolation of mucous plugs from the genital tract - thick viscous mucus, which throughout pregnancy protected the fetus from possible infection. There may be streaks of blood in the mucus due to shallow tears of the cervix during its "maturation".
How does the onset of labor differ in primiparous and multiparous

I would like to note that the harbingers of childbirth in primiparous may differ from multiparous.
In primiparous, they are usually smoother. They can begin both two weeks and a week before childbirth and therefore serve as a very conditional time guide. It is worth noting that the harbingers of childbirth in primiparous often go unnoticed at all or include 2-3 of the listed signs.
In multiparous, the harbingers may be more intense, but this is mostly due to the fact that they already know how it can be, and listen to their feelings.

The most important sign of readiness for childbirth is a "mature" cervix, it is impossible to independently determine, it is examined by a doctor during a vaginal examination. The early onset of labor is indicated by the soft cervix located in the middle, the cervical canal is open, two fingers pass.
With the approach of childbirth, it is necessary to check the documents and collect the things that are needed in the hospital.
In the next topic, we will discuss already the periods of childbirth, what these periods are and what to prepare for during each of them.

It is not always easy for a pregnant woman to determine the beginning of the labor process, but there are certain signs that indicate the imminent birth of a baby.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, women are impatient and increasingly ask the question: "When will the baby be born?" Determining the exact date of delivery can be quite difficult, because sometimes childbirth begins at 38, 40, or even 42 weeks. If a woman closely monitors the changes taking place in her body, then, of course, she will notice signs of the onset of labor.

The emotional state on the eve of the birth of a baby in women can be different: some feel overexcited, are on the verge of a breakdown, others, on the contrary, say that they experienced a feeling of calm and peace before giving birth.

Most pregnant women, on the eve of childbirth, wake up the so-called " nest instinct". The woman begins to prepare for the appearance of a new resident in the house: she washes, cleans, cleans. But most importantly, do not overdo it, otherwise childbirth can take you by surprise. Also, do not overwork in the last weeks of pregnancy, take care of the strength that you will need during childbirth.

What happens to the body, or symptoms of the onset of labor

Full-term pregnancy is considered after 38 weeks - the woman's body begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. In the blood of a pregnant woman, the level of hormones that are responsible for carrying a pregnancy decreases and the level of hormones that stimulate labor is significantly increased.

Labor begins when the concentration of certain hormones is at its maximum. Naturally, hormonal changes affect the physical and psychological state of the pregnant woman. There are quite a few signs of the onset of labor, but a woman does not necessarily observe all of them. The presence of at least a few signs in the aggregate may indicate the onset of labor.

Shortly before the day of birth, the baby's head enters the pelvic ring more tightly, in this regard the belly of a pregnant woman is lowered ... Many pregnant women note that it becomes easier to breathe and to be in a sitting position, heartburn passes, and obstetricians record the prolapse of the fundus. The drooping of the head can occur a couple of weeks before giving birth or just the day before.

Before giving birth, a pregnant woman is increasingly experiencing , which can be quite intense and long-lasting. Thus, the body, as it were, trains, preparing for the upcoming labor. The retention of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman in the last days before childbirth decreases, and, therefore, a woman can lose a little weight, edema disappears.

Also, the preparation of the body for childbirth may be accompanied by loose stools ... Often in primiparous and multiparous women, a sign of the onset of labor is nausea, diarrhea and even vomiting. Often, the number of urges to urinate increases, so the body cleans up in preparation for childbirth. These signs often precede the onset of labor and may persist even when the cervix is ​​opened.

Some women feel lower back pain , others feel the pressure of the baby in the lower abdomen. Also, expectant mothers may note that their baby has become less active, indeed, it is becoming more and more difficult for an older baby to move in a small space. This symptom appears several days before delivery.

In primiparas, labor begins, as a rule, with not too intense contractions, which can intensify during the day or even more. In this case, you should be patient and wait for the contractions to become constant.

Many women find that being in a relaxed home environment makes labor easier and makes labor quick and easy. Primiparous women can allow themselves to stay at home as long as possible, if their water has not yet departed. With the second and subsequent childbirth, you should not delay with a trip to the maternity ward, since childbirth can be sudden.

Contractions repeated at intervals of 10-15 minutes and lasting at least a minute are the most accurate sign of the onset of labor. When a woman experiences such contractions, she needs to go to the hospital.

Women who give birth for the first time may consider false contractions a sign of the onset of labor. They are quite painful, but they stop after a while. False contractions may resume after a few days. This training is very important for a woman's body, thanks to false contractions, the cervix is ​​preparing to open at the right time.

The main signs of incipient labor

Throughout pregnancy, the cervical canal is tightly closed and filled with special mucus that protects the baby from various infections. Exit of the mucous plug is a sign that the cervix is ​​ripe and ready for childbirth. The plug can come off a couple of weeks before giving birth, or it can come out right at the beginning of labor.

It is almost impossible not to notice the passage of the plug, this may be the case if the mucus comes out along with the amniotic fluid or during childbirth.

The second main sign of the onset of labor is considered contractions ... It can be difficult for primiparous women to distinguish false contractions from real ones. However, it is worth noting that real contractions do not go away, but, on the contrary, become more frequent, their intensity grows, bringing the woman more and more anxiety. Contractions often resemble recurrent bouts of pain. It is not uncommon for a woman to experience pain in the lower back, rectum, calves, and hips during labor.

The main sign of the onset of labor is the development of contractions. They increase in intensity and become longer, and the interval between contractions begins to decrease.

Often a sign of the onset of labor is chills who accompanies a woman during contractions and attempts. Do not worry - this is a completely normal reaction of the body.

Outpouring of amniotic fluid - another of the signs of incipient labor. Ideally, the outpouring should occur shortly before the onset of attempts, in other words, at a time when the cervix is ​​already sufficiently open. But sometimes the waters are poured out much earlier, they can leave even before the start of the contractions. It is worth noting that there are times when contractions do not come after the water has left. Then the stimulation of labor in the hospital is prescribed with the help of medicines.

If you have lost water, you should immediately go to the maternity ward, since the child cannot be without water for a long time, the longer this interval, the greater the likelihood of complications.

There are situations when the doctor independently opens the fetal bladder so that the birth process is accelerated. Much attention is paid to the color of the discharged water, the liquid should be light or slightly yellowish. Green amniotic fluid indicates that the baby was experiencing a lack of oxygen in the womb.

It is worth noting that the signs of the onset of labor in multiparous and women giving birth for the first time are the same. The only difference is that second births tend to be more rapid. Therefore, when the first signs of the onset of labor appear, a woman who has given birth earlier should immediately go to the maternity ward.

Many women worry that they will miss the start of labor or will not be able to understand in time that it is time for labor. All of these fears are unfounded. Even if you did not pay attention to the early symptoms of the onset of labor, then the discharge of the mucous plug, the outpouring of amniotic fluid and contractions is simply impossible not to notice!

What if you have signs of labor onset?

It is imperative to keep all the necessary documents at the ready so as not to look for them at the last moment. It is also worth considering in advance how you will get to the hospital, negotiate with relatives if someone plans to accompany you. Try to foresee everything so that the onset of labor does not catch you by surprise. The main thing at the beginning of labor is not to panic and try to relax, ease the contractions. Do not try to get behind the wheel, if you have signs of the onset of labor, it is better to call a taxi or an ambulance.

If the expected due date has approached, and signs of the onset of labor still do not appear, you should consult a doctor to undergo the necessary examinations and make sure that everything is in order with the child. If signs of prolonged pregnancy are found, the doctor will decide how the delivery will take place.

It is worth remembering that childbirth is a unique process; it can start ahead of time or completely unexpectedly. That is why every woman, starting from the 38th week of pregnancy, should be attentive to all the changes that occur in her body, so as not to miss the moment of the onset of labor.

Easy delivery and health to you and your baby!
