Specialized speech therapy correctional group for children with ONR in kindergarten. Groups for children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP)

Elena Barakhtina
General characteristics of children with ONR

General underdevelopment of speech (ONR)- a complex speech disorder in which children with normal hearing and initially preserved intellect, a late onset of speech development, a meager vocabulary, agrammatism, pronunciation and phoneme formation defects are noted. These manifestations together indicate a systemic violation of all components of speech activity.

General speech underdevelopment affects the formation of children of intellectual, sensory and volitional spheres.

The connection between speech disorders and other aspects of mental development determines the presence of secondary defects. So, having full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations (comparison, classification, analysis, synthesis), children lag behind in the development of verbal-logical thinking, mastering mental operations with difficulty.

General underdevelopment of speech has a different degree expressiveness: from the complete absence of speech means of communication to extended speech with elements of phonetic and lexical and grammatical underdevelopment. Based on correctional tasks, R. E. Levina made an attempt to reduce the diversity of speech underdevelopment to three levels. Every level characterized a certain ratio of the primary defect and secondary manifestations that delay the formation of speech components. Transition from one to another characterized the emergence of new speech possibilities.

The first level of speech development characterized the almost complete absence of verbal means of communication or their very limited development during the period when normally developing children speech is already fully formed.

At children, which are at the first level of speech development, the active vocabulary consists of a small number of indistinctly pronounced everyday words, onomatopoeia and sound complexes. Words and their substitutes are used to refer only to specific objects and actions, and they are used in a variety of meanings. Children widely use paralinguistic means of communication - gestures, facial expressions. Speech lacks morphological elements to convey grammatical relationships. The speech of the child is understandable only in a specific situation.

Describing the second level of speech development, R. E. Levina points to increased speech activity children. They have phrasal speech. At this level, the phrase remains phonetically and grammatically distorted. The vocabulary is more varied. In spontaneous speech children various lexical and grammatical categories are already noted words: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, some prepositions and conjunctions. Children can answer questions about the picture related to the family, familiar phenomena of the world, but they do not know many words for animals and their cubs, body parts, clothes, furniture, professions, etc.

characteristic there remains a pronounced agrammatism. The understanding of addressed speech remains incomplete, since many grammatical forms are not sufficiently distinguished by children.

The third level of speech development characterized the appearance of extended everyday speech without gross lexico-grammatical and phonetic deviations. Against this background, there is an inaccurate knowledge and use of many words and an insufficiently complete formation of a number of grammatical forms and categories of the language. In the active dictionary, nouns and verbs predominate, there are not enough words denoting qualities, signs, actions, states of objects, word formation suffers, and the selection of words with the same root is difficult. For grammar structure characteristic errors in the use of prepositions to, in, from under, because of, between, through, over, etc.,

Sound pronunciation children does not match the age norm: they do not distinguish similar sounds by ear and in pronunciation, distort the sound structure and sound filling of words.

Connected speech statement children is distinguished by the lack of clarity, consistency of presentation, it reflects the external side of the phenomena and does not take into account their essential features, causal relationships.

Violation of coherent speech is one of the symptoms of general underdevelopment of speech. When retelling texts, children with OHP make mistakes in conveying the logical sequence of events, skip individual links, "lose" active persons.

The story-description is inaccessible to them. There are significant difficulties in describing a toy or object according to the plan given by the speech therapist. Usually, children replace the story with a listing of individual features or parts of the object, while violating any connectedness: do not complete what they started, return to what was previously said.

creative storytelling children with OHP is given with great difficulty. Children experience serious difficulties in determining the idea of ​​the story, in presenting the consistent development of the plot. Often, the performance of a creative task is replaced by a retelling of a familiar text. expressive speech children can serve as a means of communication if adults provide help in the form of questions, tips, judgments.

In rare cases, children are the initiator of communication, they do not address adults with questions, game situations are not accompanied by a story. All this hinders the development of coherent speech and requires targeted correctional and pedagogical work.

The fourth level of speech development is presented in the works of T. B. Filicheva, characterized individual gaps in the development of vocabulary seem insignificant, but their combination puts the child in a difficult position when teaching writing and reading. The educational material is perceived poorly, the degree of its assimilation is very low, the rules of grammar are not assimilated.

Understanding the structure of OHP, the reasons underlying it, understanding the ratio of primary and secondary disorders is necessary when referring children in special institutions, the choice of adequate corrective measures, the prevention of reading and writing disorders in elementary school.

Smirnova L. N. Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children 4-5 years old with OHP

The manual is addressed to speech therapists and defectologists for conducting frontal, subgroup and individual classes with children 4-5 years old with general underdevelopment of speech. It will also be useful to parents and educators for conducting classes on the instructions of a speech therapist or defectologist.

This material can be selectively used in the middle groups of a kindergarten for children with mental retardation.

The manual presents a system of correctional and developmental work for a year (30 weeks).


If a child aged 4-5 years does not pronounce words well or distorts their structure, if he does not memorize simple quatrains, fairy tales and stories, if he has low speech activity, this is a serious signal of a persistent systemic impairment of all his speech activity.

Speech activity is formed and functions in close connection with all mental processes occurring in the sensory, intellectual, affective-volitional spheres.

Thus, speech deficiency in young children affects their overall development: it inhibits the formation of mental functions, limits cognitive abilities, and disrupts the process of social adaptation. And only a complex effect on the child gives a successful dynamics of speech development.

The younger preschool age is the age of sensory (sensory) knowledge of the environment. The most productive child learns what interests him, what affects his emotions. Therefore, the main task of a specialist is to evoke speech and general initiative in a child through sensory cognition.

This manual is the result of many years of experience and is a system of game exercises that provide for the successful compensation of psychoverbal insufficiency in children.

Achieving such a result contributes to:

Game character of speech exercises;

Correction-developing nature of speech material;

Close connection of speech and cognitive processes;

Use of small forms of folklore.
The practical material presented in the manual is calculated

to work throughout the school year (30 weeks). The block of exercises for the week is designed taking into account a specific topic. Classes should be held daily for 15-25 minutes and have an exclusively game form.

Work is carried out in the following areas:

Lexico-grammar games and exercises;

Development of coherent speech;

sensory development;

Work on the sound side of speech;

Thematic cycle "Toys" (first week)

Children must learn: generalizing concept toys; name, purpose of toys; how to deal with them; what they are made of; classification of toys by material.

"We play with toys." The speech therapist lays out in front of
children toys in two rows and pronounces a quatrain:

We play with toys, We call toys: Tumbler, bear, dwarf, Pyramid, cube, house.

Children repeat the poem with a speech therapist, memorizing it.

« What do toys do? Making complex sentences with conjunction a. The speech therapist takes two toys each and performs various actions with them, commenting:

The doll is lying, and the hedgehog is standing.

The robot is standing, and the bear is sitting.

The car is moving and the plane is flying.

The ball bounces, and the ball hangs.

The gnome is jumping, and the doll is sleeping.

Name the pictures. Development of verbal memory and visual attention.

The speech therapist puts 7-10 pictures of toys on the board, names three of them and asks the children to repeat the names (then another three).

"The toys are hidden." Assimilation of the category of the instrumental case of the singular.

The speech therapist distributes one toy to the children and asks them to play with them, and then hide them. He then asks each child what toy they played with. (I played with a bear. I played with a doll. I played with a matryoshka.)

"Baby toys". Formation of the skill of forming nouns with diminutive suffixes:

doll - doll,

matryoshka - matryoshka,

ball - ball.

Reading with the expression of a poem "Girlfriends". Conversation with children.

We had a fight with a friend

and sat in the corners.

Very boring without each other!

We need to reconcile.

I didn't offend her

I just held a bear

Only with a bear ran away

And she said, "I won't."

I'll go and make peace

I'll give her a bear, I'm sorry.

I'll give her a doll, I'll give her a tram

And I'll say: "Let's play!"

A. Kuznetsova

Development of coherent speech

Making up a story "Bear" through a series of pictures.

“Pasha is small. He is two years old. Grandma and grandpa bought Pasha a bear. The bear is big and plush. Pasha has a car. Pasha rides a bear in a car" 1 .

1 Filicheva T. B., Kashe GA. Didactic material for correcting speech deficiencies in preschool children. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

sensory development

"Chain of cars". Teach children to differentiate the concepts of "big - small." The speech therapist picks up five cars of various sizes and puts them one after the other with the children: the largest, smaller, even smaller, small, smallest.

Follow the instructions of the speech therapist.

- Take as many cubes as you hear pops.

- Give Tanya as many balloons as she has dolls.

- Stomp your foot as many times as there are toys on the table.

Work on the sound side of speech

“Speak the word”: cook .., bar .., matryosh .., feasts .., auto .., tumbler ...

"Repeat the words"

Bik-bik-bik - a cube;

ban-ban-ban - drum;

la-la-la - yula;

years-years-years - aircraft;

na-na-na - car;

ka~ka-ka - chrysalis;


Improvisation of movements. Children march to the beat of A. Barto's poem "Drum".

The squad is going to the parade.

The drummer is very happy:

Drumming, drumming

One and a half hours straight.

But the squad is coming back

Left, right! Left, right!

The drum is already full of holes

Thematic cycle "Toys" (second week)

Children must learn:speech material of the first week; differentiating toys from other objects.

Lexico-grammar games and exercises

"Choose a toy." Assimilation of the instrumental category with the preposition s.

The speech therapist puts familiar and unfamiliar toys on the table and asks each child which toy he wants to play with. (I want to play with a tumbler. I want to play with an accordion.)

"Kids are playing". Formation of the skill of phrasal speech; development of attention to words similar in sound.

The speech therapist gives the children the toys or pictures they have chosen (see the “Choose a toy” exercise) and builds them in pairs so that rhyming sentences are obtained.

Ruslan has a house, Tanya has a dwarf.

Irinka has a flag, Nikita has a cockerel.

Kolya has a nesting doll, Misha has an accordion.

Vova has a bear, Gosha has a monkey.

Kostya has Petrushka, Nadya has a frog.

Katya has a tumbler, Grisha has a turtle.

Natasha has a plane, Tamara has a helicopter.

Masha has a cannon, Pasha has a cracker.

The speech therapist says each sentence, the children repeat after him.

"One is many." Formation of the category of the genitive plural.

The speech therapist addresses each child: “You have a gnome, and there are a lot of ... (gnomes) in the store,” etc.

« The fourth extra." Teach children to distinguish toys from other objects and explain the difference.

The speech therapist puts a number of objects on the table: a ball, a doll, a top, a knife. Then he asks to find an object that does not fit with everyone else (this is a knife, because it is not a toy, they do not play with it).

Development of coherent speech

Reading and retelling of the story by J. Taits "Cube to Cube"

The speech therapist reads a story and at the same time builds a tower of blocks. Then, using the cubes, he repeats this story with the children.

“Masha puts a cube on a cube, a cube on a cube, a cube on a cube. Built a tall tower. Misha came running

- Give me a tower!

-I'm not giving it!

- Give me a cube!

- Take one cube!

Misha held out his hand - and grab the lowest cube. And instantly - bang-tara-rah! - the whole Machine tower is raz-va-li-las!

The speech therapist helps the children understand why the tower collapsed, which cube Misha should have taken.

sensory development

"Where's the toy?" Children have toys in their hands. The speech therapist shows the children where he holds the toy, the children repeat the movements and comments after him: “Front, behind, sideways, above, below, in the left hand, in the right hand, between the knees.”

"Name the nesting dolls." A five-seat matryoshka is used.

The speech therapist, together with the children, puts the nesting dolls in a row in height and calls them: "The biggest, the biggest, the smaller, the smallest, the smallest." Then the speech therapist asks the children to show the smallest, largest, largest, etc. matryoshka.

Development of coherent speech

Making up a story "Autumn"

"Autumn has come. Katya and dad went to the forest. The trees in the forest are yellow and red. There are many leaves on the ground. Dad found mushrooms. Katya put them in a basket. It's good in the forest in autumn!

sensory development

« Let's circle the leaf."

Each child has a sheet of paper and a natural leaf of birch or linden on the table. Children put it on paper and circle it with a pencil. Starting speech therapist:

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

I will find a pencil.

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

I'll circle the leaf.

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

My leaf is small.

Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow,

Wind, wind, don't blow!

Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah,

You, leaf, do not fly away!

Children, together with a speech therapist, repeat the beginning, after which they get to work.


Children imitate rain by tapping their index fingers on the table to the beat of the poem "Autumn".

Rain, rain

All day

Drumming on glass.

The whole earth

All earth

Wet from water...

Ya Akim

Development of coherent speech

Making up a story "In the garden" according to reference pictures.

“Masha and her grandmother came to the garden. There are beds. Here are carrots, here are onions, here are cabbages, here are beets, here are peas. These are vegetables. Grandma picked peas. Masha helped her grandmother. What delicious peas!”

sensory development

"Magic Bag"

Children take turns groping for a vegetable in a bag without pulling it out, report: “I groped an onion” or “I groped a tomato”, etc.

"Collect a picture." To form in children a holistic image of the object and the spatial arrangement of parts.

Each child has a cut-out picture of four parts depicting vegetables on the table.

The beginning of a speech therapist: “Look carefully and collect the picture!” After work: "We played with the guys and collected pictures."

Development of coherent speech

rhyming story "In the garden". Equipment: a basket, two oranges, two apples, one pear, a picture of a garden.

The girl Marinka came to the garden,

There are fruits on the trees.

Grandpa tore off Marinka

orange oranges,

Gave Marinka in the fists

Red apples.

Gave Marinka a yellow pear:

You, Marinka, eat fruit.

Here's a fruit basket for you, Marina.

sensory development

"Spread fruit." Teach children to arrange fruit with their right hand from left to right. Learn to compare two groups of fruits and use the concepts of "equal", "more", "less".

"Count the fruits." Learn to count objects (plums, apples, pears, etc.) within five and name the final number.


I stand on my toes

I get an apple

I run home with an apple

My gift to my mom!

Development of coherent speech

Follow the instructions of the speech therapist.

Take an apple, smell it, put it in a vase and take a cucumber.

Take a cucumber from the basket, put it in a vase, and give the apple to Tanya.

Take an apple, roll it on the table and put it next to the potato. Etc.

Then the child, at the request of the speech therapist and with his help, must tell what he did.

sensory development

"Count fruits (vegetables)." Learn to count objects within five and name the final number.

"Spread fruits (vegetables)." Teach children to lay out objects with their right hand from left to right. Learn to compare two groups of objects and use concepts equally, more, less.

"Wrap your finger." Finger tracing vegetables and fruits along the contour in subject pictures.

The beginning of a speech therapist: “We will take an apple and circle it with a finger.” “We will take a cucumber and circle it with a finger” (repeat with children).

Development of coherent speech

Rhymed story "Masha and trees" (based on subject pictures).

Masha came out onto the porch:

Here grows a tree

Here grows another -

What a beautiful!

I counted exactly five.

All these trees

Count, kids!

Children (count). "One tree, two trees, three trees, four trees, five trees."

Speech therapist. How many trees near the house? Children. There are five trees near the house. The poem is learned by heart.

sensory development

"Let's draw a tree." Previously, the children examine the trees on the site. The teacher conducts a conversation.

A speech therapist examines a sample of a painted tree with children and explains drawing techniques.

1. The tree trunk is drawn from top to bottom, the trunk is thinner at the top, and thicker at the bottom.

2. Branches are drawn from top to bottom, attaching them to the trunk.

3. Small branches are attached to large branches.

4. Green, yellow and red leaves are painted on the branches.

Development of coherent speech

Memorizing a rhyming story "Mushroom".

Lived yes there was a mushroom,

Here is his house - a little piece.

He had a leg

One leg - no boot.

He had a hat.

The boys found it

Mushroom plucked

And they gave it to my grandmother.

Grandma cooked soup

And fed the kids.

sensory development

"Compare Trees" To teach children to compare several objects (up to five) of different heights, placing them in one line.

On the playing field - five Christmas trees of different heights. Children use a strip of cardboard to determine the size of the trees, applying it to each Christmas tree: “The largest Christmas tree, the largest, the smaller, the smallest, the smallest Christmas tree.”

"Up or down?" Development of spatial perception.

The speech therapist names any objects, and the children must say where they are in the forest - above or below (leaves, mushrooms, birds, ants, twigs, grass, nest, hedgehog, squirrel, wolf, tree, grasshopper, dragonfly).

Development of coherent speech

"Let's dress up the doll."

Speech therapist. Children, let's dress our doll. I made clothes for her. What do we put on first, then what?

Dressing the doll with the children, the speech therapist describes the items of clothing in detail. Children repeat: “Green dress. Here is a pocket - it is one. Here are the sleeves - there are two of them. Here is the collar. Here is the belt - it is one. The dress is short, beautiful, etc.”

sensory development

"Show circle." The development of visual attention. Learning primary colors.

The speech therapist distributes multi-colored mugs to all children. Then he names the words: dress (bow, shoes, socks, skirt, blouse, sundress, pocket, collar, belt, sleeves). Children must raise a circle of the color of the object, and name the color.

"Find the same." The development of visual attention, the skill of comparison. Assimilation and use of the concept the same.

On the table, several pairs of mittens, socks, ribbons, and laces are in disarray. Children help to understand and choose a pair for each item, while commenting: "These socks (mittens, laces, ribbons) are the same."

Development of coherent speech

Story-description "Cupboard with dishes."

“This is a cupboard with dishes. It has three shelves: top shelf, middle shelf and bottom shelf. On the top shelf is a saucepan and a kettle. On the middle shelf - plates, cups, saucers. On the bottom shelf - forks, spoons, knives. There are a lot of dishes in the closet.

Children retell the story based on the speech therapist's questions and pictures.

sensory development

"Build to fit." Formation of the ability to build objects on a certain basis.

On the playing field - five contours of cups of different sizes. The speech therapist, together with the children, arranges them “by height”: the largest, the largest, the smaller, the smallest, the smallest.

"Find a locker." Formation of imagination, attention.

On the playing field - three cardboard silhouettes of lockers of the same size. Each of them depicts a substitute object. Children are offered pictures depicting utensils (spoon, fork; cup, plate, glass). The child needs to put a picture next to the locker, which shows a substitute object that is most similar to the item of dishes in his picture.

Development of coherent speech

Masha's doll has a birthday. Substitutes are used.

“Our doll Masha has a birthday today. She will feed us. First we will eat soup with mushrooms, potatoes with meat, salad with mayonnaise, scrambled eggs with sausage. Then we will drink tea with cake and sweets.”

sensory development

Modeling from plasticine.

Children get acquainted with the properties of plasticine (soft, flexible, sticky).

Children sculpt an apple, bagel, carrot, cookie, chocolate, loaf. The speech therapist emphasizes the shape of objects.

"Whose subject?" Development of associative thinking. Substitute items or natural products are used: bar - cheese; stick - sausage; cone - carrot; ball - apple; cylinder - candy; ring - bagel; cube - tea (box).

The speech therapist distributes substitute objects to the children, shows the picture and asks: “Whose object looks like a steering wheel?” The child who has a ring (from a pyramid) picks it up and answers: "My object looks like a steering wheel." After that, he receives a picture from a speech therapist. Etc.

Development of coherent speech

"Masha". Consolidation of children's knowledge on the topic.

“Here is the girl Mashenka. She has eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, chin on her face. Mashenka has two arms and two legs ... "

sensory development

« Say it right."

Are your legs up or down?

Is your nose in the back or in front?

Is your hand right or left?

Is that finger on your hand or on your foot?

"Wrap your finger." Circle the dolls in the picture. Starting speech therapist:

We'll take a picture

Circle the doll with your finger.

Development of coherent speech

The story "Winter".

On a tinted playing field, a speech therapist lays out subject pictures: snow (a white strip of paper), trees, a girl and a boy in winter clothes, a snowman, a sled.

"Winter came. There is snow on the ground and on the trees. The children went out for a walk. They put on fur coats, hats, mittens, boots, because it was cold outside. The children made a snowman, and then they started sledding.”

sensory development

"Let's draw pictures." The speech therapist gives the children "books" (album sheets folded in half).

Dear kids,

Open your books

Dunno read them

And I stole the pictures!

Next, the speech therapist invites the children to draw a Christmas tree on the first page, and on the second page - a Christmas tree toy. After that, the children take turns telling what they drew on the first page, and what on the second.

Speech therapist (can be repeated with children).

We drew pictures

And we talked about them.


"Like on a hill." Improvisation of movements (children with extended

they stand on their toes with their hands, then squat, and at the end lie down on the rug, depicting a sleeping bear).

Like on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the hill - snow, snow,

And on the tree - snow, snow,

And under the tree - snow, snow,

A bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush hush. Keep quiet!

I. Tokmakova

Development of coherent speech

The story "Herringbone". Consolidation of children's knowledge on the topic.

The speech therapist, together with the children, approaches the decorated Christmas tree and makes up a story.

“Here is an elegant Christmas tree. She came to us from the forest. It is small, green, prickly, fragrant. It has a lot of branches. Toys hang on the branches. Who hung the toys on the Christmas tree? (Children). Who hung up the toy? What toys hang at the top? What are below? And what toys hang in the middle? What is our Christmas tree? (Elegant, beautiful).

sensory development

"Make a tree." Assimilation of the concepts of upper, lower, middle.

The speech therapist distributes geometric shapes to the children, from which they assemble a Christmas tree.


Skating like the wind

Ears flared...

Mittens on hands

Cap on top -


That's where I slipped...


Almost tumbled.

C. Black

Development of coherent speech

Reading an excerpt from a story "Snowflake" T. Bushko (translated from Belarusian).

“Tatyana ran out of the house. It's snowing. Tanya held out her hands in elegant blue mittens. Mom embroidered white snowflakes on them. Here is one more snowflake added to my mother's snowflakes. Real. Small. Tanya looks at the snowflake, and it is getting smaller and smaller. And then she completely disappeared. Where did she go? In the meantime, another snowflake fell on the palm.

“Well, now I won’t lose her,” thought Tanya. She squeezed the snowflake in her mitten and ran home to her mother.

Mom, look, - Tatyanka shouted and unclenched her hand. And there is nothing on the palm.

Where did the snowflake go? - Tatyana burst into tears.

Don't cry, you haven't lost her...

And mom explained to Tanya what happened to the snowflake. Did you guess where she went?"

Based on the speech therapist's questions, the children retell the story.

sensory development

“Fold the snowman and tell about it.” The speech therapist distributes geometric shapes to the children, from which they make a snowman. Then they talk about what they did.

"Build to fit."

There are five snowmen on the table, different in size. The speech therapist asks the children to arrange them according to their height: largest, largest, smaller, smallest, smallest.


Improvisation of movements to the beat of the poem "It's snowing."

Quietly, quietly it snows

White snow, shaggy.

We'll clear the snow and ice

In the yard with a shovel...

M. Poznanskaya

Development of coherent speech

Reading and retelling of the fairy tale by K. D. Ushinsky "Bishka". A book and a toy dog ​​are used.

“Come on, Bishka, read what is written in the book!” The dog sniffed the book and walked away. “It is not mine,” he says, “to read a book; I guard the house, I don’t sleep at night, I bark, I scare thieves and wolves, “I go hunting, I follow a hare, I’m looking for ducks, I drag a diaper (you can - a bag) - it will be from me and this.

sensory development

"Find a kennel." Teach children to compare objects by size and classify them.

The speech therapist exposes cardboard dummies-symbols of a dog kennel and selects 5 toy dogs of different sizes. Each dog must "find" its kennel: the biggest, the biggest, the smaller, the smallest, the smallest.

"Wrap your finger."

Each child has a picture of a pet on the table. Children circle the depicted animals along the contour with their index finger.

I'll take a picture and circle the dog.

I'll take a picture and circle the cow. Etc.


Improvisation of movements to the beat of the poem.

I am a horse, I ride

I knock with my hooves:

Tsok-tsok, tsok-tsok,

You jump, jump, skate!

Development of coherent speech

Reading and retelling based on the questions of the fairy tale by L. N. Tolstoy "Bug and cat". Toys used: dog and cat. While reading a fairy tale, a demonstration of the actions described in the work is recommended.

“There was a fight between a bug and a cat. The cat began to eat, and the Bug came. Cat Bug with a paw by the nose. Bug a cat by the tail. Cat Bug in the eye. Bug a cat by the neck. Aunt walked past, carried a bucket of water and began to pour water on the cat and the Beetle.

sensory development

"Make a picture." Compilation of split pictures from four parts.

The beginning of a speech therapist (repeated with children):

You look carefully.

And take a picture!

The boys and I played

And we got the pictures!

"Who is bigger?" Learn to compare two objects of different sizes. Pictures depicting domestic animals and their cubs are used.

Who is bigger - a horse or a foal? (A horse is larger than a foal). Etc.


Improvisation of movements to the beat of the poem.

The cow has a baby:

Bryk-bryk, skok-skok,

And his name is a calf,

And his name is bull.

Development of coherent speech

"Walking in the Forest" Assimilation of the category of the genitive case. Consolidation of children's knowledge on the topic.

A speech therapist with children "goes" to the forest for a walk. The action takes place in the play corner, where toys are placed - animals. It is recommended to stimulate the speech activity of children - children should speak together with a speech therapist.

Here is a fox, it is red, cunning, the fox lives in a hole. Here is a bear, it is big, clumsy, the bear lives in a den. Here is a squirrel, it is small, agile, the squirrel lives on a tree. Here is a hare, it is white, swift, the hare lives under a bush.

The walk in the forest is repeated, the children talk about the animals on their own.

sensory development

"Long or short?" To develop in children the ability to compare two objects of different lengths. Learning antonyms.

The hare has long ears, and the bear... (short).

The fox has a long tail, and the hare ... (short).

The squirrel has a long tail, and the bear ... (short).

The squirrel has short legs, and the wolf ... (long).

The bear has a short tail, and the fox ... (long).

The hedgehog has short ears, and the hare ... (long).

Development of coherent speech

Story "Fox and foxes".

“It's a fox. She is red and smart. She has a sharp muzzle, fluffy tail and four fast paws. The fox has cubs. These are her babies. A fox with cubs lives in a hole.

sensory development

"Zoo". Formation of ideas about the size of objects.

On the playing field - three "cages" for animals (made of cardboard): large, medium, small. Children "seat" animals (pictures or toys) into cages, correlating them in size.

The bear lives in a large cage.

The fox lives in the middle cage.

"Wrap your finger." Development of fine motor skills and visual-spatial perception.

Children use their index finger to trace the outline of the animals shown in the pictures.


"Bear". Improvisation of movements to the beat of the poem.

We stomp like a bear:


We clap like a bear:


We raise our paws up

We sit on others.

Development of coherent speech

Retelling of the story by V. Suteev "The Good Duck" based on a series of plot pictures. You can make silhouettes of birds from cardboard.

“Duck with ducklings, chicken with chickens went for a walk. They walked and walked and came to the river. Ducks and ducklings can swim, but hens and chickens can't. What to do? Thought and thought and thought!

They crossed the river in exactly half a minute:

Chicken on a duckling, chicken on a duckling

The chicken is on the duck, and the chicken is on the duck!”

sensory development

"Tell me about the chicken." Development of spatial perception.

“Ahead of the chicken is a head with a beak. Behind - ponytail. In the middle is the body. On the one hand - a wing, on the other hand - also a wing, a chicken has two wings. At the bottom of the chicken - two paws.

The story about the chicken is repeated with the help of questions.


"Like ours at the gate." Improvisation of movements to the rhythm of the nursery rhyme.

Like ours at the gate

The rooster is pecking at the grain,

The rooster is pecking at the grain,

He calls the chickens.

Development of coherent speech

Story based on a series of plot pictures "The Dog and the Crows".

“The dog ate the meat. Two crows have arrived. One crow pecked at the dog, another crow grabbed the meat. The dog rushed at the crows, the crows flew away "1

sensory development

"Show me your fingers."

The speech therapist exposes on the typesetting canvas first one, then two (three, four, five birds). Children should show as many fingers as there are birds.

"Fix the mistake." Development of spatial perception.

The crow has a tail in front.

The sparrow has a beak at the back.

The owl has paws at the top.

The woodpecker has wings below.

The tit has a tail on the side.

1 Filicheva T. B., Kashe GA. Didactic material for correcting speech deficiencies in preschool children. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

Development of coherent speech

Description stories "Cow" and "Hedgehog".

“Cow is a pet. She lives next to a person. The cow benefits him: it gives milk. Sour cream, cheese, butter are made from milk. The cow is big. She has a head, horns, body, tail, four legs. The cow has cubs - small calves. Cow and calves eat grass."

“The hedgehog is a wild animal. He lives in the forest. It is small, prickly - it has needles. The hedgehog has cubs - hedgehogs. Hedgehogs and hedgehogs eat apples, mushrooms, mice.

sensory development

"Let's treat the hedgehogs." Learn to compare and group objects of different sizes.

For the game, figures of hedgehogs made of cardboard (large, medium, small), as well as silhouettes of three apples and mushrooms are used. The game is played on the playing field. Children are invited to pick up an apple and a mushroom of a suitable size for each hedgehog. All actions are accompanied by explanations.

"Who is less?" Teach children to compare objects of different sizes using the word smaller.

Who is smaller - a wolf cub or a cow? (The cub is smaller.)

Who is smaller - a fox or a hedgehog?

Who is smaller - a bear or a bear cub?

Who is smaller - a hare or a horse?

Who is smaller - a hedgehog or a teddy bear? Etc.


"Like our cat." Improvisation of hand movements in time with the nursery rhyme.

Like our cat

The coat is very good.

Like a cat mustache

amazing beauty,

bold eyes,

The teeth are white.

Development of coherent speech

The speech therapist, together with the children, makes up stories-descriptions of various toys: their structure, color, how to play with them, etc.

sensory development

"Magic Bag"

The speech therapist prepares a bag of toys for class. Each child, at the request of the speech therapist, must find two toys in the bag and name them without pulling them out of the bag, and then show them to everyone.

I found a matryoshka and a doll.


Counting under the ball.

A counting rhyme came to visit us,

It is not a pity to tell her.

We taught the counting

And they hit the floor with the ball.

Development of coherent speech

"We paint a picture." Learn to draw straight lines (path, fence); straight closed lines (garage, window, door, roof, house); plot drawing; place items on

sheet of paper (top, bottom, middle, on one side, on the other side); consistent progress report.

“In the middle I drew a house: here is the window, here is the roof, here is the door. On one side is a fence. On the other hand, a tree. Near the tree, I drew a garage. Above - the sun and a bird. Below is grass and a flower.

sensory development

"Let's get a house." Pay attention to the spatial arrangement of the details of the subject.

Each child has a geometric figure on the table, depicting some part of the house. Children go to the playing field and make a house.

The beginning of a speech therapist (children repeat):

We play with the guys

We assemble the house quickly.


"We are building a house." Improvisation of movements to the beat of the poem.

Hammer and ax

We are building a new house.

The house has many floors

Lots of adults and children.

Development of coherent speech

Story based picture "Family".

“This is a house. A family lives here: mom and dad (these are the parents of the children); grandparents (these are the parents of mom and dad); brother and sister (these are the children of mom and dad and grandchildren for grandma and grandpa).

Dad reads the newspaper. Mom sews on a machine. Grandpa fixes the bike. Grandma knits socks. Brother is doing homework. Sister plays with toys. This family is friendly.

sensory development

"Morning, afternoon, evening." Practical use in speech of adverbs denoting time. differentiation of these concepts.

Each child tells how he spent the day off: what he did in the morning, afternoon and evening. A speech pathologist can help if needed.

In the morning I had breakfast, played with toys. During the day I went for a walk, and in the evening I watched cartoons.

In the morning I read a book with my mother. During the day she went to visit Katya, and in the evening she played with the doll.

Development of coherent speech

Rhyming story-description "Truck". With the help of a speech therapist, the story is learned by heart.

Here is a truck

Big big!

She is carrying cargo.

She has a body.

Here is the cabin - the driver is in it,

The engine is in front of the car.

The car is spinning

All four wheels.

sensory development

Work experience of the music director of the highest qualification category MKDOU Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 10, Rossosh, Rossoshansky Municipal District, Voronezh Region, Ivashchenko Elena Nikolaevna

... it is difficult to imagine a better method of education than the one
which is discovered and tested by the experience of centuries; it can be expressed
in two positions - gymnastics for the body and music for the soul.
In view of this, education in music should be considered the most important:
thanks to him, RHYTHM and HARMONY are deeply embedded in our soul,
take possession of it, fill it with beauty
and make a person think well...
Plato, ancient Greek philosopher.

1. Relevance of the work

One of the most worrying trends of today is the increase in the number of children with developmental problems. In this regard, the work to preserve, strengthen and restore the health of children in preschool conditions should occupy an exceptional position.

There are many such children among those with whom we work in kindergarten. As a result of diagnosing and psychological and pedagogical examination of children, the specialists of our kindergarten identified children with various disorders in psychomotor (14%) and speech development (25%) .

2. Perspective and scientific and methodological substantiation

But the question arises: how to realize two main goals at the same time - to preserve the health of the child and solve correctional and developmental tasks?

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" defines the creation of special conditions for persons with HHV, which include the use of special educational programs, manuals and didactic materials (Section 3, Article 79). It also introduces the concept "adapted educational program" "for training persons with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons" (Section 28, Article 2).

In modern conditions, DL teachers play an important role in the correction and development of preschool children. A necessary condition for the implementation of GEF DO is the psychological support of the educational process, in which the formation of close cooperation between all its participants plays an important role.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, educational areas are complementary, so the participation of a music director is provided to one degree or another in the implementation of each of them.

3. Practical significance

Goals and objectives of musical and correctional activities in preschool educational institutions:

  • development of memory, thinking, imagination, hearing, sense of rhythm;
  • development and accumulation of elementary and motor skills;
  • formation of correct posture;
  • increase in working capacity and physical activity;
  • development of ideas about space and the ability to navigate in it;
  • development of creative abilities.

Types of musical correctional work:

  • Classes in logorhythmics for children with speech disorders, coordination of movements.
  • Finger exercises for fine motor skills.
  • Exercises to normalize muscle tone - strength and accuracy of movements.
  • Singing exercises for the development of strength, height, timbre of the voice.
  • Exercises for the development of speech, singing breathing.
  • Theatrical games, exercises, dramatization games for the perception of images and their expression through facial expressions, gestures, plasticity, speech, intonation.
  • Exercises, dances, games, round dances for the development of a sense of tempo and rhythm in music, movements, speech, in playing the DMI.
  • Games, round dances, dance compositions aimed at educating personal qualities, collectivism, mutual support.

An integrated and systematic approach to solving problems associated with speech and cognitive disorders in children is the basis for the interaction of specialists and educators. Modern trends in the modernization of education dictate the need for a comprehensive and thorough study of the organizational and substantive aspects of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children.

In our preschool institution, two correctional groups for children with ORN are constantly working. The teachers of our kindergarten have found the best solution in working with such children - conducting integrated classes, because the integration of all educational areas and, consequently, the activities of the entire kindergarten team is another requirement outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard.

Such classes solve many problems of the development of children, are built on different types of activities and allow not to exceed the allowable amount of teaching load.

Integrated classes are aimed at:

  • for the maximum comprehensive development of the child in accordance with its capabilities;
  • correction of his psychophysical features;
  • actual inclusion in the surrounding social environment;
  • preparation for schooling.

In organizing and conducting integrated classes, the music director participates together with speech therapists, educators, a psychologist, a physical education teacher. The topic of the lesson is determined based on the topics that are highlighted in the educational program.

The implementation of correctional and developmental tasks in integrated classes is relevant for us. This is due to the fact that we can simultaneously implement the following tasks:

  • development and correction of the cognitive sphere and activity;
  • speech development;
  • formation of communication skills;
  • realization of creative abilities;
  • reduction of anxiety and aggressiveness;
  • creating an emotional well-being;
  • the formation of adequate self-esteem and self-confidence, etc.

It is important to note that any educational activity is built taking into account the age characteristics of children. In this regard, the time frame varies from 20 minutes to 40 minutes. The interaction of the music director and participants in the educational process is carried out according to the developed model, which allows you to coordinate the activities of adults in relation to children and predict the positive results of the implementation of the preschool basic general education program. It is important to note that during the integration of teachers, all correctional and developmental work is built according to a certain scheme:

  1. Greetings (a kind of ritual that allows you to tune in to joint activities).
  2. Introduction to the topic ("fairy" moment).
  3. GCD games and exercises (perform the entire semantic load, allow you to concentrate on the main thing and reveal the inner potential of each child).
  4. Physical education minute (selected on the topic of GCD, can be carried out between games and exercises).
  5. Creative task (allows each child to reveal their creative abilities, imagination).
  6. Leaving the topic, goodbye (the ritual of the end of GCD, the main goal is to create in each child a sense of belonging to a group and to consolidate positive emotions from activities in the classroom).

It is important to note that a comprehensive and systematic approach to solving problems associated with speech disorders in children is needed, which is the basis for the interaction of all specialists.

At preschool age, the main activity is play. Hence the choice of the method - a game that includes elements of fairy tale therapy, art therapy, music therapy. maintains his emotional well-being, develops empathic perception and creativity. Most children with speech disorders have pronounced problems in the development of phonemic hearing and perception, and exercises in GCD are aimed at eliminating them.

We select exercises and games of this complex of directly organized activities taking into account the age characteristics of children. However, depending on their individual characteristics, preparedness, these games and exercises can be modified.

In my work with preschoolers, I pay special attention to the musical game.

It is very important that the children play with pleasure and desire. According to O.S. Gazman “... the game is a delicacy that allows you to comprehensively develop, educate and educate children at any age. In the game, children have three goals. The first goal is the pleasure of the game “I WANT”. The second goal is to follow the rules of the game “SHOULD”. The third goal is the creative fulfillment of the game task “I CAN” .

The musical game brings up in children the will, concentration, sensuality; develops attention, hearing, fantasy, imagination, memory, thinking; teaches understanding of actions, speed of reaction, musical and motor knowledge, skills and abilities.

In a musical game, the child performs various tasks: all his movements and actions are associated with the nature of the music. Music teaches not only to listen, but also to hear, not only to look, but also to see, and therefore, to feel. It brings up thoughts and feelings, horizons and emotions, purposefulness and sociability.

We constantly use the harmonizing effect of music on mental processes in our work with children.

Slow children need music of a moving, fast nature. Disinhibited (hyperactive) children are soothed by moderate tempo music. Dystonic children who have a sharp change in emotional state during the day (from aggression to apathy), requires music of a calm nature with accents repeated at regular intervals, and with the same level of sound volume.

Consequently, music develops all types of perception: visual, auditory, sensual - and all types of memory: visual, auditory, motor, figurative, associative.

But most importantly, music is a source of children's joy. At an early age, a child naturally discovers the beauty of music, its magical power, and later reveals himself and his creative potential.

It is also important to note that a selection of special materials and equipment is necessary for conducting musical and correctional classes. In any group of our kindergarten there are the necessary subjects, pictures are selected by topic, musical excerpts are recorded, presentations are prepared to include children in educational activities. And it is necessary to emphasize that all classes are planned, systematic and consistent, which involves the work of specialists with each child.

It would be great if parents would be involved in this work. To activate them in the correctional and developmental process, we conduct parent-child classes, where mothers and fathers, grandparents become full participants in educational activities. This allows us to solve another important problem: optimizing the constructive interaction of all members of the child's family.

4. The end result of pedagogical activity.

A card file of finger games, psycho-gymnastic exercises, logo-rhythmic exercises, breathing and articulatory gymnastics, valeological songs - chants, self-massage has been made, a rich music and video library has been collected. The work on the application of musical and correctional activities has been systematized. Twice a year, a survey of the musical development of children is carried out.

There is a positive trend:

  1. Increasing the level of development of musical and creative abilities of children.
  2. The stability of the emotional well-being of each child.
  3. Increasing the level of speech development.
  4. Reducing the incidence rate (mostly colds).
  5. The stability of physical and mental performance in all seasons of the year, regardless of the weather.

Conclusion. The effectiveness of musical correctional and integrated classes is clearly seen in the dynamics of the mental and speech development of pupils: in the formation of a sense of self-confidence in them, the harmonization of the emotional and personal sphere through communication with music. Here the principle works in full: music pleases, music heals, music educates.


  1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On the approval of the Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education" .
  2. Postoeva L.D., Lukina G.A. Integrated developmental activities for preschoolers. - M .: National Book Center, 2011
  3. Smirnova E.O. Game in modern preschool education. Psychological science and education. – №3 2013
  4. Mirontseva S.M. Interaction of participants in the process of correctional speech development of preschool children. - St. Petersburg: OOO "Childhood Press" , 2012
  5. Arsenevskaya O.N. The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten: classes, games, exercises. "Teacher" , 2013

Article. Specialized speech therapy correctional group for children with general underdevelopment of speech.

teacher - speech therapist, Klokova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, MBDOU d / s. No. 39, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: The article tells about what it is, a specialized speech therapy correctional group for children with general underdevelopment of speech. How not to get in. What documents do you need to provide. It will be of interest to parents, teachers of preschool institutions, speech therapists.

What to do if the child is sent to the speech therapy correctional group of the kindergarten?
Nowadays, in many cities there are specialized correctional speech therapy groups in kindergartens for children with severe speech disorders. Severe speech disorders include general underdevelopment of speech stuttering. Today we will talk about general speech underdevelopment (OHP). The intelligence of children with this speech therapy conclusion is primarily preserved. Hearing is not broken. All aspects of speech suffer: the sound side, phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech.
Parents treat the speech therapy group in different ways. If the baby speaks very poorly (I, II level of speech development), noticeably lags behind his peers in speech development, and if this is a prosperous family, parents are usually happy when they are offered a place in a correctional group. If the child speaks in more or less understandable phrases, albeit agrammatic, parents begin to doubt. It seems to many that the child will catch up with their peers in speech development on their own. And very poorly speaking children in the correctional group, on the contrary, will provoke inhibition in speech development. Who is right? Let's figure it out together.

Speech therapy correctional group. What it is?

The speech therapy correctional group is a separate group for children with severe speech disorders. I have a group with ONR. Children from all over the city are recruited from 4 years old for 3 years, from 5 years old - for 2 years. The number of children is 15 people. Speech development is different: from without speech, to speaking in sentences, but with persistent agrammatisms. Agrammatism is errors in the grammatical construction of sentences used by the child in active speech, as well as misunderstanding of grammatical structures when asked to show them in pictures. So the child finds it difficult to show exactly where the table is, and where the tables are, the cup is the cup; where is a flower, and where is a flower, a chair - a chair; where the bird flies under the branch, and where - above the branch; where the dog runs after the boy, and where the boy runs after the dog.
A special psychological, medical, and pedagogical commission (PMPC) sends them to a specialized group. Mom comes to the examination together with the child and does not leave him in the process of communicating with the members of the commission. A speech therapist of the organization that the child visits sends children to PMPK. If the baby is at home, then he is examined by a speech therapist of the children's clinic, and then sent to the PMPK. In our city, the commission recruits children with general underdevelopment of speech into specialized groups, usually from March to May. Children start visiting it depending on when it opens. Usually from September 1st.
It happens that a speech therapist does not examine children of 3-4 years of age. In this case, you need to take care of yourself, and ask a speech therapist to examine your baby so as not to miss the opportunity to get into a speech group for 3 years.

What documents need to be submitted to the PMPK?
Passport of the parent (guardian)
Child's birth certificate
Conclusions from specialists: pediatrician, ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist (as indicated)

Who and what activities are conducted with the children of the correctional group?

All kindergarten specialists conduct classes with children: a speech therapist, a psychologist, a music director, an instructor for the development of physical culture and educators. There are strengthened classes compared to ordinary kindergarten groups. An integrated approach is used in the correction of children's speech. Moreover, with a speech therapist, children are engaged both in individual (2-3 times a week), and in subgroup, frontal (4 times a week). The teacher conducts his classes daily, and in the evening and during regime moments he works out the tasks of a speech therapist with children (general and individual). Children in the correctional group are engaged in a special correctional program. We are engaged in the correctional program Nishcheva N.V. The program differs significantly from the usual kindergarten program, it is aimed at the comprehensive development of children using correctional education.
Thanks to a special program and the efforts of all teachers, our children go to school prepared, with a certain knowledge base. They can read, write, analyze and synthesize well. In addition, a lot of time is devoted to the development of coherent, soundly and grammatically correct speech.

And so, if your child has a speech therapy conclusion: general underdevelopment of speech (I, II, III levels of speech development), and your child is sent to a specialized speech therapy correctional group for children with general underdevelopment of speech, agree without hesitation. The child will only benefit from this. Without an integrated approach (pedagogical classes, drug treatment, homework with children by parents), it is impossible to overcome a speech disorder, as a general underdevelopment of speech. After the correction, children go to general education, and not specialized schools.

Summary of the GCD to eliminate the prerequisites for the violation of written speech in preschoolers with general underdevelopment

General underdevelopment of speech is a complex speech pathology in which all components of speech (sound pronunciation, phonemic hearing, vocabulary and grammar) are impaired.

There are three levels of speech development in children with ONR:

Level I - "speechless" children, whose entire active vocabulary is a small number of babbling words and onomatopoeia.

Level II - in addition to babble words, there are also commonly used words in speech, as a rule, they are heavily distorted. This level is characterized by gross violations of the syllabic structure (omissions, permutations of syllables), phrasal speech is primitive and does not correspond to age.

Level III - is characterized by the presence of everyday phrasal speech, but with problems of the lexical-grammatical and phonetic structure, i.e. although the child uses the phrase, his speech remains incomprehensible to others due to the large number of agrammatisms, the incorrect pronunciation of many sounds and the disturbed syllabic structure.

Phonetic disorders are characterized by:

the absence of speech sounds;

undifferentiated pronunciation of speech sounds;

sound substitutions;

unstable use of sounds (substitutions) in different words.

Lexical disorders are characterized by:

the poverty of the subject dictionary - this is manifested in ignorance of the words of everyday life, parts of objects;

limited use and selection of adjectives, verbs;

the difficulty of using antonyms;

insufficient use of generalizing concepts in the dictionary.

Syllabic disorders are characterized by:

rearrangement of syllables in a word (barelina instead of a ballerina);

omission of syllables (pachutist instead of paratrooper);

adding extra syllables;

OHP is a combined violation. Defective speech activity leaves an imprint on the development of higher mental functions. In children, there is instability of attention, difficulties in its distribution, a decrease in memory and memorization productivity, and verbal-logical thinking lags behind in development. Without special training, children with OHP have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization. There are also violations of the motor sphere.

Children have poor coordination of movements, a decrease in speed, dexterity, and underdevelopment of fine motor skills.

One of the leading signs is the later occurrence of speech. Speech is agrammatic and insufficiently phonetically framed.

The most expressive indicator is the lag in expressive speech with a relatively favorable, at first glance, understanding of addressed speech (understands, but does not speak himself).

Inadequate speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres in children.

Causes of general underdevelopment of speech

The cause of speech disorders in speech therapy is understood as the impact on the body of an external or internal harmful factor or their interaction, which determine the specifics of a speech disorder and without which the latter cannot occur.
Thus, there are 2 groups of causes leading to speech disorders: internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous).

Internal causes of speech disorders.

Under the internal causes of speech disorders should be understood those causes that affect the fetus in the prenatal period, during childbirth and in the first days after birth.
Main internal causes:
1. Maternal diseases during pregnancy (heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, etc.).
2. Burdened heredity (diabetes, hypertension, etc.).
3. Maternal allergy.
4. Past blood transfusion.
5. Toxicosis of pregnancy, regardless of the duration of pregnancy.
6. Immunological incompatibility of maternal and fetal blood according to the Rh factor.
7. Diverse obstetric pathology (narrow pelvis, protracted or rapid labor, cord entanglement, etc.).
8. Smoking during pregnancy, drinking alcohol, drugs.
9. Short interval between first and second pregnancy (less than 1 year).
10. Pregnancy before the age of 18 or after the age of 40.
11. Special mental stress ( family problems, financial difficulties and etc.).

External causes of speech disorders.

External causes are due to factors affecting the child in the first years of life.
Main external causes:
1. Infectious diseases in early childhood with the use of a large number of drugs (meningitis, encephalitis, poliomyelitis).
2. Bruises of the head, accompanied by loss of consciousness.
3. Absence, lack or defectiveness of the speech environment, communication, emotional contact of the child with adults.
4. Various mental traumas (fear suffered by the child due to separation from loved ones).
5. General physical weakness of the body, various metabolic disorders, diseases of the internal organs of the child.
6. Wrong parenting methods.
7. Conflict relationships in the family.

Summarizing the presented data, we can conclude about the complexity and diversity of the complex of various causes that cause speech disorders. Most often there is a combination of hereditary predisposition, unfavorable environment and damage or disorders of brain maturation under the influence of various environmental factors acting in the prenatal period, at the time of childbirth or in the first years of a child's life.