Wedding ceremony in a hot air balloon. Decoration of the hall for the graduation party “Traveling in a hot air balloon! travel style wedding photo

No wonder they say, "Marriages are made in heaven." It's just a dream - to see the world from the height of soaring clouds with your loved one! And what an amazing photo session you can organize! Of course, a balloon wedding is unusual and delightful. Moreover, the balloon is considered one of the safest types of air transport. However, newlyweds should take into account that accidents do happen, and although deaths are very rare, injuries are possible. How to avoid possible troubles and turn a wedding into a real magical holiday? First of all, you need to find out if the city where the newlyweds live conducts balloon flights. If not, you should not agree to fly from another locality. You may not have time.

Things to keep in mind when planning a flight:
  • How to find a firm
  • Check-in during the flight.

A hot air balloon is an unusual wedding venue that is sure to please many.

How to choose the right company? The easiest way is according to the reviews of those who have already flown. Young people should not be shy to ask in all details. Ultimately, it is they who fly the balloon. Then you should get acquainted with the representatives of the company. The company must provide all the necessary documents and certificates allowing such activities, conduct a detailed briefing on safety rules, provide insurance (usually included in the cost of the flight) and conclude an agreement. In addition, the newlyweds must clarify who exactly will fly with them. If the pilot has no experience flying in a balloon or is very small, you should immediately refuse.

Flight prices are usually quite high. They depend on the number of passengers, the duration of the flight and the services provided. Often companies offer services of their operator, photographer, refreshments, champagne for an additional fee. But the cost of these services is quite high, so it may be cheaper to organize all this yourself. In addition, companies usually provide small gifts: boxes for certificates and a small treat.

Reminders for the newlyweds: the flight time lasts from an hour to about six. You will have to spend all the time in a balloon standing up. So it might be better to choose fewer hours. When recruiting passengers, you will need to check with the guests if there is someone with a fear of heights. Getting out of the balloon, of course, will not work before the end of the flight, so these points should be taken into account in advance. Children are taken to the basket only accompanied by their parents and starting from 7 years old.

A hot air balloon wedding is great, but safety must be respected. If a company claims that the balloon will fly at any desired time and in any weather, the services of such a performer should be immediately refused. In case of bad weather, the flight is cancelled. The money is either returned, or the flight is postponed to another day, as agreed. The ball takes off at a strictly defined time, so you can not be late. It is also impossible to ask to transfer the place of flight. In order for everything to go well, the pilot must be well prepared, not trust the control of the balloon to a student, clarify the weather forecast on the day of departure and before the flight itself, and not take extra passengers into the basket. Passengers, in turn, are obliged: not to be late, to be sober, to obey the instructor and the pilot, it is highly desirable to dress comfortably. The last point is especially true for brides. The fact is that you need to jump into the basket quickly enough, and then spend a lot of time standing up. Therefore, if you really want beautiful photos, you will probably have to stock up on one more wedding outfit. Preferably without heels, puffy long skirts and long veils. A comfortable midi or mini, ballet flats or sneakers and a flower in your hair are ideal. Or you can just fly not on the wedding day, but at another time. And take beautiful photos with a fluttering veil on the ground.

Original ideas for a wedding - organize an exit registration or a walk with a photo shoot in a hot air balloon. It will be great and interesting, and guests will remember such a wedding for a long time. But here you need to take into account a few points: even in large baskets, the number of passengers is limited, so this option is only suitable for a small wedding. Comfortable outfit for the bride, which we have already mentioned. The same applies to all women at the wedding. Nobody should be late. Of course, all guests must be sober and obey the instructor or pilot. If all the necessary rules are followed, the flight experience will remain the most beautiful, and the photos and videos will turn out great.

A certificate for flying into the sky is an original wedding gift for newlyweds. True, when presenting it, relatives or friends should know for sure that none of the newlyweds is afraid to fly. And you should also warn about comfortable clothes in advance. Such a gift can be collective. Most likely, it will not even require special packaging - companies themselves, as a rule, give a beautiful box to the certificate.

And after all, few people can boast that they gave the newlyweds the opportunity to touch the dream. And the newlyweds themselves will be able to say that their marriage was actually made in heaven.

Flight options:

Individual flight on a balloon in the shape of ❤ - 19,000 rubles / 2 people (two children under 7 years old - free of charge)

Individual flight on a balloon in the shape of ❤ with the inscription "I love you" - 20,000 rubles / 2 people. (two children under 7 years old - free of charge)

Program duration: 5 hours, the flight itself - 1 hour
The program can be organized on any day of the week, either in the early morning or in the evening before sunset.
Venue: Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region.

  • Only your couple and the pilot take part in the flight
  • We deliver your couple from the meeting point to the take-off point and back free of charge
  • At the end of the flight, we conduct a ritual of initiation into aeronauts according to the French tradition of the 18th century, with the presentation of commemorative letters.
  • The flight is carried out on an exclusive balloon in the shape of a Heart (it is possible to fly on a balloon in the shape of a heart with the inscription - I Love You)

Every loving couple strives to have an unforgettable wedding day. But so often it is difficult to come up with an unusual scenario for the upcoming celebration. A modern person, tempted by spectacles, is not so easy to surprise. But you really want your wedding to be remembered not only by you, but also by all those invited for many years to come.

One of the not only unusual, but also incredibly beautiful wedding scenarios is a flight in a balloon in the shape of a Heart. Romantic atmosphere will give an unusual mood. The impression received from the flight will take a piece in the heart and memory of a loved one. Even difficulties with the weather, as a rule, do not bother the newlyweds, because the trip will take place under the supervision of professionals. Heightened feelings and adrenaline rush cause a flurry of joyful emotions. You certainly won’t be bored - the pilot will demonstrate the miracles of aerobatics by raising the balloon high to the clouds, then lowering it, giving those present an opportunity to consider the events taking place on the ground in detail. After landing, we will conduct a ritual of initiation into aeronauts and drink a glass of champagne to the health of the newlyweds. Ballooning club "Touch the sky" will arrange an unforgettable holiday for you and your guests.


Hello! The flight was 09/02/2017 Feelings are simply indescribable! I recommend to absolutely everyone! Now I know what to give my friends - a certificate for a flight! So organized and well-coordinated team that you enjoy and don’t think about anything else! Thank you all very much! Pilot Sergey showed his skills at the highest level, especially during the landing, which was so soft and smooth that it’s not even interesting to talk about it)))))) I am absolutely delighted and will remember this flight for a long time with a smile on my face! Cyril, you are a great fellow that you were able to organize everything so well and recruit such a team! Thanks again for this fun!

Alexey Shcherbakov

Balloon flight review It was my first flight. I wanted to fly already that year, but it never happened. And this year the flight was canceled a couple of times due to weather conditions. The anticipation of the flight was worth it. We flew in the evening, although it is possible in the morning. This is romance, this is new sensations and this is a lot of emotions that are difficult to convey in words. It's not just about flying. Here you see how the ball unfolds before your eyes. It's not the same one I made as a child. What are they different in color, shape and volume. As from a folded state that fits in a trailer, it turns into an air vehicle before your eyes. I liked the briefing, which made it clear how to behave in the basket during takeoff, flight and landing. Landing means a lot, I realized this after the first parachute jump. The flight took place over different terrain. There was also a forest area (we even managed to touch the tops of the trees), it was rather a lack of height than on purpose. We flew over the houses, where someone took pictures on the phone, someone invited guests to barbecue, and someone to mow the grass. We flew over ponds and lakes, cottages and next to the helipad. We even jokingly chose our houses and plots. I was not alone in the basket and we had a lot of fun. And we sat down behind the pond, on the slope. I expected a harder landing, it turned out the opposite. Jumping from 2 meters is harder than landing in a hot air balloon, at least for me. And even after landing, our journey did not end. A mini buffet with champagne awaited us, with sweets and a wonderful history of aeronautics from Natasha (only for this it would be worth coming) I would like to say a little about the team: they are open, positive people who are ready to answer questions, ride a balloon and treat them with sweets. They are professionals in their field and they love what they do. All ended with a solemn part and awarding certificates of aeronaut. And a promise to tell friends and acquaintances how great it is to fly!!! Thank you, without you I would not have been able to fulfill one of my dreams! Alexey Shcherbakov

Do you want to organize an original wedding, but are afraid of becoming the pioneers of one or another crazy idea at first glance? Then you have to be content with someone already proven scenarios. But do not be upset, among them there are very unusual ones, especially for those who have not encountered anything like this before. For example, one of these options would be a hot air balloon wedding! No, it is not at all necessary to drag a resisting registry office worker into the basket - just use a balloon to deliver the spouses to the doors of the official organization, and then to the place of walk and rest. Of course, in advance you need to discuss all the possibilities and impossibilities with an instructor from the chosen club of aeronauts. It is interesting that flying in a hot air balloon is possible both on the territory of our vast country and beyond its borders, if you decide to marry abroad.

What to pay attention to when organizing a wedding flight in a hot air balloon?

1. Contact only a trusted company - on the recommendation of friends, acquaintances, personal successful experience, etc.
2. Basket size. Small baskets are considered the best and safest, in which you can fly together, accompanied by an instructor pilot and, if desired, witnesses. But there are also more extensive options in which you can seat a couple of dozen (and, Oh horror!, even more) guests. Take your pick, but it seems to us that huge baskets are simply less safe.

3. Clothing and footwear. Choose a comfortable version of the wedding dress, especially for the bride, in which you can easily climb into the basket of the balloon and get out of it. If you wish, you can arrange two sets of vestments: for flying on a balloon and for an earthly ceremony. It is likely that you will have to sit in the basket quickly - a balloon filled with hot air will not wait - take this into account when going on a honeymoon flight.

4. Be sure to decide in advance on the duration of the flight - firstly, the payment for such an unusual service depends on it, and secondly, be guided by the state of health and the need for photography. If it is important for you to take as many pictures from a height as possible, and at the same time create a couple of videos, then, naturally, you will have to order a longer flight. But if at the same time you are not sure that you can endure a long hover in the air, then limit yourself to the shortest flight.
5. Having chosen the option of a wedding with a balloon flight, remember that it is very important to obey the instructor pilot! It is likely that specific places will be assigned to all participants in the flight, it is possible that the wind will disrupt your plans, and the landing will not be the softest - in any case, if you are afraid - do not sit in the basket, if you are ready to fly - do not be afraid and listen to a specialist!

How to complete a hot air balloon flight on your wedding day

A balloon flight in itself is a unique and extremely interesting pastime, especially on a wedding day, but you can not limit it, but supplement it with appropriate decoration on the ground:
- contests with a heavenly theme;
- unusual design of invitations and menus in the restaurant (in the form of balloons, clouds, birds, angels, etc.);
- a lot of balloons;
- release of butterflies or pigeons, etc.

In general, everything that seems to you in one way or another connected with flights and happiness is the place to be. And in the evening, you can launch Chinese lanterns into the sky (! For a mass launch, you need permission from the relevant authorities!).
The expression "Fly with happiness" is probably familiar to everyone, so why not hold a wedding in a balloon, as a variant of its material embodiment? In any case, have a happy flight, dear newlyweds!

You will have about an hour of flight in a beautiful balloon at an altitude of about 500 m. Flights take place as part of a group - from 6 to 20 people. Do not worry, the basket is spacious and comfortable, there is enough space for everyone and no one will be crowded! Flying in a hot air balloon is absolutely not scary and terribly interesting!
After landing, all participants will receive a pleasant bonus - initiation into balloonists and a glass of champagne.
When choosing an "Extreme" flight, the owner of a gift certificate will not only enjoy the beauty of nature, but also get an adrenaline rush thanks to the transparent bottom of the basket. You should not worry about safety: the bottom is made of durable material from an English company.

Flights take place on hot air balloons from leading manufacturers. The pilots are experienced professionals who have made many flights and have all the necessary permits. Each balloon is checked and undergoes regular technical inspection before takeoff. Flights take place in the early morning and a couple of hours before sunset. The whole program takes about 4-6 hours.

What is needed for this?

First, buy a certificate for a hot air balloon ride. Secondly, just show up at the starting point on time - before the balloon takes off! Take with you a good mood and company - a friend, relative or loved one. Well, get ready to become an aeronaut. Do not forget also a camera or a video camera - such materials will decorate your collection! Throughout the flight, the balloon is followed by a car, which, after landing, will take certificate holders back to the collection point.

Who can fly?

Everyone can and should fly! It is absolutely not scary, and immediately after landing you want to rise into the clouds again! There is no person who would not like a balloon flight as a gift, Moscow from a bird's eye view looks simply incredible.

Not allowed to the flight of pregnant women and persons in a state of alcoholic intoxication. Age restrictions: from 7 years old (group flight) and from 5 years old, not lower than 120 cm (individual flight). A child ticket can fly a child from 7 to 10 years old. For anyone older, you need to purchase an adult certificate. Children under 18 years of age can only fly if accompanied by an adult.

Elena Kosareva

Here we go again high school graduation! As always, everyone is excited, rehearsing! Decorate the room! This year is especially difficult for the musical director, it so happened that she is the only one for the whole kindergarten! A graduation FOUR groups this year! Means, graduation parties FOUR! And, finally, everything is ready! The hall is decorated according to the script, the children are ready!

In the center balloon(made by educators from transparent plastic, pasted over with colored self-adhesive tape, under it is a flower meadow - our Earth (also made of transparent plastic, pasted over with green self-adhesive tape, decorated with flowers, frogs, ladybug (with Velcro).

On the right side of air ball decoration from balls: "Sun", flowers, butterflies. In the corner - slide "Toys" and pillows (for lazy dance).

On the left side of hot air balloon"ladybug" (from balls) with a bell in its paws, again flowers from balloons. Below is another pile of toys. On the floor near the planet are "Sea reefs" ("Medusa", "Fish", "Seahorse", "Starfish"). Throughout the hall under the ceiling fly "Butterflies" (also made of transparent plastic, decorated with colored self-adhesive.

All heroes are ready to meet with alumni!Baron Munchausen, King of the Sea Neptune, Baba Yaga, Sloth, Great Sorcerer-Sage! GOOD LUCK, GRADUATES!

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