Break on the belly in pregnant women. More serious forms of allergies. What to do

The condition of pregnancy is often accompanied by such changes in the body, to get used to them, nor explain them is sometimes impossible. For example, rash on the belly of a woman "in position" can be caused by the most different reasons, the most common of which is a banal allergy.

The subtlety is that after the child conception, the body's allergic reactions have the property sharpening. This is due to both hormonal perestroika and with a common weakening of the body.

Any allergic reaction is an attempt to protect against the harmful effects of the external environment. Immunity becomes very sensitive, allergies causes what was not completely perceived by the protective system.

Exacerbates the situation:

  • wrong lifestyle;
  • improper nutrition;
  • untimely treatment of infectious diseases;
  • constant stress;
  • frequent change of climatic and time zones.

In aggregate with hormonal perestroika, inevitable when pregnancy, sensitivity to external influences is amplified repeatedly.

As a result, the activity of the highlight of the histamine - hormone is increasing, designed to fight with the invasion of the "pest." This leads to the appearance of allergy symptoms, in particular, to the formation of rash on the stomach.

It is worth noting that not only an allergic reaction causes this symptom. Other diseases also lead to Harpivnice, but represent a much greater threat to the health of mom and the future child.

If not allergy

The allergic reaction becomes the cause of the abdomen of pregnant women most often, but there are a number of other ailments leading to the emergence of the same symptom:

  • dermatitis;
  • padder (characteristic of warm season);
  • infection.

The last option is the most dangerous. Immunity is reduced, the body is weakly protected, respectively, a child may suffer. It is for this reason that when a rash appears on the stomach should immediately go to the hospital for diagnosis. The earlier the reason for the occurrence of symptoms, the less serious consequences expect a woman and her baby.

Important! Sometimes the stomach rash testifies to the development of the liver and gallbladder disease. If problems were previously observed with these organs, then when an alarming symptom appears, a detailed examination should be taken.


Immunity reacts to contact with the stimulus very quickly. After a few minutes, the first signs of rash formation may begin.

Most often, this happens after contact with the following allergens:

  • some cosmetics;
  • food;
  • medicines;
  • fabrics;
  • wool and excretion of animals;
  • household chemicals;
  • sun rays.

This is not a complete list, for a pregnant woman, an allergen can become anything.

The size of the rashes is very different - stains can be from 1.5 mm to 20 cm in diameter. It is noticed that the smaller the rash, the stronger it itches. Hardwriter is not the only symptom of skin allergies, a woman will also experience:

  • burning;
  • general weakness;
  • temperature increase (not always);
  • peeling;
  • loss of appetite;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability and aggressiveness.

The psyche also suffers. The fact is that itching sometimes becomes simply unbearable, you need to make a lot of effort to endure it. Accordingly, sooner or later, patience may end, after which the nervous break will follow.

Important! Sometimes rash occurs when stretch marks on the stomach. In this case, there will not be itch, but the skin can start to peel.


The photo below shows the urticaria - one of the symptoms that appears during allergies.


Woman herself can make preliminary conclusions about their disease, comparing the time of the rash and other symptoms with contact with potential allergens. If an alternately isolate yourself from interaction with alleged stimuli, you can calculate the "culprit" of the disease, and relieve it.

But the diagnosis in hospital conditions is required, this is necessary to identify the treatment strategy, as well as to eliminate other diseases, more dangerous.

The diagnosis begins from the collection of anamnesis, that is, with a conversation with a patient about her well-being, symptoms, previously suffered diseases. After that, a visual inspection follows, on the basis of which the doctor almost always puts the final diagnosis.

Symptoms are too obvious and characteristic of allergies, but in some cases additional surveys are required:

  • blood test for infection;
  • urine study;
  • analysis on IgE;
  • biopsy.

The biopsy is prescribed only in the most extreme case if there is a suspicion of a neoplasm or a very dangerous infection.


With this stage, everything is difficult - most of the drugs traditionally used for the treatment of allergies, pregnant women are not suitable. We are talking about antihistamine preparations.

For this reason, if there are no signs of complications, the treatment may not be carried out at all - the disease is monitored, periodically removing symptoms. If the skin itchizes, a zinc ointment helps. It also removes itching and burning, reduces rash area.

If an allergic rhinitis is observed (runny nose), then symptoms should be removed with drops made on the basis of sea salt. They guaranteed will not harm the fetus, will not strengthen allergies and quickly remove the nasal congestion. Akavoror's drops have proven well - they are inexpensive, but not sold in all pharmacies.

Important! At the occurrence of anaphylactic shock or swelling, a woman should give a woman an antihistamine agent and immediately call an ambulance. In this case, potential harm is much less risks.


There is no danger for the baby. The exceptions are those cases when a woman suffered a suffocation because of his father's swelling - pathology of internal organs may arise, as well as mental development problems. The point here is not allergic, but in temporary oxygen starvation.

If we talk about the possible consequences associated with rash on your stomach, then children often become susceptible to allergic reactions from birth. The stimulus protrudes the same substance that caused mothers concern during pregnancy.

Reduce the risk of allergic rash on the abdomen in a pregnant woman can be in strengthening immunity at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Prevention tools:

  • establishing the correct day mode;
  • normalization of the diet;
  • receiving vitamin complexes;
  • reasonable physical exertion;
  • timely treatment of colds.

If the absence of stresses, the likelihood of allergy during pregnancy seeks to zero in the course of pregnancy.


Allergic rash on the stomach in pregnant women is a frequent phenomenon associated with the hormonal restructuring of the body and with exacerbation of the sensitivity of the protective mechanism.

It is necessary to be treated from this strictly under the supervision of the doctor, the use of folk methods is unacceptable. Disease can be prevented if you keep a healthy lifestyle at the pregnancy planning stage.

In contact with

During the hatching, the baby with a female organism occurs, sometimes the most incredible metamorphoses. And often with a future mother happens, with which she had never come across before. One of these unknown symptoms can be a suddenly appeared rash on the stomach. Redness on the skin can absolutely do not disturb the pregnant woman, and they can, on the contrary, are accompanied by an unbearable itch and deliver strong discomfort. Where does the rash bearing on the stomach when pregnancy and how to eliminate this trouble? Answers to these questions that exciting many moms you will find in our article.

What are the reasons for rash on the abdomen during pregnancy?

Cause NO 1. Allergic reaction

Even if earlier you have never been allergic, during pregnancy everything can change dramatically. Pick up this disease During the period of tooling the child is easier enough. The submarine woman is recommended to carefully follow not only because it eats, but also for all that surrounds it. Household chemicals, cosmetics, dust, wool or pet food ... The immune system of the future mother can react to anything! One of the external manifestations of allergies is characteristic rash. And the most unpleasant thing is that rash on the stomach during pregnancy constantly itching and causes a woman a lot of inconvenience.

How to treat?

In case of allergic reactions, your main task is to identify and get rid of allergen. And it's helping to cope with antihistamines and steroids that the doctor appoints.

Cause NO 2. Dermatosis

Often the cause of rash and itching on the abdomen during pregnancy can be the very interesting position of the woman. Hormonal oscillations, which is accompanied by the entire period of the baby, can cause the appearance of small itchy rashes throughout the body, including on the stomach. To distinguish the dermatosis of pregnant women from other diseases in the appearance of rashes. They are red papulas surrounded by a white rim. Over time, they open and merge with each other. As a result, characteristic plaques are formed.

How to treat?

In this case, the future mother does not remain anything, how to accept this trouble. After the appearance of the baby on the light, dermatosis, as a rule, takes place by itself, no special treatment in this case is required.

Cause no 3. Pregnant's Point

If the course of pregnancy fell on the hot time of the year, then the reasons may be the Pepper. The thing is that the sweating in a woman in a position occurs stronger than usual. Therefore, the likelihood of this unpleasant phenomenon during the period of tooling the child is significantly increasing. In addition, the Pader may also arise due to the wearing the indispensable attribute of many pregnant women - bandage or synthetic clothing.

How to treat?

As far as possible, water procedures can be carried out, moisturize the skin and, if possible, leave the stomach open. And it is also necessary to change outfits of synthetic on clothes made of natural fabrics that allow the skin to breathe.

Cause NO 4 Infectious Diseases

During pregnancy, the immune system of the future mother is reduced, so different malicious infections are easily penetrated into the female organism. The rash on the body and including on the stomach, which is constantly itching, maybe, for example, be one of the characteristic symptoms of a chance. By the way, pick up this infectious disease for a pregnant woman is no difficulty. It is enough just to lie down in a female consultation or hospital for a non-delimited couch.

However, not all sorts of redness can be made and deliver discomfort. It happens rash on the stomach during pregnancy without itching. The reason for its appearance can be a banal deprive.

How to treat?

Treatment In this case, only the therapist can be assigned. Therefore, if you suspect the infectious nature of the rash on the abdomen during pregnancy, you should urgently seem to see a doctor.

Cause NO 5 Violation of the work of the internal organs

This condition is perhaps the most dangerous of all that they wait for the future mother. The fact is that many internal bodies of a pregnant woman are experiencing an additional burden. And often a violation of their familiar "lifestyle" can be accompanied by a rash on the stomach. Most often about "failures in work" in this way can sign the liver and gallbladder.

How to treat?

Remember that the development of this state can be dangerous not only for mom, but also for her baby. That is why there is no self-treatment in this case. Diagnosis and purpose of drugs can only do a doctor.

Rash during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon. The reasons for its appearance can be both physiological and pathological nature. In the first case, the rash will take place independently after the appearance of a baby on the light, in the second its appearance can signal about an allergic reaction or a serious viral infection that can adversely affect the development of the baby and even provoke the miscarriage. What is dangerous rash on the body during pregnancy, what she can sign, and most importantly, how to deal with it?

If, during pregnancy, the future mother discovered rash, then she should immediately turn to the dermatologist. Especially if the rash is accompanied by an unbearable itch.

The reasons for its occurrence may be several:

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. Viral infections such as rubella, herpes, cort or chickenpox.
  3. Polymorphic rash gestational pemphigoid, prurigo pregnant women, itching folliculitis, herpesiform impetigo and other diseases accompanying pregnant women.
  4. Chronic skin diseases.
  5. Insect bites.
  6. Chesoccal tick.

Diagnose rash is not difficult - the doctor is quite ordinary visual inspection. But in order to establish the cause of its appearance, it is necessary to collect anamnesis and identify other accompanying symptoms.

The localization of the rash can suggest a dermatologist the reason for which it originated. In some cases, the distribution place has no value. For example, with allergies, dermatosis of pregnant women or some viral diseases, rashes can spread throughout the body.

If the rash on the body is pregnant is caused by infectious diseases, then the consequences will be extremely dangerous, up to miscarriage, premature birth or appearance of a weak kid with vices and pathologies, hopelessly lagging behind normal development.

- This is a viral infection that is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • rash all over the body in the form of small specks that do not merge among themselves, pink-red shades;
  • high body temperature of about 38 degrees, which can hold up to 5 days and cause chills, head and muscle pain;
  • inflammation of lymph nodes;
  • catarial phenomena can complement the clinical picture in the form of rhinitis, conjunctivitis, cough or almond inflammation.

The best prevention from the Rubella virus, which causes rubella, is vaccination. Since parents are now free to choose themselves whether they will instill their child, you can make it yourself at the stage of pregnancy planning in the event that blood test revealed the absence of antibodies to viral infection.

As a result of infection with a rubella virus may occur or premature genera, the development of defects and pathologies of the fetus, the appearance of it on the light of developing development with possible external deformities.

- 95% of the population of the Earth is infected with this virus, it is impossible to completely get rid of it, it is so in sleeping mode until the immunity will weaken its defense. Just this happens during pregnancy. It should be understood that the danger of herpes virus can only be if the pregnant woman did not come across it (and this is a rarity) and first infected during the period of gestation. Symptoms:

  • small rash during pregnancy in the field of lips, nasal mucosa or mouth, accompanied by itching and burning. In case of infection with genital herpes, itchy bubbles float the crotch area;
  • increased body temperature at least 38 degrees;
  • ailver, weakness.

It happens that herpes virus proceeds asymptomatic, this form is the most dangerous. Therefore, at the stage of pregnancy planning, women will definitely surrender blood test for the presence of antibodies to herpes infection.

The consequences of infection with herpes fruit terrifying:

  • failure to pregnancy;
  • premature childbirth;
  • the birth of a deadly child;
  • spontaneous abortion.

The windshield is the same windmill, which is better to overcome in childhood. However, if this did not happen and in the blood of the future mother did not find antibodies to this infection, and the course of the disease itself will be extremely complicated, and the consequences for the health and life of the baby will be terrible. Symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • stomach ache;
  • after 2 days, after the above described above, the rash is distributed throughout the body - first it is simple red spots, then they are filled with liquid.

The windmill and pregnancy, however, are compatible, the infection is only occasionally negatively affecting the gestation process. In some cases, the baby has a congenital wind siege syndrome, which is expressed in violations of the function of the cerebral cortex, paralims, limb atrophy.

Corge is another infection that is observed in the majority in childhood. Symptoms:

  • strong fever;
  • catarial phenomena;
  • small white rash on the inner surface of the cheek;
  • pink large rash, which gradually spreads from the face area to his feet, tends to merge and can hold on to two weeks.

When infected with a pregnant woman in early darkens, the cort can cause fetal defects in the form of the TSS defeat with the probable dementia of the child (oligophrenia), cardiopulmonary diseases of an inflammatory nature with a possible fatal outcome. The defeat in the late periods can provoke a newborn manifestation of congenital measles and the development of all sorts of complications, for example, inflammation of the lungs.

Rash on her face during pregnancy

The most common cause of the occurrence of rash on the face during pregnancy is an acne, which, in turn, can manifest itself due to the change of hormonal background, non-compliance with hygiene measures. To minimize the risk of the appearance of the rash, the future mother should be regularly visited by a beautician and carefully care for the skin of the face using proven cosmetics, which is suitable personally.

Red rash during pregnancy on the face can be a consequence and serious viral diseases, such as rubella, cortex, windmill or herpes. In these cases, rash can spread throughout the body and accompanied i am other symptoms, tosingle will allow the doctor to identify the infection.

Rash on her hands during pregnancy

Rash on hand can be a signal about the beginning of scabies in the future mother. This is a skin disease that is caused by scabies. The rashes at the same time have the form of bubbles localizing between the fingers on the wrists and the elbow joints. They can also be observed in the field of genital organs and on lactic glands. In addition, you can see the moves of the garlic tick, if the skin is not calculated in these places. The rash at the same disease accompanies the skin itching, which is particularly enhanced by the evening.

Ideally, scabies to treat before the occurrence of pregnancy, otherwise the list of ointments, aerosols and creams from scabies will be reduced at times.

In addition, the cause of rash can be psoriasis or eczema.

Rash on legs during pregnancy

The main reason for the appearance and distribution of rash on the legs is the bites of insects - mosquitoes, bedbugs, ants. Therefore, in the summer season, it is desirable to use special protective creams, especially before going to the forest. The scratching rash during pregnancy is not dangerous if she is not extensive and not to calculate it.

Rash on belly during pregnancy

The grinding rash can be caused by the dermatosis of a pregnant woman who, in principle, appears only in future mothers. They begin, as a rule, from the area around the navel, gradually growling across the abdomen.

Viral infections can also be manifolding in the form of a rash on the stomach during pregnancy.

Rash on the back during pregnancy

The reason for the spread of rashes during pregnancy on the surface of the back can be acne, dermatosis of pregnant women, allergies, hormonal restructuring, the spread of viral infection.

Breast rash during pregnancy

The causes of rash on the breast at the future mothers are the same that they can cause rash and on the back. At the same time, rash is not necessarily localized in one of these areas, it can spread throughout the body.

Types of rash during pregnancy

To establish the cause of the rash-dermatologist will help not only the place of its localization, but also the type of primary element:

  1. Blister. It usually occurs immediately when insect bite or the manifestation of an allergic reaction. It looks like a reddish rounded element rumbles over the skin surface.
  2. Vesicula (bubble). Speaks about herpes, eczema or again, allergies. A small cavity that is filled with translucent liquid.
  3. Bulla (bubble). It looks just like vesicle, but more - over 5 mm in diameter. It may occur as an allergy or a drug reaction.
  4. Pustola (bunting). The cavity filled with pus, towering above the skin surface. It happens with acne rashes, as well as at various skin diseases.
  5. Spot. Or pigmentation, shine color change. It may be a manifestation of pregnancy in the form of a vertical strip at the bottom of the abdomen or small specks on the face or chest. Either talks about any pathology, for example, about Harpivnice or Impochigo.
  6. Nodes. Small seal less than 3 cm, which may indicate eczema, lichen or warts.
  7. Knot. A large seal that can talk about serious pathologies, formations, but it is very rare.

Rash during pregnancy in early time

The rash itself becomes dangerous for the future mother and the fetus only if it is susceptible to defeat too much area, as in this case there is a risk of developing a generalized infection, sepsis. In other cases, rashes are absolutely safe. A real threat can represent what caused its occurrence.

The greatest danger to the health of the future mother and the life of the kid is infections, such as rubella, chickenpox, cortex or herpes. Having been manifested in the first trimester, they cause the pathology of the fetus development, sometimes incompatible with life and ending with miscarriage. Either the baby will appear on light with vices and pathologies, weakened and lagging behind its development, and the pregnancy itself will leak extremely difficult.

Rash during pregnancy in late dates

If the cause of the rash caused in the later dates was rubella, then she no longer carries that hazard for the fetus, as in the first trimester. However, the future mother will have to undergo all sorts of screening tests in order to identify the development of pathologies and deformities in the kid, and in some cases, doctors can advise to interrupt pregnancy. Only in case of defeat after the 30th week of pregnancy, the question of its interruption is not rising. The process of generic activity is taken under strict control, since the Krasnuch virus will negatively affect it, causing strong bleeding.

Windmill, manifested with the future mother just a week before childbirth, can contribute to the development of neonatal chickenpox at the kid. This condition is dangerous by its complications - encephalitis, inflammatory liver diseases and respiratory tract.

Rash during pregnancy: how to treat

Treatment of rash during pregnancy directly depends on the cause, it caused.

  • For example, if we are talking about allergic rash during pregnancy, the doctor must identify that it provoked it. In food allergies, allergenic products are excluded. When unsuitable cosmetics, it is necessary to replace it with another, hypoallergenic. When allergic on a pet, there will be a future mom to limit contact with him, etc. In severe cases, the use of special anti-inflammatory ointments can be appointed.
  • Infections require special careful control of the doctor for the patient, often in the hospital, as they may entail a miscarriage, premature genera, the development of defects and pathologies. Treatment is carried out, as a rule, symptomatic, often the doctor can recommend to make an abortion.
  • Dermatosis of pregnant women passes on their own after the delivery, and if the rash does not bother, it is not necessary, then treatment is not required. Either again, symptomatic treatment is carried out to facilitate the patient's condition.
  • For scabies, special drugs are prescribed, which are treated with all the clothes of pregnant, furniture, as well as the clothes of all its relatives living with her under one roof.

Puddles and Talc relieve friction in the area of \u200b\u200birritation and are absolutely safe during pregnancy. From drugs that can assign doctors to remove itching in the field of distribution of the rash can be allocated:

  1. Phenolic gel. It is prescribed with insect bite, eczema, urticaria, itching dermatoses. It is allowed to use during pregnancy in the first trimester after the consultation of the doctor, in II and III it is not recommended to apply gel on extensive parts of the body.
  2. Pigaphuct. They can assign during dermatoses, but its use during pregnancy must be accompanied by an observation of a doctor and only after consultation.
  3. Acrider. Displays with simple and allergic dermatitis, eczema, neurodimer. Not recommended long-term use during pregnancy, and especially in the first trimester.

It should be understood that for the treatment of rash, it is necessary to clearly determine the cause, which caused it. This can only make a doctor when examining the patient, collection of history and the establishment of others, in addition to rash, symptoms. Self-treatment can cause consequences even more painful than the absence of treatment as such.

Rash during pregnancy: photo

Let's summarize: rash during pregnancy

Treatment of rash, as a rule, is not required - the reasons that it caused, and if it is accompanied by a strong itch, it is cleaned with the help of special cooling ointments and gels allowed during pregnancy.

The rash during pregnancy is a signal that some failure occurred in the future mother in the body, and this does not need to ignore it. It is better to immediately sign up for a dermatologist and tell a detail how, under what circumstances a rash appeared and what other signs are accompanied by. The faster it will diagnose, the easier it will be the treatment and less consequences for the health of the future mother and her baby.

Itching and rash during pregnancy: video

It happens that it becomes very difficult to understand the female pregnant organism and realize all the real changes that happen in it. This truly mysterious process of promises many and many surprises for the woman herself, and, unfortunately, not, always the most pleasant. And here is one of these not the most pleasant surprises, there may be an unpleasant rash on the stomach, in which the pumine itself is simply unbearably itches. This, as a rule, not only torments the very future mommy physically, but also does not give rest: Forcing how to think, what the real reason for such a rash on the belly during pregnancy and, of course, as far as it may be bad or even dangerous for Future baby?

On such a question, why some rash appeared on the stomach, and what to do with them to do, only a doctor will be answered, and naturally only after inspection and, perhaps, even after additional research. And all, because the reasons for such a rash on the stomach during pregnancy may well be a whole mass.

Dermatosis of pregnant women

I must say that in the first of all, it may be the pregnancy itself. Against the background of some hormonal changes with a woman, there may be the strangest and often not the most pleasant things, including actually to appear strongly spinning rash in a variety of places. And it all starts precisely from the abdomen. Then someone such a rash is localized only here, and many women are generally further applied to other areas, and in particular on the hips, buttocks, sometimes breasts, back, and even ones (but on the feet and also soles There are practically no such rash). However, most often the rash of pregnant women can appear in the third trimester directly on the stomach and especially right in Strijah. Although I must say that in the first, and in the second trimesters, this problem may well arise. Already soon after childbirth or even immediately in front of them, she usually passes as suddenly, as actually appeared.

Doctors most often call such a rash in different ways: it is a dermatosis of pregnant women, and penitic urctural papulas, as well as plaques of pregnant women, and even scabies of pregnant women. However, everything starts with the appearance of red papules, which are actually often surrounded by a small white rim. Of course, they do not turn into bubbles, but simply merge into the edema plaques.

Allergy during pregnancy

It should be said that any woman can make money well, and even if it was almost never suffering from the slightest such diseases. After all, it is now the woman's body is very sensitive as an external so actually to the internal factors, so that with great caution should be treated almost to everything that you decide to eat and that you will be surrounded at all. Food, clothing, as well as plants, dust, and pets, and even cosmetics, and household chemicals. ... This is all may well be a real allergen and lead to anything. With a pronounced allergic reaction to food, as a rule, the usual urticaria occurs most often. But be extremely careful - after all, this is a rather dangerous state for pregnant women, which can even be very quickly and sharply progress and even complicate. In addition, such stomach rashes can swell, itching, to burst, and often increasing the risk of a certain infection in the body.

Potnis during pregnancy

In the summer, in the summer, the pregnant woman can also develop the pregnant woman on the stomach, as a rule, accompanied by a rash and sharp itch. This may also contribute to the strengthening of sweating, or even moreover, wearing synthetic tissues, as well as certainly insufficient hygiene directly at the hot season.

Infectious diseases during pregnancy

We must also say that it is absolutely possible that you yourself could pick up any scabies or even something like that. After all, it would be enough for this to just lie somewhere on the couch in the clinic or even in the hospital. With such infectious skin lesions, the skin itself and itching, as a rule, spread certainly along the whole body (and with different sores naturally in different parts), but on the stomach - rash will be almost always. So, if you suggest a certain infection, it will be necessary to seem like a qualified doctor: and it will be diagnosed, and then appoint adequate treatment and also all the necessary measures to eliminate all unpleasant sensations.

Violation of some internal organs

But this is usually thought of the very least, but everything also happens that some of our bodies come out simply because of the load large or sharp on them in this period. And actually, as well as everyone, it can manifest itself in the form of some rash, including, of course on the stomach. Most often, in this way, our liver or gallbladder may know about themselves. Perhaps the same thing you took any medications, and your liver as they say "offended", or the baby himself was simply pressed on the bile ducts and already bile herself can not be so easy to go, as it should be. With all this will only help to understand the doctor.

What to do?

In the first of all, you need to consult a doctor. And besides already mentioned above the reasons for the appearance of such rashes on the abdomen, pregnant women may well be others. And believe me, only a specialist can help accurately set the correct diagnosis and, of course, it is also true to assign treatment or simply advise ways to facilitate such a state. So, directly with allergies, the very first of all should completely exclude the action of the allergen itself. And most likely, antihistamine drugs may need.

In addition, try to find really good natural and moisturizing cream specifically for the skin (because very often allergies can manifest themselves on the cream from stretch marks).

In addition, a small diet will be able to help: try to exclude coffee from the diet, as well as tea, and juices. Make the maximum focus on those products that contain pectin and the maximum of fiber (even if you always have green apples in your house).

But really to reduce the itchy will be able to help various compresses and wipes, but with herbs, so be extremely careful. It will be better for this purpose just to dissolve one teaspoon of soda in boiled water literally in half a glass of water.

And also carefully follow the hygiene and take the cool shower as often as possible. And, of course, do not worry: everything will definitely be good!

During the waiting period, the kid in the body of a woman occur significant changes. Even an experienced doctor is not always possible to quickly understand what is happening with the future mother. One of the unpleasant surprises waiting for a pregnant woman can become a rash on the stomach. Bright red or pale, scratched or no concern, it can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy. Why does rash appear on the stomach and how to cope with this problem?

Causes of rash on belly during pregnancy

Experts identify several factors causing the appearance of rashes on the skin:

Dermatosis of pregnant women

Pregnancy itself can cause crawling on the stomach. Changes in hormonal background lead to the appearance of small itchy rashes practically throughout the body. Red papules surrounded by a white rim distinguish the dermatosis of pregnant women from other states. Over time, Papulas are opened, and then merge into large reddish plaques. Palms and soles with this pathology remain clean. Most often, the rash of pregnant women appears after 24 weeks and holds to the birth. With the birth of a child, rash on the belly pass by itself without any special treatment.

Allergic reaction

In anticipation of the kid, the immune system can completely unexpectedly react to the usual things. Normal food, long-term cosmetics and a favorite homemade cat can cause the appearance of a shallow red rash on his stomach, hands and on the face. The rashes will be very scratching, disturbing the calm course of pregnancy. Such a rash may appear on any time - from the moment of conception to the birth.

Prickly heat

During pregnancy, the sensitivity of the skin of future mothers rises sharply. This is especially noticeable in the hot season, when, when overheating on the stomach, small itchy rash arises. The appearance of rashes contributes to wearing a bandage or too close clothes. In winter and in the fall, such a problem is practically not found.

Infectious diseases

Unfortunately, future mothers are not protected from injuries to the body of malicious agents. Reducing immunity during pregnancy contributes to the emergence of a wide variety of infectious diseases. There is nothing easier than to pick up a banal scabies when inspection on a couch, not a disinfected previous one. If you suspect the infectious nature of the rash, immediately appeal for help from the therapist.

The rash on the abdomen in infectious diseases is not always accompanied by itching. And if a woman cannot find a place from a strong itch, then the usual deprived, on the contrary, can flow without any unpleasant sensations. The exact cause of rash can determine the doctor after inspection and examination of the pregnant patient.

Cholestatic hepatosis of pregnant women

Perhaps this is one of the most dangerous states that awaiting a pregnant woman. When hepatosis, the liver and the gallbladder cannot fully perform their function. There is a stagnant bile, leading to the appearance of rashes around the body, but more on the stomach. Skin itch is very characteristic of pregnant hepatosis. The development of this state threatens not only the mother, but also its baby, therefore requires immediate help of a qualified physician.

How to cope with rash on the stomach during pregnancy?

Future mom, revealed incomprehensible rash on his stomach, first of all should appeal for help to the doctor. Without a thorough examination, it is not always possible to find out the exact cause of the rash. After the diagnosis is established, the doctor will prescribe treatment, safe for both the woman itself and for her baby. Do not pick up drugs eliminating rash, independently! Many drugs are prohibited during pregnancy due to the unequivocal negative effect on the fruit.

With allergic rash First of all, the source of the problem should be eliminated. After the dangerous allergen is found and removed, the rash will be held by itself for several days. To facilitate the state, we can use moisturizing cream-emolents ("Emolyum" and others). Hormonal ointments of pregnant women are appointed in strict testimony and for a period of no more than 5 days. Antihistamines, removing swelling and itching, are used from 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Therapy of cholestatic hepatosis Pregnant women are held in the hospital. Future mom is prescribed drugs that improve bile outflows and thereby eliminate rash on the stomach. At the same time, all other drugs are canceled (except vital) to remove the load from the liver. Before the birth, a woman suffering from hepatosis should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Dermatosis of pregnant women Special treatment does not require. You can remove itching with moisturizing creams. For this purpose, you can use both special healing means-emolents and ordinary children's creams. Apply a means to the skin should be twice a day: in the morning and evening after the shower. Remember that some cosmetics in turn can cause allergies and cause a new episode to rash on the stomach. Before the first use of the cream, test it on another skin area (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow bend). If there is no red spots during the day at the point of exposure, you can safely use this tool to moisturize your skin.

Break on the stomach during pregnancy is not a reason for panic. In most cases, it does not carry a serious danger to a woman and her baby. Often with the birth of the baby, the rash goes by itself without any treatment. Timely identification of the problem gives a chance to quickly and effectively treat and save future mom from unpleasant sensations. When any savings on the stomach appear to the doctor.