The dim color of the face: symptoms, reasons and methods to combat it. What to do if the skin of the face became dim

Shining rested face - the basis of attractiveness. When the skin is in order, you do not need to apply the excess makeup and take care of the disguise of problem areas. For this reason, it is worth thinking about the prevention and timely elimination of dullness, both with the help of home methods and with salon procedures.

About the reasons

1. Violation of metabolism. The complexion directly depends on how the gastrointestinal tract works. If it is contaminated, it immediately reflects on your appearance - there are problems such as rash, inflammation, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases, the skin is faster, which makes it more dull and provokes the formation of folds. The diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the occurrence of irritation and dryness, as well as the development of avitaminosis - the intestinal walls contaminated with food processing products simply do not let nutrients in the blood.

2. Harmful habits. The destructive effects of alcohol and cigarettes are reflected on your face after a completely short time. All other things, carcinogenic substances from the burning tobacco have the property of accumulating in the body tissues, which over time leads to the appearance of a characteristic yellow shade of epidermis. Nicotine and alcohol contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels and difficulty blood flow, and this is the direct cause of the pallor and loss of the rumbling. Over time, the excess nicotine in the blood and the negative effect of alcohol leads to the fact that the skin acquires a gray shade.

3. Violation of blood supply to fabrics. Basically, it arises due to the stagnation of fluid in the collar zone, if you have to sit at the computer for a long time or to constantly strike your head over the documents at the desk. For a long time, it violates the exchange processes in the skin, causing the appearance of dullness, rapid aging and increase in declarations.

4. Lack of nutrients. The main risk of dullness occurs in the winter-spring period, when the amount of vitamins in the diet is minimally, and the body is weakened with cold intersenzon. Particularly reflected in the appearance of the skin, the lack of vitamin A, C, E and a number of vitamins of group V.

5. Research of some vitamins, as well as excessive protein use. In the latter case, the problem with tuskiness occurs due to protein processing products, which are essentially toxins and, in the excess of protein food, are deposited in the tissues.

6. Some chronic diseases.

7. Wrong skin care. In particular, we are talking about cleansing. The pledge of radiance is the daily removal of makeup before bedtime, regular peels and scrubs, as well as support for the health and beauty of the skin with masks.

How to help your skin?

The fight against dim skin requires an integrated approach. Little to buy a good cream or quit smoking, it is important to adjust your food and solve the problem with the existing diseases.

1. Normalization of metabolism. The optimal metabolic rate provides timely flow into the blood of nutrients, followed by their transportation to all organs and tissues. It supports healthy skin condition, keeping her young shine and color. In order to normalize the metabolism, special attention to the addition of dietary products rich in fiber, as well as the power and sleep mode.

2. Harmful habits - Fight! Without the eradication of detrimental addictions to fight against the dimming of the skin, it will be incredible, costly and, sometimes, absolutely useless methods. Together with the process of exploring himself from a cocktail on weekends and ladies cigarettes, incorporate garden and forest berries in the diet - they contain many phytoncides and other substances that contribute to the removal of carcinogens and combat with free radicals, the number of which increases with alcohol and smoking.

3. Movement - life and attractive complexion! Being long in a sitting position, knead the neck. In general, more walk in the fresh air per feature of the city, take swimming to remove the tension from the collar zone and gain common physical comfort. Gymnastics, dancing contribute not only to physical development, but also psychological discharge, which also positively affects the complexion.

4. Correction of the diet in favor of greater use of products rich in vitamins A, C, E and group B. Also balance all the consumable substances so that there are no excess of fats, proteins or carbohydrates, which is equally negatively affecting the skin condition.

5. Focused treatment of existing diseases.

6. Selection of proper care. For dry skin, more nutrition is needed to prevent the appearance of dullness, and for fatty it is especially thoroughly needed to clean and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Salon treatments

1. Electrophoresis (ionophoresis and inductothermoelectrophorenesis) - electric therapy based on galvanic current, which contributes to the natural activation of metabolic processes in cells and improving their permeability. For this reason, ionophoresis is used with ampool preparations that absorb more actively and have a greater action. Such therapy will help return the natural blush, tighten the skin and get it with active biological components.

2. Disinkrustation - a deep cleaning method based on galvanizing. The procedure is actual for fatty problem skin before carrying out full cleaning. In addition to direct appointment - cleansing epidermis - disinfecting helps to improve metabolism in cells and improve their susceptibility to drugs.

3. Hardware Miolifting is well suited to eliminate the first age signs and to combat the manifestations of fatigue. Microchets contribute to the toning of facial muscles and heads, stimulate the production of endorphins, which helps to fight the swelling, fading the skin and the occurrence of pigment spots.

4. Darsonvalization - has a wide effect on the state of the skin, including improving the complexion, increasing the elasticity of the epidermis and helping to maintain its moisture.

5. Plasma dermabrasion - grinding the surface of the skin with a plasma. It is widely used to align the microrelief of the epidermis and elimination of pigmentation. You can return the radiance in this way, you can not only face, but also around the eye, neck, neckline, and also the back of the hands.

6. Various types of manual and hardware massages make it possible to significantly improve the skin of the skin, normalize the metabolic processes in it, accelerate the supply of tissues with nutrient tissues, increase the permeability of cell membranes, which is important for improving blood microcirculation. All this contributes to an increase in the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, the return of the fresh face of the face, Rumyanta.

7. Aerio-therapy - has a favorable effect on the entire body, restoring the blood supply to tissues, contributing to improving the ability to improve the psycho-emotional state. The radiance and complexes are returned due to the normalization of the total tone of all organs and systems.

8. Diamond microdermabrasion - restores skin tone, its structure, reduces redness and peeling on its surface. The procedure can be combined with glycolic and chemical peels.

9. Restoring and feeding masks that increase the skin tone. In the cabin you can offer a whole range of similar procedures. For example, a soft exfoliating peeling for dry skin with the subsequent imposition of a moisturizing mask.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
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The skin of the face first reacts to negative changes in the lifestyle. Even before the advent of the most unpleasant dermatological symptoms, you can observe the dim color of the face, the flabbiness and lethargy of the skin.

Tips for professional cosmetologists, as well as home and salon treatments, special cosmetics and folk recipes will help to cope with the problem.

Duffle can be called the skin that is deprived:

  • freshness;
  • mattiness;
  • healthy Rumyanta.

Because of this, the face acquires an unhealthy grayish tint - this is the first sign that the cells of the dermis are vital food.

Duck color arises due to lack of moisture in the skin, in some cases the oxygen starvation of the entire cell system of the body is also noted.

Instead of carefully mask the gray shade under the impressive layer of makeup, how many modern women do it, it needs to be solved, understanding with the reasons of appearance.

Causes of gray shade

The list of reasons for the beginning of the skin problem is quite extensive:

  1. Unhealthy Lifestyle.

Permanent stress, lack of active recreation, overeating and small mobility - the main causes of skin problems.

  1. Lack of sleep.

For this reason, the metabolism is slowed down, which directly affects the state of the dermis.

  1. Fasting and strict diets.

Food is energy for all cell cells, therefore its disadvantage leads to increased development of essential substances from existing resources. As soon as the reserves are exhausted, the body proceeds to emergency, which provokes the fading of all systems.

  1. A sedentary lifestyle (hypodynamia).

The lack of motor activity leads to a slowdown in metabolism, problems with the musculoskeletal and breathing apparatus. Cells cease to receive the necessary meals, slowed down and leather rapidly loses a healthy look.

  1. Bad habits.

The problem can be a reaction to smoking or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. The body of an amateur of bad habits is quickly dehydrated, the skin loses her elasticity, the influx of blood to the capillaries is reduced, hence the early wrinkles, dryness and dullness.

  1. Short stay outdoors.

Without long walks on the street, it is not necessary - the skin is enriched with oxygen, restores freshness, acquires a healthy pink shade. If in the fresh air a person is less than in the premises, the face gradually loses its healthy look.

  1. Hobbating long stay in the sun.

Tan, and, in general, the impact of ultraviolet rays, dries the skin, from the lack of moisture it is constantly in emergency mode, which cannot but provoke the deterioration of the face color.

How to deal with dim color face

Solving the problem must be systemic: it is necessary to change the lifestyle, as much as possible to abandon the bad habits, go to high-quality skin care and carry out accessible cosmetology procedures:

Basic Return Right Freshness Tuscle Skin

  1. Often and for a long time to walk in the air.

Walks contribute to updating the entire body. Well, if they are accompanied by light sports exercises.

  1. Healthy nutrition.

Compliance with the principles of proper nutrition pretty quickly leads to improved skin condition - rash decreases, the complexion becomes healthy. Therefore, all harmful products should be removed from the diet.

  1. Cosmetics.

All cosmetics should be seamless to the type of skin so that their active ingredients can fully work with the problem.

Simple homemade recipes when dull color face

Folk medicine is effective with the type of skin disturbance. Making simple means of affordable products using them in daily face care, you can achieve excellent results:

  • Chamomile decoction.

2 tbsp. l. Dry chamomile pour 1 glass of boiling water, after cooling strain. The resulting water can wipe the face 2 times a day, first cleaning it.

  • Fruit and vegetable masks.

The most effective banana and cucumber masks:

  1. Banana is confused to the state of the Cashitz, mix from 1 t. L. Potato starch. Mask hold on the face for at least 20 minutes, then rinse. Apply the banana composition can be 2-3 times a week;
  2. Grate the cucumber on a large grater, squeeze, the resulting juice mixed with ½ tsp. Lemon juice, immediately apply to the skin and keep 20 minutes, then wash off cool water. The mask can be used 2 times a week.

Prepare a chamomile, lime or lavender decoction at the rate of 4 tbsp. l. Herbs on 2 glasses of boiling water, you can not wait for its cooling and make a steam bath.

It should be waited until the pairs will stop being burning, clean the face, cover your head with a large towel and bent over an open saucepan with a decoction.

It follows no more than 15 minutes over the bath, and after the procedure, rinse the face with warm running water, wait until it is absorbed. 30-40 minutes after drying it is necessary to apply daily cream. It is possible to carry out such sprinkles not more than 1 time per week.

Attention! Sparbing baths are prohibited for girls suffering from asthma, hypertension or cardiovascular diseases.

  • Skin wiping ice cubes.

The ice can be made of any herbal beam, wipe the face with cubes in the morning.


To popular cosmetics capable of returning the skin a healthy tint, can be attributed:

  • Scrubs.

The comprehensive composition exfoliates the upper burner layer of the skin, the remains of cosmetics and pollution. The oxygen exchange is improved, the skin of the face becomes tender.

  • Special creams.

To solve the problem with the dullness, you can also use special creams - bleaching, nutritious, moisturizing. The skin will be saturated with useful moisture, will be well-groomed and healthy.

  • Skin lotions.

Lotions contribute to careful cleaning from pollution, moisturize the skin, why the face begins to breathe again.

  • Serum for face.

Whey remedies actively soften the surface of the dermis, filling it with vitamins and restoring the balance of acids.

  • Natural masks.

Masks from affordable natural products restore relief and protect the skin from the effects of harmful emissions, gently struggle with the pathogenic microflora.

Procedures in the Cabinet of the Cosmetologist

Salon care and hardware cosmetology have proven its effectiveness in the fight against the dim color of the face. The greatest popularity acquired:

The composition dissolves the damaged layer of the skin, penetrates deep into the dermis and clears it from contaminants, running the process of updating cells.

The beautician introduces special healing compositions under the skin using injections, which activate metabolic processes, improve blood circulation, increase the level of the elasticity of the dermis.

With the help of hyaluronic acid injections, which is produced by the human body, quickly and efficiently affects active points, restores the water balance. The skin is saturated with useful substances, looks well-groomed and healthy.

The special cosmetology apparatus contributes to the rapid rejuvenation of the dermis, levets its surface, hides the scars and gives the face a healthy look.

  • Ozone therapy.

The soft exposure to the useful gas cleans the skin, removes the erased cells and starts the update process - the complex of the face directly depends on it.

This is an injection method of skin rejuvenation. A special solution is introduced directly under the skin and begins to act from the first second - the flow of lymph is increasing, the vessels are stably supplied with blood.

  • Photorejuvenation.

A special photocell gently activates metabolism, the skin is saturated with moisture, it is noticeably tightened, the acid balance is restored.

The cosmetology apparatus mechanically cleans the dermis, enriches it with oxygen, starts the process of cellular update.

Pores are cleaned with the help of a special apparatus acting on the principle of ultrasound radiation. The skin simultaneously loses the buried layer and begins to recover quickly.

What is contraindicated?

Shadow leather owners are strictly prohibited:

  • wash too cold or too hot water;
  • zealous with layers of decorative cosmetics;
  • use aggressive tools for skin cleansing;
  • to visit the solarium or for a long time to be in the sun.

Masking makeup for dim color

The main rules of makeup include the recommendations of professional cosmetologists:

  • The basis of the masking makeup should be the means with reflective particles - consilers, primers, powders and serums.
  • It is desirable to pay more attention to careful means than decorative.
  • It is unacceptable to use several layers of cosmetics.
  • The abundance of a tonal cream leads to the blockage of pores and their pollution.

It is also important to remember a simple rule for dim skin: or decorative cosmetics or not comfortable air. In other words, it is impossible to be long with a dense make-up in places with smoked and hot air, in a bath or in a sauna. Before visiting Parilov, it is necessary to remove makeup and carry out full purification of the face.

Dwarf skin is one of the symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle, low mobility and other internal problems of the body. Masking with cosmetics, not trying to solve the problem - not a very good way out. Good results can be achieved by combining the lifestyle and features of cosmetic or salon care.

With the arrival of the long-awaited and sunny spring, many are faced with such a problem as dim and pale face. There is nothing unusual in this, since winter winds and strong frosts, lack of vitamins and temperature differences cannot but affect the poor condition of the skin. Therefore, by the spring, the face and acquires an unattractive grayish color.

In fact, this is not such a serious reason for long experiences. Holding to just a few simple rules, it will be soon possible to easily get rid of this ugly shade. So, what should be reversed first of all your close attention?

Getting rid of bad habits

First of all, we are talking about smoking. Capillaries, being under the scary impact of nicotine, narrow to such an extent that they cease to pass useful substances. And this leads gradually to the fact that the skin becomes sluggish and lifeless. The skin epidermis is filled with slags that cannot be derived due to too narrowed capillaries. Assist in the restoration of color can special vitamins-antioxidants used as a medicine or as part of a cream.

Peeling face

The update is an integral skin property. The human task in this case is reduced only to regular removal of dead scraps. The more they accumulate them, the faster the skin becomes an earthy hue. You can cope with this difficult task, it is possible to easily and quickly, resorting to the help of peeling. After a carefully conducted procedure, the skin begins to freely skip oxygen, and this is how it is impossible to better affect the color of the face. However, it is not necessary to abuse this procedure. One exfoliation is enough to achieve noticeable improvements.

Minimum alcohol and coffee

There is nothing terrible in a cup of coffee, drunk in the morning for the full awakening and receiving a charge of cheerfulness, or a glass of good wine in the evening at the table, gathering in a family circle or with friends. But the abuse of these drinks will create not only many unnecessary problems, but also will be reflected in the most best on the color of the face. To do not encounter this, it is enough to drink more water, use thermal water and moisturizing masks.

Healthy sleep

If you constantly go to bed too late and at the same time get up at dawn, you can also very quickly earn dim and unattractive skin. Avoid this will help a good eight-hour sleep. At 22 o'clock - the optimal time to go to bed, performing necessarily the premises and accepting the warm bath as possible.

Moisturizing skin

Whatever the age or time of year, the lack of moisture always leads to dry skin, loss of elasticity and color and the appearance of wrinkles. The use of hyaluronic acid, perfectly delaying moisture, collagen responsible for skin elasticity, and plant extracts will help cope with this problem.

Sun protection

Excess sunlight, according to dermatologists, is considered one of the main reasons due to which the skin is age. Pigmentation is the result of the action of free radicals, the appearance of which is provoked by ultraviolet. The use of special creams with SPF protection helps to keep the skin smooth and natural.

Skin care

In order not to bring the skin to a flabby, inelastic and sweat state, it is worth paying constant attention to the daily, and most importantly, the correct care for it. Purification of the face, applying high-quality creams, the use of masks, toning and constant moisturizing will not pass without a trace. They will restore the cells, they will saturate the skin with vitamins and give it a healthy appearance.

The dull color of the face is characterized by an unhealthy, lifeless view of the skin. He can manifest themselves with age, as well as a consequence of diseases, improper nutrition and lifestyle.

What is a dim color

The dull color of the person is called an unhealthy skin view, in which the earthy tint, pallor and lifeless of the cover can be manifested. And this sign is far from always developing due to aging. Often it meets in young people who have bad habits, various pathologies or incorrectly feed.

  • According to studies, the most often dull complexion appears in people with sensitive or, but there may be exceptions in the form of representatives of the group C or.
  • About the dimming of the skin they are talking in cases when it loses its natural matte and fresh look. Pokrov become pale-gray. This is one of the most frequent reasons to appeal to a beautician in large cities.

Women try to disguise this defect with cosmetics. As a rule, this method only worsens the situation, since the already weakened skin cover is clogged with cosmetics and lack oxygen. As a result, the skin becomes even more gray, inexpressive.

How to refresh the dim color of the face, will tell in this video expert:


The dim skin color is divided mainly in the stage:

  1. In the first stage Basically, just the pallor is manifested. The defect itself is almost impaired and easily visually eliminated with the help of a tonal cream and powder. Manifests itself more in the morning hours and disappears in the evening. Therefore, such a symptom is often written off.
  2. In the second stage Tuskness is more noticeable. The color becomes more intense. It is possible to disguise with cosmetics, but this approach is more likely to emphasize the problem than eliminating it.
  3. In the third stage The skin becomes a greenish gray color. Disguise such a defect is problematic. A person looks much older than his age, lifeless, unnatural and painful. As a rule, it is at this stage that most people appeals to cosmetologists and dermatologists.

Causes of appearance

The reasons for such a phenomenon:

  • Pathology gasts;
  • Heart and / or vessels;
  • Poor-quality cosmetics;
  • Bad habits (especially);
  • and lack of sleep;
  • Brute force with the tan;
  • Long stay in the frost;
  • Sedentary lifestyle and muscle spasms;
  • Active night lifestyle;
  • Non-good environmental situation;
  • Frequent rigid diet with significant restrictions;
  • Sharp weight loss;
  • Oxygen deficiency;
  • Low motor activity;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Other pathologies and reasons.

For household reasons that cause this defect are the absolute majority of appeals.


The symptoms of the defect are:

  • some sections of the cover;
  • and rough skin;
  • Increasing its sensitivity;
  • Changing the color of the face as progressing from and to the earthy shade;
  • The appearance of the patient seems to be tired and painful.


They are addressed primarily to a dermatocosmetologist. He polls the patient, conducts a visual inspection. If there is a need, it is also appointed:

  • Consultation endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist;
  • Ultrasound thyroids;
  • Other types of studies depending on which pathology may suspect from the patient.

Methods of treatment and elimination

This defect is eliminated by several paths:

  • Therapeutic methods, that is, a correction of lifestyle;
  • Cosmetics;
  • Cosmetic procedures.

It is necessary to understand that without regular work on yourself, with its habits and implications, it will not be possible to achieve positive dynamics.


Therapeutic techniques include:

  • Regulation of the day mode;
  • Improving motor activity and physical exertion;
  • Normalization of the regime of labor and recreation;
  • Normalization of sleep;
  • Power revision and diet;

It is also worth introducing into the habit of regular use of high-quality professional tools for nutrition and moisturizing. It is necessary to learn how to use such drugs.


Medical treatment consists of using high-quality cosmetics of professional type. What you need to know about cosmetics? They must be in them:

  • To be present, e, with, which are especially necessary for the skin and vessels that are powered by this skin. Preparations with vitamin C also brighten the skin.
  • Be peptides and hyaluronic acid that feed and moisturize the skin.
  • There is no large amounts of alcohol or other components that dried the skin, for example, salicylic acid. Exception - availability and.

Highlights can disguise areas with redness, align the skin color. Vitamin preparations of oral type are also used, for example, Witrums of Beauty. Doctors, if necessary, prescribe therapeutic drugs, which will help to eliminate this defect and the pathology, which caused them.

How to improve the tone and color of the skin of the face, look in the video below:


Physiotherapy applies in the form of cosmetic procedures that offer beauty salons:

  • Plasmolifting;
  • Gas-liquid and;

The use of a particular procedure requires a cosmetologist justification. Ozone therapy is considered the most effective at this defect, but sometimes only it is not enough to solve and eliminate the problem.

Folk remedies

The most popular and efficient methods of traditional medicine:

  • Masks made of gray or blue clay.
  • Mask based on liquid vitamins A and E, as well as zoom flour. They are taken in the ratio of 1: 1: 2 and mixed.
  • Mask strawberry and raspberry. Berries are grinding in a puree, applied to the skin.


Prevention is primarily normalization of the rhythm of life and regime correction:

  • Sufficient sleep;
  • Active lifestyle;
  • Stay in the fresh air every day;
  • Add to the diet fruits and vegetables;
  • Eliminate harmful foods from the diet;
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • Use only with high-quality cosmetics;
  • Rejection of black tea and coffee;
  • Take care of the face of temperature differences and ultraviolet effects;
  • Daily home care;
  • Weekly leather taking;
  • Avoiding stress;
  • The use of nutrient and moisturizers.

Daily care

Everyday care consists of:

  • Cleansing scrubs or serum;
  • Skin tones with tonic, thermal water;
  • Moisturizing with creams and serums.

Once a week applies any scrub to choose from. The main thing is that he approached your skin. Do not mindlessly buy all means. Sometimes you have to try a lot of money to understand what it is suitable for you. And it is also worth considering that sometimes cosmetics need to be changed so that there is no addiction.

About how the future mom is fighting with a dim color and stretch marks will tell the video below:

The inhabitants of large cities are often distinguished by a pale gray face with tired eyes and lowered corners of the lips. Such an appearance, of course, has an explanation - in the metropolis, people are carried out most of the time in the room, daily stresses do not allow relaxing and impose a tired mask on the face, many problems do not give a smile to stay for a long time. In addition, the improper nutrition (lack of vitamins and minerals, snacking "on the go", dinners in cheap eaters, disruption of the power mode, etc.) creates health problems, which is also reflected on the face.

Smoking or finding in surround rooms also imposes its mark. Of course, you can disguise the skin of the face with a tonal cream, that most of us and makes every morning, but this is not a solution to the problem. For the face gray - alarm, the body shows that it lacks nutrients, cells suffer from oxygen starvation and work from the last forces.

What are they missing?

  • The lack of fresh air and low physical activity is the main reasons why the person becomes dim, acquires an earthy hue.
    Because of the sedental lifestyle, the muscles of the back and neck are often overwhelmed, they become like wooden, blood circulation slows down, the skin does not receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, becomes pale and dull.
  • The average city resident receives only a third of the required number of vitamins and trace elements. And if you are also sitting on a diet, that is, you do not consume in sufficient quantities, cereals, meat, fruits, fish and dairy products, then the unhealthy complexion you are just ensured.
    Fear, anger, irritation is very strongly affected by the appearance, causing vessels. It is difficult to get rid of negative emotions, but you need to learn how to do this: not only in order to improve the complexion of the face, but also to preserve sincere and physical health.
  • In addition to negative emotions, the lack of sleep affects the skin. The system "will be removed on weekends" does not work, the body needs it eight hours of sleep every day, otherwise it will be sooner or later, moral and physical exhaustion will come - and what kind of face can we come about?
  • In addition to the overall health of the body, the correct skin care is important. Pick the cosmetics by age and depending on the type of skin. Oddly enough, women are often mistaken, believing that they have dry or, on the contrary, very oily skin. In fact, dryness or excessive solidity can be provoked incorrectly selected cosmetics. A beautician will help here, which will select the right care for your skin.

Methods of treatment in the NEO VITA clinic

It is well affected by a regular massage, which can be mastered by the most or entrusted by a specialist. Different types of peels (including laser peeling), removing the upper burner layer of the skin, perfectly refresh and tone the skin of the face.

Professional care offers a whole range of modern cosmetics, effectively coping with such a medical and aesthetic problem.

What procedures can I do in the Neo Vita clinic to improve the complexion?

The following cosmetology methods are coped with the skin of the skin:


With this procedure, a nutrient mixture of therapeutic drugs is introduced under the skin with injections.


The radiance and deep moisturizing your skin will give biorevitalization, the reviews of numerous patients confirm it. In different layers of skin by means of injections, hyaluronic acid is introduced. In the NEO VBNF clinic, you can also go through the laser biorevitalization procedure, neck, neckline.

Laser peeling.

Under the influence of a laser on the skin of the face, small defects disappear, the surface layer of the skin is evaporated, which has a rejuvenating and therapeutic effect, stimulates the production of new collagen.

Fractional phototermolysis.

Method of treatment and improving the skin with an intense pulse light.

We remind you that the color change may be an alarming "calling" of the body, clearly telling about any functional impaired. Therefore, we recommend to undergo a course of diagnosis on the modern equipment of the Neo Vita clinic.

Psychological counseling will also help you look at the problem systemically: why the former flowering species changed to the dim color of the face, which internal (including emotional) causes provoke such changes in appearance.