Hair care: how often should you wash your hair and is a hair dryer harmful? How often should you wash your hair

Naturally spectacular hair is a luxurious decoration for both women and men. But even the richest hair looks pathetic without proper care. The quality of hair, its attractiveness and health are very much dependent on washing.

Living in the fast pace of the modern world, not everyone has the opportunity to pay enough attention to such seemingly trifles as. Many people prefer to shampoo their hair every morning to keep their hair fresh. This approach is still incorrect, and over time can harm the condition of the curls.

To the question of how often you need to wash your hair, trichologists do not give an unequivocal answer, arguing that everything in this matter should be individual for each person, depending on the type of hair, the degree of damage and other factors.

Care for increased dryness

If we consider option c, then in this case it is not recommended to wash them every day, even with the use of gentle neutral products. The fact is that such curls are almost devoid of a protective shell, which is formed due to the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. They hardly retain moisture, because of which the structure of the hair is disturbed, brittleness and tangles appear. As a result, the strands are difficult to comb.

Dry hair tends to have little to no shine and looks dull and lifeless. Frequent washing will not help here, rather, on the contrary.

Owners of such hair can be advised to wash their hair once a week, be sure to pamper the skin and hair along the entire length with nourishing and moisturizing masks prepared on the basis of healthy vegetable oils: castor, sea buckthorn, wheat germ or grape seed oil.

As with everything, it is also important to know the measure when using such means. Trichologists do not welcome their frequent use even on dry hair, one or two times a week is enough to revive a faded hairstyle.

Oily hair care

A very common phenomenon is oily hair type. How often can you wash your hair if, after the morning toilet, the freshness of the curls is barely enough until the evening? Everyone knows that greasy strands look extremely untidy and even tend to smell bad.

In addition, excess sebum is a real paradise for bacteria and a magnet for dirt from the outside. The owners of such hair often face the problem and irritation of the scalp.

Arguing about how often to wash oily hair, the experts decided that there was no choice. The state of pollution is much more harmful to the hair than frequent rinsing in water. There are a few tricks that will help reduce oily hair and heal skin prone to excess oil:

  • never wash your hair with hot water, as it provokes an increased work of the sebaceous glands;
  • as little as possible to expose curls to thermal effects, if possible, minimize the use of a hair dryer, ironing and tongs;
  • once or twice a week it is useful to make a salt mask for the scalp, gently applying ordinary table salt along the partings and massaging very gently; salt will cleanse the pores, draw out excess fat and dry the roots a little, reduce the appearance of dandruff;
  • tea tree oil perfectly fights oily dandruff, gently cleansing the skin and preventing hair loss;
  • to reduce the secretion of sebum, it does not hurt to review the diet and exclude fatty, smoked, fried and spicy foods; healthy food in the most positive way affects not only the condition of the hair, but also significantly improves the skin of the face, eliminating such troubles as acne and oily sheen

Combination hair

When the hair tends to be oily at the roots, but at the same time split and fluffy at the ends, this, of course, complicates the task of proper care. The hairstyle usually loses its freshness and attractiveness within a couple of days after washing. How often you need to wash your hair with such a problematic hair is a completely solvable question, you just need to remember a few simple rules and not be lazy to follow them.

  • Using shampoo for mixed hair types, wash your hair and apply a moisturizing balm to the ends. After holding the right time, rinse the curls with lukewarm water.
  • Let your hair dry naturally without using a hair dryer. This applies to hair at the roots and ends: hot air is contraindicated for them!
  • For split ends, it is good to use special oils, and it is useful to apply them to wet hair, and after a while rinse with warm water.
  • For oily roots, a salt mask will again come to the rescue.

normal hair type

Those who are so unspeakably lucky with hair hardly face the above problems, and still want to know how many times a week you need to wash your hair so as not to harm the quality of the curls and the health of the skin. This question is very pertinent. Even normal hair can be damaged over time by washing too often or using a hot dryer.

Trichologists say that such hair is allowed to be washed as it gets dirty, avoiding excesses in everything in order to preserve, as far as possible, their natural beauty.

There are many subtleties in such a thing as, and all of them are important. For example, specialists are sometimes asked such a strange question: maybe you can not wash your hair or do it as little as possible?

Speaking of this, many people like to give examples from past years, when Saturday was the only bathing day, and this was enough for women to have chic braids. You should not compare those times with today, because so much has changed: traditions, fashion, ecology, and so on.

Trichologists are confident in the need to keep the hair clean and clean the scalp from impurities in a timely manner. Here's what they advise:

  • before washing your hair, it is important to comb the strands properly;
  • shampoo should not be applied directly to the head, it is better to beat a little product with water in the palms, and then distribute the resulting soapy solution through the hair;
  • you need to thoroughly rinse the curls from shampoo and massage the scalp with fingertips;
  • the choice of funds should be taken seriously in order to determine the best option that matches the type of hair;
  • do not abuse fixing foams, mousses and varnishes, do not torment the hair with too frequent staining;
  • forever get rid of bad habits and think over the right diet;
  • follow the regime and play sports, thus lowering the level of stress, which has a detrimental effect on the body as a whole, and hair is an indicator of its health;
  • in the cold season, do not neglect hats so that sudden changes in temperature do not damage the condition of the curls;
  • drink clean water.

By doing this, you can significantly strengthen the immune system, increase your tone and look your best.

Every girl is interested in the question of how many times a week you need to wash your hair. But there is no definite answer to it. Even among hairdressers and doctors there are different opinions. It is important to know the basic rules in order to choose the best solution for yourself.

There are no hard and fast rules as to how many times a week you should wash your hair. The frequency of washing is individual, and it depends on many factors. Therefore, you do not need to focus on the advice of a friend - it is important to listen to your body. First you need to consider the type of hair and occupation.

Yes, wash every day. Due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, dirt and dust stick to the head faster, the strands stick together and look untidy, dandruff often appears. With the latter problem, good hair shampoos will help to fight. It is important to choose the one that can be used every day. You can try a little trick: use lukewarm water to wash your hair, ideally if it is slightly above body temperature. Masks, especially mustard, have a good effect. For it you need to take two tablespoons the same amount of apple cider vinegar and add half a tablespoon. You can also use arnica tincture. The resulting solution should be applied to the hair and left for half an hour.

How many times a week should you wash your hair if your hair is dry? They are distinguished by the lack of shine, lifelessness, often split, fall out and get confused, they are difficult to comb. Hair in this case should be washed once a week. The fact is that they lack sebum, and shampoos will only remove its remnants, which is unlikely to have a positive effect on the condition of the hair. You can wash your hair with hot water - this is a good stimulus for the sebaceous glands. It is important to use cosmetic oils - so the hair will be moisturized, it will give them elasticity and shine. You can rinse your head with a decoction of chamomile or nettle. It is best to refrain from styling with a hair dryer or chemical products - this will only worsen the condition of the hair.

The type of activity also affects how many times a week you need to wash your hair. If you play sports, then the whole body will sweat and, accordingly, the hair will quickly become dirty. The same thing happens if your job is construction or road work, where there is a lot of dust. In this case, under the influence of the environment, the hair will get dirty faster. Cleanliness also depends on where you live. In the city, the ecology is worse, there is also road dirt - all this negatively affects the hairstyle.

In order to determine how many times a week you need to wash your hair, you need to listen to your body. You can try to reduce the amount of sebum. To do this, wash your hair as little as possible. Once every three days is enough, even if the next day the hair looks dirty. So you can bring in sala. Experts also do not advise to abuse the hair dryer. Best of all, the hair dries naturally and, most importantly, it does not harm them. You can use cosmetic oils and masks. This will help keep your hair in order.

How often should you wash your hair? Which shampoo to choose from the great variety that exists on the market? Do I need to use hair balm and conditioner? Does drying and blow-drying really harm your hair? And how to help hair weakened after dyeing and perming? When it comes to hair care, we often ask ourselves these questions.

A single hair on the head lives from several months to 6 years. 30 to 50 hairs fall out per day. An adult human has about 100,000 hairs on their head. 97% of the hair consists of a protein substance - keratin, enriched with sulfur, trace elements (iron, copper, zinc, chromium, manganese) and vitamins A, B, P, C, O.

To make your hair beautiful and healthy, you first need to correctly determine your hair type, and only then choose a shampoo, conditioner, hair mask and other hair care products. It depends on the type of hair and how many times a week you need to wash your hair.

Normal hair: Hair of a normal type shimmers in the sun, is elastic, strong, almost does not split, easy to comb, almost not tangled. This is healthy hair that needs to be washed as it gets dirty. On average, 1-3 times a week.

Greasy hair: Oily hair sticks together and seems untidy, has a dull sheen, looks greasy in the evening, even if you washed your hair in the morning. Oily hair depends on the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. To some extent, the amount of sebum produced depends on the type of diet and the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed with food. Such hair is usually washed every day or 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Dry hair: can be both from nature and due to frequent staining or after chemistry. The hair is dull, almost does not shine, is torn, tangled, difficult to comb, split at the ends. Usually such hair looks clean within a week, you can wash it 1-2 times a week.

Mixed hair: hair is oily at the roots and dry at the ends, dry ends are split.

Is frequent washing bad for your hair? This is not entirely true. Frequent washing is only harmful for dry hair types: shampoo and blow-drying “injure” the hair even more, as a result, it becomes lifeless, looks like tow, and dandruff appears.

Washing too often is also useless for oily hair: the scalp dries out, and this serves as a signal for an even more intense work of the sebaceous glands, a vicious circle is obtained. The more you try, the messier your hair looks. Cosmetologists advise doing therapeutic masks for oily hair 2-3 times a week.

How to choose a shampoo?

Foaming shampoo does not indicate that the shampoo is good. This suggests that the shampoo contains a lot of foaming substance - sutfactant. Pay attention to uniformity - low-quality shampoo has bundles in color and consistency. Choosing a shampoo by smell is also wrong, the tastier the shampoo smells, the more chemical fragrances it contains, and any “chemistry” only harms the hair. The unusual, bright, mother-of-pearl color of the shampoo indicates that the product contains chemical dyes.

The presence of vitamins and vegetable oils in the shampoo is just an advertisement, the main function of the shampoo is to wash the hair, vitamins and nutrients should be in hair balms, conditioners and masks.

Poor hair condition, dandruff, severe hair loss may indicate health problems: hormonal failure, impaired metabolism, and improper bowel function. If there is a problem with the hair, it is better to consult a doctor.

Whether a shampoo is right for you or not, you will see as soon as you try it once. If this is “your” shampoo, the hair will be lush, crumbly, shiny, easy to comb and lie obediently. If the shampoo is not suitable for you, the hair will stick out, look untidy. You will immediately feel that this is not what you need. Therefore, before buying a shampoo, it is better to wash your hair with a “probe” first.

There is an opinion that the shampoo should be changed every 3-4 months so that dandruff does not appear and the hair does not get used. Cosmetologists do not confirm this. On the contrary, they believe that if you have found a shampoo and other hair care products that are perfect for you, what's the point of experimenting again?

How to wash your hair properly?

Comb your hair thoroughly before washing. Hair is washed with warm water, and in no case hot. Pour a little shampoo into the palm of your hand, dilute it slightly with water and apply an even layer to damp hair. Massage your hair and scalp with your fingers, not your nails, so as not to damage the scalp.

Lather your forehead and temples especially carefully - these areas are most polluted. After washing, pat hair dry with a towel and apply conditioner or conditioner, lightly massaging the scalp and “combing” the hair with your fingers. Rinse your hair with cool water.

Don't wring out your hair, just pat it gently and wrap it in a towel. Hair should be in a towel for no more than 5 minutes. Hair should dry naturally.

Hair conditioners and balms

Why do you need a balm? It facilitates combing, eliminates the "dandelion effect", moisturizes the hair, nourishes it with vitamins and oils. There are special balms for straightening or shining hair. Balms that give hair volume, retain color after dyeing, make hair color more saturated.

If you recall effective folk remedies, then citric acid gives a beautiful shine to your hair. 3 art. spoons per 2 liters of water - an excellent rinse. After the “lemon”, the hair becomes a little stiffer, so it is easier to style.

For shine and a richer color, dark hair is rinsed with tea. For 1 liter of water 2 tbsp. l. tea, boil 5 minutes. This will give your hair a nice shine and bounce.

Blond hair is rinsed with infusion of chamomile. 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers insist 2 hours in 1 liter of water. Sunflower petals can be used instead of chamomile.

An excellent tool for strengthening hair are infusions of nettle, birch leaves, burdock, hop cones, yarrow.

How to style your hair and is a hair dryer harmful?

For combing, use a comb with sparse rounded teeth. To make your hair easier to comb, wet your comb.

Use a hair dryer only when you don't have time to dry your hair. Use a hair dryer to style your hair no more than 1-2 times a week. Straightening your hair with a blow dryer dries out your hair a lot.

It is better to style your hair with your hands using a huge arsenal of available tools: mousse and hair foam that add volume or model curls, hair straightening foam, sprays to add shine to hair, clay and wax for creative styling and lasting effect, hairspray to fix hair.

Again, we take styling products in small portions. Squeeze mousses and foams into the palm of the hand the size of a plum. If you "overdo it", you get the effect of a dirty head, and the hair will have to be washed again. According to experts, hair gel is no longer relevant: it is inconvenient to use, sticks hair together, using hair gel, you need to wash your hair every evening. However, wet chemistry gel is still in vogue.

Next time we will tell you how to choose the right nourishing masks for your hair type, what useful ingredients should be included in the masks, and how you can make masks at home.

Every woman who cares about her appearance knows that beautiful hair is considered the main secret of female attractiveness. And it doesn’t matter at all what they are - short, long, straight, curly, light or dark, the main thing is that they look healthy and well-groomed. Of all the procedures that women do with their curls, washing is the most frequent. It would seem that it could be easier than washing your hair: take a suitable shampoo, apply to wet strands, massage and rinse with warm water. However, as practice shows, many ladies do not know how to properly carry out such manipulations, and therefore they often make mistakes, and the most common of them is washing their hair too often or, conversely, infrequently.

Disputes about how often to wash curls have not subsided over the years. Someone strongly advises to carry out water procedures no more than once a week (especially for oily hair), motivating their recommendations by the fact that curls can become even fatter, because during the washing process they lose their protective film, and this, in turn, provokes increased production of sebum. The same applies to dry hair: with frequent use of shampoos containing harmful chemical components, they become thinner and dry even more.

Others, on the contrary, believe that hair should be washed daily, or at least at least 3 times a week, in order for it to look well-groomed and radiant. Moreover, advertising of detergents, which, with daily use, allegedly make the hair thicker, stronger and shinier, is quite intrusive about this. This version would not be in doubt if it were not for the ingredients of chemical origin mentioned above (sulfates, emulsifiers, preservatives, perfumes, and others) that are part of shampoos. So how often should you wash your hair?

What determines the frequency of water procedures for hair?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how often you need to wash curls. Modern experts (trichologists, dermatologists and cosmetologists) agree that hair should be washed as it gets dirty. On the one hand, this statement is quite justified, but on the other hand, there is a different judgment: to a greater extent, the curls get dirty due to the sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands. This secret creates a film on the surface of the hair shafts that protects them from drying out during prolonged exposure to negative factors (for example, active ultraviolet radiation). If you do not wash your hair for several days, there is too much fat, particles of dust and dirt stick to it, and therefore the hair becomes untidy.

But if water procedures are abused, the natural lubricant that protects the curls is washed off, and the external secretion glands have to actively produce fat again. As a result, it becomes necessary to wash the curls again, and sooner or later the moment comes when the hair begins to get dirty so quickly that the oily sheen makes itself felt just a few hours after washing the head. In a word, it is impossible to establish a certain frequency of water procedures suitable for everyone without exception, since each person is individual and needs a special approach. In addition, the frequency of washing curls depends on a number of factors.

hair type

As you know, there are different types of hair, and accordingly, their care should be different:

  • normal hair. The owners of such curls are the luckiest, because they are quite strong, easy to comb, beautifully shiny and, as a rule, look clean and well-groomed within 3-4 days. Wash your normal hair no more than 2 times a week.
  • Dry hair. Such curls are usually brittle, dull, easily damaged, tangled and poorly fit into the hair. They must be handled with extreme care, otherwise their condition can be aggravated. It is recommended to wash hair prone to dryness 1-2 times a week, using shampoos, balms and conditioners that have a moisturizing effect.
  • Greasy hair. Curls of this type have an unhealthy shine, stick together and lose their freshness a few hours after water procedures. Washing hair prone to rapid greasing should be carried out quite often - 3-4 times a week or even daily. It would be useful to use various masks that normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, and special herbal rinses.
  • Mixed hair. Usually these are curls, oily at the roots and at the same time dry at the tips. It is necessary to wash such hair as it gets dirty, giving preference to mild shampoos. To prevent delamination of the tips, it is necessary to lubricate them with any cosmetic oil before the procedure (20-30 minutes before shampooing).

Hair length

Owners of short hair are recommended to carry out water procedures no more than 2-3 times a week, since the shampoo washes off the thin lipid film and deprives the curls of natural protection. While long hair gets dirty much faster, and therefore needs more frequent cleansing (3-4 times in a seven-day period). It is important to consider that long curls should not be combed until they are completely dry, as they are easily damaged and begin to break. The easiest way to care for hair is medium length (up to the shoulders): they keep a fresh look for a long time, rarely split and look healthy. Such curls should be washed as they become dirty.


As you know, the scalp and hair react sharply to the slightest changes in the environment. So, for example, in summer, curls, exposed to active ultraviolet radiation, lose moisture and become dry. But at the same time, the summer heat provokes an increase in the secretion of sebum, which leads to rapid contamination of the hair. Accordingly, in the summer, you need to wash your hair quite often (3-4 times a week), preventing the curls from getting greasy, since the greasy film that forms on their surface prevents normal cellular respiration. If there is a need for daily water procedures, it is recommended to use shampoo every other time (the rest of the time it is better to limit yourself to rinsing your hair with moisturizing conditioners, herbal decoctions or simply filtered water).

Winter time is also a difficult period for hair. The constant wearing of hats that do not allow the skin to breathe freely, temperature changes, frequent use of a hair dryer and other adverse factors lead to increased production of sebum, dandruff and seborrhea. In order for the curls to look fresh and tidy in the coldest season, they should be washed 2-3 times a week, using special “winter” shampoos (they are usually marked “Winter shampoo”), which, unlike ordinary detergents, are very delicate. clean curls from pollution and provide them with protection from external influences.


It's no secret that the health and appearance of hair is directly dependent on a person's diet. The abuse of fatty, spicy and sweet foods, as well as carbonated drinks, leads to the fact that the external secretion glands begin to actively secrete fat. And this, in turn, accelerates the process of pollution of the curls and necessitates frequent washing of the head.

The intensity of the use of cosmetics for hair styling

Prolonged exposure to varnishes, gels, mousses and other styling products does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin of the scalp and curls, preventing normal cellular respiration and thereby provoking excessive secretion of sebum. Therefore, women who cannot do without styling products for a day should wash their hair daily and preferably with a protective balm.

The presence of dermatological diseases of the scalp

People suffering from dandruff, seborrhea and dermatitis or having a predisposition to these diseases need frequent water procedures (at least 3 times a week). This is explained by the fact that the secretion of the sebaceous glands is fertile ground for the development of pathogenic organisms, and if sebum is not removed in a timely manner, bacteria begin to multiply actively, aggravating the course of the disease. To wash your hair in this case, you need to use special antifungal shampoos, which include potent ingredients. Some manufacturers produce entire series of such products (shampoos, balms, medicated pastes and lotions suitable for regular use).

Of course, each person can independently decide how often he needs to wash his hair, based on individual characteristics and needs. It is not necessary to adapt to general recommendations and go to extremes - to walk with dirty hair and withstand a certain frequency of water procedures. But you shouldn’t get used to washing curls unnecessarily either. Alternatively, you can simply rinse your hair under running water and massage a little to improve blood circulation, or wash the strands with one conditioner without shampoo (if the water is too hard). Another good option can be the use of folk remedies for washing hair, prepared at home. Such products, even with frequent use, will not harm the hair, but, on the contrary, will make it more beautiful and healthy.

The head is the part of the body that is always visible. When they talk to you, people look at her, so you can have unwashed hair anywhere but on your head. (exception - you are Mikhail Boyarsky or Darth Vader).

But washing too often or infrequently is harmful either to health, or to society, or to oneself. We will tell you how often to wash your hair.

The optimal frequency of shampooing for each type of hair is different.

Of course, the main factor is your feelings. It is unlikely that you will walk around with a dirty head if you read somewhere that you can’t wash your hair yet. However, washing too often is only good for shampoo dealers. You don't benefit from this. Therefore, consider how often you need to wash your hair for owners of different types of hair:

How often to wash dry hair

If you have fairly thin hair that is prone to split ends, brittleness and overdrying, then be sure you have this type. Its main plus - you can wash your hair infrequently - usually once a week is enough, if there are no special external factors, for example, work at a coal plant. Due to this, you have a lot of free time, you even sometimes google ""

But the downside is that the hairs are easy to damage, they easily fall out with careless handling. Therefore, you need to follow some simple rules:

1. Wash your hair as infrequently as possible so as not to overdry your hair. Once a week is optimal. Remember that our ancestors stoked baths even less often. And Louis 14 generally washed 2 times in his life.

2. It is better to wash your type with hot water - under its influence, the glands begin to secrete sebum more actively. And that means less dryness, less breakage and more shine.

3. We choose moisturizing products for washing and caring for hair, with various oils. For them, they are like a bottle of mineral water for the whole night.

4. It is better to discard ideas of painting or blow-drying.

How often to wash your hair with oily hair

The greasy-haired people of this world know neither dryness nor split ends. But by the end of the day with them
head pours an excellent fatty broth. They have to wash their hair every day, it happens that 2 times. Shampoo manufacturers are immensely grateful to them. But meanwhile, hair pollution can be fought, and the scalp can be trained to release less fat.

By washing our hair every day, we wash off the protective layer of the scalp, and provoke the glands to secrete more and more fat. You can stop this vicious circle by following simple tips:

1. Start gradually washing your hair less often, not every 24 hours, but first 36, and then 48. Over time, within 4-6 weeks, the skin will get used to it and understand that so much fat is no longer needed. Thus, You should aim to wash your hair about 3 times a week.

2. Wash your hair with a little cool water - it narrows the pores and promotes less oil release.

3. Use folk remedies for oily hair based on herbs, such as calendula, tartar. You can also dry your scalp a little with herbal remedies that contain alcohol. Apply them in advance before the shower, and then rinse with shampoo.

How many times a week to wash mixed hair

They have three features: oily roots, with split ends. But on the other hand, they have an amazing length, and between the two beginnings everything is great and beautiful! To make them so everywhere, you must follow the following rules:

1. Try not to be led by oily roots, and wash your hair at least every other day, lathering only the roots. If you wash every day, you will provoke the sebaceous glands to secrete more and more fat.

2. Do not wash your hair with boiling water!

3. You need to choose shampoos in the same way as for oily hair - soft, healing, with herbs.

4. But the tips need additional hydration - nourishing oils and moisturizing balms will help. In no case should they be applied to the roots.

5. It's too late to drink Borjomi when the kidneys have flown off. This means that if the tips are already split,. Remove split ends, and keep an eye on new ones so that the same does not happen to them.

How often should you wash your hair with normal hair.

If your scalp is not too oily, and not too dry, and your hair blinds drivers with its shine, then you have the most desirable type - normal. How many times a week to wash your hair - such a gift from above? Usually 2-3 times a week is enough. From decoctions of herbs, say, chamomile is perfect for you.

Do not experiment with products that are not for your hair type. Maybe nothing bad will happen, but nothing good will either. Why not use what is made for you?

When washing, lean more on the hair roots and scalp. The main dirt and grease is there.

The head loves a massage. Circular, massaging movements during washing will improve blood flow to the skin and hair follicles, which means more nutrients, healthy hair, and a great mood!

It takes twice as long to completely wash the shampoo out of your hair than it took you to wash it. Balms, on the other hand, can be washed off not completely, so that they nourish better.

Use additional care products that suit you - balms, conditioners, masks. Conditioners will make hair obedient, balms nourish them, masks will fix the effect. Just don't use everything at the same time.

It is better not to dry with a hair dryer - this is not good for any type of hair.

That, perhaps, is all that we could tell about hair, frequency and means of washing it. Knowing how many times a week you need to wash your hair, you can better care for your hair, and they will respond to you with even more beauty.