Scales Zodiac sign Best compatibility. Compatibility Sign Sign in Love and Marriage

Horoscope Compatibility Scales - Scales

If we talk about love relationships, the Union of two scales will be perfect. Activity, sensitivity, rich fantasy and the expansion of signs will turn their intimate life in the fireworks of bright sensations. And, if physical proximity will bring true pleasure, the romantic feelings will be subject to regular test due to the increased need of partners in the narrowness and theatricality.

As for everyday life, here we will have to be more difficult. They both look at life through the prism of their unrealistic expectations, resolutely refusing to take a harsh truth. Their charm, peacefulness and tenderness deserve all sorts of praise. However, it is not sufficient to overcome the inevitable difficulties.

Scales - as if a mirror reflection of each other. They experience a feeling of excitement or begin to worry about absolutely identical incentives. As a result, one of the scales will constantly outweigh. This contributes to the rapid feeling of each other and the appearance of boredom in family life. If scales are closed in a close Mirka homemade hearth, mutual discontent with each other can achieve a dangerous level.
And only the fullness of being adventures, interesting events and third-party sources of activity are able to give the brightness and acute relations.

All the listed facts are not a sentence for two in love. Much in strengthening relationships depends on them themselves. The main thing is to lead to the equilibrium received and desired. Oh, if at least one of the partners has become a little more practical. Then it would be easier for them to find a reliable anchor, saving from ruthless storms of fate. But this will require a lot of time. A young union of two scales even a small wind threatens the loss of the course.

Is there any more wishes to be allowed to become a tandem scales-scales durable and prosperous? Each of the partners should come from their excessive ambitions in the name of the Family Future. Perhaps you will have to completely rebuild the entire system of beliefs and devote yourself to the interests of your loved one. What it will be - persistent activities on the field of business or selfless education of children - the partners themselves must define. But distribute the functions will be a matter of union survival. Of course, the brightness of feelings may suffer, but their reliability will rise.

Compatibility Scales and scales. Can a couple achieve financial well-being, becoming business partners? The answer is positively unequivocal, only with the desire to discard dangerous ambitions and mutual claims to each other. Otherwise, they are waiting for a crushing fiasco. Combining efforts, they will reach their goals and feel self-realized.

Libra strive for excellence in all aspects of their being, and in love too. They have good compatibility in love and marriage with people of those zodiac signs that share their values. A negligent person is unlikely to be compatible with them. One of the most notable traits of weights is a warm smile, and if they smiled you with all my heart, you will not be able to pass by.

The best compatibility in love and marriage at the scales with the signs of the Zodiac Gemini (from May 21 to June 21), scales (from September 24 to October 23) and Aquarius (from January 21 to February 18). They are well compatible with Lvom (July 23 - August 23) and Agriculture (November 23 - December 21).

Incompatible signs are cancer (June 22 - July 22) and Capricorn (December 22 - January 20), although the union with cancer can be useful for a career, and with Capricorn for emotional support. Relationship with scorpion (October 24 - November 22) can give weight advantage in financial plan. As for marriage compatibility, one of the best elections is Aries (from March 21 to April 20). For spiritual development, a fruitful partnership with the Virgin (August 24 - September 23).

Read more about Love Compatibility Scales with all the twelve signs of the zodiac Read in the following articles:

Horoscope compatibility scales with zodiac signs

Scales - Aries Scales - Scales
Scales - Taurus Scales - Scorpio
Scales - Gemini Scales - Sagittarius
Scales - cancer Scales - Capricorn.
Scales - Lev. Scales - Aquarius
Scales - Deva. Scales - Fish

Libra carry peace and consent and will shy away from conflict with any means. They are incorrigible romance, love to surround themselves with beauty. Learn to be diplomatic, and your scales will give you love. If we talk about love and heart attachments, they do not like to demonstrate their feelings, sometimes it is unnecessary to weigh all the "for" and "against", forgetting that love is a flight of the soul, and not the subject of academic studies.

Scales are looking for a partner who can reveal the best in them, will allow them to feel the completeness of being. But if you met such a person, make the final decision to start the relationship to them not easy. They need a lot of time to weigh all the pros and cons of the potential life satellite, and then decide. And even after so long thought, they can instantly change their opinion if they consider that the choice was wrong. The one who in love relationships with the scales should learn to be patient and understand that hasty in decision-making violates the spiritual equilibrium of the people of this sign.

Compatibility horoscope: Scales Zodiac sign The best compatibility is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

In the first half of life, your ideal partners are twins and aquarius, related souls on the element of air. It is only necessary for the first to study, mastered a promising profession, and not rushing in search of a better life. And from water, only one thing is required: the desire to take in his house numerous friends of a young wife, including representatives of the opposite sex. In the second half of the life, Lion needs Lion or Sagittarius. The first, however, is suitable with one reservation: it should not have weakness to gambling and expensive clothes. Scales will not get to the wife to learn family money. And the Sagittarius is suitable for the role of an ideal pair of weighs, only if there is a high social status.

The best pair for weights

Aquarius: This pair is waiting for love-friendship and love-entertainment. Scales and aquaries enjoy each other primarily on an intellectual level, scales sincerely glue from the aggregation of Aquarius, which in turn will be inspired by weights. From this pair can get a productive creative tandem. They will always enjoy each other's society and for a long time Do not lose mutual interest. How predicts a horoscope compatibility of water scales, the marriage of this pair promises to be extremely successful.

Twins: If these two zodiac signs meet, then usually the motto of their novel becomes "after us at least a flood," this confirms the compatibility horoscope. Gemini and scales like entertainment and are constantly in search of vivid impressions. They do not burden themselves with household problems and prefer rapid pleasures in deep feelings. But despite the seemingly frivolity, they understand each other with a half-clow and create the impression of an ideal pair. The novel may end with a good marriage, as the Horoscope compatibility of the Scales of Gemini predicts.

Sagittarius: The novel promises to be delicious. How predicts a compatibility horoscope, scales and shooters are a beautiful and romantic couple. Scales attract the Sagittarius to their tenderness and an easy attitude to life, and for them the Sagittarius themselves - an eternal adventure hunter, which makes a variety and brightness element. Scales are the perfect satellite for Sagittarius, as they manage to constantly warm his interest in themselves, and in the end, even such a loving wind will tell themselves. As a horoscope of compatibility of scales Sagittarius promises, marriage promises to be successful.

Worst pair of weights

Fish: The beginning of the novel of this pair will be fabulously beautiful: strawberries in chocolate and champagne in ice. Both of these signs of the zodiac love tender confessions and sentimental words, and also do not want to get out of the sweet pink wool of their romanticity. But, as a compatibility horoscope warns, scales and fish can begin to conflict precisely on the soil of manifestations of their feelings. Fishes need protection and support, and scales are not ready for this and consider it routine obligations. How predicts the horoscope compatibility of fish scales, these relationships will be beautiful, but fragile.

Cancer: In the relationship of this couple there will always be some kind of shortness, this indicates a horoscope compatibility. Cancer and scales are somewhat different in the emotional plan, which can lead to alienation. Sensitive cancer is waiting for him to be appreciated and defended, but a little more superficial scales focus on themselves and do not notice the changeable mood of their partner. It is in this that the reason for the future quarrels is covered, causing a horoscope compatibility scales of cancer.

calf: The relationship of this pair of signs of the zodiac cannot be called simple: too many they differ, the horoscope compatibility assures. Scales and calf sometimes look at life at different viewing angles. Weighs like light entertainment, and the calf prefers not to waste time. He considers his companion to transzhira, meanwhile as the weights of the Taurus seems to be crumbling. The right to a long existence This novel will affect only if the scales are settled with the deformity of the Taurus, but it is unlikely, as confirms the horoscope compatibility of scales Taurus.

Strained relations

Libra: The relationship of this couple is reminded by a film about love, but in the end they become too significant because of the game to the public, which scales are unnecessar. The horoscope compatibilityPrognoses a fascinating and bright novel to which both participants will relate to the eternal holiday of life. The Brazdes of the Board in such an extradition usually assumes the male scales. Horoscope compatibility foreshadows: perhaps at some point, the weights may seem that they communicate with themselves, and it will take all interest on no. To avoid this, it is worth finding distracted interests. As the horoscope compatibility says, the woman's scales are more loyal to her partner, and it is she often eliminating all conflicts and quarrels.

Aries: This pair attracts each other is that they do not see. The impulsive Aries enchants the exquisite restraint of the scales, and they, in turn, attract the cheerfulness and energy of the partner, this confirms the horoscope compatibility of Aries scales. Conflicts may arise due to the stubbornness of the Aries and its reluctance to compromise. But, as a rule, weights manage to incline its half to a reasonable agreement, this indicates a horoscope compatibility of Aries Scales.

Male Scales with other zodiac signs

Scales compatibility

Scales belong to the dual signs of the zodiac, in whose character is bizarrely glove several opposites. Very often, the scales remain incomprehensible, because at different times they are completely different ideas, actions and thoughts, which sometimes contradict each other. For weights, the most important and in work, and in personal life, is the preservation of equilibrium, balance, stability, so everywhere and in everything they are looking for what gives their lives greater stability.

The representative of the zodiac sign of scales is undoubtedly a man creative and extraordinary. It is inclined to idealize and relationships with a partner, and the identity of their chosen one, living, rather, in the fictional world than in reality. Scales do not like struggle, conquest. If you approach difficulties, they will prefer to wait for them somewhere on the sidelines, or even disappear from the "Brani fields", than to oppose. Scales are always wonderful friends who will support in a difficult moment will never betray. Rather, they will be sacrificed with their own claims, which will allow close people to experience the need and deprivation. In his desire to make a satellite of life happy, scales come so far that sometimes turn into a shadow of a loved one, completely dissolving in his desires. But if someone dares to humiliate, put pressure on the weights, the offender will receive unexpectedly strong and adamant reversal.

Woman scales should be fashion and style, it is always irresistible, and has many fans. It will never choose a man's life satellite into satellites, because most of all in the world does not like vulgarity and vulgarity. Male Scales are always tightened, Elegance. Externally, it is always calm and balanced, but the temperature of the representative of this zodiacal constellation is truly unbridled. Before creating a solid alliance, a male scales will survive not one love story, enjoying the flirting and adoration of women. In its elect, a man is looking for external attractiveness, and he is inclined to put feelings and relationships to the background. He is little worried about how many broken hearts he left behind himself - only his own feelings and experiences take it.

The most compatible signs with weights are the twins, lion, sterlets and aquarius. The least compatible signs with weights are usually considered cancer and Capricorn.

Scales Compatibility Table

This table shows the average results of scales with each of the zodiac signs. Links in the table lead to additional articles on the compatibility of the scales, which describe this type of relationship in more detail.

Libra's scales with other zodiac signs

Weighing relationships with other zodiac signs

Scales are endowed with a sophisticated taste and incredible charm. These people depresses monotony and routine, and they always know how to avoid boredom.

Representatives of this sign are flexible and easily adapt to life situations, which is why they can make successful relationships with many zodiac signs.

Can a representative of this sign make compromises in relationships?

The best pairs for weights

Weighs the best compatibility with Aquarius With which he will have a real spiritual and physical connection. The whole charm of these relations is that they both do not pay attention to the little things and are ready to make compromises.

Excellent ally for the representative of this sign can be Calf, with which he will associate his desire for comfort and everything beautiful. In addition, both partners are endowed with excellent taste, in this marriage they both will be ready to close the eyes into small disadvantages of the partner, and that is why such a union will be able to last for a very long time.

FROM Twins Weighs will associate intellectual compatibility, which will seem friendship to many. But it is this friendship that will become the basis of long and durable relationships.

With representatives of the fiery element, a fairly beneficial relationship may be formed. FROM Own and Lion It will bind passion and sex, but charming Sagittarius It will be an excellent ally in terms of adventure and travel.

Representatives of this sign it is better to live with your full opposites or with people similar to them?

Who scales will never build happiness?

Capricious Cancer It turns out not a very good partner for the representative of this sign, as the scales seek to surround themselves only by positive people.

The scales could make a good union with a representative of his own sign, but it should be understood that such relationships will not move forward, as both partners do not like to take on the role of the initiator.

Weightless weights will be annoyed Capricorn.despite the natural attraction between them, but excessive sensitivity Fish It will cause many conflicts that sooner or later lead to a break of relationships.

The relationship between the representative of this air sign and the Virgin very soon will be in a dead end, because Virgo will not be able to satisfy all its needs.

Weighs poor compatibility with jealous Scorpion which will create many problems in marriage with the scales that are looking for harmonious relationships. As a result, they will constantly try to change each other, but not one of them will not reach their goal.

Is the representative of this sign set up with the shortcomings of his partner?

Scales: characteristics and description

Find out the most interesting about the scales. This information will help you to succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Optimistic and friendly, cute and cheerful - these characteristics are ideally suited to people who have appeared on the autumn months under the constellation scales. Scales all their lives seek to beauty and harmony, justice and peace. Patronizing these amazing personalities of Planet Venus, named after the beautiful and mysterious Goddess of Love. In ancient Greece, Venus was called Aphrodite, she symbolized tenderness, passion and attraction. It's not by chance that the pets of Venus are considered the most attractive among the other signs of the zodiac - weights are simply impossible not to admire. Element of weights calm and cold-blooded air, the main power of which is a conviction. The air guys are full of all sorts of ideas and plans, the scales constantly live in the world of thoughts and dreams.

Friends, beloved and partners, cute weights should be sought among the air and fiery creatures. Although if desired, patient scales stay with anyone. Smart Aquarius and restless twins will become Venus for pets excellent party, with these guys, scales are quickly sex. Two weights are not bad, but the air creatures will have to learn to make decisions - to shift each other. The Venus's pets will not work. Lions, Sagittarius and Aries will make life of weights bright, rich and interesting, and freedom-loving air signs will never regret if they choose partners from the fiery element. Scorpions, fish and crayfish will be fascinated by lifeless weights, but it is not necessary to hope for the ideal compatibility of water and air. Patient and stubborn marks of the Earth can please the pets of Venus, however, the scales will often be annoyed because of the stubbornness of the Capricors, Virgo and Tales.

Scales are able to charm anyone, sentimental air creatures know a sense in romance and beautiful courtship. Venus's pets are good interlocutors, next to them is never boring, and usually scales surround pleasant and positive people. Most of all in the light of the weights appreciate peace, they hate to find out the relationship and argue because of any nonsense. Wards Venus can be egoists, but people forgive weights this little weakness - no one will be offended for good-natured and affectionate air guys.

Compatibility of scales with zodiac signs

Scales and Aries

Merry air creatures will be able to like energetic hairs - fiery guys will be delighted with positive scales. Immediate pets Venus and frivolous wards of Mars - here it is long-awaited ideal compatibility. If there are some kind of breeding and disagreement, then the thorough scales of the MiG will solve these problems. Next to the weights of the Aries will even forget about their desire to rule - the air guys want to wear in their arms, and there are no longer before teams and orders.

Scales and Taurus

Patient calves will conquer any fortress, and of course, earthly guys will be able to achieve the location of the scales. Venus will help air-terrestrial pets to blame. The weights initially will be difficult to adapt to all the rules that the stubborn calves will be ruined, but if the love will come to this relationship, there is nowhere to go. Any belling in the earth's alliance will go to the background, because the wards of Venus are incredible physical attraction to each other.

Scales and twins

Charming twins and cute scales will enjoy each other in the first minute of dating. Mercury's pets grinds any modest, and scales by MiG will forget about their shyness. About harmony in relationships It does not matter, but weighing idyll in the surrounding world, and the twins do not seek any perfection at all. The main thing is that the relationships are light and cheerful, and everything else will apply. Such unlike air crews and themselves will not notice how they will be born to each other.

Scales and cancer

Impressionable and vane cancer will certainly notice good and responsive air guys. Compatibility of Pets Moon and Venus is questionable, but in the fact that the relationship of weights and crayfish will be bright and interesting, no doubt. Scales and crayfish will always find something to learn from each other. Understanding in the aquatic pairs is rarely achieved, but the union of the wards of Venus and the Moon can be strong and reliable, it is thanks to incorrect elements and characters.

Scales and Lev.

Eccentric lions at first will avoid weights, as they will see competitors in them. But is it possible to abandon the joys that give people cute pets Venus. Sociable and cheerful air guys can be trusted - after a while, fire creations will purr, like kittens, naively believing that they found ideal partners. Maybe it is so? After all, there is difficult to think next to the weights differently, and the proud pets of the Sun will even learn to compromise.

Scales and Deva.

Wise pets Venus can blame with virgin if Mercury's pets are not started on the very first day of dating scales. But does earth guys be able to refrain from comments? Of course, no, however, the devies will have to try, because scales seek to perfection in everything, and practically do not have drawbacks. But to worry about the air-earth creatures is nothing about - the relationships save easily, you only need to become lovers (physical compatibility of weights and virgins is almost perfect).

Scales and scales

Sociable and custom creatures will understand each other with a half-mounted, and in bed in two scales everything will be fine. But there is no ideal compatibility and no. Most likely, the case in the eternal desire of Venus's pets to harmony and perfection. Why weighs a similar partner, if you can just look into the mirror and admire your unearthly beauty? But the exit, of course, there is - air creatures can take turns to carry each other in their hands, the main thing is not to confuse the schedule.

Scales and scorpion

Jealous scorpions will be crazy with calm and peace-loving scales - the air-water alliance can spill in the first week after dating. But withstanding the charms of Petomes Pluto is almost impossible - in love scales forgive scorpions, everyone and even learn to swear (what to do if the aquatic guys and days cannot live without clarifying relationships). But in sex everything is fine and wonderful - if the pets of Venus and Pluto will become lovers, they will not regret.

Scales and Sagittarius

Scales and Sagittarius - guys fondering, and air-fiery creatures will certainly be brought. Relationships will be bright and cheerful, but for the campaign to the registry office of this is probably not enough. Pets of Jupiter and Venus of unusually freedom-loving - and which of them will definitely decide on a serious and responsible step, it is impossible to predict. Always doubting scales and frivolous Sagittarius can be configured for many years, until they realize that somewhere they have decided everything for them.

Scales and Capricorn.

It is impossible to confuse practical and stubborn Capricarps - they know what they need for happiness, and almost never retreat before obstacles. However, next to fun and sociable weights, it is difficult to remain serious - the earthly guys will get out of the shell and allow themselves to imagine a little. On the perfect compatibility of pets Venus and Saturn can only dream, but reliable and strong friendship with calm cacurases and sentimental scales is provided.

Scales and aquarius

Such idealists as scales and aquarius, still search - the air guys know how to achieve universal harmony. Pets Uranus and Venus will never get acquainted with Rutin, they can become friends, and lovers, and never regret the choice made. Love in this union will stand in the first place, but air creatures do not calm down - in the world so much interesting and unknown, and aquatic weight will be rejected every moment, held together.

Scales and fish

Pets Venus and Neptune can be loyal friends - respect in this union will be, even debt. But to the ideal relationship with air-water creatures far - the difference in the elements is not going anywhere. Restless fish will scare impressionable scales, but the air guys can shift on water partners all responsibility for the decisions made. Eternal love? Why not, and if she will visit fish and scales, the guys may not hesitate to go to the registry office.

Who is compatible scales?

You are the scales on the horoscope and finally met their soul mate finally! Check whether you are compatible with a horoscope. Zodiac argues that the signs with whom are compatible scales, exactly half.

Signs that are not compatible with weights

  • There is always internal tensions between weights and auto. Energetic Aries does not understand the calm of the scales. This makes marriage between them unlikely. But they have great sex!
  • Romantic scales will not find an understanding of the pragmatic owner of the Taurus. He is jealous, and the scales are inconsistent. This can output both of the equilibrium. The long-term union is not shining!
  • Cancer is cautious and critical, the scales do not understand this, fond of their extravagant ideas. Marriage between them is very impossible.
  • The virgin has a complete inconsistency of characters. The virgins have rules, their scales reject them. There is a difference between interests. They will have an extremely complex and short marriage.
  • Capricorn and scales will find mutual understanding in sex. And in all the rest reigns a complete negation. Communication will end quickly, the marriage is impossible.
  • Scales and fish both do not like leadership. Therefore, a complete misunderstanding reigns in a pair. Before marriage, it will not reach.

Signs compatible with weights

  • Scales and twins are ideal partners, they are both impulsive and passionate. Both unreal and easy to communicate. It will be the happiest marriage.
  • Scales and lions are obsessed with sex! In bed, they have a complete extravagant! The lion loves to make decisions, scales like to give up. Relationships will continue in warmth and strong marriage.
  • Passionate bond with scorpion and scales will be based on the same - on dominance and submission. Marriage will be as stormy, but strong.
  • Scales and Sagittarius are in many ways similar. Both independent, both travelers. If they want, the marriage will be very long.
  • Brilliantly will fit the scales aquarian. They are satisfied with life in society, an abundance of meetings and communication! In love and in feelings they have complete harmony leading to a strong marriage.

You have learned with what signs are compatible scales. Such is and not so little. And in conclusion I want to answer the question about whether scales are compatible with weights? Yes, they have a lot in common, but both are a bit tearned from reality. If you include more practicality in the relationship, the marriage will be very good.

Scales compatibility with other signs of the zodiac circle

Compatibility of scales with other signs depends on many circumstances. The relationship is influenced by the moon and the sun, the elements and the planet, the year of birth. This zodiac sign is looking for an equilibrium and harmony, because he has good understanding with many people. Who would have met the scales, their compatibility will be possible only when both partners want to find a common language. Astrology only suggests how it is better to do.

Scales compatibility with other signs

Character of weights

Compatibility of the sign of the scales directly depends on their nature. These people are calm, good-natured, try to be in normal relationships. They are inborn diplomats and peacekeepers. Sociable, scales poorly carry loneliness. Can be very efficient, but periodically suffer from felt attacks. Pretty stubborn, achieve goals, going along the path of least resistance. Here are the main features of the nature of this sign:

  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • good nature;
  • sociability;
  • delicacy;
  • diplomacy;
  • stubbornness;
  • indecision;
  • elegance;
  • developed intelligence;
  • dedication.

Scales are cruel and ruthless if their interests affected, someone moved the road to them. Periodically, you are capricious, annoyed and nervous. Among the representatives of this sign a lot of egoists. When they do not want to do something, they cannot be forced. Responsibility are always trying to shift on others. Scales compatibility with other signs of the zodiac find easily, despite negative character traits. They are always ready to search for a compromise first.

Compatibility of aircraft with air signs

The elements of the air gives the signs of the zodiac ease, developed intelligence. These people do not like to undertake commitments and build strong connections. Air signs are:

Who is compatible with weights better than his fellow? In fact, in this relationship, everything is not so simple: air signs are very freedom-loving and independent.

Compatibility of scales with twins

At the meeting, these people quickly find mutual understanding. They have similar interests, temperaments, life glances. The pair is perfectly spending time on travel, at parties, exhibitions and other wonderful places. They are compatible in friendship and work, but family life may not be climbed.

Horoscope compatibility signs of scales and twins promises them a lot of difficulties. They absolutely do not want to take responsibility. There may be strong sexual attractiveness between them and even real love. But the relationship is divided into life, the slightest difficulties can destroy them.

Scales compatibility among themselves

Relationship between the two representatives of one zodiac sign are beautiful. This is the perfect couple in which love reigns, respect and mutual understanding. Both partners are creative personality, pay a lot of attention to their spiritual development. They do not tolerate conflicts, so very rarely quarreled among themselves. Even when married is not all right.

Problems arise when you have to make important decisions. None of the partners want to take responsibility. In such a situation, the compatibility of two scales can easily shake, mutual claims will appear and accusations. Often, steam is experiencing material difficulties: both love to spend money, but do not know how to earn them.

Compatibility of Scales and Aquarius

This is a beautiful couple of two spiritual people. They already feel at the first meeting how much fit to each other. Between the two representatives of the air element, love arises at first glance, followed by a stormy novel and a beautiful wedding. Family life promises to be happy, in the percentages of divorces such a couple falls very rarely.

No matter how good the compatibility of Aquarius with a sign of scales, there is a pair. Aquarius loves freedom more than his partner. For him, the family is a very relative concept. Also, this sign of a stingy emotion, for him is primarily an intellectual component of relations. Often weares have to take over all responsibility for the family, which they do not like to do.

Compatibility of weights with fire signs

Element of fire is energy, passion, emotions. The people with whom she managed - inborn leaders, they cannot live if they are not engaged in important things and do not set themselves high goals. The flame elements include signs:

Compatibility of air scales and fiery signs is not bad. It is important that the fire does not overheate the air, and he did not blow it. But since our zodiac sign is looking for an equilibrium in everything, it rarely happens.

Scales and Aries compatibility

These signs are complete opposites. Nevertheless, they attract each other as Venus and Mars, their planets. The air inflates the fire, makes him burn. The fire heats the air and it rises upwards. Approximately this is the relationship in this union. The horoscope compatibility of signs of scales and Aries promises them an interesting family life, complete emotions, uplings and falls.

Begging in a pair is, and often. Aries cannot understand the torments and indecision of the air sign, trying to stir up his partner. In response, it receives resistance and complete reluctance to do anything. It happens on the contrary: the air sign takes upon itself all the homework while his fiery partner catches the crane in the sky.

Compatibility of scales and lion

The lion is well compatible with weights, it will confirm any astrologer. The air sign actually acts on a lion, keeps it from rash actions and solutions. The lion becomes a defender for his partner, takes responsibility for the family and relationship in general. Such a tandem is quite successful if the partners learn to find compromises.

Disruption compatibility may pass the air sign to disputes. He likes to object in the evening, which the lion organically does not tolerate. Poorly affects the relationship aggressiveness of the fiery sign. It can turn into a real beast, terrorize loved ones if something goes wrong in his affairs. Whoever lion, a homemade cat or wild animal, he wishes to be in a pair of the leader.

Scales and Sagittarius Compatibility

Two creative personalities quickly find a common language. Sagittarius likes a light temper, sociability, partner wit. The aircraft is fond of energy, optimism and decisiveness of the Sagittarius. They can be friends, work, but love still arises between the boy and the girl. They are very quickly in marriage, more often on the initiative of the scales.

The family of these signs is strong and happy, although not devoid of problems. Most often, disagreements arise due to the indecision of the air sign and the aggressiveness of the fiery. Domestic affairs are mainly engaged in the scales that they also do not like it very much. But important decisions take the Sagittarius, not always believed to the opinion of its half.

Scales compatibility with earthly signs

Earth elements symbolizes wealth, stability, patient. Signs with which she controls, conservative, calm and founder. Here are their list:

Compatibility with the sign of the Earth, the scales arrange themselves. Only from them will depend on how the relationship is being collected.

Compatibility of Libra and Taurus

These signs are able to combine their patroness - Venus. She gives them love, sensuality, rich inner world. Both love comfort and homemade comfort, are not afraid to work for this. Partners are well compatible in sex, there is a very strong physical attraction between them. But the horoscope compatibility of signs of scales and the body of them is an easy life does not promise: a lot of contradictions between partners.

The earthly sign is slow, he does not have time for a dynamic air partner. This is the cause of irritation of the latter. In turn, the Taurus is surprised by the ease with which the scales change their opinions, forget about their own promises. Both are experiencing their love differently: one sign is in the clouds, and the other is firmly standing on Earth. The stubbornness and the disadvantage of both signs will bring attitudes towards collapse.

Compatibility of scales and virgins

Compatibility of air scales and earthly virgin bad. Between them very little in common. Combine partners can love for order, good taste and sexual attractiveness. Virgo is not charged with anyone with such optimism as with weights. But this is too little to build a strong relationship. Conflicts and quarrels in this union - the usual and usual.

Aerial sign is too lazy, according to the Virgin. She certainly speaks him about it at every opportunity. The discretion of the partner displays the masters of himself, deprives peace. In turn, the scales do not endure the constant criticism of the Virgin and begin to seek consolation on the side. Lies, treason, quit destroy relationships, partners are running out in different directions and never meet again.

Compatibility of scales and Capricorn

To build relationships, these signs will have to make a lot of effort. They can give a lot to each other: Capricorn - confidence and stability, air sign - useful contacts, dynamism. But partners rarely reach the stage in relations when they can appreciate the advantages of their union. They part very quickly, if they start to meet at all.

Closed, egocentric Capricorn - the exact opposite of its partner. He hardly understands his changeful nature, mental torment. Earthlanin annoys the indecision of the air sign. He, in turn, frightened the coldness and worriedity of Capricorn, its factories bordering the aggression.

Compatibility Scales with watermarks

Element of water is mysterious and mysterious. It gives her children supernatural intuition, emotionality, the ability to hide thoughts and feelings. Here are what signs belong to the water element:

Compatibility with water signs Scales are not too good. But relationships are possible if the partners want to build them with their own hands.

Compatibility of scales and cancer

The horoscope compatibility of scales and cancer is complex, but they can reach a compromise. Both signs try to avoid conflicts. They appreciate related relationships, homemade comfort. These are creative personalities with a rich spiritual organization and fine sensuality. It is on this soil that they converge with each other.

Problems arise between signs often. Cancer is the owner, and its partner is above all appreciated freedom. Both love to closes in themselves, for a long time to hone offense. The peacekeeper in the family performs an air sign, but it is soon annoying to pick up offended cancer from the shell. Partners can establish relationships only when they appreciate the positive aspects of their union.

Compatibility of scales and scorpion

There is a karmic connection between these signs, their compatibility is high enough. Scorpio acts in such an alliance by a mentor, and his partner is a diligent student. They can support each other in difficult situations, many people envy their friendship. But in love relationships between signs of water and air is not so simple, they have a lot of contradictions.

Aerial sign is indecisive and controversial, at the same time he is a big optimist, only a good one in humans. Scorpio is also not deprived of contradictions, but his views were already established. In addition, he does not share optimism and gullibility of his partner. On the basis of different perception of the world between them and conflicts arise.

Compatibility of scales and fish

Building relations with these two signs is very difficult. At first, your horoscope compatibility scales and fish are interpreted optimistic. Between them there is love, a romantic connection, they can drown with their heads in their feelings. Very soon the difference in characters and temperaments makes itself felt. Partners or run up, or torment each other all their lives.

Each signs tries to shift responsibility to another. As a result, the fish assumes all homework, and their air partner is trying to save the family boat in the stormy sea of \u200b\u200bthe outside world. But this distribution of roles does not suit them, the internal tension is growing. As a result, both are closed in themselves, feelings are sick, the spouses live in habit or part.

The influence of the moon and year of birth

Horoscope compatibility scales can change if the efforts themselves are applied. They know how to find a compromise with anyone. If this sign is really interested in relations, he will definitely build them. Astrological compatibility table can only help find the right approaches.

Sunny horoscope influence moon signs. If they are in the earthly element, the scales will become calmer, serious and responsible. The fire will add energies, purposefulness and self-confidence, and water - sensuality and emotionality.

00:06 - Characteristics of weights 01:40 - Libra - Aries 03:02 - Scales - T

Your personal horoscope compatibility is your

Compatibility of scales with other signs

Sexy horoscope compatibility scales

Scales Compatibility of signs. #Sex. Reciprocity. # Astrol

Horoscope of sexual compatibility scales with others �

Secrets and secrets of the seventh zodiac sign ♎ Scales (Libra). C�

Compatibility scales-man and aquari woman. In joint

Woman Scales and Woman Compatibility Scales with Other �

Compatibility of scales-man and fish-woman. In collateral

Compatibility Scales-man and scorpion-woman. In owl

Compatibility of man and woman scales. In collateral

Conversation with astrologer Eduard Falkovsky.

Sexy fish compatibility horoscope

00:06 - Characteristics of representatives of the zodiac sign

The year of birth also a lot of affects the relationship. Best weights suitable monkey, rooster and pig. The relationship is not bad if the partner is from tigers, as well as good compatibility with a dragon and horse. The Union is possible when the year of birth of a partner is a snake, a rabbit or goat. It is worse then when the air sign has to communicate with those who are on the Chinese horoscope rat, bull or a dog. Here the relationship is not the best.

This couple has good compatibility, in each other's society it is easy and pleasant to be. Common interests and similarity of character at first will give them the feeling that there is no higher mutual understanding than they do not exist in the whole world. This is true, only other scales can understand the motives of some types of scales. But to understand - does not mean agree. The fact that a person allows to do to himself, often performed by someone else in his eyes look different. This is the main snag in their communication.

Scales are a very flexible and conscious zodiac sign, these people are able to adapt to circumstances, so different styles of communication for them are determined by a different approach and attitude towards partner.

♎ + ♎: In love relationships

Excellent compatibility - The guy and the girl born under the sign of the scales are fine. They are united not only mutual love, but also common interests, calm and prudence. They are not in a hurry anywhere, in their life everything is measured. They prefer to stupid leisure, they do not need in large campaigns. Both of nature - aesthetes, love to attend exhibitions, theaters, museums, are interested in art and enjoy instrumental and relaxed music. If they do not bind joint life and serious obligations - these relationships will continue to be calm and harmonious.

♎ + ♎: married

Average compatibility - The first months of family life will be calm and pleasant for this pair. Spouses will enjoy each other's society, because the partners of this pair subtly feel the inner state of the second half, they are sweet and delicate.

In the intimate life they coincide with their needs, they have sex from them not in the last place, and since they are calm and abstainable both - they do not strain each other.

The turning point in this family will come when the spouses will face serious difficulties. Woman scales prefers to entrust the leadership of a man, and he is often a non-events for the development of events. Preferring in the relationship to be slave, the spouse will fluctuate for a long time before will take responsibility for solving any problem, and it will be every time. The fact is that this couple will not work out once and forever agree, who will be for the elder in the family. Each of them would be happy to give the right to lead to another, but they are both unsure of themselves, so the adoption of key solutions will shift each other on the shoulders.

The relationship in this pair can be perfect if the third party will participate in solving their difficulties, for example, senior relatives. Most often, this is exactly what happens.

♎ + ♎: in friendship

Perfect para - The guy and the girl, united by the sign of the scales, understand each other with a half-clow, in each other's campaign these people are liberated. Mutual trust makes this relationship even stronger, each of this couple will share with each other with its most innermost experiences and secrets.

Libra try not to strain their friends with their problems, preferring other ways to solve them. Friendship appreciate the spiritual qualities of a person. Aesthetic look at things and subtlety natur will give them wonderful evenings in each other's society. Quarrels and mutual claims in such a union - an exception to the rules, usually these people agree with each other and they have nothing to share.

Video: Scales ♎ Zodiac Sign

Such couples are created and live happily in a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

It is observed that most often the union of two scales are found in those countries where there is stability and confidence in the future. After all, this couple is not created to fight difficulties, but in order to decorate our lives.

What does the perfect couple look like: Woman scales - Male scales?

Scales are sensitive to everything beautiful. Therefore, the charm of the woman of his sign will not leave them indifferent. And then a lot will depend on the acting talent of a woman. Male scales, like she herself, is under the patronage of Venus. Venus has its own couple - Mars, and therefore these people pull to energetic, strong, active partners of a Marsoy warehouse. If the scales can show that there is power and fire in it, then she will be able to conquer this man. But it is not necessary to open the soul at all: if the man-scales see in her many of those traits that he is in him, he will automatically subscribe to her and its flaws. Although in fact men and women scales differ from each other in astrological characteristics. If the woman will refuse the game or cannot create the desired "strong" image, this does not mean that there can be no relationship between them. Male scales like spending time beautifully. Perhaps he will not consider the woman-scales as a potential companion of life, but will not give up a beautiful novel with her. And if she has money, he will think about marriage - from time to time looking at more energetic ladies, but remaining with her. After all, he will really like life with the one who understands him perfectly and does not make worry about the bread.

What are the difficulties in the Union of Women-Libra and Male Scales?

The perfect couple of people of this sign are two aesthetes. They enjoy beauty, pleasant life and communicate with each other. This couple is frequent visitor to exhibitions and theatrical regulars. Even if, due to the general level of culture, they are not interested in art, they still live "beautifully". The surrounding people may have the impression that the men and women will have no concerns at all, and they easily flute through life, bypassing the ditches and pivots. In fact, as indicated, they have their own difficulties, and their obstacles. But, first, they will never show it around others, and secondly, the scales are really lighter than many other signs know how to throw thoughts from the head of unpleasant things. A woman in this union receives the support of a person who will understand her like no other. The fact that the partner from other signs would seem invalid, the male scales perceives, as of granted. He will never suit the scandal because of jealousy to all who smiled at his companion. He will not make her turn into a "workhorse". He perfectly understands the motives of the action of his girlfriend.

The main danger that lifters this union is financial. A pair of weights can enjoy all the joys of life, they are gourmets of life that consumes only sophisticated and beautiful sensations. But if the family comes a shortage of money, then problems begin. In a relaxed atmosphere, doing a favorite thing, scales rarely lose their jobs. Therefore, their monetary problems are often associated with crises in society, when enterprises disintegrate and jobs disappear. During the periods, when only those who have facilitates and rigidity are survived, who are not bent "black work" on unqualified positions, the scales will be helpless. Pares will begin in the family, the refined behavior of the weights alone with each other will disappear. It is not necessary to bring the case to a serious conflict, it is better to immediately turn to or another specialist who knows a sense in love relationships.

From the very beginning they should be remembered that a pair of two scales exists until they faced monetary difficulties. Since neither high qualification, nor the ability to have a complete guarantee from unemployment or poverty. Weighs worth thinking about additional sources of income. It may be the amount in the bank, bringing interest or real estate, allowing to lead the life of Earlier. The scales themselves are not too economical and prudent, so it is good if there are close people in their surroundings who can be trusted. If a pair of two scales are created in adolescence, their parents become such people, at a later age, the scales will soon turn into the relatives with whom friendly. If the problem has already come, and the scales found themselves in the situation of launchers, a man is given to a family leadership. Woman scales can better cope with difficulties, finding people who are ready to help. And the man is all the forces worth throwing out to keep the love and interest of his wife to themselves. Otherwise, she can decide that the "suitcase without a handle" for her - excessive luxury.

Compatibility Women-Libra and Men Weights in Work

At work, this couple will experience sincere sympathy to each other. A man will prefer to communicate with a woman-scales, and not with male colleagues. Woman scales will feel that her efforts this man sees and appreciates like no other. As for the effectiveness of their work, much depends on whether they are surrounded by people.

Compatibility Women Weighs and Male Scales - Colleagues or Partners

A good business union in the sense that they look in one direction and work in one direction. Both are able to make useful links. The difficulties will begin in situations requiring the ability to risk and take decisive steps. In the period of abrasions and crises, the scales will be sufficiently helpless. They would not prevent them from the third partner - a representative of fire signs.

When Woman Scales - Head, and Male Scales - Subordinate

The scales will respect the man for goodwill and calm temper. It will not load it by those assignments that he cannot do. Problems can only be in convex situations when a subtle mental organization becomes less significant compared to the ability to work intensively.

When Woman Scales - Subordinate, and Male Scales - Head

Male scales will appreciate its employee. But she should not check his spells on it. The man of this sign rarely feels confident in the head chair and therefore often makes an impregnable and business view. From employees, he requires the same - if not a business attitude to work, then at least the visibility of this.

Compatibility Women-Scales and Male Scales in Friendship

These woman and man, despite the fact that belong to one sign, very different. Therefore, they rarely arise friendship in the soil similarity of characters. More often they are united by a common interest in art, they find each other companions for hiking in theaters, museums, and secular events. At the same time, each of them observes their interests and rarely will sacrifice them for the sake of friendship. Scales will prefer beautifully, without embarrassing, stop communication. But it rarely disappoints the second in a pair or hurts him. After all, in this, men and women scales are similar, and the second partner would come in the same way in a similar situation. They understand each other, do not create inconveniences, do not strain their problems and spend their leisure well.