Education in English. Interesting education. Repetition is the mother of learning

One of the most important life principles of the English can be expressed by the following formula: "We did not come into this world in order to have fun." It is on it that many distinctive features of their character and way of life are based. This also applies to raising children.

There is an old English saying - "Children should be seen, but not heard."


Many of us, having heard "Englishman", imagine an aristocratic, refined, reserved person. This image was inspired to us by book stories, films, and I must say, the basis for this is really real. So, let's see what are the basic principles and foundations of raising children in the UK?

If you drive through the children's institutions and playgrounds in England, it immediately catches your eye that mostly women over 30-35 years old are walking with the kids. It is very rare in England to see a young mother. In the kingdom, children are born mainly after 30 years, or even after 40. As the British believe, the family must first get on their feet, get stronger, get a house, and only then think about children. By the way, it is also worth noting that in a traditional English family, most often there are at least three children.


In the UK, it is not customary to resort to the help of grandparents. It is not in the English rules to take grandchildren for more than one or two days. Parents rely only on themselves, and most often the mother sits at home with the child. Depending on financial capabilities, parents can resort to the help of nannies or housekeepers.

Babysitting services in the UK are expensive, and therefore not everyone resorts to their services. Very serious requirements are put forward for nannies. Her responsibilities include not only caring for a minor child. The nanny herself develops a development program for the child and works on it with the baby. And of course, the nanny should take the child for a walk, in circles, in a word - keep an eye on him.

For children in the UK, there are many circles and sections - music, swimming, gymnastics, foreign languages.

Play clubs are very popular in England, they are organized by mothers in private homes. Several mothers join together and take turns sitting with the children. It happens that such groups are created at organizations or enterprises.

English moms

English mothers are distinguished by their tolerance and calmness. With a smile on their face and without irritation, they are ready to explain the same thing to the child a hundred times. We also note that parents from the very first days of life take their babies with them to visit cafes and shops. So, the kids in this country from an early age adapt to the society around them. It is especially worth mentioning that, of course, the country itself is adapted for the smallest children: every store has a feeding room, every cafe and restaurant has high chairs and a children's menu. Everywhere there are convenient exits from sidewalks and stairs. Everyone is always very positive and good-natured towards children, and children, accordingly, easily make contact with adults. According to statistics, by the way, Great Britain is the safest European country for children. It is in England that the lowest percentage of accidents involving children. Kids ride bicycles only in special helmets, playgrounds are always covered with rubber or sprinkled with soft sawdust.


The first preschool institution where you can arrange a child is a kindergarten, it is called in England - "nursery school". There, children are taught to sing, read, develop motor skills, teach etiquette and politeness. Kids from three years old are taught to read, write, begin to conduct foreign language lessons.

Private nursery schools are for the smallest children up to a year old and older children. Those for very young children are very expensive. Here, there are only three children per teacher, no more. Meals and classes are individual. Highly qualified specialists always work in institutions. The requirements for teachers are very high.

As soon as the child turns 3-4 years old (depending on the area of ​​residence), parents are given a voucher, according to which the state assumes the obligation to pay for the stay in kindergarten for 15 hours a week. This is the so-called contribution of the state to the educational process of its citizens, albeit small ones.

Education system

The system of raising children is built on the principle that a child is a small person. Everything revolves around the child, around his interests. At the forefront is the concern for the spiritual comfort of the child. Children are praised and encouraged for any reason. This significantly increases the child's self-esteem and contributes to the development of self-confidence. This, in turn, will help the child to be easy to others in the future, to cope even with very difficult life situations and emerge victorious from them, as befits a true Englishman.

Children can be taken to preschool institutions several times a week or even a month. You can pick up your child from nursery school at any time.

school time

School time for children begins early, at 4 years old. School education includes two stages: primary for children aged 4 to 11 and secondary for children aged 11 to 16. In addition, in the UK, a child can study for free, regardless of race and nationality, social status and financial capabilities of his parents. And along with free educational institutions, there are also private, paid institutions.

I would like to note that great attention is paid to charity in educational institutions. From an early age, children are taught to sympathize and empathize, to help those who need it. To raise funds for charitable purposes, various events are organized in each educational institution, for example, such as a “day without a school uniform”, when a child can come to school in whatever he wants, and bring with him a small contribution - 1 pound sterling, which is about 50 rubles. The school gives the collected money to the needy, to the children's hospice or to the fund for the homeless.


As for the punishment of children in England, the British are very humane here. Punish children either with words, scolding him and pointing out the wrong behavior, or asking him to sit quietly in the corner. Very young children are not punished, they are allowed to be naughty and mischievous.

UK law prescribes all the subtleties associated with corporal punishment of children. It is legal in families to lightly spank a naughty child, but punishment with a belt or something similar is prohibited. In no case should you exceed the allowable. If just redness or bruising appears on the skin of the child, parents can be held criminally liable.

And one more feature of English upbringing: in the UK it is not customary for an adult to make comments to someone else's child. If a child misbehaves, you should talk about it with the parents of the baby, and not pull up someone else's child.

The main task of English education- to develop a child's strong character, willpower, perseverance, the ability to cope with any difficulties, and at the same time do not forget about good manners, a sense of duty and compassion.

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The British system of education and upbringing - how effective is it in Russian realities?

Studying English, our children absorb not only grammatical constructions, but also culture, norms of behavior. It has long been known that the immersion method is one of the most effective for learning foreign languages, especially at an early age. But how to organize this dive? There are few options for Russian parents: mugs, English classes or an English kindergarten. The last resort is perhaps the most effective. However, when sending your child to an English kindergarten, be prepared for the fact that the British system of raising children is different from the Russian one. And its influence on the character of your child can be quite strong, because he spends a significant part of his time in kindergarten.

Let's start with the education system itself:

The British like to repeat Churchill's saying: if a lone tree survives, it grows strong.

The British have a practical approach to moral and ethical problems. In other words, they tend to invest a purely practical meaning in such issues that other peoples consider only in a spiritual sense. School, religion, justice - all these forces in Britain emphasize the behavior of a person, and not his motives, they are all aimed, first of all, at the approval of certain social norms. Children from an early age are trying to instill such qualities as independence and responsibility for their actions. The education system is designed with traditional humanitarian values ​​in mind.

The British system of education puts character, not intelligence, at the forefront. Moreover, it is believed that society judges the character of a person by his actions, and not by his views. Hence the role that the English school attaches to the education of norms of behavior. Having heard of English tolerance, many foreigners erroneously interpret it as the ability of one person to understand the motives and thereby justify the actions of another. In fact, the British understand tolerance as non-interference in the privacy of others, assuming in turn that everyone should also respect the privacy of others. Restraint in showing affection is another cornerstone of the British system.

The non-intervention policy also applies to kindergartens. For example, in early spring and autumn, children are allowed to walk outside without hats. By the way, no one will change shoes into street shoes and back. In practice, children get sick no more often than their Russian-speaking peers. Of course, in English kindergartens in Moscow, this approach is rarely practiced. Yet the climate is different. But you should be prepared for the fact that the British system implies the independence of the child in many aspects. And this trait is reinforced by responsibility. Toddlers are taught to constructively resolve conflict situations, make compromises, be aware of their feelings and identify their strengths and weaknesses.

Education for social responsibility is considered in Britain an important part of the formation of human character. From childhood, accustomed not to isolate himself in a family atmosphere, the Englishman feels confident in the public arena, entering it naturally, without effort. The ability to express and defend one's views in public, not to get lost in front of a large and even unfriendly audience is inherent in representatives of all classes of British society. A good example is the famous Hyde Park, where there is a world-famous speaker's corner. If your child attends an English kindergarten, then don't be surprised if he suddenly begins to stubbornly defend his point of view, demanding respect for himself as a full-fledged person. Be willing to accept and understand your child's new behavior. Somewhere you will have to be more flexible, build a different line of behavior.


How kindergartens are organized in England.

In England, all kindergartens are paid. The payment is quite high, the calculation is carried out by sessions (one session is equal to 2.5 hours), but the state reimburses part of the cost (up to 3 years, this is 80% of the cost). Kindergartens are open until 15.00, parents themselves determine the time of their child's stay in the kindergarten. For example, you can bring a child several times a week, this is negotiated in advance with the kindergarten manager (head). However, if the parents do not have time to pick up the child from the kindergarten on time or do not bring the baby to the kindergarten without a good reason, they will be fined. Public kindergartens are closed on weekends. Before visiting the garden, you do not need to be examined by doctors, just an application and a birth certificate are enough. Usually in English kindergartens groups of different ages, the number of children in a group is about 15 people, in private kindergartens the groups are even smaller. Each child is assigned a teacher-mentor who notes the success of the child, helps to resolve conflict situations, and monitors the behavior of the child. Basically, children are engaged in so-called free activities: they can draw, sculpt from plasticine, read and play different games. Caregivers observe and intervene as needed. Of course, there are regime moments, but there are not so many of them, mostly walking and feeding.

The premises of the kindergarten are usually small, there is always a playroom and a so-called “quiet” room where children can read, lie down on a mattress, and take a nap. There is no quiet time in our understanding. No one will specifically put children to sleep during the day. It often rains in Foggy Albion, so many kindergartens have a special terrace where children can go directly from the playrooms to get some fresh air. Kindergarten gardens usually grow flowers and vegetables. Children themselves take care of a small garden, water and process the beds. Independence and responsibility - these two qualities are instilled in children from a young age. The children themselves eat (and no one will spoon-feed and persuade), dress, wash their hands, and so on. If a child needs something, he must say it himself.

The education system is inseparable from the culture of Great Britain as a whole, which means that only native English speakers with solid experience in the field of education can organize the educational process in a kindergarten in Russia according to such a system. Therefore, I recommend a responsible approach to choosing a kindergarten where classes are held in English. The list of English (as well as multilingual) kindergartens in Moscow can be viewed

Whether to send a child to a kindergarten with English or not is a difficult question. In any case, parents will make the decision, as well as be responsible for it. But remember how important it is to balance foreign languages ​​and native Russian.

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Every country in the world has its own way of raising children. They have something in common and at the same time they are fundamentally different from each other.

Consider how little Englishmen are brought up.

In English playgrounds, you are unlikely to see young mothers. This is all because children are born here late, after a person has taken place in life: build a career, travel and just live for himself. The help of grandparents is almost never resorted to. In England, it is customary to cope on your own and sometimes take the children to their loving relatives for the weekend.

An English mother, if she does not have time to take care of a child, can hire a nanny. But this pleasure is not cheap.

There are many circles and sections for children in England. Play groups are also common there: parents take turns sitting with all the children. Not for free!

English children are early accustomed to social life: from birth they can be taken with them to parties, restaurants, cafes, guests, to work, to classes. There are all conditions for this: in each institution you can find a child's room and comfortable chairs.

Did you know that England is considered the safest country for little people? Here they have the fewest accidents.

In the first place is their spiritual upbringing of the child. All exciting topics are discussed with them and praised for every success.

The British call all children's educational institutions a school.

In the local nursery, children are taught to read, write, sing, dance, and learn the basics of etiquette.

There is a school in England called "pres school". This organization includes parents who have been selected for this position.

As soon as the child is four years old, each parent receives a special coupon from the state, which allows you to pay for the stay of children in educational institutions.

The English go to school from the age of four. The school consists of primary classes and secondary classes. If the child is studying at home, then he receives permission from the local council, which states that all the conditions for studying are met.

There are no parent meetings at the school. But everyone is given a certain time to talk with the teacher. Schools have a parent committee that cares for the well-being of the school. In particular, they earn money for her needs by organizing paid movie shows, car washing, parties, picnics and more.

If the child is guilty, then he is calmly reprimanded or put in a corner. No handshaking! English law in this matter is very precise and severe!

English parents consider strictness in raising children a blessing. Pampering is not welcome, it is believed that it spoils the child. Their relationship is cold and reserved. Once again, to show feelings of love is almost unacceptable. Little Englishmen are taught from birth that tears are a sign of weakness. If a child has fallen and hurt himself, no one will run to him to blow on the wound and calm him down. He must get up on his own, without tears, and move on.

Parents try not to interfere in the behavior of the child unless absolutely necessary. If mothers walk with children on the playgrounds, then the child is left to himself, and the parent calmly reads or chats on the phone.

In an English city, it is rare to see a young mother on the playground. At first glance, it seems that children are walking with their grandmothers. However, this is not true - in England, children are often born after 30, and often by 40. First, parents must get on their feet, buy a house, and only then you can think about having a child.

Nowadays, in an English family, as a rule, at least 3 children are born. Education "in English" does not involve using grandparents as nannies, moreover, they most often live separately from a young family. They can invite children for the weekend, but they will not agree to become nannies for their grandchildren, so the mother still acts as a nanny. Except in situations where the mother's work makes up the lion's share of the family's income. However, even non-working English mothers often hire assistants to better raise and educate their child. The more educated the nanny, the more her services cost, so not every mother can afford such assistance in education. The duties of a nanny include not only care, but also the development of a development program, based on which classes are conducted with the child. In addition, the nannies walk with the kids, go to the sections with them, in short, do not take their eyes off them. The nanny has personal time only when the child is sleeping.

In addition to babysitting, mom can hire a "Babysitter". Unlike a nanny, she looks after the child for a certain time, feeds, puts her to bed. Their duties do not include activities with the baby, unless on their own initiative. Visitors under the Au-pair program who do not have a suitable education are also very popular. These people become something like an older brother or sister, and perform tasks for moms. Their main goal is to look at England, improve the level of knowledge of the English language, coupled with studying it in and, of course, make some money.

English mothers have a huge selection of different circles and sections where they willingly enroll their children. There is also an alternative to nannies, "Babysitter" and visiting young people according to the program - game groups. In a private house, several families unite, and sit with the children in turn, or pay one mother. It is common for pregnant women attending prenatal classes to meet once a week after the birth of their children to discuss news or concerns over a cup of tea. At this time, children play toys together, and when they grow up - with each other.

Education "in English" implies that with babies from a few months they are already starting to swim, sing, exercise. English mothers are very patient. Mom can repeat to the child many times in a row what not to do, while disobedience will not cause any irritation. Parents of a newborn, starting from a few days old, take him with them to cafes, shops, etc. Children very early begin to adapt to the world around them. On the other hand, the country itself is adapted for children. From the sidewalk ramps to the changing and feeding room in every store, and the staff are always kid friendly. England is considered to be the safest country for children in Europe.

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