Choosing the most effective peeling: which peel is best for rejuvenation. Features of face peels: how to choose the best one depending on the problem

Peeling - the word characterizes a group of products and methods, the main task of which is to effectively cleanse and exfoliate dead skin particles at different levels. There are many tools and techniques, some of them are intended for use at home, others - only in salon. When choosing which peeling is better to do, a woman should take into account all contraindications, her skin type, and the presence of pronounced problems.

When choosing a method for rejuvenating and cleansing the skin, it should be borne in mind that in addition to the knowingly salon and home methods, there is a related group - the use of salon preparations (for example, acids) for peeling at home. Extreme care should be taken with such methods, as they burn out the dermis layer.

After the procedures, the skin is noticeably transformed, rejuvenated, and becomes fresher. Certain types of peels solve different problems: they help with post-acne, acne, wrinkles, age spots. But it is impossible to say unequivocally which face peeling is better, because the individual characteristics of the body greatly limit the effectiveness of this or that remedy.

What is peeling?

Useful Tips

  • Masks, gommages and scrubs can be bought at the store. It is an easy way to find safe and reliable cosmetics. Depending on the problem and the age of the skin, you should choose products with different acids (all this should be written on the package).
  • You can add pharmaceutical acid to recipes. A milk mask made from yogurt, oat bran and a few drops of lactic acid will saturate the epidermis with useful substances and eliminate wrinkles.
  • Some people wonder which face peel is better - or almond one. Both of these acids are suitable for sensitive skin and can be used by women and girls from 20-25 years old. Almond peel is ideal for summer conditions and hypersensitive epidermis - these are its main features.
  • Salicylic acid is ideal for problem skin, it is good at eliminating excess oil production, and also helps with acne. It is possible to eliminate psoriasis and seborrhea using this type of chemical peeling.
  • Retinol procedures () are the best peeling for post-acne and certain types of age spots. Retinoic exfoliation promotes rapid skin renewal and collagen production.

At home, it is important to use acids with a low concentration for exfoliation. Usually this figure should be in the region of 4-10% or slightly higher.

If you do not know which chemical peel is best to use for a particular problem, you should not trust homemade recipes. In this case, you can choose special medications at the pharmacy, or consult a beautician.

Or an enzyme?

Peeling is carried out with the help of enzymes that activate the dormant capabilities of the epidermis. Enzymatic cleansing is ideal for dry and relatively sensitive skin. It can be used both for rejuvenation and for solving other problems.

Under the influence of enzymes, collagen production is activated, the work of the immune system and the endocrine system improves. Ideal for minor dermatological problems.

If you're looking for a proven, high-quality home remedy but aren't sure which enzyme peel is best for you, try:

  • Stopproblem

High-quality Russian peeling, which has won love among professionals, contains salicylic acid and is suitable for oily skin with, but it is better not to use it on very sensitive epidermis.

  • Janssen

A German peeling consisting of clay, pineapple and papaya enzymes, suitable for all skin types.

  • GR Enzyme Peeling GIGI

An excellent Israeli remedy for oily skin. Kills bacteria and brightens a little, suitable for combating pigmentation.

When do you need hardware cleaning?

Hardware peels have a huge spectrum of action and allow you to get rid of any dermatological problems: they cleanse from impurities, remove age spots, rejuvenate, cleanse scars and scars. It is considered the most effective, costly and serious procedure.

But the choice of the device and the method of cleaning should be approached ONLY AFTER consultation with a cosmetologist and dermatologist. There are many contraindications for hardware cleaning, and choosing a specialist with insufficient experience can lead to problems.

Therefore, it is important to know the main contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • age less than 18;
  • allergy to components;
  • viral diseases;
  • acute course of a chronic disease;
  • herpes, purulent eruptions.

You should turn to hardware cosmetology only if you have serious skin problems that could not be solved in other ways. To maintain natural beauty, fight fine wrinkles and invisible scars, it is better to use mild products.

When choosing the best peeling for the face, depending on the type of epidermis, existing contraindications and problems, you need to focus on the most gentle procedures. The aggressive effect of devices and cosmetics can lead to the fact that such methods will need to be carried out more and more often due to the violation of the epidermis.

How to properly care for your face after various peels? You will learn about this from the article: "".

In cosmetology, there are various professional peels that help to make the skin younger, eliminate various dermatological problems on the face. Sometimes it is difficult to choose the right one, to understand which type of peeling is best for solving a particular ailment. What is the difference between cleansing procedures, how long does the effect last, what affects the cost?

Facial peeling - deep cleansing and resurfacing of the skin of the face, elimination of dead cells. Deep cleansing is based on the tissue's ability to regenerate. During grinding, the cells of the upper layer of the epidermis are removed, the body starts the recovery process. As a result, the cleansed areas are filled with new cells, blood supply and nutrition to the dermis are improved at all levels.

Peeling classifications

Peelings for the skin of the face are distinguished by the depth of penetration, by the method of removing non-viable cells. Each type of procedure has certain indications, only a cosmetologist can choose the best and suitable one after a thorough study of the condition of the dermis, the degree of age-related changes.

Classification of professional peels by depth of impact:

  • Superficial - it removes the uppermost layer of cells, uses various acids that are allowed in cosmetology, the most gentle and safe type of peeling. Copes well with fine wrinkles, acne, acne and age spots.
  • Cleansing of medium depth - refers to hardware procedures, starts regeneration in cells. Helps to eliminate shallow wrinkles, scars, freckles, acne and age spots, prevents aging of the dermis.
  • Deep cleaning - remove several layers of skin up to the epidermis. Such peeling can only be carried out in a hospital, since it is very painful, after which special skin care is required. The goal is to eliminate acne, scars, deep folds and fractures, to slow down the aging process.

To get rid of keratinized layers of the skin, various aggressive agents are used that dissolve dead cells - acids, abrasive preparations, enzymes, special equipment.

Classification of peels by method of carrying out:

1. Peeling with fruit acids accelerates the production of elastin and collagen fibers, the procedure is painless, suitable for dry skin. After such cleansing, the complexion improves, the skin is well moisturized, and fine wrinkles disappear. Carried out with the help of lactic, glycolic acid, extract from bitter almonds. The milk variety is selected for sensitive and dry skin, almond cleansing copes well with photoaging, glycolic has a pronounced anti-aging effect.

2. For mechanical peeling, use means based on abrasive substances, which are applied to the skin under high pressure. As a result, the upper layer of the epidermis is cut off, wrinkles are smoothed out, small scars disappear, and the skin becomes elastic.

What peelings are - types of mechanical type:

  • brossage - a mild effect on the skin with the help of special brushes, dead cells are removed, the dermis is polished;
  • gommage - a painless type of cleansing with fruit acids;
  • scrub is a popular type of peeling, which is often done at home by yourself, carried out using exfoliating drugs.

During chemical peeling, the dermis is treated with special compounds that dissolve old cells. After the procedure, the production of collagen and elastin fibers, hyaluronic acid increases. Indication - poor complexion, wrinkles and folds. Used to treat post-acne, dermatitis, and other dermatological diseases.

Chemical peels come in different depths. Surface cleaning is carried out with glycolic, retinoic, phytic acid. It belongs to the sparing species, it will take no more than 5 days to recover. Median peeling is a painful type of cleansing; trichloroacetic acid is used for it, suitable for problem skin, and fights post-acne. The degree of damage depends on the concentration of the exfoliating solution, the thickness of the removed dermis layer. Deep is the most painful and effective type of procedure. Phenol is used as an exfoliating composition; it will take at least a month to restore the skin.

Enzymatic peeling is a superficial type of cleansing with products based on enzymes - special enzymes of some plants. Suitable for dry skin, improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, normalizes the immune system, and starts the regeneration process.

Facial cleansing using a vacuum is used for skin with enlarged pores. During the procedure, all impurities are pulled out of the skin, according to reviews, after such a cleaning, a noticeable lymphatic drainage effect is observed. After vacuum cleaning, the process of rejuvenation and recovery occurs more actively due to the saturation of cells with all the necessary substances.

Hardware types of facial cleansing

Modern cosmetic technical means allow you to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin of the face, the effect of the procedure can last up to 2 years. The basis of hardware cosmetology is physical peeling, which is carried out in specialized centers.

Classification of physical types of peels:

  • Cryopilling is the most effective peeling, it is carried out using liquid nitrogen, dry ice. Under the influence of very low temperatures, a layer of skin from keratinized cells is burned, the regeneration process starts. Used for rejuvenation, as the main or additional agent for the treatment of dermatological diseases.
  • Laser peeling - under the influence of a laser, the upper layer of the epidermis is evaporated, the process of collagen production is activated. Effectively removes scars and wrinkles, circles and bags under the eyes, makes the skin youthful and healthy.
  • The methods of hardware cosmetology include various kinds of resurfacing - a procedure aimed at renewing the skin, eliminating dermatological defects. Laser resurfacing is in many ways similar to laser peeling, but the beam penetrates deeper. After cleansing, deep wrinkles and scars disappear, suitable for aging skin.
  • Microdermabrasion - mechanical cleansing of the skin using aluminum particles or diamond powder. According to women's reviews, this type of resurfacing allows you to get rid of freckles, all sorts of redness and rashes, well smoothes folds and creases of varying degrees of depth. The main advantage is the absence of allergic reactions, a short recovery period.
  • Dermabrasion - carried out using special rotating brushes. Such resurfacing allows you to smooth out fine wrinkles, the most effective peeling for rejuvenation.

How to choose the right procedure taking into account age-related changes?

Elimination of dead cells should be carried out at any age, but face peeling should be selected taking into account the degree of skin aging. A correct assessment of the condition of the skin will allow you to choose the optimal depth of exposure to exfoliating preparations.

1. Types of professional peels, taking into account the degree of skin aging:

  • Age 20-25 - during this period, age-related changes are not observed on the skin, but excessive dryness and pigmentation may appear. For young skin with minor problems, the best peeling is with fruit acids, scrub, gommage, cleansing with enzymes.
  • In women aged 25–35 years, the first shallow mimic wrinkles, age spots, keratosis begin to appear. Laser face peeling, superficial chemical exfoliation, cryopilling will help to cope with ailments.
  • At the age of 35-50, age-related changes are already clearly visible on the skin. Capillary networks appear, pigmentation, the complexion becomes dull. To solve problems, vacuum cleaning and laser resurfacing are used.
  • Women over 50 have many folds and wrinkles of varying degrees of depth on their skin, vascular networks. For rejuvenation, cosmetologists advise doing laser resurfacing and deep chemical peeling of the face.

2. Types of peels for oily skin.

Oily skin is characterized by enlarged pores, and all sorts of rashes often appear on it. This type of skin needs constant and thorough cleansing. Which peeling is better to choose to normalize the sebaceous glands, prevent the formation of acne?

  • Diamond face peeling is suitable for problem skin. Special attachments cleanse the skin from impurities, dead cells, excess sebum. The procedure helps to eliminate acne and inflammation, to prevent their occurrence in the future.
  • The coral variety combines mechanical and dry cleaning. They use formulations based on medicinal herbs, coral needles, and mineral salts. Well and deeply cleanses the skin from all kinds of impurities, polishes the upper layer of the epidermis.

3. Types of chemical peels for problem skin:

  • ADB-peeling - cleansing is carried out with formulations based on salicylic acid and special catalysts. Helps to eliminate infectious and inflammatory processes, is suitable for the treatment of acne.
  • Salicylic peeling is designed to dissolve accumulations of subcutaneous mala, eliminate sebaceous plugs, comedones. After the procedure, dry skin of the face needs intense hydration.
  • Almond cleansing - acid based on extract from bitter almonds has antibacterial properties, normalizes the sebaceous glands, narrows enlarged pores.

Peeling cost

The price of face peeling depends on the type of procedure, the degree of age-related changes, the location of the clinic, and the qualifications of the cosmetologist.

Professional peels should be done regularly for every woman, starting from the age of 20. According to reviews, exfoliating procedures have a noticeable rejuvenating effect, helping to eliminate various skin imperfections.

Gels, serums, masks and powders are a wide variety of acid products for home use.

A dull complexion, uneven skin surface, fine wrinkles are just a few indications to include peeling in your beauty diet. Below are the products that have earned our trust.

Ultra Gentle Exfoliating Gel by Ultraceuticals

Multifunctional gel for cleansing and tightening pores and moisturizing the skin. Can be applied to both face and body. Although the product contains lactic and salicylic acids, there are no large abrasive particles. Small microspheres are felt on the skin, which gently exfoliate it without severely damaging the epidermis. The gel does not dry the skin, as it contains glycerin, bisabolol to relieve irritation and eucalyptus oil for disinfection. Suitable for all skin types, especially oily and inflamed skin. Since the product does not injure the skin too much, you can use it from one to four times a week, but it is better to limit yourself to three.

Dermalogica Multivitamin Thermafoliant

Not so gentle, but very effective peeling based on the same lactic and salicylic acids. Vitamins in large quantities, antioxidants and herbal extracts became a bonus. The texture of the product resembles a thick paste interspersed with small granules of magnesium oxide, which also absorbs fat well. He was accompanied by extracts of licorice root, white tea and soy - not just antioxidants, but also stimulants of collagen synthesis. Peeling can be used on dry or damp skin. We recommend dry, the result is beyond praise. When in contact with the surface of the face, the peeling gives a slight warming effect. Therefore, it is better for people who have inflammatory elements to refrain from using it. Everyone else - take note.

Givenchy Hydra Sparkling One-minute Glow Powder Daily Micropeeling

Peeling in the form of powder is an interesting idea in itself. Unsurprisingly, it was developed by the Koreans. The texture of the product resembles a powder; upon contact with water, it dissolves, turning into a delicate foam. Each particle of powder is a microgranule with active substances: salicylic, glycolic and hyaluronic acids, hydrolyzed protein (the latter two are for moisturizing). Micro peeling is very economical (although it is recommended for daily use) and is suitable for sensitive skin. Instructions for use: Take a little powder in the palm of your hand, dilute with water, apply on face and massage with your fingertips for one minute, then rinse with warm water. The result is a healthy glow, clear pores and smoother skin.

Pure Ritual Peel Black by Helena Rubinstein

Peeling Helena Rubinstein works in two directions at once: exfoliates and nourishes. A black, viscous product with fine shimmery particles, when applied to dry skin, it gradually turns into oil. After a light massage, you need to add a little water, and then the oil will foam. It contains extracts of black and white rice, nourishing oils, black tea, which removes toxins, and powder from black volcanic stone, which acts as a scrub. Immediately after use, the skin may turn slightly red, but the effect is worth it: the skin will be smoother, healthier, without blackheads.

Over-Night Biological Peel from Kiehl "s

An easy-to-use exfoliating gel peel: Apply at night (in a thin layer to prevent sticking to bedding) and rinse off in the morning. The role of acids in the product is played by plant and synthetic ingredients. Hepes (Hydroxyethylpiperazine Ethane Sulfonic Acid) is an effective alternative to glycolic acid that gently exfoliates and softens the skin. Urea in the composition accelerates the process of skin renewal and promotes the exfoliation of dead cells. It is recommended to use the tool no more than three times a week.

Herb Clear Gel Pure by Cefine

Peeling roll for washing without fruit acids and abrasive particles. Its main ingredient is polyglutamic acid, derived from soybean extract. Gently exfoliates dead skin scales and helps maintain hyaluronic acid levels. It also contains many moisturizing, antioxidant and soothing ingredients: vitamins C and E, lavender oil, yarrow extract and Chinese tea leaf extract. The product should be massaged on the face until it forms a kind of pellets and literally rolls off the skin.

Resurfacing Glycolic Pads by Malin + Goetz

This is not a peeling in the classical sense of the word, but rather an irreplaceable know-how in the form of 50 thin discs in a jar. Each of them is impregnated with 10% glycolic acid, the main purpose of which is to lighten pigmentation and post-acne marks, smooth out skin relief and exfoliate. It may tingle a little, but for acidic products this is absolutely normal. After 20 minutes after application, you can wash your face and apply on top of your usual day or night care.

Overnight Peel by Derma E

Night peeling cream for beginners in this business - the product contains a 5% mix of glycolic, lactic and malic acids. This concentration is enough to keep young skin in good condition: this peeling helps keep pores in order and erases youthful acne marks. There is no particular burning sensation after application, does not create a sticky film, you can use it once or twice a week. Well suited for the cold season.

Top Secrets Gommage Action Biologique by YSL

Peeling with honey texture and golden shimmer does not contain abrasive particles. On contact with the skin, the peeling turns into a light oil, and then into milk. Gold particles dissolve completely without remaining on the face. The product contains vegetable sugar, oils and yeast extract, which atraumatically exfoliate, nourish and stimulate collagen production. One of the main components is the extract of the bark of the Enanthia Chloranta tree, which is rich in berberine, a substance that soothes all sorts of redness and moisturizes dry skin. With long-term use, the pores are really narrowed, and the complexion is evened out.

Resurfacing Peel Mask by Anne Semonin

Purifying and regenerating mask with triple peeling - chemical (AHA acids and fruit acids from sea extracts), mechanical (abrasive silicon particles) and biological (enzymes). The exfoliating granules are very small and soft and therefore harmless for sensitive or mature skin with loss of tone. Plus they get lost in the creamy texture of the mask. The mask should be applied for two to three minutes. An excellent alternative to professional care when there is no time to go to beauty salons.

Facial peeling is the most popular and affordable procedure aimed at cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. The technique is considered basic care and is recommended for almost any woman over 18 years of age. As a result of exfoliation, the face acquires an even tone, smoothness and radiance, the relief is leveled, and the elasticity of the tissues increases. For young girls, the procedure helps get rid of acne and post-acne, reduces sebum secretion, and tightens pores.

What is face peeling for?

Skin exfoliation is one of the five most effective and popular procedures in aesthetic cosmetology today. The prevalence of the technique is explained by the availability, ease of implementation, low price and excellent results.

Any type of exfoliation will thin the dermis layer and facilitate access to deeper levels, making exfoliation ideal for preparing for more complex procedures.

In addition, exfoliation activates the production of collagen and elastin, accelerates tissue regeneration, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin. Removing the upper or middle layers of the dermis helps to get rid of comedones, age spots, scars and scars, whitens and refreshes the face. The correct selection of exfoliants can solve many problems of both oily youthful and dry aging skin.

And if the use of superficial peels, sufficient to moisturize and cleanse the young dermis, requires only adherence to the protocol and high-quality preparations, then the middle, and even more deep exfoliation, require an individual approach. The competent use of such peelings allows you to achieve a real anti-age effect, comparable to plastics.

Pros and cons of the procedure, how is it useful and when it can be harmful

Since ancient times, women have tried to restore beauty and youth in all sorts of ways - they burned the skin with vinegar or acid solutions, scraped the dermis layer with special spoons with sharp edges and did a lot of other traumatic and painful procedures. As a result, many patients of beauty clinics, instead of rejuvenation, acquired a permanently disfigured face.

Removing the top layer of the skin became safe and effective only after doctors learned to control the depth of exposure and prevent the development of complications.

So, what is the use of peeling and what problems it solves:

  • acne I-II degree;
  • initial signs of aging (expression lines, tissue flaccidity, dull complexion);
  • uneven terrain;
  • pigmented formations (spots, melasma, post-traumatic pigmentation);
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, solar keratosis);
  • rosacea and rosacea;
  • oily dermis with comedones, enlarged pores;
  • stagnant spots, post-acne, scars and scars.

All types of exfoliation are performed in a course of 4-10 sessions with an interval between them from 7 to 28 days. As for the age range, some peels, if indicated, can be done from the age of 18.

Despite its great properties, exfoliation is not for everyone. For women with dark skin, the procedure will bring harm rather than benefit. Women with allergic, sensitive dermis and those who are planning a pregnancy should be more careful about exfoliation.

The disadvantages include the seasonality of exfoliation. Most exfoliation is prohibited in the spring and summer, when solar activity is at its highest. The procedure will not help with pronounced age-related changes (ptosis, double chin, large excess skin).

What are the contraindications

When going for peeling, even the most gentle and superficial, one should remember about the warnings. This will help to avoid side reactions and get the best effect from the manipulation.

General contraindications for all types of peeling:

  • open wounds in the treatment area;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • fresh tan;
  • oncology;
  • neurological diseases (epilepsy);
  • predisposition to scarring;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the exfoliant;
  • herpes virus in the acute stage;
  • demodicosis;
  • fever.

When going to, pay attention to the condition of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system. The procedure is very traumatic, therefore it is recommended to undergo a full medical examination in advance.

Classification of peels by the depth of impact

In cosmetology, all exfoliation is usually grouped according to the depth of impact.


This is the safest and least traumatic type of exfoliation. Superficial facial peeling works at the level of the stratum corneum and granular layers of the epidermis. It is carried out with the help of fruit acids (almond, lactic, glycolic), salicylic and retinoic enzymes.

Superficial exfoliation is suitable for young skin with few problems requiring cleansing and moisturizing.

The procedure can be carried out both by a beautician and at home, depending on the concentration of the active substance. For a persistent and long-term effect, several procedures are required.


Mid-exfoliation affects the granular, prickly and basal layers of the epidermis. Causes profuse flaking and redness of the skin, requires a recovery period. The procedure is performed only in a beauty salon according to indications.

Peeling is recommended to combat age-related changes in the initial stage, eliminates pigmentation, acne and acne, reduces the severity of scars and post-acne. It is used in preparation for surgical plastic. Do a median exfoliation with trichloroacetic acid (TCA), Jessner peeling and 30% salicylic acid.


The most traumatic and painful type of exfoliation. It reaches the hypodermis, it is performed using chemical compositions or hardware techniques.

The procedure is carried out only in a hospital under general anesthesia and in the presence of an anesthesiologist. It features a long rehabilitation period and many side reactions and contraindications.

Deep peeling is indicated for serious age-related changes and is a good alternative to surgery. The effect of its use lasts for several years.

TCA in 30% concentration are also prominent representatives of this group.

Popular types of facial peeling in cosmetology

Today there are many options for facial peeling - acid exfoliation, hardware exfoliation, mechanical dermabrasion. The most popular is the chemical technique, since the manipulation does not require expensive equipment, is affordable and can be easily performed at home.

Recently, representatives of the stronger sex are increasingly resorting to the procedure for cleansing the skin. The most masculine types of exfoliation are: Jessner peels, salicylic, retinoic (yellow) and mechanical peels.


The softest and most gentle exfoliation. Suitable for young ladies with delicate, sensitive skin. Perfectly cleanses the face, reduces oiliness, tightens pores, and has an antibacterial effect.

Almond peeling is all-season, practically does not peel and does not require a recovery period. It is often used to prepare the skin for medium or deep exfoliation.


Another summer face cleaning option. The main purpose of the peeling is to moisturize and increase the elasticity of the skin. Suitable for dry, sensitive and dehydrated dermis with the first signs of aging.

Lactic acid is commonly used in combination with other chemical enzymes.


It is used in various concentrations. Moreover, the richer the composition of the peeling, the more serious problems the procedure can solve.

Exfoliant 30% is required for girls with oily skin, blackheads and post-acne. A solution of 70% has a more significant effect on the dermis - it removes mimic wrinkles and pigmentation, moisturizes and rejuvenates, copes with stagnant spots and scars.


Refers to median exposure procedures. Recommended for oily problematic dermis with acne, blackheads and post-acne.

Salicylic acid is able to penetrate into the mouths of the sebaceous glands, accumulate in them and prevent further acne breakouts. In addition, the exfoliant perfectly disinfects the skin, destroys bacteria, relieves inflammation and dries out.


Yellow peeling is indicated for sluggish and aging skin, pigmentation, post-acne, acne. Retinoic acid accelerates cell regeneration, improves complexion, whitens and evens out tone.

The recovery period after the procedure lasts 5-7 days. The effect of renewal and rejuvenation lasts up to 4 months, but you should be careful with this peeling - the exfoliant often causes allergies and dries the skin.

TCA peeling

Trichloroacetic acid exfoliation is performed in the salon only. A low concentration (10-15%) of the solution affects the upper layers of the epidermis, a more saturated enzyme (25-30%) is used for middle exfoliation.

TCA peeling is performed with a decrease in the elasticity and tone of the dermis, the appearance of the first wrinkles in the forehead and mouth, and excess skin. The procedure brightens and evens out the tone, gets rid of freckles and age spots.

The recovery period after exposure to trichloroacetic acid lasts at least a month.

The combined exfoliant, consisting of salicylic and lactic acids with the addition of resorcinol, penetrates deep into the dermis and has a moisturizing and pronounced antiseptic effect. The procedure perfectly rejuvenates and regenerates tissues.

Peeling causes severe flaking and redness of the skin. This should be taken into account when going to the procedure. It will be very difficult to hide such flaws.


The technique gently exfoliates the epidermis, does not cause irritation and does not require long-term rehabilitation. Cleaning is carried out with a special mixture of abrasive and vitamins, sprayed onto the face under high pressure.

Peeling perfectly cleanses pores, knocking out sebaceous plugs from them, moisturizes and saturates tissues with oxygen.


Ultrasonic exfoliation is performed with a special apparatus - a scraper. The device, sending waves, not only cleanses the skin from pollution, but also has a massage effect on the deep layers of the dermis. As a result, blood circulation improves, the elimination of toxins and toxins is accelerated, and collagen production is activated.

Peeling does not require long-term recovery. Usually all traces of manipulation disappear the next day.

Laser (carbon)

In this method of cleansing, a composition based on a carboxylic acid is applied to the face, which is then heated with a laser. The result is intense tissue detoxification.

Before the procedure, make sure that you are not allergic to carbon, otherwise peeling can lead to unpredictable consequences.


Diamond resurfacing or microdermabrasion helps to get rid of small wrinkles, age spots, acne and scars. Gentle exfoliation of the stratum corneum does not damage the skin and is considered one of the safest mechanical peels.

Rare species

In addition to the well-known and popular techniques, there are also less common types of exfoliation.

Face peeling with Achatina snails

Skin peeling with snails belongs to the category of rare, so-called live peels. The procedure has a triple effect: cleanses, tightens and improves blood circulation. Crawling across the face, Achatina eat dead cells, massage the dermis and saturate the tissues with nutrients. You can rejuvenate in this way not only in the salon, but also at home.


The oxygen exfoliation system is considered one of the best rejuvenation techniques in the world. After the first procedure, the skin is moisturized, brightened and visibly tightened. The released oxygen destroys many bacteria, improves tissue metabolism and enhances local immunity.


Peptide peeling has a pronounced rejuvenating effect on the skin and is especially recommended for women over 35-40 years of age. The procedure causes cell renewal in all layers of the dermis, increases the firmness and elasticity of tissues, and corrects the oval of the face.


Brazilian peeling refers to mechanical cleaning. The procedure is performed with a composition of coral powder, essential oils, Dead Sea salts and a herbal mixture that has medicinal properties.

Exfoliation does not cause allergies and irritation, and is well tolerated by women with thin and sensitive skin.


Alkaline exfoliants are suitable for ladies with delicate dermis that does not tolerate the aggressive effects of acids. The procedure works especially well on sensitive skin with rosacea. After applying the drug, the fat is quickly saponified, as a result of which the keratinous layer of cells is evenly destroyed without injuring the tissues below.

Selection of the type of peeling taking into account age, skin type and existing problems

The choice of a cleansing procedure depends on the age of the woman, the condition of the dermis and the goals pursued. For example, up to 25 years old, soft peels are more suitable - almond, enzyme or salicylic. As you approach your 30s, look for glycolic, retinoic, or TCA. After 40 years, peeling with 30% trichloroacetic acid or phenolic is indicated.

If you approach the choice of exfoliants from the point of view of the skin, then fruit exfoliation is more suitable for oily and problematic dermis, and an aging, lethargic and tired face will be delighted with glycolic peeling. Well, almond and milk procedures are the ideal choice for any occasion.

Top best professional face peels

Today there is a huge variety of all kinds of exfoliants, in which it is not surprising to get confused. To facilitate the choice and navigate the drugs, we will compile a rating of the most effective and popular.

Exfoliant namePeculiaritiesCost, rub. for January 2018Instant lifting Promoitalia PQAge (Picewage)The procedure is aimed at biorevitalization of the face, neck and décolleté. Gently exfoliates, deeply moisturizes and regenerates the dermis.Bottle 3 ml - 5200 rubles.Exfoliant Jojoba Jojoba Peeling Cream Dr. SpillerProfessional peeling cream for any skin, including sensitive. Reduces sebum secretion, improves blood circulation, rejuvenates.A bottle of 50 ml - 2400 rubles.Exfoliant cranberry for mature skin Bark New LineThe drug corrects age-related changes, eliminates signs of photoaging and hyperkeratosis.Bottle 100 ml - 1169 rubles.Exfoliant raspberry for oily skin Bark New LineThe peeling is specially designed for problem skin prone to acne. Evens out tone, normalizes sebum secretion, reduces the severity of wrinkles, has an antibacterial effect.Bottle 100 ml - 1059 rubles.Nightly micro-peel, Kiehl's Nightly refining micro-peel concentrateEvens out the relief, is well absorbed, brightens and refreshes the face. Not suitable for sensitive skin.Bottle 150 ml - 4130 rubles.Gel-peeling C-Infusion from DermaQuestAll-season exfoliant with vitamin C and a pronounced lifting effect. Recommended for aging dermis, ideal for men's skin care as a shaving gel.Bottle 473 ml - 7193 rubles.DermaQuest Pumpkin Pulp ExfoliantThe drug is designed for oily and combined dermis. Cleans, dissolves blackheads and sebaceous plugs, eliminates acne, and has a sebum-regulating effect.Bottle 118 ml - 15,670 rubles.Bio Phyto Peeling Enriched by ChristinaHerbal mask with multidimensional effects. It has a cosmetic and therapeutic effect. Improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, saturates tissues with oxygen, enhances the effect of other agents.Bottle 150 ml - 6764 rubles.

We have reviewed the newest and most interesting modern peels. They should be done in the salon, since many require neutralization. When used independently, it is desirable to have the skills of practical cosmetology or have at least a little experience in carrying out such manipulations.

Skin care after the procedure

Facial care after superficial and medium peelings is basically the same. In the first days, it is necessary to actively moisturize and protect the irritated dermis, protect it from sunlight, wind and frost.

When performing post-peeling care at home, be sure to follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist. This will reduce the risk of side effects and improve the outcome.

The universal method of restoration includes the application of a regulating and anti-inflammatory cream 2-3 times a day, as well as the daily application of moisturizing and nourishing masks. They can be purchased at a specialty store, or you can make your own.

From professional post-peeling care products, it is recommended to try the Deeply moisturizing cream-mask from New Line, Lipacid masks from GIGI and Rose de Mer Peel & Renew from Christina.

Homemade moisturizing masks made from mashed banana with grape seed oil or a solution of vitamins E and A give a good recovery effect. A mixture of fresh cottage cheese and yolk quickly restores tissue hydrobalance. This composition perfectly soothes irritated dermis and relieves inflammation.

For washing, you can use ordinary, slightly acidified water or an infusion of medicinal herbs.

The best homemade facial peeling recipes based on age and skin type

At home, acid or mechanical peels are most often performed. Solutions for their implementation can be bought at a pharmacy or specialty store. Well, the most careful can use natural peels based on folk remedies. The result from their use will, of course, not be as pronounced as from salon exfoliation, but homemade mixtures are harmless and suitable even for pregnant women.

Use a mulberry mitt for additional skin treatment between peels. Such a mitten will not only cleanse the face of dirt and peels, but will also give it a light massage.

Dry skin

For dehydrated and sensitive dermis, a rice peel is suitable. This procedure has long been included in the spa treatment of all oriental women. To prepare the mask, combine rice powder with honey and ground oatmeal. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to a previously steamed face. Massage gently using a peeling mitt. Wash off the composition after 20 minutes.

To enhance the effect, substitute semolina or sugar for the oatmeal.

For a young dry type dermis, the two-phase NovAge acid complex from Oriflame is ideal.

Oily skin

Berry peels work well on oily skin. They perfectly remove grease, tighten and cleanse pores.

Any sour fruits are suitable for the mask - raspberries, lingonberries, strawberries, cherries. Mash them until puree and apply a thick layer over your face. After 15–20 minutes, massage your skin and wash yourself.

A mixture of salt and soda in equal parts will help get rid of blackheads. Apply the composition to your face and thoroughly massage problem areas - forehead, wings of the nose, chin. Rinse off with cool, acidified water.

Combined type

This type of skin reacts well to masks made from fermented milk products. Pour yogurt or kefir into a bowl, moisten gauze in the liquid and apply a compress on your face. Wash your face after 10 minutes.

It cleans well the combined dermis peeling-roll of calcium chloride. Apply the injection solution to the skin and cover with soapy water. Massage the mixture until pellets appear, rinse. Use a moisturizer after the procedure.

Problem skin

To eliminate inflammation, reduce pustules and accelerate tissue healing, use pearl peeling with aloe juice. Combine the ingredients in equal parts and apply to face. Shake off or wash off the dried composition.

It will relieve stagnant spots and post-acne marks, mixed with hydrogen peroxide or cream (for sensitive dermis).

After 30 years

At this age, the first wrinkles appear, the skin loses moisture and elasticity. Cinnamon will help improve blood circulation and nutrition in the tissues.

To prepare the peeling, take:

  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • cinnamon powder - ½ tsp;
  • kefir - 2 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and apply a thick layer on the face. Massage, wash after 20 minutes.

For dry and sensitive dermis, replace kefir with sour cream or cream.

After 40 years

It is at this age that a woman begins to feel the influence of hormones. The skin becomes dry and thin, covered with a network of wrinkles. A honey scrub will help improve blood circulation in tissues and nourish them. Massage your face with a clean product or mix a sweet product with sleeping coffee.

After 45 years

Mature skin becomes more and more flabby and lethargic, loses its tone and sags. Peeling from coffee grounds with sour cream or cream in a 1: 1 ratio can restore elasticity and moisturize tissues. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply on the face, rub gently. Leave on for 5-10 minutes, wash.

After 50 years

At this age, the dermis needs not only enhanced nutrition and hydration, but also careful handling, so exfoliating products should be soft, and movements should be gentle and calm. For the best effect, steam bath before exfoliation.

Recipes for mature skin scrubs:

  1. Butter-sugar - Mix a spoonful of sugar with almond or sea buckthorn oil.
  2. Apricot Salt Scrub - Add apricot kernel oil and a few drops of vitamin E to the crushed sea salt.

Do not apply the scrub to the area around the eyes, avoid massaging moles and warts. Prepare fresh formulation before each use.

Answers on questions

How often can you have a face peel done by a beautician and at home?

The frequency of use of professional products is determined by a specialist, based on the depth of penetration of the formulations and the condition of the patient's skin. In general, acid exfoliation is carried out with a course of no more than once every 12 months.

At home, the frequency of cleaning depends on the type of skin:

  • dry - no more than 1 time in 10-14 days;
  • oily and mixed - every 5-7 days;
  • normal - once a week.

In any case, you should not get too carried away with cleansing procedures. You can dry out the dermis, leading to irritation and inflammation.

Which peel is suitable for the skin around the eyes?

The area around the eyes is the most vulnerable area on the face, so the usual peeling on the eyelids and infraorbital area is not applied. For this purpose, special means have been developed, for example, the Italian exfoliant ENERPEEL EL. The product is hypoallergenic, perfectly increases the elasticity of the epidermis, rejuvenates and moisturizes.

What time of the year can you have a chemical face peel done by a beautician?

After exfoliation, especially acidic, the skin becomes susceptible to ultraviolet light, so they try to perform the procedure in winter. But there are a number of all-season peels that can be performed throughout the year - these are almond, milk and alkaline exfoliation, snail peeling. The only condition is that post-peeling care must include sunscreens.

What is the best face peeling after 45 years?

At this age, the withering of tissues can no longer be hidden with cosmetics. Only deep exfoliation - laser resurfacing or peeling with carbolic acid - can help tired and lost skin tone. The last method is the most effective, but it has many contraindications.

Advise effective face peeling without flaking skin

Usually soft surface exfoliation - glycolic, milk, almond - does not cause peeling. Alkaline action and cleansing of the face with Achatina passes without a trace.

Face care


06.10.14 14:36

Many women reasonably believe that without understanding the basics of chemical peeling, going for a consultation with a beautician, you can sign up for an expensive, but absolutely useless procedure. In fact, having received basic knowledge of the purpose and technique of manipulation, it is very easy to find out which chemical peel is better suitable for solving a specific problem or improving the general condition of the skin.

Which chemical peel is better: choosing a procedure

The choice of procedure according to the depth of the effect of chemical peeling

First of all, it is necessary to determine the required depth of impact. This indicator depends on the patient's age, individual characteristics of the epidermis, skin type, the presence of specific problems and contraindications.

By the depth of the impact, they are distinguished:

- recommended for women under the age of 30. With this variant of face cleansing, keratinized cells are exfoliated from the surface of the skin, getting rid of dirt, and a number of cosmetic problems. With regular exposure, the pores are cleansed, the blood supply to the tissues is normalized, the number of blackheads and comedones is reduced. The result of the procedure is clear velvety skin without signs of grease, fine wrinkles and irregularities.

Basically, formulations for such a peel include fruit acids and additional emollient components. The procedure can be performed in a beauty salon or at home. The whole process takes no more than half an hour. In order to refresh and cleanse healthy skin, superficial chemical peeling is enough to carry out 1-3 times. If there is a need to get rid of plentiful acne or lighten age spots, the course can consist of 10-12 sessions. With proper care, the cleaning result can last up to three months.

Advantages of surface cleaning: availability, versatility, short session time, no recovery period or its easy course.

Cons: weak effect in comparison with a deeper effect, the need to go through a cycle of procedures to obtain a lasting effect.

- it is recommended to obtain a rejuvenating effect after 30 years and to solve a number of cosmetic problems at an earlier age. Such cleaning affects not only keratinized cells, but also the middle layers of the skin. The procedure allows you to reduce the severity of wrinkles, smooth out roughness, lighten age spots and narrow deformed pores.

The purpose of peeling is not only to dissolve and eliminate the keratinized layers of the epidermis, but also to stimulate tissue processes through deep hydration, improve cell regeneration, normalize metabolism and blood circulation.

Most often, a median chemical peel is carried out with formulations based on salicylic, retinoic or trichloroacetic acid. Enzyme peeling with the addition of fruit acids and herbal ingredients for a more pronounced effect is no less popular. The session may be accompanied by mild pain, anesthesia is not provided.

Advantages of mid-cleaning: it is possible to smooth out superficial and moderate wrinkles, even out skin color. The effect is quite long lasting - up to a year. The full course of treatment includes 2-3 procedures, which are carried out at significant intervals.

Cons: The procedure can be quite painful. The post-peeling period is accompanied by discomfort, facial flushing, and peeling. Impossible to carry out at home.

Aggressive, traumatic procedure with the most effective results. After the session, the face looks 15-20 years younger. The event is carried out only for clear indications, it can cause a number of complications and side effects.

The session requires a preliminary examination of the patient in order to identify contraindications. The recovery period can be up to six months. The cleaning process is accompanied by a strong burning sensation and pain, therefore, it is carried out under general or local anesthesia.

For the event, phenol (carbolic acid) is used, a substance that is highly toxic. is considered an alternative to plastic surgery, because as a result of a chemical burn, all old tissue is destroyed, which is replaced by a completely renewed skin.

Advantages of deep cleaning: the highest efficiency, the need for only one session, the effect lasts for several years. Eliminates not only wrinkles, but also scars.

Cons: many contraindications and side effects, high toxicity of the drug. Long and painful rehabilitation period.

If we take into account all the pros and cons of the listed exposure options, answering the question of which chemical peel is better, it becomes clear that the best option is one that is suitable for age and type of problem. It makes no sense to carry out an aggressive deep procedure if you need to improve the complexion. At the same time, superficial exposure will not get rid of wrinkles and scars.

Popular types of chemical peels, benefits of sessions

It is difficult to unequivocally indicate which chemical peel is better. Each cleaning option has its own characteristics and advantages. Below are the most popular types of dry face cleaning carried out in beauty salons.

An excellent treatment option for dry and sensitive skin. The procedure is simple and affordable. Can be done in the salon or at home. The purpose of milk peeling is to remove dead skin cells, cleanse the surface of the skin, restore the freshness of the face, and its even healthy color. The formulations moisturize the tissues, normalize the acidity on the skin surface.

The procedure involves the use of concentrated lactic acid or natural ingredients based on it.

Many milk peels work according to the rolling or gommage principle. And this is the main feature of the procedure. Some patients claim that as a result of peeling, they do not form pellets, because the acid is too weak. But such a result is also possible if a woman is trying to cleanse normal skin that does not require dry cleaning.

This type of cleaning can be both superficial and medium. At home, it is not recommended to use salicylic acid, whose concentration exceeds 5%. In salons, 15% acid is used for surface cleaning, and 30% acid for medium cleaning.

The component well dissolves sebaceous plugs and unclogs pores, has a bactericidal effect. greatly facilitates the care of problem skin, improves its appearance, reduces the risk of inflammation and acne.

First of all, this procedure is intended to improve the condition of aging skin. You can use the formulations to cleanse the young epidermis, high fat content. At home, sessions are not carried out. After the salon intervention, the face gets rid of age spots, fine wrinkles, age-related acne, and an unhealthy complexion.

Most experts, when answering the question of which chemical peel is better in terms of medium impact, points to cleansing with trichloroacetic acid. Despite the fact that for a week after the procedure, the skin of the face does not acquire the most aesthetic appearance, the result exceeds all expectations. The effects of acne and comedones disappear, the tone and relief of the epidermis are leveled, deformed pores are narrowed, the skin becomes cleaner, softer and younger.

The main factor of a positive result in conducting is the professionalism of the doctor. Negative reviews on manipulation are most often based on a specialist's violation of the peeling technique.

Which chemical peel is better - home or salon

It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, because these are two completely different approaches to cleaning. Some women only trust doctors, others prefer safer, home care options.

It is foolish to deny that salon peeling is much more effective, its result is more pronounced and lasting. But professional procedures are much more expensive, take more time, and often require preliminary preparation and special skin care after the session.

The main plus in home peels is safety. Manipulations are carried out with ready-made products or self-prepared mixtures of natural ingredients. At home, you can even create means to instantly improve the condition of the epidermis, after using which, you can immediately go outside.

Which chemical peel is best done at home

Even in home procedures, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. It also has its own characteristics and rules. The main component used in home peels is fruit acids. Unlike salon procedures, it is better to use products for self-preparation of mixtures, rather than concentrated ready-made substances.

Fruit or ANA acids are very easy to find. They are found in a number of foods: vegetables, fruits, sour milk, almonds, old wine, berries, sugarcane.

Home peels are not universal! Each type of epidermis requires a special approach. For dry and sensitive, soft gommages and rolls are best suited, for normal, combined and oily - peels, scrubs. There are a lot of recipes for preparing formulations. They differ in the type of impact, the presence of additional positive functions. Even a simple application of berry juice to the skin is a fairly effective form of superficial chemical peeling.

The main rule of thumb when using home cleansers is not to overuse the sessions. This can lead to thinning of tissues, their drying out and a decrease in the protective functions of the epidermis.