Remove old grease stains. Do not know how to remove old grease stains from clothes at home? Proven methods will help

A good thing, but a speck on it? What to do? How to remove a greasy stain from clothes or trousers? The first thing to do is to determine the type of pollution, that is, with what we managed to decorate ourselves.

What kind of greasy stain on clothes have we “rewarded” ourselves with?

In the future, this will help to remove it with the least loss. Or maybe even no loss at all.

Remove fresh traces of fat

It is clear that fresh pollution is washed off much better. Therefore, much depends on how quickly we begin to act. Involuntarily, the legendary phrase from your favorite movie comes to mind: “We urgently need to sprinkle with salt. Take off your dress!" But there is also a hint that it is not always necessary to rush to wash, there are other ways. And although, unlike the heroes of Office Romance, we are not thinking about a trace of wine, but about how to remove a greasy stain on clothes, salt will also come in handy.

  1. SALT
    Salt is universal. With its help, you can easily remove any pollution without much effort. It is impossible to only remove old or stale dirt after washing.
    Sprinkle a pinch of salt on grease stains from clothes. Gently rub in so that the salt is saturated with fat. Repeat these steps, replacing the salt with pure salt, until all the fat is absorbed completely and disappears. Then remove the grease stains in the machine or by hand in the usual way.
    It works great on dishes. But how to get rid of grease stains on clothes with it? A stain on a T-shirt, on pants and other things is easily removed with just a drop of detergent. True, if the place of pollution is large, more than one drop will be required. Hold for a few minutes and rinse with hot water. Then wash the item.
    It is quite possible to remove a stain from oil and mulberry from clothes with the help of ammonia: this tool helps in many other cases, for this, 1.5-2 tsp are added to a glass of warm water. alcohol. A cotton swab is wetted and the problem area is lubricated. You can finally reduce the fat by ironing the product through a cotton cloth with a warm iron.

    How to remove vegetable oil stains from clothes without washing? Rub in starch and wait 5-15 minutes. Repeat until the oil stain is gone from the clothes.

    Mustard can help too. Before removing a greasy stain from jeans and colored items, dry mustard is diluted with warm water to the density of sour cream and applied to clothes for half an hour. Then the product must be washed. Complete removal of greasy stains, if they have had time to dry out or are completely old, with the help of mustard will come if it is heated.
    Many bachelors know how to remove an oil stain on trousers quickly and without consequences. For them, removing dirt is not a problem if they use shaving foam. Foam is rubbed into a contaminated place, and after 5 minutes the clothes are washed with ordinary powder. And the greasy stain on the jeans is gone!
    And chalk powder will help remove the old greasy stain from light-colored clothes and not leave a yellow coating. It is crushed and carefully distributed. Leave on clothes for at least 2 hours. You can remove the powder with a cloth soaked in warm water. Now the thing can be washed.
    Another way to remove oil stains from light-colored clothes. This method is more suitable for wool products. Spread talc or powder on the problem area. Cover with tracing paper, iron with a warm iron. To completely remove fat, press down on clothes with a heavy object at night.

    You can also remove old grease stains from clothes with blotting paper and a warm iron. Line the clothes with paper, top and bottom. Iron with an iron. If you can’t get rid of it right away, remove the paper, change it to a new one, and repeat the procedure.

    But how to remove an oil stain from clothes with laundry soap? There are 2 ways:
    - just lather the problem area well and leave for a day. Soak and wash the thing in the morning; if the dirt is not removed, repeat the procedure.
    - and the second way is more aggressive. We lather. After a day, wash the thing, lather it again, rub it with sugar and rub it with a brush.
    How to remove traces of mulberry and blots? To do this, you need a simple boiling water. Water the problematic place with a stream of hot water acidified with vinegar. This method is only for natural fabric products.
    Even with the help of a crumb of bread, you can wash off a greasy stain on jeans. Bread pressing down to dirt on jeans. Then dilute the detergent in warm water and wash.

Get rid of old contaminants

That's not the task. The seasonal wardrobe change came as a surprise. Oily contamination came from somewhere. And by the looks of it, he's been around for a few months now. How to remove old grease stains?

    You can wash off an old greasy stain in boiling water with the addition of half a glass of salt. Grease is absorbed by the salt. After that, things need to be washed with ordinary powder.
    You can remove an old greasy stain from a T-shirt without streaks and a trace with turpentine. First, a cotton swab dipped in it should be drawn along the border of the “problem”. And then, they remove it with movements from the center of pollution, to the edges.
    A few drops of glycerin will remove an old oil stain if you moisten the item with them for just 30 minutes. Then remove the glycerin with a clean cloth.
    How can I remove old greasy marks on the carpet? Wood chips soaked in refined gasoline will do. They need to be sprinkled on the carpet and wait until they dry. We get rid of sawdust with a vacuum cleaner.


It is important that we are not only concerned with how to remove grease stains from clothes, but also not to choose products that are too aggressive so that things remain intact. And here's some more useful information.

  • It is desirable to have something that can remove oil contamination from clothes, that is, a suitable tool: cotton swabs, napkins, brushes, cotton rags.
  • First, with a weaker solution, check how the oil stain can be removed with it. If possible, use a more concentrated solution.
  • Removes dirt from both front and back.

Grease stains are reluctant to leave any surface. Especially when it comes to fabric. You can get rid of them with the help of special chemicals or folk remedies. How to remove a greasy stain planted on clothes, even our ancestors thought. They came up with a lot of proven methods that we use with great pleasure today.

Read this article:

Basic Rules

Greasy contaminants can be identified by fuzzy, blurry contours. However, they also appear on the wrong side of the product. If the stain is fresh, then it is much easier to remove it with a detergent. Old fat is washed off with great difficulty and will require the greatest effort.

Before you start removing such dirt, you need to carefully process it:

  1. First, all dust is cleaned with a dry brush;
  2. Next, the affected area is treated with a damp brush or cloth.

All these manipulations are desirable to be carried out from the inside out. And only then you can start cleaning, having previously tried the product on a small piece of cloth.

Slightly concentrated solutions are used as a stain remover. You can gradually increase it. And be sure to treat with a solution should alternate with a thorough washing of the treatment site.

And in no case should you make gross mistakes that can only lead to damage to your favorite things:

  • Try to wash the fabric in the washing machine without pre-treatment of the contaminated area;
  • "Pull" with getting rid of fat. The situation will only get worse.

Removing fresh grease stains

There are several ways to remove a greasy stain that has just been planted on your own. The most popular of them:

  • Laundry soap. This is the easiest option that is available to every housewife. If the pollution is fresh, then when it is treated with laundry soap, nothing will remain of it. The soiled area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric should be thoroughly lathered and left for 10-12 hours. And in the morning you just need to wash the thing.
  • A piece of chalk. You can remove a greasy stain from clothes with crushed chalk. This method is ideal for items made from linen, silk or organic cotton. It is necessary to cover the problematic place with chalk powder, leave for 3 hours, and then carefully remove it with a damp cloth. Then the clothes are simply washed in clean water.
  • Salt. Stains of sweat, blood, berries and even fat can be removed with table salt. This simple tool has been used by people for many years. From above, the stain is covered with salt, and this place must be rubbed gently. The greasy place should be saturated with saline, the stain will gradually disappear. Only then the clothes are washed and dried on the balcony (in the open air).
  • Dentifrice. Grease stains can be removed from light-colored woolen clothes using a simple tooth powder. To do this, the damaged place of the thing is treated with tooth powder (talcum powder is also suitable), tracing paper is applied on top and ironed. Above you need to put a heavy object. After 12 hours, clothes can be washed.
  • Bread. Oil stains are well removed by the crumb of white bread. As soon as it absorbs all the fat, the fabric is washed in a soapy solution and rinsed well.
  • Ammonia is considered to be a universal and effective remedy. It will also help rid any fabric of a greasy stain. It is only necessary to prepare a special solution from a small spoonful of alcohol and 0.5 cups of water (necessarily warm). A cotton swab is dropped into this composition. They wipe the greasy stain thoroughly. You need to move from the center of the damaged place, to the edges. After processing, natural cotton fabric is laid on the item. And on top you need to iron the clothes with a heated iron.
  • Starch. If you can’t wash clothes stained with grease, potato starch, which is in the kitchen of every housewife, will come in handy. It is rubbed into the fat, left for 10 minutes until the stain disappears. Then you need to remove everything from above with a dry cloth.
  • Mustard. This food product removes fresh grease stains very quickly and easily. Mustard is poured into a container, diluted with water until a creamy consistency is obtained. In this form, it is applied to the area stained with fat. After 30 minutes, this area can be washed.
  • "Fairy" or any other dishwashing detergent. These chemical compounds not only clean the plates of grease well, but also help to remove it from clothes. Even stains from engine oil easily “leave” if they are treated with this agent. The drug is applied to the oily area. You need to wait a few minutes, and then pour hot water on top of the stain. After 10-15 minutes, the thing can be washed. There will be no trace of stains.

Knowing these folk recipes, you do not need to wonder how to remove a fresh greasy stain. The tool is always at hand. The main thing is to process the clothes as quickly as possible.

How to remove an old grease stain?

What should I do if an old greasy stain suddenly appears on my clothes? You should not despair. There are methods that will cope with this problem:

  • Petrol. It is important to use refined gasoline in this recipe. Tracing paper is wetted in it, which is placed under pollution. From above it is rubbed with a swab, also dipped in gasoline. Then the item is thoroughly rinsed in water. You will have to dry it in the fresh air so that the smell of the “rescue” product disappears.
  • Turpentine with ammonia is an effective weapon against stubborn fat on the fabric. These two ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Cotton wool is wetted in the solution, which is applied to the stain for 3 hours. Then the clothes are simply washed in warm water.
  • Sawdust soaked in gasoline will easily help rid things of old grease stains. They should simply be poured onto the problem area, wait a bit. As soon as the gasoline dries, then nothing will remain of the fat. If the remedy did not help the first time, you can repeat the event again.
  • Glycerin is an excellent tool that destroys grease from clothes in the blink of an eye. Just a couple of drops of the product applied to the thing is enough. In this state, the clothes are left for half an hour. Then the damaged area is wiped with a cotton swab (absolutely clean).

Before using any of these remedies, you need to try it on a small invisible area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing. It is important to understand whether clothes will deteriorate under the influence of this folk recipe. If something went wrong, it is better to use a different option to deal with an old greasy stain.

We remove grease stains from various types of fabrics

Before removing a greasy stain from clothes, you need to understand whether this or that remedy is suitable for the fabric from which the thing is sewn:

  1. If the clothes are light, then it is better to use ammonia mixed with water in a 1: 2 ratio.
  2. Fat on natural silk will be removed using a mixture of water, glycerin and ammonia, diluted in a ratio of 1: 1: 1.
  3. Gasoline will help get rid of fat on wool. Cotton wool is wetted in it. She needs to wipe the dirty place until it is cleared.
  4. Velvet is a very finicky material. It is better to remove fat from it with the help of bread crumb.
  5. If the oily stain "settled" on the skin, you will have to use a mixture of starch and gasoline. The resulting slurry is applied to the affected area. As soon as the gasoline dries and weathers, the starch is simply brushed off the fabric.
  6. You can remove fat from plush with turpentine.

When removing stains from all these fabrics, you need to remember that they do not tolerate high temperatures. Therefore, the use of an iron in these cases is contraindicated. You need to be very careful with all these types of matter.

Instead of wondering how to get a grease stain out of clothes, it's better to avoid these troubles. To do this, it is very important to constantly monitor your belongings. If any stains appear, they must be removed immediately before they dry out and eat deep into the matter.

Clothes should be washed from time to time, inspected for stains (especially oily ones). If such are found, then too aggressive solvents should not be used on any fabrics, especially delicate ones. These products include chlorine, and many store products.

If special products are added to the water during washing to remove traces of fat, then only things that require it are washed in such a solution. The rest of the clothes should be cleaned separately.

Dry cleaning and the use of modern stain removers are not the cheapest pleasure. Therefore, it is more profitable to use one of the popular recipes. They have long been tested by time and experience. And are still used with pleasure by hostesses. And no costs are required. After all, the ingredients of all these recipes are in every home.

A good thing, but a speck on it? What to do? How to remove a greasy stain from clothes or trousers? The first thing to do is to determine the type of pollution, that is, with what we managed to decorate ourselves. What kind of greasy stain on clothes have we “rewarded” ourselves with? In the future, this will help to remove it with the least loss. Or maybe even no loss at all.

Remove fresh traces of fat

It is clear that fresh pollution is washed off much better. Therefore, much depends on how quickly we begin to act. Involuntarily, the legendary phrase from your favorite movie comes to mind: “We urgently need to sprinkle with salt. Take off your dress!" But there is also a hint that it is not always necessary to rush to wash, there are other ways. And although, unlike the heroes of Office Romance, we are not thinking about a trace of wine, but about how to remove a greasy stain on clothes, salt will also come in handy.
  1. SALT

    Salt is universal. With its help, you can easily remove any pollution without much effort. It is impossible to only remove old or stale dirt after washing.

    Sprinkle a pinch of salt on grease stains from clothes. Gently rub in so that the salt is saturated with fat. Repeat these steps, replacing the salt with pure salt, until all the fat is absorbed completely and disappears. Then remove the grease stains in the machine or by hand in the usual way.


    It works great on dishes. But how to get rid of grease stains on clothes with it? A stain on a T-shirt, on pants and other things is easily removed with just a drop of detergent. True, if the place of pollution is large, more than one drop will be required. Hold for a few minutes and rinse with hot water. Then wash the item.


    It is quite possible to remove a stain from oil and mulberry from clothes with the help of ammonia: this tool helps in many other cases, for this, 1.5-2 tsp are added to a glass of warm water. alcohol. A cotton swab is wetted and the problem area is lubricated. You can finally reduce the fat by ironing the product through a cotton cloth with a warm iron.


    How to remove vegetable oil stains from clothes without washing? Rub in starch and wait 5-15 minutes. Repeat until the oil stain is gone from the clothes.


    Mustard can help too. Before removing a greasy stain from jeans and colored items, dry mustard is diluted with warm water to the density of sour cream and applied to clothes for half an hour. Then the product must be washed. Complete removal of greasy stains, if they have had time to dry out or are completely old, with the help of mustard will come if it is heated.


    Many bachelors know how to remove an oil stain on trousers quickly and without consequences. For them, removing dirt is not a problem if they use shaving foam. Foam is rubbed into a contaminated place, and after 5 minutes the clothes are washed with ordinary powder. And the greasy stain on the jeans is gone!


    And chalk powder will help remove the old greasy stain from light-colored clothes and not leave a yellow coating. It is crushed and carefully distributed. Leave on clothes for at least 2 hours. You can remove the powder with a cloth soaked in warm water. Now the thing can be washed.


    Another way to remove oil stains from light-colored clothes. This method is more suitable for wool products. Spread talc or powder on the problem area. Cover with tracing paper, iron with a warm iron. To completely remove fat, press down on clothes with a heavy object at night.


    You can also remove old grease stains from clothes with blotting paper and a warm iron. Line the clothes with paper, top and bottom. Iron with an iron. If you can’t get rid of it right away, remove the paper, change it to a new one, and repeat the procedure.


    But how to remove an oil stain from clothes with laundry soap? There are 2 ways:
    - just lather the problem area well and leave for a day. Soak and wash the thing in the morning; if the dirt is not removed, repeat the procedure.
    - and the second way is more aggressive. We lather. After a day, wash the thing, lather it again, rub it with sugar and rub it with a brush.


    How to remove traces of mulberry and blots? To do this, you need a simple boiling water. Water the problematic place with a stream of hot water acidified with vinegar. This method is only for natural fabric products.


    Even with the help of a crumb of bread, you can wash off a greasy stain on jeans. Bread pressing down to dirt on jeans. Then dilute the detergent in warm water and wash.

Get rid of old contaminants

That's not the task. The seasonal wardrobe change came as a surprise. Oily contamination came from somewhere. And by the looks of it, he's been around for a few months now. How to remove old grease stains?


    You can wash off an old greasy stain in boiling water with the addition of half a glass of salt. Grease is absorbed by the salt. After that, things need to be washed with ordinary powder.


    You can remove an old greasy stain from a T-shirt without streaks and a trace with turpentine. First, a cotton swab dipped in it should be drawn along the border of the “problem”. And then, they remove it with movements from the center of pollution, to the edges.


    A few drops of glycerin will remove an old oil stain if you moisten the item with them for just 30 minutes. Then remove the glycerin with a clean cloth.


    How can I remove old greasy marks on the carpet? Wood chips soaked in refined gasoline will do. They need to be sprinkled on the carpet and wait until they dry. We get rid of sawdust with a vacuum cleaner.


It is important that we are not only concerned with how to remove grease stains from clothes, but also not to choose products that are too aggressive so that things remain intact. And here's some more useful information.


  • It is desirable to have something that can remove oil contamination from clothes, that is, a suitable tool: cotton swabs, napkins, brushes, cotton rags.
  • First, with a weaker solution, check how the oil stain can be removed with it. If possible, use a more concentrated solution.
  • Removes dirt from both front and back.

Of course, it plays a role where we put a fat stain on ourselves. We will start from this: what is at hand. If we neutralize a greasy stain from clothes at home or at a party, then almost everything is used, from chemistry to scissors, which will help to radically deal with the problem by cutting fashionable holes on clothes. :) Or, at least, sewing on the place of the "award" cute patch. And this is also an option when it seems that we have done everything, but our successes have not been crowned with success.

A problem familiar to most of us is how to quickly remove a greasy stain from clothes at home so as not to damage your favorite clothes.

After solemn feasts, we often find such unpleasant stains on our favorite things - jeans, a T-shirt, a dress, and sometimes on a down jacket or suede shoes. It is not easy to remove a stubborn greasy stain, but it is definitely worth a try.

To date, there are effective and easy recommendations on how to remove a greasy stain from clothes at home.

The ability to easily remove a greasy stain from clothes depends, first of all, on the age of the stain and the fabric on which the greasy stain has formed.

The easiest way to remove a greasy stain is from denim and knitwear, which most often just need to be washed with a regular laundry detergent, and the stain should be washed off.

In order to remove a greasy stain from suede and outerwear - for example, sheepskin coats, as well as nubuck, it is necessary to use dry cleaning.

If you find a stain from fatty foods on your clothes, you must immediately act and try to remove it. It is much more difficult to remove an old stain from clothes, so do not put off cleaning in a "long" box.

Remove grease stains from clothes using a stain remover

For starters, you can use popular stain removers that can get rid of fresh grease stains on clothes. Also note - do not use too concentrated a solution of the product, so as not to spoil the fabric.

It is important to test how the agent will behave on this type of fabric: distribute a little stain remover on the lapels of the clothes. If the fabric has not deteriorated, then you can safely use this stain remover to remove greasy stains.

Take a small piece of any white cloth or cloth and spread the stain remover around the edges of the stain, then you can start cleaning the grease stain from the clothes.

It must be remembered that it is necessary to carefully remove a greasy stain from colored fabrics, because they can lose color during cleaning and become unusable.

How can you get fresh grease stains out of clothes?

Getting rid of a fresh grease stain on clothes is easiest if only a few hours have passed from the time when it appeared on clothes. To do this, just use a detergent and gently wash the stain. It is important to carry out this cleaning before machine washing.

If the stain has not been removed after this procedure, do not put the thing to wash - you will aggravate the situation even more, because after washing it will become much more difficult to get rid of grease stains.

We offer you options for simple and simple tips on how to remove a fresh grease stain before washing - use them to clean clothes from grease stains yourself.


To get rid of and remove a fresh greasy stain on clothes at home, take a degreaser. To do this, wet the stain with water, and spread the degreaser on the stain, lightly rub the grease stain and leave for a while.

After all this, rinse with clean water - the stain will certainly be cleaned off. Otherwise, you need to repeat the steps, and only after that, things can be washed.

kitchen salt

A common and easy way to get rid of stains on clothes is to apply regular salt, rub in lightly, and then scrub off the salt. If the fresh oily stain has not disappeared, repeat the procedure with salt again.

This advice on how to remove a greasy stain from clothes using ordinary salt is also effective on knitwear.

A great tip to get rid of stains on clothes is using chalk, linen, chiffon, silk and cotton. It is enough to sprinkle the greasy stain with chalk powder and leave for a while, then shake and lightly clean from the remnants of chalk and greasy stain, as it was not. After that, things can be washed, as always.

ammonium chloride

Ammonia is the best way to get rid of a greasy stain on synthetic clothes. To do this, you need to make a solution of ammonia in the amount of one spoon and about half a glass of water.

Using a cotton pad, treat the stain on your clothes with a ready-made solution with ammonia. Then iron the treated spot through the paper.


Strange as it may seem, but toothpaste helps to remove greasy stains on clothes. To do this, take toothpaste and apply it on the stain, leaving it for several hours, then wash your clothes.

Talc or baby powder

The easiest way to remove a greasy stain from wool clothes is with the help of talc or starch. To do this, sprinkle the resulting greasy stain with one of the above-mentioned products, attach tracing paper or paper.

After that, you need to iron the paper with an iron and attach it with something heavy, leaving it like that for about half a day - then remove the paper.

How to remove an old greasy stain after washing

It is much more difficult to remove an old and stubborn greasy stain and here you have to try. We offer you useful recommendations on how to remove old grease stains from your clothes.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap, which is familiar to all of us, can remove many impurities, and stains on clothes are no exception. It is enough to take laundry soap, wash the stain well and leave for about an hour, then rinse with clean water.

It may not be possible to remove a stubborn greasy stain the first time, so the steps must be repeated until it is washed off.


You can get rid of old stains on clothes with acetone, gasoline, or nail polish remover. To do this, take one cotton pad soaked in the above agent, and place it under the stain, and blot it with another cotton pad on top.

The stain should disappear, after which the clothes must be washed. This method will help remove stubborn greasy stains from any clothes. It is important to remember that it is necessary to apply this procedure on colored things in dark shades.


Glycerin will help you to remove the old greasy stain from thin types of fabrics. To do this, apply a few drops to the stain and leave for about an hour, then blot with a damp cloth.

You can also prepare a solution of ammonia, glycerin and water in equal proportions. Apply the prepared solution to the oily stain, leave for a while and rinse.


Another useful way to get old grease stains out of clothes is to use a solution of equal parts vinegar and water. Soak the clothing stain in this solution for a couple of hours, then rinse.

hot starch

A great way to get grease stains out of clothes at home is to apply heated cornstarch to the stain before placing a tissue underneath and on top of the stain. It is necessary to get wet and wait for a while until the starch absorbs the fat, and then shake off the remaining starch.

You can easily and quickly remove grease stains from clothes at home if you know a few useful secrets. Our recommendations and tips will certainly help you get rid of greasy stains on clothes without any problems.

Grease stains are considered the most difficult to remove, and this is true. Often the stains eat into the fabric fibers so badly that there is no other option than throwing the clothes in the trash. Both fresh and already absorbed grease stains become a big problem for housewives, then what can we say about chronic pollution? Many people are looking for answers to the question of how to remove a greasy stain from clothes in the shortest possible time. People are wondering how to remove grease stains on clothes without damaging them, which is especially important with white products. If you are also interested in this topic, this guide on how to remove greasy old stains from clothes will help you!

Removing stains of the first freshness

Many people are interested in how to remove an old grease stain from clothes, but in practice one has to deal not only with old, but also with fresh stains. The best ways to fight:

  • Laundry soap. This is a universal tool that can remove fresh dirt and more - if you are looking for a way to remove a greasy old stain from clothes, take laundry soap! Soap the contaminated places of clothing with a bar of soap moistened with warm water, leave for 12 hours for thorough absorption (for efficiency it is better to wrap the clothes with cellophane), then rinse the clothes treated in this way in water.
  • Sugar. Have no idea how to remove an old oil stain from clothes if regular laundry soap can't handle the problem? In this case, after lathering the clothes with soap, sprinkle the grease stains with a small amount of sugar. 15 minutes after application, scrub the areas with grease with a brush, and after another 15 minutes, wash the clothes in the machine.
  • Salt. No less effective way than removing a stubborn greasy stain with sugar. The principle of application is almost identical - sprinkle liberally with salt so that they are completely covered. After a while after soaking, rub the stains thoroughly with a brush, remove any salt residue and rinse the treated dirt in warm water.
  • Chalk powder. How to remove an old grease stain from clothes (as well as fresh dirt) if you want a quick and effective result? To do this, rub a little chalk and sprinkle this powder on the stains of fat on the surface of the clothes, after 2-3 hours of waiting, wash off the chalk with water.
  • Dentifrice. Lay the dirty clothes on a flat horizontal surface, generously sprinkle the grease stains with toothpowder, place a thin cloth on top and iron the clothes with a hot iron. Next, leave the treated item overnight, then rinse the treated garment thoroughly in water. How to remove an old greasy stain from clothes if there is no tooth powder at hand? You can just as well use talcum powder, baby powder or soda.
  • Blotter. This method will not work if you need a recipe for how to remove an old oil stain from clothes, but it does just fine for fresh stains. Lay blotting paper on a horizontal surface, put clothes on top, and another layer of blotting paper on top of it. After that, you need to hold a warm iron over the top layer. You need to do this several times until the fat from the stain completely transfers to the blotter.
  • Bread crumb. The principle of operation of this tool is similar to the previous one, but you do not have to iron anything. It is enough just to blot the greasy stains with a crumb, and then apply one of the following methods on how to remove old grease stains from clothes. This will definitely help!
  • ammonia solution. A good way to remove old grease stains on clothes, as well as how to remove newly placed stains. Treat the stains with a cotton swab dipped in ammonia, let it soak a little, then wipe off the remaining grease from the fabric and wash the clothes.

How to remove old grease stains?

The question of how to remove an old greasy stain from your favorite clothes has always been acute among housewives. It's time to give a reasonable answer to it. The following methods on how to remove old grease stains will definitely help you get rid of grease stains and traces of them forever. Choose the one that suits you:

  • Petrol. This method of removing old grease stains is only suitable for clothes made from any fabrics other than synthetics - find out the composition of your clothes before use. If everything is good, soak a cotton swab in gasoline, then moisten old greasy stains from the edges to the center, let it soak a little, and only then send the thing to the washing machine.
  • Salt. A universal method that allows you to deal with both fresh and old stains. How to remove a stubborn greasy stain with salt? Dissolve a small amount of salt in warm water and soak the clothes in this solution, while you can rub it a little. After 30-60 minutes of such impregnation, remove the thing from the solution and wash it in the washing machine.
  • Turpentine. This is an aggressive and strong cleaner, so before you remove an old oil stain with turpentine, make sure that the clothes are not made from delicate fabrics. To remove even the most stubborn stains, it is enough to rub turpentine into the dirt with a cotton swab, leave it for several hours, then wash it. Grease spots will definitely disappear.
  • Glycerol. How to remove old fat stains if turpentine was not on the farm? Its role will be perfectly played by glycerin, which must be applied in a similar way. In order to completely remove dirt, it is necessary to carefully rub the stains with cotton wool soaked in glycerin.
  • Vinegar. Got an old greasy stain on your clothes? How to withdraw if there are no special funds? In this case, ordinary vinegar, which you probably have in your home, will help. How to remove an old grease stain with vinegar? It is enough to mix vinegar and water, soak clothes in the prepared solution for only 10 minutes. Next up is a normal wash.
  • Coca Cola. A rather original way to remove an old greasy stain is to pour 2-3 liters of Coca-Cola (or other similar soda) into a container, soak dirty clothes in it for 2-3 hours, then remove the item and wash it in a washing machine in a standard mode.
  • Starch. How to remove an old grease stain from clothes so that there is no trace of grease left? You can use starch - it dissolves in water, the prepared solution is heated, after which clothes are lowered into it for 10 minutes. After such a soak, the thing is washed.
  • Soda, powder and detergent. Before you remove an old oil stain from your clothes, mix equal parts of baking soda, water, powder, and a good detergent to make a slurry. This gruel should be applied to the stains and left for 10 minutes, then wash the item.

These are the most effective and proven ways to remove old grease stains from clothes that you should try first. Remember - preventing clothes from getting dirty is much easier and better than cleaning greasy stains from clothes, so be careful with fatty foods, oils and fats.