Funny riddles for schoolchildren. Twice will be born, once dies. Who is it? What flower was considered a symbol of royal power

This is the topic forpuzzles more complicated with answers, for children 10 - 12 years

There is no breakup on the horizon,
But revealed in the sky an umbrella.
A few minutes later
Got down…

No legs, but I go,
Mouth is not, and I will say
When to sleep when you get up,
When you start working.

Always he in work
When we say
And rests,
When we are silent.

Along the river, on the water
Floats the boat strip,
Ahead the ship goes,
Sobly them leads
There are no fun in small boats,
And the boat hurts hollow.
Right, left, back, forward
All Vatagu will turn.
(Duck with ducklings)

In the meadow he is important,
From the water dry leaves,
Wears red shoes,
Gives soft perinks.

Knock, knock - do not be told to miss.
Go, go, and everything is there like here.

In Moscow they say, and we can hear.

Carpenter sharp bit
Building a house with one window.

I sit in the armpit and what to do I mean:
Or I will be put in bed, or let me walk.

Angry Nadrog
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
Needles a lot,
And the threads are not alone.

All me fetches, and I'm better.

Language has no
And who will be
He knows a lot.

I and the house decorate,
I collect dust.
And me people trample with legs,
Yes, then they are still beaten by baotogs.

Without legs and without wings it
Quickly flies, you will not catch it up.

He is in the uniform bright, spurs for beauty
In the afternoon, he is a clogging, in the morning - watch. (Cock)

Thirty-two warriors have one commander.
(Teeth and language)

Twelve brothers
Friend roaming
Do not bypass each other.

Not the sea, not the earth,
Ships do not swim,
And you can not walk.

This is a close close house:
One hundred sisters pumped in it.
And any of the sisters
Can break down like a fire!
Do not joke with sisters,
Thin ...

She has the whole soul with a car
And even though there is a button - not a shirt,
Not turkey, but inflated
And not a bird, but poured.

If it was not it,
Would not say anything.

Stands fat - wooden belly,
Iron Rate.

What is this tick?
Chopstick thread
Wand in hand
And the thread in the river.
(Fishing rod)

Stands on the roof of the top
And catches the news for us.

I silently look at all,
And they look at me.
Merry see laughter
With sad cry I am.
Deep like river
I am at home on your wall.
Saw old man - old man,
A child is a child in me.

Under the roof - four legs,
Under the roof - soup and spoons.

Bat with his hand and stick - it's not a pity to anyone.
And for what poor fellow go?
And for the fact that he will come.

Daily at six in the morning
I'm sorry: it's time to get up!
(Alarm clock)

Moydodyra I am a relatives,
You have a hole,
And cold water
Vivid I am asha.

You are given
And people enjoy them.

One handle meets everyone
The other handle escorts.
(A door)

Adjust, look - the Northern Pole inside!
Snow and ice sparkles there,
Winter itself lives there.

On the pole - the palace, in the palace - the singer.

All migratory bird birds,
brushes a lot of worms.

Why did Beethoven finished the "unfinished symphony"?
Answer: Because the "unfinished symphony" composed Schubert, and not Beethoven

What is the highest mountain in the world from the foot to the top?
Answer: Ararat (many will call Everest, but Everest is the highest mountain above sea level, and no foot)

Which Mountain was the highest on Earth before you learned about Mount Everest?
Answer: Mount Everest (no matter, knew about her or not, she is the highest)

In which year, according to forecasts, people in Russia will hurt more?
Answer: In 2014 (root for athletes in Sochi)

What is the name of the urn, in which only paper is thrown?
Answer: Electoral urn (selective box)

What does your children always give a father and never gives mother?
Answer: Patronymic.

What word can be recorded right to left, turn upside down, reflect the mirror, and it will still remain unchanged?
Answer: it

The Vanina Father had three sons: Misha, Sasha and ... who is the third?
Answer: Vania

In what word 7 letters "O"?
Answer: Defense

A person has 3 parts of the body. Each part of the body can be written in three letters, and the first and last letter will be the same. What are these parts of the body?
Answer: OKO, OKO (second), PUP

The day before yesterday was 17 years old. Next year he will be 20 years old. How can this be?
Answer: The statement was done on January 1. Birthday Fedi - December 31. The day before yesterday he was 17, yesterday he turned 18, this year will be 19, and in the next - 20

This fashionista forestry
Often changes his outfit:
In the fur coat white in winter
All in the serges in the spring
Sarafan green in summer
On the day of autumn in the cloak dressed.
If the wind is fluttered,
Golden raincoat rustle.
Answer: Bereza

FROM Sky fell Pushushki
N.and frozen fields.
E.l wrap in a gol
J.arch coat - poplar.
AND covered the house yes square
N.just a blanket.
TOak their name? - You ask.
ANDi wrote here.
Answer: Snezhinka

Worn, fistinet.
Dreams, smys.
Where runs -
Leaf trembling.
Where to sweat -
The tree is short.
Answer: Wind

Neither a murder, nor brushes, no hands,
And he will turn all the roofs around.
Answer: Winter

For the new year she is every happy
Although her barrel her outfit.
Answer: Christmas tree

And see Rada,
And take the views.
Answer: Sun.

Thought that chalk
Because Bel,
And in the hands took
He became water.
Answer: Snow

Yellow dandelion.
In the yard goes.
Yellow dandelion.
Cooks peck.
Answer: Chicken

He hangs on the branch and with an apple is similar
But red, like cancer, and, like a bull, fat,,
And the top full of Ruby Bus -
Transparent, and juicy, and sweet taste.
Answer: Granat

Not a swimmer, but sailing hardly helps.
Not a sly, but flashes, flashes, flashes.
Answer: Lighthouse

What is before us:
Two robbed ears,
In front of the wheel
And saddle saddle?
Answer: Glasses

I rush, hold the wires!
I will never get borrowed.
Answer: Trolleybus

Widespread rhinoceros,
Working a little
Workers helped to burrow
And to dissolve the road.
Answer: Iron

Linen river
Steel boat.
She sails -
Wave disappear.
Answer: Iron

Sleeping on the leaves from the track.
As antennas, ears-horns.
Rain goes, thunder rattles, -
Current told the house!
Answer: Snail

She got a glass
On the meadow.
Like snow
They have eyelashes
And like sunshine
Answer: Romashki.

They argue that they are not glued, although they did not even try to glue.
Answer: Cause

Why do birds put eggs?
Answer: If they were discarded them, the eggs would be broken

Why do lions eat raw meat?
Answer: Because they don't know how to cook it

Two walking stopped about one subject and hood. One said: "This is red." The second objection: "No, it's black." "Why is she white?" - asked first. "And because green," replied the second. What is it?
Answer: Smorodina
Titarenko Lera, Domodedovo

The woman came to the doctor examination. Woman was a sister of a doctor. But the doctor was not a brother of a woman. Who did he come to her?
Answer: Sister

I have no weight, but I am easy, I happen hard. Who am I?
Answer: Music

Eskimos were good hunters, but they never hunted penguins. Why?
Answer: Eskimos lived in the North Pole, Penguins - on South

What appeared before: an egg or chicken?
Answer: Egg. Eggs laid out dinosaurs long before the appearance of the chickens.

One boy met a man in the bazaar who offered a bet: "If I write your exact weight on a piece, then you will pay me a thousand rubles if I write wrong, then I will pay you a thousand rubles. At the same time, I will not weigh you and ask. " The boy agreed. The man wrote on paper and showed the boy. The boy looked at the paper and gave 1000 rubles a man. How did the man won betting?
Answer: Man wrote "Your precise weight"

The total age of the father and son is 66 years old. The age of the father is the age of the son, recorded right to left. How old is everyone?
Answer: 51 and 15, 42 and 24, 60 and 06

What name was the president in 1975?
Answer: Same as today

One person every morning ate for breakfast one egg. Where did he take the egg, if it is known that he had no chicken, he never bought chicken eggs, he never lent them to anyone, never cradle them and never received them as a gift?
Answer: Eggs eating not chicken

Better than God,
Worse than the devil
There are poor
No rich
If you eat, you will die.
What is it?
Answer: Nothing

One magician stated that he could put a bottle in the center of the room and crawl into her. Like this?
Answer: in her - room

Elektrovoz goes to the West at a speed of 70 km / h. Eastern wind blows, wind speed is 20 km / h. What direction goes smoke?
Answer: There is no smoke from the electric

How to make it so to love someone yourself and that someone love you too?
Answer: Love yourself

You are sitting in the plane, ahead of you horse, behind you boat. Where are you?
Answer: Carousel

In the middle of what words are there three letters "e"?
Answer: Snake

What is the name of the first woman who has mastered the aircraft?
Answer: Baba Yaga

Who sees a simple death every day, the king is very rare, and God never?
Answer: yourself like this

Who walks sitting?
Answer: Chess player

Only she always knows exactly where her husband is. Who is she?
Answer: Widow

Man jumped out of the aircraft without a parachute. He landed on a solid soil, but remains unharmed. Why?
Answer: Plane stood on earth

Pupils of high school are often distracted, therefore riddles for children are used for the development of perfection and attentiveness.

Riddles are the most ancient art of our ancestors to transfer wise thoughts and developing the seven. The people's method did not lose the relevance and now. It is suitable for both preschool children and adolescents for 14 years. The solution of a variety of puzzles increases their intellectual development, teaches to reason and not be afraid to prove their opinion.

What are the riddles?

If the child in kindergarten did not stick to the mysteries, start studying with simple examples even for 13-14 year old children. Describe an allegorically some subject, animal, bird or natural phenomenon. Let him think and say a guess. Sometimes it is difficult to quickly determine the correct answers. Then simplify the task and describe the question in more detail. The child will surely guess.

Children in 12 years love rhymed riddles. These are small quatrains in which you need to correctly name the last word. Grade 5 students are happy to participate in quizzes.

  1. The teacher collects 2 teams from schoolchildren.
  2. Opened in turn overlook 1 representative from each team, and the teacher reads a riddle.
  3. The winner is the one who first will tell the correct answer.
  4. For winning there are points, and the winning team is awarded a small prize.

When the guys get used to call the answer, quickly rhymes the last word, complicate the task. Come up with baby puzzles, in which the rhyme word, standing at the end of the quatrain, is wrong. Such techniques are well used in comic competitions, cabbagers. This is a cheerful lesson who can easily captivate the whole team of the class and imperceptibly develop attention of 12 summer schoolchildren, to learn to concentrate their thoughts.

You can use poem-based poems based on artistic images and knowledge of 12-13 year old children about the world.

Children's riddles are interested not only to guess, but also invent. Such a process allows the child to allocate important features in things and phenomena and develops non-standard thinking. If you start to train logic as soon as possible and continue in 12 years, then at the age of 14, schoolchildren will have problems with algebra and geometry. They will get used to looking for original solutions and ensure to the very essence.

High school students will interest complex puzzles, over the answers to which need to thoroughly break their heads. They are different:

  • mathematical;
  • based on life situations;
  • on the development of erudition and deduction;
  • on the development of logic with trick.

Teenagers with developed logical thinking sometimes click riddles that are not every adult on the shoulder.

The best riddles

We have a Girl Light.

She has two secrets.

The first is all of soft wool.

He lay in a prominent place.

But then the second secret,

Very small, slightly light,

He played a little -

All houses unwound.

Sveta see it

And back it reached.

What are the secrets

Wound on our lights?

(Tangle, kitten)

Her plaxes in the world no,

But crying, - people give light.

She is thin, she is small

But it is great!

And without it all around

The tailors were b, like without hands.

Klim told us, almost crying:

- I have a cottage in the village.

But for the whole season on it

I did not assemble vegetables.

- How many times, - asked Light, -

Have you been in the summer for the summer?

Klim answered her, blinking:

- Once. At harvest.

And now, just right

I will ask friends, you have

Why the climate is empty -

Neither potatoes, no cabbage?

(Because vegetables in the country

themselves do not grow)

He taught grandchildren Santa Luka:

- They are from sand

And from iron, hair.

What is? Here is a question!

Behind the village, in the forest, long ago

It was in a tree.

And since then it happens

Emptiness inside gaps.

And happens in him in full

The head of owls is visible.

No wizard, but moreover

He owns magic.

And broken suddenly vase

It will make it right away.

He has a huge body,

In it on six kamaz cargo

With cargo he quickly rushes

To the place right in a hurry.

And at the same time, he, of course, -

Well, well, well! - Sings on the way.

(Railway carriage)

This shoes are good,

But we do not rush

And for the month not to become -

You can only go.

(Felt boots)

Children have tremendous interest.

Very much miracles happen there.

So, for example, a mound of football in honor

And they can even behave.

Hockey players are hearding shuffle missed the goalkeeper of them ...?

(not the ball, but a puck)

He is a big shaloon and comedian

He has a house on the roof.

Bushube and Zakonyka,

And his name is ...

(not Dunno, and Carlson)

I carried the grandmother to the Bazaar one hundred eggs, and the bottom dropped how many eggs remained in the basket.
(None after all the bottom fell ..)

Not rides, but with spurs,
Not an alarm clock, but all wakes up.

She is beautiful and mila,

And her name from the word "ash".


One eye, one horn, but not a rhino?

(Cow from the corner looks out)

Five boys

Five checklists.

Boys died

In dark cheeslants.

Each boy

In your chasula.

(Fingers and gloves)

Round nose, patch,

It is convenient to rummage them in the ground,

The tail of a small crochet,

Instead of tufels - hoofs.

Three them - and what

Brothers friendly are similar.

Guess without tips,

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

(Three pigs)

Father had a boy strange

Unusual - wooden.

But loved dad son.

What strange

Man wooden

On the ground and under water

Looking for a gold key?

Everywhere the nose is long.

Who is it? .. (Buratino).

On the city rain autumn walking,

The mirror has lost its rain.

The mirror is on the asphalt lies,

The wind fits - it zadrock. (Puddle)

I wear them for many years,

And I do not know the bill.

If it was not it,

Would not say anything.

Circle Water, and drinking trouble. (Sea).

Thirty two pray,

one turns.

(Teeth and language)

There are many teeth, and nothing eats.


There are always people

There are always from ships.

Little boy in gray Armenian

In the courtyards, schnyrytsy, the crumbs picks up

At night, it cares - hemp steals.


All the time knocks, trees fucking.

But they are not crippled, but only heals.

Black, agile,

Screams "Krak" - the worms of the enemy.

In the morning goes on four,

Happy two, and in the evening on three.

(Child, adult, old man)

Appeared in a yellow fur coat:

Farewell, two shells!


Beauty steps, Easy land concerns,

Goes on the field, on the river,

And in the snow, and in a flower.

On the wall, in a prominent place,

Collects behave together

And then his tenants

Fly in all ends.


She has the whole soul with a car

And even though there is a button - not a shirt,

Not turkey, but inflated

And not a bird, but poured.


Today everything snakes!

In the hands of the Death

From joy dancing

Air ...

Dust I will see - Zavorka, certification and swallowing.

(A vacuum cleaner)

Cleared from the morning: "Pore-district! POR-RR! "

And what time is it? What a fruit with her,

When cracking ...

Fidya Peksya, Long Bird,

Bird speaking, the most chatty.

Broadcasting Beloboka, and her name is ...

In Moscow they say, and we can hear.

Carpenter sharp bit

Building a house with one window.

I sit in the armpit and what to do I mean:

Or I will be put in bed, or let me walk.


Angry Nadrog

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Needles a lot,

And the threads are not alone.

Blue house at the gate.

Guess who lives in it.

The door is narrow under the roof -

Not for protein, not for the mouse,

Not for a hanging tenant


This door flies to lead

Half an hour spend together.

Will not lead a guest -

In all directions fly!


Tail with patterns, boots with spurs,

Whiten feathers, red scallop.

Who is on the peg?

(Peter Cockerel)

There is no breakup on the horizon,

But revealed in the sky an umbrella.

A few minutes later

Got down …


Complex options

  1. The hostess must be baked 6 pies. How she can cope in 15 minutes if only 4 pie is placed in a pan, and on each side, a pate should be a stove for 5 minutes?
    (Answer: 1) put 4 pies; 2) 2 pies turn, 2 remove, put 2 new; 3) 2 finished remove, 2 turn over and turn 2 earlier.)
  2. Vova and Sasha played on a dirty and dark attic. The face of Vova was completely empty than the soot, and Sashino miraculously remained clean. Going away, the guys looked at each other at the light of the day, but for some reason I went to wash it, but Sasha. (Answer: Sasha looked at the face of Vova, and since it was dirty, he thought that he was also evaporated, and therefore went washing. And voyas, who looked at the pure face of Sasha, did not even occur that he himself He may be chumazim ..)
  3. What sign to put between numbers 8 and 9 so that the answer was less than 9, but more than 8? (Answer: You need to put a comma).
  4. Katya really wanted to buy chocolate, but to buy it, she had to add 11 kopecks. And Dima wanted chocolate, but he lacked 2 kopecks. They decided to buy at least one chocolate, but they still lacked 2 kopecks. How much does chocolate cost? (Answer: Chocolate costs 11 kopecks, Katya has no money at all).
  5. In an empty chamber kept the prisoner. He sat alone, every day he was brought dry bread, how did the bones appear in the chamber? (Answer: Bones from fish, bread brought with a hay).
  6. One boy walked around the park and saw a high school student. The high school student offered to argue: "If I write your exact height in a notebook, then you will give me 1000 rubles, and if I make a job, then I have you. I promise that I won't ask you any questions, and I will not measure you either. " The boy agreed. The high school student wrote something in the notebook, showed the boy, the boy looked and gave 1000 rubles to the high school student. How did the high school person manage to win a dispute? (Answer: The high school student wrote in the notebook "Your accurate growth").
  7. On the plate lay five apples for five children. Each child took on the apple. However, one apple remains on a plate. How is this possible? (Answer: The last child took an apple with a plate)
  8. Today is not Sunday, and tomorrow is not an environment. Yesterday was not Friday, and the day before yesterday was not Monday. Tomorrow is not Sunday, and yesterday was not Sunday. The day after tomorrow is not Saturday and not Sunday. Yesterday was not Monday, and not Wednesday. The day before yesterday was not an environment, and tomorrow is not Tuesday. Yes, and today is not an environment. What is the day today, if you consider that one statement is false? (Answer: Today is Sunday)

Children in 14 years love riddles associated with the calculation of different numbers, on weighing and finding a mathematical sequence. To solve them, leaves and handle are often used to draw condition. This facilitates the search for the answer. Such tasks are complex at first glance, but it is worth thinking a little, focus, and the correct answer will be found.

Children's riddles based on life situations are forced to think non-standard. Sometimes you need to listen to the condition several times and submit a picture in my head before the answer is delayed.

Mysteries on erudition are the most interesting. For their decision, 14 year old guys should be good to understand:

  • in history;
  • in literature;
  • in cinema.

Some responses can be found using only logic, but most often needed knowledge. For example:

  • Ask schoolchildren to answer why 22 and 24 presidents of America were common parents if the rulers were not brothers?
  • The answer is simple, for those who know the story. Cleveland Grover was chosen for post 2 times. Since this is the same person, he can not be brother.

If 12-14 Summer guys want to play in detectives, offer them entertaining riddles on the development of deduction. On the Internet there are many examples of such puzzles with answers.

  • They look like small stories in which there is a confusing story.
  • It must be unwrapped and by logical conclusions to find a criminal, lost thing or answer correctly on the question.
  • Tasks are often supported by pictures on which the correct answer is hidden.
  • You need to carefully study, think and solve the complex rebus.

Baby logical riddles with trick should be funny. Name 14 years of children. An ordinary question that requires a non-standard response. Classes train mind, memory, learn to find original solutions. Merry riddles can entertain students class on great change, after lessons or on a holiday.

Playing with 14 year old children in the riddles, do not forget to get answers in case the guys do not cope with the task. Help schoolchildren to train logical thinking. It will make it possible to make the right decisions in adulthood, will increase their intellectual level and will allow you to be interested in spending your free time.

- This is a way to show your smelter, develop logical thinking and how to have fun. With us you can find riddles with trick, but with the data on them answers. There are, very difficult riddles come across over which it will be necessary to think a little.

Riddles about school

Riddles for children 12-13 must be interesting, and funny, they must awaken fantasy, force the child to think and develop logic. So, directly the riddles themselves for schoolchildren are 12-13 years old.

  • At the dawn of his life goes on 4 legs, at noon his life rises to two legs, and three legs appear to the sunset of life.

It is about the life of a person, he crawls on all fours, adults confidently walks on his feet, and to old age takes a cane and goes with her.

  • If at midnight, the shower rushed at the window, then there is a chance that after 72 hours it will shine brightly.

It is not possible, since this time will again be night.

  • On the edge of the table lies a glass jar with hermetically screwed lid. With the edge hangs 2/3 banks. At first, the bank lay motionless, and then took and fell. What was the bank in the bank?

There was ice and he gradually melted.

  • Only 6 pears were crushed on the plum, but it turned out to be 8 on the cherry. How many pears were?

These trees are not intended for growing pears.

  • Little Dima lick together five pile of sand, then added there two more bugs and poured another big one. How much does he have a heap in the sandbox?

The boy poured one big sand bunch.

  • How many orange bones are placed in an empty tea cup?

Not at all, since the cup is empty.

  • How can I carry water in the sieve?

If it is freeze to freeze it into ice, you can quickly transfer with one place to another while the ice started to melt.

All listed charts with trigger are easily solved by children 12 years. They will help to distract boring studies, somewhat laughing and have fun, but at the same time the time spent on the guessing will be held with benefit.

Riddles for children 6-7 years. Learning to guess the riddles

Show Moekalku

Inserting a child to think and relate all the factors that are described in the task with reality and quickly find an answer. This is usually very cool tasks from which children never refuse. By the way, such funny exercises with a trim can be made to the scenario of the children's holiday, for example, for a birthday.

  • Not working - hanging, but it works - it is necessary, and after work is completely wet and dried.
  • Two barrel, four ears, it's soft ...
  • In the afternoon, they always have legs, but at night the legs disappear somewhere.
  • The owner lit five candles on the table, but unexpectedly blew a draft and hung one. How many candles will remain in the end?

There will be only one candle, as the four others will store.

  • Is it possible to be silent and talk at the same time?

You can, if you speak in gestures.

  • It goes through the forests and in the mountains, runs to the horizon, but as you do not look - always in place.
  • What tool for repair is solid or liquid?

Nails are liquid and metric.

  • There is a traffic jam, but it is impossible to plug the bottle?

Tube is the road.

  • How many years in one year?

One summer.

Merry riddles

Funny riddles can be made of birthday, in the breaks between the lessons and simply when children are 12 years old just have nothing to take. Such riddles with trick will help to support a good mood and rally kids if the company has not yet permanently.

Riddles about school

  • How many seeds can enter one empty glass?

Not at all will enter, as the seeds have no legs, and they do not go.

  • There is a man under a torrential rain, having no umbrella, no rainfacket, you are wet through, but it's not wet's hair.

Just a man was lys.

  • Decoration on the ears, which usually get downtrend?
  • You have half an orange in your hands, tell me what she looks like?

On the second half of the orange.

  • At home, Sidi is a black cat, she is waiting for, when she can go to the house. When will this time come?

When she open the door.

  • You have a glass of cappuccino, you just need to stir sugar. What hand will you make it right or left?

It is better to interfere with sugar with a spoon.

  • There is a certain item, but when it is needed, it is thrown, and if he is absolutely not needed, he is raised.
  • Who travels around the world, while staying in place?

Man sitting on the internet.

  • On Earth, only 6 billion people, what do they do at the same time?

About animals

To a little diversify the tasks, you can make a puzzle about animals they are very funny, but at the same time with peculiar trick, so they will like the children for 12 years. If suddenly your child has about 13 years old there was a bad day, offer him a little fun and think with him, makes these funny challenges.

about animals

  • I flew an elephant on him, and a hunter ran on the ground, hoping to shoot an elephant and get greater prey. Having aiming, the hunter took and shot, the elephant fell straight to the hunter and pressed it. Who stayed alive in this story?

Only rhinos remained alive, he flew out later than an elephant.

  • Horse and needle, what are their differences?

To sit on a horse, you must first jump, and sit down on the needle you first sit down, and then jump.

  • The dog runs with a tinned tin can, bad children mock the dog. What speed should the unfortunate dog run so as not to hear the rumble of banks?

The dog must stand still.

  • Due to the corner, one eye is seen and one horn, what is this beast?

This cow looks out of the corner.

  • The beast was sitting on the window in a small house. He has a mustache like cats, and the paws like a cat, and a tail like a cat and a cat's face. But he himself is not a cat. Who it?

Riddles for children from grandmother Shosho

The most difficult riddles

There are also very difficult riddles with trick, they are designed for children about 12. Of course, our puzzles are accompanied by answers, but if you think a little, you can solve everything without them.

  • Two small coins were put on the table surface, their common sums are three dollars. But one of the coins is not 1 dollar. What coins lie on the table?

One coin is not 1 dollar, as it is two dollars. But just the second one - 1 dollar.

  • Driving car rides a man. He does not light the headlights on his car. But there is no moon in the sky. Little girl ran on the road behind the ball, and the driver took and stopped and ran in the girl. How could the car driver see the baby?

On the street was a day

  • We have two islands. And one is worth a man and in his hands two oranges. On the other island, the hospital with his sore daughter. Dad must bring both orange to the girl, but here is a task, between the islands there is a bridge, which will immediately roll apart as soon as a man passes. The bridge can withstand the weight of a man and only one orange. How daddow two oranges with her daughter?

Everything is simple, he juggled them, going on the bridge.

  • Olga really wants chocolate, but she lacks ten rubles to buy. She offered an earrings from the neighboring court to work out, but the children still did not have enough of one ruble chocolate. How much is a chocolate?

Oli had no money at all, and the chocolate costs 10 rubles. Sergey, respectively, was 9 rubles.

  • What increases in our life all the time, and never decreases?
  • Prison stands on the island on the river. Three prisoners are planning to escape, each separately and do not know anything about each other's plans. The first prisoner saw the lattice and jumped into the river, swam, but he ate him a big white shark. The second prisoner ran through the black move, jumped into the river, swam, but he noticed the guard and pulled out the hair from the river and arrested. Well, the third concluded escape was able, he escaped and disappeared. Attention, the question, where did I deceive you in my story? If you are going out, will you get a chocolate?

The river does not have white sharks. The prisoner can not be pulled out by the hair, they all shave their heads.

Chocolates do not see you.

  • Today is not Sunday, and tomorrow is not an environment. Yesterday was not Friday, and the day before yesterday was not Monday. Tomorrow is not Sunday, and yesterday was not Sunday. The day after tomorrow is not Saturday and not Sunday. Yesterday was not Monday, and not Wednesday. The day before yesterday was not an environment, and tomorrow is not Tuesday. Yes, and today is not an environment. What is the day today, if you consider that one statement is false?


These are interesting puzzles with answers that very much like children 12 years old. Handying the riddles every day, you can take a small brain workout and entertain the children of 13 years.

Riddles for children! check yourself

These tasks can be asked for children on the way to school, on a journey or arrange a competition in a children's holiday. Rarely, who can immediately answer the question, so it should be gradually giving small tips, it will make a breakdown of more fascinating and interesting.

We hope that you will not just put the child for the computer so that he immediately looked all the answers. Do not forget that no car can replace the son or daughters of parental love and attention.

1. What word is always written wrong? (Task-joke.)

Correct answer

2. How many months per year have 28 days?

All months

Correct answer

3. What speed should the dog move (in possible limits for it) so as not to hear the sovereign of a pan tied to its tail?

With zero. Dog need to stand still

Correct answer

4. The dog was tied to a ten meter rope, and went on a straight line two hundred meters. How did she succeed?

Her rope was not tied

Correct answer

5. How to jump from a ten meter staircase and do not bother?

Need to jump from the bottom stage

Correct answer

6. What can I see with closed eyes?

Correct answer

7. What does not burn in the fire and does not sink in water?

Correct answer

8. Who are Australians call the sea axis?

Correct answer

9. What do you need to do when you see a green man?

Return the street (this is a drawing on a green light signal)

Correct answer

10. Moscow was previously called white. And what city called black?


Correct answer

11. Residents of medieval Europe sometimes tied wooden chocks to the soles. For what purpose did they do it?

To protect against dirt, because sewage was not and the fear poured right outside

Correct answer

12. In which process, the water replaced the sun, after 600 she replaced it, and after 1100 years, the mechanism replaced them all over?

In the process of measuring time - clock

Correct answer

13. In the former times, the barns were built on the severity, away from the dwelling. For what purpose?

So that the fire did not destroy food reserves

Correct answer

14. Under Peter I, an eagle, holding a four-seas in the paws, was depicted on the coat of arms of the Russian Empire. List them.

White, Caspian, Azov, Baltic

Correct answer

15. The name of which German tribe gave the name of the whole European country?

The German tribe of Franks gave the name of France

Correct answer

16. Why in the wild, white bears do not eat penguins?

White bears live in the North Pole, and penguins - on the south.

Correct answer

17. Not wanting to admit that the Red Army could defeat them, the Germans argued that the Great Patriotic War was won by General Moroz, General Dirt and General Mouse. Over the frost and dirt, everything is clear. But what about the mouse?

Mice overloaded electrical wiring of German tanks

Correct answer

18. Name for five days without calling numbers (1, 2, 3, ..) and names of days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ...)

The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow

Correct answer

19. Thirty-two warriors have one commander.

Teeth and Language

Correct answer

20. Twelve brothers

Friend roaming
Do not bypass each other.

Correct answer

21. How to say correctly: "I do not see the white yolk" or "I do not see a white yolk"?

Yolk usually yellow

Correct answer

22. Is it possible to ignite the usual match under water so that it can do to the end?

Yes, in the submarine

Correct answer

23. When the black cat is best to get into the house?

When the door is open

Correct answer

24. Two fathers and two sons went, they found three oranges. Began to share - everyone went to everyone. How could it be?

Correct answer

25. From which dishes it is impossible to eat anything?

From empty

Correct answer

26. Small, sulfur on an elephant look like. Who is it?

Baby elephant

Correct answer

27. What hand is better to stir tea?

The one in which the spoon

Correct answer

28. Stick, knocks - do not be bored.
Go, go, and everything is there like here.

Correct answer

29. Very fast two horses
On snow carry me - through the meadow to birch,

Tent two stripes.

Correct answer

30. When does a person be in a room without a head?

When it is drunk from the room (for example, in the window).

Correct answer

31. What question cannot be answered "yes"?

Do you sleep?

Correct answer

32. What question cannot be answered "no"?

Correct answer

33. When can the network pull the water?

When the water is frozen and turn into a lot.

Correct answer

34. Brave like ...
Cooked like ...
cowardly like ...
cunning like ...
evil as ...
hungry like ...
hardworking like ...
loyal like ...
stubborn like ...
stupid like ...
quiet like ...
free like ...

Lion, snake, hare, fox, dog, wolf, ant, dog, downtown, ram, mouse, bird

Correct answer

35. What is the day and night?

Soft sign

Correct answer

36. Forty flies, and the dog sits on the tail. Can it be?

Yes, the dog sits on his own tail, next forty flies

Correct answer

37. What needs to be done so that five guys stay in one boot?

Each of them to remove the boot

Correct answer

38. How much will it be 2 + 2 * 2?

Correct answer

39. In which month, the talkative Svetka speaks the least?

In February - the shortest month

Correct answer

40. What belongs to you, however, do others use them more often than you?

Correct answer

41. How to find last year's snow?

Go outside immediately after the start of the new year.

Correct answer

42. What word always sounds incorrect?

Correct answer

43. A person is one thing, the cow is two, the hawp has a single one. What is it?

Correct answer

44. The man sits, but you cannot sit in his place, even if he gets up and leaves. Where is he sits?

On your knees

Correct answer

45. What stones in the sea are not?

Correct answer

46. \u200b\u200bWhat sign should be put between 4 and 5, so that the result is more than 4 and less than 5?

Correct answer

47. Can the rooster call himself a bird?

No, because He does not know how to speak.

Correct answer

48. What disease on earth no one sick?

Correct answer

49. Is it possible to predict the score of any match before it started?

Correct answer

50. What can be prepared, but you can not eat?

Correct answer

51. What number will decrease by a third if you turn it over?

Correct answer

52. Squared tables saw one corner in a straight line. How many corners now the table?

Correct answer

53. What node can not be unleashed?


Correct answer

54. What is a cow ahead, and the bull behind?

Correct answer

55. What is the most terrible river?

Correct answer

56. What does not have length, depth, width, height, but can be measured?

Temperature, time

Correct answer

57. What do all people on earth do at the same time?

Become older

Correct answer

58. Two people played checkers. Everyone played five parties and won five times. Is it possible?

Both people played different lots with other people.

Correct answer

59. How can an abandoned egg fly three meters and not crash?

You need to throw an egg more than three meters, then the first three meters it will fly the whole.

Correct answer

60. The man led a big truck. Headlights on the car were not lit. The moon was also not. Woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?

There was a bright sunny day.

Correct answer

61. Where is the edge of light?

Where the shadow ends.

Correct answer

62. The person learned from the spiders to build suspended bridges, cats took the diaphragm in the camera and reflective road signs. And what invention appeared thanks to the snakes?

Correct answer

63. What is easy to raise from the ground, but do not throw far?

Poplar fluff.

Correct answer

64. What crew does not spread your head?


Correct answer

65. What are you thrown when you need it, and raise when there is no need for this?

Correct answer

66. What can travel in light, staying in the same corner?

Postage Stamp.

Correct answer

67. You are sitting in an airplane, ahead of you horse, behind a car. Where are you?

On Carousel

Correct answer

68. What notes can I measure the distance?

Correct answer

69. What will not be logged in the biggest saucepan?

Her cover.

Correct answer

70. Russian mystery. Wooden river, wooden boat, and a wooden smacks over the boat over the boat. What is it?

Correct answer

71. One turn around the Earth satellite is done in 1 hour 40 minutes, and the other for 100 minutes. How can it be?

One hour forty minutes equal to one hundred minutes.

Correct answer

72. Name at least three animals, which Moses took into his ark?

The Prophet Moses did not take animals into the ark, it did righteous.

Correct answer

73. In one hand, the boy has one kilogram of iron, and to another as much fluff. What was heavier to carry?


Correct answer

74. In 1711, a new division of 9 people appeared in every regiment of the Russian army. What is this division?

Regimental orchestra.

Correct answer

A plane crash.

Correct answer

76. A story about a small boy, who, having received a New Year's gift, asked mom: "Remove, please, the lid. I want to stroke a gift. " What is this gift?


Correct answer

77. What animals always sleep with open eyes?

Correct answer

78. It is known that at the time of the fear of death from China, the eggs of a mulk silkworm were taken. And what animal was exported in 1888 with the same risk from Afghanistan?

Afghan boings.

Correct answer

79. What insects are domesticated by man?

Correct answer

80. The challenge, invented by the scientist monk and mathematician from Ireland Alcuin (735-804).
The peasant needs to be transported through the Wolf River, goat and cabbage. But the boat is such that only the peasant can fit in it, and with him or one wolf, or one goat, or one cabbage. But if you leave a wolf with a goat, then the wolf will eat a goat, and if you leave the goat with a cabbage, then the goat will eat cabbage. How to transport your cargo peasant?

Decision 1: It is clear that you have to start with the goat. The peasant, transported the goat, returns and takes the wolf, which is transporting to the other coast, where it leaves, but it takes and brings back to the first bank of the goat. Here he leaves her and transports cabbage to wolf. Following, Returning, he transports the goat, and crossing it safely. Decision 2: Initially, the peasant again transports the goat. But the second you can take a cabbage, take it to the other beach, leave the goat there and return to the first bank. Then transport the wolf to the other coast, returning to goat and take it back to another shore.

Correct answer

81. In the old days in Russia, a married woman was worn by the Kokoshnik headdress, the name of which happened from the word "Cokosh", meaning the animal. What?

Chicken (remember that she says when rushing?).

Correct answer

82. Why can't dikifuity?

His needles hollow.

Correct answer

83. Name the fifth on the area of \u200b\u200bthe country after Russia, China, Canada and the United States.


Correct answer

84. The man went to the bazaar and bought a horse there for 50 rubles. But soon he noticed that the horses went up, and sold it for 60 rubles. Then he realized that he had nothing to go on, and bought the same horse for 70 rubles. Then he wondered how not to get from his wife to catch up for such an expensive purchase, and sold it for 80 rubles. What did he earn as a result of manipulations?

Answer: -50 + 60-70 + 80 \u003d 20

Correct answer

85. The only bird that has ear shells?

Correct answer

86. Two at the same time came to the river. The boat on which you can cross, withstands only one person. And yet, without help, everyone crossed this boat to another shore. How did they succeed?

They sailed from different shores.

Correct answer

87. In Chinese, a combination of three hieroglyphs "Tree" means the word "forest". And what does the combination of two hieroglyphs "tree" mean?

Correct answer

88. The inhabitants of Kansas are very loved by Russian nuts. What is it, if you know that we can meet them on any market?

Correct answer

89. The Romans made a revolutionary innovation in the design of the fork - all subsequent models have become only the variations of the solution found. And what kind of plug was before this innovation?


Correct answer

90. Chinese martial arts masters said that the fight was for fools, for smart - victory. And what, in their opinion, - for wise?

Correct answer

91. Name a language that is native for the greatest number of people.


Correct answer

92. In ancient Russia, they were called broken numbers. How do they call them now?

Correct answer

93. Brick weighs two kilograms and brick floor. How many kilograms weigh brick?

One cup of scales put a brick. On another put 2 kilogram weight and half bricks. Now it breaks the nail brick in half and remove the half-brick on each cup of scales. We get: on the left of the floor brick, right - 2 kilogram weights. That is, the floor brick weighs two kilograms. And two half bricks, that is, a whole brick, weigh four kilograms.

Correct answer

94. These people for something, returning to their homeland, brought with them the branches of exotic plants, for which they received their nickname. What are these people?

Pilgrims, they brought palm leaves.

Correct answer

95. In terms of the production of bananas occupy the first place in the world, in second place - citrus. What fruits on the third?

Correct answer

96. In the American state of Arizona, they began to guard the desert from thieves. They steal something without which the desert threatens the launch and emptying. What are the thieves from the desert?

Correct answer

97. Name the plant with the biggest fruits.

Correct answer

98. Neither fish no meat - what this Russian saying was originally?

Correct answer

99. In Spain, they are called Portuguese, in Prussia - Rusaki. And how are they called in Russia?


Correct answer

100. Who do Malayts catch using a locked bumbuccular cage with a live piglet inside?

Python, they, eating the pig, could no longer get out of the cage.

Correct answer

101. Hedgehog 4 g, the dog is 100 g, the horse is 500 g, the elephant is 4-5 kg, a person is 1.4 kg. What?

Brain mass.

Correct answer

102. In 1825, Philadelphia Streets were purified by domestic animals. What?


Correct answer

103. What dish came up with Marco Aroni in the 17th century?


Correct answer

104. What loses in flight any cosmonaut?

Correct answer

105. As you know, all the original Russian women's (full) names are tinted either on A, or on me: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is one female name that does not end in either, nor on Ya. Name him.

Correct answer

106. Gallic priests found a trouble-free way to quickly mobilize warriors in the event of war. For this, they sacrificed only one person. What?

Come last.

Correct answer

107. Once in the city of Nice held a competition for the most worryy smokers. One of the participants set a record, smoking 60 cigarettes in a row. However, he did not receive the prize. Why?

Correct answer

108. Human has twelve couple Ryubers. And who has a more three hundred?

Correct answer

109. In the mouth - a twin, in hand - tambourine, under the arm - Hark. So depicted in Russia the crochets. As for the twin and the tambourine everything is clear, but what is Hark?

Correct answer

110. Everyone knows that "cannot be sacred from the hut". And what was still relied with him to do if it was impossible to carry out?

Correct answer

111. In what place the Russian men worn caps and mittens, regardless of the time of year?

Correct answer

112. What kind of fish barley looks like birds?

She climbs the nest, laying there Icra.

Correct answer

113. What is the highest grass?

Correct answer

114. Name the agricultural culture, which burns 90%, and 10% is ejected.

Correct answer

115. The Greeks used it to protect certain parts of their body. It was made of sandalwood bark. Name it.


Correct answer

116. The first greenhouses appeared in France. What do you think for what?

For the cultivation of oranges (orange - orange).

Correct answer

117. The owner of the largest horns is a white rhinoceros (up to 158 cm). And what animal is the wildest horns?

Correct answer

118. That was what the football arbitrators used before the whistle began to apply.


Correct answer

119. What is considered dirty when it is white, and clean, when is it green?


Correct answer

120. In practice, when moving around the curve, this ball makes 5000 revolutions per minute, and when moving in direct more than 20,000 revolutions per minute. Where is this ball?

In the ballpoint handle.

Correct answer

121. The Great Hippocratic asked: "Is it true that genius is a disease?" "Certainly," Hippocrat replied, "but very rare." What else is the property of this disease noted with regret of the hippocrate?


Correct answer

122. What was the name of the city in England, where in 1873 was first demonstrated, popular and to this day, an Indian game?


Correct answer

123. Where, judging by the title, the ancient Slavs fucked the case for hunting cold weapons?

On the foot. These are sheath.

Correct answer

124. The brother Ivan was brother, and Ivan the brothers had no brothers. How could it be?

Ivan had three sisters.

Correct answer

125. The Russian princes had various nicknames that took place from the names of cities (Vladimir, Chernigov, Galitsky), from bright personal qualities (removed, wise, kalita). What kind of nickname was the prince of Vsevolod, who had twelve children?

Vsevolod is a big nest.

Correct answer

126. In 1240, a census was first conducted in Kievan Russia. Who and for what purpose did it?

Gengizhan (to collect tribute from the population).

Correct answer

127. Walked 988 ... A numerous crowd of residents of the ancient Kiev for something moved to the Dnieper. How did the road named the townspeople?

988 - the year of the baptism of Russia. Street is called Khreshchatyk.

Correct answer

128. Russia consisted of Velikorsia (Russia itself), Malororsia (Ukraine), White Rus (Belarus). And what did Manchuria called, which came to the composition of this state?


Correct answer

129. Italian red-white-green flag. What a berry in the context helped the Italians choose these colors?

Correct answer

130. Socrates dealt with this "in order to exacerbate thought." Also and Seneca and Seneca. Horace in this way cured from severe illness. The big lover of this was Suvorov. Loved to do this and A.S. Pushkin and L.N. Tolstoy. What did they do?

We went barefoot.

Correct answer

131. How did the philosopher called the philosopher before?


Correct answer

132. What flower was considered a symbol of royal power?

Correct answer

133. If the Turks wanted to say "guarding the village", they spoke "Kara Avyl." And how do we say now?

Correct answer

134. The ancient Romans wore a tunic. And what did they wear when the cold occurred?

Several tunics dressed alone on top of another.

Correct answer

135. How will the "shoes" be in Tatar?

Correct answer

136. We, mostly, we use only the beginning of this saying, and its end: "... only the tail is suppressed"?

Dog ate.

Correct answer

137. Tell me Danish "Ole, close eyes."

Ole Lukae.

Correct answer

138. On this subject of clothing, the barbarians were easily recognized.

Correct answer

139. What literary character was 300-year-old corns?

Old man Hottabych.

Correct answer

140. These three brothers can be called architects.

Three pigs.

Correct answer

141. As you know, Grandfather Mazay saved from flooding many hares. Name a person who saved eighteen pigeons and sparrow during a fire.

Uncle Step.

Correct answer

142. What words the proverb begins, if her ending sounds like this: "... and the cows have eggs"?

They say that chickens are fed ...

Correct answer

143. What words begins the proverb, if her ending sounds like this: "... will the great post"?

Every day is not Sunday…

Correct answer

144. How does the proverb begins: "... is the stump, yes, Dumplist"?

Small spool but precious.

Correct answer

145. Everyone knows the expression "Bear as Zenitsa Oka". And what is "Zenitsa Oka"?

Eye pupil.

Correct answer

146. This word literally means "what will happen after morning." What is this word?

Zhutra - tomorrow.

Correct answer

147. He really wanted to become a real boy and eventually became him. Who is he?


Correct answer

148. What is the fabulous hero from the birth of three languages?

Zmey Gorynych.

Correct answer

149. In Russia, it was eating everywhere, the Romans called him a ram plant, and Pythagora called the king of spices. Name it.

Correct answer

150. Before the appearance of potatoes, it served as the main food of the poor in Europe's population. And it is more famous for us to a short work with six characters.

Correct answer

151. What is this plant, which personifies itself at the same time and a relative and a receiving relative?

Mother and stepmother.

Correct answer

152. Among all country weeds, she, according to traditional medicine, is very useful, especially if you cook with it ...

Correct answer

153. Russian Riddle: "Krasno Girl, and the heart is stone." What is it?

Correct answer

154. What civilians are not captains, but commanders?


Correct answer

155. Name the most popular type of transport on logging in hard-to-reach areas of Asia.

Correct answer

156. Once in the Russian army, an officer on the surname Siverst-Mering, famous, was famous, like Baron Munhausen, irrepressible fantasy. What phraseology was born in connection with his name?

Like a blue megrin.

Correct answer

157. He has four, but if they are all cut everything, it will become as much as eight. What is it about?

About the corners of the quadrangle.

Correct answer

158. Catherine II bought the work of art around the world to put them in "secluded shelter." How do we call it now?

Correct answer

159. Julius Caesar ordered his soldiers to decorate shields and weapons with jewels. What for?

To pity it was to throw.

Correct answer

160. What is the race different from walking? Before answering this question, remember that the run can be slower than a different walking, and what even running on the spot.

Run is different from walking at no speed of movement. When walking our body all the time comes into contact with the land of some point of the legs. When running there are moments when our body is completely separated from the ground, without contacting it in any point.

Correct answer

161. In the hospital of the city of Kukuyev, they sent all victims as a result of accidents in the city. Most of all were drivers and passengers affected by an accident. To reduce their number, the city authorities made mandatory use of seat belts. Drivers and passengers began to be fastened with these belts, but the number of accidents remained unchanged, and the number of people affected by them, who came to the hospital even increased. Why?

Using seat belts reduced the number of dying during an accident. Many people who, without a seat belt, killed (and hit the morgue), remained alive, but they received injuries, and they needed treatment. Therefore, the number of people falling into the hospital is greater.

Correct answer

162. The road at the post is two watch. One looks in one side of the road, and the other - in the opposite, but at the same time they see each other. How can it be? Options with reflections, etc. - excluded.

Although the hourly look at the opposite sides, they are not back to his back, but by persons to each other.

Correct answer

163. If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, then you can expect that after 72 hours there will be sunny weather?

No, because after 72 hours it will be midnight again.

Correct answer

164. There is a round deep lake with a diameter of 200 meters and two trees, one of which grows on the shore at the water itself, the other - in the center of the lake on a small island. A person who does not know how to swim, you need to move to the island with the help of a rope, the length of which is slightly more than 200 meters. How to do it?

Tied the rope with one end to the tree growing on the shore, it is necessary to bypass the lake with a rope stretched over the water and tie the second end of the rope to the same tree. As a result, a dual rope will be stretched between the trees to cross the island.

Correct answer

165. The person lives on the 17th floor. On his floor, it rises on the elevator only in rainy weather or when someone from his neighbors rides in the elevator. If the weather is good and he is alone in the elevator, then he rides until the 9th floor, and then until the 17th floor walks on the stairs ... Why?

Correct answer

166. One person asked:

How old are you?
"Decently," he replied.
- I am older than some of my relatives almost six hundred times. How can it be?

For example, if a person is 50 years old, and his grandson or granddaughter is 1 month.

Correct answer

167. People who came to one village were often surprised by the local fool. When he was offered a choice between a brilliant 10-ruble coin and mint storubling council, he always chose a coin, although it stands ten less bills. Why did he never chose a bill?

He was not stupid: he understood that while he would choose a ten-mellow coin, people would offer him money to choose from, and if he chooses a storubluble bill, the money supply will stop, and he will not receive anything.

Correct answer

168. The day before yesterday was 17 years old. Next year he will be 20 years old. How can it be?

If this day is January 1, and the birthday of Petit on December 31. The day before yesterday (December 30), he was another 17 years, yesterday (December 31) turned 18 years old, this year will be 19 years old, and next 20.

Correct answer

169. One king wanted to shift his prime minister, but at the same time he did not want to offend him too much. He called the Prime Minister to himself, put two sheets of paper in his portfolio with it and said: "On a single piece I wrote" Leave ", and on the second -" stay ". A leaflet that you pull out will solve your destiny. " The Prime Minister guessed that both sheets were written "Leaving". How, however, did he manage to keep his place under these conditions?

The Prime Minister pulled the paper sheet and, without looking at him, the ball rolled out of him - and swallowed. Since the remaining leaf stood - it was, then the king had to admit that on a swabled leaf, it was meant.

Correct answer

170. One gentleman, showing his friend to his friend, drawn on his order by one artist, said: "I have no sisters, no brothers, but the father of this man was the son of my father."

The portrait shows the son of this gentleman.

Correct answer

171. In the park 8 benches. Three painted. How many benches became in the park?

Correct answer

172. The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will show two such thermometers?

15 degrees.

Correct answer

173. Baton was cut into three parts. How much did the cuts made?

Two cuts.

Correct answer

174. What is lighter than 1 kg of wool or 1 kg of iron?


Correct answer

175. Truck drove to the village. On the way, he met 4 passenger cars. How many cars drove into the village?

Correct answer

176. Twice will be born, it dies once. Who is it?


Correct answer

177. What about the floor for the tail you do not raise?

Correct answer

178. What always increases and never decreases?

Correct answer

179. The more you take, the more it becomes. What is it?

Correct answer

180. There is an elevator in a 9-storey building. On the first floor he lives 2 people, on the second 4 people, on the third 8 people, on the fourth 16, on the fifth 32 and so on. What button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others?

The first floor button.

Correct answer

181. What is going to the mountain, then from the mountain, but remains in place?

Correct answer

182. On the tree was sitting 7 Sparrow, one of them ate the cat. How much sparrow remains on the tree?

Not a single thing: the remaining sparrows scattered.

Correct answer

183. Guests came to you, and in the refrigerator bottle of lemonade, a package with apple juice and a bottle of mineral water. What do you disable first?


Correct answer

184. What Russian city flies?

Correct answer

185. What is raw not eaten, and boil - throw away?

Bay leaf.

Correct answer

186. What two words in Russian are written with three letters "e" in a row?

Long and serpent.

Correct answer

187. When Europeans brought her to Tahiti, the islanders, who had never had anything like anything like that, dubbed her pigs with her teeth on her head. What do we call her?

Correct answer

188. In Thailand there are schools for monkeys. What do they teach them?

Collect coconuts.

Correct answer

189. How, according to scientists, the crocodile gets rid of excess salts in the body?

Correct answer

190. One of the Japanese airlines draws huge eyes on the nose. What for?

Scare away birds.

Correct answer

191. Why birds for departure in the fall choose a cold day, and in the spring they arrive in a warm?

Choose a passing wind.

Correct answer

192. According to the writer O'Henry, she is the only animal in which nails are clogged. Who is it?

Correct answer

193. From the skin of this animal were for the first time the files were made, which polished wood and even marble.

Correct answer

194. What animal ranks second after a person in the number of images on the pedestals?

Correct answer

195. The absence of which organ does not allow sharks to stop at least a moment, otherwise they just drown?

Swimming bubble.

Correct answer

196. Who has the teeth in the stomach?

Correct answer

197. Until the XVI century. In nature, there were its varieties of only white and yellow. However, Dutch breeders, the fans of the Duke of Orange, brought a well-known patriotic color stretch. What is it talking about?

About carrots.

Correct answer

198. Judging by the name of this country, it should consist mainly of plains and steppes. Nevertheless, most of the plains no longer belong to it, and at present about half of its territory occupy mountains, hills and forests. What country is it?

Poland (from the word field).

Correct answer

199. The territory of Finland is 8% covered with lakes. Although it is called a country of thousands of lakes (and their number is significantly more), but the championship belongs to another. What?

Correct answer

200. What metal is found in nature less often than platinum or uranium, but until recently it was almost in every home?

Mercury in the thermometer.

Correct answer

201. In which state of US 50 men accounts for one woman?

Correct answer

202. There is something fragile that even saying his name, you break it. What is it?

Correct answer

203. In 1086, Sister Vladimir Monomakh opened school at one of Kiev monasteries. How did this school differ from all existing ones before?

Correct answer

204. Where did the potatoes been detected for the first time?

Correct answer

205. How to write "nineteen" and then removing the unit, get


Correct answer

206. Feed it, and he will come to life. Let's drink it, and he will die. What it is?

Correct answer

207. What has 5 fingers, but is not a living being.


Correct answer

208. I am nothing, but I have a name. Sometimes I am big, sometimes

little and I can not exist alone. Who am I?

Correct answer

209. What is the most like a half orange?

On the second half.

Correct answer

210. What is the detail of the bookcase consist of half the consonant letter?

Correct answer

211. How many ends of three sticks? Four and a half? Two with a quarter?

In three - 6, in four and a half - 10, two with a quarter - 6.

Correct answer

212. How many eggs can you eat an empty stomach?

One (the rest will not be on an empty stomach).

Correct answer

213. What word starts with three letters "g" and ends with three letters "I"?


Correct answer

214. Name the arithmetic average between the bike and the motorcycle.

Correct answer

215. Small, sulfur, on an elephant look like?

Baby elephant.

Correct answer

216. U. Dombra are two of them,harp Their five, the guitar is six. And how many piano have them?

Seven (octave).

Correct answer

217. Which baby is born with a mustache?

For example, kitten.

Correct answer

218. When can a person rush with the speed of a racing car?

When he is located in it.

Correct answer

219. What is the elephants and no more animals?

Correct answer

220. To whom all people take off his hat?

Before a hairdresser.

Correct answer

221. How to write a mousetrap five letters?

Correct answer

222. Son of my father, and I do not brother?

Correct answer

223. From what web can not sew a shirt?

From the railway.

Correct answer

224. What city is in compote?

Raisin (city in Ukraine, in the Kharkiv region).

Correct answer

225. There were 20 light bulbs in the lamp, 5 of them burned out. How many light bulbs left?

Twenty light bulbs (15 operating and 5 distilled).

Correct answer

226. Dad on fishing in 10 minutes caught 3f fish. How long will it catch another 10 fish?

The task has no unambiguous response.

Correct answer



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